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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6383419 No.6383419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, here is the deal seagulls.
I just got out of a very, very ugly illness and want to reward myself with a cosplay I've been dreaming to do a lot these last few years. It is Asuka, in her plugsuit version. Unfortunally I can't saw such a complex costume, nor I have the money to go trial and error with it. I know this is frowned upon here but I was thinking about commissioning it from someone. I've asked a couple of commissioners for a quotation, but they are far out of my price league (1000-7000 dollars).
I'm not really sure what I can get done with my small budget (250 dollars). What do you say?

>> No.6383466

if you want a complex, full body, skintight suit you're going to have to pay for it. your only frugal option is going to be figuring out how to sew it together using fabric which is not going to have as big a visual impact as latex would. in all honesty, i'd give up on it til you get a job that allows you to pay for a commission that does it justice, make it yourself, or hell, even buy one of the official ones (which are in the upper end of the price spectrum you've been given already)

>> No.6383487

I already work/study full time and for various reasons I already have an hard time getting through the month as it is. The official plugsuits are beautiful but I'd be too tall for them anyway. Thanks for your help, I know you are absolutely right about having to pay for quality but still I want to see if there are cheaper alternatives at all since these are my only options.

>> No.6383518

If you are hellbent to cosplay asuka, you could do a "cheaper" recognizable outfit (i.e the school uniform or the yellow dress) for this year and get the wig, head-thingies-I-forgot-how-are-called, contact lens, etc. while you figure out how to sew the plugsuit or have more money to pay a commissioner for the next con.

Methinks a red pvc zentai suit could be used as base too.

Sorry for my uber shitty english, I just woke up lol.

>> No.6383535

>250 dollars
>complex and impressive plug suit

OP, I've been making my own shit for years and I don't even think I could make a plug suit less than 250 on materials alone. There is no way you can get one commissioned for a price that low. It goes like this: Time | Cost | Impressiveness, you can never get all 3. If your factor is cost you are either going to have to give up how good it looks or you are going to have to sacrifice your time and learn how to make it yourself.

>> No.6383554

Thanks for your answer but I want to cosplay her fighting attire more for it's symbolic value than anything. So it's either that or nothing.
>complex and impressive plug suit
Please don't direct quote me on things I haven't said even though you feel they were implied by my message. I'm well aware I have a small budget, hence why I'm asking for cgl's opinion. Thanks for telling me what you think is the price of materials though, I'm no expert so I had no idea!

>> No.6383564

Not the same anon, but wow, aren't you a bit defensive about this? If it is a dream cosplay for you, then it's pretty obvious you want it to look impressive. Nobody dreams about being half-assed.

>> No.6383586

Sorry, I just don't want this thread to derail in "lolol people asking me to work for free, stop being spoiled, unrealistic expectations, lol". I know it sounded aggressive and I know this post sounds aggressive too, but I don't really know how to word it. But believe me when I say I just really want to be as informed as possible before giving up.

>> No.6383642

I wish that was possible OP. But save up a bit more to get the suit of your dreams.

>> No.6383646

If impressiveness really isn't a requirement, and your only limit is cost, then maybe consider Taobao? It'll certainly be a lower standard than if you commissioned it 'locally', but it'll be recognisable as the costume at the least

>> No.6383685

I already made a quick search through taobao but, unless I'm doing something wrong, I can only find stolen pictures and terribly cheap suits (<100 dollars). Oh and this
that looks way to gorgeous for the price.

>> No.6383695

You can get get Asuka patterned latex catsuits from a lot of fetishshops, probably for less than $200. Then you can use the rest of your budget to create the armored parts on the shoulders/arms. If you don't fuck it up, it could look better than a lot of Asuka cosplays out there.

>> No.6383706

You got offended when someone greentexted your expectations, but if you're going to describe them as "terribly cheap" then you obviously have some sort of standard you're aiming for, and that probably won't happen with $250

Sorry anon

You mean like http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cosplay-Latex-EVA-Asuka-Langley-Catsuit-Battle-Armor-with-Inflatable-Breasts
-/200712260574?pt=UK_Women_s_Handbags&hash=item2ebb620bde ?

>> No.6383726
File: 136 KB, 375x500, 7923277502_d9c77b79a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a few pics of someone wearing a similar suit here:


not sure if it is from the taobao shop you posted, though. If it is (hope so), the quality seems to be pretty good.

>> No.6383745

$250 is more than twice $100, I'd like to see if there is a middle way somewhere, somehow. How about non-latex suits? Any chance of them coming out good? Has anyone ever seen something like that? Thank you!

>> No.6383746

Well, maybe that's a little too fetishy. I found this one on a Dutch site, you can even get it made to your measurements.


Not quite done, but a great starting point for less than $200

>> No.6383768

Um, am I doing the conversion wrong or is that suit 800usd?

>> No.6383770

That's in euro, right?
It's around $200

>> No.6383777

It's in Chinese yen, which is rmb, so yes, it works out to ~$800USD
Not including shipping, and shopping service fees though

Ignore >>6383770

>> No.6383802

Thanks for the link, that looks good indeed.

Just to have an idea, how much would it cost to have a basic plugsuit of this material made?
(And then commission/make the plastic parts.)

>> No.6383819

relate question,
where can you buy the official ones from?
not just the ones claiming to be official

>> No.6389128
File: 26 KB, 532x800, 479678950_965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
