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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6393459 No.6393459 [Reply] [Original]

So we all agreed last night that trannies aren't actually real women and that they're fucking creepy right?

>> No.6393469
File: 128 KB, 500x326, tumblr_lz96vaMITM1qlit6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agreeing on anything


>> No.6393468

That's not a tranny, but.. Yeah.

>> No.6393473

I support transscum genocide, in the sense, that I support them being erased from our conscious, for they are not but imaginary concepts. There are no trans* people. By denying the existence of the delusions of some mentally challenged imbeciles, we erase the concept from social matters, and that is as it should be. The imaginary world falls down and we are left with nothing but a group of erratic lunatics, who should be sent off to mental institutions, where they belong.

>> No.6393476


>> No.6393484

What do you mean we

I am too squicked out by public bathrooms to use them so whomever goes in there is not my concern.

Case by case basis motherfucker, do you even science?

>> No.6393486

Are you a redneck?
Trans people have been around forever who cares?
You must not get out much.
Everyone is weird, just you can see it when it comes to trans people.

>> No.6393487

I don't care what they do, but they sure as shit shouldn't have their mutilation surgery performed at the cost of other insurance customers or the public as a whole.

>> No.6393494
File: 679 KB, 995x1898, 1330551839997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trans people

We prefer the term 'transscum' here liberal.

I think you'll find Reddit and Tumblr somewhere over there.

>> No.6393504
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1297371642859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just watched To Wong Foo on TV

>> No.6393506

I guess whoever made that has no idea what it's like to be gender confused.

Sage for ignorance.

>> No.6393513
File: 27 KB, 457x386, how_about_no-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born with the body of a female but i have had some surgery.
I use the mens bathroom when i'm out, nobody has ever said anything but one time someone looked at me for abit but that's it.

I wouldn't say i'm creepy.
I have a dog, i have a job where people know who i am and love me for who i am even the older people.

I love fashion and cosplay and i'm going to school to be a marine biologist.
I see nothing creepy, you shouldn't just judge all trans people as if we are talking about one person.

>> No.6393529

You're ftm.
He's talking about those born in male body.
I guess the creepers that have the dressing like women while creeping on women fetish have messed it up for yall.

>> No.6393541
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1351038935363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how fucking gullible /cgl/ is sometimes.

>> No.6393545

Not all mtf are like that. Does that mean we can't allow lesbians in there either, since they might have a fetish pertaining to it?

I don't even know how this is an issue for some people. What exactly do people do outside the stalls in these bathrooms anyway; that I am curious about. Apply makeup? Chatter?
>Oh god this person knows I took a dump the whole world is over

>> No.6393547

Well the OP post said "trannies"
and "trannies" some people would put ftm under trannsexual.
Not all, i wouldn't, but still.

>> No.6393552

Agreeing with OP that mtf trans are creepy, yes

On another note, WTF is cis-gender?

>> No.6393557

It is November 2012 and I have made it this far without actually knowing what "CIS" stands for or means. I actually pride myself on not knowing what it means. It means I have another corner of my mind untouched and unpolluted by communist jew liberal filth. I watched the "die cis scum" video up until the point where this jim rose sideshow circus freak said "In case youve been living under a rock and dont know what "CIS" stands for." so I immediately tunred off the video and went back to living under my rock. Whew, that was a close one!

>> No.6393563

Alot of bathrooms are unisex.
I guess if that became the norm alot of people would be having sex tho...or getting molested..
but maybe we should have some faith in people.

>> No.6393564

>I guess whoever made that didn't have to make up a retarded sounding psych condition in lieu of having an actual personality or life

>> No.6393569


To make it simple for you, it's bullshit made up by tumblr to make non-trannies into a category they can mock for not being "speshul" like all of them.

Seriously, all of you buttmad peeps ITT thinking anyone uses the term "cisgender(ed)" offline or outside of tumblr events are dumb. You're letting internet bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with you pollute your lives. Just ignore it, it means nothing.

Threads like this prove that tumblr needs to be fucking eradicated. Nothing good comes out of it.

>> No.6393571


You didn't read it, I guess. It didn't suggest you cannot be a female who identifies with a male mindset or viceversa, it's simply stating the facts: if you were born with female genitalia, then you are a biological female, regardless of how you might feel about it. It also shows that there are are distinctions between the brains of males and females, which make us more inclined toward certain behaviors and traits, but again this does not mean that you cannot be a masculine girl or a feminine boy. You can feel a certain way, but you cannot change the fact that there are two true sexes: males or females. Everything else is conjecture.

>> No.6393572

Support transscum genocide - ignore their delusions, deny their validity, stay rooted in reality and instead of trans* people you will see mental patients. Ergo trans* people don’t exist.

>> No.6393575

Op starting a troll thread and samefagging it I see.


>> No.6393586

>f you were born with female genitalia, then you are a biological female, regardless of how you might feel about it.

This is true, trannies don't deny this (outside of the internet, at least).

>there are are distinctions between the brains of males and females,

Off the top of my head, I recall there being some kind of proof of the brains of transsexuals being more like that of their preferred sex/gender than the one that typically matches their anatomy. Your thoughts?

>> No.6393622
File: 125 KB, 491x1520, 1352348398507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberals pls go

>> No.6393628

If anyone cares i was born with a vagina but i have more male hormones then female.
I grow alot of facial hair and i have to get rid of it daily, less i want a beard.
I don't take any hormones it's just how my body is.

>> No.6393633


Crying won't win you any polls.
>muh trolls

>> No.6393636

I love being a girl, I couldn't imagine how awful I'd feel if I had a male body instead.

Also I stumbled across this yesterday, seems fairly relevant.