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File: 176 KB, 368x500, 3424636074_793f5ca9e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6376959 No.6376959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a sewing battlestation thread going?
or just your crafting desk
or your regular computer desk
or maybe your whole room
or maybe just rooms in general

>> No.6376962
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>> No.6377103
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I can't move my body

>> No.6377116
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>> No.6377121

So jelly right now, those are beautiful. How long did it take for you guys to put it together?

>> No.6377133

lol none of these obviously belong to real crafters and artisans... they look like rooms a upper middle class stay at home wife would make to create simple cards and crafts a few times a year and show off to friends the other 80% of the time.

>> No.6377517
File: 309 KB, 799x1200, sewingroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads! I actually just cleaned my sewing room up the other day.

>> No.6377557

kawaii but not very practical

>> No.6377559


>> No.6377563


hahahaha, yes.

>> No.6377595


>> No.6377604
File: 25 KB, 800x600, scary70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room is the smallest in the house, like roughly L11.5' byW10' by H9', and it is "messily organized". When winter break comes around, I would like to rearrange the furniture in my room a bit. But for now I'm taking my time sorting things that are junk, can be donated or sold, and to be organized properly. It would be nice to make room for another desk to sew and work on.

All in all, having shelves really helps to take away from floor space as much as possible. And I'm really happy to have a sofa bed that saves space while I'm awake and still offers a big bed to sleep on. Since it's from Ikea, however, there has been only one troublesome nut and bolt that goes undone here and there.

Man, just typing this out about my room makes me more motivated to get these things done sooner.

>> No.6377611


I feel you. I literally have a foot of space between my bed and the wall/furniture, so I don't have space to do anything, and I can't get rid of the furniture or move it around because I'm renting the place. Shitsuxyo

>> No.6377619

Oh god I feel for you, anon. My room is 8' W by 6' L and 8' H. I have a closet that is 2' L, 3'W, 8'H, so nothing really fits in there but clothes and maybe 6 boxes at most.
My room is messily organized, too. It's really hard to find space to put anything, so I'm going through things to sell and donate as well.

>I'm really happy to have a sofa bed that saves space when I'm awake and still offers a big bed to sleep on.
Ah me too! Although, mine is from Serta, I think It's really comfy, and I don't have to do anything but lift it up and it clicks into place as a couch. When I want a bed, I just fold it over a little more to unlock it and then put the legs down and bam. Full size bed. And it has storage for my blankets!

I hear that Ikea's PAX storage system is amazing for small spaces, but they're really expensive.

>> No.6377623
File: 24 KB, 800x600, nativity8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, my room used to be like this because there was a queen bed that took up a lot of space. The gap was just enough to have a wheelie computer chair. Later the queen bed was switched out to a twin bed, though I did miss having a big bed. Thankfully the sofa bed is a great compromise of the two.

Double dang about your circumstances about the unchangeable furnishings and room you're renting. Would be nice if whoever owns the place was lenient for you to change some things so it'd be a practical bedroom for you.

>> No.6377649
File: 204 KB, 817x652, IMAG0257resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh double wow, I have about the same closet size too. I envy my sister's room which has the widest closet. It's funny, our closets share the same wall, and somehow it seemed to be a great idea to split the closest wall as 1/4 and 3/4. I guess in some way it makes sense to let the larger bedroom have a larger closet... but it would be a nice compromise for the two rooms if the smaller room can have the bigger closet space, haha.

That PAX storage system, goodness I haven't heard that name for probably a year or something. I try to be creative with the way I store things, and to save money I eye out for sales, especially I like the clear ones so I can see what's inside them.

>And it has storage for my blankets!
Aw how nice! My sofa bed is pretty low and has these bars underneath, but luckily I have these very low (about 5" in height) and long bins that fits right under my sofa bed.

Just... goodness, being an art student and AA artist means I have a lot of stuff to keep in my room. It's a sort of "respect your shared spaces" with my family so we keep a lot of our personal belongings in our rooms besides shoes and some coats in the closet by the door.

Sorry for rambling and not posting up any pictures of my room. I found an old picture I took for a class, so here have a corner of my room. Those 3-tier shelving things were from a dollar store and were intended for the bathroom. Instead they are screwed into the walls and holds light items. Right now there are more plushies stuffed into the units than before.

>> No.6377650

My room looks like somebody moved away and just left all their stuff here. I have no knack for decorating at all and I'm too lazy to bother. It makes me feel sort of like a failure. You'd think I'd care more about the space I spend so much time in.

There's actually very little room to walk in here because of clunky furniture and a king size bed. The only reason I have it was because it was here when I moved in and free bed is free. But you could fit like four of me on it. It feels so lonely.

Every time I decide to redo my room to make it look less abandoned I just get lazy. I envy people who can just up and decorate and really enjoy it.

>> No.6377658

My brother's room has the wider closet, too! And ours do share the same wall, and it's split up the same way. Actually, the hall closet cuts into my room as well as his closet. His room is only a little bigger but it seems to make such a difference...

>same closet size
>very similar rooms
>art student
Okay now we're getting eerily similar, anon.

...I'll have to post a picture of my room when it's a little bit cleaner...

>> No.6377663

samefag detected

>> No.6377669
File: 210 KB, 912x684, DSCF8522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but no.

As you can see, my room isn't lilac like the other anon's.

>> No.6377675

looks boring... I bet your room has no sense of humor just like you.

>> No.6377679
File: 17 KB, 612x567, 1307179020505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does take some motivation to get something done. Eventually I feel fed up with my room and just... feel like getting something done for once! I hope you'll feel encourage to do something about your room that is putting you in a bit of a funk. I sort of think you should change out the bed. A free bed is free, but isn't worth taking up space and making you feel so lonely.

Lol, oh goodness I think it's a nice coincidence. There's a narrow hall closet but that takes up a different wall in my house. Bleh, I prefer the closet doors to be up to the ceiling because the 1.5' height of wall space above the closet door is very unnecessary when there is open space behind it. That piece of wall makes it very awkward to put anything up in the closet shelf since the gap is narrow between the shelf and door. There are some things I do question about the floor design...

>art student
Oh my, how exciting! I might end up taking a picture of my ridiculous other bedroom corner with the inaccessible closet. Would be interesting to record "before" and "after" pictures of the room.

>> No.6377694

>There are some things I do question about the floor design...
Oh god this. Whoever did the floor plan for my house was just... really really bad at it. Our kitchen is tiny and a very unfortunate layout (Dishwasher on the left right across from the fridge?), and the HVAC unit for some reason is in an awkward closet in the living room.

Yes, post pictures. :D

>> No.6377697
File: 356 KB, 700x700, 21613353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to be rude

>> No.6377713

Aww, thanks.

By the way, >>6377675 anon. My room is boring because I recently had a house fire. It has taken a long time to get everything back to this stage of normal. This is all I have aside from a bed. Everything precious of mine is gone, so I'm sorry if my room seems too bland for your tastes.

>> No.6377717

my point was more that "samefag" was an obvious joke (why in god's name would anyone have a conversation with themselves on 4chan about the dimensions of their room?) The banality of your responses astounds me. You don't have nearly enough wit to be on the internet. You sound like you spend all day sipping tea and saying ara.

>> No.6377722
File: 111 KB, 631x598, 1288983744626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang I ramble too much and I missed your picture. I like your furnishing and closet door! Overall it seems like they carry a cohesive theme, from the barrel to the suitcase and the dark woods. Very nice c:

My room has no theme at all. There are just jumble of random furnishings from ways back since they still function just fine. I didn't get a say in the room's color because my mom thought it'd be fine to pick up a pink for the "girls' room" and paint as a surprise. They were just about to start in my room when I got home, and I just refused to have it on my walls. Haha, it was just too much for me. So what we did was add a bit of this grey paint, and I ended up with a greyed-out pink room... I can't really put my finger on what sort of color it is, but I'm okay with it.

And before I post I better refre-
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear that anon. I just want to give you a hug.

>> No.6377739

Aw, thanks. There isn't really a theme, I guess it's a little bit of victorian-esque with a bit of steampunk tossed in. Also, a chair from my dining room.
The bi-fold door takes up less space than a normal one, so I've got one on my closet and one for my room door. Helps a lot, though it's annoying that I can't lock my door anymore.

>paint as a surprise
Hah, my mom did that one time as well, though it was a dark purple. This time it was my choice and for some reason I picked yellow. I like it, but I do regret that choice now. Whenever I take pictures of anything in here, my camera flips out and white balances on the yellow, making everything orange.

>I'm sorry to hear that anon.
Ah, don't be sorry. It's just a house.

>> No.6377746

This thread makes my hand itch.

I had gotten these really pretty 'wall fabrics' and what happens? The building I live in redoes the plumbing and they've torn up my floors. I chose to move out, they'll work for 2 months, so I'm temporarily living with my parents.

It isn't all bad, but I just want to hang up the fabrics I got. They're so pretty, I have to admit I want more fabrics now. I got super lucky and found an African shop with the greatest fabrics, but they didn't have a lot of one fabric. But I have enough to make some really original pillow cases!

Right now I am in full on hoard mode. I know exactly what I want for my future place, so I'm making lists of what to get. It's silly, I know, but looking at what I have gotten makes me feel good and going through magazines for deals on beds, pillows and carpets occupy me for hours.

The place I lived in before was tiny so I had a mezzanine, but now I want a bed, queen size. I want space, so I'm considering moving to a smaller city; I work with translations so I can work from anywhere and when I look at what you can get on the countryside, I feel tempted to move here.

My tiny flat near the city center costs me 530 a month; for 700, I could rent a four bedroom wooden house less than a km away from a small city, less than an hour away from the metropolitan area. I'd like housemates of course.

I'm getting ahead of myself and just rambling, but currently these daydreams really do my day because I'm still mad as fuck my place got torn up and me getting the grand total of one week's notice.

>> No.6377754

No, making lists of what to get isn't silly at all. At least you'll end up with a place you'll be happy with when you finally get it all done.

>one week's notice
...Aren't they supposed to give more notice than that for major repairs?

>> No.6377760
File: 56 KB, 460x360, 1296625921927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm interesting choice of the bedroom door. Gosh, before we moved here, outside my door had a little hook screwed inside the door frame and a loop was on the door. The hook catches onto the loop so you couldn't open the door since it swings in. I don't know who lived here before us, but I thought it was strange to lock the room from the outside of the bedroom...

Yeaaa I know the feeling about having your white balance freak out on you. Bleh.

Alright it's 3am and I'm off. No more pictures of my room for now, so take this neat organizer desk thingy.

>> No.6377772

>lock the room from the outside of the bedroom
I don't know. Um. Maybe they had to lock a mischievous dog in there while they weren't at home?

Yay, desk thing.
Oh wow, it's 5 am here. I need to go to bed as well. Good night, anon!

>> No.6377792

Obviously, but this is an emergency. Most water has been cut and as someone that relies on it to heat my place, it's terrible. Finland in winter with no proper heating, I don't recommend it.

I got a rent back tho, so I guess that is something.

>> No.6378280
File: 991 KB, 1024x764, sewingspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sewing area. The chair doubles as my nightstand when i'm not using it.

I have to move the dressform when i'm working on larger projects, but otherwise it suits me well. My only drawback is the sewing table has a giant hole where the antique machine used to be (i havent gotten around to sealing it), so i dont really open it that often.

>> No.6378320

Nice fucking X-Men poster, damn.
Did you buy that or is it self/friend-made?

>> No.6378352

Haha, thanks! I actually bought it from a stand in the mall around christmas last year. I managed to find the comic with the same cover and just haven't been to ikea to buy more frames.

>> No.6378355

would it be really creepy for me to save this pic? you have a lot of really clever organizing ideas and I need all the clever organizing idea I can get... My room is a shoebox...

>> No.6378372

Not at all. I'm flattered this is inspo for someone.
I have a tote in my closet that has the rest of my notions/power tools/patterns in it. The craft area is the only area i've put any work into, since i've recently moved and have to deal with shit tier furniture that doesn't belong to me. The rest of the room is pretty drab looking.

>> No.6378447

Since when do you have to be witty to be on the internet? Some people just like to talk and socialize just as they would in person. I think you need to calm down.

>> No.6378457
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>You don't have nearly enough wit to be on the internet
>Implying the internet has standards

>> No.6378503
File: 2.41 MB, 3018x2284, My room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6378512

You are a strange man, but fuck. I love you for having a Boku no pico poster.

>> No.6378517
File: 446 KB, 1044x1152, NotMuchButItsHome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to update this.

>> No.6378532

Your room gave me a serious nostalgia attack. Is it always that clean though?

>> No.6378710
File: 2.79 MB, 3976x3264, P9250249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Apt. Just the Bedroom and Livingroom the rest is a mess...

>> No.6378779
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>> No.6378786

holy shit. I'd feel bad for you if someone broke in there lol.

>> No.6378809

my god, all those figurines

how much did they cost?

>> No.6378814

It depends on the figure really..

I think I would feel bad if anyone broke into anyon's house in general

>> No.6380794
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1149, myroomstuff2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a fun reason to pick up my floor

>> No.6382966
File: 36 KB, 405x300, 1341817112409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have a plain ass boring room that is not even remotely worth posting anywhere ;_;

how do some of you get the money for all of this

>> No.6382987
File: 1.24 MB, 600x417, 12212 - animated_gif cute kaname_madoka puella_magi_madoka_magica valentine's_day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Junko Mizuno pony
You sir, are a good man.

>> No.6382995
File: 48 KB, 360x720, fed up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high stakes world of underground baccarat.

>> No.6382996

You save up bit by bit.

>> No.6383003

lmfao I read this exactly in his voice, god damn i love that movie

>> No.6383045

Hey I am new here, is there anywhere you go to get free patterns online or something? I want to sew a costume, but am not sure of my skills and wanted to try making a shirt, or hoodie or something first.

>> No.6383081

burdastyle. Register and there's free patterns to download.

>> No.6383118 [DELETED] 

why can't i reply to this thread? testing testing 1 2 3

>> No.6383121 [DELETED] 

it worked. da fuq. 4chan is eating my images.

>> No.6385604

Ha! Madoka <3
Still trying to track more Junko.

>> No.6385622
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>> No.6386055

dat clock. i love it. whered you get it?

>> No.6387424
File: 201 KB, 600x600, 1352089642865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a very big dude, but I really like OP's desktop.

It's so fucking cute.

Kah wow wee.

>> No.6387439
File: 2.24 MB, 3648x2736, GEDC0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current craft table just a space in my girlfriends office

>> No.6387538

Dat Mucha poster.

I actually really like the way your room looks, bit eclectic but mostly organized, and it looks super cozy!

>> No.6387602
File: 373 KB, 1000x1098, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top photo: All those brown cubes have yarn in them. The stuff on top of the cubes has yarn. It's kind of messy because I've been working from home for over a week thanks to Sandy.

The bottom picture looks weird because the entire wall there is a mirror, with the portion where my dressform/shelves being a semi circle indent. On either side is pop out doors with my "hidden" closet inside. Not shown: the ceiling is also mirrored. It was like this when we moved in.

>> No.6387651

lol thank you, which one? The giant brown one was my boyfriend's mom's and the Salvador Dali-esque one was from Ross.

ahaha thanks, I really love vintage Japanese dolls/figurines and classic/nouveau artwork. a weird combination!

>> No.6387656

jelly of your big ass mirrors

>> No.6387661

you sell your soul to the devil

>> No.6387737

Our workshop just moved as my sewing partner bought her first house (I sew pretty much exclusively with her since my place is so small) and we have dedicated the ENTIRE basement to sewing and it is ridiculously fun to plan out.

This summer we boarded and labeled all of our fabric, cutting small swatches with a note on the amount and putting them in a binder so we can just flip through when we need something and know what we have and how much so we know what needs to be bought.

In the new house there is a large walk-in closet in the basement we are putting shelving all along so we can store the boarded fabric shop-style and just walk in and grab whatever.

We also found a huge abandoned pattern cabinet behind one of the fabric stores near us and took it home, and actually have the space to use it now.


The one thing she wanted and I didn't was one of those silly stick-on environment murals, but we compromised on a giant blackboard wall.

>> No.6387743

blackboards are so 1998 man, you need to get a WHITEBOARD

>> No.6387774

I find the marker stains on whiteboard if you don't remove it after a while, and I love chalking the shit out of things. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something even if I'm not by busting out einstein-ish sketches and notes.

>> No.6387870

My old apartment was in a basement, so it was always dank and dark, and the only long mirror I had was one of those crap-tastic over-the-door mirrors they sell to college kids. When we were looking for a new apartment, we walked in to this room (the one with mirrors) and my fiance immediately said "Well, I guess the decision has been made."

The apartment is so weird, but it suits us. It's a converted house, but they didn't work very hard to disguise it. There's another floor-to-ceiling mirror in the kitchen, and one in the bedroom. Every single room in the apartment has a different floor-to-ceiling height so you have to step down a foot to go into the kitchen, there's a 3 inch step splitting the bedroom, and our living room and the "computer room" is separated by one of those outdoor sliding glass doors (you can see my purse hanging on it.) It's actually pretty useful when I'm doing yoga and my fiance is playing computer games, it shuts out most sound.

But yes, the mirrors are amazing. I may or may not intend to build a simiar mirror/closet wall when we get our own house one day.

>> No.6387975
File: 114 KB, 438x402, 1316643319085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That all sounds gloooorious.

>> No.6390530
File: 117 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lu89elh4du1qk46jgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about modifying my built-in-wardrobe so I have extra hanging space. I just don't know how to separate my clothes!

Should I separate my blouses from everything else, or my skirts or perhaps even my normal clothes?

I honestly have no clue and just want to make everything more efficient.

>> No.6393638

Where did you get the scott pilgrim figures aw man.

>> No.6393671
File: 67 KB, 537x403, Tabrasa-Dry-Erase-Paint-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiteboard paint!
Check out the stuff from idea paint.
It doesn't stain and it works super well.
So instead of getting a whiteboard, you could make one yourself out of a board with that paint on it, or you could even paint a wall with it and write all over the place.

>> No.6393744
File: 417 KB, 1296x1936, mycave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Room thread? The day I actually CLEANED my room?
What is this feeling?
'Scuse the curtains, haven't actually gotten around to hanging them properly

>> No.6394123

what is that artwork on your dresser? i must know

>> No.6394684
File: 191 KB, 648x968, dreamsofthegardenofdesire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big one is an old print from the 70's my mom had, called 'Dreams of the Garden of Desire' by Arlene Noel. I've never been able to find any info of her on the net. The print came from a pack called 'new romantic art' or something like that

>> No.6394929

http://www.bigbadtoystore.com Nega scott is a custom tho...

>> No.6394979

Iv always wondered what the hell you guys do with giant props after bringing them to a convention. I dont want to chunk them after working so hard on them but fuck if i have anywhere to store them.

>> No.6395190
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG4083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6395193

Curious, but is the blue dress on the mannequin your design? What pattern did you use for it?

>> No.6395209

Why do you have a framed picture of Charlie Sheen...

>> No.6395309

>not sure if awesome of batshit insane.jpg

>> No.6395609

That's the most batty part of my room, I promise.

>> No.6395652

It looks cozy, and for some reason the first thing I thought was that it probably smells nice in there.

>> No.6395714
File: 756 KB, 2560x1714, battrunoct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6396147
File: 1.62 MB, 800x2665, hisandhers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His and Hers battle-stations in my place.
It's not nearly as impressive as some of the anon-rooms I see, but I'll bite.

>> No.6396208

I.. I think I know you. Just because of your tartan skirt/JSK and rilakkuma plushies...

Do you live in CA?

>> No.6396238

Chances are you know me. In which case, mum's the word.

>> No.6396316

i have a small collection of irrelevant framed people lol

>> No.6396356


I never saved any pics anon but I've seen some props such as swords and staffs nicely mounted on walls with small brackets and the like.

>> No.6396413
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>> No.6396497
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 2012-11-01 09.40.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted mine a couple of days ago. All my craft stuff is organised in all the plastic storage containers. I've just made a new friend who's into crafting so maybe we can craft and go through my boxes of treasures together.

>> No.6396743
File: 1.11 MB, 205x115, 1272758979356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those bins....

>> No.6396762

We had those hooks on our doors for years. My parents did that to keep the kids out of the bedrooms when we were little.

>> No.6396763

hows window8, please answer me!

>> No.6396774
File: 768 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG1568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin till it changes. I do most of my work on the floor or on the wood desk to the far right of the pic.

>> No.6396805

I really think you need some boxes.

>> No.6396813

Gimme dat Ghoulia and DotD Clawdeen.

I'd take a picture of my full room but 1. It's a shithole right now and 2. I have to pack everything up for when we move in the next month or so. So enjoy a crappy cellphone shot of my desk area.

Oh the plus side, since my parents are moving out two(the house is going back to the bank) They're going through the sheds and I've already been given a WWII military trunk, two sets of coasters, a food prep machine, and been promised the fridge in the kitchen. At least we don't have to worry about buying a fridge if we move to an apartment that doesn't have one.

The binder idea sounds really good and I need to do that for my bins of fabric.

>> No.6396818
File: 572 KB, 1200x1600, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it ate my picture. Damn it. I'd like to get my Rocketeer print framed.

>> No.6396831
File: 19 KB, 380x287, 1318510567858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to know what's inside them? I went ahead and labelled the tubs for a friend, I can share a pic if you like, unless you'd rather just imagine.

>> No.6396851

Please share. I'm a nosy little geek.\
Besides, I need inspiration for organising my craft stuff, right now everything is all higgly-piggly.

>> No.6396861

I can see at least one pattern in one of them. But yes, share. Appease our inner cats.

>> No.6396865
File: 843 KB, 450x270, ME3 - Fuck the police.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck boxes!

>> No.6396903
File: 1.48 MB, 1788x1395, deskiedoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I'm terribly organised, I'm in the process of moving, so things are bit muddled. This isn't everything, but gives you the general idea of what's inside (because I just like to know things too).
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr...

The good thing is that I can just switch the tubs around wherever I want so all my fabric is on one side, and papercraft on the other, I just haven't had the time or space to do it.

>> No.6396922
File: 2.19 MB, 400x292, 1339388355451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a Taiko drum I see?

>> No.6396924
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1936, 2012-11-08 22.52.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current sewing station which will within (hopefully) the next couple of weeks be cleared off and turned into just a cutting table.

>> No.6396929
File: 2.03 MB, 2592x1936, 2012-11-08 22.53.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and what is slowly becoming my sewing room (waiting for my table to come in to put my machines on, and the other wall is going to be covered in bookcases for my artbooks/anime/manga). The navy and pink bins are the only ones that aren't fabric.

>> No.6396935

yesss but it's kinda the inferior English version of the game though. It came practically new in original box so I can't complain.

>> No.6397943

... I'm just going to guess that you never use that armchair.

>> No.6398808

No, it gets used, I just keep the kumas stacked there so they aren't littered every where.

>> No.6398823

I love it. Make sure you do the fresh install and not the upgrade.

>> No.6398853

Is that a...framed picture of Charlie Sheen by your bed?

>> No.6401529


>> No.6401598
File: 123 KB, 800x600, 2011-IKEA-Girls-Bedroom-Furniture-for-Dorm-Room-Decorating-Idea-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for IKEA and I would suggest you guys check out their home organization section, I have gotten so many ideas from there. Even if you hate IKEA the place is great for ideas considering they specialize in organizing shit.

>> No.6402138

Those curtains...