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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 222 KB, 566x849, medical-marijuana1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6382555 No.6382555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here from Atlanta? I just moved here from Florida and I'm looking for something to get in to. Are there any cosplay communities out here that are friendly to new people? I would love to meet new people with same interests that I can nerd out with and just chill, but I have no idea where to start. I know there has to be some kind of a group out here that does cosplay related things, right?
Also I'm not sure if this is going to sound weird or not, but when I do finally meet people from the cosplay communities, do you think they would be 420 friendly? I'm not a huge pot head but I do like to smoke and chill out with my friends. I just wonder if I should ever mentioning I smoke at all because in my experience cosplayers tend to look down on that kind of stuff? What do you think?

Pic related. Since we've moved here I don't have internet and this is all I've been doing at night when I get home. I need to make friends lmao. :/

>> No.6382561

>Mentions looking for people with same interests
>Only mention of personal interests is pot

If pot is the most interesting thing about you I doubt many people are going to be that interested.

>> No.6382569

>/cgl/ loves smoking pot
>420 toke it up nigga

>> No.6382582
File: 15 KB, 300x272, 1320618272327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have a trip named maryjane. Please leave.

>> No.6382597 [DELETED] 

>tripfag telling someone to leave

>> No.6382609
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>> No.6382636
File: 223 KB, 480x720, 1319325762397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not marryjane, get out

>> No.6382660

You speak as if anyone wants the other maryjane to be here either.

>> No.6382676
File: 80 KB, 426x640, 1501259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please, I love MJ
Tell me you don't fap to that ass.

>> No.6382697
File: 1.16 MB, 930x1200, weedparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one, OP

>> No.6382706
File: 135 KB, 512x1637, madmunchies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6382720
File: 1.59 MB, 320x180, maryjanedance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382758
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Every time.

>> No.6382759

the video was removed


>> No.6382787

I'm looking to make nerdy cosplay friends because I am a huge nerd who likes cosplay. But I also lead a normal life outside my hobbies and intrest and when I'm not cosplaying or nerding out I like to kick it and smoke and talk about normal real world shit. Ideally i'd like to meet people who are the same way but if not I can just have my "cosplay anime friends that I don't smoke or party with. " :(
Oh shit, I completely forgot about here. My b. Its been a while since I've come home to /cgl/. :( I just discovered I can use my phone to visit.

>> No.6382810


So you always smoke weed when you aren't wearing a costume or screaming about anime?
Toking up is one thing, then then there's being a useless stoner. If you need a narcotic to experience life at all, then you are really fucked up.

>> No.6382845

White people dancing never gets old.

>> No.6382877

Why are you trying to turn this into something that its not? Lately I have been smoking a lot but that's because we don't have internet and there is nothing else to do after I get home from work, we don't really know anyone yet, so my boyfriend and I kill time with weed and video games. I can have fun with my friends with out weed, but when there is nothing else to do, it's fun to smoke with friends socially and just talk and be stupid together. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't go out in public high or to work or anything like that, I'm more sober than I am high in day to day life.

>> No.6382881

>420 friendly?
Honey, you are in the correct city. We have a rad community out here, generally drama free. If there is drama, it stays internal or its almost exclusively lolita drama. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only Atlanta trips that doesn't toke.

>> No.6382897

If you feel the need to mention it at all, then you're likely a pot head. Just make friends in the cosplay scene and bring it up later down the line. If you open every conversation with "I'm a cosplayer who like to smoke weed!" then of course you're going to sound like a stoner.

It's just weed, man. If people smoke they'll get blazed with you occasionally, if they don't they'll politely decline. Anyone who gets their panties in a bunch over you bringing it up one time is likely one of those crazy straight edge types who wouldn't be worth knowing even if you weren't a stoner. I don't smoke because it just makes me paranoid, but I don't give a shit when my friends light up at a party or something.

>> No.6382984

That sounds beautiful. Do you guys all just meet up for cons or do you all hang out on the regular?

>> No.6383692

I think you're fucked, op.

>> No.6383760

Being a naive sheltered seagull here, it's always puzzled me how people actually get into this stuff. As in how you get your hands on it. I'd love to try weed, but none of my friends do it, none of their friends do it, and I have no idea how to find my local dealer. Usually you get it through contacts, but how do you get them in the first place?

I'm honestly curious.

>> No.6383898

me too anon, I'm in the same exact boat. except that I since I moved I haven't met any new friends.

>> No.6383911

If you go to university you can just ask the guy sitting next to you.

Anyway op:
>trying to meet people on 4chan
That's your problem.

>> No.6383920

I'm really not sure how you would go about finding it without knowing anyone that does it. All my friends smoke so I've always just smoked socially with them. When I moved to atlanta I was almost sure I wouldn't be smoking for a while because we don't know anyone, but then pretty much everyone here at my work smokes, and some are dealers so now I have a new in. Basically I guess if you are cool with someone like at school or work or something you could get into a conversation mentioning that you've always wanted to try smoking weed. If they smoke and are friendly I imagine they will offer to let you try it or at least get you the hook up.

>> No.6383935

Not nessessairly on 4chan, but I wouldn't mind meeting cool people from here ethier, since I've met some cool people here in the past. But the post is really more about tips or direction on finding a anime/cosplay community I can look into. Maybe a facebook page or a place that organizes it? Something? I've been to battle and brew a few times, but that's a little far for me to frequent right now. I am living in dekatur with friends but work in down town and moving to buckhead soon, so id love to find something in this area.

>> No.6383941


craigslist, and if you're ballsy enough, the deep net

>> No.6383950
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>> No.6383997

The Silk Road

>> No.6384002

Advertising the fact that you smoke weed doesn't make you sound cool, since we know that's what you were hoping for. Just sayin'.

>> No.6384011
File: 9 KB, 299x168, images (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti stoner vid
>guy is clearly stoned on something

Fine health-wise in moderation you troll, no one's claiming something can be moderately legal
And the fact its illegal doesn't mean the law isn't stupid as fuck--its illegal to fish off the back of a giraffe in mid winter here, on the books--still stupid as fuck

>> No.6384037

"100% of stoners die, statistically true"
Cracked me the Hell up. Almost had me going there
But just in case: statistically 100% of theists, straight edge, and oxygen breathers die as well. It's just true.

>> No.6384084

Well to be exact, out of all the people who were ever born only 99% or something have died, because obviously we haven't died. Thus there's a slight percent that you will be a person who doesn't die.

>> No.6384174
File: 42 KB, 500x375, teen-marijuana-usage-on-the-upswing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6384189

Dropping trip

When you turn into a wizard and you can burn an elder wand deathstick blunt, you stop announcing it to the world and just hang out with people. When you 'feel' out with your social magic that a person likely wouldn't care, you either just start smoking without saying anything or politely offer and then leave it alone when they say no.

As far as what you're looking for OP, look for the west coast tripfags