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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 186 KB, 348x500, 2315552022_532cf17285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6391204 No.6391204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ah, 2007! Those halcyon of yore! When EGL wasn't the shell of a community that it is today and wigs came from places other than Lockshop!

My Hawase Doll OP is on my dress form and I say we have a thread discussing the things we miss about the good ol' days.

I miss Mistress M.

>> No.6391237

>old days

Damn I feel old. But I agree that 2006-2007 were the best lolita years, before the ott but after we'd left the awkward bxw gothy phase behind. And oh my the exchange rates!

M is still around btw, she's just not active in lolita comms.

>> No.6391392

so much lace on that dress
>don't know if want

>> No.6391425

Dat lace
I dunno, anon. I rather like it. There is a lot of lace but it's not shit quality, and it's positioned nicely.

I would buy this C:

>> No.6391447

>And oh my the exchange rates!
I went to Japan for the first time in 2006 as a junior in high school - I had saved my babysitting money for an entire year, $700...I didn't even spend it all there.
I'm getting ready to go again in December, and $700 is the minimum I could handle...

the exchange rate makes me want to cry.

>> No.6391464

if I'm not mistaken that's either a Metamorphose or Innocent World special set that was released like a decade ago...

>> No.6391465

It's Meta.

>> No.6391495

Are you sure you've been into Lolita since 2007?

>> No.6391507

Before lockshop it was GLW. Before GLW it was mintymix. It's seriously whatever is trendy at the moment. A pretty face can and ~asian poses~ can sell anything.

>> No.6391527


There were definitely a handful of people that had wigs from La Croix Noir, Prisila and some other french sounding place I forget.

>> No.6391767
File: 77 KB, 522x800, AP-TwinkleMermaidOutfit-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, people did not wear rainbow colored wigs, only natural colors (including white and gray) until AP released this ad for Twinkle Mermaid in 2006, and it was considered a "breakthrough" in the fashion. I could be mistaken though, I have only heard this second hand as I did not get into lolita until 2010

>> No.6391810
File: 99 KB, 375x500, _1020480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what are the measurements of your Hawase Doll OP? I'm a bit too big for the measurements - 90 for bust, which is 2 cm more than the measurement and I didn't quite find waist measurements - but it's my dream dress and I'd love to be able to wear it.

I got into Lolita in the earlier days, but I only started wearing it years later. I'm still in love with Baby's iconic pieces. For me, they define the style which drew me into Lolita at that time.

>> No.6391813
File: 51 KB, 350x467, 1268025189023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not one of those "OMG AP IS SO GROCE U GAIZ" people, but I feel like since AP got big, there has been a lot less variety in the community. Less style variety, less brand variety and less handmade goods than when I joined in late 2006, definitely.

I like AP-style OTT sweet, but I think its crazy popularity and the "gotta collect 'em all!" attitude that comes with prints (replica market, anyone?) has impacted a lot of lolis for the worse. What I mean by that is this: I get the impression that people aren't considering stuff like color, cut, max measurements, length and style quite as much because they feel like they "have to have" so many of these items. I seem to be reading statements like "_____ isn't right for me because _________, but it's so cute I couldn't resist!" more and more.

Also, because some AP dresses are crazy expensive, lots of Lolitas skimp on other items in their outfits like blouses and accessories. I'm not saying that offbrand is bad, quite the opposite. It's just that while gothic and classic are easy to find offbrand stuff for, certain styles--like OTT sweet--take a lot of thought and planning to look good.

So many lolis would look so much better if not for this.

>> No.6391831

AP's push toward OTT and use of colored wigs in advertising is what brought about their popularity, but they were not widely accepted as something OK for a daily outfit until 2008/2009. Until then, they were only really considered OK in photoshoots.

>> No.6391835

In the past year or so, I've been buying up old school AP and Meta on mbok and y!J for crazy cheap prices. People don't care if it's not a print, and that's why i call bullshit on people who whine and beg and complain that they can't afford brand - no, you can't afford NEW PRINT brand.

>> No.6391900

Closet Child has some oldschool Baby for good prices right now.

>> No.6391922
File: 53 KB, 479x750, 1303353819197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the overall sentiment I remember getting when I was new and asked about wigs because had very short hair. Some people even said that they would rather I leave my hair short or get extensions because wigs made it "costumey". Now I see people offering concrit because someone's wig doesn't match their dress.

I've been doing the same thing.

Even things that people paid an arm and a leg for in the past are going for a fraction of the price a few years later. Sure, you still have your Twinkle Mermaids and your Puppet Circuses, but most AP prints don't have that kind of staying power and their value starts to diminish once the new hot print is out. It's almost like some people think of it as an ephemeral, trend-oriented collector's hobby.

>> No.6391949

Remember when it was SO much about 'the rules' and the perfect hairstyle was ringlets? I'm sure there was a debate about whether striped socks were lolita at one point.... I have to say I don't miss the handmade stuff, most of it was pretty average (although nessaneko's stuff. Hnnnnng.)

Also, agreed about affordability of brand, it's more accessible than ever these days. Second hand plain stuff is cheaper than most bodyline dresses if you can be bothered looking. Fururun's clearance/outlet section regularly has 2000-4000 yen dresses, ditto Closet Child sales, mbok, and y!japan. I just bought an Atelier Pierrot dress for 4000 yen off y!j (granted, once it's shipped and I pay fromjapan admin fees it'll be more like 7000, but seriously good deal)

>> No.6391988
File: 23 KB, 240x240, shortcake hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when people lost their shit over this because it was "too crazy"?

>> No.6392192
File: 142 KB, 375x500, 2320127520_c9b07b958c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want this wig so bad

>> No.6392197

I discovered lolita in 2007, but didn't really get into it until like 2010/2011... I keep kicking myself for that, because I would have such a huge wardrobe if I just bought a piece now and then..
Though I don't think things like closet child and mbok were even that available until 2010 or so? I remember circa 2008 having a brand dress was a big deal in my comm... Most stuff was handmade, commissioned or offbrand finds.
Now I can get this years AP skirt for less than 5000yen and have it shipped to me within a week..

And oh god I remember those frumpy ugly platforms everyone was wearing because there were no secret shop tea parties yet and mana was king... Shoes are definitely something that went the right direction through the years.

>> No.6392199


That coord is awesome :D

>> No.6392232

>It's almost like some people think of it as an ephemeral, trend-oriented collector's hobby.

Lolita is the new Beanie Babies? The horror!

But really, fashion by its very nature is ephemeral. There are some styles that will always be in fashion, but most people are looking for the next hot thing.

>> No.6392237

Closet child was available then. It was just harder to get things because the page wasn't updated as much.

>> No.6392244

Don't be dissing the giant platforms. I like them way more than teaparties, and I still have platform boots in black and white and mary janes in black. Remember when you could put black or white shoes with everything? none of this matching shoe colour to outfit shiz.

>> No.6392245
File: 26 KB, 377x500, tumblr_m9vol0TM4g1rwigauo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just hear all of CGL screaming "ita" "ebay monster" and "eww fetishist" if someone wore this now.
I really miss those outrageous lace monsters. I think they had more of that creepy porcelain doll feel I love.

>> No.6392284

I still have my platformed mary janes. And platformed demonia boots for winter, ugh.
I like dem colorz now, but yeah, matching black shoes to striped socks and black and white dress was the backbone of my early lolita.

Oh and maxipad headdresses. Loved them then, can't see why now. I probably just wanted to have a corset lacing on every available surface.

>> No.6392292
File: 177 KB, 500x474, tumblr_m2h097kqxH1qexwpbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Beanie Babies

Good comparison!

Oh I'm not denying that fashion isn't an ephemeral thing. It just seems like certain prints rise and die in popularity a quicker rate than "normal" fashion trends. I think it's more exaggerated because Lolita is an incredibly niche market. And since this type of trend is centered around a print (specifically boarder prints), that's bound to shorten its shelf life, too. Especially when brands release several prints in a season. That's why I think it's more like collecting to some people.

>> No.6392308

>boarder prints
I think you wanted to say "hoarder prints" amirite?

>> No.6392321
File: 42 KB, 272x490, 1338515465467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely miss that doll-like feeling that Lolita used to have more. Nowadays sweet is very very cute, but I'm kinda missing the doll aspect that I like so much in older styles.

>> No.6392323
File: 113 KB, 266x304, tumblr_mb53m3s6jM1qhb2os.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look through old Gothic Lolita Bibles and feel nostalgic of years gone by...man I miss old school

my life is that sad

>> No.6392348

Preach it! Could not agree more

>> No.6392456
File: 228 KB, 500x783, angelic-pretty-lolita--large-msg-126254408873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like 12 of the GLBs from 2007 and on. I remember first falling in love with lolita at 2007 but I didn't get into it until years later because I was too young/there were few places I could get it. I love classic now more than anything, but I'm still drawn back to those sweet pieces. Lolita is very lovely now, but this kind of thing is still so delicate, beautiful and real.

>> No.6392489
File: 15 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_pintucktiered_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same! I love the plainer dresses a lot. I just got a solid colour meta pintuck jsk and my partner was all "BORING!" whereas I'm like, it can be worn in such diverse ways and is understated and so detailed! Pintucks! Ruffles! 6 removable bow pins! Fat ribbon lacing!

>> No.6392589


I still love rectangular headdresses.

>> No.6392622
File: 24 KB, 350x467, 4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a lot of stuff that other people would call "boring", too. I'd take a solid color with pretty details any day, but that's just me. I like them because they're so versatile, too.

Besides, making a coordinate from basic/solid pieces doesn't automatically make it boring (though I feel like some people may disagree). The coordinates on the flasco blog are proof of this.

>> No.6392715

Do you know who or what runs flasco? They have such inspiring outfits but I've never figured it out... Might be a dumb question

>> No.6392734

You totally bought the purple one I was watching I think XD

>> No.6392802

What is this label? I did a reverse image search and came up with nothing!

>> No.6392817

This might be nooby but does any brands produce/produced child sized dresses?

When i have kids i hate to admit it but these dolly dresses make me want to dress them up like a princess

>> No.6392848

I missed when just wearing a dress (with your hair and makeup done nicely) and the appropriate accessories was enough.
Now everything seems like it is a contest to see who can come up with the most interesting, unique, coords. It also is treated like a crime if someone would dare to wear the same outfit twice.
I just wanna wear a pretty dress- which I do but would never post it to the comms because I would be chastised for not wearing a wig or circle lenses or enough bracelets.

>> No.6392852

Shirley Temple does but they're kinda ugly. Bodyline does too, I think.c

>> No.6392858

This coordinate is so beautiful. I miss the kuro/shiro twinning that used to be in the bible a lot. Old school will always be my favourite style. Even Maximam and Putumayo were awesome then.

>> No.6392869
File: 123 KB, 498x700, 1306787954569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school pic dump!

I'm so sad that ero lolita is pretty much dead.

>> No.6392877

Agreed. Been snatching velvet dresses and old coats like nobody's business. All under 5000 yen and under.

>> No.6392883
File: 104 KB, 351x500, tumblr_lz0nfjRyRz1qgxqs9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love love love.

>> No.6392878
File: 92 KB, 466x700, 1344438224477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a wig from Maple. Does anyone remember those two lolita twins with black hair in a hime cut that used to post photoshoots on DeviantArt? They had some awesome shoots but all my pictures of them are lost.

>> No.6392895

I've just given up on prints. I just wait for them to go on auction for 1/4 the price if I still like the print months later.

>> No.6392906
File: 165 KB, 375x500, DSC00854-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad that I saw Iron Gate get released but was a poor noob lolita who couldn't afford it.

>> No.6392910

So much regret not winning this dress on mbok....

>> No.6392931
File: 57 KB, 400x600, 1325018629521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently recut my hair into a hime cut but it doesn't look cute like it did on me five years ago. It's going to take ages to grow out... Does anyone else have a hime cut?

>> No.6392976

I am thinking of getting one eventually.

>> No.6392979

I don't but I have 2 girls in my local comm who do. On one it looks FUCKING AWESOME and on the other it just looks sad. It all has to do with their face shape and hair texture....

>> No.6392986

Flasco is a store in Kyoto that stocks lots of the classic brands and makes co-ords with them to post on their blog

>> No.6392987

I have a kind of oval shaped face and I'm curious if it will work well on me.

>> No.6393062

I do. I use to have it cut a bit thin with box fringe but now its more prominent & I have a side bang. Sounds like an odd pair but it helps hide how damn round my face is.

>> No.6393103

Do I know you?

>> No.6393739
File: 138 KB, 495x700, 1312206744803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now everything seems like it is a contest to see who can come up with the most interesting, unique, coords.
You'd be surprised though if you find older people into lolita. I was dressed up rather plain but had some great conversations with a group of older gals like me.

>It also is treated like a crime if someone would dare to wear the same outfit twice.
This is the mindset I don't get. I wear pieces I love or have them adjusted to fit my body. I wear them because I love them. I'd rather see someone who wears clothes they love instead of just wearing what's popular, because it's popular.

>> No.6393847

I did when they were kinda popular, 2007-2008 ish. It was a total accident though. My mom cut my fringe and I wanted it thicker but cut it wider rather than further back on my head. I tried to fix it and the best I could do is muster up a 2+ yr hime cut. It's gone now though, but I kinda miss the face shaping part of it. I think my favorite phase was when it just hit the tip of my jaw. If it doesn't work on you now it probably will when it hits that point.

>> No.6393865
File: 27 KB, 250x333, ap_op_dolce_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with the huge block of darker purple in the middle of the bodice? If so, then yes. Guilty as charged.

Honestly, you can find a gazillion brands that make princessy dresses for kids. You don't need to shop Angelic Pretty or anything, shit, just go into most childrens' clothing stores.

Exactly this except for the bit about partners calling it boring :P I bought the Dolce OP and was like HNNNG RUFFLES AND SCALLOPS AND BOWS EVERYWHERE

>> No.6394272

this is arguably the best thread on /cgl/ right now.

>> No.6394276

Oh man, my LJ name was made in 2004/5 and has a type of loli as the name. Makes me feel old.

>> No.6394347
File: 18 KB, 240x320, jMHV3VoXPYgT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like:
natural hair
platforms and wedges
black and white
non-printed items

I hate:
Metamorphose's larger sizes
how popular lolita has become
the exchange rate
ETC and JM recycling their prints

>> No.6394348


forgot to mention...

I hate how nearly all pics on tumblr, daily lolita are shopped.

>> No.6394359

Geez, you would love my pictures... I am completely ignorant about all kinds of editing programs haha.

>> No.6394362

I would buy the shit out of OP's dress there. Where do I get my grubby fingers on such a thing? Unff!

>> No.6394368

Whatever happened to Minty Mix? They were all the rage, then it was just suddenly all about GLW...

>> No.6394370

Are you me?

>> No.6394382

I've been buying all the older ones. I only got into lolita in '09, the introductory age of OTT, but I still remember it was the old school stuff that hooked me in, reel, line and sinker. Old GLB's give me that feeling of falling in love all over again. Going through newer GLB's just give me that "I don't have enough brand/prints!" feeling. That's all lolita seems to be right now. All about collecting the next print for the collection.
I love all of you girls right now, you all know what lolita used to be like and know the feelings I have about new lolita these days.

>> No.6394385

Amen, sisterlady! I find it so much easier to create a beautiful elegant coord with plain pieces to work with. With all these prints, things are just too matchy-matchy and only work with this, this and this...You have to get the matching bag and socks and headbow...
I find prints are just too busy and distracting from a whole outfit.

>> No.6394388

Me too. I remember the picture that got me into lolita was this gothic red dress with tons of lace... I still love it, but there's no way I could get away with wearing it.

>> No.6394389

I agree with all of this, but I particularly feel it's all about "how much stuff I can stick to my wig" and stuff. It's hard to distinguish sweet lolita from OTT and decora these days. They've just blended into one big newbie monster. I miss old school sweet, when it was just the ruffles, scallops and pintucks that were the decoration, not the stars and rings and stickers and whatnot.

>> No.6394393

Are we the same person?
Fuck wigs, fuck prints, fuck teaparty shoes, fuck OTT, fuck lolita being so popular these days, fuck shooping noses out of photos!
ARGH! Makes me want to rip my hair out!

>> No.6394397
File: 60 KB, 290x387, DressWithWhite2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when this was my dream dress. I spent hours shooping it into different coords, with different blouses, with the detachable items on and off, with different hairstyles...This is one of my old shoops I kept. I would still love to have this dress...

>> No.6394403

glad I'm not the only one!

>> No.6394450

This thread makes me infinitely happy that I'm not the only one. I even got caught up in the "newer" lolita, fell out of love with the style completely until I realised that it's not lolita I dislike, it's the way it's worn now. I'm now re-building my wardrobe almost from scratch...

>> No.6394459

Just saying, we've had this thread here before, everyone claims they're going to go back to dressing in old school and no one ever does.

>> No.6394463

This is the picture that made me decide I had to be a lolita. Man, that was a long time ago. I used to handmake all of my lolita back then. Now I'm not bothered to because getting borderprint fabric that's attractive is as expensive as getting second hand.

Though this has made me reconsider starting a shiro wardrobe up again...

>> No.6394469

I think people who dress in oldschool are less prone to post it though. Nowadays Sweet is still generally most-liked and most-posted.

>> No.6394488

Sweet is also so easy to access, too. Going through CC and fururun, they're chock a block with sweet and the classic brands are emptier than my fridge the day before payday. If I was a sweet lolita, I'd never complain that I can never find nice dresses to wear. Being classic and goth, I have to comb through the depths of everything to find something that fits and matches my aesthetics...Brings me back again to the fact I was Moi Meme Moite didn't have that shitty writing on the bottom, otherwise I'd enjoy Mana's clothing a whole lot more.

>> No.6394824

the old gothic lolita bibles had such beautiful photoshoots <3

2007 was when I first discovered and fell in love with lolita

>> No.6394828

fucking this. I'm not a fan of prints in general, but if I'm gonna have one, I don't want writing across the bottom of it. I like details that come from pintucks and ruffles. Moitie's plain pieces are infinitely more beautiful than their prints

>> No.6394829

I hate that writing. Ruins most of their dresses for me.

>> No.6394856

I love all of APs non print dresses, even the ones they make now. This dress is love!

>> No.6394900
File: 364 KB, 405x599, styling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days back when Getoffegl was a community for snark, wank and airing petty grievances. Don't get me wrong, I like that they out scammers and shit sellers. I could do without the fact that it's become Tumblr Lite, though.

I think in our eagerness to prove that our reputation as a "not noob friendly" community is somewhat responsible for the degradation of post quality on the main comm.

I also miss when d_l was more like everyday_gyaru and had more concrit and wasn't just a for asspats.

I miss the days when it didn't feel like most of the members were trying to outdo eachother with `~*crazy unique substyles and outfits*~`. Experimentation is fine of course, but like someone else said, it takes lots of thought and planning; not just adding a bunch of random crap to be "different". A lot of guys and girls would look better if they didn't try so hard.

>> No.6395038


I miss when it was a practical fashion (or, well, as practical as it could be) and about looking like a doll every day. OTT looks so stupid. The AP clones were cute, but I have yet to see anyone pull it off like they did.

>> No.6395588

>I miss the days back when Getoffegl was a community for snark, wank and airing petty grievances. Don't get me wrong, I like that they out scammers and shit sellers. I could do without the fact that it's become Tumblr Lite, though.

That's what CGL is for now, unfortunately.

>> No.6396042

I think daily_lolita's name planted the idea that you have to wear lolita. every. day. and fueled a bunch of dumb lifestyle stuff. Lifestyle always seems like a competition to be more rori than the next person. The people who are actually wearing the clothes aren't obsessed with making sure everyone on the internet knows it. I'm really gratefuly for my comm for being more mature.

>> No.6396082
File: 99 KB, 280x373, lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no-one bothers to post it on the internet because most of us don't care about getting attention for it.

I don't universally love AP's non printed items, but I do think I prefer non-printed or more subtle stuff like flocked same-colour prints or embroidery. Mind you I'm also fond of designs where there are blocks of colour like pic related, which isn't always too subtle!