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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 178 KB, 600x450, Fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6384762 No.6384762 [Reply] [Original]

New evidence : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv9R1Ih2w1Y

Must be very suck to be westerner who love Anime, Manga and other Asian stuff because westerners are diffeent from Asians.

>> No.6384785
File: 50 KB, 324x600, Anastasiya Shpagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians don't look like anime characters either. And why would you want to?

>> No.6384795

Stop bullying!

>> No.6384796

who cares. anime is retarded and so is cosplay

>> No.6384799

1/10 for making me respond.
Guess what? No one cares what you think.

>> No.6384809
File: 145 KB, 640x646, 1350423695268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right

>> No.6384813
File: 57 KB, 400x393, 21962807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck to be an Asian trying to imitate everything from the westerners and failing at it.

Japanese animation and comics came from them trying to copy western animation and comics.
Same with the wanting bigger eyes and less round face, trying to be taller, etc. If you look at the characters' facial structure and proportions in most anime, they're actually Caucasian, not Asian.

0/10, obvious troll. Do more research next time.

>> No.6384816
File: 24 KB, 259x319, 1350423600204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a paki by the way

>> No.6384819

You still respond and many others too, so anyone care, you just can't face reality.

>> No.6384822

Oh look, it's this guy again. Haven't seen you in a while Proud Asian-San, how are you doing? Still butt hurt from us being better than you in cosplay, I see.

>> No.6384836
File: 187 KB, 640x738, 1351507548296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look so cute

>> No.6384837

I don't even cosplay. So yeah, I really don't care.
But it's cute that you're so upset you made a whole video trying to prove something to yourself.

>> No.6384838
File: 263 KB, 1361x1249, 1350416293643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian girls are naturally so cute ALL OF THEM

>> No.6384842

I'm doing fine, you still angry that we Asian guys get to play with the real Anime girls huh? While your western girls look as fake Anime girls as usual.

>> No.6384848

You still angry that we pwned you with a nuclear bomb?
How's that leukemia going?

>> No.6384849

why do Asian girls try so hard to become more western and white.

>> No.6384853

The fact is none of your ugly shitty western girls look like Kipi, Arisa, Alodia and other hundreds thousands superior cute Asian girls.

>> No.6384855

Those high schoolers looking down at the camera and making faces are awesome.

>> No.6384861
File: 447 KB, 1366x768, 38234-idgaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still angry that we Asian guys get to play with the real Anime girls
You do realize this board is 80% female, right?
They're more jelly of the people who look like anime girls, not the guys that get to play with them.

>> No.6384865
File: 33 KB, 390x421, 1351507135761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sayin blond hair and blue eyes is not japanesu?

>> No.6384887

Your uncle must be anyone who have yellow hair because retard like you recignize peoples from their hair colors instead from their facial and body form.

Anyway, maridah will be on my next list, that racist loser claimed by many western scumbags as good western Cosplay by showing her side-way shoot and far-away shoot Cosplay pictures. They are scared to show her front-shoot and clos-up shoot because like other shitty westerners she is another fail western cosplayer.

>> No.6384895

Someone get this man some pics of fail asian cosplayers/itas, ASAP!

>> No.6384904

The fact is Kipi is ASIAN and none of you ugly westerners look like her not even look near as close as her.

Don't you retards get that logic and truth? No wonder you western scumbags can't make Anime and have to be pawned by us Asians in Cosplay.

>> No.6384910

Dude... You're Indonesian. Mad because the ethnic Chinese will always be better than you?

>> No.6384916

We have to be pawned?
We are in a pawn shop?
I wasn't aware of this.

>> No.6384922

Nobody here looks like her because nobody here cares. I doubt they even want to, honestly.

They're too busy trying to look like western models, just like your Asian girls.

>> No.6384938

Kipi overuses fat girl angles, photoshop and hiding her face behind hair/her fingers.
She's probably uggo and skinnyfat

>> No.6384953

The video in my original topic is showing the opposite that it is you racist western losers who photoshoped your shitty fail western Cosplay.

Awfully you losers still fail on looking like our Anime/Asian characters.

>> No.6384968
File: 111 KB, 900x697, 5465484321864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No he means it like this I think

>> No.6385017

There is simply no good western cosplayer, maridah and other shitty racist western cosplayers like her claimed as good western cosplayers by the racist westerners will be proven as another fail shitty racist western cosplayers.

>> No.6385026

i found the OP image hilarious

>> No.6385035

I have the opposite which is Kipi on it.

If you beg like a slave I will consider to show it.

>> No.6385041
File: 457 KB, 450x281, 1330840577920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I love these threads. Is it even the same person anymore?

y can't I b a reel azn gurl? i try so hard.

>> No.6385044

Lol no way. We can just google that shit.

>> No.6385048

I never upload it on the net yet, too bad for all of you who plan to do it.

>> No.6385076

I'm surprised that no one even commented on how bad Kipi's some of Kipi's cosplays are...

>> No.6385083

Probably because none of us know who she is.
And don't fucking care.

>> No.6385097

Only if you're new.

>> No.6385109

Are you joking? Kipi used to get posted here all the time. Where have you been?

>> No.6385121

I smell newfag

>> No.6385128

We know who she is, newfag.
Damn you made me respond to this shit thread.

>> No.6385218

Get off 4chan, this place is not for your kind.

>> No.6385249

What even happened to Kipi? I miss her.

>> No.6385267

Oh Proud Asian. I see you're still up on your trolling game.

>> No.6385264

Go miss your shitty ugly western girls who will never be/look like Kipi, Aria and any other superior cute Asian girls.

>> No.6385270

>Kipi, Arisa
What? They look awful, and Arisa's costumes are shit quality. Idk about Kipi's.

The only attractive one you listed, but she's a Flip, do those even count as Asian?

>> No.6385293

I'm attracted to that and disturbed by it.

>> No.6385305

You westerners start hating being westerner by hating your fredom of speech glory by calling peoples who speak things you don't like as troll.

>> No.6385323

Weren't you trying to fail troll us before by saying that Asians all like each other and look just like each other? I believe you were, bro.

>> No.6385347

That is why each on the Asia - Europe meeting all the Asian countries sit in the same boat opposing the european boat

>> No.6385424

>implying that Asian countries like each other
My sides! Try taking that attitude to /int/, see how all the nips and Koreans like be called the same.

>> No.6385464

A fight can't be avoided even in the same family, what important is they all realize that they are all Asians, not one of you ugly racist western scumbags.

So if race war and glory ever happen, all of us Asians will be in the same band.

>> No.6385487


There is a common and very vocal mistrust between asian countries. With europe they are more unified in currency and trades.

>> No.6385503

Did you know among european countries there are also similar problem like with Japan and Korea?

What important is they all realize their root are Asian so if race war and glory [ this one currently happen ] ever happen then we Asians will be in the same band.

>> No.6385518 [DELETED] 

>Oh the things I would give up to be white instead of asian.

>> No.6385555

I think you should start vlogging on youtube. I think your voice would get your point across better. Oh and make it in Japanese so your anime girls can come back you up. I think you are really teaching me of my horrible horrible ways.

がんばる アジアさま ヽ(・∀・)ノ

>> No.6385560
File: 47 KB, 700x559, plastic surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6385583

Some of my subscribers are Japanese.

Just a few days ago a Japanese commenting on my video, his/her user name is something like americaisevil.

>> No.6385605

You need more than just "some". You aren't doing your job on spreading the word! Show us how Asian you are.

>> No.6386897

Fucking really? Did you get banned from Cosplay.com again because you drove me batshit there too, knock it off. You're not pissing anyone off. You're not offensive. You're not trolling. You're obnoxious. Always have been, always will be.

>> No.6386913

is this that same filipino guy?

>> No.6387272
File: 51 KB, 640x480, Uglyproudaisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, calm down.
This is OP.

He's totally kawaii desu.

>> No.6387292

Would look much better if done by a whitey/wigger.

>> No.6387367

You're not fucking Japanese you cock sucking sand nigger! If you haven't notice you bigoted, hypocritical pleb, the Japanese hates you as well and any one else that isn't a Toho. Go back to making shoes for us Westerners, fucking nigger.

>> No.6387547

West-Papua is not an Asian country!

>> No.6387558
File: 10 KB, 206x235, 1303328148289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, the spitting image!

>> No.6387590

Fuck, all these newfags falling for the same copypasta shit.

>> No.6387932
File: 171 KB, 1000x500, IMG-20121106-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right Proud, all asian people look like real life anime! hell yeah if I'm jealous that japanese teenagers like you get to play with splendid real life anime girls like the ones in pic related

>> No.6387960
File: 13 KB, 300x225, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does anyone reply to these threads anymore?

>> No.6387965
File: 9 KB, 200x179, spongebob_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fight can't be avoided even in the same family
Is that what you call the Japanese raping China in WW2?

>> No.6387976

it's funny to see what excuses Proud will use next, at least it's better than the misogyny/no gf threads
AND it's actually /cgl/ related

>> No.6387990

You have no right to call others out on 'rape'. Shit, the word 'rape' ain't even in your dictionary no more nigga.

You filthy pederast, if you weren't white trash than you'd be already locked up like a black man would, but since you're white they let you stay out there, raping children.

>> No.6388027
File: 159 KB, 597x1067, animay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6388231
File: 157 KB, 700x1137, art over the ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be really proud to be Asian. I don't blame you I would be too.

>> No.6388251

I lol'd

>> No.6388254
File: 496 KB, 500x277, q49aZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's funny how accurate this is.
I just dont understand why the asians designed their characters to look like white people?

they made their eyes big, they boobs huge, their hair multi-toned and their bodies curvy.

Makes no sense to me.