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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6378885 No.6378885 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6378909
File: 124 KB, 590x720, 1350120909485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an aesthetic as fuck male looking to take his skin care to the next level. I have these black heads (that arent black) basically all gunk that can be squeezed out in all my pores over my nose and some of cheeks. Obviously too many hours and skin damage to squeeze every pore. Not noticeable, but I wanna be pure kawaii~ Wat do?

>> No.6378934
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Pore strips. Pic related.

>> No.6378947

That fucking gross...

How well do these work though? I never have, and am interested.

>> No.6378954

Am I the only one who gets some morbid satisfaction from seeing blackheads that have been removed?

>> No.6378976

I really haven't worn makeup my whole life, because I wasn't allowed to in my house. Now that I'm out, I don't know where to start. Any advice?
I have pretty clear, smooth skin, but ugly azn eyes and a round face.

>> No.6378977
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Oh I definitely do. Seeing the snake come out. The longer the better. So good

>> No.6378981

It's fascinating, though.

I use them regularly and they work really well for me. I exfoliate my face first, then I run some hot water to allow the steam to open my pores up. My favorite strips are by Boscia (http://www.sephora.com/pore-purifying-black-strips-P288533?skuId=1336619)), but a lot of people swear by the Biore ones you can get at any drug store.

You're not alone, anon. I'm ashamed to admit I spend far too much time watching videos of blackhead/cyst extractions. ;_;

>> No.6378982
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I wash my face and yet I still get these awful blackheads. It's embarrassing wearing makeup just to have a bunch of blackheads stick out. Even when I wear primer.
A large one keeps coming back repeatedly on the side of my damn Assley nose.
I steam it then squeeze ( until I save up for a blackhead extractor, which I hear are great ) and this massive blackhead slowly loosens up. It's not just stringy, but a thick chunk of gross. I rinse, I use toner and all that jazz, but this specific one still comes back.

>> No.6378984

I get it too, it's like a sick satisfaction.
I bought two packs of the things and they work fantastic.
I have pretty small pores and most scrubs don't do donk. These are perfect.

>> No.6378994
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I'm using benzoyl peroxide, because gossmakeupartist told me to and he is my god.

It made my acne go away, but made my skin super dry.
Will moisturizing interfere with the spot stopping effects of the benzoyl peroxide?

>> No.6378998

I spend far too much time on youtube watching cyst removals. Thankfully none of my blackheads have gotten that nasty.

>> No.6378999
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Any tips on making skin paler.
I heard milk baths, yogurt and lemon juice helps.

Any of you done anything that has helped lighten your skin?

>> No.6379006

The only way to make your skin paler is to avoid the sun. Lemon, milk, or yogurt do not decrease the melanin in your skin.
I'm afraid all you can do is avoid sunlight, apply lots of sunscreen, or wear long sleeved clothing and hats.

>> No.6379008

Sunscreen helped me. Not even joking. That and using a parasol. Other women give me stares when they see me putting on sunscreen in my car at a stoplight, but I stare back with a smile on my face, thinking "Hope you enjoy your wrinkles and leather skin, bitch~"

>> No.6379011


Not technically true.
Exfoliation can remove dead skin and cause exposure of paler sin cells.
Lemon has bleaching effects.
Exfoliation can help get rid of unwanted tans...

>> No.6379026

Any tips for really dry skin? It's flakey and horrible. I exfoliate about 2x a week and moisturize with night cream twice a day, but i still have really dry patches that look flakey and horrible and become really apparent when I wear makeup, which is annoying cause I have an uneven skintone and get a lot of redness because of the cold weather right now.

>> No.6379029

Yes, this works with tans, but other than surgery there isn't a way to eliminate unwanted melanin in your skin. While lemon has bleaching effects, it's not healthy on its own. You'd have to mix it into a facial cleanser and even then it dries out your skin.

>> No.6379204

Has anyone ever tried the whole gelatin/milk combo? How has it worked for you? It seems like a much cheaper alternative to buying strips so often.

>> No.6379225

I am 20 and I have never makeup. I never go outside so I am deathly pale. Are any guys into that?

>> No.6379247

I use benozyl peroxide too. It's been amazing for my acne, but it can be very drying. As long as you use a good moisturizer, it won't interfere with the treatment.

I use a very mild, fragrance free face wash, then apply the BP, wait until it dries, and apply a fragrance free & oil free moisturizer over it. (I do this both morning and evening, but if you only apply the BP once a day, remember to still clean and moisturize twice a day)
It will take a week or so for your skin to adjust, but after that it's awesome. I still exfoliate once a week, and if I get a dry patch on my nose, I might use a tiny, tiny dab of coconut oil under the regular moisturizer.

>> No.6379252

sure, just pretend you're a vampire. a slutty vampire. guys will flock to you. speaking from experience here

>> No.6379287

>tfw winter is coming in minnesota and soon my skin will be horribly dry for months


>> No.6379319
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I need some help, I have some fine lines under my eyes like in pic, and need an eye cream that will help minimize/reduce it and hopefully prevent anymore from happening.... I'm also willing to pay given its effectiveness, so any recommendations regardless of price are welcomed

>> No.6379328

I get really dry skin too, and for some reason mine's got worse even though it's almost summer here. I use Rosken Skin Repair Dry Skin cream. I'm not sure if you'll be able to get it because it's and Australian brand I believe, but it's quite 'heavy duty'. The smell's not too good but it doesn't linger. It's a tad pricier than a normal moisturiser, but I recommend it if you can get hold of it.

>> No.6379332

Someoneee please help haha
I haven't changed anything in my face routine but for some reason lately everytime I use one of my face washes my skin HURTS SO BAD, and it becomes all red and dry and covered in red bumps everywhere, it was really fucking up my face.

Anyone know how that would happen? It wasn't a new product ;-; none of them are, but I love it and don't want to have to replace it..

>> No.6379333

I have those too, I'm fairly certain you can't do anything about them because that's just the way the skin folds. My 16 year old brother has them too, so it's definitely not just an age thing.

>> No.6379339

Trying it now, anon. Will report results in 10-15 minutes.

>> No.6379338

Did the company change their formula? Or you might just have got a bottle from a dud batch. Stop using it immediately, and write to the company and see if you can get a refund.

>> No.6379350

It wasn't a new bottle or anything, it's the same one I've been using and it was working perfectly for months up until out of the blue a few days ago it started hurting so bad I wanted to cry. Do you think I should still write to them even though it was working fine before...? This is probably a really stupid question but I had recently started taking supplements for skin and nails and some multivitamins etc around that time, is it possible that uhm they could react badly with my face wash? Sorry if that's a dumb question lmao.

>> No.6379354

I have done it, it works amazingly. the best part is seeing all the goop that came out of your pores. hnngg

>> No.6379360

So, /cgl/, how does a complete beginner into makeup?
AS a child, all the other children hated me, so I never learned the stereotypical female things like braiding and makeup.
Is there a guide for that stuff anywhere?

Also, I have maybelline dream fresh BB cream, but it makes me break out a lot. What brands should I try?

>> No.6379367

I have these as well. I just hope my moisturizer/sun screen routine will help me out.

Has anyone heard if there are any benefits of using retinol creams when you're still young? The age old prevent, not treat scenario?

>> No.6379395

It's possible to suddenly become allergic to something. I'd switch to another product and see if you get the same reaction.

>> No.6379398


Confirmed. It works!

>> No.6379399
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I was dreading over this earlier. I already have dry skin; winter makes my face look like sand paper.

>> No.6379403
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People. Buy this stuff right here. I swear by it.

>> No.6379404

How does one keep their eye liner from 'disappearing'/fading, I usually only put liner on the lower lid. I use the crayon or whatever it's called.

And how does one make their eyelashes look fuller/longer
I have Maybelline lots of lashes and the purple falsies lashes also the yellow mascara but the name escapes me eyeliner is also maybelline.

>> No.6379405

What us the gelatin/milk combo?

>> No.6379410

1 tbsp unflavored gelatin
1-2 tbsp milk

Mix the two together until it's a chunky mess.
Microwave for 10-15 seconds.
Rub on skin and let dry completely. Peel off.

>> No.6379411

Aww, unflavored? So I can't use strawberry? :c

>> No.6379414

I...I guess you could! It might be nice since this stuff smells.

>> No.6379421

any type of milk?
wouldnt the added in strawberry stuff irritate the skin if it was meant for cleansing?

>> No.6379429

I just want a new way to smell like fruit. Rubbing strawberry-scented lip balm all over my face is getting old.

>> No.6379442
File: 10 KB, 167x178, hejibits302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am terrible at make-up application.
as well, lipstick makes my lips look like they are falling of my face.

Any 'natural' or easy application for everyday?
I guess I should start being a bit prettier since I did turn 20.

>> No.6379448

I think using any flavours is bad because the sugars in it. bacteria feeds off sugar so I am guessing putting sugar on your face isn't a good thing?

>> No.6379449

You...you're kidding, right? Your face is not your lips.

>> No.6379453
File: 490 KB, 311x205, a scared fat baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend videos or tutorials for contouring? I have that contour chart that pops up, but it's not informative to me as a total newbie.

>> No.6379457

>tfw babyface
>tfw even with a professional application, anything other than absolutely natural makes me look like a little girl that got into mommy's makeup box

>> No.6379473

I've only tried it with 2% dairy milk. I have no idea if soy/almond/coconut milk would work as well. I don't think the fat content of the milk matters, though, so you can use skim, whole, etc.
The mixture would still work as planned with flavored gelatin but the extra sugar/artificial crap can be bad for your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.

>> No.6379480
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I shouldn't have to tell you why this is a bad idea...

>> No.6379596

Maybe lipstick isn't for you. Have you tried lip gloss or a lip stain or coloured lip balm?

>> No.6379609
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1344462796923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good place to start is mascara. Lots of people want different things from mascaras so it's hard to recommend one because one person's favourite mascara can be another person's least favourite. A good beginner one is Maybelline's Great Lash. I recommend getting the waterproof version because I find the normal one flakes like crazy on me. Once you're gotten used to applying it and just how it generally looks, take a look at your eyelashes and ask yourself what you want them to look like. Would you prefer them longer? Thicker? More curled? Then look for products that do what you need. I personally never buy a product without reading reviews on it, but keep in mind that, like I said, people's preferences differ.

Other easy-ish, beginner-tier makeup is eyeliner. Start off with a pencil, it's easiest to apply, and remember to take into account your eyeshape when you apply it. There are plenty of resources online to help you with that, pic related is one such resource. Once you've mastered pencil, try a liquid or a gel for a bolder look, gel is easier to apply than liquid. As for colours, I believe you should have at least a black and a brown, and possibly a navy as navy is almost universally flattering. Other colours will depend on your eye colour.

For the lips, I usually just wear clear lip balm, or a lip tint and lip balm. Lip tints are great because the colour can usually be built, and you don't have to keep reapplying which is easy to forget to do when you're not used to wearing makeup.

The easiest way to learn is to just play around, and remember that google is your friend.

>> No.6379621

It was kind of pain to do and absolutely reeked, but worked about the same level as normal pore strips. don't get it anywhere near your hair, though, because i lost a good chunk of my eyebrow when I first did it.

Granted, pore-strips don't work very well for me. I have quite a few black/white heads on my nose, but they don't actually stick out. Pore-strips and squeezing them just don't work and it's the most infuriating thing, especially because that's basically ALL anyone recommends. And I do use pore shrinking toners and primers, but still. The only thing that's worked for me is Lush's Cupcake Mask, but my pores are back to normal in about 2 days.

>> No.6379690

All of them give the 'too huge for face and is unflattering' look, I've tried lining my lips before applying lipstick and still.

I just wear lip balm because it pinkens my lips a bit so it looks like I am somewhat wear lip stain/gloss

>> No.6379718

Is there any way to improve sickly pale skin?
I mean, my face is kinda zombie-ish without make-up. (purple eyelids and blue under eyes) (with make-up, though, it covers it well. )

>> No.6379736

Have you tried really light pink lip tints/lip sticks? Or just more red colours? I can't do any red colours but I look great in pinks! If you can shell out the money I suggest ModelCo duo lip gloss/lip stick.

Hey, also, why does benzoyl peroxide make my skin feel sticky?

>> No.6379740

That sounds great don't change! But if you really don't like it I have no idea what to suggest but there's probably some vitamins that can help give you color?

>> No.6379764

How often do you go out in the sun?

>> No.6379776

i roll my eyes every time i see someone recommend pore strips on here. ya'll are ripping up your skin and filling your pores with glue and you're going to have to keep using them for the rest of your life to maintain your "clean" pores.

just get a toner and use it with cotton balls in a circular motion until they come off clean and make sure you exfoliate/moisturize properly and regularly

>> No.6379803

I'm in college so just about every day. I'm not out for long, though. Usually the 5-10 minute walk to and from campus to the dorms.
I freckle terribly every summer when I help my dad with haying. But my face is still so pale. I don't tan, I burn. And after I burn I freckle. It's awful.

>> No.6379815
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I'd say get a mascara, an eyeliner in dark brown (unless you've got really dark skin, then you can bump up to black), something for your skin, a lip stain, and a lip balm or gloss.

If you're hair's anything lighter than really dark brown, I suggest brownish-black mascara. If it's darker, black. Covergirl's normal mascaras and L'Oreal's 8h stuff are both really good. Waterproof is suggested if you wear contacts. That doesn't mean you should sleep in it, though. If you do you're a shithead.

The same colours rules should apply to eyeliner. Also, depending on how soft the eyeliner is, you can use it to fill in your brows if they need it. Once you get comfortable with the basics you can try some different colours. Covergirl, once again, makes some pretty decent ones. The first one is softer and easy to blend/smudge, and the second is harder, better for doubling on brows, and less likely to smear.

The skin products are the most personalized ones. Depedning on your skin colours and type, you may or may not like these. The first is a Covergirl pressed powder foundation, and it's kinda exactly what it sounds like. It's a cake of powder, and its lighter and drier than the rest? Some people like them, I don't personally. The next is a Maybelline BB Cream. Doesn't really have the actual BB Cream benefits, but it's light and feels nice on your skin. Doesn't come in very many colours. The next is a Clinique BB cream. Probably closer to an actual BB Cream, and I've heard good things about it, but never actually tried it. Last but not least, Covergirl foundation. Simple, medium coverage and buildable. Not too heavy or greasy.

>> No.6379814

Because not putting on sunscreen at stoplights means wrinkles and leathery skin.

>> No.6379819

Oh, you probably have very low melanin in your skin then. I'm no skin expert, so I can't give any suggestions. I was just curious.

>> No.6379822

Lip stuffs also vary a lot depending on what you like and what colours are good for you. You can go to a Sephora and ask them about what kind of undertones you have and therefore what lip colours are suited for you. They're nice and you can get samples but don't have to actually buy anything. First up; Maybelline lip stain (1). Nothing fancy, but it stays pretty well, smells nice, and comes in a range of shade. It dries your lips out though and you'll need some thing like a balm or gloss over it. Also, if you put it on over a balm or gloss it ruins the marker tip and doesn't work for shit. Revlon lip butters(2) are somewhere between a balm and a lipstick. More coverage than your average balm, lighter and more hydrating than most lipsticks. Korres lip butters(3) I like better because they're lighter a bit more natural looking. Your lips just get hydrated and slight bit of colour. Urban Decay's lip glosses(4) are also good, and I like the honey ones best. Very light and greeeeeat texture. Seriously, I just love the feeling of them. Not gunky like most lip glosses. Favorite. The NYX(5) and MAC(7) both sell range of lip glosses and are both decent quality. Hard Candy's Plexigloss(6) isn't the best, and it's kinda thick, but they're one of the only brands that sells a clear, tasteless lip gloss and I'm like that.

Burt's Bees and EOS both sell good lip balms that improve your overall lips and they're good to have around. Burt's Bees is the top, tinted one and EOS is the weird, colourful eggy thing.

All of these things range in price and availability.

Sorry that was so long, hah. I wanted to give a lot of options, and kinda educate a bit, though.

>> No.6379823

Oh. That's depressing.
Forever sickly pale.
But I guess that's what girls are after these days, right? Super pale skin?

>> No.6379889

Oh god, I love you!
Thank you!

If you want to educate me more I would love that haha, would it help if I posted a picture? or could I just describe my features?

Hmm no, I never tried pink because I thought it would be too childish, but I guess I will thank you I shall try it!

And for the peroxide, I think any peroxide (benzoyl or hydrogen) it is just the residue left behind. Do you just use benzoyl? Have you tried a toner instead? It might not be as strong but maybe a toner and tea tree oil?
I have combination skin so the tea tree oil is nice and strong but not too invasive.

>> No.6379892

Is being pale trendy now? I've just always wanted to be pale because I always got confused as/called a Mexican or a Filipino as a young child... I'm chinese :( I was just out in the sun playing at school recesses, guess my skin tans easily.

>> No.6379891

Actually nevermind this is definitely loads of info to start with :) thank you!

>> No.6379902
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Contouring to look more manly.

>> No.6379934

Does anyone have moisturizers that they would recommend? I have really dry skin, because I'm on accutane and the winter season really dries up my skin/

>> No.6379947

It's really irritating when people go on about how pale they are or how pale they want to be these days... Actual pale people have a fucking hard ass time finding foundations and most of the Actual pale people I know have to mix white powder from goth brands into the lightest shades of foundations available to match their skin tone... It's really not something anyone should actually desire. But these people don't want to be THAT pale I'm sure, just KIND of pale. I feel the same way about people who gone on and on about having small feet... People with actual tiny feet can't just walk into a store and find their size... the girl I know with tiny feet orders custom shoes online, because she obviously can't find mature looking shoes at brand stores since she technically wears child sizes. It's annoying to me that people think these things or want these things, when it's all a huge fucking hassle for people who legitimately have these traits. This is just a rant on the trendy part, not against you, since I didn't read your comments.

>> No.6379956

Anyone know good videos or tutorials for how a guy can look more like a chick that works?

>> No.6379957

Oh man, I'm just like you. I burn and then freckle.
I'm out in the sun a lot, though, as I live in Texas on a ranch. I've sort of tanned, but mostly just on my arms and legs a bit. Lots of freckles. I like them, though~
To keep from burning like that, go get you some good sunscreen in a legit high SPF. You'll need to look up who actually makes them that way. Usually they get something like SPF 50 and stick a SPF 100 label on the bottle.

>> No.6379969
File: 70 KB, 789x600, faceCream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Ponds Dry Skin Cream, cheap (est $18 for 10oz) and works well and doesn't weight down your face.

2. Yonka Cream 27, pricey (est $40) but works really really well. Makes your skin smooth and just awesome.

>> No.6380098 [DELETED] 

I've been needing a good tutorial to make myself look manlier for a while. I nearly cried just now.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.6379980

For eyeliner when I started pencil was the hardest for me to apply! It was so thick and hard to erase my mistakes without smudging the whole thing. Liquid was easiest because if I made a mistake a damp q-tip could erase my mistake without me having to re-do the whole eye like with the pencil. I guess each person has a different preference for eyeliner too

>> No.6380016

Thank you, anon! Do you know where I would find that Yonka cream? Retail stores? Websites?

>> No.6380176

I guess you're right. Liquid was always hardest for me because I'm such a perfectionist that I would get frustrated at any tiny bump in the line. It's easier to disguise any shakiness with pencil, IMO.

>> No.6380198


Anon, so many great makeup gurus on YouTube are Asian and have great tutorials for beginners. I like frmheadtotoe for dem ugly azn eyes.

>> No.6380206

I don't see how anybody can say liquid is easy to apply.

Pencil all the way with me, my hand is way too shaky for me to get even a barely passable line. Let alone liquid is always too overly dark and dramatic for me, I can always soften up a pencil line.

>> No.6380212

Any recommendations for dry hair? Winter is really dry here in Korea and I have my skin under control, but I need some sort of deep moisturizer for my permed hair. I've already cut down to washing my hair less often, so I want something that I can put in my hair that won't get gross after a day.

Right now I'm using tsubaki damage control shampoo and conditioner. I tried Skinfood Moisture Egg Hair Pack, but I don't think it made any difference.

>> No.6380260

Anyone know any good acne facial scrubs? I've tried St Ives apricot, Burt's Bees, and YestoCarrots. First two are pretty good but expensive at times.

Also, does moose foundation work better? If not, what's the best foundation for someone will acne-prone (getting better)/oily skin that could cover up post-acne scars?

>> No.6380300
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;_; Just watched millions of vids of girls applying make-up on them and skin products. I'm off to the store..

>> No.6380303

lol forget that my period just came

>> No.6380306

That sucks...
60 dollars down the drain on cleanser.

>> No.6380321

Are there any products fro whiteheads ? I have them around my nose area and chin , i use all sort face washers and stuff so i would say that my face is pretty clean but i cant get rid of the whiteheads ;_;

>> No.6380334

Burt's bees has some acne stuff that's awesome.

>> No.6380359

Try benzoyl peroxide, and wash your face less. Stripping your skin of its natural chemicals will cause your skin to dry out and over-compensate with oil production.

Also, sleep on a clean towel every night.

>> No.6380618

Illamasqua's actually amazing for pale foundations. Kinda pricey, but lasts for a long time and absolutely worth it in my opinion. They practically saved my life!

>> No.6380626

My problem is that I wear makeup every day. Primer, concealer, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, powder, maybe some blush if I have time, the whole shebang. No problems there, I'm good at applying makeup and I look fine. And then I'll add some eyeshadow/lipstick for nights out, but I'm so afraid to experiment that I always go for neutrals, the result being that I am bored to tears of my makeup.
TL;DR I want to start wearing more interesting makeup, but I'm really not sure how to go about it. Does anyone have any tips/tutorials? Would it help if I posted a picture/described how I look?

>> No.6380629

I currently use the lightest shade of BB cream avail (fair) and the lightest powder foundation which they don't sell anymore. any other powder I have that's listed as fair or light makes me kinda tan/orange looking and its irritating. I'll have to look up lllamasqua's, though. It sounds perfect.

>> No.6380640

just a heads up on something new I discovered:

>winter time
>forehead and face extremely dry
>showing every wrinkle
>oh god wrinkles everywhere oh god I'M ONLY 24
>ran out of normal deep moisturizer and don't have any cash for more
>bottle of argan oil uncle who lives in spain gave me
>slather that shit on my face every night for a week, let it soak in overnight

look in the mirror this morning... skin is beautifully hydrated and all if not 90% of any fine lines and dry patches are gone. I'm sure if you have deepset wrinkles they won't go away, but even my two deepest lines look 50% less severe and its amazing.

>> No.6380638

Ugh, I know what you mean. I don't know where these makeup developers get off calling a foundation "Ivory" when it ends up suiting a medium beige tone better than actual ivory skin. I don't understand, I live in a country where pastiness is the norm. You'd think the makeup would reflect that even slightly.
But yeah, Illamasqua are fantastic. Personally, I use their Skin Base Foundation in 02, and I find it great. They also do a plain white foundation that you could use for mixing. But you'll have to buy it online if you're not the UK.

>> No.6380641

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I can't bring myself to ask in any other thread/start a thread just because of a question.
I was wondering if there are any ways that you can quickly whiten your skin, as in, a matter of days.
I have a photo shoot on Wednesday and I just returned from Spain with a healthy, slowly acquired tan..
I am not looking for the usual 'bath in lemons' sort of advice as I already tried that sort of thing from Google and it all had little to no effect.

>> No.6380660

I'll have to try that!

I don't have like, AWFUL wrinkles, but under the eyes a little and around my mouth and I feel like an old lady

A good blending brush and one million youtube tutorials.


^That man is a god, great tips and tutorials with wondeful explinations.

>> No.6380688
File: 26 KB, 327x254, 1316030178475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matter of days
Photoshop, foundation/bodypaint...

Exfoliating helps get rid of a tan quicker, but probably not in such a short period of time. Scrubbing your skin raw doesn't sound like a good idea.
If they don't like your tan then they're going to have to find a way to deal with it, because I really doubt you can get rid of it before Wednesday.

>> No.6380696
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Makeup is gross.

>> No.6380710

>Katy Perry is gross

>> No.6380711

she's wearing stage makeup... it has to look gross to make her face visible from far away. would you rather your celebrities and singers be faceless white blobs?

>> No.6380727

Can this be a makeup/beauty/skin care/haircare thread, too?

I started the no 'poo method a couple weeks ago and I think I'm doing something wrong. My hair used to be CONSTANTLY greasy no matter what shampoo I used. The baking soda wash fixed that right up, but the vinegar rinse that's supposed to make my hair soft and silky just makes it hella stringy and kind of rubbery like a cheap wig. It's possible I mixed it wrong.

I tried just using the baking soda wash and not the vinegar rinse and so far it's working, but my hair's texture is still really weird. It's not dry, or as rubbery as when I use the vinegar rinse but it's still... off. And since I started the no 'poo method, whenever I comb my hair I get CLUMPS of hair in my comb and it turns into one huge static-y mess, which never happened before. I have thin stringy blonde hair to begin with so I'm starting to get afraid of combing my hair.

>> No.6380734


I want to attack her with a babywipe.

>> No.6380736

Is there really no help/cure for cellulite and stretch marks?
I'm not even remotely fat, I have a nice ass from what I've been told and I have long ass legs but I can't even show them off comfortably because the backs of my thighs have cellulite, my inner thighs and outsides of my hips have stretch marks and I just feel fucking gross in shorts/skirts/swimsuits

>> No.6380745
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tattoes, sister

>> No.6380749

More like Cakey Perry amirite!?

>> No.6380754


>> No.6380756

oh wow this stuff looks promising...they have a cellulite cream too

but for such a high price I'm afraid to trust it...is this stuff reliable? Any personal experience or anything?

>> No.6380759

I'm starting to get interested in beefing up the anti-aging aspect of my skincare since I've turned 26. My skin is sensitive and oily/combination. Are Boscia and Murad any good? I've heard great things about them, but the price seems steep.

>> No.6380764

I have a Question how many males here use make for cosplay also do you put it on yourself or do you get a female friend to apply it on you?

>> No.6380833

Okay. My face is sensitive and mostly dry but areas like my nose and chin get oily every so often and only those two areas.
My face gets red when I get hot, even when not in the sun, also the top of my arms look like they have a rash. Most scented washes make my skin itch/burn so I end up using a plain Dial soap.

...product suggestions? I have no clue what moisturizers and cleansers I should be using. I'm trying to build my collection so I can actually have a ritual with it.
Same goes for a good foundation/make up line I should look for.

>> No.6380836

Thanks, but I'm looking for contouring as a female.

>> No.6380841

>backs of my thighs have cellulite
Cellulite is caused by subcutaneous fat. You know what to do.

>> No.6380848
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>> No.6380879

Checked the pages, saw the BBCream thread was gone, I figure I'll ask here instead.
So I want to try this BB Cream out but I want to use the actual asian varieties and not the American-made ones, since I've heard they work better or something?
I know next to nothing about it but I won't bore you with a whole bunch of questions, there's a beauty supply store in NYC's Chinatown I could always go to and I was wondering if I went there and found it, would it be cool to trust it. The place seemed pretty legit, but I'd rather get other opinions.

I know next to nothing about makeup or anything so "pretty legit" in my book is "It looks clean organized and doesn't reek of an asian food store"

>> No.6380884

I don't really ever use mascara; can someone help me? I have really short eyelashes, and whenever I get it applied, whether by myself or by someone else, it comes out really clumpy and stiff.

>> No.6380885

What BB cream did you want to try? What's your skin type? There's plenty to choose from. I recommend Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream for coverage.

>> No.6380887


For sensitive skin: Clinique, Neutrogena, Physician's Formula, Simple, or any variety of organic products that are free of dyes/perfumes. Clinque, Neutrogena, and Physician's Formula are all good for makeup as well as skincare/face wash products.

For my face, I go back and forth and use Simple's Moisturizing Facial Wash or Neutrogena's Extra Gentle Cleanser. For moisturizer, I use Neutrogena's Oil Free moisturizer for sensitive skin. I have combination skin as well, and it's very important to moisturize your whole face, including the oily areas. If you need, you can use oil absorbing sheets during the day to absorb excess oil.

I found that I can handle scented bodywash as long as it's organic. My mother cannot handle any perfumes, so she uses Desert Essence's Fragrance Free body wash: desertessence.com/store/fragrance-free-body-wash
I currently use Nature's Gate bodywash, but I also like Shikai. I use Kiss My Face shaving cream, and Shikai or KMF lotion. Desert Essence has fragrance free lotion and shampoo, as well. You can buy any of these online, or at a place like Whole Foods. Sometimes regular grocery stores carry Nature's Gate if they have a "natural" area in the cosmetics department.

>> No.6380891

models have to take Wheat Germ or Wheat Germ Oil for their skin. Anyone know anything else?

>> No.6380892

I find using a curler spreads them out a tad more. Also, I try not to blink much right after applying mascara, my lashes stick together because of the wet mascara otherwise.

>> No.6380893

Not entirely sure, though I have heard of the brand you just mentioned. I was just going to go look for anything that said BB on it, take a photo, and either go to the internet or you guys and go "Is this right I do good job?".

Honestly my skin is really pale white and I heard that a lot of people have issues getting BB Cream for that tone so any suggestions for that would be beautiful.

I'm in an awkward-ish spot between olive and pink undertones so it doesn't really matter to me either way if there's undertones and stuff involved.

If you mean dry, oily, etc. I'm not particularly in either direction. I'm sorta plain, but stress makes me break out so I don't know if that counts for anything. Like I said I'm pretty unsure about anything like this.

Ahead of time, thanks for putting up with all these questions.

>> No.6380895

I forgot to mention in this wall of text, I mostly want the cream to make sure I even out skintone and to help cover problem spots when I get stress break-outs, and figured I may as well go all out and go with bb cream.

>> No.6380896

Anyone use Dr. Jart BB cream?

A Korean classmate of mine uses it (though somewhat thickly..) and I'm wondering how it compares to more-known brands like Missha or Etude House.

>> No.6380898

Has anyone tried anything from Paula's Choice? I've heard so many amazing things from GossMakeupArtist, and I do love him very much.

I've got a big problem with my pores, around my nose and the sides of my face closest to the nose I have extremely large pores which ALWAYS get clogged up with blackheads. I have a fantastic cleanser from Neutrogena which has really cleared away the dirt in the pores on my cheeks, but not so much on my nose, which are staying very stubbornly dark.
Whilst it's been great, my pores are still huge, so I'm not really solving the problem at all as they keep getting clogged up again, they're like massive targets. I've used Soap&Glory's Fab Pore Facial Peel twice a week but I haven't seen any difference in pore size. Also, I recently got the most horrific breakout of a whitehead on my chin and my cheek, and I tried bursting it, but it never goes quite right... so it's probably going to leave a scar.

>> No.6380903

It might have expired or just gone bad. I'd buy a new one and see if it's better.

>> No.6380907

I love Dr. Jart's so much. I was a little wary of the price, but after seeing a few reviews I wanted to try it.

I like the heavier coverage, and it's so easy to blend out. There's no smell (I get headaches from heavily scented stuff) and it stays on all day. Never had a breakout from it either, which is rare for me.

>> No.6380909

If you're going to buy from that store, remember to be wary of fakes.

>> No.6380912

I see! Thanks anon, though I'd have to pass. I personally prefer lighter coverage.

>> No.6380920


>> No.6380922

Does anyone have any suggestions for an eye circle concealer? I tried Clinique's All About Eyes Concealer, but it ended up being cakey and bleh.

>> No.6380929

Benefit's Boing! is an all-over concealer, but I find it works pretty great on my under-eye circles anyway. I know they have a concealer specifically for under-eye circles as well, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.6380928

Of course! Haha, I am going to be very cautious about all of this stuff. I'm going to try and get a list of brands and what they look like so I can compare side by side.

Probably a bit too extreme, but its better than going in blind.

>> No.6380951

This whole channel is full of great tutorials. He has a series where he shows step by step in detail with product recommendations for how he does his makeup for drag shows. Hopefully this helps?


>> No.6380958

I also really like Bobby Brown's corrector line, goes on nice a smooth without looking cakey and covers well for me. Also very good colour rage and made to cancel out under eye circles :)

>> No.6380966

Thanks! I'll go check these out.

>> No.6380972
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 113442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who have blackheads/breakouts this toner is my go to. The glycolic is great for dry or oily skin, also is great for helping with anti-aging since it exfoliates your skin. It doesn't smell great but I appreciate it not being fragranced. It has also never made my face dry. I will never stop using this stuff, it is amazing!! Totally changed my skin.

>> No.6380977

Forgot to mention is is ph balanced so it works properly, which is very important for these kind of products.

>> No.6381063

I see... I guess I'll just have to use bodypaint for this week.
But what about any ways to lose it over several days, as in, a week or so?
Also I remember that I once read something about an emergency over-night de-tanning for someone who had to lose their tan for for the second day because he/she was going to a con, but this was literally months ago and I can't remember how... Anyway remembers anything?

>> No.6381360
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Anyone mix vitamin c powder into their moisturizer? What are some good moisturizers for mixing vitamin c powder into?

>> No.6381380

Does anyone have any recommendations for products to get rid of blackheads in the UK? I have been trying different products for years now and nothing helps. I have no idea what to try any more.

>> No.6381388
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I met a woman selling oils, soaps and incense in the city street the other night and bought this 7 oil blend. My disgustingly dry skin has never felt better and I've only been using this stuff in place of lotion for a few days. So happy that I will have smooth skin this winter.

>> No.6381432
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I haven't tried that one specifically, but I have tried Water Fuse and it didn't work for my skin tone at all. I'm an NW15, and it seriously made me look like a cheeto - it was that orange. I really liked the formulation though, so I'd definitely recommend giving it a try if you have somewhat darker skin.

Pic related is a swatch of the Rejuvenating BB cream.

>> No.6381437

Do you know what oils are in it?

>> No.6381444

Has anyone used AmbiFade cream? I'm using it for my post acne marks and I'm wondering how long it will take to see results, if I even see them at all.

Also, can anyone tell me if they think cliniques Even better dark spot correct is worth the money? How about neutrogena's rapid tone repair moisturizer?

Finally, can anyone recommend a good whitening bb cream? I was thinking about trying the brtc Jasmine water bb cream (I've tried the 3 main skin79 bb cream and they were just okay for what needed).

Oh actually one last thing, for those who have tried one or both: should I buy the brtc jasmine water bb cream or the bourjois healthy mix serum foundation?

>> No.6381663

I honestly can't remember because I ran back and decided to buy it when she was packing her stuff up. She knew her stuff.

>> No.6381713

I have small expression lines/creases on my forehead, does anyone know of any good serums or creams that work well?
And what is a way to get rid of sun damage like freckles?

>> No.6381733

Looks like olive oil for sure, with maybe some argan oil, coconut oil and maybe some kind of essential oil to help the skin? how does it smell?

>> No.6381749

>, can anyone recommend a good whitening bb cream? I was thinking about trying the brtc Jasmine water bb cream (I've tried the 3 main skin79 bb cream and they were just okay for what needed).
I'm not so sure the brtc jasmine one really whitens much. I always hear these things aren't really that noticable anyway. (I'm already pale as shit.) It however is a pretty pale foundation, I'm not sure how well it blends to tones. But it's a good bbcream as long as your skin doesn't have too much sensitivity. Mine can be a bit agitated from it sometimes and other times, it is not not.

>> No.6381759

Also I'm pretty sure I tested that dark spot corrector as well, I didn't notice much. You can go into sephora and ask for a sample of the product. They put it in a little small container and it lasted me a while(I used sparse applications of it 2x a day.)

>> No.6381773

oooh, thank you! I'm really pale, so maybe I should go for it (nc15 is too dark for me).
Oh, I didn't know they would do that. I'll go do that soon, thanks for the advice!

>> No.6381851

My allergies are awful, so I can't tell each one, but I can't smell any olive oil. Possibly coconut, and I think I remember her mentioning argan.

>> No.6381951

I recently started using Dr. Jart's Black Label (the "Premium" original formula stuff in the grey tube has parabens in it) and I love it! The color matches me perfectly (I don't know what standard color I am, but I have very light skin with pink undertones), it has good coverage without looking like I'm wearing anything, and it makes my skin feel really nice.

I got Dr. Jart's because it's a Korean brand apparently and was being sold at Sephora.

>> No.6381967

You probably wont be able to smell the olive oil, the green hue just looks very similar to extra virgin olive oil.

>> No.6381974
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1. Nippon Kodo Pelican Deitanseki Soap Clay Charcoal Facial Cleansing Bar



oh and exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week

>> No.6382014
File: 103 KB, 640x480, eyes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more white under one eye than the other, It makes my eyes look different as though one is bigger. I usually don't apply makeup other than mascara under my eye but is there some way i can make them look more even?

>> No.6382100

I use congealed bacon fat to remove the rings under my eyes. I also rub Pinesol on my shoulder blades, but I don't really have a reason for that. Keeps them from tingling.

>> No.6382177

Maybe try lining your waterline on just your left (well, the smaller one) with white eyeliner?

>> No.6382262

how the heck do I apply eyeliner on my lower lid without my lashes getting in the way? It turns into a smudgy mess

>> No.6382356

Anyone have a recipe for a natural acne scar eraser mixture? I've heard of ones that use lemon juice that work wonders.

>> No.6382362

I've started using a glycerine/lemon juice mix. I haven't seen any results yet, but I haven't been doing it for that long.

>> No.6382388

Do you apply on the waterline or under your lashes?

>> No.6382431


I stopped using OTC face clearing crap and just started dabbing lemon juice on my worst cystic and scarred spots. It's been 2 weeks and my main problem area isn't as red, isn't painful to the touch, and actually does look a lot better. I don't have pics because I'm horribly self conscious about my skin, so I never take pics anyway.

>> No.6382452

what is a good foundation for plale/reddish dry skin?
Every time i wear makeup it gets very cakey & flaky and i look so bad after a half hour

>> No.6382518

God knows how since I didn't touch it, but a zit on my chin got infected and this has never happened before so I'm really not sure what to do for it.
Can you guys give me some advice on how to get rid of it? I'd appreciate it so much.

>> No.6382542

I've tried the waterline, but it tickles so much my eyes immediately water. I attempted under and it was a clumpy lash mess

>> No.6382563

my eye itches so much and i can't help but rub it a lot. so as a result i have folds underneath my eyelids now. any tips on how to take care / get rid of them?

>> No.6382613


Put an astringent on it. Lemon juice is an astringent if you don't have time to buy anything and need something RIGHT NOW, but keep it clean and don't mess with it. you can even put neosporin on it.

>> No.6382715

Okay, how do I get rid of milla under my eyes?
Also is there a time limit on scars/stretch marks until you can't fade them anymore?

Oh, and, uh, because it's aesthetic, is there a way to get rid of benign tumors without surgery by any chance? I have dozens of them on my legs...not noticeable at all, but my god does it hurt if I bump into anything.

>> No.6382729

God YES it's actually worth the money in my opinion. I ordered a bunch of samples and the BHA9/1% exfoliated the fuck out of my blackheads.
And get your fucking hands off your face. I'm not exactly one to judge because I do it too, but like you said, it may scar.

>> No.6382737

Get the Marcelle vitamin C line, it's orange.

>> No.6382740

I can't help with the milla or your legs, but stretch marks are forever.

They can fade to a kind of silvery, hardly noticeable color, but the texture will remain if you look closely.

>> No.6382948

I'll try that. Thanks a ton!

>> No.6385567

I need moisturizer recommendations. I used to use The Body Shop's Seaweed Mattifying Day Cream, and it was the only one that didn't make me break out (it wasn't mattifying, though, just used it as a normal moisturizer). However, I gut burned on a purchase there and refuse to buy anything else.

I've tried some Nivea and Neutrogena creams since then and they've both been too heavy (even the "light ones"--I have oily skin, but get flaky in winter which is why i need a very light cream). What's a good lightweight drugstore-brand cream, /cgl/?

>> No.6385606

Philosophies Breathe or w/e is what i'm using now, i'm acne prone and i love it.

>> No.6385638

I used to use that same moisturizer but switched to Origins Make a Difference. They have one that is a gel type moisturizer which is lightweight and sinks in quickly. Never looked back.

>> No.6385688

Those both have good reviews, but I can't find samples and I'm hesitant to drop $50-ish on something that might not work. I'm looking for a light (or gel-based) moisturizer from a more affordable brand.

>> No.6385702

go to Sephora and get a sample, then go to another Sephora and get another sample, and again if you have another in the area. then use it for a week and see how you like it.

it's really not hard to get nearly full products from Sephora if you just time it right and get different sales clerks each time.

except with eyeshadows and blushes, powder products in general, since they only give you swatches that you can rub on your face like once.

but with foundation i got a sample of the Kat Von D in two shades, since one was too light and one was too dark, and i mix them and i am not even half way through yet. worn it over a week every day now.

>> No.6385720

Alright, I'll try a few Sephoras tomorrow. Luckily I study downtown and there's a Sephora every two streets.

>> No.6385737

get as much as you can, then ~
say you want to try it, heard about it online, the real samples are a lot smaller than what they'll give you in the little pots.

the real samples come in like little packets that hold enough to use once. but the samples they make you can be used like 4 times depending on how much you use.

>> No.6385916

Neutrogena 3-in-1 Eye Concealer. It's light, doesn't irritate my eyes, reduces puffiness, and is the only eye makeup I've found that actually makes my dark circles noticeably lighter. They're never go away, let's be realistic, but it's the best I've found so far out of trying almost every kind of drug store makeup.

>> No.6385924



>> No.6386565

Since I started taking Iron supplements my dark circles have reduced significantly.

>> No.6386834

How do you guys feel about ELF cosmetics?
I bought some of their mascara and love it but haven't gotten more yet.

>> No.6386841

Amazingly good for their price, but still a drugstore brand. You will find better products out there.

>> No.6386848

Well of course, I tend to use a lot of things from sephora makeup wise. But i saw it at a christmastree shop once and decided to try it. I was so glad I did.

>> No.6386856

I recommend their studio brushes, HD powder, and bronzers. Decent lip products as well. Their eye shadows are hit and miss, but the ones that are pigmented are great.

>> No.6387085

Are you new here?

>> No.6388342

Okay, I have a weird situation here. I wear Missha M Perfect Cover pretty much every day. But for the last week, I've had exam so I've been at home studying, so I haven't put on any makeup. The weird thing is, I'm breaking out a lot since I'm not wearing anything. Anyone know why this would happen?

>> No.6388350

are you putting anything on your face? moisturizers, toners, anything?

what about how you're washing it? the same as when you wore makeup?

>> No.6388369

Everything is exactly the same as when I wore makeup. I never get this sort of thing when I have my period or anything either. I've just been waking up every morning with 2 or 3 new zits. I've been making sure to change my pillowcase so I know it's probably not that either.

>> No.6388393

well then- i think it might be because of what's in the BB cream that you are no longer getting. i mean, BB does stand for blemish balm. it's just as much of a skin care product than a makeup product.

>> No.6388417

Oh, okay. Thanks for your help

>> No.6388427

hope it clears up for you, i know how hard it is to get acne when you're not used to it. going from "mild redness with the occasional acne" to "acne prone" is a nightmare.

>> No.6388444

my skin would get terribly flaky (and still does if i forget to use my lotion), I use vanicream moisturising skin cream. its intended for people with very sensitive skin, and comes in large sizes :)
their lite lotion is also very nice (good for day to day when you're not flaky). i havent tried any of their other products

>> No.6388461

what products are they? switch to something a little gentle maybe, like cetaphil daily cleanser or purpose cleanser, both from drugstores

>> No.6388499

vanicream moisture cream! my derm recommended me it when i went. cant afford it now so back to having acne );

>> No.6388559

The thing is, a lot of people are quite pale but have dark skin in some places due to sun exposition. It technically is a tan.

Of course, your skin is never going to be lighter than it already is on, say, your buttcheeks or tits, but I don't think anyone here is palnning on that.

>> No.6388593

Because women were not staring at anon because they were doing it on a stoplight, they were staring because HOW DARE SHE NOT WANT A TAN AND USE EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OUTSIDE HER HOUSE WITH THE SUN ON HER UNPROTECTED FACE.

>> No.6389596

h-hey guys, if I posted a picture of myself for some general "beauty" tips, would you be willing to help me out? I'm just so fed up with myself and I'm really not sure where to start.

>> No.6389607

that's what this thread is for

>> No.6389642
File: 1.21 MB, 961x640, photo(49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay! thanks.

Picture is without any makeup, with and without glasses. My hair is combed out, washed a day ago. I tried to make a neutral face, but I ended up looking dumb.
I can post something too that

I basically just want to look better and learn what suits my face and what doesn't -- for makeup, hair, glasses, anything.
I'm getting new glasses by the end of the week, so advice on what frames would look best would be great (the attendants seem to only want to sell you the most expensive ones they can find).

>> No.6389650

aw, didn't realize how bad quality that was. sorry.
Also, cut-off sentence was supposed to be "I can post something too that shows what I currently do for makeup, but I don't think I make much of a difference."

>> No.6389660

i think you could get away with a pretty light foundation, even a tinted moisturizer with a decent concealer. i don't see any really bad blemishes on your face.
NARS is really nice, not too heavy, if you have a more yellow skin tone. Makeup Forever's HD foundation can be heavy, but if you apply it lightly it can be sheer. it's also more on the yellow side.
and Tart's tinted moisturizer is my favorite, i think it'd be lovely for you. it comes in a ton of colors.

as for concealer, CoverFX and NARS make bomb ass concealers.

you have beautiful beautiful beautiful eyes, you could do... anything from just mascara and tightlining to full on drag makeup and look stunning. like you have so much eyelid space, perfect eye shape, such nice eyelashes, and your brows are a perfect shape. you can get away with whatever you want.

you also have a great bone structure, so basic contouring or not even bothering with contouring would be fine.

stick around for a minute- i'll make a separate post for what i'd do for a basic makeup routine with list of products and everything.

>> No.6389687

makeup routine time ~ i'm trying to keep it simple but this is a little excess for some because i am a makeup whore.

>start with clean, moisturized face
>apply Tart's tinted moisturizer with clean hands or a foundation brush. use hands for more sheer coverage and rub into skin a bit. use foundation brush for heavier coverage.
>dust on light layer of Laura Mercier translucent powder (feel free to skip this step if you have dry skin)
>apply chapstick
(using Urban Decay Naked palette for all eyeshadows)
>apply Virgin under brow bone and in inner corner of eyes with any brush
>apply naked all over lid space, and a little past the crease with any brush
>apply buck in and slightly above crease with any brush, blend out with a fluffy brush
>pat small amount of side car in the middle of your lid to add shimmer with any type of brush
>slightly line your upper eyelid with darkhorse, hustule, or creep with a small angled liner brush or pencil liner brush
>use any eyeliner of your choice to line your top lid, with a small wing (i like Stilla's pen eyeliner)
>apply Buxom mascara to upper and lower eyelashes (curl your lashes if you feel you need to, they don't look like they need it!)
>apply blush color of your choice (MAC blushes are my favorite, i think a more peachy natural color would work best on you. not bright pinks or reds) with a blush brush of any type
>apply lip colors of your choice (again i think neutral colors would fit you more than pinks, reds, whatever.)

your eyebrows don't look like they need any help, but if you feel they do you can use Buck from the Urban Decay Naked Palette.

i can give you a bunch of makeup tutorials i think would work well on you too, if you want.
you're so pretty.

>> No.6389707

I <3 you Spooky, you've been unbelievably helpful. Thank you, and thank you other anons too.

>> No.6389709

OH and as for your hair, i think it's really pretty as is. like color wise, and it looks very healthy. the only thing i would change is like curl the ends inwards rather than out.

outwards looks a bit farrah fawcett. inwards will be more elegant and classy.

maybe some swept bangs too, if you want.

and for glasses i'm not sure what to say. i never really look at glasses unless i'm told like "what do you think of my glasses" and i'm like- i don't fucking know.

>> No.6389716

I would say that the glasses you have now do suit your face because your face is thin and long (not overly long, don't get self-conscious!). The thin frame and rectangle glasses adds more dimension to your face. However, maybe a bit smaller on the rectangles so that they don't hide your beautiful cheekbones.

If you're wondering where I'm pulling this from, I wear glasses and contacts and care a lot about how they look on faces.

>> No.6389792

oh my god, thank you so much!
I've been wanting to try NARS for a minute, their stuff looks so preeetty. and sheit, I just got the Naked Palette like a month ago, perfect.
I really appreciate the time you took to help me out! I'd love a few tutorials if you have a minute.

ugh, that's just what my hair does, but I can try to coax it inwards.

oh, awesome, thank you! I'll remember that.

Question: where do I get brushes? I got some cheap ones from Amazon last year, but the bristles fall out as I use them and they're falling apart, but MAC's brush prices scare me a little. Is there a middle ground?
Also, friends say they just carry their makeup with them to touch up -- are you really supposed to carry like a whole palette around with you? That's not too weird?

>> No.6389829

makeup you should carry with you is like, powder, concealer, eyeliner if you have runny eyes.

no many people touch up their like eyeshadow during the day, but powder if you get oily. concealer if you notice anything sticking through your foundation, eyeliner because that can smudge or run if you have watery eyes (like me)

i am a "all brushes work" type of person. like, i have everything. like i have brushes that were 5 for a dollar, and $60 brushes. you know?
i would go for a value set at Target for like $30 and then maybe a couple more. oh, and get a powder puff. which are like $2 and you can wash them and re-use them. they last awhile.

basic list of brushes is-
>powder brush. big and fluffy
>blush brush. angled brushes are what i prefer, but you can just a smaller fluffy brush as well
>foundation brush
>flat eyeshadow brush
>fluffy eyeshadow brush
>pencil or smudge brush, something small

Target has some really really nice brushes, and sets for pretty cheap.
i don't like ELF brushes, all mine have been shit. but i know a lot of people like them.

also, if you keep a role of paper towel at your makeup desk you can wipe off excess product and just re-use the same brush over and over. i often do all my eyeshadow with one brush because i am too lazy to sift through all my brushes.

oh, and to clean them, just mix an antibacterial soap with shampoo (and a little olive oil if you want) and ta-da. brush cleaner.

>> No.6389843

>>Reading Spooky's posts.
>>Wish she would just come with me shopping and show me how to do everything.

>> No.6389865

Paula's choice is all you need to know.

If you spend some time reading what's all about, I saved you shitload of money.

>> No.6389926

uhm i would love to take you shopping

i second this. i got Resist BHA 9 and omg my life is like a new life

>> No.6389956

If you lived near me, we would go and then I would treat you to lunch <3

>> No.6389963

wish i did. all i do is sit in my room all day.

not for long though, back to 40 hours a week soon.

>> No.6390056

Quick question.
On your first everyday makeup thread, when you're putting your extensions in.

How exactly did you get them to have that subtle wave to them?

>> No.6390404

Anyone know any good glycolic acid washes or scrubs to combat bacne? Even with sheet washing, side sleeping and back scrubbing, going from relatively clear to a pigmented connect the dots sheet is pretty damn bad.

>> No.6390409

And also, how can I mask bags with concealer? Went to Sephora today and one of them said to work on it as if I'm blending it to look like the letter V rather than all under the eyes...

>> No.6390477

When I use make-up brushes to do eye-shadow I always end up flicking extra powder onto places, or it'll fall off the brush before I get it to the place I want to put it.
What am I doing wrong? They're ELF brushes, but older from before they were so cheap (I've barely used them, so they're not worn out.)
I end up using the foamy applicator or my finger. I know fingers get oils in the make-up and the foam applicators suck. Tips?

>> No.6390491

If the gelatine milk mix smells too gross for you, putting in a few drops of rose water/orange blossom water or vanilla makes it a lot more tolerable. Just try and use a natural product rather than something with alcohol in it.

>> No.6390511

I have to disagree with the "appearance of larger eyes" one. Putting eyeliner on the bottom water line makes eyes seem really small and beady.

>> No.6390517

where to get this?

>> No.6391706
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys. So I thought I ordered ONE BOX (5 sheets?) of these Nesura blackhead remover sheets, for $2.99. I just wanted to try pore sheets for the first time and had $3 to blow, so I ordered these. Well I just got the package (ordered on 10/27, relieved 11/7) and I was shocked when I opened it! I got 5 boxes and each box says 10 sheets. I also got a little Tony Moly puff thing, a Missha red ginseng sheet mask, two Skinfood honey masks, another charcoal strip sample, and two Lioele BB cream samples. For $2.99. Ugh I'm in love, pic and link related.


>> No.6391718

have you already tried the blackhead remover sheets?

>> No.6391720

I haven't yet but I probably will today!

>> No.6391825

I know for circle lenses you need to get your base curve measured. How is this actually done?

>> No.6391849

you should ask an optometrist

>> No.6391863

Well I just tried one. I couldn't figure out how to put it on at first, derp, but I finally got it and waited .. When I took it off there was little to nothing on the strip. My skin was kinda dry and reddish looking and there was some black residue, but my skin felt softer. This is my first time so I probably screwed it up, but so far it's not that great. My blackheads/pores weren't bad to begin with but I don't see any difference at all. I guess I have 49 more to see if it makes any difference!

>> No.6391873

Would you mind reviewing the face mask after you use it? I got one with some stuff I bought off cosmetic-love and I have sensitive skin so I'm kinda scared to use it in case I get an adverse reaction.

>> No.6391880

The ginseng one? Sure! I have really sensitive skin too, I get really red when I use pretty much any mask, but I'm looking forward to using these. I might try it tomorrow evening, cause I have a date early in the day and don't want to break out the day before haha.

>> No.6391888

Okay, thanks! And I just realised that the link you posted is the ebay version of the cosmetic-love website. I love that website so much.

>> No.6391897

This was my first order but I'm loving them too ~ I love samples so much haha. And the little puff is so cute!

>> No.6392120

What can I do to make my skin less red? My face is always really, really red and it's noticeable through makeup. (especially on my nose/ cheeks)
What can I do to reduce this?

Also, how can I make my nose look smaller. It is the worst thing on my face and I need to draw attention from it.

>> No.6392166

Do you have rosacea?

>> No.6392299 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 359x500, makeupideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this isn't on autosage...

I'm looking for a brownish matte cream eyeshadow. Preferably drugstore, but I'm willing to pay more.

I've tried the maybelline tattoo colors, taupe was too grey for what I wanted. Bronzed was closer, but too sparkly and a little too dark.

I can get pretty close to the color I want if I smudge this color eyeliner, but I end up using a lot of it, so I want to find an eyeshadow-

pic is what I'm going for, makeup wise.

>> No.6392311

contouring for nose.

try the eucerine redness relief face wash and night cream

makeup wise, green tinted primer/concealer/whatever. green cancels red. If it isn't too bad, you can probably get away with just a very thin layer of green and no normal colored foundation on top

>> No.6392419

I went and bought this because you recommended it yesterday. My cheeks were pealing dry and it's already fine. It's awesome.

>> No.6392766

Wow this looks great! Pretty worth it for only $3 can't wait to see what I get

>> No.6392785

What did you order? The amount of free samples and stuff you get depend on the number of products you buy from them, not including samples.

>> No.6393258


>> No.6393326

I haven't tried them, but loreal has some neutral cream palletes

>> No.6394119

May I have some help, please?

>> No.6395200

lipbalm advice needed
i live in a cold climate
my lips tend to be dry during the winter
what's the best lip balm to keep them moisturized?

>> No.6395206

Burt's Bees have always worked wonders for me, so I swear by it. Get the moisturizing one (pink cap) and you should be all set~

>> No.6395214

Hello! Back with more BB Cream questions!
So I've changed my mind, and since one of my friends is doing a Taobao order pool I was going to see if I can order bb cream from there. Has anyone bought bb cream from a Taobao store and if so, which one and was it good?
Sorry to ask so many questions about these things, I'm just nervous about anything makeup and skin related. I haven't even so much as learned how to use mascara till this year, so I just don't want to mess up badly. I'm google searching and combing through old threads as we speak but I figured I'd just directly ask the question.

>> No.6395216

seconding the Burts Bees. I've found the EOS lip balms also work really well for me, but the packaging isn't for everyone.

>> No.6395220


I like Aquaphor for when my lips are REALLY dry/dead (although it isn't specifically a lip balm. It's like a moisturizing ointment thing but it works really well for lips and undereye circles).

>> No.6395226

I love Elizabeth Arden's 8h stick. It's a bit pricey but it's heaven on my lips and it lasts long.

>> No.6395233

I can never find a suitable lipbalm but I've found that the OraLabs lipbalm works really well for my extremely dry lips, especially the Extra Moisture almond ones.

>> No.6395653


I'm thin and lift and still have some cellulite.

>> No.6396336
File: 1.13 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ginseng mask anon! I tried the ginseng mask! Or, am trying it. I've been laughing at myself in the mirror for about 10 minutes now! I'll see soon how it effected my skin, haha! So far it's really wet and cool. My skin is tingling slighty, not bad. We'll see soon if this was a bad idea or not.

>> No.6396396
File: 990 KB, 250x208, 1339582367940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All done. I took it off and didn't notice any new redness or anything, my skin feels light and soft and .. well, wet. Waiting for it to dry. But no bad side effects! Good luck with your mask, anon. ^^

>> No.6396498

Thank you! I'm not going to lie, I lol'd at your first photo.

>> No.6396582
File: 1.78 MB, 240x192, 1340669031923 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep scrolling past it and laughing too! I scared the crap out of my sister when she came downstairs and I turned around really fast. She said I looked like a serial killer.

>> No.6399703

Does anyone here have any experience making their own skincare products with ingredients like l-ascorbic acid (vit C), niacinamide etc? I'm not talking about sugar/oil scrub sort of things. I mean buying the ingredients that you find inside the products you buy, fiddling with emulsifiers, pH level etc. There are two main forums for this; Essential Day Spa and SkinCare Talk, but they dont really have recourses for total beginners. It seems like a Vit C serum and salycilic acid are easy enough to make but I'm interested in using ingredients like Alpha Arbutin to clear up some dark spots that are marring my otherwise nice complexion

>> No.6400259
File: 20 KB, 220x293, 220px-Guldukat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scrolled past this without my glasses on and thought "Fuck yeah, Cardassian cosplay!".

Man, those sheet masks never fit. I once tried one from Beauty Friends and the nose part was way too long, so I had to keep fiddling with it to keep it in contact with my skin. I loved it, though. I need to buy new ones.

>> No.6400275

I wouldn't trust taobao to buy makeup if you're looking for legit products. Taobao is full of knockoffs. There's a lot better places to buy from.

>> No.6401992
File: 26 KB, 634x314, dark-circles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have dark circles and VERY thin skin (like the picture, which is not me) right below my eyes that are dry. No matter what kind of concealer I put under it, whether it's wet or cream concealer, it looks awful. It doesn't cover well and looks scaly.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6402009

Make sure you have a good base first. What eye cream are you using?

>> No.6402016
File: 37 KB, 450x450, ginzingrefreshingeyecream37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this and i really like it, like i had quite bad dark circles and this is for brightening plus it's skin tone colored so it gives a bit of coverage.

it also sits beautifully under makeup. and as for high coverage concealers ConcealFX by CoverFX and NARS stick concealers are really-really high coverage.

PS you have beautiful eyes.

>> No.6402022
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 21327_112810272213286_1807220255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is my make up? Im really bad with eyes. and sorry I only got one pic..that i have make up on

my skin isnt that great...I mostly use powder...stuff....oily skin

>> No.6402023 [DELETED] 

4CHAN acting weird...so http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/21327_112810272213286_1807220255_n.jpg there a link to it

>> No.6402029

your lips, and eyes, look down turned. so you should stick to lighter colored lip colors and always wing up your eyeliner. other than that you look good.
your skin looks quite nice.

the only other thing i would mention is a better mascara (are you even wearing any?) and i don't personally like the thick eyeliner. a crisp line with a liquid eyeliner looks nicer IMO. but like i said, that's personal.

oh also you have a cute nose.

>> No.6402031

I'm a guy with genetic eyebags


>> No.6402033


>> No.6402035

have you turn mac?

or green color base? good for covering red skin..too

>> No.6402043

turn? wing up? aw, But i love dark colors..Tho my liner is brown..and No i dont wear mascara.. Tho i could buy some from the dollar shore :x to try it out? poor. as hell river ngschequ

>> No.6402052

also i cant never get liquid to look good. and thanks about my nose :3 i hate it hehe

>> No.6402058
File: 36 KB, 600x450, angelina-jolie-eyeliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned down eyes and mouth corners tend to make people look older, more droopy, but it's not sooo bad you can still wear dark colors if you like them.

but for your eyes a really simply small wing will make your eyes look less down turned. just a little thing like this, basically just point the wing up at the corner of your eyebrow.

mascara isn't a must either, but it will open your eyes more and make them look a bit more dramatic without much more effort.

>> No.6402063
File: 78 KB, 817x595, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the picture, which is not me

not the one who posted that, but damn. you stupid.

>> No.6402066


>> No.6402065
File: 264 KB, 1614x2121, 102_3468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT no. your nose is like exactly what i wish my nose was.

have you tried pen liquid liner? i found one at the drug store and was like "well fuck, i'll try it" and it really was easier.
this coming from someone who had used the same liquid eyeliner (revlon color stay) since she was 14.

it was called ~ Milani Eye Tech Extreme.

>> No.6402069

oh thanks, alot.

Do you think I could pull off bright red lips?

>> No.6402077

oh? I might try that. I hate liquid eyeliner...poke my eye once.....I stop trying.. heh

my nose? I think its huge thats all.

>> No.6402080

i think bright red would be better than dark red, with a high gloss or shine to make them a bit more reflective. shiney hides flaws, not that down turned lips are awful or anything. but they make younger people look older, especially when you draw that much attention to them with a red lip.

>> No.6402083

i get more scared of poking my eye with pencil than liquid. liquid if soft, squishy felt tip. pencil is... a pencil.

but everyone has their preferences. haha

>> No.6402091

h.o im going to take a photo

>> No.6402092
File: 85 KB, 600x499, IMAG0087-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem absoultely fantastic with makeup? If it's not too much, any recs?

>Started using Clinique's BB cream since this was taken.
Also, is there away to make a face appear smaller/ less wide?

>> No.6402100

I'm male and Ive been working to improve my skin, but im still facing some problems.

Ive been using somethig called a daily face scrub by clearasil in the mornings when i shower and before i go to bed, it contains small solid grains, and then i apply a moisturiser afterwards.

Improving my skin has lead me to these conclusions: I have acne scars, small bumps on my forehead that won't go away and the pores around my nose and on my nose are either larger and visible, or they have whiteheads, but much less of the magnitude i had before.

What can I do about these problems? I dont have any hygeine problems for anything other than my face, people always say my hair smells nice, a girl i used to know commented on me having a neutral/fragrant scent once, but my face has all these problems.

>> No.6402114

Go consult a dermatologist about taking antibiotics. Failing that, there is also Accutane.

one common thing people always recommend to do is put a towel over your pillow and change it every 3 days or so. I started doing this in college and it actually made a huge difference for me.

>> No.6402118

You're pretty.

>> No.6402127

like recommendations?

i personally do not know a lot about BB cream, and i am not a huge fan of BB cream. BB creams have a lot of things in them you don't want to put on your eyes, just harsh for eye skin, but when you put on foundation you put it all over.
but on top of that i have never seen any before and afters that didn't look obviously altered in some way.

your skin looks really nice though, your have a hooded eye so you should avoid like smokey eyes which will just emphasize this, and also shimmers .you don't want to draw attention to the hooded eye so stick to matte neutral colors, nothing to dark.
you can do strong eyeliners, though. and strong lashes, play with those a ton.

as for slimming the face, a 3 shape (and backwards 3 on the other side) is what you want to do. basically you go from forehead corner, to temple, to under the cheek bone, to under your jaw bone. but darkening the sides of your face you will make it look less wide.

for most i would say you shouldn't exfoliate so much, but generally for men it's okay.

for acne scars, find a product that helps improve discoloration. Clinque makes one, The Body Shop has one i like, my favorite is Resist BHA 9 from Pual's Choice (online shop) it's a bit expensive, $36, but i hear men and women love it.
it will also help with pores, making them smaller.

Boscia has a pore minimizing treatment i also really really liked. i used a travel size bottle until it was almost empty and i don't have to re-buy it because my pores are fine now.

>> No.6402123

>Go consult a dermatologist about taking antibiotics. Failing that, there is also Accutane.

Well, I don't have acne anymore, I am just trying to deal with the bumps on my forehead that arent acne spots, and the pores around my nose, and my scars.

but i guess derms can fix that too maybe

>> No.6402134
File: 1.31 MB, 1050x565, photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I would love some advice, Spooky you seem to be great at makeup so I would love advice on what I could do grooming and makeup wise to make myself look better!

Really awful photos because I don't have a lot of photos of myself not in cosplay/with my current hair color.

>> No.6402143 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 500x555, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for uploading a
lot of photo i would like to see what color everyone thinks look better then me

this is a bright red-dark kinda- 1/4

>> No.6402145 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 500x575, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cropper color

>> No.6402148 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 500x667, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark cherry

>> No.6402149 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 500x667, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bright shiny red

last one

>> No.6402150

i do makeup professionally, actually ~

on a general day for you, i think a simple tinted moisturizer and loose powder would be enough for the face. natural peachy blusher to bring a little color to the cheeks.
and also brozer if you want.

you don't have a ton of lid space, so don't go too crazy with eyeshadows. because when you open your eyes it will mostly get hidden. so a neutral shimmer, browns, opals, pearls, even some pinks, would be a good color for you. any eyeliner shape would be fine, your eye shape is really easy to work with. thick lines, thin lines, wings, whatever you want.

for a normal day, quick 10 minutes to get ready i'd do like a coppery shimmer with pencil liner tight lining (meaning just your water lines) and a good mascara.

as for your lips, anything goes. you have a good lip shape.

the only thing i really see on your face that needs like- help is your brows. try letting them grow back in fully and getting them done professionally. they are very flat. no arch. which isn't very flattering to anyone's face.

>> No.6402152

2 or 4

the dark red really does emphasize that your lips are down turned. makes you look sad.

>> No.6402157

I am doing that last part now actually! those photos are from late August-September. This helps so much so thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! I'm super self conscious about my face so anything to improve how I look is awesome.

>> No.6402154

-_- kinda look the same cropper...It looks more orange in person.

Also, I only where the dark cherry, at night..when it dark out

>> No.6402158

oh your pretty :3 @_@

>> No.6402159


yeah, the whole sultry, pouty thing just isn't working out for you.

>> No.6402160

Hah hah I disagree with you but thank you very much for the compliment :)

>> No.6402163

don't be!
you have fantastic skin, and you're really... proportionate? idk a more complimentary word than that. you are pretty. makeup for you will really just be about enhancing, not covering or correcting anything. so just have fun with it!

>> No.6402165

dark red and cherry make me look sad, think I can get away with it at night?

>> No.6402166

if you like it go for it, there is no "wrong answer" in makeup.

>> No.6402167

Well Guess what.. thats how my lips are. I am not doing it to be cute/w.e. So im stuck with it.

and everyone i ever met like my lips

>> No.6402173

That pouty thing you're trying to do makes you look literally retarded either your lips part naturally or they don't.

>> No.6402174

No you can tell that is not natural.

>> No.6402175

I will accept the compliment! I make sure to try to take good care of my skin :) Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it!

>> No.6402177

I'm not just talking about your lips. It's the overall vacant, coke-fiend expression that makes you look ridiculous.

Where are you from?

>> No.6402182
File: 166 KB, 453x579, 32380772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, first time posting my face on /cgl/, but I'd love to get some advice too, especially if Charms is still around.

Every time I try to put any make up on other than foundation and mascara I look like a complete derp. I think I'm supposed to stick to natural things, but I really want to make my eyes look less droopy. How do I achieve that without heavy eyeliner?

But yeah, any advice at all would be awesome, I'm a noob at make up.

>> No.6402183

of course. if you ever have any questions or want to find a tutorial for a specific eye look feel free to hit me up on tumblr. it's just spookycharms

>> No.6402186

oh i didnt really look at these photo lol my teeth are showing odd. I took 4 fast photos sue me for them not being good pictures
Im guessing it just the photos. I guess I would of smile or show some type of feeling

why do u wanna know where i live? UK.

>> No.6402191

i don't think your eyes are droopy at all. but the way to "lift" your eyes without making the shadow look silly is to.... well basically, make a pretend line between the outer corner of your eye and outer corner of your eyebrow.
this is the angle that all your eyeshadow should follow, it should all stay that same degree of up-ness.
going straight up would look silly, and going too far out will make it look messy.
this tutorial is helpful for beginners of fancy eyeshadow, a quick trick of fixing eyeshadow if you mess up.

>> No.6402193

I think you're really pretty.

But I think Side bangs would be better. or thin then out.

>> No.6402197

You're a saint, Spooky, you really are. Thanks for the link, that does help a lot.

Thanks! I'm actually in the process of thinning them out. Unfortunately side bangs look like hell on me.

>> No.6402198

e_e I think I will smile more

>> No.6402201

of course ~ and goss is really good, like literally i can answer almost every question i get with one of his videos because he talks more about how to make makeup work, tips, tricks, stuff like that. rather than just "here is a look haha bye~"

so, yeah, gossmakeupartist
best guru on youtube

>> No.6402202

ah thank you spooky btw, I think i will wear light sninny red more and and cropper, and smile more

and the eye liner thing too. i been watching youtube video.

>> No.6402204

good luck ~

>> No.6402208

your grammar is pretty atrocious, so it was just out of curiosity.

>> No.6402224

Alright. Thank you so much,

>> No.6402228
File: 942 KB, 302x252, 1352562084769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i'm on 4chan and not only that...hehe I'm using on screen keys(no keyboard)Not writing anything important. ya know?. What is the point to care that much? Again 4chan. lol

Here a .Gif

>> No.6402236

i find that people who use that excuse are terrible at writing even when it is important

jus saiyan'

>> No.6402253

DDF has a website. Sephora recently stopped carrying the toner only and I haven't found another place yet. Maybe try Amazon as well? All the DDF stuff is great. I have also seen it at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada.

>> No.6402256

Nah, I'm a A student. WELL! B student in math~~Is not my strong point.

Also! I find people that point it out online for no reason, do it just to insult someone(Guessing you are not happy with yourself). Cheer up Boo<3 Be nice to others and love yourself

>> No.6402265

I love the Jack Black lip balm, it's a mens skin care brand carried at Sephora and some department stores. Nothing has ever made my lips feel hydrated as good as this stuff does.

>> No.6402275

Ah, I brought that for my boyfriend!

>> No.6402282

Second this. Then put light coverage of concealer over it. Again recommending Bobby Brown Corrector line of concealer since they have shades to counteract the discolouration.

>> No.6402309
File: 19 KB, 300x300, clarisonicset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered investing in a face brush (for lack of a better name). I purchased my Clarisonic and it really helped smooth out my skin, minimize the amount of time any blemishes look "scarred" for, and I have blemishes much much less frequently. If you do make sure to get a gentle brush head and start with once a day and go up to morning and night. I know they are expensive, but the investment is worth it IMO.

Sephora has a great return policy, so if you purchase and don't find it makes a difference you can return it (just hold onto your receipt)

>> No.6402414

I guess this is as good a place as any to ask - I'm thinking of cosplaying a character who has pretty prominent puffy undereyes, not sure what exactly you'd call it? It's not eyebags as such, but was wondering if there were any makeup tutorials to get that look?

>> No.6402867

well I'm not sure if Charms is still here or not but maybe someone could help me! I really dislike my nose. I'm pretty confident with my ability to contour and highlight it in order to make it look better but I cant seem to find the right makeup to use. Does anyone have any suggestions for me as far as face makeup for contouring? Do they make palletes specifically for it? I've tried bronzer (too pinkish) and brown eyeshadow (too shimmery.) Also both seem to look disgusting because of my gaping pores. (I use primer first too, I'm pretty sure it's just because this isn't what the makeup is intended for.

Sorry for being retarded. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6403171

Technically you can use any matte taupe/brown shade to contour, whether it be an eye shadow, bronzer, or cream product. The shade will vary depending on your skin tone. You can also always buy palettes made specifically to contour your face/body such as this: http://www.sephora.com/sculpting-kit-P230511?skuId=1152032

As far as pore size goes I have had good success both with my Clarisonic and with using my DDF Glycolic Acid 10% toner. There are many different solutions that vary from person to person as not everyone's skin type is the same. I would suggest going to www.makeupalley.com and posting on their skincare board with as much detail as possible if you want more skin care recommendations and help. Also it is the best website for product reviews (I find personally).

Hope that helped somewhat!

>> No.6403931


I mix vitamin c powder into my facial moisturizer (ponds) but I have no idea if it actually does anything.

>> No.6404006
File: 192 KB, 513x800, 1339278528126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.6404008
File: 228 KB, 511x800, 1339278384951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the actual tutorial...