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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 323 KB, 2048x1152, 54278_10151321018198478_816829596_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6390505 No.6390505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, Madman Entertainment is throwing around those heavily shooped images of Gigi Evans (Rarity This, or whatever the fuck she's called now).


>> No.6390509
File: 148 KB, 846x731, gem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, fucking seriously? She looks terrible.

>> No.6390514
File: 77 KB, 528x384, ThatPostGaveMeCancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How gorgeous!

>> No.6390523
File: 177 KB, 900x1349, behind_the_curtain_by_queen_regina-d57roab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be so disappointed when greeted by this, or perhaps relieved she isn't a starving woman (going by her face)?

>> No.6390533
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>Queen-Regina thread

She thinks this will sell?

>> No.6390536
File: 381 KB, 1024x1371, rarity_hat_by_queen_regina-d5jrptg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>place on a purple wig
>it's a rarity hat!

>> No.6390543
File: 147 KB, 300x442, 1346213176584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.6390581

Sometimes, crazy lady, I really do wish I poisoned your food like you think I did.
Crazy, haggard mountain of equine blubber and genuine Swarovski crystals and freeze-dried finery. How many Centrelink payments does it take to purchase enough real imported French silk to cover your ass?

>> No.6390645
File: 102 KB, 416x354, 1342535908008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amanda Narcissa Lily Rarity Gigi Evans, hang your head in shame.

>> No.6390649
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That shoop is so bad she looks like she has progeria.

>> No.6390665
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Before/After thread?

>> No.6390673
File: 2.58 MB, 460x340, Animation3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this become
>>6390509 this?

>> No.6390713
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>> No.6390716

Did she really think no one would notice that her leg suddenly protruded about 10 inches away from her hips?

>> No.6390724

The hip proportions are hilarious.

The blur around her hand is the best part. Apparently her hand is desolving.

>> No.6392985

Lily General?

I don't have her on FB and the Lily Files tumblr is on hiatus so I have no fix....

>> No.6393112

All I see is a bunch of mad women fucking pissed that a person that they don't like is photoshopping themselves to look prettier and is getting attention for it. Cry moar.
But this drama is dead and buried. Nobody gives a shit except for the five people she's apparently envenomed.

>> No.6393178

Welcome to /cgl/
it may be old drama, but we love it all the same.

>> No.6393213
File: 601 KB, 1069x1623, mourningjewels001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even suggesting this in a cruel way, just given her preference for making large gowns and her facial features/body shape, this would be pretty amazing.

>> No.6393217

this would be perfect for her and she wouldn't need makeup either

>> No.6394316
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 1326976309624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting photos of her spawn

>> No.6398618

Finally learnt her lesson.
Though has she even see her son this year?

>> No.6398727
File: 99 KB, 640x960, melbourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent pic I have.
Taken in her visit to Melbourne

Trying to figure what the fuck she is wearing

>> No.6398811

Woah looking bad as ever...
Waiting for the Madman Stream to start - late as always
Looks like the Lily Files updated too

>> No.6398843
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>> No.6398914
File: 100 KB, 960x639, 1048_428861480496400_1815327393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sakura cosplay - again...I'm more worried about what she is feeding to the horse
Lily and Beethy probably got all butt hurt and demanded they not go live or holding up this show

>> No.6398961
File: 125 KB, 1033x1300, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sword is nearly 3 metres long!
Talk about penis envy

>> No.6399086

Streaming now:

>> No.6399506

"Congrats to team Gusta on winning the 2012 Madman National Cosplay Championship. 2nd Roxas 3rd Midori Emerald"

>> No.6399553

Hey anon how did you shoop it to make it look almost anime-ish? I actually wanna do something like that

And sage for useless sage

>> No.6399710

You do know that the lily files has been run by beethy this whole time right?

>> No.6399854

he openly admitted that at sydney supanova, this is old news.

>> No.6400064

Wow he will say anything for attention Beethy will.

Still getting over Lily saying her flowers from Mexico were detained from customs because "things from South America aren't allowed"

>> No.6400109

thats a bit racist even for her

>> No.6400138
File: 89 KB, 1033x674, sets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is Lily doesn't even know basic geography.

Stupidity caused by glitter inhalation. Believing ball room costumes belong in cosplay...seriously over 5000 crystals over $300 worth in that cheap tacky dance fabric section in Spotlight.

That god awful set with those horrendous drawings.

>> No.6400218


I want my helpers to get a round of applause because they're the guys who make me look good.

Uhh, bout four days before my folio was due I found out that my flowers couldn't come from Mexico so I had three and a half weeks to give you something.

I ordered 450 white roses.

So this is my alternate outfit so I was doing a different series and the dress was 450 roses and unfortunately customs doesn't allow for things from South America to come just straight through so they got stuck in customs so this is three and a half weeks.

There's 5000 crystals, every single one had to be hand done, five thousand. So... Yeah.

>> No.6401577
File: 64 KB, 740x500, familiar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the transcript Anon

I will give her a cookie for thanking and asking for a round of applause for her slave crew. It's about time.

But the rest. It's just another shitty lie.
Seriously roses from Mexico - everybody knows you cannot import plant matter (preserved or live) from overseas without a permit. Yes Australia is that strict with our quarantine.

Mexico still isn't in South America.

Also if she was that desperate for flowers whats wrong with the local market?

Yes she had three and a half weeks to pull something out of her arse. So she copied the purple dress, changed the colour scheme, stuck crystals on instead of gold beads etc. Maybe she'll give the purple dress back to Kellie now she has copied it.

She wasn't making this stuff alone and she had enough time to squeeze a trip to Melbourne in.

I've seen better from worthier cosplayers done in one week which is why I'm sick and tired of this Lily bullshit.

>> No.6401966

You forgot the part where she thanked her helpers and the "little asian boy"

>> No.6402034

This might just be me, but that black dress looks awfully constructed. Like the top part is round and not fit for a human (a polar bear maybe) and the skirt has way too little fabric.

...also is that cheap shit fabric for the ruffles or
it looks like something from milanoo

>> No.6403581

The black one is Lily's dress that she made

>> No.6404115
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>> No.6405855

anon didn't shoop that, the girl in the picture did. that's why we're making fun of it

>> No.6406617

Asking for applause?
Demanding it.

>> No.6406679

So any pics of her onstage or vids of her skit?

>> No.6410178
File: 35 KB, 417x398, asskissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer amount of ass-kissery that happens on her facebook is pretty ridiculous. Her '450 roses from Mexico, South America' didn't come in on time (come the fuck on) so she had to rush and do another costume, which was practically carbon-copied from one she's stolen, except made worse, complains about her '1500 crystals' not coming in on time... Jesus fucking christ.

She then goes on to whine about how she had to pay a small fortune to get more crystals since hers were still in transit, and hoping they would 'set' in time... when clearly they're just stick-on cheap rhinestones. So much bullshit going on.

And, of course, her minions can't help but both stroke her massive ego while simultaneously demeaning the rest of the competitors in the competition. To her credit, her train-wreck of a costume didn't disappoint for laughs, and the fact that she didn't attend day two because of the sour grapes that she didn't even place was priceless.

>> No.6411394

She's do delusional that she honestly is blaming everything else in the universe for not winning Madman, not because her costume, skit and props were awful. The fact that she didn't want to do 'that set' but was forced to because of Australia Post, the 'time handicap', the convention's 'complete lack of organisation', the fact that she was having 'panic attacks and heat stroke'... Damn, woman, what next? Blaming the other competitors for not letting you win?

>> No.6411872


It baffles me that people can act like Gutterface, Pixyteri, and other such cunts and have dozens of people kissing their ass, yet being nice and polite to people gets you nothing but a few people to talk to that eventually forget about you.

Fuck society.

>> No.6412109

That's funny, for having to 'guess' when to put your props upstairs for the competition because of the organisers and their unprofessionalism... Well, why did all the other competitors know what was going on? Oh, that's right, because they PAID ATTENTION during the briefing, PAID ATTENTION to the order of appearance and didn't rely on everybody else to wipe their arses!

Lily's idea of an organised convention is to have someone be her minder 24/7. Bitch, ain't nobody got time for that shit. Also, take some damn responsibility for yourself, you're not there as a super-special-uguu-royal guest, you're a wildcard competitor that only just scraped through because they needed to make up the numbers.

>> No.6412767
File: 156 KB, 1024x684, man the harpoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her arrogance and stupdity never ceases to astound me. How can anyone just be like this?

Why to convention and competition organisers tolerate her? WHY!!!!!

Oh...nice drag queen make up

>> No.6412785

She's edited herself to the wazoo again. On the day, her makeup was splotchy, flaky and disgusting, and she looked closer to Heath Ledger's joker than this.

>> No.6412799
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1352445686716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she gave up on bayonetta? shame I wanted to see that shit storm

>> No.6412822

She still has those two $600 glasses, and reference pictures on her Facebook. I think they'll definitely be eventual costumes - those glasses were too ridiculously expensive to be just red herrings.

Mind you, seeing her in RL before the competition out of costume and corset is horrifying. She's so much shorter and fatter than I ever imagined her to be.

>> No.6412980

Does anyone have any pics of her on the day...I just love comparisons to her shoops

>> No.6413000

What the shit?

beethy admitted to running the lily files? Who to?

>> No.6413040
File: 233 KB, 852x508, hambeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't shoop a video. http://youtu.be/6jh_SGFlFV4?t=42s

>> No.6413042

Kotakoti begs to differ.

>> No.6413131
File: 16 KB, 398x231, joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation: Any result that doesn't feature me as the winner is obviously rigged, biased or both.

Who the fuck ARE these assholes that think they can say shit like this and undermine the rest of the cosplayers in the competition?

>> No.6413133
File: 31 KB, 397x407, anxiety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe anything she says anymore. So she got heatstroke, tiredness and anxiety, but none of the other cosplayers did, huh? Special snowflake syndrome right there. The only difference is that the other cosplayers knew how to stay classy and not whine like 8-year-olds about everything.

>> No.6413143


Someone should email the madman comp those screenies. She won't be allowed to compete ever again.

>> No.6413146

I fucking hate people like this. "Panic attack", no that's just being nervous. A real panic attack would put you entirely out of commission to preform, likely require breathing assistance and might even put you in the hospital. Stage fright not a fucking panic attack.

>> No.6413152

She's done this on more than one occasion - insulting the madman coordinators, the staff, the volunteers, complaining about biased judging, rigged results and disorganization when her incessant needs aren't pandered to.

She's even gone on to insinuate that she won't reveal her 'cosplay sewing secrets' in her portfolio, since many of the judges are still in the 'competition scene' and she doesn't want to get her secrets 'stolen'. Because, you know, she's one of Australia's 'top seamstresses' and all. Meanwhile her way of making bows has completely changed from one dress to the next - funny how similar to one of her rivals' Cosplay Bow Tutorials her head bow looked like. (I keep my eyes peeled on her and her rivals for delishus dramu)

Yeah, call the wahmbulance every time you decide to string yourself up into a corset and make a 'set' that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable. Looking at the entrants, they all wore costumes with similar (if not higher) levels of discomfort, and still I've yet to hear a peep from one of them.

>> No.6413193

Eh. I have panic disorder + specific phobia and while it gets bad, I rarely require breathing assistance and haven't been hospitalized for it since I was a little kid since we know what they are now. But it's not really something you can hide, I'd be hyperventilating and fidgeting to the point of flailing and tearing my throat up with striders and ugh you are probably not having a panic attack if you can stand still and speak. Anxiety attack maybe, but damn.

>> No.6414310

Oh compared to the "special exceptions" given to both her and Roxas in the Sydney round?

She was allowed to have dry ice (smoke effects) and glitter thrown around.

Roxas competed with a Korean-game and not a Japanese one.

Both were allowed because they apprarately asked permission...in other words "special exceptions"

And this panic attack shit is bullshit, she'll use ANY excuse...I know cosplayers in the Australian scene who have serious anxiety issues and they don't use it as an excuse.
I'm sick of these fakes who claim to have various mental illnesses and make the ones who do have genuinue problems (the ones who actually do something to try and improve) look like shit. They clutter up our health system like Lily with her hypochondriac complaints.

>> No.6414750
File: 152 KB, 773x386, 1334663863783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6416035

Can someone post a reference for this costume...?

>> No.6416774

...maybe you should give up cosplay if it effects your health so much...just sayin'.

>> No.6416826

hey, she's fat, she has an excuse
cosplay makes her feel like a pretty princess

>> No.6417117
File: 2.98 MB, 4000x3000, lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6417126

Okay, to be fair, that dress looks a lot better on her than on her mannequin

It does looks bad compared to Kelly's, but still

>> No.6419735

Anyone else put two and two together about the gigi name. She's not trying to rip yiji off at all, nope!

>> No.6419741

Can Gigi be like a pet name for Regina? She was on a OUAT kick a while ago

>> No.6421121

OK so lily and beethy are now friends but he admitted to the making the lily files. . . .

that aside, why would he want to be friends with her anyway? what's to gain?

>> No.6421959

He has never admitted it in public, just to a few friends. I asked him and he said it wasn't him.

>> No.6424744

So I'm using a friend's account on facebook (hey don't blame me if you forgot to log out turd) and the amount of digs shes having at the other competitors and the organisers is pretty lulzworthy.

>well going back in madman next year... normally i would happily let people see progress as i really like that whole good sportsmanship thing etc... but after being burned this year and having people treat it as a one way street its staying locked away except to the support team. don't like it? then practice what you preach :)

This is after she threw a masisve sour-grapes tanty when Allie and Yiji put up their progress picture of the harp when they were recording their music for the performance. She pretty much wrote that she's not going to win because it's so biased that they'll count 'flouncing on stage' and 'composing their own music' over the fact that she has REAL sewing talent (implying the others don't).

>Really frustrated. RESPOND TO AN EMAIL!!!!!
so resent today to get an "out of office" thing! *pulls hair out* i am already stressed out, been let down with ALOT by quite a few people at the last minute i do not need disorganization when i head to brisbane

Uh... here's an idea, maybe don't insult the guy who runs the thing on your facebook page that HE CAN READ TOO.

> i am so sick of the rule breaking (love the cosplayer in question... not her fault) but i am so damn sick of the "special exceptions" why have rules if you are not going to keep them

I wonder who she's having a dig at now...

>> No.6424785
File: 1.24 MB, 1076x2176, orchids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be wrong, but... do those flowers look freeze-dried? To me, honestly, they just look like plastic store-bought ones...

>> No.6424801

That's the joke.

>> No.6424993
File: 43 KB, 467x720, stupid orchids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes the infamous "freeze-dried preserved orchids from Europe/USA" of 2011

>> No.6426606

Any truth to the rumor shes pissing off back to perth for good?

>> No.6426695

Probably silk rather than plastic, but yes. The vein pattern seems too even to be real.

Petal pattern looks off for Dendrobium or Cymbidiums too, but I don't know every species... so yeah.

>> No.6426903

You can even see the edges fraying.

>> No.6426909

the lily files are back up on tumblr

is beethy bored again?

>> No.6427124
File: 293 KB, 512x768, safe_1_by_queen_regina-d5liuc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shooped everything, Batman!

Why can't she just cut her wigs properly AGHHH I am so ANNOYED at how she thinks she's such a god-tier cosplayer yet she just lazily parts her fringe and leaves it at that. Sakura has a blunt-cut fringe for gods sake!!

I would kill to get my hands on the original...

>> No.6427162

the original what? Wig?

>> No.6427189

Sorry, I meant to say the original photo. I was one of the submitters to the Lily files who did the before/after gifs. It's enjoyable and horrifying to see the change that happens.

>> No.6427240

The photo in the blue dress? Just ask the photographer she comes in these threads carrying on about it not been shopped, fucking drama everywhere in Aus scene photographers cosplayers the lot

>> No.6427523


>> No.6428400

This made me laugh.

>> No.6428427
File: 24 KB, 338x338, toht face melting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck what what is that?

>> No.6430563

all ausfalian cosplay sucks

>> No.6430816

wait so if he was the one who made the lily files...why would he have reported that the tumblr page was "cyber bullying" and got it temporarily banned for awhile?

not sure if it's for good, but she stated in her DA account she'll be flying over for Waicon next year. God help us all

>> No.6430906

Not sure about this, she's friends with beethy, yasmin and tim so i doubt it

why would he bother doing the lily files then being her friend?

>> No.6430912 [DELETED] 

He made krisez an ed page while they were 'friends'.

>> No.6430921

kris made his own

>> No.6430929 [DELETED] 

He said at supanova he started the lily files to boost her popularity for madman.

>> No.6430940

but they posted so much nasty shit, boosting popularity the wrong way

I guess thought that he's the same, he prefers notority rather than popularity

>> No.6430943


Well, it's not like it mattered anyway, her stuff absolutely sucked, and all the Lily Files accomplished is making her seem like even more of a bitch. Not to mention the fact the snobbed, abused and pissed off the Madman judges repeatedly. She had less than 0 chance, actually, her chances of winning Madman were into the negatives before she even stepped on stage.

>> No.6430997 [DELETED] 

what the hell, calm down anon! I'm just saying what my friends and I overheard. Maybe he said it as a joke but it seemed pretty serious.

>> No.6431002

Beethy is a dickwad anyway. It wouldn't surprise me if he just spouts whatever bullshit he can to keep his ugly, loser ass in any popular or notorious spotlight he can.

>> No.6431033

LOL you guys are hilarious
I literally started laughing out loud when I read some of the shit in this thread

>> No.6431111

Beethy, have you maybe considered that the only reason the same people win in competitions isn't because the judges are biased, but it's because those same people enter the competitions and are more experienced (and therefore have better craftsmanship) than noobs?

I know you like to sling shit at everyone that doesn't agree with you, but maybe most cosplayers in the Aussie scene ARE trying to have fun, and the super-elitist bitchy ones who treat it as a full-time job and SRS BUSINESS (looking at your buddy Lily here) are what is bringing the whole scene down.

Not trying to stir up drama, just trying to make a valid argument here broski.

>> No.6431127

Your argument is totally valid. It is people who turn it into serious shit that kinda kill it.
However, I still believe some judges are quite biased. This also puts a taint on the competition aspect of cosplay in Australia.

>> No.6431193

These are pretty heavy accusations, considering that most of the current judges are cosplayers that are still active in the community - and more importantly, people that you associate yourself with and have called 'friends'.

Or are you going to follow in Lily's footsteps and accuse every judge of biased judging when yourself/a friend doesn't win over a more experienced and better cosplayer? As I said before, not trying to stir up drama, I'm just trying to wrap my head around your accusations.

Lily is well-known to be one of the biggest offenders in treating this hobby as 'serious shit'. Considering the fact that she doesn't work and lives off a Government pension to funnel money into her hobby, it's plain to see why she gets her knickers into a twist every time she doesn't win. Even so, she's the one flinging shit around and being monstrous with her bad attitude, even if all you DO see is her Wahmbulance Victim-Mentality Mode. I mean, she introduced herself to Yaya as 'Australia's Most Hated Cosplayer Because She's Fat'. Jesus fuck, I hope Yaya doesn't think all Australians are as petty and superficial as she is.

>> No.6431201 [DELETED] 


>> No.6431211

Gossip Time~

I spoke to a few cosplayers, and they all told me the same story. Apparently, Yaya was in her booth at the con when Lily waltzed up to her, extended her hand to shake it and introduced herself that way.

As in, she went "Hello, I'm Australia's most hated cosplayers. Everybody hates me because I'm fat."

Then when Yaya was struck with awkwardness (apparently she said "I'm sorry?") she went on to rave about how biased the judges are in Australia, how the competitions are run really badly and disorganizedly, and how she hates the Singapore cosplay scene because they can compete in bought and tailored costumes and still win.

Yeah... have a famous cosplayer come to your home country, and then instead of greeting them properly and politely and welcoming them, unload all your emotional baggage on them instead, and make all Australians look like retarded asspat fuckwits.

>> No.6431216 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, personally I don't like Yaya, but now who else is going to want to come here. Ahhh Lily, you never think before you open that mouth.

>> No.6431253

Sorry, was away for a while.. got some KFC and watched Moon.
Anyway. Over the years I've seen people that in my eyes should've obviously won but didn't. This may just be my personal opinion.. But I keep seeing the same people winning over and over. Even when the skits are fucking shit.
Lily doesn't ever win because her skits are beyond terrible (which she's aware of and will hopefully fix?).
I don't know, I'm probably too bitter and tired of the scene. I see too many people get hurt over stupid shit, and I just think to myself.. why. People invest way too much, it becomes an unhealthy obsession for too many.

As far as judging goes. Get people who aren't friends with anyone who's competing. That's a start.
Why this hasn't been done is beyond me.
Oh, and.. scoring should be public.

>> No.6431303

Okay, I get where you're coming from now. The only problem is with finding judges. The Australian cosplay scene is so small that it's beyond impossible to find a judge that isn't friends with people who cosplay, as well as have enough experience and cosplay know-how to judge a costume fairly based on craftsmanship.

Also, making judging public? That's something Lily's bitched and moaned about forever.

Firstly: why would you care, since you're not a cosplayer, you're just a photographer.
Secondly: making scores takes a lot of time. Conventions and comps are run on pretty tight schedules. There wouldn't be enough time to get everything written down on paper and post it up for the world to see.
Thirdly: isn't it kind of debasing, to show everybody that X got this score and Y beat them by how much? It's not that big of a deal if, like Madman and WCS there's fewer competitors.
Fourthly: how soul-crushing would it be to be a new cosplayer with absolutely zero sewing skills (that's been everyone when they first start out) and seeing their names on the very bottom of a score list? It'd be like getting a fail grade on a test, and personally, if I saw that I'd be upset and wouldn't want to try again, if I got such a bad mark.

As it is, judges provide feedback when asked, which encourages them to improve. Having a public score list is just another way for elitist bitches like Lily to say stuff like "Oh I only lost by X points! How unfair!" instead of looking at her cosplays as a whole and tryin to improve on all areas.

>> No.6431337

You say this, but the only cosplayer that I know of that "invests way too much" is Lily....

>> No.6431340

>people get hurt over stupid shit
>people invest way too much
>it becomes an unhealthy obsession for too many

That pretty much sums Lily up to a T.

>> No.6431354

When I see something that's obviously broken, then I feel the need to criticise that. So it's not that I care.. it's just me voicing my opinion.
On your second note.. Scoring them on the spot isn't hard. If time's an issue for those judges, find judges who have better time management skills? If Sly doesn't have time, then why is he a judge? Doesn't make sense.
Third point.. I think cosplayers should know why they didn't win. Currently nobody really knows exactly why their effort was not as good as others, there's a lot of confusion.
Fourth.. New cosplayers joining these comps will be aware of the scoring system. If they can't take the harsh criticism.. they probably shouldn't join?

..And on your last note. If people decide to have little bitchfests about point differences, so be it. It'll just illustrate how unsportsmanlike they are.

You guys are probably right. However, she would perform much better if she would take it less seriously. Win win situation kinda. I hope that over time she'll realise this.

Anyway.. I'm pleased (and a bit surprised) how civil everyone has been since I posted in this thread. Thanks

>> No.6431364

Thing is, Beethy, I've noticed that a lot of times, you come into threads with a snarky attitude, fists swinging from the beginning, which is probably why people find you an insufferable prat on here. You tend to come across as a douche.

It's not just about 'managing time' well. Many of the judges who have been very good (i.e. former cosplayers, design students, people who know how to judge) aren't all stupid twat-heads. You'll find, though, that because of all sorts of different reason, comps run over-time (due to late cosplayers, long skits, whatever).

Smart cosplayers often ask judges after the competition about why they didn't win, asking for feedback, etc. Lily, on the other hand, complains a lot about this because (from former experience, as in, I've seen her do this first-hand) rather than asking the judges for feedback, she STORMS up to them, HUFFS in their faces and demands to know WHY SHE DIDN'T WIN THIS TIME.

I don't think people in the circuit would have such a huge problem with her if she wasn't such an intolerable, backstabbing, ego-inflated, insufferable bitch with a victim complex a mile wide. She's kissing your ass now, because you take decent photos of her, but you've never been an 'ordinary person' she snaps at or pushes aside, one of her little minions she uses up, or a bystander/judge/fellow cosplayer she hates for no good reason.

I don't dislike you, Beethy, but I'm giving you a warning now - don't get close to that basket-case, unless you want a world of drama following you.

>> No.6431377


Methinks I may have to attend Waicon this year if this is the case just so I can witness all the lulzy drama.

>> No.6431381


Implying that a world of drama doesn't already follow Beethy.

>> No.6431382

Let's constructively look at how much time the judges have:
If no pre-judging, then the judges have literally the time cosplayers are lined up before the comp starts and the judges have to sit down (i.e. 1-2 minute per cosplayer/group, relatively close but fast glance), the time cosplayers are on stage (<5 minutes, from a distance, if solo, and maybe like <1 min each if its a big group)
That gives like, 7 minutes at most for someone to be "scored", which isn't a lot if you want to break it down into formal "appearance/performance/characterisation" or whatever else should be included
It's not a lot of time for a fair scoring, and if you are a beginner and showed up after an "advanced" act, you'd be marked down in comparison, you know? And you'd think that you sucked but you were actually just average

If we include pre-judging, sure, we could have detailed and fair scoring, but that would literally take hours of the judges' and cosplayers' (and the judges basically are working for free), and some of the cosplayers already hate how they have to ready like over an hour before the comp actually start!

Of course, this is all just my (Perth) related opinions, maybe you guys do it differently over east

Sweetie, all of Waicon is going to be lulzy
Especially if Lily is going to cosplay her "own version" of anything - she won't be allowed on stage based on the new rules!

>> No.6432475

>She's kissing your ass now, because you >take decent photos of her

haha, you are funny, you mean does good photoshop of her hes never uploaded an non shopped phot of her, try again

>> No.6432481

Actually they chose to go on hiatus and take most of the documentation to private settings.
Also they got sick of Beethy's "friends" charging in and making accusations without reading the content.
Maybe they have a life too and wanted a break?

As for Beethy we can see how he manipulates and I for one will say he is a douche. Coming in here and playing nice is just another manipulation.

The whole Madman entry Lily did was a joke, It was crap work on the skit, crap props, crap sets, fugly make up and the dress was a direct copy of Kellie's purple dress...she she made enough room for her udders but the back of the dress was shorter than the front.
So a crap costume too.
Lily is an embarrassment not only nationally but also on an international scale.

>> No.6432515
File: 24 KB, 411x280, broken rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>..And on your last note. If people decide to have little bitchfests about point differences, so be it. It'll just illustrate how unsportsmanlike they are.

Thanks Beethy...you were saying?
Lily and Roxas both had broke the rules in Sydney so why not have it in the Nationals, You bitch about judges being bias, they gave her an underserved wildcard! I can think of several other cosplayers who were more deserving.
Lily is just a bitter, twisted deluded hag - not mentioning any physical issues here.

>> No.6432554

I actually believe pre-judging is a great idea. It gives both competitors and judges a more relaxed atmosphere.
An hour before performance is quite fair.
Also seriously if you aren't ready by the day then go home...
I've notice most of the people who bitch about it are whiney bitches with stupid sets..or just whiney in general. So they can fuck off too.

If your set takes longer to set up than the skit then you should also go home. It has to be an exceptionally skit to make people forget how long it took to set up.

>> No.6432563
File: 56 KB, 495x498, lily trolling yiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks Lily is trolling Yiji?

>> No.6432688

Oh my god. That beyond-terrible spelling and grammar and punctuation... And this woman is 30?? What the everloving fuck.

>> No.6432692

Also - does this mean that she kept reference pictures she found from someone else? If this was done in 2010, that means like 2 years ago - isn't that kind of really fucking creepy?

>> No.6432861

This should be rather entertaining then! I've never actually attended Waicon before because it always seemed so weeby from pictures.

>> No.6433127
File: 146 KB, 428x424, dietplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides are hurting from laughing, guys. She's always going on huge 'diets' and 'health kicks' after (losing) a big competition. Check out her 'diet plate' for dinner. No wonder she's always so fucking fat.

>> No.6433161


Stupid bitch has given herself away. She has almost admitted that she gets photos of other cosplayers and uses as them reference pics.

Anyone else it wouldn't matter as much, but Lily always says people are copying her. When she is the one that copies all the more skilled cosplayers. Thats why they keep their stuff more secret now because they know lily will copy them.

Plus Lily would go to that store in Cannington the most. It was too far from everyone else.

Openly trolling Yiji on her Facebook when she knows anyone could see her? So much for never stirring up drama. Looks like Lily doesn't care anymore and seems to be on the warpath. Don't like this at all.

>> No.6433168


That's what she eats on a diet? What the fuck does she eat normally.

>> No.6433174

Who gives a shit who she's trolling anyway? Yijis as much of a fat fucking bitch as she is

>> No.6433184

idk man, that's not really a lot of food? I guess it all looks processed, especially the pasta, which isn't good for dieters, but it's not like a whole bucket of KFC.

>> No.6433204


It's all them carbs. Pasta is horrible if you're on a diet. As are bread/breaded items. And what looks to be a heavy cream/dairy sauce. Oh lawd.

>> No.6433212

Dear lord. Granted, that looks like something I'd eat, but not if I were trying to loose weight.

>> No.6433223


>> No.6433237
File: 30 KB, 329x297, 1309922882520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my understanding and from a really good source. Lily didn't use her 'dry ice' in Sydney with proper clearance. She did not give the necessary documentation nor did she make it clear with any communication that it was happening. Following from that; the Adelaide entry used a smoke machine but had given details of what the machine does and specifications down to chemicals and what it produces. That's a far-cry in submitting something for exception compared to someone just rocking up doing whatever shit they want.

So yeah, breaking rules? No, just her being a stupid bitch and not practicing common sense when necessary.

>> No.6433356
File: 11 KB, 413x166, did someone call the wahbulance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of this drama bitch carrying in full view, when she gets called out...it automatically "bullying"

Just wish she would fuck off out of the cosplay scene.

>> No.6433395
File: 16 KB, 484x187, yiji smackdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Yiji I think did the ultimate smackdown here...

>> No.6433404

Somehow I don't think this was directed at Lily. As far as I know, they've never cosplayed together, or had anything more to do with each other than exchange a few words here and there. Though I am finding it weird that they're friends on Facebook. Doesn't Lily hate Yiji's guts?

>> No.6433430

Lily does indeed hate Yiji, because she wanted to be K and Aly's token fat friend...and I have confirmed from a reliable source that Lily's post about breaking rules was in fact about Yiji's streamers.

>> No.6433448

Oh wow, that's surprising, Lily bitching about the winning cosplayers when she doesn't even place. I was at brisnova and watched their skit, those paper streamers were handheld (as far as I could tell, anyway, they didn't seem to be fired from anything) and their stagehands took all of 3 seconds to roll them up afterwards and clean the stage.

She's accused Yiji of cheating multiple times now and only getting through because of bias. Does she actually cheat though? She;s nice enough to me and doesn't seem the type too.

>> No.6433510

Hey I liked Lily's skit. Scribbles of light on a wall waved around by a couple of sticks. It was impressive stuff!

>> No.6433571

That feel when I've gone to eight cons this year and only had to deal with Lily at one. :D

>> No.6433581

Be thankful be ever so thankful - I have had to deal with her at every con I have been to.

If she is gushing with fake praise she is having a go

>> No.6433588
File: 63 KB, 891x902, why no friends no more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They knew each other from their days in Perth

Captcha: thing Tubber

>> No.6433592

meant if she ISN'T gushing with praise she is having a go...totally two-faced and bad at hiding it

>> No.6433609

Knowing Lily, she probably invaded cosplay meets, took photos of them, and then automatically assumed they were besties.

>> No.6433742

Apparently Chris's attitude is no better throughout this year's comp

>> No.6433786

Maybe she should take a lesson from Mary. She was one of the girls that fell off the stage earlier this year and yet her and her partner stayed very calm and collected about the entire ordeal. However, they had to wait for about half an hour until they could find a first aid officer (from a place offsite since they couldn't locate one inside the convention itself). As a result of the fall and all that she ended up having to have surgery and last time I saw her at Animania she had just gotten out of the hospital for rehab and was using a walking stick.

Sadly, Supanova has treated her very poorly and didn't even offer to cover any of her medical costs. The stage was quite narrow and they simply put up a curtain where the drop-off is, neglecting to warn any of the entrants about it or let them practise on the stage/check it out properly before performing. It's not the first time people have fallen off/through the stage at Sydney either. I haven't been to many Supanova cons, but it feels like each time I've been to one I've seen an accident.

>> No.6433790

I think that photographer is one of the few that doesn't do drastic photoshopping on the level that most of the other Lily photos are on. I admit her one of the white dress flying off in the wind is quite nice.

>> No.6433819

well you shouldn't need to shoop if you are a good photographer, faithriel, kris, panda all uploaded pictures of lily unshooped becuase they are good phtoographers

>> No.6433838

Guy's a complete tool...seriously he left his set behind for the Brisbane Supanova to deal with

Then again he is a friend of Lily so I guess the shit sticks

>> No.6433852

I live with the guy... and I just asked him about that. Supanova staff said it's fine that he leaves his shit there. Since the buildings are getting demolished anyway.

People can literally have no ammo against Chris, there just isn't anything to work with.

>> No.6433877

Yeah your right...he's an egotistical, spoiled, starfish sex dickwad...what's not to like...

At least he isn't you beethy

>> No.6433880
File: 32 KB, 641x390, vid cap01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a stuff about Chris/Roxas and beethy the ass bandit.

We are here to talk about some real talent for dramu

>> No.6433992
File: 604 KB, 1024x918, 1303789003299 (Large).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear this beethy dude is a nolife pseudo photographer with nothing going for him in life. He photoshops as much as lily and probably sucks chris's dick for spare change.

Damn lucky that actual photographers don't call him out on his bs. Otherwise, he would be a laughing stock and probably have nothing else to fall back on in life.

>> No.6433996


Nice try steering the conversation away from yourself.

>> No.6433997

That's literally the best you could come up with?

You can do better than that, at least try :/

>> No.6434010
File: 58 KB, 500x375, 1353216690977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, I was there when that happened. Shit was hilarious.


>> No.6434030

OP here, literally surprised this thread still exists two weeks after I created it. Of course it still exists because a tripfriend started posted in it.

I'd like to see an example of your photography beethy. I don't browse CGL ever, so I don't know about you guys at all. Literally no one but the small amount of posters on CGL do - it's probably why the Aussie cosplay community comes off as so terrible. The only well known people involved are so well hated by the small crowd that actually cares, that everyone looks down on them.

>> No.6434048


Yeah he is a joke isn't he?

>> No.6434058

Because a lot of the go-to cosplay photographers in Australia are seedy fucks.

>> No.6434066

Admittedly he takes some decent stuff. Never met the guy but I hear a lot of mixed stories in the same light as I hear about Neil.

>> No.6434071

That's probably because I've done some regrettable things in the past. Not going to lie or pretend. But I've tried to be a better person in the last year or so.

>> No.6434081


Wow, Ouch.
That was really bad, how old are you, 12?

>> No.6434088

If you're trying to be a better person. Don't tripfag as yourself and then anon your dirty laundry.

>> No.6434183

just fuck off beethy. no-one likes you or your attention whoring.

>> No.6434263

the difference is that yiji is a really nice girl who is has a lot of friends (and is actively losing weight), and lily is a horrible woman inside and out.

>> No.6434634


Not as hilarious as two months in hospital and metal plates for the fractures I can assure you.

At least she took it with grace unlike Lily who whines and carries on when wearing polyester in Brisbane humidity "Oh it must be heat stroke"

>> No.6434869

Honestly, I can't watch that without feeling quite upset. She's one of the nicest people I've met in the cosplay scene. Considering how I've been treated by some of the "elitists" when I've helped out at cons/assisted with photography.

>> No.6435328


She def is. She was honest about the incident and she wasn't out there to cause trouble after the accident. I heard Lily trying to convince her to sue supernova for the incident (when the stage was entirely OH&S compliant according to a mate.)

So yeah, full circle, comes back to lily being a bitch.

>> No.6435376

Yeah, I heard that too. Lily is being her usual drama-tastic self and stirring up unnecessary shit. Hell, she didn't want anything to do with the poor girl until the incident happened, and then after that (and seeing a potential shit-storm and another way to get her voice heard by everyone and anyone) she was all over this girl's case like white on rice.

It's a shame she's started attaching herself to this year's Madman Perth contestants. It pretty much seems like she preys on newbies, unknowing cosplayers and really really nice seasoned cosplayers.

>> No.6435549

She looks for new victims all the time. Seeking nice people to prey on. Hasn't changed in all these years and has been getting worse.

>> No.6436064
File: 78 KB, 720x540, 284066_10150245557132663_503362662_7507843_4662642_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we posting Lily photos? We must be posting Lily photos.

>> No.6436116

So is the pink on her boobs indicating how large her nipples must be or just terribad shoop thats made the dress bleed into her boobs.

>> No.6436120

probably nips

>> No.6436131

It looks like this photo is un edited. Those would be her coaster sized nips.

>> No.6436183

Should have seen her at AVCON - completely rip into the staff at the Supanova stall like it was all their fault like it was her personal mission to seek justice...

BTW as a stage hand I can tell you the stage at Sydney was not safe at all...every year someone falls off they super cheap stage set up...EVERY YEAR,
2011 it was the sound guy who fell off and broke his ankle - however as an employee of Supanova he was covered.
Tempted to put up some golden oldies of Lily

>> No.6436205

Please do, I'm curious!

>> No.6436248
File: 69 KB, 471x720, souleater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436324

Why don't they just ban her and be done with it? Would save us all the headache

>> No.6436369

Apparently being a terrible excuse for a human being isn't actually against any rules or laws, to my great disappointment

>> No.6436378

Oh a stage hand, what's your name?

>> No.6436380

She was banned from Wai-Con for 5 years. Wish she wasn't coming back for 2013..

>> No.6436387

I do professional back stage work in a few theatres, not conventions - save that for cosplay, and I only enter competitions where I feel the stage fits proper OH&S standards, which a few cons here are sadly missing.

And no I'm not telling you where or what I do exactly because its a small industry but I will say this I firmly believe that Supanova's cosplay stage isn't even fit for a teen pagent parade in a shopping mall

>> No.6436397
File: 55 KB, 720x480, 216904_10150272629604419_118287659418_7488204_4922362_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explains why she came to Sydney. Please have her back

Cap: Review/Analysis, mentstink

>> No.6436404
File: 223 KB, 2048x1151, 457824_10151029156130358_51819303_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five years? Impressive...anyone know the reason?

>> No.6436409

lol'd cause at first look, it seemed like the rope was holding that "corset" together.

>> No.6436410
File: 70 KB, 720x540, ihasbabynomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares. Shows that Waicon has more balls for banning her whiney arse than the other states

>> No.6436411

Nobody is going to out themselves to you, whoever you are.

>> No.6436413
File: 81 KB, 425x640, saggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she needs the corset...because this what she looks like without one

>> No.6436414
File: 62 KB, 540x720, 270056_254982734512071_100000010390650_1093795_4016042_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436416
File: 73 KB, 720x540, 283226_254983004512044_100000010390650_1093799_6412992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436417

lolwat, is that a Train'd dress, at a con?

I hope it got walked the fuck all over because that's a hazard and a half when there's that many people in a space like that.

>> No.6436419
File: 57 KB, 735x614, stupid boast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So different from this photo which was shot several months later when she did wear a corset

>> No.6436420

Nah you can keep her

>> No.6436421

Ok, so maybe it's just me being a noob, but I don't think her construction (or that prop work) should win any prizes. I hear all the drama talk about her, but I just want to make sure I'm not alone when I think her work is mediocre?

>> No.6436424
File: 180 KB, 720x540, 1308633001497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh go on, as a special bonus you can have her girlfriend too

>> No.6436427
File: 25 KB, 230x199, 1306698006907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, that's really interesting because the stages in the past few years have been entirely OH&S compliant. They have been marked accordingly and they are not past a certain height to require barriers. They also met and passed regulations and safety checks from numerous inspections which has happened.

Surely somebody who is as 'professional' as you would have been able to tell but it seems that isn't the reality nor is it the reason for your comment.

It's not a small industry considering how big Australia's entertainment industry is. Not as big as other countries but I can assure you that you are wrong. Too much assumption going on from your end. Then again, it's expected for somebody who calls themselves a 'stage hand' then jump to 'professional back stage'.

And the incident with the technician falling off stage was 2008. Again, calling in on your professionalism; it's bizarre for you to make calls on what has happened as fact when you had no idea on the actual incidents.

The technician dislocated his knee and THEN fell off stage as a result. The incident had nothing to do with the stage integrity. You might want to get your information checked.

And just to reinforce that you actually do not know what you're talking about:

Lily did approach Supanova staff at AVCon this year. She had conducted herself in a very assertive manner but was entirely civilized. She did not 'rip into' Supanova staff. There's a difference in what you said and what actually happened.

You "firmly believe that Supanova's cosplay stage isn't even fit for a teen pageant parade in a shopping mall" while at the same time sprout crap that does not stand against facts makes your cause hard to believe. You might as well just tell us you're a troll.

>> No.6436429
File: 102 KB, 641x960, glitter orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree Anon

>> No.6436431

They call cleaners in theatre 'professional back stage' nowdays? What a loser.

>> No.6436444

Oh cool are you Supanova staff?
If so what is your response to the following claim here:

What about the support for the chick who fell off stage and broke her arm and leg? Did you assist her?

So you guys going to ban Lily or what?

Are you really as disorganised and shit house as Lily and everyone else seems to be implying?

Love to see some facts from you but then again what proof do we have of who you are other than your word?

>> No.6436447
File: 107 KB, 660x515, oh the huge lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo I heard this was a Lily thread.
Seems to be a lot of derailing

>> No.6436453
File: 127 KB, 500x375, myslide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436454


Dude, are you new? Most of us know josx is a staffer and is a pretty cool dude. I'm one of the many that can confirm that he is right and you don't know what you're talking about.

Suggest you shut up before you get burnt.

>> No.6436455

Wow didn't know you dislocated your knee and then fell off. Always thought you slipped and fell or something. You okay now bro?

>> No.6436458

I can also confirm the identity of JOSX.

>> No.6436459
File: 136 KB, 500x375, A Lily approaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here we have the elusive Lily in her natural habitat

>> No.6436460

Pretty sure her natural habitat is a buffet.

>> No.6436461
File: 35 KB, 552x439, 1309929127949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been around long enough. I don't need to prove anything to you directly here. If you have questions, contact Supanova directly. If you need further confirmation, contact /cgl/ mods.

Thanks man. Feeling the love <3 It's okay now. Probably gonna come back and bite me when I'm older lol.

>> No.6436462

Yes I'm new, hence all the questions because I want to know the answers.

Sorry for seeming like a total noob but I really want to know these answers, Y
ou want to burn me then fine just means you be another troll

>> No.6436466
File: 119 KB, 825x815, little mermaid 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed and let us get back to the real topic (What the hell is with all the trip fiends)

>> No.6436468


Well if you didn't talk shit then maybe you would have been taken seriously.

And trolls on /cgl/??? WELL I NEVER...

>> No.6436469
File: 131 KB, 375x500, lolitalegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436470
File: 122 KB, 500x375, on a boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here trying to stay on topic?

>> No.6436472

Hard to get off topic with something this huge.

>> No.6436476
File: 110 KB, 375x500, help im stuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436479
File: 63 KB, 570x570, cgl vs lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436480
File: 67 KB, 720x720, 1337211046097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfriends lol

>> No.6436484
File: 103 KB, 500x375, aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.6436487

Oh, I haven't seen her 'Pirate Princess Aerith' in a while. Sad thing is that most of these were taken when she was at her thinnest.

>> No.6436493
File: 187 KB, 521x720, dadum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got any requests? Seems like it's just us

>> No.6436497

lily's just butthurt she didn't win madman, anyone who wins except her is a "cheater" and had somewhat of a "biased advantage" over her.

shit's gonna go down at waicon again with that land whale coming to WA's shores. Anyone has any news on what she might be cosplaying? Another one of her originally-designed costumes?

>> No.6436502
File: 40 KB, 482x601, despair01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Despair from 'The Sandman'?

>> No.6436505

Ooh I bet she's super pissed about that ban! Gonna get back at every perthfag that ever got in her way!

>> No.6436506

As far as her Facebook shows with shitty WIP photos (as in, photos of stuff she's buying online) it looks like she's cosplaying from Card Captor Sakura.

>> No.6436513

Uh, wow, photoshop fails.

The side of the face shouldn't just blend in with the neck like that.

>> No.6436515

Lily asked me to take her photo once. I refused and walked away.

>> No.6436525

If she does that next year and you see her - notify AVCon staff immediately that she is harassing the nova volunteers. More than one person has been ejected from the convention before for throwing a shitfit.
this goes for all conventions she has a fit at - tell the staff she is harassing attendees and they will see her evicted.

>> No.6436536

See, I never knew that she was temporarily banned from Waicon. She always made it out like she never wanted to go to Waicon because it was shitty, poorly-run, below her standards etc. Now I know that she probably only said those things to save face.

I'm really curious as to why she got banned, though. Anybody know?

>> No.6436540

She got banned from an associate club for being a psycho fucking bitch that's what.
She hated the cosplay coordinator too (there's a new one this year for the first time in ~6 years)

>> No.6436556

Shes happy about the new coordinator. Lily remarked she is looking forward to some "positive change"

>> No.6436578

Cause she thinks the new one will be 'unbiased against her'. Maybe it'll be the wake up call that she's shit

>> No.6436593

The wakeup call that losing Madman or WCS wasn't?

>> No.6436607


Panda is pretty cool. One of the non creepy photographers out there. Kris.. I don't know. After all his rape culture rants... Makes any girl a bit more cautious around him.

>> No.6436638
File: 48 KB, 477x720, 554643_10150776985516874_18261621873_11409757_1603071099_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436639
File: 60 KB, 720x477, 1332595095697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6436651

Oh Lily, you've even managed to spoil one of my favourite duck watching spots.

>> No.6437183

You mean like one year, cos I'm pretty sure's she's attended more than 3 out of 8 Wai-cons

She was banned because she was banned at one of the "big" (read: early) affiliates (JAFWA) for scamming someone out of a commission (took their money and never made them a costume)

It's hilarious because I'm sure the new coordinator has been around the Perth scene as long as knux has and thus has been around for almost all the shit Lily has done thoughout the years

>> No.6437868

Are her eyes shooped too? Wonky eyes looking in two different directions.

>> No.6438116
File: 13 KB, 562x234, Doomed!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're doomed... DOOOOMED!!

>> No.6438131

fuck off lily. ugh we don't want her over here. her thundering over the plains will crack the ground and topple over the cranes.

>> No.6438267
File: 31 KB, 300x453, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have had her for two years...we need a break

>> No.6438378

I found this today.

I know... I'm wishing my darndest to make it not so. Let's hope wishes come true.

Really don't want her poisoning the land and killing all the wildlife by feeding them marshmellows and all kinds of other things that animals can't digest.

>> No.6438763

you are all just assholes for talking about me on here i will prove you all wrong and soon it will be undenieble

>> No.6438771
File: 25 KB, 314x295, 1309919981266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had her in the ocean for too long, you can take her.

>> No.6438831

I still remember witnessing her posing in that in person, it was so traumatising. I didn't even know who she was by then, but I'm scarred.

>> No.6438975 [DELETED] 

That's the funny thing about Kris. He's a joker.

>> No.6438979

Can someone just ask her to stop cosplaying please? I mean really, has anyone even TRIED?!

>> No.6438985

Pffft like she would listen to anyone who has a different opinion to her

>> No.6441220
File: 225 KB, 727x1112, classic lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lily Files updated.
I loled so hard at this reference image

>> No.6441322

yank-fag...we spell it as arse in Australia.

>> No.6441351

"arsehole" is kinda retardedly bogan
Whatever floats your boat

>> No.6441378

Naw thanks, mate.
She lived here for at least 29 years.
Perth just got over the sinking problem from when she was beached on our shore.

>> No.6441380
File: 254 KB, 421x396, DEEERRRRRRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't prove your way out of a paper bag, ugly.

>> No.6441395

Holy crap. Those are some peacockfeather like teeth there.

>> No.6441400


I'm pretty sure those teeth are shooped to look worse. I remember seeing the original image this is from and her teeth were never that bad. let me go find it.

>> No.6441401

what is this from? It looks familiar

>> No.6441411

Oh please...you make us Aus-fags sound so refined. I'm positive there are some bogans tucked away somwhere

I'm pretty sure that is the original. I've seen her teeth and wished she had spent the money she has wasted on cosplay on a dentist

Le Chevalier D'Eon

>> No.6441414

thought so. It's been a long time since I read it, so I wasn't sure. Thanks!

>> No.6441418


>> No.6441422


Looks like NO ONE wants Lily, except maybe a minority that lives with her and Beethy.

Maybe we could send her to Christmas Island or Nauru. I'm pretty sure she would be well chuffed with being "The only Cosplayer on the Island"

>> No.6441432

Yeah, but we all know someone will get interested and be better with next to no effort anyway, no matter what remote part of the fuckin world we ship her to.

>> No.6441435


You guys, serioulsy cannot see the obvious use of smudging and burn tools? The artifacting around the parts of the teeth that have been shooped are different from the rest of the image as well. I've seen her teeth in real life, too. They may be bad but they're not THAT bad.

>> No.6441465


>> No.6441730

everyone i know says ass. maybe they do it that way in your part of australia.

>> No.6442134

There's no visible smudging, or burning. Stop it, she has shit teeth, especially when viewed from that angle.

>> No.6442449

maybe if you are talking about donkeys
Had an image of Lily in a film like 'Castaway' and a ball as a friend called Wilson

>> No.6444195
File: 95 KB, 412x918, healthkick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like salsa in tacos mean fat! - dude home made salsa is one of the healthiest things!

Oh and how sometimes she has to drink the fizzy drinks because no one by her fills up the water bottles in the fridge.

There is this thing - it's called a tap - there is one in every kitchen Lily

>> No.6444402

All I did was sharpen the image so it's clearer.
Her teeth really are that bad. I've seen them in person.

>> No.6444404

I'd say send her to Antarctica because she's got enough blubber to withstand the cold, but she'd sink the ice causing water levels to rise all over the world - at least we could say it wasn't because of global warming.

>> No.6444406


>> No.6444408

That makes me laugh because Wilson went out with her out of pity...

>> No.6444415

"wood chipped surface helps with the concussion in my legs"
No wonder she sits on her arse all day XD

>> No.6444446
File: 135 KB, 1024x600, horseshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not to mention looking like and old broodmare with a gut swinging LOL
>like an old broodmare

I am so fucking sick of her using horse terminology for absolutely fucking everything. Men are stallions and colts, women are fillies and mares, she calls herself a 'pack pony' when she's carrying bags - Jesus H Christ. What is with this demented horse obsession of hers? You're not 12 anymore, you're 30 YEARS OLD. Put the goddamn Saddle Club books away and GROW THE FUCK UP.

In other news, looking back through her facebook feed, and yes, that huge plate of food wasn't a one-time thing. She cooked a porterhouse steak for herself and her girlfriend (money-sponge) and that slab of meat was as big as the pan it was in - and it wasn't a small pan either. Fucking fatarse.

>> No.6444626


>> No.6444653

>Crazy, haggard mountain of [...] blubber
>genuine Swarovski crystals
>real imported French silk
I don't know much about this lady, but this makes me think that we should introduce her to tiferet. Has she ever expressed an opinion on teddy bears?

>> No.6444669

Does anyone have the to the original dramu between her and Kellie? The lilyfiles only says to search for purple dress.

>> No.6445251

Her analogy makes me think of her running on all fours with her gut literally swinging from side to side, and I just threw up a little.

>> No.6445541

Which seems to explain it:

>> No.6445854

I'm just curious, but do the staffers do any sort of work with the contestants before they go on stage? Like they allow them to practise in order to get an idea of how big the stage is (or tell them ahead of time), show them where the drop off is, or review what the contestants will be doing?

I've been going to Supanova for a few years now and it does feel like I've seen someone fall off it every year. Pretty sure I remember seeing a fat guy dressed as a jedi go through a gap in the stage as well. There was also a Mortal Kombat cosplayer who fell off the side once too.

Also, why did it take so long to get medical attention for the lady that fell off this year - and that the medical attention had to come from someone outside of the con?

>> No.6446041

Not usually. A few years ago at Avcon there was a guy who dressed as a tetris block and at the end of his skit he screamed out I SEE A GAP and jumped off the stage. Funy but he misjudged how tall the stage was and twisted his ankle from what i heard.

>> No.6447511
File: 622 KB, 720x480, money sponge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have two theories on this.

She looks 60 in body, but she's 15 in her mind. Which is funny because if you half the age she looks like, or double the age she acts like, it rounds out to about what her chronological age is.

Either that or she really is a horse trapped in the body of a hag.

Yes, that is her in the background. Terrifying, isn't it?

>> No.6447555

dear god I cannot unsee this.

>> No.6447567

holy shit she looks older than my mother, who just turned 60.

>> No.6447578
File: 1.08 MB, 3848x2566, DEEERRRRRRP Stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW. Here's the full image, nice and sharp.
It's not perfect, as this photo was taken from in the audience somewhere, but I will confirm dem teef be real.

Carry on.

>> No.6447586

My mum is in her early 60s too and she doesn't even look nearly as bad as this.

>> No.6447608
File: 47 KB, 500x284, tumblr_lu3gr5mrVM1r2g7mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fucking serously tell me that people don't call her out on her shoops. Jesus that is horrendous. It's like two different people.

>> No.6447669
File: 100 KB, 612x725, little emperors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents raised me just fine.
I'd thank you for your concern if you hadn't forgotten to mention the one trait that's the worst of them all - that you're a big fat liar.

>> No.6447859

I would love to tell you but the risk of the Supanova "tripfriends" weighing in and blowing up the thread isn't worth it.

Right...like she has taken an active role in the upbringing of her own child by dumping them on her parents in WA so she can go can pursue the dream of becoming a "cosplay professional" in Sydney.

Biggest Fattest Liar ever

>> No.6447913
File: 227 KB, 531x382, 1315123902447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have nothing :P

Trust me I know Supanova staff are not looking at this thread and its all just JOSX

>> No.6447965

Okay how about we don't JOSX coming in and getting defensive AGAIN

SAGE - Off topic

>> No.6447979


I wonder what Kellie would think if she read this.

>> No.6448010

Photoshopping yourself isn't technically against cosplay comp rules. Maybe there needs to be a push for more honesty in pictures as a rule so she has no choice but to let us behold the shit in its glory

>> No.6448036

Yeah of course. It just seemed really off to see a shooped picture in a promotional ad and have a totally different view when you see the real deal. Retouching is great for a cosplayer but she's pushed it.

>> No.6448088
File: 884 KB, 648x972, Sheryl....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually never met her son or the rest of her family, but heard that her step-father was a bus driver and that he died recently so I presume that "lily's" mother is looking after said son by herself.
I'm guessing "Lily" only comes back to Perth every now and then to collect child benefit cash/centrelink from her numerous accounts under different names. Imagine how many IDs she'd have with all those names!

Off topic is off topic.

She pushed it to 'shrunken head syndrome' (as well as shrunken the rest of her to half the size).
If anyone has noticed in just about all of her old pictures, when she was even worse at shooping, her head looked like a pimple on a pumpkin because of the way she changed it.

Anyway, as for this pic... Here's her awesome-o sewing skills at the max.
The material is pulling terribly in the bodice, as you can see - most likely from using the wrong needle and not easing the seams of the fabric together while she was making it.
These are the first two things I learned in Tafe that you should ALWAYS be careful of and take your time with.
Why she has not learned this, and STILL earned a sewing badge (badege), I cannot fathom.

>> No.6448151
File: 189 KB, 526x828, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many chip packets?!

>> No.6449473
File: 20 KB, 428x579, fb sheryl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank you Anon...an original where all I had where horrid shoops of this outfit

>> No.6449515
File: 125 KB, 900x1201, shoopdewhoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many shooped images were part of the presentation for their WCS entry...including the one here

>> No.6449564

Her face from that angle looks like Julia Gillard - she should cosplay her just for my amusement

>> No.6449652

Oh man, you can even see where she's tried to shoop out the photographer's original shoop (look at the green tassels on the left). That's saying something when you're so enormous that you have to photoshop a photo two times to get you down to a larger-than-average size.

>> No.6449652,1 [INTERNAL] 

To Beethy - Yaya

- From Yaya