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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6401902 No.6401902 [Reply] [Original]

Were/are any of you guys at/going to Eirtakon this year? Pic related, a bunch of random people who all happened to be cosplaying as different Avengers got together for a few photos.

>> No.6402117

Wasn't at it/won't be going, but I'd love to see some pictures if anybody has any! I've seen the ones on the official Eirtakon page, but does anyone have any more?

>> No.6402179

Is anyone else kind of getting tired of Irish cons? especially with regards cosplay. There's maybe 3 or 4 great cosplays and the rest are pretty meh, and it seems like it's going downhill. At first there was a fun factor for me just seeing cosplay in general, the colourful atmosphere was great.

Events are usually rubbish too, though I guess there's only so much you can do without people who are really into it. And of course there's the usual drama/bitching/bullying behind the scenes. Starting to feel too old for it - is it time I just moved on and left this stuff to the younger generation?

I need to see more people cosplaying cool/obscure stuff and you don't get that here. I'd go to English cons but I like to go to cons to actually meet people. It's not quite worth it JUST for the cosplay gawking.

>> No.6402196

The quality of the cosplays is what bothers me the most, to be honest. I mean, I know it's all supposed to be for fun, but it kills me to see all these half-assed cosplays/J-fashion attempts. There are decent cosplays, of course, before anyone jumps down my throat, but don't even try to pretend that the good outweighs the bad.

>> No.6402288


I'm fine with the bad outweighing the good somewhat; but when you actually have to spend half an hour walking around before you see a decent cosplay it's frustrating.

At the same time I can understand it's a sign of the times - cosplay is expensive. But character choice has a lot to do with it too. There are a lot of simple, awesome cosplays people could do.

>> No.6402307

http://www.. // facebook // .com /media/set/?set=a.4460750488889.2164799.1593495308&type=1

here are some pictures I found online from today, was posted on the eirtakon page

>> No.6402345

Thanks for these!

>> No.6402364

Awful overall, as usual, but at least there's a bit of variety.

Nice random Adventure Time group and Dokuro-chan. Anyone have any more?

>> No.6402427


>> No.6402532

>http://www.. // facebook // .com /media/set/?set=a.4460750488889.2164799.1593495308&type=1

Oh neat, a Marisa. She looks familiar, any idea who she is?

Would love to get a proper Touhou group going one year.

>> No.6402541


Literally no other cosplays I give a shit about though(well, the AT group themselves look fun).

This is really getting dire. At least there were a couple of Higurashi & Umineko cosplayers at previous cons.

Already seen Meridia and the Predators at Arcade.

>> No.6402746

I'm willing to partake in a 2hu group next year.

>> No.6403183

I ran an event.

With hindisght it probably didn't go to well, but I'm glad I tried. Problem with presentations on the subject is that they can be inherently dull.

Tried to liven it up a little.

At least I learned something for next time I try. Print the damn script out.

>> No.6403185

On cosplay front. Harley Quinn sticks out.

>> No.6403236

Having done a first actual cosplay, I guess I got the high of running around and getting asked for pictures. That, combined with that this is literally the only con I know (even though I full well know this is not even a tenth of what I could have back in the States) I didn't notice how terrible the con was


Out of curiosity which panel did you do?

>> No.6403376

Yeah, I thought that Harley Quinn was very good. It might be a bit of an overdone cosplay, but fair play to her, she did it well and she at least bothered with the details.

>> No.6403708

Bump with a question.

Anyone got a pic of the white mage? Her costume was really cute and quite well done. I liked her wig/hair choice (couldn't tell if it was a wig or real hair tbh) and her overall costume was quite simple, but pretty nice and had the right amount of flareout that I expected from an FF white mage. I liked her staff (I can't do props for shit, so I liked everyone's props in general).

No, I wasn't White Mage for the record.

>> No.6403759

Can't say. Not on 4chan anyway. There people here who do not like me and it'll be a mess.

I'm glad I did it and that it happened even if it wasn't that popular. I'll bring it back to Nom Con next year, and depending on how that goes... Might make it a regular fixture

>> No.6403794


Fair enough. Best of luck to you, and I mean that genuinely. It's good you have enough passion and interest to make a panel about it.

>> No.6403831

it looks like two good quality lolitas in this photo, any more pictures? I like seeing irish lolitas

>> No.6403842


They looked pretty on the spot in person imo. All dolled up and kind of scary to be honest. I was like "whoa, now THAT'S a lolita."

I was too scared to approach them though. Even if I did, I only had my friend's shitty camera to work with. Ah, sadness.

>> No.6403922


Most of the Irish lolitas aren't very nice/interesting though. They're a little bit notorious for it. Not saying that all of them but in general I haven't heard good things about either group.

>> No.6404073

Not saying I didn't have fun doing it. Not at all.

I mean, it was small but it was fun. There is definitely interest..... a few didn't know it happened, while others weren't out of bed yet, and I made a few connections so I can make a better show of the next one.

And if it doesn't work. At least I did it. For someone like me, that's a big deal.

>> No.6404083

I'm sure you're right but there's bad people in every sort of group whether it's lolita or cosplay or anything. I dont feel the need to be in a group, I don't think they are the sort of people I'd get on with but am curious to see what the standard is like here. Any more pictures?

>> No.6404088

Out of interest, are you one of the lolitas in
http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/615891_554340351249675_787323719_o.jpg ?

>> No.6404110


So I've heard. Still, I would have liked to have a pic with her. Would that be considered rude to the lolita community? I don't do lolita at all, so I have no idea what the etiquette is.

>> No.6404155


I don't see why it would.

>> No.6404227


>> No.6404236

Taking pictures of a lolita in public, like just on the street might be rude, depending on the person (I hate it). Since it's everyday clothes for us and we get sick of comments and attention (i don't wear it for attention despite what most people think, I hate the attention). But I think a lolita going to an anime con would be rude to refuse photos as that's such a big part of cons. If it was a lolita only convention or event then that's a different scenario again but there is none like that in ireland afaik.

tl;dr: at a con=not rude, on the street=maybe rude. you should ask them next time

>> No.6404252

Question: What would you actually be hearing about us? I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just genuinely curious.

>> No.6404273

Not as lolita myself, but as far as I know, a lot of the Irish girls are pretty wary about posting themselves online these days, so you probably won't find much. Not really got any clue what the standard is like either because it all looks the same to me.

>> No.6404275

http://www.. // facebook // .com/media/set/?set=a.4460750488889.2164799.1593495308&type=1

>> No.6404286

Jaysis, state of some of 'em, it's enough to make you weep. Some surprisingly decent stuff on the second day, though! That Weeping Angel made me laugh.

>> No.6404348


care to say which ones out of curiosity?

>> No.6404360

Looking at these pictures I'm really glad I didn't go. No offense to anyone who gives it a go, but I am starting to get really bored of cosplay.

I think for me it's not so much about the quality of the cosplay, but the choice of character, or how clever it is if it's a variant sort of cosplay. When I first went to cons, I enjoyed the spectacle; and just wandering around seeing what cosplay I'd recognise. Sometimes looking through pictures of cons I'd missed would be similar, but not with these.

The only ones I've seen I really liked were the Marisa and Terra/FF6 cosplays. One thing that's cool about cosplay is that it can be a good conversation point for people as you know you have a common interest. I'm looking at these and thinking; who would I end up talking to? I mostly just go to cons to meet people, but it's mostly kids and reddit-ish types these days.

I wish there was a better way to meet people as cons can be very hectic and awkward, plus I don't particularly like the sort of people who end up running them.

Maybe I'll take a year or two out of cons and see if things improve(especially on the cosplay front).

>> No.6404376
File: 91 KB, 960x640, sdkjfhkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discounting that Hallowe'en Store Luigi, this fellow here in the purple springs to mind. I believe he was trying to be Edgeworth? Apologies if that's wrong, but I think so. I don't think he even tried at all.

>> No.6404391


In that picture, the girl in the green wig looks like she's wearing nothing.

>> No.6404598

Well there's two Lolita groups in Ireland so it really depends on which group you run in to and how you act towards them.

>> No.6404623

Just saw that you know about the two groups, ugh, it's too late for me to try to make sense.

But yeah, hear say isn't really that reliable, because one of the groups has blamed the other for posting stuff on /cgl/ on occasion, although it usually ends up being related to an individual of the aquatic feline variety. Anyway, from actual experience, one group is in the fashion for the fun, members generally attend cons (from what I've seen) and might come across as a bit weeby, but are good at heart if you don't get caught in their drama. The other group are a bit quiet and try to stay out the spotlight. They take the fashion a little more seriously as far as presentation goes. Most of the members aren't big con-goers and are mostly just into the fashion. Any I've met have seemed lovely.

>> No.6404629

I think they were saying that BOTH groups are awful. But I don't really know how people can know what we're like when we mostly never really interact with con people?

>> No.6404709

It's not right for anyone to tar all members of either group with the same brush, but the reputations don't come from nowhere. I'm sure it's no worse than any other lolita group in the world, there's always going to be some bitches and itas. but in such a small country it's hard to avoid people who are making drama (like with the con scene, if you have drama with someone its really hard to avoid them). Maybe in a few years when there are more groups or bigger groups it will get better.

>> No.6404751

Yeah, maybe! Oh well, I guess it shouldn't really bother me, anyway, because I know for a fact that nobody (save for two or three people who I really like) in the con scene knows who the hell I am, so I can't have done anything horrible.

>> No.6404811

is that a marshall lee cosplay?

>> No.6404838

It is!

>> No.6404861

Am I right?

>> No.6404958

too right! bitches be crazy

>> No.6404979

I think the correct term may be 'cray-cray'

>> No.6404999

I don't know, I thought that was all rather civil by /cgl/ standards.

>> No.6405424 [DELETED] 


Personally experience having known a few lolis, and other friends that have. Not so much hearsay. Not going to say who though.

>> No.6405437 [DELETED] 


Personal experience having known a few lolis, and other friends that have. Not so much hearsay. Not going to say who though as I've seen some of them called out before and it didn't end well. As I said, it doesn't apply to everyone, but their sort of carry on does seem to be tolerated a bit too much by both groups. Ironically my main problem is with the rumour mill/bitching people out in the first place, which I've seen come from both groups. It's fairly typical behaviour for /cgl/ of course, but that's my problem.

>> No.6405460


Personal experience having had some contact a few lolis, and other friends that have. Not so much hearsay. Not going to say who though as I've seen some of them called out before and it didn't end well. As I said, it doesn't apply to everyone, but their sort of carry on does seem to be tolerated a bit too much by both groups. Ironically my main problem is with the rumour mill/bitching people out in the first place, which I've seen come from both groups. It's fairly typical behaviour for /cgl/ of course, but that's my problem.

>> No.6405592

Any nice artists in the AA? Thought Nom had great artists this year but missed Eirtakon with the flu!

>> No.6405597

I'd go so far as to say that's a problem with both the con and lolita scenes (I haven't had any real-life contact with the lolitas and I'm sure they're mostly fine people, but drama does seem to be a bit of a problem there). I think it's something to be expected when you throw a smallish group of people together, but it doesn't make it any less unpleasant.

>> No.6405641

Yeah, some lovely ones! I didn't end up buying anything, though. The art was great but nothing really caught my eye. Bit disappointed I have no souvenirs.

>> No.6406628

I was cosplaying at Eirtakon, and I certainly thought the standard was much higher then previous years. Given that the cosplay community is so small in Ireland, its great that we have the amazing cosplayers we have. There were some dreadful cosplays, I will be honest, but most of them were like 13-15 year old kids who just wanted to have fun so.../shrug. Really enjoyed the con this year,the staff especially were so pleasant.

>> No.6406718

Is it just me or is Amy King like one of the worst cosplayers ever.

>> No.6406755

The fact that she is one of the best in Ireland says a lot about the standard here. But she is a nice person so let's not be mean.

>> No.6406757


There was a really lovely artist with good pokemon fanart. I wanted to buy for my brother, but I wasn't sure how much he would appreciate art, so I ended up buying a badge for him instead /copout. I enjoyed the AA in general actually.


Agreed, and my friends are inclined to agree as well. There were quite a few decent cosplays this year and a few really good ones that stood out. I'm quite glad I chose to come this year.

Out of curiosity, I guess Ironman must have made his own costume yes? I got a bit bedazzled by his flashing lights, thought that was pretty impressive.

>> No.6406875


I actually think she's kind of cute. She's kinda tall and I like tall girls though. There was the time she came on here "drunk" though, that was a bit messed up. I like her but I guess she's prone to some "eirtakon"-ish behaviour.

>> No.6406876


I think a lot of the people impressed with the cosplays probably weren't at Arcade, as looking at the photos that's where I saw most of the good ones.

For a smaller con, Arcade was fairly decent in terms of quality ratio.

>> No.6406983
File: 386 KB, 960x720, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was meant to go as Saitō from GITS: Section 9 on Sunday, but I cobbled it together in the morning and couldn't find an eyepatch or sniper rifle. So I went in a blue shirt, jeans, belt and black shoes. I did manage to pull off the pendant, though.

Pic semi related, it's of the two slendermen playing dance central.

>> No.6407173

That wasn't her, that was Sinéad. I agree, though, she can be a bit derpy. But she's lovely and I think she does a good job on her cosplays, even though her makeup could use some work.

>> No.6407191

I know some people who went up and their costumes were literally some of the worst I've ever seen. Shiny strange colored wigs, using part of their everyday wardrobe as part of the cosplay... Oh lord.

I don't even know if there's a point in going next year if all the cosplays are going to be so evidently shit.

>> No.6407725

All the events I went to ran close to on-time

Some of the panels I went to were entertaining.

The staff were OK.

Some interesting cosplays to be picked out from Sturgeons Law.

Entry-exit seemed more convenient with the wristbands than Nom-con

Anime on offer by the traders lacked a little variety. But maybe that was just my tastes. Nom-con was better in that regard this year.

Helix getting a little crowded on the lower levels

There was a Transforming Optimus Prime made from balloons.

>> No.6407800

Any more pictures?

>> No.6407802

Tell me, did any of the Optimus Prime pop while he was being transformed? I saw photos of it and have been wondering since...

>> No.6407833
File: 11 KB, 294x161, Blueshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ballon man was awesome

>> No.6407841

Okay, then that's it decided. I'm going next year, if only for the (robust) balloon sculptures.

>> No.6407862


Wait that, that was Sinéad as in Missie-chan? I don't think so. She's sort of stuck up but I can't imagine her coming /cgl/ drunk.

It was someone involved with Eirtakon too.

>> No.6407884


https://www.. // facebook. // com/media/set/?set=a.10151194125928087.441150.740483086&type=1

>> No.6407935

This, i was here then and remember it was amy. there was something else with missie but she wasn't posting here.

>> No.6407981

The Irish cons are tiny compared to the likes of the London Anime Expo. Also, the majority of the people there were only school kids of baby's first anime level and don't have much money. If you guys are unsatisfied with the con, why don't you give your opinions onto the Feedback forums to help it improve?

>> No.6407988

I don't think the con can really be doing anything about the standard of cosplay, in fairness... I don't see many big complaints about how the con itself was.

>> No.6408108

Con was great from what I saw, improvement on last year definitely.

Nothing can be done about the attendees in the scene - most of the older peeps either don't attend or are now staffing/running the conventions so there's an influx of younger people.

Anyways pat on the back for the staff/committee, seriously good show.

>> No.6408203


I think it was Amy's sister rather than her herself. But I think Amy posted some damage control comments that came across really badly.

>> No.6408212

Wait, so she got shitposted by her sister?

>> No.6408214


I'd love to go abroad but I really want to meet people here. Unfortunately, most people here who go to cons are boring assholes. What do?

>> No.6408221


I think it was something like that.

>> No.6408225

Fucking hell...

>> No.6408496


Just out of curiosity, I noticed her in a number of Eirtakon photos, it looks like she was even doing an event. I thought there was bad blood between some of her group(the older Nom group) and Eirta? They haven't had much of a regime change either.

>> No.6408569

I think most of that bad blood is in the past now. Even if the two groups still aren't best of friends, they seem to have made up a bit now.

>> No.6408671


I guess that's good in one ways, but bad in others as I don't think either group made any real effort to improve themselves.

>> No.6409733

Anyone going to Arcade?

>> No.6409891


This. I go to UK cons when I can and have a good time, but everyone pisses me off at the Irish ones. Not sure if I've become an elitist prick or what, but it'd be nice to have local weebish friends.

>> No.6409966

Wasn't Parle Productions at this con? if so, did anyone see them.get pics? <3 Parle Productions, Kelly is soooo cute!

>> No.6410076


>> No.6410077

LOL, that's easy, it's because the Irish cons lack a Scowny

>> No.6410079

Yes, definately going to @rcadeCon, someone was talking about getting Declan in female N7 armour

>> No.6411530

I like going because I have a lot of friends there I don't see during the rest of the year. I don't give a crap if the events are bad, the cosplays are questionable and the trade hall lacks varity. It is fun to have the craic with people and make new friends and then get shit faced with them.

Most people here are arseholes in general and just like to bitch and whine about everything and won't do anything about. Typical Irish.

>> No.6411555


You mean typical CGL? They bitch about the big cons, the small cons, and every con in between. It's a universal trait that is bagged up and sold in various quantities of shit here.

>> No.6412032

ArcadeCon committee plez go....

>> No.6413057

Arcade con is the lamest of all the cons.
I've heard nothing but bad things and jokes about.
Went to the first one and it was the worst experience ever!

>> No.6413058

I dunno, I thought the last one was alright. Not as good as Eirtakon (but the cosplay was better than at Eirtakon, imo) but better than Nom-Con.

>> No.6413142

Did Nom-Con ever release their attendance numbers?
I believe Arcade beat them number wise this year, not the weakest after all, and a big name guest was in attendance.

>> No.6413399


Arcade was much better in it's second year. They're one of the few cons that really took stuff on board and made an effort.


In fairness, they're all pretty bad. Irish con scene is pretty low-tier.

>> No.6413406


Have Nom elected a new committee yet? They've been pretty quiet on that front.

>> No.6413921

Arcade's a no-go for me, if I wanted to watch some Queen prance about talkng about how brilliant he is I could go to another con and watch Tommi. All I want from a con i to get drunk, see friends, have a laugh and maybe see some nice tits. Eirtakon delivered on all counts.

>> No.6414296
File: 337 KB, 1024x698, 6034755835_bde0bd191b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irish Cosplay in one image.

Not the best, but in it for the fun of it, and all having a good time.

>> No.6414382

I don't know what's with all the sudden Arcadecon hate.. I've enjoyed It each year and It's my favourite con now. It's just down to personal preference I guess?
Regardless, I think the people you spend time with at the cons can make or break the con for you more than anything else

>> No.6414520

Looking for pictures of particular cosplays for a friend;

Marisa from Touhou
Clare from Claymore


>> No.6415225

K I guess I should ask before I get heckled at like that one chick.

I was Terra. I saw a couple pics of me, but are there any more out there? Thanks in advance.

>> No.6415233


Some of you idiots would really need to scrape the sand out of your vajayjays.

If you can do better then do so, in the meantime, let these people have their fun.

>> No.6415250

Is there some reason you can't have fun in a decent cosplay? I'm not saying everyone needs to be a world-class cosplayer, because not everyone has the skills to sew or the money to commission a decent costume, but there are simple things like wigs and basic details of a costume that are ignored and it bothers me.

>> No.6415251


>> No.6415256


for me it's more about selection than quality, think I said that already, but I agree that it would be more fun for everyone if people just put a little more effort in.

>> No.6415261

[x] Homophobia
[x] Possible Misogyny
[ ] Claim it's "lol trolling" so you don't have to admit to being a douche

2 out of 3 is close enough.

>> No.6415283


Didn't go to the con, but you were one of the only cosplayers that stood out to me when looking through the pics, so kudos. Big fan of the pre-PSX Final Fantasies, especially Terra. Wig looked great in particular.

If you're at any future cons/events I'd recommend trying the photobooth.

>> No.6415386


Aw, thanks! It was my first 'actual' cosplay (barring the shitty cosplays I made for halloween when I was a weeb teen) - I'm just so glad it got well received. I know right now I don't really have the skills to do her justice like some of the cosplayers do, but hopefully I can revisit it sometime in the future when I'm improved.

And thanks for the advice. I do believe I went there at Eirtakon, so I guess I just wait now. I'm not too sad about the photos actually - my biggest regret really was not interacting with strangers enough and sticking to my own group of friends. Ah well, next time I suppose.

>> No.6415432


These were posted earlier(remove spaces and bits)

http: // www. facebook // . com / photo.php?fbid=4460935693519&set=pb.1593495308.-2207520000.1352947431

http: // www .facebook // . com /photo.php?fbid=4460936813547&set=pb.1593495308.-2207520000.1352947431

>> No.6415451


>I'm not too sad about the photos actually - my biggest regret really was not interacting with strangers enough and sticking to my own group of friends. Ah well, next time I suppose.

I think we need a proper forum that's not associated with any of the cons, and for it to keep active. Meeting new people at cons is very daunting. It'd make it a lot easier to meet people. Eirta & Nom forums were good in the day but drifted away. Combining all the cons and general anime fans into one would be a good idea.

Refuse to use boards.ie since it's awful and I think it's a horrible habit to keep nearly every Irish forum in the same place.

There's a couple of facebook groups though. Look for Cosplay, Anime & Manga fans. There was a new page set up recently too though I forget the name of it. Anyone remember what it was called?

>> No.6415468


Whoops, congoers, not Manga fans. Look there for photos anyway.

>> No.6415477

Definitely agree that a general Irish anime/manga forum would be great, but I wonder would people use it? People seem to be falling away from forums altogether these days, which is a shame because I really prefer them to Facebook.

>> No.6415490


I don't tend to like forums much because of all the bullshit but I've seen a lot of that carry over onto Facebook anyway, because being a dick is kind of accepted people now hide behinds groups of friends instead of anonymity.

But I think a forum can be useful if done right. I don't like Facebook being used for everything. In theory it cracks down on anonymous trolls, but as I explained earlier it doesn't really work like that anymore.

Something like a Tinychat might be cool too.

>> No.6415516

I actually think the potential for bullshit is much higher with Facebook. It's a lot more "instant" than a forum, so it's easier for people to fly off the handle and start stupid arguments. Cliques can be more of a problem in forums, but like you said, it's happening on Facebook now as well. Wouldn't mind a Tinychat either, though.

>> No.6415549


Serious cliques going on a lot of the facebook pages/groups, actually. See a lot of the same faces on them. And it's hard to complain about a lot of their behaviour without "causing drama". Someone brought up rape jokes in the last thread, that's a huge issue. The con scene is becoming increasingly unwelcome for the sorts of people that once sought refuge in it. Too many "Bros" looking for their escapism and not particularly caring about that of others.

>> No.6415579


>> No.6415587

I have to agree, especially about the Bros. All these wankers with their "epic trolling lol" and Reddit Humour. I don't really mind the young, overly enthusiastic kids that a lot of people would be complaining about, but THOSE stupid fuckers. They're a big reason why a lot of my friends don't even bother with cons anymore.

>> No.6416844

Cool story bro, reads a lot like a certain someone talking to ones self.

>> No.6417435
File: 1.99 MB, 218x165, Unpopularopinion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...

I like the games. They were fun. And the Avengers.

Also. I met people I hadn't seen since college. Even if one of them, who's actually older than me, is so small I was accused of being a Lolicon for hugging her.


>> No.6417624


If you think


Doesn't represent an increasingly popular viewpoint then you're mistaken. People are getting sick of the same old memes and shit. Assigning it all to one or two "Butthurt" congoers isn't going to work.

>> No.6417812

The girl at 9:50 just kind of... glides across the stage.

>> No.6418124

At least @rcadeCon wasn't PedoCon like NomCon 2011...

>> No.6418133

Who the frak is Tommi?

>> No.6418526

Any ideas for cosplays next year lads?

>> No.6418608


>> No.6418794

Haman Karn

>> No.6418870
File: 39 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m94n87EbwB1rckwjb_1345589145_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awesome taste.

btw, I'm thinking of doing Earl of Lemongrab next year for the laugh. Hoping there's a second one.

>> No.6419206

any more galleries?

don't seem to be a lot of good galleries this year.

>> No.6419275
File: 7 KB, 238x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, people saying the arcadecon hate is sudden and unexpected, mfw

>> No.6420087

I thought about doing Ramba Ral myself...

>> No.6420121
File: 53 KB, 480x480, HGUC-1144-Gouf-Custom-Preview-and-Boxart-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's no costume, boy. No costume.


An 0079 Gundam cosplay group would be pretty awesome. I could cosplay a Ball.

Turn A characters could be welcome too for delicious Laura Rolla.

>> No.6420396

If I was certain you were doing it, I'd consider going to Arcadecon....

But OTOH, I may be otherwise indisposed. I generally don't have the funding for more than 2-3 cons.

>> No.6420408
File: 379 KB, 600x683, Mariandale.full.1318016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah I'm probably doing Earl of Lemongrab and Mariandale from Ixion Saga DT.

But I'd love to cosplay a Ball sometime. I'm no good at constructing stuff like that though. Maybe there's someone else I could go as.

If a group gets off the ground I may consider doing something Gandum related. I'd love to see a Corin Nander too.

I'll probably end up dong a gag cosplay either way.

Also, I've always wanted to do a Super Robot cosplay, maybe Shin Getter, but again, no idea how to construct it and I'd probably balls it up. I've thought about just working it into a regular cloth costume, like a human version of it or something.

>> No.6420416
File: 57 KB, 640x480, gundam-turn-a-corin-nander-hulk-hogan-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, the only people I know who are into Gundam are sort of assholes. I imagine there must be more though since they always have gunpla at cons(though it rarely sells very well).

>> No.6420488

Sells well enough to be worth them going

>> No.6420495


The guys I Know who are seriously into it buy it online as it's too expensive at the con. It's a ubernerdy product, so it doesn't tend to do well being sold in stores(or at cons). Mostly it's sellers who sell Gunpla and other stuff now, I don't think Gundam Nation comes to cons anymore.

>> No.6420503

Gundam Wing sucks huge sweaty hairy politician arse

Oh and does the head Brony remind anyone else of Mr Tummus from Narnia? (the James Mcwhatisface version)

>> No.6420509

Yes, they do. Gundam Nation doesn't sell online anymore, they only go to cons.

Also. I'm failing captcha's more often since they introduced the 4chan pass. I wonder if it's intentional?

Or was I replaced by a cyborg double unaware of their true nature?

>> No.6420567


Really? Wonder how that works out financially given it'd surely be cheaper just to sell from an online store.

>> No.6420576

It apparently works. Then again, they can add a markup to con sellings.

Also. Brony guy has a bit of an air of Jimmy Saville about him.... He might be a decent chap, I don't truthfully know him, but he just seems that bit creepy.

>> No.6420613

There was a creepy porn dude on Bronies of Ireland, they ended up banning him.

He was weird, claimed not to be a furry yet was getting a fursuit

I heard Brony Guy AKA BarryTheHat was representing Bronies at the March For Choice

>> No.6420623


He seemed cool at first but turned out to be a bit of a twat after that. He banned someone from the group, dunno who it was, and people were sort of celebrating it. I pointed out it was sort of an unbrony thing to do, then he starts attacking me over it, saying he doesn't take bans lightly, then, hilariously, bans me as well because he "didn't know what else to do". Makes some snarky remarks about it when I try to contact him.

Try to talk to him about it at Akuma(after someone else in the group started sending me abusive messages on facebook, not quite as bold there, but when I get home I get these emails accusing me of "playing games", when I was clearly a nervous wreck at the con.

Heard of a couple of other people having problems with the Brony group too, but only friends of friends. I know there's a couple of furries in the group now who are pretty bitchy too(I don't mind furries in general, just these particular ones). Some of them really creep me out too, and I'm not creeped out easily. I don't really know why, I don't have a problem with the "little girls show" thing. I wonder how many of the Irish group are cloppers.

The problem is I got my hopes up about that fandom and thought it'd be better than the rest of the con-scene, and it wasn't. It's full of the same dicks under the illusion of "love and tolerance". I think a lot of people had the same issue; when the fandom first started out it seemed so different to everything else, and much friendlier, but it turned into an illusion. You get a lot of disillusioned people who are fans of the show but won't call themselves "Bronies".

I'm interested as to why people are trying to target him now. It seems anyone who stands out a bit is likely to get bashed on /cgl/.

>> No.6421018

The person who got banned was a troll who kept on posting stuff like "I hear cock in your arse feels very nice" and other stuff inappropriate for younger members of the page to read.

What's wrong with celebrating banning a troll? I've seen people on LiveJournal celebrating when racist shitstains like Lilenth gets herself banned from yet another comm

Eric Murray got his ass banned for posting porn

I don't know if people are trying to target Barry though? The only things I've seen are people squeeing over him

>> No.6421336


Nobody told me what it was about and I still don't like the attitude of having a song and dance about someone being banned as I've seen where that's lead to on countless forums.

If someone like that is gone, it should be reward enough in of itself. Ideally we'd just all be able to get on and nobody would be assholes or creeps.

I would cheer with my friends if some people ended up banned from certain places(Cal & friends for example), but I wouldn't have a public song and dance on the same page it happened. It just sets a nasty precedent. Again it would just be better if people got along in the first place, it's not nice when that has to happen. I especially don't like these most of the little cults that obsess over people and celebrate their misgivings.

Either way Barry was a massive dick about it and just came across as not being able to take any challenge to his actions at all. I only dropped a small reply asking what happened and saying even if it had to be done, I don't think it's very brony-like to celebrate banning someone.

>> No.6421384
File: 15 KB, 277x400, yG73Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catfish, the first person he banned was you, and if you dont know why, you've got serious issues. you started giving out about it from your second account, so he banned that too afaik.

also, get fucked, you need it.

>> No.6421496


No it wasn't. If you've been following the argument at all it was Eric Murray. Stop assuming bullshit and knock off the transphobic image macros if it's hurrnotbecauseyou'retrans. Nobody even thinks they're funny except the people making them.

>> No.6421499 [DELETED] 


No it wasn't. If you've been following the argument at all it was probably Eric Murray, and certainly not me since the circumstances relied 100% on someone else being banned and me reacting to it. Stop assuming bullshit and knock off the transphobic image macros if it's hurrnotbecauseyou'retrans. Cheap shots like that make other trans people feel uncomfortable as well, and even the trans people you're probably "cool" with were shocked when I saw them. Nobody even thinks they're funny except the people making them.

>> No.6421504


No it wasn't. If you've been following the argument at all it was probably Eric Murray, and certainly not me since the circumstances relied 100% on someone else being banned and me reacting to it. Stop assuming bullshit and knock off the transphobic image macros if it's hurrnotbecauseyou'retrans. Cheap shots like that make other trans people feel uncomfortable as well, and even the trans people you're probably "cool" with were shocked when I saw them. Nobody even thinks they're funny except the people making them and dumbass epic ween xD redditbros who the rest of us would like to see the backs of.

>> No.6421520
File: 363 KB, 200x148, 1351877055120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've got serious issues

>> No.6421553


Sup /cgl/, /a/ here just letting you know what cancerous pieces of shit you all really are.


>> No.6421555

At least we don't spend all day fantasizing about being with 2d characters.

>> No.6421569
File: 923 KB, 250x200, cat roadkill while baby watches.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donno what ur talking about kiddo they might be 2d but they are more woman then youll ever be

>> No.6421581


On an irish con thread? Seriously?

>> No.6421740
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 31451319_big_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Catfish alone, guys. She's not doing anything except reaching for the bait ye're pushing out.

Getting back on topic, I've some ideas for next year. Maybe Trapeze's Irabu, Madotsuki, or someone from Shin Sekai Yori. Most likely Maria.

>> No.6421745

>implying we can't dress up and dream of perfect 2D waifus and husbandos

Seagull, pls step up.

>> No.6421781
File: 27 KB, 277x400, 1346173903961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed the argument, you obviously dont understand what I'm saying here......

YOU were banned, you went onto your secondary FB, and got that banned too. eric got banned after you, afaik

and its not transphobic to think you're a cunt, so fuck you

>> No.6421859

Man, I don't even like Catfish, but leave her alone, she's actually kind of being okay this time. And it's not transphobic to think she's a cunt, but that macro was clearly meant to poke fun at her being trans and it's just fucking stupid to pretend otherwise.

>> No.6421883


That's not how it works. You don't say "I'm not transphobic" and then post an image using the fact that someone doesn't have the correct genitalia against them. That is transphobic; it is a hateful comment to make towards a trans person, it uses their situation against them. If I was not trans, that image would not exist. I would be far less open to abuse - hell I might not even have stood out amongst the other aspies. Moreover the image gallery you're taking it from is amazingly transphobic.

Do you want me to post it on a transgender messageboard just to confirm it? Though the last time I did, one of your mates thought it would be hilarious to go over their "trolling" people. Not transphobic at all.

If it's not about whether or not I'm trans, then don't make it about that. Because you sort of are. Making fun of panic attacks and shit like that isn't any better either. I don't get your reasoning for calling me a cunt, when I've seen what people like you and your mates have gotten up to. If you think I'm a bad person, set a better example, because I don't sink to those lows to attack people. Otherwise fuck off.

Because I've retracted from the con scene some of these jerks have moved onto other targets, and it's getting old.

And obviously, you can't even read.

>He banned someone from the group, dunno who it was, and people were sort of celebrating it. I pointed out it was sort of an unbrony thing to do, then he starts attacking me over it, saying he doesn't take bans lightly, then, hilariously, bans me as well because he "didn't know what else to do".


Yume Nikki Madotsuki? If you're doing it I'll be Uboa. Just gonna get a black sheet and paint a face on it, and scream within an acceptable volume level.

>> No.6421900

>And it's not transphobic to think she's a cunt, but that macro was clearly meant to poke fun at her being trans and it's just fucking stupid to pretend otherwise.

People are so convinced they're oh-so-progressive in the con scene that they can't possibly be transphobic(or sexist for that matter) - you have people dressing up as all kinds of shit, so why would anyone be like that? There are people who've outright said this. It's also *really uncool* to tell a trans person, who statistically is more likely to meet with sexual violence, that they don't have to "worry" about rape, because people will stay away from them.

There's such a misunderstanding of what it actually means and the kind of shit you get for being trans. Not everyone has the same experience too, so as long as there's one trans person with a positive experience - they'll use them against you.

Even though they'd be disgusted with those images too. And if they aren't they're not worth having as allies.

>> No.6421915


What the hell you annoying gnat of a bitch go back to fucking tumblr.

Jesus, next you'll be saying that crossplaying is appropriating transgender values.

>> No.6421918


But this actually isn't what happened. If you read her posts, you'll see what you're saying is impossible.


Good god this thread.

>> No.6421924


What does that have to do with tumblr? Do trans issues go entirely hand in hand with tumblr now or something?

Getting pretty tired of the same redditbros bumping up against Tumblr social justice shit and regurgitating words like "cisgender" and "privilege" without knowing what they mean.

You clearly don't get it, so stop talking about it. This is one of the most annoying things right now and I hope the "Die cis scum" shit doesn't make it any further into the con scene.

>> No.6421925

>>He banned someone from the group, dunno who it was, and people were sort of celebrating it. I pointed out it was sort of an unbrony thing to do, then he starts attacking me over it, saying he doesn't take bans lightly, then, hilariously, bans me as well because he "didn't know what else to do".

Yeah, I read that....Its just bullshit

Hey catfish if your REALLY retracting from the con scene, how about YOU fuck off instead me...

And well, in a vague attempt at getting this thread back on topic, anyone going to the free day thing Akumacon announced? I'm hoping to, depends on money.

>> No.6421931
File: 302 KB, 595x762, 1351895087874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It isn't bullshit. It's what happened. Even Barry will probably admit that much. You're just lying now.

>Hey catfish if your REALLY retracting from the con scene, how about YOU fuck off instead me...

I said I retracted, I wasn't at Nom or Eirta and won't be at Akuma most likely, and haven't been particularly visible in the associated forms, FBs etc. I'm considering going to one of the cons next year.

Considering you're a person that lies and uses transphobic image macros, I think you should be the person to fuck off, as I initially suggested. If people like you weren't around, I wouldn't be a problem to anyone in the first place. Whereas people like you will usually just find someone else to mess with.

Have to love all this "Love and tolerance".

>> No.6421942
File: 43 KB, 640x480, probably not thinking of social issues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, I honestly do not want to contemplate issues when I go to a con. I go there to have fun, not to contemplate whether or not I'm truly accepting of everyone ever dependent on my background.

You're overthinking things when you say that the people at a con crossplaying think they're ~accepting~ of other values. They don't actually think that. They just want to run around and have fun.

I'm just flabbergasted you think the human brain would work in that manner in a group of people who dress up as fucking cartoon characters.

>> No.6421951


I'm pretty sure people who are directly affected by those issues also go there to have fun. There are transphobic individuals in the con scene, or general assholes who see it as fair game - and this is one of the arguments they legitimately use.

As far as I can see your comment is a hit against trans issues in general, especially the tumblr comment. You come off as trying to make excuses for why you don't have to be considerate of other people situation, which is something you have to do in *real life* all of the time.

You're basically saying I shouldn't raise any trans issues with relation to the con scene because YOU JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN. Meanwhile, if there's someone who's too scared to go to a con because of how they might be perceived - fuck them right?

The "Fun spaces aren't a place for serious issues" is the same sort of logic that people use for making sure kids don't know about gay people.

>> No.6421955
File: 12 KB, 284x177, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont be at Akumakon? Promise?

whats anyone else planning for cosplays? Agh, I hate thefact its so close to christmas, means I have less money in general

>> No.6421960
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, 1352870850478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're going to be such a little bitch about it, then maybe I will. I'll make sure to say which cons I will or won't be going to for the rest of the year. Maybe I'll do all of them for one day.

Seriously, what do I even do at cons? Except panic a bit. You come off like a bandwagon jumping kid who's never even talked to me.

>> No.6421976


>You come off as trying to make excuses for why you don't have to be considerate of other people situation, which is something you have to do in *real life* all of the time.

No, it's just rude to see someone suddenly bring up trans issues in the smack middle of lovely conversation that didn't involve trans issues. Sort of like a mormon goin' in your face when you were trying to have a lovely shit five seconds ago.

>> No.6421988
File: 8 KB, 304x224, rbffs-perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does this have to do with me being at Akumakon?

Also if you were following the thread(which some people seem to be having problems with) you'll see I was responding to someone posting a transphobic image macro. That in of itself, was unprovoked and stood out, yet funnily enough you attacked me rather than them. If people can't even bring up those issues when it's already an issue, when can you?

Despite the fact that what they were doing was, you know, wrong and stuff. If your priorities are that bad I don't have much sympathy for your interrupted Number 2s, dude.

>> No.6421998
File: 32 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mb2pk1rWPQ1r39wfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, what do I even do at cons?
oh, I know this one...sulk in corners? glare at people you vaguely know through FB? Give out to staff? complain to committee, when giving out to staff doesn't work?

Also, if this whole post is supposed to seem threatening, I'm laughing pretty hard here. I guess I'll see you at akumakon, then

>> No.6422032

>sulk in corners

I'm sorry, but how does this affect you?

>glare at people you vaguely know through FB

Um, okay.

>Give out to staff


>complain to committee, when giving out to staff doesn't work?


>Also, if this whole post is supposed to seem threatening, I'm laughing pretty hard here. I guess I'll see you at akumakon, then

If you're trying to look threatening towards me when you're being anonymous, that's pretty cowardly son.

You had no reason to post that other than to jump on a hate bandwagon. Unless I've glared at you personally - only barely knowing you - in which case I'm sorry for your troubles and that's totally comparable to my own issues.

>> No.6422043
File: 117 KB, 311x311, 1351368154130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I like how you managed to combine two worn out memes, Gangnam Style and Tumblr SJ hate, into one obnoxious image macro.

>> No.6422058

Just passing by here and I have no idea who the fuck you are or what the issue is but every time I refresh the first page it's you responding to someone trying to make drama with you. Just stop fucking responding to people. Goddamn.

>> No.6422114

How about don't respond to the local troll?

You already knew what they were doing. Why the hell would you feed them?

>> No.6422154


They make the thread about me even when I'm not there. Me not posting does't make them stop, it's a self sustaining thing. Replying actually limits the shit spreading somewhat since they have to focus on what's actually being said.

>> No.6422389
File: 621 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Catfish bought 50 dicks off eBay and sucked them all.

>> No.6422587
File: 16 KB, 300x224, how_could_this_happen_to_me__by_yugioh4ever-d4q6mtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6422593


Not the anon you're replying to, just passing by, but:

Last year, when you had that massive shitfit and tried to start a hate campaign against Sharon when one of her friends poked you with a stick on facebook.

Also, there's all the times you harassed young teenage girls for daring to disagree with your opinion, and the suicide threats. People in glass houses...

>> No.6422620


Who dubbed her one of the best at cosplaying in Ireland? She's ran the cosplay stuff with Eirtakon for , well since I can remember and for some reason she has this title of best cosplayer in Ireland?! That is bullshit. I don't think I've seen her ever win anything. She has maybe 3 cosplays? Rei being the main one that she just switched up with normal clothes. And can we comment on the faces she pulls in pictures? Girl, smile, it helps.

Anyway, its not fair to dub her as one of the best in Irish cosplay, there are far better cosplayers, like Fiona from Eirtakon, shes brill. Yeah Amy goes out there, makes cosplay events, the cosplay Ireland stuff, and gets out to photo shoots, but that doesn't make her one of the best.

Also it was her on here that time, she just blamed her sister to try cover it all up.

>> No.6423005

>Who dubbed her one of the best at cosplaying in Ireland?

Because nearly everyone else is absolute shite. When we've someone who'd just be passable in other countries, it suddenly makes her the best over here.

>> No.6423008
File: 179 KB, 1000x666, 7017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is supposed to be Amy King she's a little too chubs for this C.C. The white is stretching something awful.

>> No.6423010

I agree, every picture of her looks like she just smelled something nasty...

And that Rei cosplay has really been worn to bits, and its only....okay. not really seeing what everyone else does in her.

>> No.6423015

To be fair, I can understand why she probably doesn't want to, or can even smile for photos. I've an awful case of bitch face too and when asked to pose for a photo, it brings out the worst in me. Literally cannot smile and my face looks like a slapped arse.

>> No.6423033


Actually there are loads of people who are really good at cosplaying and a million times better than her, you just have to actually look

>> No.6423042

The heck is with all the hate towards Amy? She's hot! Smart girl too, doing a lot for the Irish community on even an international level. She is definitely one of Irelands best cosplayers. She has the look and the attitude.

>> No.6423063

>She is definitely one of Irelands best cosplayers
shes really not, far from it, her stuff is average at best....whether shes hot is irrelevant, really.

Even though she does have a face like a bus hit her....IMO

>> No.6423071

You mad bro?!! Horrible looking gal and all her cosplays are mega shit, all she's done is set up the worst looking website ever.
Isn't most of cosplay Ireland on Facebook?

>> No.6423072

She's a nice girl and she works hard, but she's really not the brightest at all. And her cosplays are seriously average at best. But at least she's trying, I'll give her that much.

>> No.6424017
File: 39 KB, 250x66, aka-con.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, uh, guys, to get back vaguely on topic.

Anyone been to Aka-con? I might do Artist's Alley there, but I have very little time next year. Is it worth it to try?

>tfw that image on the banner

>> No.6424149

No-one's been, because this will be it's first year. So you'll be going in blind.

>> No.6424188
File: 608 KB, 1280x1024, Back-to-the-Future-back-to-the-future-13786594-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been.

My Marty McFly Cosplay went down a storm. I even brought the DeLorean I'm going to buy in a month's time.

And fuck captcha.

>> No.6424216
File: 49 KB, 650x365, headdesk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, sorry for stupid question. I guess I'll sign up then and see how it goes.


I chuckled.

>> No.6426586

Doesn't look like Amy to me

>> No.6426591

What the fuck? That's clearly Amy.

>> No.6429046
File: 53 KB, 960x720, joshua taylor3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they made out again on stage at Eirtakon. I missed the skits, were *Aussie!Naruto and Sasuke as shit as they were at Nom Con?

>> No.6429476


Decide for yourself.

>> No.6433135


>> No.6435553

That was fucking painful to watch, face sucking on stage is not a replacement for actual content or comedy. If you tried that shit at a UK con you'd get boo'd off pretty quickly.

>> No.6435618

Really don't understand all the hating on Amy, she's pretty cool. It's not as if she ACTS like she's Irelands top cosplayer or whatnot and she organises a lot of cool stuff for cosplayers all over Ireland.

I thought the panels at this years Eirka were a much higher standard then the year before, cos last year was a joke! I was half tempted not to go this year in case it was the same disappointment as last year... but gratefully that didn't happen!

>> No.6436760

Not to be a big old prude, I think public displays of affection like that should be allowed in the skits as I'm pretty sure there were a lot of minors at Eirtakon, like 6 year old minors were about.
Also watching it was painful I think it just for them to get a kick out of making out on stage.

>> No.6436860


Anyone know anything about this person? It looks like she qualified for Eurocosplay from Nom-com.

She seems very meticulous and pays attention to details with her construction, at the very least. It really shows too.

>> No.6436861


*qualified for the one in October, I meant.

She was the White mage at Eirtakon.

>> No.6436934

I'll presume you meant to say "shouldn't be allowed"? Regardless, the official line from them would be "the entire con is PG-13 owing to the parent/guardian restriction" or something like that.

I'm indifferent as to whether stuff like that should be allowed or not, just as long as it doesn't win.

>> No.6437013

That Adachi was pretty cute. I was a creepin' and it seems he has a girlfriend though. Shame.

>> No.6437015

Holy shit, nice. I'm glad the Irish standard is finally after upping, even if by a little bit!

>> No.6437126


Haha, she was very impressive at Eirtakon. Not in a very showy way, but her costume was very well done. I won't say much about the wig, but the rest of it was a pretty fine job.

>> No.6439825

OMG that was fucking awful (the Lion King music was mildly amusing)

He's not Aussie though, he's from South Africa, I think he's a furry

I saw him at Eirtakon this year and he was always with the guy cosplaying as the other Naruto character, I guess they must be bumming each other for realz

>> No.6441245
File: 294 KB, 960x521, 542976_560678910615819_356419574_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More photos coming soon I hope I'm finally in there.

>> No.6441301


>sqints to see self
>doesn't see self
>gets stressed
wat self. wat.

>> No.6441849

Duuuuuude how is this thread even still alive?

>> No.6442852

No drama = activity

>> No.6448168

May god have mercy on the photographer who did the photoshoot for this year's Eirtakon. Some of the people who went in... just... god... a wigless Cloud. Why?

>> No.6448247


Because they just wanted to piss you off. They knew you had sand in your vaj about certain things so they decided "hey, lets fuck with some heads here, I'll dress as Cloud....buuuuuuuuuut, I won't wear a wig. I'm a renegade, baby, and I break all the rules".

>> No.6448263


>assumes anon be mad
>ohplz it's hilarious

>> No.6450866

I know /cgl/ is slow but I still can't believe it's still here!

After having a look through the photoshoot, I can see that the cosplay standard is rising in Ireland. Keep it growing guys!

Also their photographer has improved so much on last year. Kudos to him.

>> No.6450879

Oh my god, these people are all like 12 years old. What the fuck? Is this what Cosplaying in Ireland in general is like? I've never been to a con but I thought as a 22 year old who looks younger I could get away with it, but there isn't any point if all the people who I meet through this hobby are going to be 11.

>> No.6450884

A lot of colleges and universities host anime societies, they'are a great way to find people in that age bracket that rave over the same chinese cartoons as yourself. Don't loose hope just yet!

>> No.6451179

...and there I was thinking that they were Korean.
