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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6404881 No.6404881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, most of you girls are really fat and ugly, right?

Do you have jobs or do you just make dresses all day long?

How would you say a typical day goes for you?

>> No.6404915

its exactly like yours except they loop back to /cgl/ instead of /v/

and the shitposting gets all personal because they think cosplayers are celebrities and follow eachother on facebook and tumblr shit

>> No.6404917


>> No.6404932

>smoke weed
>masturbate to lesbian porn ore tom hiddleston
>browse 4chan
>play skyrim
>go to school ore work

Are you fucking happy now anon that is my typical day NOW LEAVE.

>> No.6404937
File: 75 KB, 444x500, cynthia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take pictures of myself dressed as Cynthia and post them on /vp/.
>Play WoW all day.
>Collect unemployment money.

It's a good life.

>> No.6404948

That's interesting, never seen a nigger cosplay Cynthia before.

>> No.6404949

>Wake up at balls am
>Go to school and teach some kids
>Go to class
>Play mtg/hang with the people/eat
>come home
>sigh at slowly draining bank account
>think about the boy that I like
>stop crying

I basically don't anticipate getting paid until, well, I finish my program.

>> No.6404990
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>wake up like p diddy
>work at joannes, yern for outfits i could make but never will
>get home and draw hot yaois
>watch homo anime
>read fanfic of my otp in bed til i sleep

>> No.6405066

>wake up browse /cgl/, /toy/, /v/ for a bit
>do a bit of cosplay work for an hour or 2
>go to work selling vidya games
>come home, do some bike exercise, make dinner, do other chorses
>do some more cosplay stuff if it's still light
>play vidya game or brows boards until fall asleep

>> No.6405136

>wake up and go to 9-5 easy as fuck office job
>spend most of my day browsing 4chan and reading up on new skills and techniques for sewing, makeup or whatever interests me at the time
>get home and spend time with girlfriend
>work on dragqueen costumes (second job)
>play a little vidya or goof around online
>cuddle girlfriend and talk about the novel we're writing together

I only get to work on my own costumes on the weekend...

>> No.6405146

>wake up butt early so I can attempt to pretty
>take an hour to get to school cause lolpublictransportation
>get a chai tea and go to computer glass
>do rest of classes
>take another hour to get home
>eat, then nap
>wake up go on computer
>have a bath
>play Tf2
>talk to bf on phone
>go to bed

>> No.6405152

>wake up
>feed dogs and let them out
>check internet
>go to lectures if I have to or just sleep in if I feel like it.
>I have modelling jobs sometimes but I'm getting pretty past my best for it now
>endless castings
>sleep, cook, walk dogs, 4chan, sleep again.

>> No.6405155

A lot of us are pretty kawaii. What board are you from?

>> No.6405164

>Wake up
>Maybe put on some lip stuff because that's all I know how to do
>Go to work serving noodles
>Get home
>Play WoW
>Go to math class and don't understand anything
>Get home
>Talk to my only friend, my cat.
>Sleep, wake up an hour later because I forgot to take off my socks

>> No.6405166

>wake up
>nap for several hours
>rise up
>study/do hw

rinse and repeat.

>> No.6405182
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>Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy
>Shower, get dressed, do the makeups
>Work at hair salon for at least 6 hours
>Run errands and/or go home for a quick change
>Work at pizzeria for 4.5 hours
>Go home
>Play Borderlands 2, Fallout 3, Fable 2, and/or Velvet Assassin for 2-3 hours
>Poke on interwebs for half an hour to one hour
>Go to bed
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.6405184

we're known for our attractive females

>> No.6405193

>wake up at noon
>eat poptarts and easymac
>do homework
>read comics
>do commissions
>browsw 4 chan till 4 am

I love online classes I can learn without leaving my house, I'm dreading graduation when I'll have to get a real job

>> No.6405215

>Wake up
>Come back to my room
>Fap/watch anime/maybe do homework/browse 4chan
>Don't leave until hungry
>Fap/watch anime/maybe do homework/browse 4chan

Weekends are pretty much the same except the going to classes part.

>> No.6405222

I have a sugar daddy.

>> No.6405231

Your life sounds so relaxing...I don't even know why. It's probably the nap. Fuck, I miss napping. ;_;

>> No.6405265

You heard wrong OP, we're the most moe board by far

>> No.6405287

You should nap! It really does make a difference. I have super bad anxiety and so on days where I don't have a good sleep it really makes up for it.

>> No.6405395

>wake up
>cigarette (repeat every 30 minutes)
>practice cello and harp
>eat if i feel like it
>go to bed

My life is horrible at the moment.

>> No.6405693

>wake up
>go to school
>think about all the awesome things I'll do when I get home/plan new stuff to do
>go home
>shit around on 4chan/tumblr/watch anime
>eat food
>eat more food
>more shitting around, maybe get one thing done

Except on weekends. Usually get a lot more stuff done on weekends.

>> No.6405704

Everyone on cgl has one, now tell us your day

>> No.6405728

>wake up ass early for pt
>pt for an hour - hour and a half
>shower, dick around
>work call
>dick around motorpool
>dick around motorpool
>on lucky days home by 5
>eat at dfac
>hang out with boyfriend

fucking army

>> No.6405758
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>wake up
>either go to uni or read/tumblr/4chan
> intermittently eat/poop/pee
> sleep

>> No.6405761
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>> No.6405765

>Wake up at 6 am
>Go back to sleep until my shithead friends call me at 7 - 8 am because they know I hate that
>Try to sleep again, give up
>Brush teeth, wash face
>Derp around on the internet while eating food
>Do art studies
>Get bored, nap
>Wake up around lunch, eat
>More art studies / internets
>People come home, avoid them and try to nap
>Doesn't work, watch TV for a while

>> No.6405766
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>wake up, eat a small breakfast
>go to class
>have lunch
>go to next class
>come home, make dinner
>do homework
>shower, sleep
>rinse and repeat

>> No.6405778

>wake up, eat, internet
>go out
>wander stores, library, wherever just to be near other humans
>ride bike if weather permits
>come home
>eat, internet, bed

>> No.6405799

>Wake up at 8am, have breakfast, shower, brush teeth, get dressed.
>Walk to work at 9am.
>Come home for lunch around 1pm, take an hours break then head back to work.
>Keep working until 5 but usually go overtime.
>get home, browse Internet, or read.
>Watch tv shows, anime or movie.
>go to sleep.

>> No.6405814

Posters in this thread:
>Writes out boring day
>"Oh no I don't want /cgl/ thinking I'm fat!"
>Throw in "Exercise" and put "Small" before meal

You guys seem like fatties just because you threw the word "Exercise" in there.

>> No.6405815

>wake up early
>public transit from nj to nyc
>get coffee/donut
>go to 9-5 design job (jean pocket art)
>public transit home (add an extra hour for njtransit retardedness)
>pick out clothes/make lunch
>craft/piss around the internets

>> No.6405818

>Wake up around 2-4 PM
>Read, maybe play a video game
>Go jogging with dog
>More internet
>Internet/Reading until 5-7 AM

>> No.6405830

>wake up
>be fat all day

It's a glamorous lifestyle.

>> No.6405832
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>> No.6405834

But what if we actually DO eat a small meal for breakfast?
I can't eat a lot at breakfast because of my medication, nor can I have any dairy because of it. I eat small breakfasts and then I can enjoy a normal lunch and a hearty dinner.
Course, I'm in college. Time constraints in the morning provide that if I eat little, I can have more time to put makeup on, choose my clothes/accessories and do some last minute printing in the print lab.

>> No.6405845

>Justifying self to obvious troll
You must be new here.

>> No.6405851
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don't care

>> No.6405854

>Wake up
>Lay in bed until husband wakes up / I need to do stuff
>Paint or go to school to paint for a while
>Get home / Head down to kitchen while husband cooks
>Chat it up, study some languages, occasionally bake cookies or cake
>Eat delicious food
>Get upstairs and browse tubes or paint or play games
>Swoon over pretty dresses

>> No.6405856

>wake up ridiculously early
>shower, get dressed, do my hair + makeup, and brush my teeth for the next two goddamn hours
>go to campus
>get some tea, maybe a banana
>go to class
>after class, I spend hours in the most cramped biochem lab to ever exist
>grab another tea before the cafe closes
>depending on what work I have left, go to the library, or just go home
>brush my teeth as soon as I get home (I have OCD and my teeth are constantly on my mind ;_;)
>loiter on the internet for a couple of hours
>actually try to get some work done, whether it be homework, cosplay/art junk
>loiter on the internet some more
>brush my teeth again
>if I can't sleep, exercise or write until I'm tired
>aaand brush my teeth once more

W-way to make me feel paranoid, anon.

>> No.6405865

Wake up at 830
Shower (I take super long showers), expect to eat breakfast but then I never have time. Brush teeth and do make up instead.
Go to classes from 11 to 3
Goof off til 5 on internets and minecraft
5 to 12: Do homework, lab reports, etc. (Fucking Physics major is balls)
Get home
Go to bed.

Weekends are usually wake up at 12, goof off til 5, do homework til 2.

I'm not really fat or ugly though, just kinda normal I guess. :I

>> No.6405867

So you are lazy all day while he cooks for you.
And you don't have sex?
You just go to sleep?

That poor man.

>> No.6405942

>wake up at 7
>get to school by 8
>do makeup, fuck around on a computer
>tutor for 3 hours
>hang out with boyfriend
>eat, have sex, nap
>either go back to school or teach dance or practice dance
>go home at 9
>fuck around on the computer until 12

pretty flippin' sweet