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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6396826 No.6396826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a general "body care" thread? Basically everything from skin care, hair care to even vaginal (or penis if we have any guys around) care.
Mentioning the vaginal care because I've seen a thread on it before and it was very informative from what I saw. Pic not really related.

>> No.6396830

/jp/, fuck off we know you just want another gross "a taste of /cgl/" thread so you can snigger at it while holding your martini glass full of semen

>> No.6396835

My vagina has these weird things growing out of it. They look like crab legs. Should I be concerned? Is it time to call my gynecologist?

>> No.6396842

Maybe you have crabs.

>> No.6396852

You sure? They also have teeth and spew blood every now and then...

>> No.6396858

Yeah, sounds like the dangerous Mexican fighting crabs.

You get them when you fuck Mexicans. I would advise against doing that in the future.

>> No.6396856

OP here
I actually don't go to /jp/ and I frequent /cgl/ the most. I only have this picture because I saved it for someone and didn't have a picture to use, so I just picked this one. I'm sorry if it was a bad picture to use. I'll make sure I find a more /cgl/ related one in the future before posting.

>> No.6396873
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Who in their right mind would fuck a mexican

>> No.6396881


I was under the impression girls from /cgl/ would fuck anything.

>> No.6396893
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Anything but men from /r9k/, /b/ and /jp/
Now take your autistic ass back to your own board you fucking scorned virgin faggot

>> No.6396898

That language in the background implies that he's from Thailand or something. Clearly not in Spanish.

>> No.6396901

So... You do fuck Mexicans then?

>> No.6396943


You forgot /fit/ and /fa/.

>> No.6396949


>not knowing how written spanish looks like

and that's why /cgl/ will never be taken seriously.

Love, /int/

>> No.6396968

I think it's thai

>> No.6397040

confirming it's thai. Though for a moment I thought i may have been korean, but it's just fancy font.

>> No.6397278

>not noticing that the retard who thought Thai was Spanish was corrected
and that's why /int/ can go jerk off to hetalia or whatever they do over there

>> No.6397279

Someone should go post some hetalia shit over there and see what they fo.

>> No.6397281


>> No.6397399

I asked this earlier but didn't get a reply.
I have very translucent and pale skin, so any redness, veins or blotchiness shows up really obviously. Would getting a light tan even things out and give me a big of pigment to hide veins and etc? Or would it make no difference?

Also I'm 19 and I already have some spider veins on my lower/mid thighs... is there anything that causes this, or am I just fucked in terms of genetics? My mom has a ton of them but she's 60, so...

>> No.6397403

Gonna ask.

Stuff I use on my face is alcohol based.

/cgl/ flips the fuck out over that.

Why. I don't break out. I don't have acne. When I DO get a pimple I treat it with alcohol based products and it goes away.

>> No.6397405

Alcohol is a very harsh disinfectant that is a bit excessive for using on the sensitive skin of your face. It can also dry out or prematurely age your skin if used excessively.

If it works for you, good. But make sure to moisturize thoroughly if you use it regularly.

Have you ever tried salicylic acid?

>> No.6397406

I'm a guy.
I'm 26.
I still look like I'm in my late teens.
Don't moisturize, don't even know what saclayricisjfdjhdjfhf acid is.

>> No.6397408

Also, it doesn't dry out my skin.
It gets oily, but nothing excessive to make my face shine, I just hate FEELING it.
I wish something did try my skin out a bit.

I've used face wipes and rubbed it down with alcohol and cottonballs and that only works for like an hour.

>> No.6397409

Oh god please moisturize. Even if you think you don't need it because you have baby soft skin or whatever, you do. Everyone needs it.

>> No.6397411

I too have very thin skin. When I tan it helps a little, but not by much. It just makes my veins look greener, which also isn't attractive. My face is especially bad. You can see all the veins that run around my lips and forehead, it's creepy as fuck. Just wear a good foundation is the only advice I have that really works.

>> No.6397412

Salicylic acid is just another type of acne medication. Like alcohol it kills bacteria and more specifically the bacteria that causes pimples and acne.

Does your skin feel dry or flaky? Dry skin patches? If so, you either need to use less alcohol or buy some moisturizer. You can also buy moisturizer with salicylic acid in it if you have pretty harsh acne.

>> No.6397414

Ugh that sucks. I was more concerned about my body looking blotchy rather than my face. My face I just have a bit of redness and really dark eye hollows.
I can't be arsed to spray foundation my legs/arms every day hahaha.

>> No.6397416

>dry or flaky
Well. Yes and no.
I have psoriasis outbreaks on the upper bridge of my nose but Hydrocortizone takes care of that.
But look up for the rest of that answer.

The ONLY skin problem I think I personally have is ...I don't know. I want to call it backne, but it's not bad.

My shoulders LOOK like they're broken out but the skin is smooth. I get a couple pimples here and there but the skin doesn't look great and I hate it.

>> No.6397418

Excessive washing of your face or using alcohol to dry it out will cause your skin to produce more oil to compensate. Try cutting back (which I know is hard if you're sensitive to the feelings of oil on your face) and you should see a decrease in your natural oils because they won't be working so hard to moisturize your face.
Basically the dryer your face is, the more pure OIL your face will distribute.
Also drink lots of water etc.

>> No.6397421

The skin on your face doesn't look great? This might be because the alcohol is drying your skin, making lots of dead skin and causing your skin to look dull.

I'd suggest this:
Buy a gentle exfoliating cleanser with salicylic acid. Use this 3x a week.
Only use alcohol as spot treatment for your pimples- don't put it on your whole face.
Buy a moisturizer. I recommend Aveno, they also have a moisturizer with salicylic acid.

>> No.6397422

I used to be a gym rat and am trying to get back into that and live in the desert so I hydrate a lot. My skin fluctuates a little from that.

I don't wash my face too much because I know that's also harsh for skin, and hardly use the wipes anymore.

I'm using Clean & Clear deep action - it says oil free and I'm not seeing alcohol in the ingredients.

>> No.6397423

>spot treatment
I do that. Clearisil's 4-hour thing.

But I'm noting the rest of this.

I honestly have NO idea what to buy when it comes to facial cleansers I just grab whatever pops out at me and sounds best at the time.

>> No.6397424

Oh and use a regular cleanser every day. I recommend Neutrogena OIl-Free Acne Wash. It's pretty cheap, simple, doesn't smell weird and does the job. Wash with this in the morning, when you come home in the evening and before you sleep.

>> No.6397426

If you have dry skin with acne, try getting something from Lush. They use oil cleansing with no harsh ingredients. I recommend Angels on Bare Skin for daily use and Dark Angels for exfoliating.

>> No.6397445

....unless I can get those at Walmart - no go.

I live pretty far from the city an almost never go.

>> No.6397649

I have a question.
I'm about 18. My dad keeps saying that I have to go to a gynecologist because every woman needs to go every year. His girlfriend agrees with him.
I didn't think I needed to go until like, mid-20s at the earliest. I'm not even "sexually active" yet. My mom agrees that I really don't need to go yet and that visiting a general practitioner is enough.
Do I need to go to a gyno this early..?

>> No.6397663

It's not really necessary to go now, since you're not sexually active, but it still might be a good idea to go in and get everything checked out. Or you could wait until you're older, it just depends on what you want to do.

>> No.6397672

I'm in your same boat. I asked my GP and he said I should be fine, not being sexually active and all (only ten years to unlock my catmancer powers! Wooohooo!), so unless you have something worrying you, you should be ok.

>> No.6397811
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>tfw don't have vagina and don't need to worry about gross vagina things

>> No.6397887

Welp, maybe someone can finally help me.
It's worth a try.

About half a year ago I tried the famous "Japan 2 Day Diet" Lingzhi pills. Despite what people like to say, the real version of the pills DO work with little to no side effects.
I'd like to be able to buy a bottle or two, but all I've found around the internet are fakes.
Can anyone please tell me where I can buy the real version of this pill? No amount of Google searching is turning anything up, and the seller I bought from stopped selling them for whatever reason.

Inb4 every negative thing you might say about this pill.
I've tried it, I've liked it, and I never felt better while on it.

Please cgl, help me!

>> No.6397896

Or you could just read up on nutrition and go on an actual diet.

>> No.6397900

Coming from someone that could have saved her ovaries if she just would have gotten a Pap smear, please get checked out. I was t sexually active either and I didn't get checked, I ended up with stage 2 ovarian cancer and had to get both of my ovaries removed when I was only 20.

>> No.6397907

Ok, my hair. I think it used to be beautiful, with lovely curls. Then I posted a picture of it here and everyone told me that even back when it had lovely curls it was frizzy and dry.

I don't even care about the perfect curls anymore, wavy is ok. Is there any way to bring a healthy look to my hair without having to cut it?

>> No.6397908

Stop shampooing your hair everyday, then.

>> No.6397909

What are the odds though?

I've never heard about anyone under 30 seeing a gyno regularly. Maybe it's an American thing?

>> No.6397912

I wash my hair once or twice a week, that's not a problem.

I use shampoo from the pharmacy (I lose a LOT of hair and I'm trying to prevent it) and atm I'm using a "salt free" (?) conditioner that I bought in Brazil.

>> No.6397913
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>trusting brazilian products

>> No.6397917

I had forgotten my conditioner in a different state and had to wash my hair anyway, so I'm just finishing it now. But I actually thought they were good, Brazilian people are all focused on being beautiful and stuff.

>> No.6397921

Moderate, also there are ovarian cysts and many other problems than can be helped with an exam, I am in nursing school and I have seen many cases of women having repoduction problems because they did not get regular exams so many problems went unseen.

>> No.6397920

CGL how do u keep ur feet preety

>> No.6397926

I'm on an actual diet.
I work out 5 days per week.
I have one last little bit of weight that doesn't seem to want to come off and I'd like to give these pills a try again.

>> No.6397936

Gross vaginal problem.

Recently I've been getting pimples on my vaginal lips, only one at a time. It starts out feeling sore, then a pimple forms and lasts about a week until it can be lanced. When it's lanced it completely goes away.

What the hell is causing it? I'm clean down there, it's not an STD, and I've only started getting them the past year. I don't think it's tied to hormones since I'm on the pill, my periods are all random and light. Maybe my pores are getting clogged up and infected?

I feel so horrible and ugly getting them :(

>> No.6397939

do you shave regularly?

>> No.6397938

exfoliate calluses with pumice stone, use lotion regularly, foot soak as needed

>> No.6397942
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I now understand why the GF gets embarrassed when I go down on her. Vaginas are worse than 9/11.

>> No.6397949

I keep getting yeast infections in my cooter that look like couscous, and my labia look all red and rashy when they are engorged. I haven't told my boyfriend yet but I think he's starting to notice a different taste, and the fact that I don't kiss him anymore after he goes down on me (I saw some of it on his lips once when he came up and that was it for that).

Anyone know what this is? I'm too ashamed to go to the doctor about it.

>> No.6397954



Could be this, have you gotten tested to be sure that it isn't an STD?

>> No.6397965

you sound like you would still be disgusting without your infection. come clean (literally and metaphorically) and tell your boyfriend and get that shit checked out. how upset would you be if he had something going on with his dick and didn't tell you?

>> No.6397968
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>> No.6397971
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I'm jacking off

>> No.6397982
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>> No.6397983

Pimples are on the inside of the lips/inner lips where there's no hair.

I don't think it's that since the pimples are painful. Plus 100% certain it's not an STD.

>> No.6397992

A healthy diet affects your hair.
I also remember I used to use animal placenta treatments too. Placenta is full of proteins and hormones.

>> No.6397998

Go see a gyno anyways to avoid any chance of what happened to this anon >>6397900

Do the odds really matter when you're chancing your health?

>> No.6398002

Sounds like a yeast infection, to me. I've had them before, the tiny boils are what tipped me off to it, too.

>> No.6398043

To me, yeah. I'm not going to worry about every little thing that could possibly happen to me when the odds are really low.
If I had something checked annually I'd just spent the whole year wondering if maybe I'd caught it inbetween tests. I'd rather not think about it at all, and get treatment when I do get something.

>> No.6398042

How are you 100% certain? Like the other anon asked, have you been tested since your last time having sex?

>> No.6398044

Oh, it's been happening for a year, so I guess have you been tested since it started.

>> No.6398098
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Anyone have recommendations for a good lip balm?
My lips dry out pretty quickly during this season and I've already gone through a decent number of brands.

The last one I just ran out of was Neutrogena's Norwegian Formula, it felt good for a while but near the end it seemed like it wasn't working that well. I've also been using a nighttime recovery balm by Neosporin at that's great, but because it's made of white petroleum if I put too much on it'll make my lips look white. So I can't wear that one during the day.

I heard Aquaphor makes a good lip balm, does anyone here have experience with theirs or other recommendations?

>> No.6398106

I've heard 'Maybelline Baby Lips' is really good

>> No.6398108

You are gross. Seriously, at least wash yourself before he goes down on you or something.
And go to the gyno, shame or not, you can't live for the rest of your life with couscous in your hoo ha, now can you? Not even mentioning how dangerous it is for your overall health AND that of your boyfriend.

>> No.6398114

You're disgusting. I can't believe you're too embarrassed to go get something done yet let your boyfriend go down on that.

You can get some over the counter stuff (pessaries) where I live if you're really too embarrassed.

>> No.6398123
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If you were my GF, I'd literally kick you to the curb, lock you out, and change my phone number.

>> No.6398146

these threads makes being gay seem like a rational alternative

>> No.6398155

why, because one girl posted a disgusting story? you're just as stupid as >>6397949

>> No.6398166

As a gynaecologist, I'm laughing my ass off at a few of these posts.

>> No.6398198

Dudes can be pretty gross, too. Don't even pretend that can't.

>> No.6398213

as someone who has been with both, dudes are nastier than chicks. i don't know what it is but guys' asscracks always smell worse than any woman's that i've experienced, even with regular showers and clean underwear.

>> No.6398215

Question!:Anyone know a good soothing lotion/aftershave for the bikini area for preventing ingrown hairs and stuff?

I found a wax recently that works very well (tried it on my brows and a little bit of crotch; pulled everything right off and barely hurt), but I've always had problems with razor bumps and ingrown hairs.

Also, are there products for making your underarms less dark?

>> No.6398225

Not really. It's nice while you're wearing it but it fades away after about 5 or 10 minutes.
Try EOS lip balm )comes in this little round eggy looking thing), Burt's Bees, or Korres.

>> No.6398230

bikini zone, or crush up some aspirin. basically anything with salicylic acid, and follow up with fragrance-free lotion.

>> No.6398234

Eucerin lip balm is a godsend. I live in a country with pretty harsh winters, and this is the only stuff that stops my lips from turning into a bone-dry, cracked, sore mess.

>> No.6398237

Sometimes, a couple of days before or after my period, even after the bloody shit stops, my vagina smells and feels kinda weird. Not like burning, but just uncomfortable, especially when I pee. This usually only happens directly before or after my period.

It's not often, but it's uncomfortable. Anyone know drug stores products for that?

>> No.6398255

Yes, there's this cream that's really amazing that is designed specially for the stuff that you're experiencing. The problem is, I forgot the name of it.
Ask your local chemist for its name.

>> No.6398259

How does one properly trim and pluck their eyebrows. I'm fucking horrid at it and it's getting annoying having to go get them waxed every week. I just can't seem to figure it out. I have wirey sort of curly eyebrows that have thick hairs but are pretty sparse. I can post pics if needed.

>> No.6398270

if you get them plucked regularly why can't you just get the stubble and stray hairs as they grow in? spend a couple of minutes a day taking care of extra hairs and you won't have to figure out the best shape because it's already there.

>> No.6398279

I get them trimmed also, which is what I have the most trouble with so every time I try to fix them at home the end up looking odd.

>> No.6398281

something is off in the chemistry of your vagina. don't throw it off more by adding products to it. see a doctor. even your general practitioner should have suggestions.

>> No.6398289

the best way to do it is have them done professionally, and then just remove the hairs as you notice them growing in. after about a week they'll be grown out enough for you to see that they're the hairs that are growing back in.

as for trimming, take a mascara spooly or eyelash comb and comb your brows up- anything that is longer than the shape of your eyebrow you cut off. this should be done every other week.

sounds like the pH balance is off, i would ask a pharmacist.

>> No.6398339

>I'd literally kick you to the curb

I don't think you would, Derek. Remember what happened the last time you did that?

>> No.6398400

>anything that is longer than the shape of your eyebrow you cut off
If she would comb them up, she would end up with a lot of empty spaces once the combs them back to their original form.
What she should do is comb them to a degree of 45* and cut the tips of the longest hairs that stand out too much above the rest.
Here's a decent tutorial, just make sure you don't comb the hairs too high, you may end up cutting too much.

>> No.6398443

You're a stupid fucking bitch, cancer isn't the only thing you have to worry about. Get a Pap smear and do your body a favor to make sure everything is okay, stop being ignorant and act like a responsible adult.
The only possible reason I can think of for you not wanting to go is that you are autistic and don't have a properly working frontal lobe.

>> No.6398456

that was just how i was taught- you know- by a professional- at a proper eyebrow class that was over 2 hours long- by a woman who charges $30 to shape eyebrows.

no one has ever had a empty space.

also, she tweezes her eyebrows wrong. watching her drag the tweezers made me flinch. like- ow. no wonder her eyes water.
good job following advice from someone suggests putting /ice/ on the skin before tweezing (closing the pores, irritating the skin, and therefore making it more damaging with longer lasting pain and redness) instead of just tweezing properly.

>> No.6398497
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Girl you mad
What do you care how other people treat their bodies?

>> No.6398586
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>Tell someone to go take care of their health problems

/cgl/ logic.

>> No.6398607

How do you correctly 'tweeze' the brows? i don't see any dragging or anything, but i only watched a few minutes in.

I've always pulled the hairs out in a 'dragging' motion in the direction of hair growth to get the root and everything out from under the skin. lasts longer than plucking straight out for me.

>> No.6398623

dragging isn't a word used for the direction you pull, it's how quickly. the way she does it is too slow. it causes more pain, irritation, etc.
you shouldn't be able to see the skin move at all, and you should also be holding the skin taught. just helps you get even deeper.

also, putting makeup ontop of freshly tweezed brows without an astringent first.

for at home stuff it doesn't matter, people are going to do what people are going to do- but to give advice like that is really annoying. you can get real rashes from tweezing incorrectly.
like- at school i refuse to let other classmates do my eyebrows or any waxing if they haven't been doing it for awhile. made that mistake once, had a rash for over a week. just from bad tweezing.
fuck that shit.

>> No.6398632

>made that mistake once, had a rash for over a week. just from bad tweezing.
fuck that shit.

I made the mistake of letting a friend tweeze my brows, once. They stayed fucked up for more than half of my life. Took too much off the inside of it. Never let friends tweeze brows, guys.

>> No.6398643

that's obvious
but i was going to fucking beauty school
bitches get paid to tweeze and wax and i get a fucking rash

had a worse horror story of a girl who fucked up my wax- same fucking girl too. same day. there was a rule if you refused to be apart of the group you had to go home.
fuck that shit x 10000

you best believe i have my own full wax kit with like 8 different lotions and potions and powders to clean pre-wax, powder pre-wax, clean post-wax, sooth post-wax, minimize hair growth, and a wax remover to get it off your hands
speaking of that
>bitches at nail salons not testing the temp of the wax on the back of their hand
smh smh smh

>> No.6398671

Cgl I went from a 24 inch waist to a 34 inch waist in two months from being on remeron (and like six other medications) trying to keep me from bottoming out and landing in the psych ward. It literally makes people want to shovel sugar into their mouths at all times you aren't asleep. I've consulted with my doctor and am reducing the amount but it's seriously fucking with me. The sugar has me breaking out in acne and clogged pores all over my face, I have disgusting amounts of fat everywhere.
I need your help, any tips from anyone, from any venue is worth asking advice from. Ways to combat the uncontrollable cravings, ways to exercise despite constant fatigue, etc. I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer me. Also, if I'm binging have eaten like 3000 calories already of junk, but still have a bottomless stomach, should I lock myself out of the kitchen, or still eat the healthy foods?

>> No.6398685

i feel you anon, binging is my #1 go to when i'm upset. right now i'm sitting with 2 boxes of cookies and i keep eating them, i already feel sick but fuck i can't stop.

>Ways to combat the uncontrollable cravings
don't keep anything in the house you wouldn't be comfortable binging on.
when i lived alone i only kept fruit, veggies, oatmeal, and soup in the house. if i wanted anything else i'd leave and get only bring a specific amount of money with me so i could only get a specific amount of food.

>ways to exercise despite constant fatigue
longer working out, less effort. go on walk, bike rides, for a few hours instead of high cardio.

>Also, if I'm binging have eaten like 3000 calories already of junk, but still have a bottomless stomach
twins ~

>should I lock myself out of the kitchen
if you have to, yes. set meal times and don't allow yourself in there at any other time.

>or still eat the healthy foods?
obviously eat healthy foods. starving will only make your cravings and binging worse.

>> No.6398693

Slightly sweetened flavored hot oolong tea. In the largest quantities you can make. Replace all chilled liquids with water or the iced version of oolong or black tea. Oolong in particular helps trick your stomach into thinking it is more full, and slightly sweetened, flavored oolong is a decent substitute (to your brain) for sweet drinks and other sugar. And I know it's hard, but exercise as much as possible. This is where I'll tell you to be a cardio bunny; the chemicals you get in your brain from the elliptical will actually feel better than weight lifting. You can start back with the weights once you're more balanced.

I got rid of about 20 pounds of antipsychotic weight this way.

>> No.6398695

Oh, Anon, I feel you girl.
I was on steroids for three years, and gained an ungodly mount of weight. I'm only just getting it off now.

A few things I've found helpful:
myfitnesspal. It's really good because it's like journaling calories, but it counts them for you. You can also track exercise there.
Sugarfree gum and drink mix (Crystal Light, etc.). When I want to eat but know I'm not hungry, I'll have one of these. Not the best thing for you, but better than shovelling in the sugar!
Keep pictures of you when you used to be thinner around. I have one as my laptop background, so I see it all the time and remember why I'm putting myself through this.
Couch to 5k. Enough said, it's amazing.

Best of luck, Anon. I have lost 40lbs so far, but I still have a long way to go. You can do it.

>> No.6398697

Don't buy it. Don't go to the supermarket when you're hungry, if you have an option to do your supermarket shopping online (so you aren't seeing all the unhealthy food in front of you and just grab it) then do that. Go to fruit and vege markets. If it's sugar you crave, then get fruit. When you want to snack, try low fat cottage cheese with a small amount of chilli powder + sweet chilli sauce (a SMALL amount, that shit is full of calories) + carrots and celery for dipping into it.

In terms of exercising, low impact. If you can't get yourself out of the house, do calisthenics in your room. Situps, tricep dips, pressups, jogging on the spot, whatever you can manage.

>> No.6398715

I guess it's too much to ask for people to use willpower? Then again, if you needed stuff to keep you out of the mental ward, I guess your mental faculties aren't exactly the best to begin with. Those sugary snacks must look like they've got guns pointed at your family and they'll threaten to shoot if you don't eat them.

>> No.6398750

Man I've been mentally ill my whole life, in and out of hospitals and mental wards, it runs in my family. I really hope you're just being ignorant on purpose. Willpower. Yeah, right.
Thank you guys so much. As you can tell, I'm desperate. Never learned how to take care of myself and obviously didn't grow up in a stable home where this kind of stuff is taught. I'm glad there are others in a similar situation and you guys are caring enough to share.
I love love love tea, but can't actually drink it, too acidic ditto with artificial sweeteners like crystal light. The online shopping is a good idea. Found the site the low carb grocery, it's more expensive but might be worthwhile.
Again, thank you for the tips I'm going to write them out and keep them handy. Going to try to exercise a bit. :-)

>> No.6398791

If you want a fairly decent guide to what foods are healthier, try the Dukan Diet's 100 recommended foods - it's essentially lean meat, low-fat dairy, and leafy vegetables. It's not a be all and end all guide but it would be a good start for your shopping

>> No.6398810

I've seen the dukan diet books at the library, I'll check it out. Never understood what the diet is about though. Thanks for the tip, a set list of groceries could take a lot of the pressure off of buying the right foods.

>> No.6398847

It's mainly about avoiding certain foods, and having more protein in your diet as opposed to fats, and less starchy carbohydrates. I don't necessarily recommend doing the Dukan diet itself, but their food list is pretty good.

>> No.6398970

I've had sex about 10 times now and it's still fucking agonizing every time. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this? I wanna have regular sex like a normal person :c

>> No.6398989

Let me teach you the sacred art of slow, sensual lovemaking, and fuck you in the shitter

>> No.6399084

It took me a very long time of regular sex before I had no pain (like a year). I honestly thought it would never stop hurting, but it finally did. I'm just a very, very petite person, that area included, and it's possible you are too.
In the meantime, make extra extra sure you guys take your time with foreplay. Not only will this help you produce more natural lubricant, but the vaginal cavity actually opens up more when aroused, which will really help. Also use lube every single time, even if you're really wet - ESPECIALLY if your partner is using a condom, because those tend to feel really dry. And finally, relax as much as possible.

If the pain doesn't stop after a couple of months, see a gynecologist - you could have something like vaginismus.

>> No.6399123

girl i could rock your pussy so slow, so sensually, your petite frame and cosmological complexion of your vaginal walls could do nothing but accept me as i enter you with aplomb, soothing you as you drip your sweet nectar like a baby drooling in its sleep

>> No.6399134

Best way to get porn-star smooth shave?

I use a nice shaving cream, rub it on in circles, then shave with my normal razor, but still end up with stubble.

>> No.6399145

It shouldn't have to be mentioned but I will since I have met so many people who don't know this. Dont fucking pop your zits! God just why? What do you think makes acne scarring so bad? Keep your face clean and when you get a zit just leave it the fuck alone, or maybe gently apply some good zit ointment.

Don't create open wounds on your goddamn face people, christ are we 5. Half of breakouts probably start from one little zit and nasty fingers picking at it all day.

And further more, try not to touch your face at all without washed hands to limit bacteria contamination and don't let dirty shit like your cell phone rest on your face at all, and change your pillow cases and anything else that might be causing them.

I know some people have hormonal/genetics issues that causes bad acne but please try logical solutions before giving up and letting your face become a minefield.

>> No.6399208

I know some people really don't even think about the whole what gets on your hands gets on your face phenomenon, like it's obvious science that can be overlooked very easily.
But what about people who just instinctively touch their faces? I've never heard of a good solution, it's just a hardwired habit to some. And then they wonder why they keep breaking out on their chins (where I personally like to rest my hand/fingers in an awkward position.)

>> No.6399229

I had this issue years ago then someone told me to consciously put my hand to my face and stop right before touching it 20 times a day. I did this for several weeks and was finally able to stop. It sounds ridiculous, but yeah.

>> No.6399247

Actually if you have an obvious whitehead you can stop a lot of the inflammation and potential scarring by very very carefully opening it with a pin and releasing the.. ugh I feel gross even typing this. It has helped me tremendously in the past. But it's a risky affair and it gets increasingly tempting to do it with every single one.

NEVER FUCKING SQUEEZE THEM, though. It irritates and bursts blood vessels under the skin and that is where you'll have red marks for ten goddamn years afterward. Never, ever, ever squeeze.

>> No.6399260

what the fuck, this better be a joke

>> No.6399284

I used to compulsively bite my nails in my early teens. I told my mom that I wanted to stop, so she started to slap me really hard on the upper arm whenever my hand went to my mouth. Only took a few weeks before I would automatically stop myself after only raising my hand an inch or two. I guess this would be the "negative reinforcement" method opposed to >>6399229

>> No.6399290

If using over-the-counter soap (nothing too harsh) doesn't work on your acne, spend the time and money to go to a dermatologist. I struggled with acne for years, and it wasn't until I saw a dermatologist and prescribed something that my acne finally stopped.

It can be expensive, but it's worth it to have clear skin and feel good about how you look.

>> No.6399302

Anyone ever done anal bleaching? How do you do it?
Also, any tips on how to reduce dark skin under your armpits?

>> No.6399306

No, because anal bleaching has the wonderful side effect called colon cancer.
Anon, it's not like the whole world is going to see your pooper. And if it's about someone telling you it's nasty and needs to be bleached, you should probably stop fucking them.

>> No.6399333


Chronic acne is not acne acne. Acne acne goes away with mid-adolescence and hygiene. Chronic acne doesn't go away regardless of what you do.

>> No.6399367



>> No.6399477

There's a vaginal thing a woman can get that makes her vagina really tight and painful every time she has sex. Go to the doctors, they can probably prescribe something to fix it.

>> No.6399574

I do hope that is a missfire.

>> No.6399616

lol, /cgl/
holy shit.
I'm a virgin and this thread made me REALLY happy about that.
To think I was going to lose my wizardry for this??

still, it'd be nice to have a girl for company. No sexytime though.

>> No.6400636

Use lube. Even if you think you don't need it. I thought I didn't need it, and I often don't, but some days it was just too painful. For reference, I'm 5'3", with 30" hips, and when I was with my last boyfriend we had sex almost every day (often several times) for six months, and I still haven't, uh, loosened up at all.

Also seconding >>6399084. Foreplay is so, so important. Helps with lubrication, stretching, and the more aroused you are, the better sex feels. It might even help if you orgasm before having sex, especially if you orgasm from non-penetrative sex.