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File: 652 KB, 1024x768, tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6389663 No.6389663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So while talking about price checks and Puppet Circus, it was mentioned that a recent Puppet Circus skirt sold for a pretty small sum considering how much it usually goes for.

Dress here: >http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RARE-Angelic-Pretty-Puppet-Circus-Print-Skirt-Kawaii-Lolita-Cute-Sweet

One thing that made it shady was the way the tag was sewn on, which lead some people to believe it was a replica.

For lolitas that are newer to the fashion and just getting in, what are some tips on distinguishing replicas from the real deal? A lot of starters won't have the same eye for construction that lolitas who have been into the fashion for awhile do.

Of course there are times where it's mentioned something's a replica, but sometimes people do pass fakes off as genuine.

I'd like to hear about some things to looks for, and even see real brand photos side by side with their replicas.

>> No.6389669

>Ask to see tags
>usually the lace / buttons / details like that would be different.
> Yeah I don't know how to explain how to see construction flaws. They're just obvious to me :/

>> No.6389712

Fabric texture. How the light hits the fabric and how the fabric drapes is a BIG part of telling apart replicas. Generally replicas are made of bedsheet kona kotton or spoonflower cotton sateen (and fucking canvas for DoL's fantasic dolly wtf), and cannot replicate the distinctive fabric texture and pattern Meta's summer items and AaTP's items have.

Prints are also often not to scale, mirrored, or have something off about them like a smear or a colour mismatch. Compare prints carefully with stock photos and see where the prints start, how large the print is in proportion.

Another thing to check for is the buttons. AP often has buttons matching the motif of the print, and the buttons usually have AP stamped on. Other brands aside from IW doesn't use distinctive buttons very oftne, but often include a shot of the buttons on their stock photos.

All AP custom lace, whether cotton eyelet or tulle, have the AP logo clearly worked into the lace. If the logo looks wonky or illegible, it's not genuine AP.

One thing that's usually a very good giveaway is how the bows, especially the centre chest bow on the bodice, are sewn on. AP and Baby have distinctive bow shapes that are rounded, thick in the middle and stand up so they are properly interfaced. For some reason replica makers can't seem to get 100% right, and what you get is a rather rectuangular floppy, thin thing. Oo Jia came pretty close with the milky berry replica and then it went to shits again.

>> No.6389722

Holy crap OP! That was def re-sewn into something. You can see the holes where the old thread was and where they missed the original holes.

>> No.6389915

This. Even if I think the biggest difference you can notice in online pics is buttons. Talking about laces, I got a CC replica from Oo Jia and the laces are exactly as AP ones: they are just less soft but the embroidery is identical.

>> No.6389946

I feel really bad for the buyer, if she was expecting the original

>> No.6390030

As someone who owned a real print and saw an Oo Jia replica of the real print (Twinkle Journey in my case), I am going to admit this: it's very very hard to tell unless you own the original or own a lot of the brand.

The main differences I could see was wrong fabric, wrong shape of skirt (Meta's is a box pleated skirt, Oo Jia was just gathere like Baby's skirts), sad looking bows with no rhinestones on them (Meta's skirt bows has one on centre of each bow knot) wrong hem trim (Meta has chiffon, Oo Jia used plain black fabric).

When I looked closely I could see fabric quality was different and the print was blurry and bleeding, and a little desaturated compared to the real thing.

>> No.6394059

Bump. I wonder who won this? A brandwhore from my comm was watching it and dismissed our thoughts that the seller was pretty sketchy in her listing so I'd love to know who actually won it.

>> No.6394099
File: 102 KB, 1000x667, nooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own any brand but. Wouldn't AP's tags be machine stitched in? That tag is obviously hand sewn, and hand sewn poorly at that. Even if the do hand sew them in, I don't think it would be that sloppy.

>> No.6394109

Does anyone actually know the girl selling? She said she bought it while she was in Japan... And she has over 600 feedback... weird. You'd think someone would know her in the lolita community?

>> No.6394125

OP, you're right, that is clearly horribly hand sewn in. That label doesn't belong there.
I have a girl in my comm that keeps trying to pass off her DoL Sugary Carnival as AP, but it is too obvious. The AP logo at the chest usually is mis-printed, as in the pink and the shadows overlap or just aren't quite joined properly which is a dead giveaway.
The canvas material can also indicate a replica. The material is thick, heavy and stiff or scratchy. For some AP prints, there is glitter involved. Replicas in my knowledge, never incorporate the glitter.
The lace on DoL skirts are usually sewn or made so it looks very long (like, hangs down a far few inches than the original would). The ponies have little to no detail and look like fat donkeys instead.
I'd say the biggest giveaway with the print is if it is mismatched, where the shadows don't quite 'fit' properly, or where details on the horses are slightly smeared in places. Some DoL items have certain places where it appears the machine has ran out of ink, so if the print looks slighty faded in places, that's another sign. Just things I've picked up over time.

>> No.6394121

AFAIK the verdict on the PC was that it was real but had been altered, and so the tag was resewn

>> No.6394128

The weird thing is that everywhere else, they point out alterations, stains, and anything missing. You'd think they'd make a note that the tag was resewn in the first place, since even if they bought it like that, it's obvious the tag was resewn.

>> No.6394135
File: 32 KB, 333x250, an2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the lace doesn't look as crisp and detailed as this, it's a replica.
ALSO, another replica fail is when DoL or Oojia has run out of the specific lace for a series and uses another type of lace (swapping Milky Berry for Sugary Carnival lace). While it says "AP", SG prints shouldn't have MB lace on it like some girls have found on their replicas.

>> No.6394143
File: 51 KB, 500x375, IMG_620322-50-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What proper SC lace should look like.

>> No.6394144
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What SG lace shouldn't look like.

>> No.6394150
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You can clearly see that the 'AP' is pretty unrecognisable because it's so chubby.

>> No.6394156
File: 31 KB, 500x375, IMG_6185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real SG pony head. Note that the colours work together nicely enough on the mane and the marshmellow twists are all bold.

>> No.6394163
File: 30 KB, 400x300, IMG_6174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant earlier about smudged prints and ink not working properly. If there's any of this in your print, it's a fake.

>> No.6394160
File: 24 KB, 399x299, IMG_6177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replica with stark contrast between the darker colours and the lighter ones. I wish I had a replica and original in the same colourway to give a better idea of what we're looking for here...

>> No.6394167
File: 44 KB, 250x333, ap_2009_jsk_sugarycarnival_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a real AP, notice the length of the lace at the bottom.

>> No.6394170
File: 46 KB, 385x579, dream_of_lolita_sugary_carnival_jsk_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A DoL replica, notice the lace is a lot longer than the original.

Sorry, OP, I think I've hijacked your thread a little, but I hope I'm helping you and new lolitas out with what to look for in a replica.

>> No.6394176
File: 50 KB, 332x500, tumblr_lrdqk4e5qD1qzabaro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of Cherry Berry Bunny lace (I'm sorry that I only have AP replicas to show you, I'm not quite as knowledgeable when it comes to IW or other brands)

>> No.6394178
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 382072_173221726102193_100002431017999_336583_849323756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Oo Jia's Cherry Berry Bunny lace. Butterflies.

>> No.6394184
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 297003_142749662482733_100002431017999_232921_1976465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twilight Circus by Oo Jia. Note the long triangular lace that doesn't seem to have any identifiable pattern.

>> No.6394187

Real AP TC. I wish the stock photo was bigger, but you can clearly see there is the traditional 'AP' sewn in and is identical to all AP styled lace.

>> No.6394189
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Shit. Dropped the picture.

>> No.6394191
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Oo Jia also tends to not have the specifically styled buttons on the front, I believe, though she does put the card on the sleeve.

>> No.6394195
File: 142 KB, 500x333, 2mnp5zl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shot of some lovely Milky Planet lace.

>> No.6394199
File: 67 KB, 540x720, 270170_118462308244802_100002431017999_156204_7144949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, Oo Jia doesn't have the right MP lace. At least DoL tries to replicate that...

>> No.6394224

Wow, you girls seem to be really good at telling the accuracy of replicas.

Has anyone attempted to make a list of which companies produce the better replica for certain prints?
For example, like DOL makes a better Milky Planet replica than Oo Jia, etc. ?
I've always been kind of curious which companies make better versions of prints.

>> No.6394236

Oo Jia's prints are probably better quality, but are most easily identified as a replica because of the wrong lace and wrong style of whatever garment she's making. DoL make a more specific replica, however their shit printing can really be obvious. As for which is better quality make or whatever, I couldn't personally tell you.

>> No.6394269

It's not so much the accuracy of replicas that has me knowledgeable, it's the fact that I don't want no cheap bitch telling me her DoL replica is real AP. Bitch, I will point out every flaw and prove to you in front of everyone that that is a replica. Not that I hate replicas, I just hate assholes who claim their replica is brand. Don't do that. Can't afford brand? Just admit it. Don't be a fucking liar. Nothing to be ashamed of, we all know it's an expensive hobby. Just don't be a lying elitist whore.

>> No.6394305

Although to be fair, sometimes Oo Jia's customers deliberately ask for a different style as you have that option with her. I like some of the dress designs people have had her make with the chess chocolate fabric. DoL is usually waaaay faded compared to original and can be spotted in a photo whereas Oo Jia's fabric is almost mistakable for the original from 3m.

>> No.6394310
File: 146 KB, 960x720, 395024_232303630178635_100001969991132_548452_489786051_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I loved what she did with the Midsummer's Night Dream with the white ribbon. Looks better than the original design, I must admit. I love that she does different things with different prints, sometimes they're a miss but sometimes she makes some excellent looking stuff.

>> No.6394325

but thats not Oo jia's construction, afaik it was a commission from another seamstress.

>> No.6394333

I feel as though if someone was legit with their puppet circus, there's no way they don't know about EGL and the comm sales. I understand not wanting to deal with it but it's wicked shady, IMO. I also feel as though her saying she bought it before it was popular is a joke because puppet circus was popular as soon as it came out, even though getting brand overseas was difficult.

>> No.6394335

>ALSO, another replica fail is when DoL or Oojia has run out of the specific lace for a series and uses another type of lace (swapping Milky Berry for Sugary Carnival lace). While it says "AP", SG prints shouldn't have MB lace on it like some girls have found on their replicas.

ooh shit. how did you find this out?

>> No.6394341

That's not Twilight Circus, that's Star Night Theater. Twilight Circus was BtSSB :P

>> No.6394355

My bad! Can't say sweet lolita is my forte...I'm always mixing those two up, the themes are just so similar.

>> No.6394353

I've read a LOT of reviews and gone through a lot of photographs.

>> No.6394356

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I saw this with somebody asking Oo Jia to make it this way? Or did she just buy the printed material from her and have someone make it up to this design instead?

>> No.6394394


I don't see it on Oo jia's page anymore and I know shes been deleting a bunch of photos recently , but if memory serves she was tagged in it, and a lot of girls asked if Oo jia made it and Oojia + the girl said that another seamstress made it.

Also Oo jia's construction is better than half the "indie western brands" but she can't gather to save her life, and I have doubts she would manage to put the ribbon on with precision.

>> No.6394396

Do you just order oo jia from jjlolita.com or on her fb or what? I'm interested in one of her dream sky replicas (Because I'm just ohmagaw in love with it. I'll snatch up the real one when I actually see it for sale.) but kinda lost on how to even contact her?

>> No.6394404

You use the email that's posted on FB. The jjlolita site is really weird to navigate so email is really the best option.

>> No.6394405


Word from the wise, the only the black/navy looks decent in photos, whereas in reality the replica fabric looks really bad in person, I bought the replica not knowing any better and it is definitely one of the worst replicas I've seen.

It's worth sticking it out and saving the money imo, it was 110usd for my replica (I got the OP) , and I paid 190 for my navy dream sky skirt, and 225 for my jsk, which was nwt.

>> No.6394407

I haven't ordered but I think the go is to just order from fb and use whatever email is posted there. I wouldn't go through jjlolita.com, I think there's been a few problems with that...

>> No.6394408

Good point. I don't think Oo Jia has the delicacy to do that with the ribbon.

>> No.6394415

Aww, seriously? That sucks. I haven't seen the colorways I'm interested in for sale anywhere, just the black. Oh well, gives me time to save up, I suppose.

>> No.6394419
File: 24 KB, 320x164, dreamsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, I'd rather save up for the real thing rather than a replica. If you love a print enough, you'd buy the real thing, rather than give in to this new trend where you have to buy every single new print there is...I miss the good ol' days where everyone was proud to slowly build up their cupboards full of decent pieces, rather than this almost mass consumerism, of girls just buying the shit out of whatever new print AP shits out next.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever choices you make and hopefully you'll have your dream dress before you know it.

>> No.6394430

does anyone know any good replica shops, preferably that have Iron Gate? Very new, so I figure if I look ita in the beginning at least I didn't spend good money on looking ita, and so will be able to buy brand when I have experience with co-ords and such.
I don't mind replicas, as long as they're good quality. I lean more towards gothic lolita, so a good replica shop that uses quality material that at least has proper blacks is what I'm looking for. Thank you in advance!

>> No.6394522

The replicas look terrible. Don't waste your money, most crappy replicas are the same price (or higher) than decent stuff from Taobao or Bodyline or 2ndhand. I'm sure cgl will be happy to help you out with suggestions! I'd even be glad to rec a few right now if you'd like.

>> No.6394525

I think Oo Jia was planning on doing some...but that was around the stage where she threw a hissy fit and said she wasn't going to make replicas anymore...

I'd like to hear suggestions and stuff.

>> No.6394530

Yes, indeed I am.

>> No.6394531

I've got the OP of her navy Dream Sjy since I really liked the color- only the black looks decent otherwise. She sent me scraps of the blue and lavender and how dark her stars are on it don't look good at all; the colors are very warm and washed out.

As for quality they're about medium tier I'd say; The chiffon is not HORRIBLE but it's also not the nicest you can buy either. It -is- lined twice though and the lining is decent and no-cling style. Again it's medium quality. In all reality I got what I paid for. The price is pretty cheap considering it costs materials and labor.

The dress is nice but doesn't give you that magical feeling brand does when you first wear it.

>> No.6394528

Alrighty! You're into gothic, yes?

>> No.6394534

Ok. If you don't mind, your measurements (or at least an estimation)?

>> No.6394537

SurfaceSpell has pretty much replicated the entirety of antique beast's current lineup.

Oo Jia did end up making her iron gate replica, but she fucked it up.

>> No.6394539

It's honestly not an issue of price. I have a good, well paying job and several brand dresses already. I just really want dream sky and am having a hell of a time finding it for sale anywhere in the colorway that I want. (seriously, how is pink so hard? And for that matter why didn't they produce a mint? I'd sell my souls for a mint dream sky op.)

>> No.6394541

I'd love any help I can get. I'm a little tan, like the colour of caramel, i get a shade darker if i stay in the sun too long, so I don't think many things would look good on me

>> No.6394543

Bust: 33"/82cm (size differs with or without a bra...damn A cup...)
Waist: 28"/71cm
Shoulder: 15"/39cm

I have these written on a post it note on my monitor so I never forget when I'm browsing the sales comm and such...

>> No.6394544

Got any pics of the fuck up? I'd like to see it...

>> No.6394545

OoJia doesn't put pockets into her dresses- is it weird that bothers me?

Also to be fair most tags irritate the crap out of my skin as the edges are melted instead of cleanly finished off. I can see why a re-sewn tag is super sketch though.

>> No.6394551

To start off, CC & some things from Bodyline

Closet Child's Moitie section, they have a couple cheap things up: http://closetchild.ocnk.net/product-group/35


>> No.6394558

One of them she made so small it wouldn't even fit her dressform and the other, well. I don't have pics but I am sure someone will grace you with them, they were posted on btb for weeks.

>> No.6394563

Thank you for the suggestions.
I've always skipped the CC Moitie section because there was never any JSK's I liked...I'm thinking I should just bite the bullet and get some skirts happening instead. Can't say I like any of the BL stuff...just looks costumey to me though they're a lifesaver for affordable shoes. Do you know much about Moite skirts fitting taller girls? I'm 170cm or so, very long legged and I very much hate knees showing.

>> No.6394574

Various Taobao:

>> No.6394575

The length measurement should be on each item page.
Hope some of that helps you!

>> No.6394580

I think I'm in love with you.

>> No.6394582

I'm thinking about buying this but I'm not sure about the shiny fabric and the original stock photos aren't such a vivid red. Doesn't almost seem worth the price. Thoughts?

>> No.6394586

It's sold out.
MM uses like a cotton sateen fabric so it does have a bit of a sheen, the photo is also probably taken with flash. A lot of 2nd hand MM is that price or higher

>> No.6394601

Your waist is way too big to fit into Moitie skirts.

>> No.6394605

Moitie skirts are bigger than listed

>> No.6394607

No they're not, 64cm is the standard max. It's the dresses that are bigger.

>> No.6394621

I have this dress and it's not shiny. It might be my screen, but the real thing doesn't seem as bright either.

>> No.6394630

Not really. Skirts vary as well. Some go to 27" comfortably, max. 28".

>> No.6394934

do you know moitie sizing well? i'm looking for some op or jsk which fits smaller busts (mine is 80)
I've heard they tend to run bigger that they state?

>> No.6395605

How is that even possible as the max size?
I'm a size small, so who are their target market? Midgets and kids?

>> No.6395613

Asians? 64cm isn't that small...

>> No.6395665

So here's a potentially odd question; are most of the better taobao shops pretty good at listing what are replicas and what aren't? For ethical reasons I'd really just like to stay away from picking any up.

(Also as an aside, I absolutely adore this Infanta one - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.65.GwBKQr&id=20547232011& - I may have to break my spending hiatus to pick it up)

>> No.6395819
File: 928 KB, 2144x1608, IMG_0866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replicas tend to not have as much volume and lushness of the original. Providing my AP dress arrives tomorrow before a buyer for a similar OoJia replica pays, I want to do a little comparison of sorts.

I've also noticed that although the fabric itself at least with Oojia's stuff can sometimes be about the same thickness as AP's cotton, it's not quite the same quality. I have a hard as hell time getting wrinkles out of few OoJia items (ironing on steam and spraying water on them doesn't even help) but my AP stuff irons and pretty much stays that way unless it happens to be a waist tie or it's on my butt and I was in a car. Hanging it in the bathroom while showering and using a steamer on it does wonders. Oojia's wrinkles like cheap shiny satin on a newbie Sailor Moon cosplayer. But... she can get the prints very close. But for some reason on my one replica there are odd white marks all over it. I thought it was random marks from tailor's chalk, but it's more like an error in the print.

The stitching isn't as fine and detailed. It's easy to see the stitches on my one replica, (and at a few points it gets kinda zig-zaggy). The stitches are also a larger size, and not nearly as close to the edges as my AP/Meta things.

Lining/tulle petticoat things: The lining fabric is similar in quality, but it's thicker in my AP stuff. The petticoat is serged and hemmed on the edges and it's really super thick and very lush. On my replicas it's just kind of... eh. Almost like an afterthought.

Lace: AP's lace is extremely soft to touch. OoJia can replicate the lace pretty well, but the texture isn't quite the same. It's not bad (better than the lace on my Bodyline stuff) but I can tell a definite difference. She also tends to use the same generic "AP" lace everywhere that's not the custom matching design, while AP might say, do a cute star, heart, or bow kind of motif.

And yes, the bows!

Pic: My replica (wrinkleeessss!) next to a friend wearing AP.

>> No.6396014

If you're new it's going to be very obvious that your iron gate is a fake. I'd get one of the inspired prints that won't look awful.

>> No.6396041

Asian females. 64cm isn't that small for a waist, and their target market is fairly homogeneous which is why they can release one-sized items.

My bust is 80cm as well, I have one Moitie JSK that fits fairly well but I have never owned anything else from them. Atelier Pierrot is good at making items to fit smaller busts, although I find their strapless JSKs will slip down on me, also try Excentrique, Millefleurs-noirs, Shirley Temple, and older Meta/Baby/Angelic Pretty.

>> No.6396065

Get one with at least partial shirring or lacing. Their unshirred pieces are like 34-36 in the bust and might look big on you

>> No.6396075

If I am a 34D will AP fit me?

>> No.6396088

Need your bust measurement, not your bra size

>> No.6396094

38 inches

>> No.6396101

I am 92cm bust, and I have some older AP (I think this is when they might have been smaller?) with just a little, very stiff, back shirring, and I have to wear a minimizer to feel comfortable. I think their fully shirred pieces should fit you though.

>> No.6396117

Anything with full back shirring would fit, and maybe some of the partial back shirring.

>> No.6396124

Thank you!
I've been working hard to lose weight to buy brand because I don't want to get replica, I went from 195 lbs down to 140 lbs but my chest for some reason didn't go down as much as I hoped it would.

>> No.6396130

thank you too >>6396101

>> No.6396171

I'm 41", about 104cm (and 36DD). Full back shirring is on the snug side, but not entirely unwearable on me. Though I'm aiming for 38"/96cm for more comfort in the items I have. If you have a larger cup size, it's going to pull the bodice up, and the waistline becomes an underbust. But I think a D should be alright. You might want to look for a nice underbust corset. I usually use one to push my bust up a bit and elongate my torso, that way it doesn't look like a boob-filled babydoll.