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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 500x700, misty sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6381412 No.6381412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita general!
Questions? Answers!
Post some great coords!
What have you been working on lately?
What is on your wishlist?

And for the AP fans:
What do you think of Misty Sky?
Personally, I'm in love with it. I have never tacked something on my "dream dress" list this fast.

>> No.6381457
File: 361 KB, 480x640, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody please explain this to me

i want it

>> No.6381472

It looks like bed sheets to me, so I'm not too thrilled about it. The socks are pretty cute though.

>> No.6381481

Fuck I wish Salopettes would look good on my body but I don't think they'd be very suited to a pear.

>> No.6381543

I made a lot of money this month and I have a HUGE haul. Granted, it's all taobao and second hand brand, but I bargain hunted and I'm just reveling in my glory. Jkjk. But an AP ~set~ for $200? Yes please! BtSSB blouse for $19? OH GOD YES. The blouse only has a veeeery minor stain, too! I also bought 5 Baby post cards ($1 each, ily mbok), sax tea parties, chest binder so my boobs don't look ridiculous in cutsews, red BL shoes to match my AP set, and not very lolita, but a sailor shirt that is just so adorable I'm dying. I also might add a $40 Meta JSK in my colour, sax, to this all... Still not too sure if should put that cash away... but then again, it'll make the shipping more worth it with the other stuff I got on mbok... Blarg.

Also, I don't like the fabric used for Misty Sky but I LOVE the design for the OP! Like, if it was solid coloured, I would have that in my closet before you could even say "AP".

>> No.6381546

Just bought Sacred Night.

I'm unsure if boots are heels would be better it's going to be about calf length. Boots might look better?

>> No.6381553

That's a good fucking haul, wish I understood how to work out auctions. It's so confusing to me.

>> No.6381551

I love the OP but it will probably only fit correctly on girls who are short so I am going to stick with the skirt :D

>> No.6381555

I tend to like it with boots because it looks like a long wintery dress meant for sitting in fancy horse drawn carriages with velvet blankets and cute berets... XD

>> No.6381566

thing is, i cant find stock photos of this... was it a special set or something? I've never even seen somebody wear it.

..somewhat tempted to find cloud bedsheets and make the dress

>> No.6381571

Holy shit that series is awesome. Long sleeved OP is the best.

>> No.6381581

the OP does have a really cute design.. but I think the print is a little too much.

>> No.6381589
File: 99 KB, 280x373, lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misty Sky reminds me of a theatre backdrop, and not in the good way.

This dress is on my want list at the moment, but I kinda want to make it in velveteen and blackXpurple rather than lilac-lavender.

>> No.6381593
File: 44 KB, 399x600, 1348110866554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my all time favorite coords

>> No.6381599

cuddle/10, would cuddle again

>> No.6381604

Question. I've never owned an empire waist dress.. do you use an A line or bell petti with them?

>> No.6381616


should I trust this website?

>> No.6381624

Hell no. Cosplay site with an Angelic Pretty dress for that cheap?

>> No.6381628

It is Milanoo

>> No.6381646

Depends, is the skirt part A line or bell shaped? I usually prefer to use an A line anyway since it gives less bulk at the waist than a bell shaped one and helps avoid looking as pregnant.

>> No.6381672

I use Japonica, all you do is send them an e-mail using the form on their site and BAM. They instant bid for you. (The form just has stuff like auction url, max bid, paypal or credit/debit card, etc.) But! I would only bid on something with less than 24 hours less if it's really close to Japonica's opening time, or while they are open.

>> No.6381754

What are your opinions on wearing docs with Lolita?

I think if it matches the coord it can look really good, but I know some people don't like them because they aren't at all dainty

>> No.6381760

Hey cgl, i've always wanted to get into lolita but i never really had the money (nor was I allowed to spend it on lolita when i had money). Now that I'm of legal age, I wanna start. Where would I begin?

>> No.6381768

It looks cute with casual styles, biker jackets always look good with boots.

>> No.6381781

hellolace.net / the sticky
Don't know what to answer w/o a specific question
I use fromjapan.co.jp, they charge 0% SS fees

>> No.6381785


>> No.6381795

I adore misty sky. It's chiffon, my favorite, and I love all the colors. Can't wait to see the actual dresses in person. Am definitely buying.

>> No.6381815

I've got sweet jam in black, and a pair of black and white docs. I've been thinking about pairing them with red or black tights during the winter, since we get snow up here.

>> No.6381874

Is the JSK going to look any good on a bigger bust? Anyone have a similar dress like this and have a bigger bust? Pics?

>> No.6381996

But they only do Yahoo Japan Auctions, not mbok.

>> No.6382000

They do mbok

>> No.6382009


They do mbok! You can't bid in real time, but they can still bid for you. You just fill out the "Place an Order" form instead of the auction one.

>> No.6382025
File: 149 KB, 640x362, 1337319212067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew that print is ugly as fuck.

>> No.6382199

That's strange, because I did that the other day and they were like "Sorry, we no do mbok" I dunno, maybe they meant something else :/ Like, meaning they're hesitant to bid on the item because it had a stain. (that's what Japonica said to me xD They were like "B-but! IT HAS STAIN.") Baaaaaaah, I really wanted to order from fromjapan toooooo OTL *cries in corner* Next time...

>> No.6382226

Try chibi_tenshi then?

>> No.6382234

Nah too late, already ordered and won through Japonica.

>> No.6382237

how can you tell if the skirt part is an A or bell?

Sorry for my ignorant question.

>> No.6382246

Don't rush. Develop your style before you buy. Follow quality blogs that know about lolita, and you'll skip the ita step.

A lot of people will suggest bodyline, but I don't. My bodyline dress stopped me from wearing lolita. I've had my bodyline dress a year longer than my first AP dress (which i've had for about a month) and have worn it the same amount of times, because my bodyline dress had shit quality.

I say browse taobao and mbok/Y!Japan. If you get a bodyline dress, make sure its PERFECT. Not "okay" or "cheap." I got my AP dress for under $100.

And if you can, get a lolita buddy!

>> No.6382249

I cannot fucking stand your typing style, please stop.

>> No.6382265

I don't like buying AP dresses first hand because I can usually get them in the next year or two for a lot cheaper. But when I do see the price fall I am definitely buying!

I'm actually hoping most people hate it so that the prices will drop..

>> No.6382272
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1348965016012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat. 0% SS fees? Really?

Is fromjapan actually significantly cheaper than mbok? I feel betrayed!

>> No.6382275

Oh my anon! Since I value your opinion so much, please tell me how to improve! What is it about my style that bothers you so much? Is it the fact that I use emotes, or perhaps it's my sentence phrasing? Please let me know, since I want to conform to your typing style that you wish for the whole world to type in!

>> No.6382281
File: 13 KB, 420x300, 1343441831488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.6382294

I like you, too, anon friend (*^ω^)人(^ω^*)

>> No.6382308

Any tips for a new shopping service like Mai? I like buying smaller items off yahoo japan and I hate paying 500 yen for every item I buy under 2000 yen.

>> No.6382318

That's a lot better, I know it can be hard to adjust to what's expected on other websites when you're on livejournal/tumblr/Gaia for so long, but keep up the good work.

>> No.6382329
File: 68 KB, 452x308, alinevscup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382341

lolol u funneh XDDDD anons dunt nead 2 type gud liten upppppp XDDDDDDD

>> No.6382338

Don't just jump in feet first. Decide what styles you like and also what you are likely to feel comfortable actually wearing (e.g. OTT sweet may be a bit much if you've run around in black and dark colours your whole life). Then try and get together a single coordinate rather than buying random stuff because you like the look of it, or you will end up being frustrated having lolita items and no ability to make a lolita outfit. Whether you get brand/taobao/bodyline doesn't really matter, just make sure you know your measurements as clothes don't have proper sizes here, they just have measurements.

>> No.6382343 [DELETED] 

Oh my, mighty anon! I had respected you for so long, but the fact that you would think I was still on gaia?! It saddens me! That site had grown old, boring, and weaboo for me many moons ago when I was merely a tween! But alas, if must still be on your mind, you must miss it dearly. And if you hadn't caught on, I'm also
of course, >>6382009

So dearly sorry my one "joking" post offended you so so much! (´;д;`) Let me hide in my corner of shame!

>> No.6382346

ebin for le win /b/rotha xD wat is airs

>> No.6382354 [DELETED] 

Woops! It's me again, I looked at the wrong numbers after putting the first, derp. I meant to put:

But alas! It is late and I tire, I apologize for horrible anon-ness.

>> No.6382363

If using emoticons like xD and *verbs inside of asterisks* is so important to you that you feel the need to defend using them this fervently, perhaps you should return to the forum you regularly use where their use is accepted.

>> No.6382373

fromjapan has no SS fees as posted earlier in the thread

>> No.6382376

Oh no, mighty anon! I had respected you for so long! But the fact that you thought that I might of been on gaia within the past 6 years saddens me! In case you hadn't caught on, these are my posts on this thread so far:

I am so sorry that my one joking post has disappointed you! I will now go cry in my corner of shame! 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

>> No.6382385

May I direct you to one post above this, I am so sorry to trouble you, but I was typing out my other response! So sorry! It's not so much that I'm trying to defend, it's just I am greatly saddened that it was not taken note of that that post might have been a bit of a joke, since the shopping service didn't seem to want to take my order!

>> No.6382398

*blinks* y dis botha u so much??????? D: it not anoyin its espressiv!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDXDXD i gues u juss dunt unnerstan O.o

>> No.6382397

*pats ur head* dun cry she iz just being an nazty stank b*tch, emotes are totes welcum here new frend, standards are 4 jerks :-) love an pease xD *feeds u cookie* *touches butt* *runs away*

>> No.6382400

I have a dress like the one on the left, but it looks like shit with an A-line.


>> No.6382405
File: 36 KB, 280x289, 1344071912801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop the shit typing

it was funny at first but now i just want to kill all of you

>> No.6382416 [DELETED] 

Okay, now that's just creepy as fuck, I don't even want to joke around and use a really stupid fake typing style to point this out. Because at least I have spelling and proper grammar, people are getting a little too butthurt over a simple. Just want to point out also, not once have I used asterisks around verbs...

>> No.6382425


Okay, now that's just creepy as fuck, I don't even want to joke around and use a really stupid fake typing style to point this out. Because at least I have spelling and proper grammar, people are getting a little too butthurt over a simple emoticon. Just want to point out also, not once have I used asterisks around verbs...

>> No.6382426

aw sowwee anon!!!!!!!!!! ToT but i dunt no how 2 type n e otha wayyyyyyy!!!!! its in muh blood u r prolly juss jelly n e way XP

>> No.6382446

>>6382199 *cries in corner*
Emotes are acceptable when used very sparingly in situations where your intent could otherwise be misconstrued, but save the emoticon spam, "xD," and pseudo-roleplaying for IMing with your friends.

>> No.6382453 [DELETED] 

Ahh, yeah, the *insert verb here* was used as a way to prod the butthurt anon into more butthurt, but then I realized I made a typo with one of the links, deleted it, retyped it, and a little bit of my true typing style leaked through and I forgot to put it back in there. So sorry for your loss.
But now I'm curious... Do so many people on cgl/4chan have such a stick up their butt that they can no longer take a simple joke, or am I just mistaken?

>> No.6382467

Ahh, yeah, the *insert verb here* was used as a way to joke around, not prod butthurt.
But now I'm curious... Do so many people on cgl/4chan have such a stick up their butt that they can no longer take a simple joke, or am I just mistaken?

>> No.6382474

liek duh no1 on /cgl/ cn take a joke!!! evrythin is suuuuperrrr srs XD

Yeah. I made a joke in one thread, and it never recovered from after being derailed.

>> No.6382477

Pardon my mistake.

*recovered after being derailed

>> No.6382484
File: 200 KB, 392x411, OIaBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6382512

"Joking" or not, typing like a preteen girl on an anime club on neopets is just not acceptable here, and it never has been. If anything, this board is actually a bit more forgiving than others of typing like a brain-dead egocentric blogger because it's full of girls. Try that anywhere else, especially on a board with higher traffic, and it would be even worse. Lots of people make this mistake when they're new so it's okay; it's only when you try to defend refusing to learn what's acceptable in 4chan's board culture that threads get derailed with this bullshit and it becomes a problem.

>> No.6382538

Okay, okay, somebody's getting a little snappy. I got the point and I was just messing with you for a while there. Also, like I pointed out before, I only type like that 0.001% of the time, and that's when I'm joking around, I'm sorry it wasn't obvious to you. I'm going to step down before you have a heart attack from all the butthurt that has been incurred.

>> No.6382565
File: 75 KB, 340x340, 1324661991097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for understanding, I hope you'll learn from this experience.

>> No.6382595

i'm deleting this thread because of the LOL SO FUNNY IM PRETENDING TO BE DUMB XD """""troll""""""""""&quot

thread will self destruct in 10