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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 406 KB, 459x554, tumblr_md90vbfnDT1qb9ia7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6401178 No.6401178 [Reply] [Original]

please tell me I am not the only one who's sick of this girl, cgl. And I feel sort of bad because who knows, she's probably nice. But this goddamn tumblr trend of acting like a "kawaii toddler nya~" is even more frustrating than the living doll one.

>> No.6401617

Yeah, whenever i see her pop up on my tumblr dash i literally cringe. That stupid face she pulls...ugh.

>> No.6401631

Who is that? I've never even seen her before.

>> No.6401630

I just hate how ratty her real hair looks.

>> No.6401638


"Princess peachie." She's ugly and i don't get why she's so popular.

>> No.6401672

oh hey look, I was following her and didn't even know it.
I think she's cute in a strange way...

>> No.6401682

i got told off, cuz isadi she was attractive and one of her "fans" said i cant talk that way cuz she has a medical condition. Here hair does look ratty as a fuck

>> No.6401678

I honestly want to punch her in the face. That simpering smile and wide eyed look she thinks is oh so endearing is so retareded omg. How old is she, anyways?

>> No.6401685

*she wasnt

>> No.6401688

She is cute! Lokk like doll! Anime come to real!

>> No.6401703

What medical condition does she have? Downs sydrome?

>> No.6401710


I know she lives by herself, so it can't be that bad.

>> No.6401724

She's 22

She's got M.E., not Downs.

>> No.6401728


she has M.E.

>> No.6401743

I think she's sweet and authentic, she may act silly with her over-kawaii poses but everyone has theyr silly side; Just let her be, you're not perfect either.

>> No.6401754

>She's ugly and i don't get why she's so popular.

>She's prettier than me and I hate that she's popular

>> No.6401769

I think she's sweet. She tries a bit hard sometimes, but she seems smart and rather nice. I don't think it deserves any wank. Why?

>> No.6401774

Sorry OP, she doesn't have any drama surrounding her. I assume that's why you started this thread. She's just a total sweetheart and lovely to everyone.

>> No.6401810

100% Agreed

>> No.6401849
File: 42 KB, 351x327, 1287687010902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is me every day of my life and I'm still expected to perform and work.
Do people really go on disability for this??

>> No.6401853

Being tired is different from being fatigued.

>> No.6401863

The only drama I remember was either last week or the week before, someone posted a secret about her wardrobe, and there were so many whiteknights in her thread defending her offbrand crap and replicas because she has chronic fatigue.

>> No.6401867
File: 305 KB, 500x405, real tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I get that.

>CFS include post-exertional malaise; unrefreshing sleep; widespread muscle and joint pain; sore throat; headaches of a type not previously experienced; cognitive difficulties; chronic, often severe, mental and physical exhaustion; and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and active person.
>mfw I have this all the time now
>mfw I still work
>mfw my tax money is going to people who aren't expected to do the same.
>mfw I'd be sleeping right now but I'm waiting for someone to fax me

>> No.6401869

Don't be a baby, everyone gets that.
Go to a doctor if you're so convinced but I can guarantee he'll tell you you're overreacting.

>> No.6401883

>significantly debilitating medical disorder
>significantly debilitating

I'm assuming you just read the whole thing, thought "oh, I TOTES have this!!!" and came here to post this.

>> No.6401879


Yeah so how the hell is it different than someone who is wasting my damn money snapping 'kawaii pictures' of themselves.

>> No.6401896

>how the hell is it different
>implying implications
It isn't. Stop crying.

>> No.6401910

my mom has chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and she is an RN. No rest for the weary. Annoying little kid claiming an illness so she can sit around and take pictures of herself all day.

>> No.6401938

You can't tell how bad someone's illness is if you're only ever looking at a few snapshots of their life on tumblr. She's obviously not going to snap pictures of herself when she's bedridden.

>> No.6401943


>> No.6401948

Just a few notes here: she maybe takes one picture a day (closer to every couple of days), her videos are usually months apart, she doesn't mention her M.E. very often, and she is actually in school, she just does it from home. I'm not seeing how her being ill is some massive deal to y'all.

>> No.6401959
File: 328 KB, 480x350, spongebob-gif-fuuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tell me, OP, regardless of whether or not she does have some sort of medical condition, how exactly do her posts/photos impact on your daily life?

>> No.6401967

>itt tumblr liberals and your special snowflake mental diseases

>She's ugly and i don't get why she's so popular.
google ageplay fetish.

>> No.6401973

no one mentioned mental diseases?

>> No.6401979

Because /cgl/ is made by a bunch of rabid bitches who'll look for any reason to jump on someone's throat. Also because we're very used to pretending bitches ("GUESS MY GENDER? NOO, I'M A BOY even though I dress like a girl!" comes to mind) so we like to make sure someting is legit. And usually tend to the "it's bullshit" side because that's frequently the case.

Hope I helped. ^_^

>> No.6401987

Her pictures/poses/outfits are a little try hard sometimes, but she genuinely seems like a sweet, sincere girl. She answers questions for newbie lolitas, doesn't talk shit about anyone and minds her own business.

>> No.6401991
File: 569 KB, 250x141, uUltT[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go onto cgl
>see thread about this chick; know somewhat about her
> 'she is so ugly and is totally faekin her ilness!11'
> 2/3 of thread is petty cunt dramu

>> No.6401995

from the wikipedia article:
>Biological, genetic, infectious and psychological mechanisms have been proposed for the development and persistence of symptoms but the etiology of CFS is not understood and may have multiple causes.

i.e., it's all in your head.

>> No.6401996

Peachie is lovely and has no drama surrounding her, this is just another vendetta-chan. She's adorable. She doesn't come to many meets, I can only assume it's because the days out are too much for her to handle and whenever she sees friends they usually come over to hers.

>> No.6402007

I'm pretty sick of her too.
Every tiem she pops up on my tumblr dash, I wanna rip her out of the screen and shake her like a british nanny.

>> No.6402011

...can you even read?

>> No.6402012

That's actually really depressing, poor girl. I'm still indifferent to her, for the most part, but I guess I can admire her a bit for putting up with that, and still being fairly happy-go-lucky.

>> No.6402014

She's cute and really nice. A bit tryhard-ish, I can agree, but not usually.

Yes we get it cgl you're not fans of fairy kei. Make all the ageplay toddler jokes you want. Even if they're completely stale.

>> No.6402017

The cunty responses in this thread are exactly why I don't talk about my chronic pain disease on tumblr. I'm not on disability or benefits, but chronic pain sucks the life and happiness out of you, and most of the diseases that cause it are incurable. I'm impressed that Princess Peachie isn't as depressed as I am every day given the shit she has to go through.

>> No.6402030

What is it with the hate on chronically ill lolitas recently? First that wheelchair girl on BtB, now Peachie.

>> No.6402036

I didn't even know she had a medical condition. Does she advertise this or are all you bleeding hearts just dragging shit she doesn't want to talk about into the open?

>> No.6402038

It's on her tumblr. See >>6401943

I've also seen her post articles about M.E. and C.F.S.

>> No.6402041
File: 474 KB, 260x208, stopityou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying to make drama out of one of the only genuinely kind-hearted lolitas left? You bitch at people for wearing wigs, then bitch when their real hair is kawaii~desu enough? Just stop, I'm getting secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.6402044
File: 240 KB, 603x708, brs yomi tori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's ugly. Her face, it's just very hmm unfortunate? Dumpy looking. Like somethings wrong with her. Her style is alright. Like, the style itself I hate, but it seems to match her somehow in the sense that she'll probably get into ageplay. Is she a virgin? But yeah, she just...you can tell by her face that somethings off about her. Nice personality at times though.

>> No.6402039

unrequited desire for attention/sympathy/special treatment redirected into hate and vitriol towards others who get these things from the online community.

>> No.6402040

She only mentioned it once or twice, and never makes a big deal out of it at all.
Just bitches bitching.

>> No.6402046

She has a boyfriend

>> No.6402048

*isn't enough

You damn bitches got me all flustered.

>> No.6402049

totes saving this GIF in about a hundred different directories just so I never lose it again

>> No.6402050

It's funny because those two have the exact same medical condition.

>> No.6402053

Oh /cgl/.

She looks like she is five years old. I really hope she's older than that since you're picking on her so harshly.

>> No.6402055

She's 22, it's already been mentioned in the thread.

>> No.6402056

Y'all are mean bitches.
"I'm sick of this blah blah blah"
Just live and let live, goddayum.

>> No.6402060

jfc can I just say I am so sick and tired of hearing the word ageplay. I swear the people who use it think it's some kind of ace in the hole insult.

>> No.6402062

Yes, I can. Can you?

>> No.6402061
File: 118 KB, 500x625, fdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, just saw that myself. Her boyfriends ugly too. But hey, they seem pretty happy so. I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong (like she's hiding something) but other than that she's ok. She's almost kind of cute in this picture. I still find her face generally unattractive though. Cute eyes but the rest of her seems so puffy...like her cheeks are swollen from getting her wisdom teeth removed 24/7.

>> No.6402064

She's probably hiding the fact she's in pain 24/7

>> No.6402078

>the people who use it think it's some kind of ace in the hole insult.

you can be sick and tired of hearing about it all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that pedophilia is one of the most morally repugnant fetishes out there.

>> No.6402082

You can be into ageplay without being into actual children

>> No.6402088

She's been interweb "famous" for a few years, and never in that whole time have I seen any drama flare up around her.
I remember back when everyone was on Bebo, she used to post cute pictures of herself in Lolita or princessy things. We used to talk a little over that and she always seemed really sweet.

OP needs to go home.

>> No.6402085

I think she's cute as fuck and she suits the childish look more than most girls who try it

>> No.6402102
File: 146 KB, 1024x906, fucked up shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, bud

>> No.6402110


Wow, you're really misinformed. Ageplay does not equal pedophilia. In fact, it's the opposite because they are ADULTS and not CHILDREN.

>> No.6402116

It's actually listed in medical research as a neurological disorder, that sure is mental alright.

>> No.6402122

>but the rest of her seems so puffy...
In her response about her health above, she did say that her neck swells when she's been too active. Don't see why that wouldn't affect the rest of her face, either.

>> No.6402140

You can say it all you want, but wearing pink frooofy shit doensn't automatically equal ageplay.

>> No.6402164

ITT: Sandy vaginas, sandy vaginas errywhere.
I'm all for making fun of people, but I don't even see anything remotely lulz worthy here.

>> No.6402176

Doesn't she live in scotland or some shit like that? Cuz unless you do too, then shes not even wasting your preshus tax dollars with her illness. You sound like a loony neoconservative wingnut.

>> No.6402180

>Dressing and acting like children
>Not a form of pedophilia

>> No.6402189

Do your research before you bitch. Age players have been accused of being pedophiles for a long time. There are always a few bad apples with every group; age players are no different. However, that doesn't make it true for everyone involved with it.

>> No.6402190
File: 69 KB, 647x298, kyarykyarypamyupamyue38[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402212


Actually bruv, all of the ageplayers I've met were in it for acting like children. They were even disgusted by the sexual aspect of it.

They just dressed like babbies and played with toys. Sometimes they had a mommy/daddy/babysitter who would take care of them, but that wasn't sexual at all.

>> No.6402220

I'm confused. Technically, yes, most "age-players" (is that even the right term?) are adults. However, if age-player A gets off to age-player B dressing and acting like a young child, it seems to me they are just trying to keep it legal, but are still attracted to children.

Regardless of the age of the person you are having sex with, if you are still attracted to children you are still a pedophile.

>> No.6402223

If it's not sexual at all, why does it get posted so often to /d/?

>> No.6402241

Gee, idk, maybe because pretty much everything can be sexualised.

>> No.6402248

So then it is a form of pedophilia?

>> No.6402251

Never heard of her before but she seems cute. I feel bad for her because I know what it's like to have chronic conditions only to be told that it's bullshit because some cunts on the internet think that I act fine and healthy online.

>> No.6402274

ITT: jealous fatty chans

>> No.6402303

I don't understand. Out of everyone in this community to tear down why would you pick Peachie? She hasn't caused any drama, is always very courteous, and seems over all well meaning. She enjoys cute clothing. Starting drama for no reason

>> No.6402298

Case in point: jet porn.

>> No.6402349

wow. so much ignorance here.
Ageplayers become so because they want to drop responsibilities of being an adult for a little while and be taken care of like little kids do. the sexual aspect of it is very rare, even if the net tries to make it otherwise, and as someone said majority of ageplayers are disgusted by it. It's about being taken care of, being loved, knowing tenderness, and not having to have responsabilities at least for a little while, and feeling protected because our society has foolishly made us believe that once you're an adult you can't play, colour, be silly or even seek the protection of someone because OMG UR AN ADULT ACT LIKE ONE!!
Most ageplayers are responsible adults, professionals, have jobs, families, even children of their own...
Really DO research before even answering to me, and don't let your ignorance show so much next time.

>> No.6402371

I find it hilarious that /cgl/ of all places is accusing someone else of being into ageplay because of their clothes when this whole board revolves around wearing frilly dresses with teddybear prints or cosplaying as underage teen animu girls. Call me when she does some yukapon tier shit.

>> No.6402395

Because its what people do.

>> No.6402399

This. All of this.

>> No.6402433

well, block her tumblr username with tumblr savior??? it sucks sometimes when things are not tagged but it usually cuts down on the amount of annoying posts D:

>> No.6402434

She's the sweetest person ever! she is very talented super cute and does what she loves! she's never done anything to anyone to hurt them. can a lolita/fairy kei be herself with out people considering it "age play"? that makes it sound really wrong.
back off.

>> No.6402450

she does have that chubby cheeks sort of thing that doesn't really look that great? I do like her coordinates but yeah, too much of anything can get you to hate the blogger... basically, just not liking her does not mean she's a bad person or anything aka you can't get everyone to like her

>> No.6402452


someone samefag check this shit

>> No.6402456

whoa, cgl being nice to a person who hasn't done anything to deserve actual hate! must be samefagging, no other explaination!

>> No.6402468

am I the only one who thinks she looks like ruarridoll ?

Just a tiny bit.

>> No.6402509

That's who I thought it was at first

>> No.6402511

She seems really nice but why god why does she always pit shiny eyeshadow under her eyes? It looks so bad! It makes her look like a fish!

I assume she must look really bad without eye makeup and the shiny eyeshadow under her eyes is the only trick she's found to make her look passable.

>> No.6402535

Op here, I actually left this thread during the fit raid because I thought it'd get buried. I had no idea she had a disability and I didnt insult her looks, only that I am sick of seeing her and other tumblr lolis acting like brain dead toddlers a la venus angelic. Thats it, there was no ulterior motive

>> No.6402555

This thread WREAKS of nothing but jealousy, and nit-picking bitches.
Then agian, that's all cgl wreaks of. All day, every day.
I see nothing ugly about her.
Nothing but a bunch of jealous fatties.

>> No.6402560

her and her friends are so cute. The girl does look a bit sicky without her makeup if you watch her transformation vid.

to be honest shes seems sweet


>> No.6402643

I think she's cute. I enjoy her posts and she seems really helpful and sweet to others.

Nice, sweet and cute = OMG I HATE HERRRR
bitch, not cute, nasty = OMG I HATE HERRRR


>> No.6402646

>>6402555 wreaks

...Do you mean "reeks," perhaps?
Sage for absolutely no contribution.

>> No.6403182

Peachie's a really sweet girl. Super nice, super friendly, super cute.
There's no real reason for anybody to be bitching about her beyond vendetta or jealousy.

>> No.6403207

So you guys are shitting on a girl for people reposting her too much and trying to justify it because she has an illness she doesn't broadcast and mentions once in a blue moon?

Lets clear up some facts.

1. Just because someone has a disability and gets disability allowance, it doesn't mean they are stealing your precious money.
2. Unless you live in the UK, her disability doesn't affect your taxes.
3. Given that many people on /cgl/ are students, you likely don't pay tax and if you do, not that much.
4. If you are a Scottish student, you're likely getting more handouts between Student loan and student fees than she ever gets from her disability.
5. She's a student too. She's not a scrounging good for nothing pretending to have a limp then running down the street to batter the jakey that stole her child benefit that was meant to pay for Chardonay-Mercedeez new juicy couture trackies.

You really are scraping the drama barrel these days seagulls.

>> No.6403213

>>because I act fine and healthy online.

This. I've got various personality disorders, crippling anxiety and severe depression. I've had to change to the Open University as a means to get my degree as the thought of going into a university petrified me and I leave my house maybe once a month to see my housebound grandad.
But Tumblr/twitter is my escape and I feel more comfortable being the non-crazy me online and people have the impression that I'm bubbly, fun and energetic. But as soon as I say I can't go to a meet up, I don't leave the house etc, I get accused of being an attention seeker because "you don't type like you're mentally ill"

>> No.6403219

I have a chronic physical disability, and I get accused of the same thing.
When I am out with people obviously I make an effort not to complain or be a hassle with my disability, but people seem to take that as "omg you are fine obviously you are lying about being sick!!11"

People can be very ignorant about illnesses.

>> No.6403223

Dif anon here. I have Fibromyalgia and I rarely use my wheelchair if possible. But on days where I just can't do without it, I've overheard supposed friends make comments like "surely that would be suited for someone who actually needs it; she walks just fine"

Makes me so mad. I'd never wish this on my worst enemy but I'd like even my friends to just have an understanding.

>> No.6403227

I'm the Anon you replied to.

That's awful, I'm really sorry.
For what it's worth, I've had a lot of "friends" over the years who said similar things.
My current group of friends is small, and have all had experience with chronic illness or work in the medical field, so know exactly what I have and what it can do to someone.

I hate that the fact that some people will lie about chronic illness for attention puts all of us under scrutiny.

>> No.6403234

She's got a lolita transformation video on youtube. At the beginning she's not wearing any make up, so you can go and see for yourself if you think she looks bad.

>> No.6403239

That's really terrible, anon. I completely understand though. I once got pulled out of my wheelchair at a convention because that person had seen me walking normally and so I must be faking my condition.

>> No.6403270


Once again, different anon.
I also have chronic medical conditions, I can only imagine what people say about me behind my back. I try my best to be the most functioning human being I can, it's truly shit that people don't get the whole "invisible" thing.

>> No.6403272

Worst thing is, I get the worst of both worlds: arthritis is invisible enough that people think you're lying, but visible enough that my hands will always be hideous. THANKS, GENES.

I am comforted that other people go through this though, as horrible as it is. I thought there might be something inherent about me that made people accuse me of lying, but it seems like that's just a thing. Pretty shit that it has to be a thing, though.

>> No.6403273

It was ok in the end. Some people pulled them off me and I ended up making some great friends. I think it's worse and more heartbreaking if you hear your friends saying things like >>6403223 because if it's someone I don't really know, like in my case, I don't really care what they think. It's just a bit scary when it gets physical.

>> No.6403276

Anon you replied to.
That is so horrible, I just can't fathom why people act like savage animals sometimes. It sickens me. Hope you were Ok and they were dealt with.

>> No.6403280


Arthritis must be especially tough considering the amount of "but that's an old people's disease" that surrounds it.

>> No.6403282

Ehhhh yeah. Arthritis is nasty. I thankfully don't have it, but know plenty of people who do. Including my boss, so he is quite understanding when I mention my condition.
My spine is kind of squashed. I might let it rustle my jimmies too much when I mention my spine is bothering me, and someone starts crapping on about how their back hurts because they slept funny :/ Aside from that, chronic anxiety and OCD. Joy. Still, I'm finally working full time. It's good really c: I digress.

I'm glad you met some kind people, and can see the positive. Being positive is the best thing you can do, sucks about all the dumbshits hating all the time.

I can't believe people sometimes. The people who seem to have something "wrong" with them, are generally the better human beings.

>> No.6403285

In my school, we studied a book called "Thunderwith". The main character being about 10 with rheumatoid arthritis. No one at my school ever questioned the girl with arthritic knees after we did.

>> No.6403287

ALL THE TIME. I cannot tell you the number of times I've heard "but you're too young to have that!"
Really? Please, by all means, tell that to my joints, because they seem to have missed the memo.

Well done you! That's really great. I finally got back into full time study and part time work this year and it feels amazing.

>> No.6403288

Yeah the person got escorted from the convention and I made some new friends from people that helped me so it actually worked out pretty well in the end!

I'm a fairly up beat and positive person because I think if I didn't, I would just cry all the time.

>> No.6403291

I think that most people with chronic illnesses are actually more positive people because of exactly this. If you weren't able to see the best of situations you would just be upset all the time. All of the other people I've met with chronic illnesses are like this, anyway. I think it's something really good to come out of being sick.

>> No.6403292
File: 53 KB, 300x504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it's good to finally be able to work. I've always been ashamed I've never had a "real" job until now, especially since I'm "so smart".
Glad to know things are going well for you too! Let's keep working hard :D

>> No.6403295

I love how you guys have turned a negative thread into something positive.

>> No.6403296
File: 47 KB, 720x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a whole year crying everyday. It was awful.
I was suffering some severe derpression though, but onwards and upwards now!

>> No.6403297

Well done on the job! When I finally got a part time job I was over the moon so I can only imagine how happy you must be!

>> No.6403300

Well, a lot of us have turned negative lives into something positive, so threads are easy!

>> No.6403311

Are all you chronically ill people in this thread lolitas, cosplayers or neither? Either way I think it's great you don't let your illnesses keep you down and prevent you from doing your hobbies.

>> No.6403317

Arthritic here - I'm a lolita, and thank you.

>> No.6403320

I'm the person who posted >>6403239 and I'm a lolita, but I occasionally cosplay.

>> No.6403329
File: 99 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes!! Thank you! :D

I was going to ask this. I was a cosplayer way back, been a lolita forever, and looking to get back into cosplay because I miss it so much.
Frilly dresses and spending ages making a costume from scratch can be so therapeutic.

Pic related, my first cosplay in nine years.

>> No.6403349

I met peachie at a loli meet, she was so nice and hyper. Didn't even know she had any problems.
Kind of envious of that, wish I could hide my own better. Though I guess it adds more to the fact she understood that I didn't want people to worry about me when I was using my cane.

>> No.6403355


Awwww, is that a baby echidna?

>> No.6403490

Great, now when I see her face on tumblr I'll be more annoyed since I'll be thinking back to this thread.

>> No.6403506

she looks like she has downs syndrome.

>> No.6403695

welp, here I go, browsing the internet from my wii and becoming compelled to post.
I feel the same way about Peachie, Op.
but I've felt geniunely guilty about it- and for a while I've been trying to figure out "why would I hate someone like that so much? " so I brainstormed up some reasons.
1. I have M.E. myself- but no one goes "baawww, poor you" instead I get some bullshit like "you can't even walk up the stairs-thats just sad" while peachie's parents support her.
2. you can only see someone on your dash so much doing "uguu" poses (in Gifs, nonetheless) until it gets nauseating. at first it was cute but now its straight out attention whoring.
3. I feel like she is hiding something- you can't be that happy. there is no drama. none.
3.she's pretty, pale, and everything I'll never be.
TL;DR I dislike seeing her on my dash but i just see it as I'm Mad Jelly and shrug it off.

>> No.6404052

As someone in her comm, I can confirm she isn't hiding anything. She's just extremely fortunate to have had a good upbringing and a supportive and positive family.
Not everyone has major drama in their life that changes their personality. She's just a genuine girl who I envy for her ability to just be so upbeat about everything.

>> No.6404085

You don't need "no drama" to be happy. Also, lots of people with an internet presence don't project daily negativity onto their blogs or art site or whatever. I don't think it's "hiding," it's just not relevant, or if they were asked about it they wouldn't lie. But if I follow someone's fashion blog, I know I don't want to hear about their breakup or their fender-bender or their trip to the ER, I want to hear about their fashion, and chances are if they run a fashion blog that's what they want to talk about. Since Peachie blogs about fashion, she's not going to blog at times when she can't dress up or get out of bed. That's not "hiding," that's keeping her content relevant to the purpose of her blog.

>> No.6404087
File: 128 KB, 1024x819, angry badger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGREED. Shes so nice. What the fuck, cgl. She's not some sort of vulgar attention whore, shes genuinely into lolita and she's very sweet.

>> No.6404308

Neurological =/= psychological. Exhaustion and pain, the symptoms of CFS, are both products of the nervous system because they are how the nervous system responds to certain stimuli. If those neurons are firing uncontrollably by some fluke of nature and creating those sensations, then that is what's felt.

>> No.6404499

its the baby-ish attitude that makes me dislike her. to me, peachie and yukapon are the same.

>> No.6404516

I hate any phony "kawaii uguu"/infantile behavior from grown ass women and men. This shit plagues tumblr and 4chan.

>> No.6404720

she acts like a toddler. I sadly could see PP in a diaper. she's attention whoring with ageplay. she's just as bad as venus, yukapon, and any other weeb bitch that does this sort of shit. it aint cute.

>> No.6404752
File: 993 KB, 320x180, gSfBs[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>See thread again
>Check to see what's up
>Mfw there are still plenty of basic bitches up in this thread thinking ageplay is a good insult

>> No.6404767

The first video I saw of her was the one where she shows her closet. That one secret about all of her replicas ticked me off a bit, but that is mainly because I hate it when people think you can't be a real lolita with replicas. That aside, seeing her just from her videos made me really want to be friends with her. She seems so sweet and cute. I haven't heard or seen anything about her being involved with any drama. Sure people can find her annoying, but just blacklist her tag, ignore her posts, etc. If you can avoid seeing something from her, do it.

>> No.6404808
File: 64 KB, 461x720, tumblr_m6aol9S4xc1ropq8lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr has a good ageplay community. There are too many creepy, desperate men looking for "mommies" on other sites; I really like that it's mostly cute girls on tumblr. Knowing that there are socially normal, attractive girls out there with this fetish and not just autistic lards made me feel more accepting of myself.

>> No.6404823

>cuz she has a medical condition
Great, I hope she dies.


>> No.6404828

There are always those niggers that don't tag their shit. I unfollowed "Creepyeha" for that reason. amazing blog but she REFUSES to tag her NSFW posts. when I asked her to she said "well, this blog's not for everyone :)"

>> No.6404845

Ugh. I hate people with those attitudes as well as those ~*PROUDLY not safe for work*~ blogs. I can just hear them shouting "AM I COOL YET GAIZ?" through my monitor.

>> No.6404854
File: 974 KB, 264x149, tumblr_mcb14m5Zpv1rzt45fo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, this isn't cute?

>> No.6404879

It's really contrived and unnatural.