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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6391591 No.6391591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Am I the only one who loathes the possibility of a future filled with a much larger percentage of con attendees getting high? I understand the arguments that the drug's effects are not what we historically believed, and that our federal prosecution of the substance has often been harmful in and of itself... but you know abuse of the substance will become much more common when it's legalized. Heck, in terms of law, I have no idea exactly what to do about it.

Am I the only one who hates the idea of future cons full of stupidly high people everywhere? Especially considering that they'll probably be high AND Drunk now.

>> No.6391599

Shit's gonna be hilarious to watch, bro. Don't worry, I ain't gonna make you use it.

>> No.6391605

Not thrilled about it, but such is democracy. It will probably be years before it's actually legalized, anyways. It's not like people in those states woke up with it okay to smoke pot. It's a federally regulated substance, so the states will have to get around that somehow.

>> No.6391619

Weedcon 4/20/2013 be there or be square

>> No.6391626

It'll suck because cons will become just that much more of a target for underage use, and it could impact them in a negative way.

But whachagonnado?

>> No.6391630

Fuck you stuffy little bastards. Are you seriously cool with Uncle Sam telling you what you can and can't put in your own body? If you don't like it, don't do it. It should be that simple.

>> No.6391623
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Just try to avoid them and enjoy your con experience as usual.

>> No.6391624

I have never drugs, what is weed even like?

>> No.6391632

No, but it's preferably to being told that I'm a worse person for not putting something in my body.

It's already bad enough that I get shit for not drinking despite not forcing my views on others, I can't wait until I'm a double faggot for not BLAZING IT 420

>> No.6391643


Well the people who tell you you're lame for not drinking aren't really the ones you need to be caring about, you know? Fuck them.

>> No.6391645


OP here, eh, I don't support harder drug use at all. But I'll admit that the effects of pot are generally not much different than the risks of alcohol abuse. If society decides we can survive with it being legalized, I'll accept it on a legal level.

I'm not talking about the legality of it. I'm talking about the inevitable spread of it. Even if you or someone can use it responsibly, do you really think it won't greatly impact the nature of the con party scene, and lead to a lot more people making stupid choices, especially since it's probably gonna be more popular with the under-21 crowd at cons than the over 21 crowd?

>> No.6391639

OP you need to set your hate priorities str8 because seriously, what's going to be the effect of a bunch of stoned con goers?

Blank stares and laughing at bad costumes.

Big deal.

You're just mad because they'll probably be laughing at you and your dug free pledge will mean you can't laugh back.

>> No.6391651


I'm sorry, but because of that I can't take you seriously.

>> No.6391647

You're already a huge faggot regardless of the fact you don't drink and blaze, ever thought of that?

>> No.6391648


Legality doesn't have anything to do with that. Pot heads can be gigantic retards, too, just like everyone else.

Just don't do it if you don't like it. Anyone who goes apeshit about it isn't worth impressing anyway.

Just relax.

>> No.6391656

I think you're missing the big point that it's only legal in states where already half the population partook so come on.

You're just looking for things to hate on, I bet you voted Romney.


>> No.6391660


Confirmed for huge faggot.

>> No.6391659


To continue, moderation seems to be a lost art. Not everyone who smokes a little green every now and then is necessarily a pot head. It's the same as an occasional drinker vs. a drunk, except that being a drunk is likely to get you into a rougher spot.

>> No.6391664

I honestly only believe in pot if used for medical use.

I don't really mind people using it just as long as I'm not hanging out with them while they are high.

I hate the smell of it too though, just eat it dammit so I don't have to smell that crap.

I think the worst of it is the "potheads" that act like they are the shit for using it. I get it, you use pot, don't need to tell me every five seconds.

>> No.6391663

>Legal on the state level
>Illegal on the federal level
So what does this even change? You'll still get arrested.

>> No.6391668


....Are you kidding? No they won't. The cops you see around on the streets aren't federal agents. They're employed by the state. They won't give a shit.

And no fed is going to start trying to pick off personal users. They could, however attempt to bust dispensaries.

>> No.6391671

Uhh, no, federal police doesn't really have authority to arrest people for smoking pot.

You think the FBI is going to be cruising down the streets arresting anyone smoking pot?

All it means is that if a business distributing pot isn't careful, they're going to be raded by DEA and FBI, probably accidentally kill a few pets, and send a message to people all over the country that the DEA isn't going to be losing money over some dumb bullshit called democracy.

>> No.6391675


You're right, but with a step taken this far in that direction, you can bet things will be a little different. It will probably come to a head eventually and I'm willing to bet that the Feds will lose out in the end. Look at prohibition in the 20's.

>> No.6391678

/cgl/ is prude central. Fuck. Why aren't you all so tight-assed? Just don't do it. Don't refuse to hang out with high people...half the time they don't even act differently if they're out of high school.

>> No.6391679


Are you honestly going to try and tell me that greater access to the drug will lead to responsible use for the majority of the congoing crowd?

Fuck no. I know people already use it. I don't care that a select few do. I simply argue that a lot more will abuse it once it's available now, especially at cons (which are more and more being seen as weekend parties these days), and we'll see a heap of new problems caused by it.

I don't hate freedom, but that doesn't mean I have to like the idea of high homestuckers everywhere in my animu cons.

>> No.6391682
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I can't wait for all the high gamzees.

>> No.6391685


You probably won't though. The people who buy and use it are probably people who already do. It's EXTREMELY accessible already. I doubt it will have any effect at all on your con experience unless you try to make it that way.

>> No.6391691


What are your views on alcohol?

>> No.6391693

I'm more likely to want to go to cons in Washington and Colorado now. I live in California and support legalization because taxation and regulation (when the laws/regulations are properly written) could add so much money back into the economy. The drug industry would bring literally billions back into the economy. As long as "hard" drugs aren't legalized, I think that it's ok. It will be interesting to see how this goes. At the end of the day, if you don't like it, don't do it. People who are high usually are a lot less obvious than people who are drug. You still have control of yourself and your actions. It leaves you more cognitively aware than alcohol would.

>> No.6391696

I live in Minnesota, don't care

>> No.6391697

Hahaaaa, autopilot fingers.

>> No.6391700

I believe alcohol is just horrible with really no good use. I'm not saying im a saint or anything and do nothing wrong but, I think society would be so much better without substances like that. Of course that will never happen though.

>> No.6391703

It's a good thing, now morons will kill themselves faster.

>> No.6391707


Lots of other psychoactives ought to be legal, too. I agree about the hard ones though.

Marijuana, Mushrooms, Acid, weaker opiates and amphetamines, etc. should all be available.

Meth, Heroin, Crack, Cocaine, etc. shouldn't be, but I doubt that will ever be an issue. There are too many undeniable problems.

>> No.6391709

The people you encounter that are high from marijuana could be the coolest people you ever met. Alcoholics are angry and start shit. Stoners are calm and probably don't give a fuck about anything. I bet if you smoked a little weed before a con, you would enjoy it tenfold. Unless you are one of the people who can't do anything because you fear what other people will think of you. There is nothing wrong with smoking a little weed. And for you tryhards that say it affects your lungs, then cook that stuff. Problem solved.

Stoner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alcoholic

>> No.6391710


I bet you're pretty pissed that Romney got dicked, huh?

>> No.6391713

What? No, he'd ban drug use, and then morons would live longer. It's weird how you focus on Romney like this.

>> No.6391719 [DELETED] 


That's the first post I've made about him. You're views are naive as fuck though man. Do some research.

People who responsibly use psycho-actives don't get themselves killed. All of those afterschool specials lied to you.

>> No.6391722

That's the first post I've made about him. Your views are naive as fuck though man. Do some research.

People who responsibly use psycho-actives don't get themselves killed. All of those afterschool specials lied to you.

>> No.6391723

I did something in a pipe once and didn't really like it
I don't see how this affects me at all

>> No.6391724

Notice how most of the users came here and started being assholes. You don't help your own cause. "ACCEPT ME ACCEPT ME WE COOLER THAN THOSE DRINKERS AND NORMIES" Not saying all of you guys are like that but, that is what I'm seeing in this thread and really, it makes me want to be around everyone even less.

Maybe some people just.... Don't want to hang around someone high? They aren't saying they can't be your friend because you use it. If you can't hang out with someone for one day without being high, you have a problem.

>> No.6391731
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But maybe I like the idea of this.

At least it's not crack. Weeaboos + Crack = NOPE.

>> No.6391732


Reread the thread then. The great majority of people who've endorsed use in this thread have been saying that it should be a matter of personal choice and that's it. No one has been pushing anything...

>> No.6391733

I don't know enough about other psychoactives to be able to make a reasonable case for more than weed. I smoke myself and have found that I enjoy it a lot more than drinking. Since I started smoking, I very rarely drink because I feel there's no need to. I would love to stop smoking and start eating it instead, but at this point it's too expensive here in California.

anyway, tangent, I think if the other psychoactives are proven to have beneficial effects like weed has, then I agree. If there are found to be more problems than benefits, I don't think it should be legalized. Unfortunately, there haven't been a lot of neutral studies done on the way that psychoactives affect the brain. I think I read that shrooms help with anxiety, depression and schizophrenia recently, though. Don't remember the source.

>> No.6391740

laughs because I'm canadian and I'm stoned at every convention I go
as are a lot of other people
cmon, do you really think we are all the stereotypical idiots? most of us stoners are just like you, only off in our own little world.
I doubt you could even tell.

>> No.6391741


>> No.6391748


The real issue is that people should have a right to make these decisions for themselves. It's not even really about whether it is or isn't good for you.

I'm not saying there are no consequences to the frequent use of most substances...but people should be able to make that choice. The nation didn't fall apart due to use pre-1916, and everyone wasn't a fiend then either.

>> No.6391749

>Acting like you're worth anything on this planet.

>> No.6391752

>implying you can OD on weed

>> No.6391753
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>cons full of stupidly high people everywhere
>implying they weren't already
tbh if they weren't already getting high at cons they most likely wont be now. There's still a stigma around it so the increase of "new high con goers" will probably be pretty minimal.
That being said any increase will most likely be from smokers who will actually travel to your states for things like NDK now there's more incentive--and in this economy, grit your teeth & take the +10 to tourism

>> No.6391758

Maybe I'm getting the wrong idea but, some have been coming in very rudely. "You're a faggot if you don't like what I like, deal with it"

There will always people opposing what you like. No need to belittle them for it.

>> No.6391763
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>MFW I go to every con baked as fuck

Stoners are generally quieter and lazier than the drunk bastards running around and throwing up in the hotel's plants, the most they'll do is annoy you by walking too slow or smelling too dank.

>> No.6391764

Drunk people = loud and stupid
High people = quiet and stupid

Both are dumb but weed is less dumb
Either way you should kill yourself

>> No.6391772


I think there would be way more negatives than positives if mushrooms or acid were legal. Weed doesn't kill.

>> No.6391773


People have been a little harsh because of the sheer ignorance some of these posters are heaping out.

And there isn't anything wrong with punching back at some cat that thinks they need to tell you your business. I'm not even a frequent marijuana smoker. I enjoy a bowl with some pals on the odd weekend.

The amount of importance people ascribe to the subject is what's so disturbing. It shouldn't really be overly advocated or spit on.

>> No.6391777

Weed is fine, but basing your whole life around it is weird.

>> No.6391779


Neither do acid and mushrooms. Unless what you've taken isn't the substance you thought it was, but that's a not the substance in question, obviously. LSD has even less negative effects than weed.

I don't think they should necessarily be marketed, but they should not be criminalized.

>> No.6391780

I agree to a point. I feel it is the duty of the government to protect people to an extent. I agree that people should be allowed to make their own choices regarding what they put into their own body, but if it's something that has been proven to be absolutely detrimental to the body on almost catastrophic levels, there should be some sort of boundary set. Again, I don't know enough about psychoactives to be able to determine whether or not I support their legalization entirely. I'm more willing to lean towards yes than no because from the ones you listed (if you're the same person from before), I know there aren't many adverse side effects from long term use, as long as there's moderation. It's a balancing act. I think letting things like coke or meth be legal would be an absolute mistake because those do have extreme detrimental effects. I think as long as the positives and negatives are somewhat balanced, then it should be legal and people should be allowed to make their own decisions and suffer the consequences.

Sage because I feel like I should for pseudo-intellectual banter.

>> No.6391781

Different anon, we get people in the ED from Cannabis induced psychosis and self inflicted trauma due to psychosis, you'd be surprised what those people would try.

So while you can't OD on it, you can have very bad trips which can cause you to harm yourself or others, which people seem to neglect to mention or forget it happens.

>> No.6391784

And my sage dropped. Fucking whee.

>> No.6391787

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6391788

While I understand that, there is better ways to argue their point without coming off as an asshat. I haven't really seen anyone in this thread telling people not to do it but questioning if it will change the con scene. It's a simple question that can be ansered without attacking them.

>> No.6391789


Sure. But do you really think that it needs to be illegal because of that? Look at what else we allow. I mean, fuck. If we're going solely on what is a danger to people, we might as well just get rid of automobiles.

>> No.6391790


>> No.6391791

> trips
I think those people most likely had more than weed in their system, knowingly or not. They could have paired it with another drug or it could have been laced. I know that weed is different for everyone, but it wouldn't cause someone to fuck up their arm in a random fit of psychosis. That's something I could see more happening with shrooms or things that alter your sense of reality, not so much your sense of time and processing speed.

>> No.6391795


I agree with you on most points. Either way, it's great to see someone thinking.

>> No.6391805

This exactly, anyone whose ever smoked knows weed doesn't cause any kind of psychedelic trip--if you're tripping on weed you've bought something thats been laced, which now its legalized can be regulated so that people aren't accidentally buying dangerous substances

>> No.6391806


Actually, I agree entirely. Everything I listed is perfectly manageable. The extremely hard drugs should not be advocated. The mild opiates and amphetamines would be the most debatable...but then again, you can buy codeine over the counter in most countries, and they don't see any problems.

We should make the division between managable and highly detrimental. You can see people functioning just fine using mild opiates and amphetamines in strict moderation. You won't catch many functioning heroin or meth users.

>> No.6391807


To be honest, I don't know too much about them. Do you have any sources? I agree that if they're proven not to be bad for you, that it shouldn't be illegal either.

>> No.6391819

It's more a counter argument that its safer than alcohol/etc. We get the odd high idiot that crashes into a power pole too.

When people come in like that after they've been sedated or they manage to calm down we usually take blood samples and few of the psychosis is induced from more than weed, any mood enhancing drug, including alcohol and caffeine can cause severe mood alteration to the point of psychosis.

Yes these people are generally dispositioned to begin with but a substance is still the catalyst.

Substance abuse I don't even.

>> No.6391820

I don't smoke but WTF does it have to do with you I'd someone does? Unless you're in highschool or hang out with idiots people are not going to judge you for not doing it. I hang out with people who smoke all the time and I just politely say no thank you and that's the end of it cause my friends are not retards.

>> No.6391823

>using mild opiates and amphetamines in strict moderation
I think the only issue with this statement is that, from what I understand, opiates and amphetamines have addictive properties like harder drugs do. It would be difficult for someone to have the self-discipline to be able to monitor themselves strictly enough to remain functioning. If they don't have those properties, then I could see it possibly.

I could see most "soft" drugs being legalized and being regulated the same way as alcohol. The only thing, as a smoker, I could see being an issue is making "high in public" and offensive akin to "drunk in public". I know that I love smoking a bowl then going out to eat and see a movie. Makes the entire experience a bit more enjoyable.

>> No.6391829

That's extremely odd. Are you guys running the full spectrum of tests or just the standard 5 panel?

>> No.6391839

5 panel.

Don't get me wrong, what you do in your own home is your own business, as long as you aren't abusing animals/children, killing someone or cooking up meth I really don't care, but there are risks that exist and no one wants to acknowledge the hermit homegrower that lives in the middle of buttfuck nowhere can be set into psychosis from toking it up.

>> No.6391853

People who want to smoke weed already have it and are already doing it at cons.

And besides, in all countries that have legalized drugs, abuse has decreased dramatically.

>> No.6391856

It's possible there's something in their system outside of what the 5 panel tests, but it's unlikely. That's just really weird to hear of as someone who has been smoking for 2 years. I have never heard of that happening.

>> No.6391883


You'll find that almost every serious user actually eschews weak opiates. Although you could manage a mild physical addiction, it simply would not be enough to cause any serious issues.

I had an injury eight years ago and have been prescribed hydrocodone, commonly known under the brand name vicodin, (A weak/mild opiate) for six or seven years. I have never had any issue with either physical or mental addiction. Naturally, that isn't the case for everyone, but once again, if it has managable potential I don't think we should be governing peoples personal use.

>> No.6391885


Work in a hospital or have family that do and I'm sure you will.

We also have counts on how much lego and coins has been removed from orifices.

It's sort of like that OT thread about transgenders some anon and said "transgenders don't sexually abuse women, show me sources" when while it has happened the courts have normally treated the offender as their biological gender or the girls don't report it because those GLBT groups are crazy and they don't want to be ostracized from where they fit in, you have to see it to believe it.

You stoners can be pretty chill guys, just weed isn't perfect, it also smells terrible.

>> No.6391894

I can understand the you have to see it to believe it. It can affect everyone differently, so although it's unheard of for me, I don't doubt it happens.

> it also smells terrible
It's like really strong liquor. It's an acquired smell. I used to think the same thing, but now I don't mind it for the most part. Some of it does get stanky, though.

>> No.6391902

>weed smells bad

as if cigarettes or alcohol don't

>> No.6392141

You wanna hear a story since you're all worried about high people fucking up your cons?
>Be high
>Be rolling wheel of lighter under thumb for good 5 minutes
>Be unable to light up because "it takes too much commitment"
>Require someone to do it for me
That is what high people are like. The worst you're going to have to deal with is stepping over people who just decided to sit down on the floor for a minute. You'll be okay kids.

>> No.6392226

Just...throwing in... Not all alcoholics are angry drunks. Some are happy, some are sad.
They'll display the same amount of diversity as in people who don't drink but once in a blue moon. Only difference is that alcoholics do it consistently all the fucking time.
Just saying.
However, drunks tend to be dumb as balls. I've done stupid shit myself when drunk. But worst case, I got too enthusiastic when trying to greet someone.

>> No.6392322

>implying a con isn't just a weekend party and that it's in any way serious business

Mr Highhorse.

>> No.6392335

>no good use
What are you talking about, I can name one good use right now, getting smashed it's fucking fun.

Howbout I remove your fun and make costume making anime characters illegal?

Yeah how's that feel, asshole.

>> No.6392336

People would be drunk anyways, so I don't see what the big deal about someone being there high would be. Drunks can be aggressive and inappropriate, high people just space out and giggle too much. Really, I'm not going to panic over the latter becoming more common when the former is already rampant.

>> No.6392346

>Meth Cocaine and Heroin should be illegal.

No. No drug should be illegal. I should have the right to put whatever I want in my country.

And I do actually, in the current state of affairs I have to fight back when I do though.

>> No.6392364

>all of the users
I can count me as the only aggressive poster in this thread and I'm doing this because I like to start shit. That you like to generalize entire populations based on small samples is your problem.

>> No.6392367

>it makes me want to be around everyone even less.
Also, fucking asspie detected.

>> No.6392382

Worth more than you Mr. American debt.


Just because the higher ups in your backwards ass nation have money and power doesn't mean you do.

>> No.6392378

>Be 6"3
>On my way home from a friend
>Encounter a bunch of baked teenagers
>One wont stop bothering me for some money for something to eat because he is "lolsohigh"
>Say no
>Circles me and walks with me
>Eventually gets infront of me using both hands to stop me
>Drop him
>His friends go "oh my god why did you do that"
>They call cops, I wait
>Cop arrive, they instantly say "Our friends put his hands on that guy and he puched him"
>I start laughing since they just admitted witnessing a crime
>Half my family consist of cops
>They cuff him after a thirty minute talk with everyone
>He gets one year parole I get off free

I hate 420 blaze it faggot people, the shit should only be used for medicinal purposes.
Friend that was originally from holland introduced me to some people that had been using for years, bullshit that it has no side effects.

>> No.6392386

Just me and I'm simply pointing out the facts, and like I said, the fact that OP is a fag is completely independent of anything drug related.

>> No.6392392

>Implying Canada isn't the joke of the world
>U mad, eh?

>> No.6392393

OP is a fag is not ignorance since every post by OP in this thread has indicated exactly that.

>> No.6392403

Lol those people were noobs having panic attacks, like the pair of dumbass cops that took some brownies home and called 9-11 ecause they thought they OD'd on marijuana.

If someone goes into a hospital saying 'i'm oding on marijuana' as much as a doctor would like to they can't just turn them away and say 'no ur not.'

But I promise you, in they head they lafin.

>> No.6392410


What the fuck kind of shitty weed yo toking?

>> No.6392415

>it also smells terrible.
nah man it smells gr8

>> No.6392427

>the shit should only be used for medicinal purposes.
go fuck yourself, i do what i want come and stop me, especially since I'm not doing shit to you, other than calling you a faggot but it's pretty obvious that you are

>> No.6392434

Here in Holland pot is legal, but most people dont talk about smoking it. We dont like to boost with it or anything, most of us are actually ashamed for smoking it.

>> No.6392436

Really? Mr commercialize an election and have ambassador killed by guys you funded is less embarrassing than the economy that's weathered all the recessions like nothing happened?

Try harder.

Seriously, you should feel embarrassed, here people feel nothing but pity for Americans. We see you as a directed people without voice that get shit on continuously.

>> No.6392449
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>> No.6392473

I'm perfectly fine with people smoking weed on their own time, but when you're out harrassing people then it becomes just as bad as being a drunk idiot and acting belligerent. Some states have public drunkenness and drunk and disorderly laws and they need to applied to marijuana as well (if legalized in those states) as well as restricting the age to smoke marijuana just like there's one for alcohol. I honestly doubt that just because a place legalizes it means that they'll just let any 14 year old (legally) walk down the street getting high like it's no big deal.

tl;dr Any place that legalizes it needs to place the same (or similar) laws just like alcohol has on it.

>> No.6392481

Heh. I actually smoke weed in public. If i wont tell them what i am doing, they dont notice. They howhever make remarks about the smell.

Also the fuck has this to do with Cosplaying or EGL.

>> No.6392497

And yes, if someone asks me to stop doing it around them, i apologise and stop.

>> No.6392518

>public intoxication laws
Gross. Where I live all they do is put you in a drunk tank if you're too fucked until you sober up. No charges, nothing.

I'm down for something like that, but intoxication laws are a little too much, like seriously, leave me alone, I live one life, let me live it in peace.

>> No.6392578

>implying there aren't tons of people high at cons already
>implying some of your favorite "artist" don't smoke weed
>implying every person that smokes weed is a "x420xSn1PerXx"

>> No.6392591

... Vancouver?

>> No.6392645

I smoke medicinal in California. Gets you nice and toasty but you don't hallucinate. Why the fuck would you want that from weed?

>> No.6393461

Getting head high is really fun if you want to do something like snowboard or drive or play sports or whatever man.

Not everyone just wants to sit around and chill when they get high, though I do love an enjoy just chilling around, I get bored of that pretty quickly and usually get up and do something a bit more stimulating.

I bet you're the type that smokes weed because it helps you sleep.

>> No.6393492

I didn't know weed was kawaii enough for weeaboos.

>> No.6393537

More people get hurt or die from texting on their phones. More people get into accidents from texting because they aren't paying attention to the roads. People are running into poles and other people when they walk because they aren't paying attention. Ban cell phones.

Cigarettes are bad. They kill millions every year and cost taxpayers, people are also affected by the secondhand smoke and there are documented birth defects from being around such smoke. Ban cigarettes.

Alcohol. Drunk driving, etc. Ban that too.

People are getting too fat or unhealthy, put out a tax on all sugary drinks/foods. No, fuck it, ban those too.

See? The problem is NOT the substances. It's the idiotic people who don't fucking think and don't use things in moderation.
But, I too was like you guys once. I thought I was so damn smart and superior for believing the hogwash taught in schools about how weed is soooo addictive~ and sooooo mentally incapacitating. Until you do the math and figure out perfectly legal substances like tobacco and booze (all backed by richie corporations and interests) do more harm than weed does. And that the -only- reasons why these things are legal is because they're lobbied ravenously by fucking greedy cunts that don't actually give a shit about people, and seek to knock out whatever competition that might mean a decrease to their profits (weed).
If these people could legally get away with telling you a cigarette is healthy to get you to buy it, THEY WOULD. Take a look at old magazine ads.

>> No.6393546 [DELETED] 
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i get stupidly high and drunk at cons anyway.

>people who get high at cons will do it regardless of legality

>> No.6393568

I think getting high at a con would be sweet.

>> No.6393584
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i just went through the thread and noticed people talking about weed causing bad trips and hallucinations,
its happened to me, twice, out of the hundereds of times ive smoked. but, it was when i had stupid amounts of extremely potent stuff in a really short period of time
>every second lasted for an eternity, i felt like i was millions of years older after only 5 minutes
>i thought my body was on fire
but a "bad trip" on weed is nowhere near as bad as a trip gone wrong on, say, salvia.

as for actually smoking at cons, i have pretty bad social anxiety, except when im high. weed allows me to enjoy the experience way more than if i were sober; i can actually talk to people and not freak out in crowds.
people who are fucktards are going to be fucktards, high, drunk or sober. i feel like a con full of high people would be way more relaxed than a con full of drunk people, and with much less vomit and broken things.

>> No.6393601

High people are only fun if I'm high myself and I only do that in the commodity of my home with my closest friends.

>> No.6393640

People are already drunk at cons. And drunk people are, as you know, loud and obnoxious. They're already there and we live. Cons at night is basically everyone being as obnoxious as possible, some high people won't change the dynamic any.

If anything, it'll be quieter.

Also OP I'd just like to add theres WAY MORE high people at cons than you realize. You probably have never even noticed them.

>> No.6393641

>It's not like people in those states woke up with it okay to smoke pot.
I live in washington, and beg to differ.


>> No.6393644

ALA is blaze it, faggots con

>> No.6393655

Also the trips you guys are talking about might have very well been weed laced with PCP. It used to happen very often here (before dispensaries became the norm) because it was basically immigrants trying to trick high schoolers into thinking their shitty weed was dank by lacing it. It was, as expected, horrible.

While I think this practice has diminished at least in the LA area I'm sure its still happening in places where medical marijuana use hasn't overtaken the classic dope dealer.

If you can verify that your weed is from a trustworthy source, like a dispensary, you should not hallucinate or have "bad trips" - you should however be mindful of how much you smoke the first time because everyone reacts to everything differently. It's literally just like drinking or any other substance, only less dangerous lol.

>> No.6393684


>implying I'm not going to be high as fuck during the masq


>> No.6393702


>implying you can outsmoke me


>> No.6393767

High people are stupid, stupid people are stupid. I know a lot of normal people who smoke weed and sometimes I can't even tell if they're high or not.

>> No.6393781
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Err, live in WA here and I'm pretty sure my Husband has smoked at every convention we've been to before it was legalized. Difference is my Husband is an adult and having a toke does no more than take the edge off stressful situations and not turn him into a complete dumb fuck like the tweens who think it's the 'cool thing' to do. Him being 'high' has never effected me, myself, the people we've gone with nor anyone at the actual con

>> No.6393788

Was meant to say *himself, gosh just got me me me on the brain

>> No.6393818

I enjoy the occasional toke in the comfort of my own home after a long day at work before I head to bed. I am not a fan of the BLAZE420 type though.

I also live in Colorado and Ammendment 64 will will make it legal for 21+ to purchase it for private use, from a regulated dispensary. So no smoking out on the street corner and what not, granted some people did that long before it passed. I don't see this as a bad thing in any way, and am quite pleased with the results. Just interested how it's all gonna play out. Don't believe it goes into effect for another month, and the first public dispensary was slated to open January of 2014, I think.

>> No.6393833

You are incorrect. Amendment 64 makes it legal to possess up to 1oz and maintain up to 6 plants for personal use. There is nothing making it legal for a layman to purchase from a dispensary yet.

>> No.6393837

My social anxiety increases tenfold when I'm stoned. I'd much rather be drunk, at least while drunk I can talk to people and be social.

>> No.6393947

>so much misinformation in this post
Protip: it's easier and cheaper to cimply get strong weed or grow it, than to laze it with PCP.

PCP isn't cheap. Another name for PCP is angel dust.

It's not just not cheap, but no one likes using that shit.

In fact, you wanna know what PCP is used for? It's used to put in the drinks of people to see them act stupid, and then rape them.

People don't lace weed with PCP unless they want to fuck you over because they don't like you.

So it rarely happens. You can easily trip or just have very potent pure natural weed, and if you claim to get your shit from dispensaries and never have had dank ass shit, I doubt either the veracity of your claims or the quality of the dispensary you go to.

>> No.6393971

>People don't lace weed with PCP unless they want to fuck you over because they don't like you.

That's exactly what it was, though. And yeah, its easier now. This was 2002-2005 in Los Angeles when this was prevalent in the drug scene. I even said in my post its changed now, but I don't know about other places.

And yes, I have a card and regularly buy dank shit from dispensaries and I have never once hallucinated or "had a bad trip" as the other anons in this thread have claimed. Being really high does not equal "tripping" - if you think so you're simply misusing the word.

>> No.6395650
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Once everyone gets high all the time, nobody will give a shit about people smoking weed.

>> No.6395666

What prospects? The day after Colorado passed their law the govoner warned everyone that the federal gov. Is still cracking down and Obama was re-elected. He fucking hates pot. Anyone that thinks it's any close o being made legal is an idiot.

>> No.6395678

Obama doesn't fucking hate pot. He was part of a pot smoking group in college or some shit.

captcha: corn-field procuve

>> No.6395691

Nice trip 6's

BTW I don't Obama hates weed since it was well documented that he smoked it.

>> No.6395697

Actually considering going stoned to a con now.

>> No.6395700

Piss poor argument. My mom slept around in college, but expects me to remain celibate until marriage. What you do in college has no effect on your opinions post 40.

>> No.6395717
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>What you do in college has no effect on your opinions


>> No.6395718

>Obama was re-elected. He fucking hates pot.
have you ever watched an Obama sponsored campaign thing that's aimed towards young adults? pot jokes ERRYWHUUR

and he's very often /in/ the commercials. Obama is pro-legalization. he just can't outright say it yet until it's less controversial. actually, he can now since he can't run for another term. just a matter of time.

>> No.6395729

I think the biggest reason that the crack down on weed happened during Obama's first term had something to do with the drug cartels in Mexico. Project Gunrunner was a complete failure. Most of the weed that is in the United States is smuggled over the border. I don't think Obama personally hates weed, but his cabinet is pretty pro-drug war.

>> No.6395743

I fucking love that i am reading a drug debate on cgl

Stay classy cgl

>> No.6395771

I don't give a fuck who smokes what, but am I the only one annoyed at the bullshit "medicinal pot" argument? Pot is not a medicinal plant. The body stone is nowhere near as effective as conventional painkillers, and is just as likely to "cure" people like those retards who think homeopathic remedies and acupuncture removed their pain. The munchies are a specific likening to certain tastes and textures, it's not going to improve a cancer patient's ability to chow down that brown rice and tofu.

Just admit you smoke because you want to get high, stop inventing bum knees and ADHD to "prescribe" pot.

>> No.6396167

in terms of medical use of psychedelics...

i just saw a documentary where a guy insisted on psychedelic shrooms as a cure to severe cluster headaches. regardless of whether or not they ease his pain, i just can't imagine chooosing to constantly trip balls instead of just taking pain killers...

for other psychedelics i have heard in the low countries of europe they use LSD and/or MDMA as therapy for terminally ill patients... and i'm not totally against this. i can see some good in this. thoughts on these?

>> No.6396179

>Obama was re-elected. He fucking hates pot.

Oh my sweet summer child.

>When Barack Obama was running for president he wasn't shy about his past marijuana use, saying, "I inhaled. That was the point."

>When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted!' and took an extra hit.

Anyway, legalizing marijuana doesn't mean you can have it everywhere. I guarantee you all classy, mainstream hotels will extend "no smoking" to "no smoking marijuana" and reserve the right to kick you out for being high the same way they can kick you out for being too drunk or disorderly.

>> No.6396199
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some people don't care for the effects at all, but many really like it. have you ever had alcohol? imagine that goofy happy feeling, but without falling over and getting upset and barfing. then add some tinglies and the fact that everything in the world tastes delicious. it's like being in one of my japanese animes, lel
colorado and washington are doing the right thing. i dunno about WA, but amendment 64 gives a TON of profits straight into our school systems, and keeps people out of prison for nonviolent things. the only downside is that you actually have to talk to your kids about weed the way you would alcohol, which a lot of idiot parents can't manage.
>captcha: canonibus edexedb

>> No.6396224

It's actually helped me gained weight. It increases my appetite, which I lost over the summer due to certain circumstances. Also helps me sleep.
I'm not super into defending weed or anything, some people claim it's GOD'S MEDICINE which I don't really buy, but you can obtain certain benefits from it.

>> No.6396247

i don't have anything against anyone seeking weed as a legit medical solution for a very legit condition... but not like like 'omg i have a tummy ache from too much pocky'

however one thing i find so strange is that breakthrough pain (whatever that means? what does it mean...? just chronic pain from cancer. idk) common to cancer patients can be treated with extremely strong opioids. or simply just treat with weed.

i.e. how can the super strong pain killer fentanyl (100x stronger than morphine) be necessary if one can instead use one simple herb?

>> No.6396297

Breakthrough pain is a sudden onset of severe pain that bypasses the painkillers already in the patients system

>> No.6396307

>Implying I don't smoke at cons already

It's some of the best times, legitimately.
I know /cgl/ is full of people who never leave their bubble, or were secluded growing up to have any actual exposure within their friend group, but getting high is awesome.
You don't really get belligerently high off weed like you do drunk. You can reach a point where you're pretty hilariously hurp though, and I feel like it'll even help mellow out some cons.

>> No.6396368

I think the key words in that are "terminally ill". If they're expected to recover, then no. But if they're going to die in a month, let them enjoy it a bit at least. I know this could never be made into actual law in the states due to reasons, but I think it's a good idea.

>> No.6396389

Because it's not a "simple herb", it's still a complex chemical that happens to occur naturally. Studies with cannabinoids have shown that it's not just the THC (which seems to be the bit that gets you high) that helps with pain but that plus the other cannabinoids that helps with the pain.


>> No.6396400

It doesn't work on everyone, though. But if it can help your chronic pain, it's a hell of a lot better than killing your stomach and liver with opioids.

>> No.6396402
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Guys, I'm high right now.

Precious > Jnig

>> No.6396417

At least they'll be mellower than the annoying faggots who already roam the halls.

I do worry about a drastic increase in lung cancer though. You're a retard if you intentionally smoke anything.

>> No.6397481


They'll just manage to smell worse. Combination of body odor and pot, as oppose to just body odor.

Trade off I guess.

>> No.6397610

I doubt there will be a large percentage increase of smoking at cons. They already smoke regardless of if it's legal or not. Just because it's "legal" doesn't mean a whole mess of people are going to try it. Either way I don't think you know just how many people smoke at cons. It's a lot more than you would expect.

>> No.6397700

God I hate pot. Not because I care about what people do with their bodies or hate drugs, but simply because I can't stand the smell and hygiene of most users. Almost every pothead I have ever known smelled like a mixture of wet dog, sweat and burnt pot smegma and always had an odd dampness/greasiness to them.

Yes I've tried it a few times myself, and honestly in comparison to LSD or mushrooms its just too stinky and troublesome for such a minor high. I will only ever do pot if someone else provides, and they have a high quality vaporizer- would never pay for that shit.

Also your average weeaboo pothead is the most annoying thing on the planet. Couple social insecurity and awkwardness with using recreational drugs to be 'cool' and you've created the ultimate recipe for try-hard douchebaggery.

>> No.6398331


bitch, you dumb

>> No.6398337
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every con i go to I am high as fuck. if i can't smoke at a con (no fans or windows in the hotel) I make baked goods or tinctures.
I would HAPPILY share my weed with cool ass bros.
you don't smoke? that's cool. You have a problem with me smoking? Fuck you. Nobody asked you or cares about your ignorance.

SakuraCon is gonna be the best. :)

>> No.6398487

>i fucked my grandma and I(...).png

>> No.6398521

typical shit-tier pothead response.

>haha pot is awesome guysss
>hurfdurf hahaa
>nah it doesn't do anything to your brain its safe and healthy!!!
>a bluhhhh
>man I'm hungry

>> No.6398528
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Why are people so afraid of drugs? Jesus christ.

>mfw someone tells my to put my cigarette away whilst they are holding a cup of coffe

>> No.6398545
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>not blazing it at every con
Gotta make this lame hobby fun somehow

>> No.6398547

You have a problem with me having a problem with you smoking? Fuck you.

>> No.6398622

You are so fucking stupid. No, really, this is the most stupid thing I've read today.

You are the personification of the 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT LOLOL SO EDJAAAY AND COOL.
>they were n00bs hurrrrr

I've had a bad trip on marijuana. Of course I knew enough about it to know I was not going to OD but my body temperature was strange and I was FUCKING FREEZING when it wasn't even cold. And by FUCKING FREEZING I mean it, I was convinced I was going to die of hypothermia. Only didn't have a panic attack or did something stupid because there were people around me wearing normal, sleeveless clothing and my rational side told me it was just the weed and I wasn't really going to die.
But who the fuck knows what I'd have done if I were alone?

So, yeah, go be with your AWSUM friends who are totes not noobs but please stop spewing your bullshit on 4chan.

>> No.6398628

You would have found a blanket, curled up and shivered. Then you'd probably go eat some cheetos.

Sounds like your weed was laced with something.

>> No.6398631

Here's what I'd tell you. Smoking weed or drinking alcohol increases certain senses of your brain. Stupid people drink and get high, and get more stupid, and that's everywhere. but smart people can also drink and smoke weed and have a good intelligent time. Don't lump us all together with the dumbasses!

>> No.6398650

Though I agree with most of what you said...
>these things are legal is because they're lobbied ravenously...

Not really, though that IS part of the issue. These things are widely accepted and have always been, it's already a huge part of our culture.

>> No.6398665

>Sounds like your weed was laced with something.

lol no one laces weed
why is it so hard to believe that people have different reactions to drugs and that a mild psychedelic like weed can vary drastically based on set and setting

>> No.6398670

Yeah, I was under a blanket. It was still cold as fuck, even though I was sweating. Shit was weird.

And nah, it was from a "friend" who grows it herself. I'll never know why my body reacted the way it did.

>> No.6398675

What the fuck, you get the same reaction to it as me. I've done it a whole hell of a lot too, it happens some of the times and some of the times it's been so bad to the point of losing control of my body and falling over. I even blacked out one time. It didn't really ever appear to get better, so I stopped trying. (I really really only had a few good times.)
It really isn't anxiety either.

Worst thing about it--I started getting it after awhile without smoking at all. So beware.

>> No.6398911
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>lol no one laces weed

>> No.6398981
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The stupidity in this thread is ridiculous. Please educate yourselves about weed before jumping to retarded conclusions and chill the fuck out.

>> No.6399072

I am always high while at a con, but I been smoking for such a long long, that I am not that retarded high. I broke my back in three spots about five yrs ago, it left me with horrible back pain. I am not one who enjoy taking pills to get rid of the pain, so I smoke or eat the brownies.

Ppl bitch way to much about weed, when alcohol and tobacco are way worse then weed is. Both those products kill thousands every yr, but some how that legal. If you do make weed legal, that opens up countless jobs, brings in a shit load of money, money that could easily be used for medical care, to get rid of the giant debt the U.S. is in. Also takes a huge chunk of money out of drug cartel's pocket.

Hell, a bunch of stoners at a con would be good. They will be high and want to eat, so the surrounding places make bank, they get cotton mouth and want some thing to drink....so again the surround places make bank.

WA state (I live here) just made weed legal for recreational use, with taxes all that shit, they expect it to produce around 5 billion dollars in a five yr period. That money can be used for a lot of good. So sit there and think of the good that can come out of this OP, not just thinking "Oh, there will be a bunch of stoner at a con"

Now back to /v/ for I.

>> No.6399902

Oh man being high at conventions is awesome, I've smoked at most of the one's I've been to, I'd love to pass a few bowls with other weebs, but they are like 90% rulesharks and will probably make a panicked call to 911 if they saw a bloodshot eye

>> No.6399917

seeing as nearly every drug is way more expensive than weed, i don't see why you would waste it by putting it on weed

>> No.6400232

'Murricans are so juvenile about weed.
>Look at me getting high in public!
Even your news anchors are an embarrassment with the constant giggling and feigned ignorance. I feel bad for you sane people, smokers or no.

>> No.6401988

Do you really think noone is high at cons?
If people wanna smoke, they smoke. Doesn't matter if it's legal or not

>> No.6402042

sigh such ignorance.
Did you know alcohol is much worse for you than weed? Also weed isn't too social so idk if people will be getting high at cons. Also, weebs and such are all like "DRUGS ARE BAD OMG GET AWAY" so I don't think that will happen.

>> No.6402045

This guy knows whats up

>> No.6402112

no i'd much prefer a bunch of stoned people laying around than a bunch of obnoxious drunk people who yell and scream at 3 am

>> No.6402129

>last nights room party accurately described

Yeahhhhh nope.

>> No.6402628

Level of obnoxious:

Drunk people >>>>>>>>>>> straight-edge twats >>> aspies >> stoned people >>> normal folks who don't care

>> No.6402658


I would put stoned people greater or equal than normal people. Some stoners posses the capability to not be asshats, while some normal people can't help but be asshats.

>> No.6402678

I've known a stoner that's probably a bigger asshat than your normal asshat. Weed did nothing to calm that guy's shit personality.

>> No.6402733
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>Alcohol. Drunk driving, etc. Ban that too.

A ban on drunk driving? I guess maybe.

>> No.6402731
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>this thread

>> No.6405157


yeh, get over it, pussy.

>> No.6406299

PMX = weedcon

>> No.6406347

He didn't take them constantly.. the idea is it prevents cluster headaches it doesn't just make them not painful. So it's a case of taking them maybe once a month to keep the headaches from coming. Secondly I'm fairly sure that sub-psychoactive dosages are still effective for treatment. And finally constantly tripping balls is most definitely preferable to having cluster headaches, especially since pain killers usually don't help.

>> No.6406355

Not to mention most of them are just going to be destroyed by the heat. PCP is the only semi-common drug that you can lace weed with. Except it absolutely reeks, you don't smoke a PCP laced joint without knowing that something is up before you smoke it. Usually people just have an unusual reaction to the weed and assume it must have been laced.

>> No.6406455

Can't weed be laced with crack too? I've heard of people accidentally smoking weed with that as well, although it hasn't happened to me (thank god).

>> No.6406549

Meh, I roomed with a friend of a friend that was a medical marijuana user a year ago at a con and while I didn't care for the smell, she was fine. I found her a lot less obnoxious than the drunks, honestly.