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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6399381 No.6399381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6399384

I'd pitch a tent for her if you know what I mean

>> No.6399391

I can understand being unhappy about it, but...really?

>> No.6399402

I saw this in my newsfeed. I can't believe Miyu bailed on her.

>> No.6399406

I'm going to cap the replies of pips

>> No.6399414
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>> No.6399417
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>> No.6399418

>Go away, everyone.

Yes, that's one way to make friends.

>> No.6399420
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>Go away, everyone.

>> No.6399422

>>Makes unhappy facebook status
>>People try to comfort her
>>Tells everyone to go away, wallows in muddy self pitty like the piggy teri she is.

Yep, sounds about right.

>> No.6399425

I genuinely feel bad for her. I mean, imagine how you would feel if your friends ditched you to do something else? And PT doesn't seem to have many good friends, going by what anons have said she's like in real life. I feel even worse for her because maybe both of them had no intention of going at all and had just planned to ditch her last minute since she would have had the other to go with.

>> No.6399428

>Has problem
>People give solutions
>Shoots down every one and whinges more

This is like the quintessential PT behavioral formula. I'm torn between being pissed off and completely unsurprised at how much of a squalling infant she is.

>> No.6399429

I know this is weird, but for once I'm on her side. When I feel like shit, sometimes I feel like just venting somewhere, and I imagine PT felt like that and that's why she posted the status in the first place. Most people are just telling her to go anyway and have fun, I know if I were in her position, I would not be pleased with that, I wouldn't want to go camping alone either.

>> No.6399433

She's annoying. I would dump that friendship so fast you can see my workout lines as I run in the distance.

>> No.6399435

To add to that, most of those people commenting are probably anons trying to kiss her ass, not people she truly regards as friends.

>> No.6399437

"What do I do?" she asked for advice. People are giving her advice.

But really though she isn't asking for advice she's just throwing a tantrum for attention cause that gurl loves her attention.

>> No.6399441

I'm more mildly annoyed by the fact that her parents bought her tent and sleeping bags for her. Why couldn't she do it herself?

>> No.6399440

I know she's annoying, I've been following PT dramu for a while now, but I can still sympathise. If those people didn't want to be friends to her, they should have the guts to tell her, instead of just avoiding her like this. She must feel like shit, and I feel sorry for her.

>> No.6399445

I think the "what do I do?" part might be in relation to the part where her parents bought a tent and sleeping bags. That shit don't come cheap.

>> No.6399453

Considering how ungrateful and selfish she is I highly doubt it.

>> No.6399454


>PT legitimately worrying about the expense of things

>> No.6399455

She could easily say it in a non bratty way though.
>I appreciate the encouragement to go but I wouldn't feel safe traveling and camping without people I know. I'm just frustrated that my friends can't go and was looking forward to it :(
I make mopey posts too but heavens I would never snap back at people being nice like that.

>> No.6399458

Cause she literally spends thousands of dollars on anime and cosplay and useless bullshit from ebay. Who knows, she probably wanted to camp at the Ren Faire so she could cosplay and weeb out.

>> No.6399461

Her mother's bipolar. Who knows how she could react when she finds out they bought that stuff for nothing?

>> No.6399466

She should just go, I kind of know how she feels, I used to be really really really shy, and the idea of going to some sort of festival by myself would've totally freaked me out. (Actually, it still does, to be honest lol)
But she's self-sabotaging herself.
She's continuing the cycle of complaining and crying about things, without even wanting to find solutions.

>> No.6399467

... Christ. The small sympathy I had for her has now completely evaporated.

>> No.6399468

I would feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a bitch and didn't act the way she does.

>> No.6399472

Buys a ton of weeb stuff that she'll only look at once
>>Parents buy her a bunch of shit that she doesn' use
>>Can't save up for Japan or move out

This bitch...

>> No.6399473

Don't try and shit on her mum. Debbie has a firm grasp on reality and tries her best, despite what PT would try and slander her with. She'll probably be sympathetic that the friends flaked and try to encourage PT to still have fun with the equipment in some way.

>> No.6399481

Honestly, we have no idea how Debbie thinks. We can't make judgements either way about how she would act.

>> No.6399486

oh fuck off, her mom isn't bipolar.

>> No.6399489

Uh, yes she is. Are you new here?

>> No.6399491

and where did you hear that she was bipolar? From PT?

>> No.6399499

Are YOU new? Yes, there has been evidence proving that her mom can be a bit of a bitch, but even so, she still cares about Sarah and wants what's best for her. Even if she is bipolar it doesn't really mean much. PT is 27 years old, yet can't take care of herself at all, so I imagine her mom is frustrated, but I'm pretty sure she's not the abuse person she's made out to be. PT does like to make a mountain out of a mole hill, after all.

>> No.6399504

Yelling at your kids when they are shitheads is considered being bipolar now?

>> No.6399505

Apparently. Especially when you're yelling at your 27 year old to properly wash herself because she smells.

>> No.6399547
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>> No.6399555

PT ALWAYS has a pity party going.

>> No.6399588

This. Completely and totally. Poor PT.

>> No.6399590

I know I shouldn't, but I do feel a little bad for her here. Only because I've been following her Twitter and she's been excited about this trip for awhile. Heh, when I heard about her camping, I thought to myself "PT actually has friends to go with her?" I guess not. We don't know the reason why they bailed on her, do we?

>> No.6399775

Knowing PT her friends probably have bailed on her for selfish reasons such as illness, financial situation has changed or someone related has died. Absolute cocks if that's why they bailed and I'd be pissed too

>> No.6399792

I'd go with her if she blew me, I want to be the first person actually from /cgl/ to get busy with PT, it'll feel like I'm /cgl/-famous.

>> No.6399838

Man, I almost felt sorry for her until I read this. Why would you post something like that to get sympathy and then rudely tell everyone to go away?

>> No.6399959


>we don't know the reason why they bailed on her, do we?

We kind of do, the reason is that it's PT. I know some of us like to entertain our own little fantasies of getting to meet her and ~*transforming*~ her through the power of love, patience and compassion, but realistically she's probably fucking hell to be around.

Miyu is really nice and generous as hell, and if she flaked on her then that's saying a lot.
I think I know who the other person she is talking about is, who is also awesome and a total bro. I'm not surprised nobody wanted to drag her with them. It'd be non stop bitching about how she's cold or how she needs a snack break or how not enough centaurs and knights are hitting on her.

>> No.6399993

>or how not enough centaurs and knights are hitting on her

>> No.6400013

>with maces

>> No.6400076

PT clearly isn't sane, so you can't expect her to function like a sane person. I was similar, not like her, but I didn't know how to deal with my overwhelming emotions, and I still use my fb as a venting thing, but I don't ask for help when I don't want it, and I've told people that I'm prone to vent so don't worry too much about it. Currently taking DBT therapy which basically teaches you how to be a more effective human and learn to control your emotions. I think she needs it. badly. She could have worded it nicer, except that she doesn't know how, and when emotions are thrown up so strongly like she was experiencing, everything is reaction, no thought. Not saying it's not her fault either, she should nut-up and go see a therapist, but also it's her parents, they obviously didn't raise her in a loving stable environment, or were cousins, so retarded baby; either way, they should have seen signs and taken her to a clinic to get fixed. She needs to take responsibility now and take herself.

>> No.6400101

Either Miyu got sick of her, or had something come up. I'm more inclined to believe the latter.

>> No.6400123

hahahahahahahahahahahaahhaah oh my god

>> No.6400177

poor pt

>> No.6400190


Miyu did get sick of her.

>> No.6400239

look at all these ass kissers

I have a theory. If we all left PT alone she would stop being such a little drama queen. She knows she can get attention if she acts crazy or mad.

TLDR: Stop giving PT attention and she'll be less cray cray

>> No.6400245

She does it to herself. If she was decent she would have friends.

>> No.6400260

I'm always torn with things like this. I love venting; it feels good and is cathartic, so I hate it when people attempt to "cheer me up" because it really just needs to run its course. I don't want solutions, I don't want 'comfort,' I just want an ear to listen while the complaints drain out. Problem with PT is she seems to be egging it on. Her little tagline "for once in my life" just rubs me the wrong way like that.

>> No.6400263

I thought her tag line was 'My dream...'

>> No.6400274

In that status specifically, I mean. I could even justify the "go away" response, but the "for once in my life" followup to her reply to everyone just screams attention.

>> No.6400278

she got sick and needs the weekend to recover enough to be able to go back to school and work on Monday.

>> No.6400279

This. I don't think this is the first time she's used that phrase like that either. She's so fucking entitled. She thinks that she should get everything that she wants and if she doesn't get it, it's because the world is being mean to her and why can't she "just" get what she wants?

>> No.6400283

You'd think PT would be more understanding about having to miss out on fun stuff because of physical illness...

>> No.6400290

>>go to Ren Faire without equipment
>>have fun by myself looking around and enjoying the usual Ren Faire stuff without worrying about trying to make friends or meet anyone
>>too shy for that shit, anyway
>>don't camp out
>>tell friends that since they bailed this time, we're going to have a back yard sleepover at my place where we order pizza, make s'mores and read comics.
>>equipment still gets used even if it's not for the original purpose

sounds like a simple solution to me.

>> No.6400294

Convenient how she didn't mention Miyu's reason for backing out. If I was sick I'd rather rest than go to ren faire too.

>> No.6400297

If PT was ever actually *sick* she'd probably have some sympathy but we all know she's a hypochondriac and her only legit illness is self-pity.

>> No.6400314

All the hypochondriacs I've ever known use instances like that as an oppertunity for one-upping the sick person in question.

"Well this one time I had to do ________ and I still did it anyway even though I was soooooo much sicker than you are right now."

>> No.6400348

Honestly at this point the world IS being mean to her, but many of the reasons why are of her own doing.
I definitely prefer going to things like cons and Ren Faires alone or with just my fiance. I know it's selfish but I want to be able to go to the panels and demos I want to go to without having to worry about scheduling conflicts, I don't want to worry about "touching base" or meeting times, I want to choose where and when I get food, I don't want input from others about what I should wear, buy, or do and I don't want to have that decision posed to me, I want to be able to go down the line of vendors and artists at my own pace without having to change my order or keep up with or wait for someone else, the list really goes on and on, I don't want to be stuck covering something for someone else should they not be able to pay for something and I don't want someone to be obligated to do that for me... There are tons of benefits to going to those things by oneself. PT should give it a shot.

>> No.6401308


>> No.6401821

I'm honestly not surprised. She always acts like this. How do you guys know it's Miyu?

>> No.6401894

She attracts the bad shit to her. It's her own damn fault.

>> No.6401916

<3 TRF
That ugly whale should go anyway, as the saying goes:
If you can't get laid at renfest, you can't get laid at all.

>> No.6401928

>piggy teri
> my sides

>> No.6401941

That got me too.

>> No.6402350

She told me on msn.

>> No.6402398

Will she add anyone on MSN?

>> No.6402436

>people still using MSN

>> No.6402462

I'm new to /cgl/. Could someone tell me who this girl is?

>> No.6402466


>> No.6402471

How did she become famous (infamous?) around here?

>> No.6402477

She is our all glorious and beautiful Queen Pixyteridesusama! She's a Japanese cosplay idol who is redefining the Japanese cosplay scene with her beautiful and curvy body! You know, like a real woman not one of those skinny minnies! She is kawaii and graceful and will one day become a geisha and perform tea ceremonies. She constantly energizes herself with her native food mochi and Chinese takeout so she is closer to her homeland. You see our Queen is imprisoned in the filthy gaijan land of Amerifats by her cruel and crazy Haha and some white guy her Haha claims to be her father. You see her real dad is a Japanese man! She knows because of the hory windchimu of heritagu. Don't you try to stop her! She's just begun to shine desu~

>> No.6402483

I need to come here more often.

>> No.6402486


>> No.6402487

It's heratiji, dumbfuck. Obviously you do not speak our queen's native language and are not worthy of basking in her presence.

>> No.6402488

She has an ED article? I like where this is going.

>> No.6402489

Omg. Most hilarious thing ever.

Well done, 10/10

>> No.6402494

Wow, I actually feel kind of bad for her now :(

>> No.6402502
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>> No.6402567

>@pixyteri I should have just stayed at his house longer last night and not gone to the faire would have saved money......

So is she talking about Kris, or did James-chan start sticking his dick back in the cray cray?

>> No.6402573

Because she mentioned going camping with Laura on twitter.

>> No.6402604

What a whiny loser.

>> No.6402633

lmao do any of you want some peanut butter for youre sandwich?!?

i bet it'd taste good with all of that JELLY!!! xD

rolfl ^__^

>> No.6402647
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>> No.6402971

bumpity bump

>> No.6402974

It can't be you. Is it you?
Omg I hope it's you.
Please be you.

>> No.6403153

breaking news- drama

>Sarah @pixyteri I think I caught the flu I threw up my entire dinner and I'm still an hour or so from home....help.....

>Sarah @pixyteri Help it hurts

>Sarah @pixyteri Am I alive? Is this real?

>> No.6403157

Oh my god. She needs to stop. I know I should be immune to it by now, but I'm not.

>> No.6403158


>> No.6403165

I'm sure it sucks if she has the flu/food poisoning, but... I've never been that sick and still had the energy to go online to write about my misery. I over-broadcast too, but seriously, if I'm sick enough to be vomiting all I'm thinking about is how the room's spinning, not about what attention I can get from it.

>> No.6403168
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>Sarah @pixyteri Am I alive? Is this real?

>> No.6403172


>> No.6403173

I agree. I'm all about social networking, but if I'm that sick, the only socialising I'm doing is calling my mum and crying on the phone. That is all the attention whoring that is happening that day.

>> No.6403509

>Sarah @pixyteri Am I alive? Is this real?
Oh wow I lol'd

>> No.6403570

Ok - I know a lot of people trash on Pixy.

But I can sympathize with her being ditched. Happens to the best of us. And shit sucks.

A good thing is that she didnt name names in her post. But she also didnt write why her friends - or semi friends bailed.

Kinda curious..

>> No.6403584

oh god no stay the fuck away from bristol sarah

>> No.6403619

I does suck to be ditched but apparently one of them had a good reason (illness). I can't really blame people for ditching her without good cause though. Sarah seems like she'd whine about everything, and having known somebody similar to that it can really drag any event down.

Based on these two tweets, it sounds like both people dodged a weekend full of bitchbitchbitch.
>Renaissance men are not polite.
Basically nobody hit on her. Fuck they probably didn't even notice her.
>Out of all the anime cosplayers, I saw only Bleach. 2 or 3 Ichigos at that, and a guy holding Zabimaru and Sode no Shirayuki
Well no shit. You're at a ren faire you dumbass. Not San Japan. Not everything is going to pander to your sclick fanatasies. Daft cunt.

I do love the 'I'm sick and dying,' turn around she did after nobody ass patted her for not getting hit on. She told people to go away before. I can't blame them for not rushing to give her attention.

>> No.6403638
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>Daft cunt
Sounds like an amazing parody of Daft Punk

>> No.6403646


>> No.6403647

goddamnit I was gonna post that. I even started hearing the song play as soon as I read that fucking line.

Seriously, if you have enough energy to whine, you're not dead.
>help it hurts
What the fuck do you want people to do, run to your rescue and do some in-person ass-kissing? The only thing you can do with a stomach bug is just wait it out and for fuck's sake stop eating at seedy chinese food buffets. Just get home and stop being a pussy holy shit PT.

>> No.6403692


>> No.6403697

maybe she typed all this after she finished being sick? i usually type stuff after something bad happens to me so I can laugh about it with other people.

>> No.6403711

She must use the "It hurts" shit 500 times a month. I know people with debilitating illnesses and even cancer who don't bitch about it even a tenth of what she does. I fucking hate hypochondriac and attention whores.


No shit.

Or is it karma for being a bitch about a friend being sick and not going with her?

>> No.6403719

She claims to feel sick but still goes to ren faire.

Her friend cancelled on going to ren faire due to being sick.


>> No.6403735


I saw those tweets too and was like wtf. One, there are basically two ways people dress when they go to the Ren Faire, there are the people in plain clothes, who get teased a bit, and there are people in more realistic garb, who get flirted with since the women usually have bodices on that make their waists tiny and their boobs awesome. Unless PT was dressed like that, she probably wasn't hit on, which is pretty amazing since Ren Faires tend to be pretty bawdy and flirtatious.

Two, if PT dressed like she was cosplaying, then of course people there ignored her. Ren Faire people hate cosplayers.

This "I'm so sick, pay attention to me" thing that she has been pulling for the last few months is getting really tiring though.

>> No.6403754

I always snort at the idea of PT squirming around on her bed yelling "ITAI" TASUKETE! YAMETE!" whilst clutching her hand, only to reveal... a papercut.

She is so dramatic, she should join a theatre group.

>> No.6403767

Who besides an aspie would wear an anime cosplay to a ren faire?

>> No.6403770

Her mopey posts make her sound like she's still in jr. high.

I understand she feels bad about her friends bailing. But who knows, maybe they had no choice in the matter and it was nothing personal on their part. Maybe they had work and couldn't get time off, became ill, something important came up ect... PT seems the kind of person who would whine about her plans with friends being ruined if one of them was hit by a train.

>> No.6403775

Or. Maybe they realized that being trapped in a tent with someone non-stop whining about every single fucking little thing was not going to be much fun.
Then if they tried to do something even slightly independent from her they'd get bitched out the entire time- passive aggressively mind you, I think she doesn't have the balls to bitch in person- for "ditching" her.

Just a theory.

>> No.6403784


I have seen it every year that I go. People do it because they think they are hilarious. Usually they are teenagers, who I think are going "Haha, look at these stupid dorks in costumes", while we are all thinking "...do you see youselves?".

I did see a Dr.Who cosplayer at the Ren Faire once, but that was actually funny because he could stay in character and still have it make sense.

>> No.6403799

My sister does.
I go to anime conventions with her dressed in steampunk/victorian clothing since i do not like the anime shit.
And she comes to ren faires with me in cosplay since she likes that better.

We never had anyone act weird to us at either location

>> No.6403802

Although last year i did have people flip ot at me at the anime convention since i had the dead fur of a fox hanging over my shoulder/back and little 15 year old dramaqueens flipped out and whined how sad it was for mr fox and acted as if i ran the thing over myself.
It did keep furries at bay so hooray!

>> No.6403818

Damn, are there any Renaissance fairs in the UK? This is making me really want to attend one as a mead wench or something, it sounds fun.

>> No.6403841

tell me about these "windchimu"s.

>> No.6403936


I could see Ten or Eleven having a blast at a renfair

>> No.6404128
File: 327 KB, 417x518, 1331337070216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I terr story now.

Long ago, a girl child was born in rand of the rising sun to the emperor and his waifu. She was revered across the rands for her beauty and nobru heratiji. But the peace the surrounded the chirds birth was soon broken by a terrible monster, Godzirra. He ravaged the nobru kingdom of mochi, and so to protect their kingdom's future they sent they're child to the land of freedom burgers, MURIKA FUCK YEAH!!! to live out her life until one day she may return to her native lands. As a single token of her true self, they left her a single trinket, the hory windchimu no heratiji.

The child was cursed with a filthy gaijin name, Sarah but she has gone back to her nipponese name Pixteridesu-sama. She does have vague memories of her early life in nippon, and knows in someway her filthy gaijin family is not her own. Pixyteridesu-sama has already begun to shine and will one day become a beautiful idoru and miko warrior. She will have to face the son of Godzirra in battle to take back her lands. She has faced many trails to become that great warrior. She went through time of hunger (when local Chinese buffet close down for two week) and the trial of no bath ducky time as one would expect from a noble warrior miko ohimesama. One day our unworthy eyes will witness her greatness.

Until tat day the great warrior will train (do crunches) and eat her native foods to cleanse her body. She looks towards the hory windchimu no heratiji that she's hung serenely on her back porch and waits!

>> No.6404133

Shit. So many damn typos...

*their chird

Also, if somebody is better at writing it to sound like the Asian man from Hey Arnold, please do.

>> No.6404162
File: 382 KB, 417x518, windchimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I terr story now.

Long ago, a girl child was born in rand of the rising sun to the emperor and his waifu. She was revered across the rands for her beauty and nobru heratiji. But the peace the surrounded the chirds birth was soon broken by terribru monster, Godzirra. He ravaged nobru kingdom of mochi, and to protect their kingdom's future they sent girl child to rand of freedom burgers, MURIKA FUCK YEAH!!! to rive out her rife until she may return to her native rands. As single token of her true self, they left her trinket, the hory windchimu no heratiji.

The child was cursed with filthy gaijin name, Sarah. She has gone back to nipponese name Pixteridesu-sama. This is name of great warrior miko ohime-samachan. She have memories of early life in nippon, and knows in someway filthy gaijin family is not her own. Pixyteridesu-sama has already begun to shine and will become beautiful idoru and warrior miko ohime-samachan. She will face son of Godzirra in battle to take back nobru rands. She faced many trails to become great warrior. She went through time of hunger (when local Chinese buffet close down for two week. TWO WEEK!) and trial of no bath ducky time as one would expect from a noble warrior miko ohime-samachan. One day unworthy eyes witness her greatness.

Until that day great warrior will train (do crunches) and eat her native foods (mochi imported from Jlist) to cleanse her body. She looks towards the hory windchimu no heratiji, hung serenely on her back porch and waits.


>> No.6404170

This is beautiful.
The typos make it funnier.

>> No.6404179
File: 5 KB, 251x251, tobymcguireface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love you

>> No.6404193
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Thank you.

>> No.6404249

to be fair, papercuts are pretty damn painfull. and since pixyteri seems to have such a low pain tolerance, she could DIE from a papercut.

>> No.6404259

I can imagine the Twitter updates now:

>I never liked paper anyway! Why is it so mean to me? What did I ever do?
>IT HURTS ITAI ITAIIIIIIIII help me someone...
>Am I still alive? Surely this kind of pain means death...

>> No.6404260

That's because the shallower the cut, the more painful it is because most of your pain receptors are located near the surface. Or something like that.

>> No.6404268
File: 350 KB, 400x284, soamazingkawaiidesune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea pixyteri-himesama has such a groious history!

>> No.6404279

I believe it was the tenth doctor.

>> No.6404283


I think you forgot about the part where she goes to the doctor for it, then complains about how they didn't do anything and that all doctors are worthless and just out there to take her money.

>> No.6404305

Damn, you're absolutely right!

>I called an ambulance and the paramedic yelled at me and left! Doesn't he understand that my life is in danger?! what do I do...
>waited five hours for an after hours appointment and all they did was give me a fucking bandaid!!! I could have done that myself for less than $800! ばか! Stupid doctors... next time I'll just stay home and die!
>Sent home and now I can't even sleep because of the agony...help...

>> No.6404361

According to her tweets - she did go to the fair.

Did she suck it up and go alone?

>> No.6404408

She probably went just to go whine about it afterwards.

>> No.6404414

I wonder why people don't want to hang around PT..

>Sarah @pixyteri To the other stupid asshole who bailed on me from Beaumont: you idiot I could only go for one day I told you I could not go Sunday. Hate.

>> No.6404425

Just looking at her photobucket - she looks pretty thin here. How old was she in this pic?


>> No.6404439


Seeing as how that was taken when her car was brand new, I would say anywhere from 2003-2006? She would be 18 in 2003 so anywhere from 18-21 I would assume. I'm not 100% sure when she bought the car.

>> No.6404446

From her facebook: When I was at my smallest after high school. Size 8 I think.

>> No.6404451


>> No.6404469

>@pixyteri The guys I know IRL should have talked me out of going especially since they couldn't go....:(
Translation: Bawwww. I had a shitty time at the ren faire. It was totally not my fault because I'm a whiny cunt who can't have fun on my own and made myself miserable. It's my friends' fault for not talking me out of it.

No wonder she doesn't have many friends irl. Who in the fuck would put up with this shit for long?

>> No.6404473
File: 92 KB, 885x564, windchimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen the infamous WINDCHIMU-SAMA a few times now and I'm still confused by it. In both Japanese and Chinese, it doesn't mean anything of significance. It was probably mass-produced and sold by some American company who claims it means "hope" or "faith."

>> No.6404501
File: 43 KB, 300x225, fuulin_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't Japanese wind chimes be something like pic related?

>> No.6404515

yeah, those are wind chimes. The thing PT is calling a "wind chime", is actually a Christmas tree ornament.

>> No.6404518
File: 624 KB, 600x579, 1322420309577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you insult her trinket!

>> No.6404526
File: 15 KB, 247x329, windchimu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ones made of metal, too. But yeah, they generally are bells with a piece of paper hanging off.

THe one PT has is probably like in this picture. An American style windchime with an asian symbol to make it "feng shui" or whatever.

>> No.6404528

It just means "head". Like in "heads or tails" kinda thing. Doesn't mean a thing at all.

>> No.6404535
File: 35 KB, 410x308, 2012furin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of genuine Japanese metal wind chimes.

>> No.6404540
File: 39 KB, 565x600, 565px-Pixyteri_shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems appropriate.

>> No.6404545
File: 331 KB, 1711x1730, Pixyteriwtfuckerytranscript.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The famous chatlog.

>> No.6404554

What? 表 doesn't mean head. 頭 does.

Search Key: 表 Current Dictionary: Jpn-Eng General (EDICT)
表 [JIS] 493D [Uni] 8868 [部首] 2 [部古] 145 [教育] 3 [画数] 8 [音] ヒョウ [訓] おもて -おもて あらわ.す あらわ.れる あら.わす [英] surface; table; chart; diagram>>6404528

>> No.6404566

Different anon, but they said they mean "heads as in heads and tails," as in a front side and a back side. 表 means front side.

>> No.6404608
File: 50 KB, 500x333, 1348949301625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404864

from twutter
>I only got three photos of the entire faire...
>And the photos aren't of me...

(captcha: work is needed hescar)

>> No.6404890


>> No.6404926

>@pixyteri: Considering burning my Rydia costume or throwing it away...but before I do.......anyone wanna stop me lol?

>> No.6404933

and by that she means... buy the costume from her so she can has more money for mochi?

>> No.6404959

Or "wah, pay attention to meeee!"

>> No.6404970

Probably means "give me lots of compliments about how good I looked in it".

>> No.6404982

i dunno, didn't she imply that the faire turned out to be a money pit for her. i bet she needs to sell costumes to make up for whatever she bought there (i know i sometimes overspend at the renfaire...)

>> No.6404995

>>Rydia costume
>>dat low-cut top
>>dat high-slitted skirt

Oh god the flopping

>> No.6405001
File: 82 KB, 600x450, 303-4545-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6405011

Did she wear the Rydia costume to Ren Faire? Because I know she's worn it to one in the past and it makes sense that she feels like burning it since she had such a shit time.

>> No.6405018
File: 70 KB, 450x600, 27605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6405020

>>go to renaissance faire
>>don't get natural perfumes and incense
>>don't get decorative crystals or some kind of jewelry
>>don't get one of those cute puppets from Imaginarium Gallery and walk around with it on your shoulder
>>don't even get a mutton joint and secretly pretend you're a viking while eating it

Shiggy diggy doo, PT.

>> No.6405028

>Fatgirlproblems @Fatgirlsproblem Weight is just a number, and a whole pizza is just a snack #fatgirlproblems

>Sarah @pixyteri @Fatgirlsproblem weight is just a number, but a whole pizza should not just be a snack. Ewww. *_*;

>> No.6405039
File: 47 KB, 337x450, photo13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she probably wore it to the ren faire again. Pic related, from last time.

>> No.6405043
File: 42 KB, 337x450, photo12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6405053

Not going to lie, she actually looks good in this costume and these photos. I'm not sure if she genuinely looks good, or if it's by comparison to her latest stuff though.

>> No.6405050

Says her, shoveling multipacks of mochi down her gob.

>> No.6405084

Nostalgia! PT is selling a Yum Yums plush on ebay

>> No.6405094

I'm not sure about that. I thought she said earlier when she was interested in going that she was going as Robin Hood/Peter Pan hybrid. I remember in chat people made fun of her hat and called her a German pimp.

If she wore Rydia, then I doubt she looked as good as last time, mainly because she's bigger.

>> No.6405099

Oh I remember that. Didn't she also insist she would not have red hair for the costume?

>> No.6405118

That's probably what ticked her off at the ren faire. All the redheads were hogging the attention and praise from her. Weren't redheads considered superior or royalty during that time?

>> No.6405127

I think so? She gets pissy at any mention of redheads anymore. Though according to a tweet a few days (week or so?) back Kris may have stuck his dick in her cray cray hole again. I'm slightly starting not go with that assumption though since, being PT, I would imagine she would have tweeted that she's more superior to the redhead stripper because Kris fucked her again.

>> No.6405130

Actually, no. They believed red hair was a sign of being of "loose morals", being one of several mythical creatures like vampires or werewolves, or being a witch.

>> No.6405196

I always knew gingers didn't have souls.

>> No.6405220
File: 57 KB, 360x220, WitchTights1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Itachi Reznor's comment
>I <3 you

>> No.6405879

Bampu for more drama about our queen

>> No.6405890

> http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/autism.htm

>> No.6405933

I got 21. I'm not autistic, yay!

>> No.6406079

I got 32. Eh, its probably nothing.

>> No.6406597

Autismal as fuck

>> No.6406618

8, lel. Nice.

>> No.6406623


14, well isn't that great.

>> No.6406625

23 huh. I took the loneliness quiz and I'm lonely as fuck ;_;

>> No.6406630

27, safe.
Got 80 on the depression quiz. I'm undergoing treatment but it just seems like it isn't working.

>> No.6406647

Close, but nope

>> No.6406652


Seems things have mended between our Queen and James. He's playing Catherine; I am sure she's planning a new sexay costume for him.

>> No.6406705

Details please

>> No.6406707
File: 37 KB, 470x259, tumblr_majo4p6tk21qd6bkto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh shit I want to see her cosplay this.
Imagine all the ways in which she could fuck up those ringlets! So many grorious possibilities!

>> No.6406712
File: 23 KB, 513x103, uh oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her latest tweet.

>> No.6406720

I got a 30 but I'm mostly faceblind, so the "reading people" questions doomed me, haha.

>> No.6406721

We know what PT is thinking... I see a Catherine's halfassed cosplay comming

>> No.6406729

There's a conundrum:
Her hair.

PT refuses to let go of her dark locks and has preached that blonde is vice. Will she change her mind for James?

>> No.6406732

I doubt it, she will probably do a supa kawaiii Japanese version of her with black hair in the ima poopan pose.

>> No.6406737

She has worn a blonde wig for some photoshoots.

This what I think will happen:

PT will break into James' place, have a wig on and red ribbons tied around her body and she'll wait for him, laying naked.

>> No.6406774
File: 159 KB, 500x682, 1317282251867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6406860

we need the queen to try this
she will probably have brilliant excuses for not being able to read people and have strange obsessive fascinations

>> No.6408196

bumpo for our queeno

>> No.6408226

I am almost crying out of excitement for this ogod

>> No.6408573

Ugh I am so much more grossed out by James, he told PT to fuck off and out of his life and then he just lets her right back into his life.
Wtf is wrong with James? And way to teach her constant stalking and crying will get her anything she wants.

>> No.6408584

You're so mean to flake out, smoker.

>> No.6408590

Probably the stigma of fucking PT has lost him the ability to get pussy, so he's back to sticking his dick into her craycray hole. Apparently, she may have slept with Kris again not too long ago. It might be a curse guys. Once you go PT, you can never get other pussy again.

>> No.6408608
File: 78 KB, 349x445, 1348519707437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PT's face when off work

>> No.6408619

It's like good luck chuck except reverse, it's Bad Luck Sarah.

>> No.6408691

James is the master troll. He is. You know it. He knows it.

>> No.6408719

I feel sorry for Sarah but then I remember shes about the same age as me and its acting like a 13 year old. Time to grow up Sarah.

>> No.6408803

Can't get the smell off their dicks.

>> No.6408948

They now reek of unwashed, yeasty cray. So, when is PT gonna get desperate enough and purposely get preggers to keep one of them?

I remember once in a chat she mentioned something about it a long time ago, I think when she was with Kris.

>> No.6408976

I thought she had an infection. I guess she got rid of that easily.

>> No.6409057

OMG I saw her at Ren fair. She was dressed as what looked like peter pan or robin hood? Either way it was crushed velvet and looked store bought.

I nearly pee'd my pants when I saw her.

>> No.6409063

Deets. Stat.


>> No.6409088

I wish i'd gotten a picture. She was alone from what I could tell.

>> No.6409108
File: 35 KB, 350x500, sexy-robin-hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please say it wasn't this...

>> No.6409240

I don't think so. It looked more like a lime green to me, which is what made me think peter pan.

>> No.6409243
File: 145 KB, 967x1600, 546434684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, was it the adult elf warrior costume?

>> No.6409336
File: 7 KB, 300x300, $(KGrHqN,!q8FBIgMGQgJBQTQleLDLw~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it! She was wearing this but with a lot of unnecessary accessories.

>> No.6409342

Obviously a perfect choice costume for a ren faire. That will surely draw the faire menfolk into your web of feminine mystery and intrigue, PT.

>> No.6409401

>@pixyteri Watching The Last Unicorn one of my most favorite childhood movies!!!!

Hope she doesn't try to cosplay from this. Unless she goes for the Tree...

>> No.6409549

Who bailed on her that was from Beaumont?

>> No.6409758

>>favorite childhood movies

I remember her posting last unicorn fan art on her tumblr and not knowing what "anime" it was from.


>>dat tree


Look out Kris. You might one day find yourself engaged to a Douglas Fir.

>> No.6409820

>The Last Unicorn

>> No.6409822

>I remember her posting last unicorn fan art on her tumblr and not knowing what "anime" it was from.

All of my rage. All of it.

>> No.6409826

Oh HELL no. If she cosplays Amalthea I'll gouge my eyes out.

That made me laugh so hard, oh my god.

>> No.6411127
File: 207 KB, 638x960, 20189_10100563665078068_2114174255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks legit

>> No.6411175

The tree looks like it's warped by her gravitational force.

>> No.6411317

Also when the unicorn comes to rescue the magician and the tree says "she shall never have you, the hussy!", the unicorn changed into a redhaired stripper in my mind.

someone should make a last unicorn fanfiction where PT is the star and plays Amalthea. Or I could think that's a good idea because of all the wine.

>> No.6411323

Why does the katakana bon the right side of her say 'Harris William'?