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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6375622 No.6375622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Auditions just opened, how many of you will be trying out for O!P this round?

>> No.6375660

I honestly can't stand Dansa. Before she "changed her blog", she badmouthed a lot of YouTubers herself even though she claimed it was "only anons who posted secrets desuu -__-~".
Oishii Project is a ridiculous sham. It's like Dansa's personal entourage of "cool kids" or someshit. She's so good at judging people and telling them what *she* thinks they should do, but she's completely useless when it comes to any advice on idoru shit. If you honestly think this is going anywhere with that previous trainwreck of a video and shitty (yet admittedly catchy) song, you're a dummy-head.

>> No.6375669

Yeah I agree, no one is going to make any kind of progress from this. It's going to just die down like the rest of the aidoru shit.

>> No.6375698

I'm thinking of auditioning just for the fun of it. I really love singing but was never allowed to take voice lessons, so I think it'd be fun to talk to girls who enjoy singing like I do. It'd also be cool if Beckii could give me tips on how to improve my dancing since I really adore J-Pop and K-Pop dances, but can never get them quite right. Meeting other people who like idol groups, dancing, singing, and the like would be super nice since I don't have any friends who enjoy that stuff yet. I wouldn't expect the group to actually achieve much and I'm certainly not aiming to be some big shot Idol in ~glorious nippon~, but this seems like a fun thing to do.

tl;dr auditioning because I like making friends who have the same interests as I and this seems like a fun thing to participate in~

>> No.6375722

I'm only here for the kawaii moeshit twins

>> No.6375764

You put it really well, actually. What's the average age of these girls? I don't particularly want to do it, but I'm still rather intrigued.

>> No.6375797

It doesn't say how old they are on the website, but the youngest in the main group is Maxime who's 14 I think, and then the oldest girl I think is 20-21. The average range seems to be 17-19. I'd say do it regardless of your age, though, Beckii seems very open to having a large age range in the group.

>> No.6375948

same and they aren't featured to much, the other one I'm paying attention too is kelsey/kimonotime but i was fond of her before OP!

>> No.6377630

Are any seagulls going to enter?

>> No.6377639

Considered it, but I doubt I am uguu enough to do any of that.
I also don't really want to be associated with them...

>> No.6378188
File: 175 KB, 637x346, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping from info on Nyanko/Naniko. She is the absolute cutest.

>> No.6378192

They have such cute faces, but the way they style themselves doesn't fit them at all.

>> No.6378219

I dont think they are cute physically, but their personalities are the very definition of moe.

>> No.6378224

I kind of want to.
Link to audition info?

>> No.6378236

Same. Sauce please! I used to be part of a maid cafe however they were too weeb for me...way too weeb.

>> No.6378238

I would love to enter as a pisstake and perform the WORST dance routine known to man and generally act like a fucking mental weeaboo.

>> No.6378247


and you'd probably get in too judging by the quality of the existing members.

>> No.6378255

Lol, I just realized I would get automatically disqualified if I have a boyfriend.
Is it true that "aidorus" could never have boyfriends or have any photo evidence whatsoever that they have boyfriends?

>> No.6378275


Not really. It's only something that the fans of hardcore Japanese idols really care about, and even if an idol does have a guy friend it's not like they get disqualified, although their management advises against it or takes a lot of steps to keep it quiet. You're only as big as your fans after all.

>> No.6378321

I haven't seen any improvement in the current cherries, why are they getting more if they aren't planning on doing anything with them.

>> No.6378377

I'm slowly warming up to Jenny; she's not exactly a looker but she's very enthusiastic and she seems to be the only person who's willing to play the fool. Girl just needs some concealer and some wardrobe help.

My top favorites:

Ally & Sally (kawaii moeshit)
Scarlett (so SWEET)
Kelsey (needs to work on being more genuine)
Nyanko (fucking cute)

>> No.6378440

Beckii and Dansa have said that it does not matter if the girls have boyfriends or not. They're really lenient about it and don't really care.

They do get disqualified not only if they have boyfriends, but if they are seen having any male contact. Sato Amina and Chikano Rika were both punished for going to a Gokon Party with males. However, they ARE in AKB48, so they should know that contact with guys is not allowed.

>> No.6378443

I don't see how adding more girls is a good idea when they've hardly done much yet to begin with?

>> No.6378461
File: 188 KB, 407x415, kagami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was wondering the same thing. Like, didn't they just have a flop music video that was filtered as shit and have to backpeddle and release a special dance version since the version got so much flack? Didn't that song not even sound all that great? Weren't some of those girls clueless looking and one girl used like 30 times more than the rest of them? Isn't Dansa a fat fucking piece of talentless shit that likes to believe that she's in charge of something important when in reality she's just playing boss with a bunch of misguided weeaboo girls who think Akihabara idols aren't considered pedophile fodder for creepy old Japanese men who honestly only want to masturbate to them? Isn't everyone involved with that project a giant fucking faggot?

So many questions, so little time anon.

>> No.6378587

Hey if you google "popku" in youtube, scroll down, you get gay porn lol

>> No.6378605

its okay for them to have a boyfriend because we all know they aren't going to be popular in japan and in western society no one gives a fuck

>> No.6378608

I'd love to do something like this, but my complete lack of vocal talent or basic co-ordination/dancing skills hold me back. I imagine, if you're just doing it for fun, it could be very fun indeed.

>> No.6378726


>> No.6378746

I considered doing it, but then realized it wasn't worth having /cgl/ rip me to shreds.

>> No.6378816

popku's japanese:


So bad, so painful, so google translate

her twitter:

She tries so hard loool

>> No.6378850


>> No.6378862

Say 'watashi' again.

>> No.6378916


>> No.6378927
File: 242 KB, 630x400, lol whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you got me

>> No.6380944


And we thought Ally and Sally were bad.

>> No.6380953


>> No.6381098


>> No.6381385
File: 17 KB, 403x391, 267727_502110596474404_346008903_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why they're talking so strangely, but I kind of like their singing when they do it together.

They're a lot less tone deaf than a fair bit of the auditions I've seen.

Personally, with proper coaching they could be fun and interesting.

>dat feel when I called this when the original gang was still auditioning, and cgl told me I was so wrong and jelly

Do this.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6381426


Become a... shark seagull?

Flan, I like your style.

>> No.6381459

I never knew dansa was so fug

>> No.6381564

>Pic unrelated

>> No.6381591


Sumimasen niisan~*

>> No.6381600 [DELETED] 

You know, I legitimately tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I thought "maybe these girls are all just sandy cunted bitches to this poor person", but it's like everything you say is just -- I honestly don't understand it myself -- unbelievably annoying. I don't know how you're such an insufferable human being, but I feel bad that you'll never be able to be seen in any other light.

>> No.6381625


Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

But, I know I'm annoying :c
I sort of get how people feel because I feel the same way whenever I see Annie post, even when she's not doing anything wrong.

>> No.6381631
File: 20 KB, 250x191, 250px-Kracko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I auditioned, /cgl/.

>> No.6381656


Good luck x

>> No.6381675

Wut. Spoony isn't annoying.

Also, thinking of auditioning for fun (curious to see if I get in.) But usually when I do something like that it actually happens, so I'm not sure if I should do it or not...so, are there any actual benefits being part of this group? It looks really poorly assembled at the moment, like there's really no point to it.

>> No.6381786

Good luck!

Mind posting a link to your audition?

>> No.6381827

probably this one

>> No.6382634


>> No.6385126

Oh my

>> No.6385132

I wonder if she will actually get in.

>> No.6385150
File: 483 KB, 722x470, ffsfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both! I'll confirm that the link an anon posted is mine. Please don't be too harsh.

>> No.6385157

Currently taking notes on all the auditionees. Should I let /cgl/ know my results?

>> No.6385160

>You may be thinking, “How are you so certain you’ll get in?” It’s simple really. I’ve studied them. I know what they want. And I will gladly give it to them.

K sure

>> No.6385169

10/10 would Christmas carol with.
Good luck.

>> No.6385361

5 auditions within the first 5 days is not too bad. But considering they all suck... I don't know.

>> No.6385506


>> No.6385527

Chiyo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epOF5n6Vq4o
Erein: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTa6T4wCpWw
Rizu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnkjNxI3fU

>> No.6385538

looks 5
dancing 6
singing 4.5
extra: A very natural speaking ability in front of the camera. Get rid of the wig it's not helping you. Trying way to hard on the singing and pronunciation. Interesting dance choice I think it fit him.

notes I took on him

>> No.6385565

i'm the one who posted the link, glad to know it's you! you've got the highest chance out of all the girls so far, and looking at the standard of the girls accepted into oishiiproject, you'll have no trouble getting in.

>> No.6385709


>> No.6385730

>originally from russia

maybe ten centuries down?

this has to be a troll...

>> No.6385738

I kind of want to do it to be friends with them and for the fun. I don't know anyone who is into this kind of thing. It's a side of me I keep hidden.

>not sure if cute enough though

>> No.6385815

I'm really surprised by how bad all of these are.

Chiyo's voice is okay, but she's too nervous and trying way too hard and her music is way too low. Also
Okay, you sure are a huge fan!

Elaine is just really flat in front of the camera. She's also tone deaf, so...

Rizu is just boring, flat and awful. Why would you film in bed, in PJs, half asleep? What?

I know O!P isn't high quality or anything, but damn, I expected at least a bit of effort.

And how do NONE of these people have cameras that are better than webcams?

>> No.6385821

I kind of want to audition too. I have a decent camera, and I can sing, but I'm not very pretty and way too shy to put myself out there to that extent.

I make videos on Youtube, but just for fun not for views, and I don't think I want to change that.
But it could be an odd/interesting experience.

>> No.6387813

most impressed with this one so far

>> No.6388366


Is Ellen Carter her real name? Because your real name is not something you want to say to the world, people will stalk you easier

>> No.6388465
File: 121 KB, 861x566, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Scarlett always look so scruffy, she's so cute!! I just feel she needs to wash her face and hair. Maybe a lighter color would look nice on her :(

>> No.6388516

because she looks like a man

>> No.6388564

Her hair is shit, in color, style and condition. Girls underestimate how much of a difference a decent cut and color makes. She has split ends and it just looks brittle, dry and awful, adding to the scruffiness of her appearance. The bow does nothing for her. In short, she should take better care of her hair and do something with it other than that weeby bullshit.

>> No.6388937

So the only audition I've really thought has been good so far is myukuu's, and that's because of her dancing. However, her low quality camera is covering up her sharp movements and making her look sloppy, which is really unfortunate. Anyway, she's very cute and talented, so I hope she gets in!

I really expected more people to bring their A-game, though. A lot of the auditions look a little sloppy. I know Beckii gave everyone 2 minutes to speak about themselves, but some people just seem to go on and on. All I plan on saying is a quick hello, my name, my enthusiasm for the project and my interests, and then get straight to the audition. Then again, that's just me.
It's also surprised me that the type of dances people are picking (looking at the girl who did Danjo especially) are pretty simple/mechanical. I know those are easy to learn but they don't really show off any cool moves and unless you're a fan of the song itself, the dance can be boring to watch. It's still very early, though, so I can't wait to see more auditions!

>> No.6388951

I kind of want to, but I have never done anything online, I'm just a random nobody.

>> No.6388957
File: 79 KB, 427x594, Jared_Gilmore_2011_Summer_TCA_Tour_Day_12_upvcXAqb7Sql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of the little boy on Once Upon a Time that can't really act.

>> No.6388987

>Kelsey (needs to work on being more genuine)
>implying the rest of the girls aren't just experts at faking their personalities

>> No.6389033
File: 66 KB, 400x400, goo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Claudie! I'm actually friends with you on facebook haha. I do have a high quality camera which I probably should have used, but I was kind of anxious to get the audition done and out of the way on Sunday. Anyway, I appreciate your support and good luck to you.

>> No.6389044

Oh my gosh what?! Send me a message! U had no idea I knew you haha. And yeah I totally understand wanting to get the audition out of the way- I'll be auditioning pretty soon but not until I make sure both my songs and especially my dance are very clean and perfect. I'll probe not get it done till the 24th ;; OTL
Best of luck to you!! I hope we'll both end up working together!! <3

>> No.6389161

You did great!

>> No.6389633

What do you think most of the auditionees' strengths and weaknesses are? I'm hoping to audition, but I'd like any advice seagulls can give me before doing so.

>> No.6389754

I'm not really good with advice, but I can tell you what I'm going to be doing to make my audition look pretty good~
>Short&sweet video introduction
>Well lit place that looks neat and clean
>Make sure my makeup and outfit are nice
>Practice the shit out of my songs
>Practice the shit out of my dance
>Watch myself singing beforehand so I know what motions not to do, if any are unflattering
>Film each part of the video separately so I have a semi-different "look" for my intro than I do for the dance
>Find a well lit, clean area for my dance so my whole body can be seen

Aaaand that's it!

>> No.6389772

Thank you so much!

>> No.6389835

Not at all, good luck!! <3

>> No.6389987


>> No.6390117

You thought Elaine was tone deaf? I thought she actually had a very nice singing voice. She rambled a lot, but I thought she's cute, and she's working very hard. If she practiced more and had real vocal training, I think she'd be a very good singer. Plus, she's an excellent dancer, and props to her for doing a totally different dance compared to what everyone else is doing. She's really a hell of a lot more talented than I was at her age, haha. I really hope she gets in.

>> No.6390377

I want to audition for fun, but I'm afraid I might actually get in.

>> No.6390398

I think her tone is nice, but she can't hit the right notes (the "frickin' bad" and "Forbes magazine" notes in Billionaire especially), which tells me she can't hear what they are. It's really difficult for people who naturally a good musical ear to sing notes off like that.

Her dancing is very very good, though. She should be a backup dancer.

>> No.6390424

i wish they had a stylist for the girls, one who could help them with their actual appearance. Someone should really help Scarlett and the other one with the tan and heavy eye makeup annnd the one with the large mouth. They are cute girls but just need some tips on what works for them.

>> No.6390456
File: 224 KB, 1980x898, shoopdawoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I was referring too
a little makeup goes a long way. a light foundation and concealer for her eyes, some lashes and white liner and voila! Also pardon me I'm just in a shooping mood since the photoshop thread earlier

>> No.6390478

I hope that she can maybe train herself to hear the notes correctly, then... she has such a pretty voice, it'd be a shame if she had to stop singing because of that.

>> No.6390483

It's possible, but it would take a lot of training, because it's not that she can't vocally hit the notes, it's that she thinks she's singing the right ones when she's not, which means she's tone deaf.
I hope she gets lessons, but honestly, I think dancing is her real talent. She's the best by a million miles so far.

>> No.6391838

the new audition

>> No.6391847

her dancing...
how can you slaughter a song i like
every time i listen to it i will be haunted by her

>> No.6391877

I wanted to enter this as a pisstake but judging by the quality of most of these auditions I'm scared I'd actually get good reviews....

No offence to any of these girls but their auditions are kind of unpolished and sloppy. Kind of seems like none of them actually did any planning and just whacked the camera on without experimenting with a script, lighting, angles etc.

>> No.6391886

The sad thing is, I think she's one of the better auditions so far. Pity she doesn't have looks at all

>> No.6391892

Pretty much this. But what can you expect from girls posting their auditions in the first few days? They shouldn't have release their videos so quickly. They have until the 25th right? That time should be used to polish up.

Although, judging from their auditions I really don't know if a month would help. But I'm sure other girls are using that time. Maybe well see better stuff closer to the end.

>> No.6391899
File: 55 KB, 604x453, 488130_466788166666199_1602068888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I redo my audition? I'm really regretting rushing it... it hasn't even been approved as a video response yet. I can do better but it was just a spur of the moment thing at the time... but I feel like I should do my best anyway,,

>> No.6391910


Yes. If you know you can do better then redo it.

>> No.6391923

Should I speak Japanese in it or not? I don't want to sound cheesey but it seems to be what most people do.

>> No.6391938

why is he singing hide in seek D: NOOOO
i like this song

>> No.6391950

You all shouldn't assume that the best audition can be found in the PUBLIC audition videos. You never know what other talents are hidden in those private entries. Did you notice or remember that all the Ichigos, except for Kelsey, didn't display their auditions publicly?

>> No.6391961

I tried out here!

>> No.6392524

but we can't look at them or talk about them so who cares right now.

>> No.6394573

OH boy i didn't think that Scarlett was so tall

>> No.6394689
File: 603 KB, 1127x1600, Weekly Playboy-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JAPANESE idols have the infamous no boyfriend rule and gravure (bikini photos) side jobs. Oishi Project is about performing in anime cons, nothing to do with Japan

>> No.6394701

Urrrgh, cringed so hard I couldn't watch more than a few seconds. Oh lawdy lawd...

>> No.6394702


Poor Scarlett, she looks so awkward.

>> No.6394736

kelsey is so superior.

>> No.6394765
File: 47 KB, 397x580, 174star128shockingavdebut-hitomitanaka01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like my gravure...

>> No.6395296

Yes, that is why I said Beckii and Dansa have stated it does not matter if the girls have boyfriends or not.

>> No.6395316

Well, Kelsey is only 5ft, so that doesn't help with Scarlett's I-haven't-grown-into-my-height-yet thing. Poor girl.

Kelsey is amazing, but when you put her in a group of amateur dancers, it really makes their inexperience glaringly obvious.

>> No.6395333

on the bright side, the girl standing in front of the camera, blocking some of the stage, is super pretty and has awesome skin. so...there's that.

>> No.6395336

Did the other two even bother learning the dance?

>> No.6395349

Does anyone else think Scarlett might quit soon? She doesn't look like she's enjoying herself like the other two and just seems out of place on stage. I felt sorry for her the whole time.

>> No.6396827

Wow, she's fucking terrible.

>> No.6397089


These two are almost comically horrible.

>> No.6397109

I'm going to, but I need to practice my Japanese song more first.

Imma be a kawaii motherfucker.

>> No.6397261

I do not for the life of me understand why this kelsey/kimonotime person doesn't just strike out on her own and promote herself or find someone who can market her. She is the only one involved in this mess who has any discernable talent, charisma and star quality. The others are not good and not in a way that can be improved, they just don't have 'it'.

>> No.6397266

Those nasally voices..

>> No.6397285

apparently this is a gyaruo. good lord.


>> No.6397375


The latest one. It's ok, I suppose. It would have been better if she didn't do the overly fake, high nasal voice when singing her Japanese part.

>> No.6397429

oh dear, that dancing

>> No.6397744

Had she picked a better song, I think she could've looked a lot less like she was flailing about. The jerky, weird choreography does her no favors, especially since her legs and arms are particularly long.
I really dislike how a lot of the girls are putting on fake, nasally, high-pitched voices for their auditions, especially the Japanese vocal parts. If they listened to something other than moeshit anime soundtracks, they'd understand a lot of Japanese singers do not put on the "kawaii" when they sing. Using your normal voice is just a much better idea; it sounds eons better, and it's very straining to constantly put the pressure required to talk like that on your voice.

>> No.6397750

I had a question for you Claudie. What do you need as far as 'net-fame' status to enter this competition? I sort of want to enter, but I've never really done anything other than IRL. I'm a trained vocalist and I've recorded in studios before, I also have ballet and some contemporary dance under my belt, but I'm kind of afraid that since I don't actually have anything past to contribute that I won't be good for something like this.

>> No.6397786

>If they listened to something other than moeshit anime soundtracks...

But isn't O!P all about moeshit and kawaii girls? I mean no offense, but if you're making up a group of cute girls who sing and dance and try to be cute, expect those girls to try and sound cuter.

>> No.6397789

Well, for the Oishii!Ichigo auditions, the girls had to have already reached some level of "internet fame" to be qualified to be in the group. The Mini Cherries group, however, is for girls who will be trained to reach net-fame, so those auditioning are not expected to have any type of fan following or fame.
I'd say GO FOR IT! They're just looking for straight talent right now, which it seems you definitely have, being an accomplished vocalist and ballet dancer. (High-five, ballet dancer of 13 years here~) It doesn't really matter what you have/have not done on the net for this audition, so don't worry about it, and good luck!

>> No.6397790

I think she meant that the girls who are trying to force their voices have no idea how to do it properly and therefore sound stupid. Most ~kawaii uggu~ moeshit songs and voices are electronically produced anyway, baring a small minority.

>> No.6397795

It's about cute girls, yes, but if you look at a professional idol group like AKB48, no one is putting on a fake voice. They all just use their legitimate voices when they sing. I think that you can definitely be cute without overdoing it and trying to sound like Haruko Momoi. Now, if that legitimately is your true voice, use it! But I just don't think girls should sing something in English in a normal voice, then switch to Japanese to sing PONPONPON in a baby voice.
This is allll just my opinion though, and I think I'm just so upset because I'm having, like, war flashbacks to when I was in my weeaboo stage and would always sing like that and it sounded TERRIBLE. So really, it's up to the girls what they wanna sing and how they wanna sing it, this is all just my opinion.

>> No.6397807

Wow! Thanks for the good info~ I'm still sort of deciding what to sing/dance to do, I've been looking at other auditions and thinking about it alot and I can't really decide haha! If you had any suggestions please let me know.

>> No.6397812

Haha no problem! Just choose whatever songs you think really suit your voice best, and play around! I originally thought I'd be doing completely different songs from the ones I actually chose, but trying out lots of songs helped me pick the right ones. As for a dance, just pick something that you enjoy so much you won't mind replaying one part over 9000 times to get the steps right. Good luck~

>> No.6397816

Thanks! You too.

>> No.6397830

They're cute in an awful way. It's just their attitudes and almost their special brand of terrible that's cute.

>> No.6397841

This reminds me of one of those crazy people who get rejected on talent shows

>> No.6398019

Claudie dear~ Another question heh. I was wondering if you were aware of any rules for songs/dances. Like does the dance have to be pre-existing or can it be made up, and do the songs have to be in their original languages or can they be switched ie japanese to english. Thanks!

>> No.6398051

I'm not aware of any rules for the dances, honestly, but I've seen simple vocalic-type dances to hiphop renditions so I'm pretty sure that as long as it's dancing, it's okay~ For the songs, I think that as long as you have one song sung in English and one song sung in Japanese, all will be well. Doesn't have to be originally in either language, they just need to hear you have a mastery of singing in both languages since they are the two main languages the group uses in their music. Hope that helps!

>> No.6398076

Yes thanks! I was going to sing a song I recorded fairly recently that I transliterated the lyrics for, and I was also going to mention that as one of my special talents haha. The dance question comes in because I'm a fan of niconico DancexMixer dances and I had found one that wasn't done by anyone before that I wanted to use.

>> No.6398315

I would suggest not doing a DancexMixer dance because usually it's more like movements strung together at different speeds than a dance. It would look strange on someone that isn't an amazing dancer.

>> No.6398605

Would anyone mind creating maybe a quick intro in japanese for those that want to audition but don't really know what to say? A fill in the blanks kind of thing like "Hi I am ____ and I am ____ years old blah blah"

>> No.6398610

I could be wrong about this, but if you can't speak Japanese at all and need someone to tell you what to say, perhaps you should just speak in English?
I wouldn't want to give the impression that I could speak basic Jap if I couldn't.

>> No.6399444

Yeah after posting that I was thinking the same thing but, at least it would be better and a lot less boring of an audition to have something like that, wether you could go beyond that skill level or not.

>> No.6399585

I'll translate it if you tell me exactly what to say in English.

>> No.6400509

You could just say konnichiwa. Most of the time you just say konnichiwa watashi wa *my name* and then hajimemashite/hajimemashita anyways. You do need to try to say your name using japanese syllabary

>> No.6400592

Haha wow this shit is pathetic and going nowhere.

>> No.6401237

another audition

>> No.6403665

She just Rick Roll'd me.

>> No.6404069

I like her, she's cute but in a little odd way for some reason. singing isn't super great but its probably gonna be autotuned anyway and its not awful. She seems realistic or something i dunno

>> No.6404294

Getting a very boxxy feel

>> No.6405694

has anyone been keeping up with the soon-to-be-graduating mini cherries?? nico's released her first vlog in a really long time tonight, and hana released one a few days ago as well talking about the new auditions and groups

>> No.6405718


I saw Hana's but not Nico's, wasn't her last vlog like, months ago? I liked her, nice to hear she's not dead or something lmao

>> No.6405861



>> No.6406879


I think she's gotten a little more comfortable in front of the camera. She seems less nervous than her last vlog

>> No.6406884


Ew. Dat horrible off-key singing and bad haircut tho

>> No.6406898


eh, she still seems a little unused to it, but it's whatever. what I'm mostly surprised by is the fact that there's actually someone who took the time to look polished and nice in front of the camera. I mean jesus christ you'd think some of these girls would take the time to do something nice with their hair or put on some makeup, but aside from a handful of them in Ichigo and maybe like two mini cherries, they don't even seem to try.

>> No.6406904


Where's Hana's vlog?

>> No.6406918


Which one? I think she's done a few lately. Just check her youtube channel.

>> No.6407108

woah Kelsey is so tiny..
how tall is Scarlett?

>> No.6408236

Does anyone else think that Cherry from Ichigo, just needs to go? It's like she's dragging the whole group down she just honestly doesn't fit in with the rest of them.

>> No.6408406

I am having a really hard time deciding on a english song to sing. What do you think are some cute/cool/sweet songs?

>> No.6408465

Kimonotime has so much potential in Japan it's not even funny. She is Akiba idol material. She should seriously just move there and start her career.

>> No.6408564

Maybe she's shooting for retard moe?

>> No.6409281

isn't she a little old for that?

>> No.6409329
File: 114 KB, 400x475, 38r9713yhfwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is retard moe something like this?

>> No.6409477


Thank you, /cgl/, for disgusting me per usual.

>> No.6409504

You're welcome.

>> No.6409522

Not sure if you're serious, but I want to chime in anyway. Retard moe is when someone acts so fucking stupid, its cute. Like Yui from K-On.

>> No.6409525

>Not sure if you're serious, but I want to chime in anyway
So I did a good job? Thanks, anon.

>> No.6412670

IMO the strongest audition so far. I really like her singing voice especially. The stuff at the end was weird but it's not like the current group of oishii girls can be classified as normal

>> No.6412687

Holy fuck the dog. Lost my shit when it started to get in the way of the dance.

But it also has me wondering, why are so many of these girls willing to just do a single take and send it in? Haven't they learned in school that the first draft is shit? She should have redone the dance without the dog and her intro inside to avoid wind. Common sense people.

>> No.6412708

Not fond of her voice but the movements during her dance are very sharp. Oishii could use some members who can actually dance.

>> No.6412739

She's way too talented to be in Oishii Project. She's ready for X Factor. But if Oishii's what she wants to do, whoever's choosing girls would be stupid not to pick her.

>> No.6412753

X factor won't be kind to weeby shit. But you're probably right that she'd be better off going it alone. Or join with kimonotime. But we both know that that's not going to happen and these girls are going to get further dragged down by a shitty group. But hey, their perogative.

>> No.6412777

She seems to have an A+ personality and she sounds really good. She has more of a mature sound to her which I guess is expected since she's older. If they had an older sister type group thing she's be great for it

>> No.6413322


I think Oishii needs more girls who don't sound like they're sucking helium. The reason why the girls that are popular among ichigo and the mini cherries are popular is because they're the more normal or approachable of the group (Nyanko, Hana, Nico, Kelsey, etc). I mean sure they're still in an idol group which is pretty geeky, but they're not SUPAH KAWAII DESU NE, which is grating.

>> No.6413365

I honestly think Kelsey is going to leave first. I didn't really know much about her before Oishii, so I checked her youtube and stuff. She's already a professional dancer and is in music videos, so she's probably got some good contacts. Plus, on some of her vlogs she's going on about a secret mission which she can't tell us. I think she has something up her sleeve and is probably already doing her own work or something. If not, it's only a matter of time someone discovers her.

>> No.6413606

Agreed, but they kind of already have a "big sister" member, Jenny, but this is a new gen and she would be great for it.

>> No.6413614

Crap I need to get my audition up! I have a sore throat so I'm trying to put it off till I get better. Ugh, I really want to get it up this time.

>> No.6414844


Well, just because she's less immature, doesn't mean she has to be a "big sister". I mean, there are quite a few other "types" that you could pull from that fit that as well, especially for younger-looking girls like Hana or Nico--more of the "sporty" or "princess" types, respectively. Just staying away from the super cutesy loli thing is a good idea.

>> No.6414905


jfc this
it's like people forget that there are cutesy archetypes you can play with besides ~kawaii imouto-chan~
it's like every one of these girls but like a handful are all going for the same overprocessed pink shit and that's just boring.

>> No.6414956

Does anyone know when the current Mini Cherries have their new groups debut??

Also how many new Mini Cherries are they accepting?

>> No.6414973


They said they'd announce the new groups sometime in the next week. Idk how many new girls they're picking