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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 27 KB, 300x450, Another_picture_of_Dark_Link_by_InkyLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6402992 No.6402992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Question: Is it ok to paint your face/body black if it's accurate to a costume?

Pic related

>> No.6402996

Yes. Social justice warriors can go fuck themselves.

>> No.6402998

Also your picture is not blackface anyway. I don't see the gigantihuge red lips.

>> No.6403001


>> No.6403007
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What if it looked like this?

>> No.6403023

dats racist

but in all seriousness, as long as you are cosplaying respectfully and accurately no one will give a shit if you literally paint yourself black- or just add a bit of a tan. it's cosplay, not a political game.

>> No.6403052

Still not blackface. Character doesn't have red lips though, so it wouldn't be as accurate.

>> No.6403055

>no one will give a shit

Not in person, at least. SJW sent a couple off from the internet with their hounding.

>> No.6403056


What happened?

>> No.6403063

From what I know, he was harassed and then his wife was as well when she showed up in the pictures to the point that she cried over it. They were both called racist and attacked for using regular makeup to darken/contour for the cosplays. His dA page was down for a while but it's back now. I'm not sure if he's still getting hate for it. The best part? His wife is black.


>> No.6403064
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it wouldn't be a blackface anyways.
skin color is more like dark grey, nothing to do with the human dark skin.

>> No.6403067

I'm actually more afraid of the SJW than the racist people itself

>> No.6403215

..........but isn't OP actually a black guy?

I bet that's offensive to shadow Link.

>> No.6403237

It looks like OP is actually a negro.

>> No.6403244

I have a quick question somewhat related to this thread.

I was planning on cosplaying Fran (Abandoned the idea, I'm not tall enough.) from Final Fantasy XII. She is dark-skinned. I'm a very pale redhead. I planned on getting a light tan, not to try and look darker skinned, but to keep from looking washed out by the white hair because I'm so pale. Just a light tan, not anything dark or darkening make-up. Would that still be considered "blackface"?

>> No.6403250

Probably. I got a medium tan for my cosplay and immediately got messages from over-confident racist SJWs trying to call me out for BLACK FACINGGG HURR.

>> No.6403253

SJWs will take any excuse to rage about something, just have fun.

>> No.6403260

She's half-white half-black, you dumbass.

>> No.6403284

Still half-WHITE

no excuse for her to go plackface.

>> No.6403299

It's only blackface if you change your skin color. This woman didn't change her skin color at all, just used make up to even out her existing skin tone.

>> No.6403301

This is so dumb. Do people actually get mad over this? why? I don't understand.

If they are just doing it for accuracy, I would prefer that to a bunch of white cosplayers running around who's characters aren't white. THAT is annoying.

Plus, if this character isn't racially black and is just BLACK BLACK why is there any problem at all?

>> No.6403303
File: 195 KB, 678x999, make_up_explanation_by_rbf_productions-d5gubn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not understand how the foundation on the left is racist.

>> No.6403304

It looks like the old foundation is a shade darker than his skintone and the new foundation is a shade lighter than his skintone.

>> No.6403305

I see nothing wrong with "blackface" if it's for accuracy. Ya'll are fucking stupid. Why is it even called blackface. Blackface is when they are trying to be black to actually try to BE black or to mock it.
If it's for cosplaying accuracy, it's not blackface, it's called accuracy!

It's the new tumblr cisscum feminazi get mad over everything generation isn't it? I really hope you fucking teenagers grow out of this shit, because I was already fearing for the future of humanity anyway.

>> No.6403310

Agreed. Fuck this generation so hard.

>> No.6403312

More like racist black people crying "RACIST" at every corner. This isn't new, it's just black people just now have gotten the internet/computers/smartphones.

>> No.6403319

You're just as bad as those type of people.

Off with you

>> No.6403318

As if black people would give a fuck about white people tinting their skin, don't make me laugh. The majority of social justice warriors are white middle class. And the ones who put the most effort in are generally straight women from that demographic desperately trying to feel special and important.

>> No.6403321

>the ones who put the most effort in are generally straight women from that demographic desperately trying to feel special and important.

aka tumblr bitches.

>> No.6403368


Straight, white, middle class 14-25 year old women, who have probably not experienced any form of identifiable discrimination (No, one dickhead in middle school calling you a skank doesn't count. He's just a dickhead).

Isn't the internet grand?

>> No.6403371
File: 207 KB, 1435x949, Sinterklaas09-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your sinterklaas privilege first!

>> No.6403383
File: 77 KB, 408x600, 408px-Sinterklaas_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most fail ass Sinterklaas I have seen in a while.
At least try to hide the elastic bands of your beard.

>> No.6403402

>Implying it's not a single strand of white hair that just looks weird
do you even try to think of bullshit excuses on the try?

>> No.6403483
File: 186 KB, 691x1156, snowman_makeup_test_by_superamazingusername-d4aozu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Link in the OP is fine. It is accurate to the character and doesn't look at all like blackface. It is obvious humans are not that colour.

I think the real issue here is when the makeup is poorly applied. Then it wears off around the mouth, eyes and neck, and THAT'S when it starts to look like blackface. I am not saying it IS blackface or that the people doing it are racist (in any sense more than simple apathy) but it is really uncomfortable to look at, not to mention ugly.

There are cosplay situations where you can paint yourself black and look fantastic and not racist at all. But these are only achievable by people who know exactly what they are doing. I would discourage people slathering on black Party City creme to play Dersites forever and ever and ever.

>> No.6403508

>even if they aren't trying to be racist, sometimes the LOOK racist
>LOOK racist

Well, that's just your own fucking problem then. It's not their fault you think they LOOK racist. That's YOUR problem. Deal with it.

and as said before, it's not called blackface if they are doing it for accuracy.

>> No.6403513

>but it is really uncomfortable to look at
the funny thing is that only americans are uncomfortable looking at makeup that comes off, normal people just see makeup that's starting to peel

>> No.6403598

Not an American. My country has a culture of blackface too, stolen from America and without the cultural context, that remained popular as recently as the late 70s.

>It's not their fault you think they LOOK racist. That's YOUR problem. Deal with it.

So by that logic, if someone steps on your toe, it's YOUR problem if it hurts? I have bare minimum standards for cosplayers, and not going out in public looking like a historical act of oppression because they are so shitty at makeup is one of them. I do NOT support SJW dogpiles on the clueless because (like you said) there was no racist intent, but that doesn't mean I think wearing accidental blackface is okay.

>> No.6403627
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what the fuck am I reading here

>> No.6403636
File: 13 KB, 251x237, 1352009097995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidental blackface

Oh god what the fuck.

>> No.6403717

>comparing physical pain to MUH FEELINGS

go back to tumblr.

>accidental blackface

It's not blackface and there's no such thing as "accidental" blackface, you're just retarded and care about stupid shit you shouldn't care about.

>> No.6403728

this is all one massive joke right? i mean, people don't actually think this way do they? must be trollin'

>> No.6403752
File: 2.01 MB, 400x412, 1352387186214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decide what's offensive!
What, you're mad that I called you a nigger?
That's your fault for be so sensitive.

>> No.6403821

The fact that you apparently seem to think someone darkening their skin for accuracy for a cosplay could even be remotely compared to calling someone a nigger or physical pain shows how over-sensitive and delusional you are.

>> No.6403988

>is getting a tan considered blackface?

You people need to chill out, that's some serious paranoia.

>> No.6403996

The sad thing is that it's because SJWs will flip their shit at you if you're tanned while cosplaying. They've turned everything that isn't blackface into blackface.

>> No.6404012
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>> No.6404025


I've heard of people being lambasted for tanning to cosplay Korra. I don't think my fears are entirely irrational.

>> No.6404029
File: 221 KB, 990x660, asddfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404037

>tfw Native Americans will never be counted as a minority by these people because instead of sitting around whining we actually got off our asses and did something about it

>> No.6404041
File: 354 KB, 600x900, 91326449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Even going so far as to say "there is no right way for white people to cosplay as black characters evar!"

Tanning is tanning. I don't see people screaming racism when girls pop out of a salon with orange, leathery skin. For some reason the gloves are off because it's cosplay.

>> No.6404141

This cosplayer is already black. He just painted himself a darker black.

>> No.6404150

...isn't that pikminlink though or whatever

>> No.6404153

Yeah. They act like it's completely to choose characters to cosplay based off of skin tone. Not even race, tone. Character a shade darker than you? BLACKFACE/WHITEWASHING! You black and cosplaying a pale character? OMG, how progressive, I always imagined them as black! Love! It's so stupid and hypocritical.

>> No.6404166

No, it's inkylink
This is correct

All of this is stupid. I am personally for changing your skin tone In Cosplay. It's different when it's done for accuracy than with the intent to be offensive. People that take offense to any of this clearly just like having things to complain about.

>> No.6404181

You did?

I don't hear much about natives as a group so I'm genuinely curious about this.

>> No.6404218


How do you think we got tax-exempt casinos across the country. We got into government, made deals with them, and actually took a proactive stance instead of whining.

>> No.6404232

>No, it's inkylink
....and Inky Link is black.

>> No.6404274

>How do you think we got tax-exempt casinos across the country.
The US government felt kinda bad about the blatant theft of lands and what basically amounted to wholesale murder of peoples, mostly.

>> No.6404281

I think they got their quotes switched.

>> No.6404444

It's amazing people find a way to be offended by this shit.