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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 353 KB, 864x576, Mal Malloy_102503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374124 No.6374124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Go to Lolita Meet
> G/F tells me the girls with the most elaborate frill covered outfits hate their body.

We have to put up with these stick thin orange, wrinkled chicks in our faces all the time. And the girls with the unblemished, hourglass figures are covering everything up with petticoats, and think they are 'ugly' and 'fat'? Yes, I've read the blog/tumblr posts.

"Oh how will I fit into my latest outfit with all this BOOB?!?"
"Oh I simply must hide my EPIC HIPS underneath these petticoats! No one must know!"

God has a truly mean sense of humor. I pose you are all trying to look like the stick figure drawings of Lolita I see about?

>> No.6374141
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (78).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374144

Yes that's pretty ugly, you're a BBW lover or something.

>> No.6374149

damn nigga datz a fat ass lokin white bitch mhm niggi id hit dat up al day with mah dik nigga, o lord look at al dat booty shit nigga im so horny nigga dat botty is out of dis hood, you nigga id hit dat so hard nigga u knw i would

>> No.6374158

mal malloy looks great in flattering light and angles, google a picture of her bare ass in proper lighting and you will see the gross cottage cheese mess she really is

>> No.6374159


> average attitude of girls towards others in /cgl/

this is why OP, constant "fatty" bashing

>> No.6374165


> looks great in flattering light and angles

It's possible to get anyone at an unflattering light and angles, so the "oh she looks pretty THERE" doesn't cut it.

The entire Lolita photography community revolves around photoshop now anyway, so I don't see it as much of an argument.

>> No.6374167
File: 44 KB, 220x262, ordinaryafricanmale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374198

>thread full of plus-sized girls that are pretty

>thread full of average healthy beautiful girls

>thread with skinny girls

There is no winning. Solution: Stop posting pictures of any type of attractive woman on /cgl/. These woman-beasts are insecure and set off very easily.

>> No.6374209


>> No.6374216

I propose that /cgl/ be turned into the penis board.

>> No.6374219

This would be a logical post, if opinions posted on /cgl/ were completely comprised of /cgl/'s acutal opinions. Being the only board with a female majority, insecure males come here from /r9k/ /adv/ /soc/ and sometimes /v/ to bitch and moan about how much they hate every woman but still want a girlfriend. The presence of "x/10 would/would not bang" ratings is the first sign of a male's opinion.

>> No.6374222

Crossplay and EGB

>> No.6374227

Decent detective work, 7/10, would solve crimes with.

>> No.6374231

I don't hate women for not going out with me

I just don't understand why women seem to hate themselves as well as each other. They seem to be unable to comprehend thye may be attractive. And then they tear each others to pieces to bring down others around them.

>> No.6374239

Wow, that girl is like 70% ass/hips

Not even the good way.

>> No.6374261
File: 149 KB, 1200x756, 98125798123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374271

Actually males are great at judging if a woman is ugly or not, we don't care about drama or any emotional bullshit so we give better ratings.

Now women are always "oh it's wrong to say fatties are ugly so I'm gonna say she's cute~" and shit like that.

>> No.6374276

It's all about proportions, big or small.

>> No.6374280

Because we've been taught from a very young age that we're all ugly and fat so we'll buy things to make us pretty and thin.

>> No.6374284

Oh God, how dare we care about peoples' feelings.

Also personal opinion/taste doesn't exist at all.

>> No.6374286

Actually, males are great at judging if a woman is ugly or not based solely on personal preference. A guy who's disgusted by gingers will give them all 0/10 regardless of any other factor. Same for any race, skin colour, body type, hair colour, sometimes even down to eye colour. Guys use the most retarded criteria to judge attractiveness. I've seen saggy, wrinkled, veiny breasts get a perfect 10/10 just because they were huge and the guy had a large breasts fetish.

Now women are always "this girl has a cute face, regardless of how many rolls she has, and I will admit that fact".

>> No.6374287


Ah, so all you girls went to private religious schools. Gotcha

>> No.6374291

>buying things
>religious schools

>> No.6374296

Only a Sith deals in absolute.
There are good and bad judges irregardless of sex.

>> No.6374297
File: 9 KB, 396x324, male-messaging-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, see the dotted line, just as it should be. A small number of uggos, a big number of average and a small number of hotties.

Now for women it's all about feelings, status, what society tells them, astrology, time of the day and all sorts of other bullshit.

>> No.6374303

>Oh God, how dare we care about peoples' feelings.
That's why you can't trust women's judgement about anything.

>see fugly manface posting that she's ugly
>"omg you're so pretty, don't worry! You can wear make up this and that too by the way blabla"

>> No.6374300

Dammit, I wish I was a janitor.

>> No.6374301

>I pose you are all trying to look like the stick figure drawings of Lolita I see about?
Not at all. Personally, I like my figure and find the full silhouette of lolita skirts very flattering. And while I'm not concerned about my bust-to-waist or waist-to-hip ratios, I am self-conscious about the cellulite in my thighs that I've had since puberty.

When I'm not in lolita, I wear retro or rockabilly-inspired outfits, particularly Voodoo Vixen and PUG wiggle dresses. Reflecting that, a lot of my lolita outfits utilise vintage hairstyles, shoes and accessories.

>> No.6374308

It's seriously like you've never even been to /cgl/ before

>> No.6374314

/cgl/ loves manfaces, just look at Precious.

>> No.6374324

What's wrong with that? Good makeup, hair and a nice outfit can make pretty much anybody vaguely attractive or at least bearable, no matter how manfaced. What's the point in telling people they're worthless, when an ugly face can be fixed/masked quite easily?

>> No.6374325

Okay, are we talking about a woman judging another woman with anonymity or straight to the other woman's face?

No, I won't tell a woman straight to her face that she's ugly. Fucking duh. I hope I don't meet anyone that would.

Even if asked to rate another woman, depending on the company I'm in, I still may not be 100% honest just because I'm not a bitch. But even if a girl is pretty damn ugly, there are nicer ways of putting it. i.e. She would look really pretty with a bit of makeup and a more flattering haircut, etc.

>> No.6374329

I hate it how most girls think the skinny bitch with tiny hips and tits and a thin waist is the only attractive body type. I'm a man that likes big butts, hips, and thighs and a lot of the ones I've met hate them. Look, if I wanted small hips I'd go gay and fuck a trap, jesus.

>> No.6374332

>skinny bitches
>all thin girls look like dudes hurr
You sound like a fat girl.

>> No.6374334

What day it is, too. If the "bitchy week of red" has arrived, it alters the results immensely.

>> No.6374339

>bitchy week of red
Are you fucking 14

>> No.6374340


Go be fat somewhere else, this is no place for you.

>> No.6374348

i would do deliciously deviant things to that girl in the pic. she looks fun.

>> No.6374349

>skinny bitch
>Look, if I wanted small hips I'd go gay and fuck a trap, jesus.

And here is a perfect example of what >>6374286 was saying. "Everything that is not my exact personal preference should not exist" is a common school of thought for males.

>> No.6374388

>"Everything that is not my exact personal preference should not exist" is a common school of thought for males.
And not for women? Ok then.

>> No.6374457

All I can see when I look at this is that her bra does not fit properly. She's quad-boobing something serious, and it looks like the band isn't tight enough (gap at the center gore and fat at the armpit). I feel bad for her!

>> No.6374461

As a male, I want a girl like this.

>> No.6374477

That actually implies males are awful at judging beauty subjectively

>> No.6374479

I just don't understand

is that normal or is she overweight or what

is she just really lucky and that's where all her excess weight goes?


>> No.6374497

She's stepping out of the bath so her left (our right) thigh is a big ol' blur, which is distorting the lower half quite a bit. She appears to be lucky enough to have maintained a nice hourglass figure whilst being a little bit on the thicker side, which would normally blow out the waistline but for her has settled on the hips/thighs and balanced out what might have been disproportionately large breasts at a lower weight.

>> No.6374505

her leg is pointed toward the camera to make it look huge

also i sense photoshop.

i'm sure she's very pear-shaped, but......that's just a bit extreme.

>> No.6374509

She's definitely overweight
not by 100+lbs or anything, but no way is she in a normal weight range. I would estimate she's over her max by 40lbs
Her proportions are good

but she has way too much body fat

What's with all of the chubby chaser trolls lately?

>> No.6374528

Hnnng, as a 100 pound waif, so jelly, forever envious of those lovely curves. ;_;

>> No.6374534
File: 103 KB, 500x750, big-booty-0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I'm oddly fascinated by tiny waists accompanied by big booties and how it's even possible to get that kind of figure. I just... what.

>> No.6374538

the one in your pic looks shooped at her waist and general belly area
boobs don't float on top of ribcages

>> No.6374549

> Watching TV show "Embarassing bodies"
> Girl goes to doctor
> Girl - " I want to get a breast reduction"
> Doctor "So back pain? Difficulty running?..."
> Girl - "Oh no, I just have the biggest boobies in the group of girls I hang out with, I want to have the same size boobs as them..."

You fucking girls are pants on head retarded.

>> No.6374571

So? Some girls just don't like having big boobs like how some girls don't like having small boobs.

Both can be inconvenient in other ways
>omg a dumb girl on tv

and that has nothing to do with what I posted

where do you watch full episodes of that shit online? I can only ever find clips

>> No.6374600

Ohhh sweet mother of lesbians, the things I'd do with a girl of that body type

>> No.6374630


It's called 'subtext' it was an example of how girls in groups feel inferior unless they 'fit in' even to the point of getting surgery. /cgl/ has lots of tips and ideas and sales, but then you have the circle of crticisms, where the girl in the centre is bombarded with insults to make her realize she is not living up to the Lolita 'ideal'. Girls often say men make them feel unsatisfied with their bodies, when its places like this, the media, their so-called 'friends'.

Just look at the comments, guys/lesbians are "shes hot" then you have the 'superior artistic eye' of the 'real lolitas' her bodyfat is too high, her breasts are too big for her frame, she'd likely have a cottage cheese butt.

Girls have completely different standards for other girls than men do. Ridiculously critical.

Maybe it's not about standards at all, maybe they just want the emotional satisfaction of bringing down girls they perceive as 'above' them.

>> No.6374648
File: 175 KB, 287x410, Screen shot 2012-09-20 at 1.26.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha not at all
of course girls are picky
Most girls look at details, men tend to look at the overall

And the girl in OP is most definitely overweight and her body fat probably is too high
Not to a ridiculous amount
but it's still more than likely over what she should be at

it's a well proportioned fat girl
that's all there is to it

Some guys like it
some guys don't

just as how some girls hate it
but some girls would like to look like that

I like her shape
but not her size
I don't find it appealing sexually in the least

I prefer something like this myself

you can like what you like, and so can I and everyone else

BBW and Chubby chasers go crazy when someone calls someone who is clearly overweight fat, and retaliate with SHE'S NOT FAT AT ALL LOOK AT DEM CURVES

even legitimate curves on a bigger girl has a point to where it's really just fat

>> No.6374655

You're on 4chan, not on fucking Tumblr. Type like a normal human being.

>> No.6374657
File: 613 KB, 160x160, 1350652765886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that very few people overweight have that shape.

>> No.6374668

godamn she has nice legs/hips


>> No.6374667

I love that show.
There was one with a chick with GG boobs getting a reduction to a DD. I think they said they took off about 1.5kg of breast tissue. I have never understood until then how heavy large breasts can be. I'm actually glad mine a little B cups.

>> No.6374697
File: 109 KB, 500x749, tumblr_m6mmglihTF1qhfc8ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more healthy girls

>> No.6374703
File: 646 KB, 519x928, Screen shot 2012-09-20 at 2.19.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374704
File: 164 KB, 294x382, Screen shot 2012-09-20 at 1.26.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374813

As a lesbian, I do not appreciate being dumped in with your low standards, I do not find that girl appealing at all, not enough in the bust to even out that FAT ASS and those thighs would suffocate anyone who went down there. She might be pretty hot if she lost like, 50lbs at least. But as is, no thank you.

>> No.6374836


As a Straight guy, I do not appreciate you calling anyone who likes girls that look like that as having 'low standards'

>> No.6374837
File: 166 KB, 918x650, titian_venus-of-urbino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Secondary lesbian opinion.Okay, she's curvy. Could she stand to lose weight, yes. To me though she looks like a Renaissance painting. I really see nothing wrong with that. I think she's beautiful.

>> No.6374839

I never even thought to factor in large breasts as part of your weight!

>> No.6374847
File: 87 KB, 631x384, 126904233922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I have a serious lack of fucks to give when it comes to body type or size, or even facial features. I only seem to find a body visually pleasing when I'm extremely attracted to the owner, and I've never had crushes/fallen in love with anyone but my friends, regardless of their sex.
Is this what pansexuality feels like?

>> No.6374848


> gay, straight, & bi are sooo last decade

>> No.6374854

No man, I think it's what being a decent human being feels like.

>> No.6374859

You know, part of it is health. I know the shame comes from a culture imposing impossible standards, but the woman in OP's photo is probably obese by both BMI and body fat percentage standards. All that boob and epic hip mentioned is a result of the obesity, and pretty much every study ever has deemed even a small amount of excess weight can shorten lifespan and raise the risk for all sorts of diseases. It's true, shaming people into hating their bodies is sad and unhealthy, but I don't necessarily think it should be celebrated that someone isn't taking care of their body in a way that maintains overall health.

>> No.6374861


Anon, are we the only people who work like this?

I don't feel physical attraction unless I grow to adore or like a person very much. I can work around most appearances. Obesity is the only killer for me, shit is scary.

>> No.6374863 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 700x700, cant be doin with this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I can deal with the terms 'healthy' and 'curvy' when they actually mean what they mean. Being overweight is not 'healthy', it's inherently unhealthy, and curvy means curves in the right places, not flab hanging everywhere. No, I'm not into anorexics/sticks, I love me some hips, booty and booby so shut the fuck up you thundering tumblrcunt.

>> No.6374865

You arnt, tumblr is extreme pro pansexual

>> No.6374867

I'm sick of people referring to overweight and/or obese figures as 'healthy'. 'Healthy' means, you know, healthy, fit, prone to a longer lifespan. You know, the complete opposite of being overweight?

I get and appreciate it being used to refer to women who aren't unrealistic stick figures, but some idiots take it too far.

>> No.6374871

Yeah, we can actually admit something is attractive and good looking even when it doesn't make us wet and horny.

Who could ever imagine it, people who didn't use their sexual organs to judge appearance?

>> No.6374877

I can't believe no one has pointed out the tiny/skinny fucking left arm. Too bad it's a shoop. A bad one at that.

>> No.6374881

>apple/rectangle shape
>would kill for hourglass shape in op's pic

>> No.6374882

it's behind the shower curtain dumbass

>> No.6374883

>I don't feel physical attraction unless I grow to adore or like a person very much.

The term you're looking for is "demisexual"

>> No.6374895

Her body looks gross not even trying to be hateful it's just I don't understand how someone's legs can get that big.

>> No.6374916


>> No.6374918

For anybody wondering the picture in OP is not a shoop. I actually seen a couple of her videos.

Just found this on youtube searching for "huge pawg"

not a shoop


>> No.6374939

hey everyone
OP is really a fat chick

what a twist, right?

>> No.6374953

Why do people keep saying "impossible standards"? I went from 165 pounds to 105 pounds and now fit the "thin ideal" that everyone says is "impossible" and "unrealistic." I'm thinner than many (if not most) celebrities I see, and I'm healthy, and did not make a dramatic lifestyle change but a relatively unobtrusive dietary change (2000+ cal/day to 12-1500cal/day). There's nothing unrealistic about it. No, not everyone can be 90 pounds or have a waifish figure; in fact I'm very broad-shouldered and wide-ribbed myself, but I'm thin. I hate seeing people being branded "unrealistically thin" when they really just look healthy.

>> No.6374965
File: 22 KB, 200x200, 1333845151691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374972

Hey guys. If obesity is a legit medical problem and not just a problem of overeating, why has the huge problem with it just cropped up in the last 40 years? I mean, I know there have always been obese people in ancient times and whatnot, but the 'epidemic' is recent.

>> No.6374980

Obesity is not even close to being a serious problem. People will just always find something to pick on or find something to shit on.

Not taking sides, but people like to hate.

>> No.6374986

Uhm...yes it is. Are you not from the US? I've been on vacation in most parts of the US and when at least 3-5 people at basically every mall are using a remote controlled scooter only because they are fat there is a huge problem.

>> No.6374988

Oh yeah im from Holland so i have no idea what is going on over there.
Anybody here who is too fat to walk basically gets send to a hospital, gets his own TV show and becomes a star.

>> No.6374989

Honest answer? In most developed countries we've seen a huge lifestyle shift over the last 100 years. We went from a lot of manual labor (men in the fields and women in the home) to nearly sedentary behind desks and inside cubicles. This coupled with the fact that much of our food is much more processed and that "fast food" choices are so inexpensive and you have a recipe for disaster.

Obesity IS a serious problem and contributes to Heart Disease and Cancer (the #1 and #2 killer in the US and UK). And, let's face it, it's also nasty as fuck to look at and costs the government a shit ton.

Also this. I've not been overweight a day in my life but I got close to it once. Instead of just sitting around continuing to stuff my face I changed my entire eating style and started to work out. Now I'm happily back to my 18.6 BMI

>> No.6374991

We'd have to have a new broadcast network to handle all of the TV shows we'd need to make for all of the too fat to walk types.

I'm jealous of anyone in countries where it's just not an issue.

>> No.6374992

Consider it like this, The girl in OP´s picture is considered a landwhale in the Benelux.

>> No.6374995

Well that's lucky. There are places in the US like Missouri where this girl is skinny compared to everyone else around her. In Alabama 70% of adults are considered obese or overweight based on a BMI of 25 or over.

>> No.6375001

I always wonder how they can life with themselves. Is it considered normal to be out of breath over there when walking on a flight of stairs?

>> No.6375005

Honest answer: In a lot of places, especially the south, there aren't many stairs. People go everywhere in their car. They sit inside at home when they aren't sitting at work. The most exercise they get is walking around the supermarket once a week. It's depressing as hell.

>> No.6375009

Actually lots of foreign people complain that America is built for cars and not people and I honestly agree 100% since I can't even leave my neighborhood because it leads to a big highway.


>> No.6375011

I suppose so now. I'm very sad to see how we have fallen from just 6 years ago in the states. We had a documentary called "Super Size Me" about fast food and obesity and the health issues surrounding it. It was designed to warn people that being overweight is a real problem and that fat is unhealthy. I remember someone in the documentary saying how they hoped that one day they could talk to a fat person like one does a smoker without it being looked upon as prejudice. Now, we are simply codling fat people, telling them nothing is wrong and allowing them to stay fat and unhealthy. It has become completely opposite than it was before. This is because of 'political correctness' and the idea that any type of 'social construct' related negativity is bad and therefore meaningless. This society is hell because all of these ignorant people believe such bullshit and the society is breaking down in the worst kind of way.

>> No.6375016

I hate fat pride.

They hate being hated for their body, but they dont mind hating on other peoples bodies?

I heard that many of your houses dont got stairs too. Is that real?

>> No.6375020

In the 6-7 houses I have lived in only 3 of them have had stairs so it depends.

>> No.6375021


such a bad photoshop.

>> No.6375024

Wow, just wow. I've never seen a house without stairs.

>> No.6375025

Yes, a lot of houses, especially in the south as someone said have no stairs. Usually poor people live in 1 floor houses that don't even have 3 steps to their door.

>> No.6375027

check ur privelage /cgl/

u know you're just as fat if not fatter than this.

>> No.6375031

We also have a lot of apartment complexes where there will only be two levels of apartments. It's honestly just from being a country with so much room to spread out. We generally don't have to worry too much about conserving space when it comes to building.

>> No.6375032

Thin privilege is not being objectified and overly sexualized at a very young age because of where your weight is distributed.

Thin privilege is not having men assume you’re older, or sexually mature, or promiscuous in any sense just because you have fat accumulated on your chest, on your thighs.

Thin privilege is not having to deal with those men making advances, catcalls, or grabs that you’re not ready to deflect, to handle, to process.

Thin privilege is not having to laugh and shrug off comments about how you’re so lucky for all the “compliments” [read:abuse] you get from older men, from men on the street, from men you just wish would leave you alone.

>> No.6375028

I gotta admit though that the Benelux got massive overpopulation, so that most houses dont got the space to NOT have another etage.

(The Netherlands got 397 people per km² )

>> No.6375036

I what? thin=/=no tits. Fuck fat chicks.

>> No.6375039


I am not a fucking butterfly inside of a fucking fat plushy cocoon that only needs to break out, spread my wings, and soar.

I ain’t the butterfly.

I’m still flipping out that someone said fat people hold fat celebrities hostage in their bodies by being suspicious of their weight loss.




please stop the madness

I guess I’m more pissed than usual over this bigotry because people in the past have made me feel like my body was something I could take off if I wanted to and tried hard enough, like I was wearing a fat suit.

>> No.6375046

Yeah, i kind of realized it had to do with the density of the population and not weight(America got 34.01 /km2 so compared to NL that is low as fuck.)

>> No.6375049

Thin privilege is being able to play a video game and have your character look like you. Either the default characters have thin bodies, or the RPG you’re playing — despite having hundreds of character customisation options (height, musculature, bust size, even eyebrows) — still only allows you to play a thin person.

Apparently only thin people can be heroes.

(imma word this for a non-WoW playing audience)

or, or, or

world of warcraft has several playable races, most of which are thin(but none of the ones that aren’t thin are actually fat, just either very short or animal-like)

they just recently added a race called the pandaren, who are… fat panda people.

immediately, even from when this was going to be announced, everyone was complaining about

“some of your players actually TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES, slim the models for them down immediately! i’m gonna quit if playing a fat humanoid is an option! waah!”

like shit i’m really sorry that not every playable race has the same body type

i thought it was refreshing that i’d see a few female toons around that weren’t stick skinny super models


>> No.6375052
File: 831 KB, 271x169, just kill me now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That blog is mind boggling. I hate how any point showing that "thin privilege" (while likely existing) is just as bad as being insulted for being fat is made fun of because you're thin no insults can befall you. Any point someone made about that turns into "I can't believe you would compare getting insulted because you're thin and someone calls you anorexic or tells you to eat more to REAL WOMANS issues like feminism and blah blah blah"

Love when she had to "check her white privileges" because some black girl said something or another about that, that was pretty funny.

Shit is so dumb it's infuriating.

>> No.6375053

>Thin privilege is not having to cosplay as Fatman or Dr Eggman

>> No.6375062

The whole "privilege" shit is stupid and I wish it would die.

>> No.6375060

Tumblr is clearly a shit hole. It's like these people believe that if one group is oppressed whoever oppresses them can't be oppressed. Do they not understand how bullying works?

Not only that, but they are taking the privilege thing way out of hand, it was never meant to be something like this.

It's really shitty to call someone out on a part of themselves they can't change while bitching about a part of you that you can't change but still wanting the other person to accept you and also accept that they reject you.

>> No.6375061
File: 44 KB, 409x393, 1329796576548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except fat chicks are way more insecure and are wanting sex way more than skinny women. true statement.

>> No.6375064


I'm boggling at the post complaining about how "one or two" plus size stores doesn't mean having options.

I'm short and three are basically no petite stores now. I would kill for "one or two" options. Never mind that my height is something I have absolutely no control of, while weight can be changed, even if doing so is difficult.

And yet fat people are catered to while short people aren't.

Yes I mad.

>> No.6375065

The thing that bows my mind is that like half of the things that they are complaining about also get applied to thin people too. Like the one talking about buying a ton of food for a party. Yes, if you go to a store and buy 6 damn pizzas you are going to get funny looks, regardless of how much you weigh. It's like little damn thing ties back to weight for them.

>> No.6375068

Thin privilege is getting yelled at for eating a small slice of pizza because it will “ruin” all you hard work while your brother who never exercises and lives on a diet of junk food gets to eat half the of pizza because he is thin. He is automatically healthy.

It’s being forced to diet and lose weight because if you don’t you wont be allowed to visit family. It’s embarrassing to have a fat daughter.

It’s having your future dangled in front of you. Being told “You wont go to college if you don’t lose weight by X amount of time”.

It’s knowing that to your the size of your pants dictates the amount of love you recieve.

And all of this is happening to me because they want me to be “healthy”. It’s all for my own good and I’ll thank them later.

>> No.6375069

It's because these people are looking for something to bitch about. Same with all of the other 'privilege' people.

Hairless toe privilege is wearing flip flops without having to wax.
Thick happy trail privilege is looking manly in swim trunks without any abs.
Ugly cosplayer privilege is being able to wear a masked cosplay without wishing you could take it off so someone cute can see your cute face.

I know it's not that bad(right now) but it's getting there fast.

>> No.6375070

I'm pretty sure nobody is making catcalls at the obese 11 year old because her double cheeseburger habit just happened to form a pair of moob like fat deposits on her chest.

>> No.6375074

Sounds like you're an ungrateful bitch who can't handle her family and friends being concerned for your current and future well-being. But no, go ahead and keep telling yourself you're a special plus-sized snowflake and you know your body best as you shovel another helping of ice cream into your cavernous maw.

The biggest thing I hate about overweight people? They get so depressed and so upset that they've got guts that jut out farther than their boobs, but they can't handle making the lifestyle changes to slim down. "Too tired!" they wheeze as they lounge on the sofa. "No energy! Don't wanna do it alone! Waaah!"

>> No.6375076

Thin Person Scenario

Thin Person: I haven’t eaten in HOURS and I’m starving!

Them: What?? You need to eat every regularly throughout the day! Didn’t you know your body needs food to function?! Let’s go a buffet and eat like kings!


Fat Person Scenario 1

Fat Person: I haven’t eaten in HOURS! I’m starving!

Them: What did you eat?

Fat Person: (Lists normal* sized meal and ingredients)

Them: That’s too much food for you to feel hungry now. Are you sure you’re hungry? Maybe have some water. Oh, you’re STILL hungry? But you just had a glass of water! Ok well maybe you should have a small salad if you’re SURE you’re hungry. No dressing, cheese, or nuts though.

*meaning however much food it took to feel sated


Fat Person Scenario 2

Fat Person: I haven’t eaten in HOURS! I’m starving!

Them: What did you eat?

Fat Person: (lists a small snack or a light meal**)

Them: That’s great! That’s really all the food you need. In fact your next million meals should also be that small. Oh and you only need like two or three meals a day; at your size you can go a lot longer without eating.

**meaning an amount of food that was not satisfying or left you hungry soon thereafter, but was perhaps eaten in a hurry on the way out the door or when you didn’t have much of an appetite


Fat Person Scenario 3

Fat Person: I haven’t eaten in HOURS! I’m starving!

Them: What did you eat?

Fat Person: Does it matter? I’M HUNGRY.

>> No.6375079

I'm someone who has no issues loosing weight myself. But I know of people who really struggle with it. I will say that it's easier for me to lose weight and maintain it now living in my own home instead of when I lived with my parents. My living situation had a lot to do with my weight, but it was also not giving a fuck which lead to me getting to 210lbs. As soon as I moved out with the guy I had started dating, the weight started dropping off, and then I actually worked toward losing it.

I think that when I do get to my goal, I'm still going to be seen as fat and ugly by some people. IDK, I don't really give a fuck. I'm married, I'm happy, I don't need anon's approval to validate myself. I also have the perspective of being 210lbs to reflect upon. So I don't say shit about people who are bigger. I know that my lifestyle changes were my own choice and no amount of name calling and "concern trolling" will make another person make that same choice.

Also, there's a horrible fear and illusion that being 10, 15, hell 20 or even 30lbs overweight instantly means that you are going to share all the same health problems of a morbidly obese person and will instantly develop diabetes, hypertension, and die at 40. That simply doesn't happen. At 180 (40lbs overweight, and where my weight tended to maintain itself before I started losing it) I had no health issues despite diabetes running in my family, could walk up and down flights of stairs no problem. A friend of mine who is 310 probably couldn't say the same thing. But I certianly was nowhere near getting my feet amputated at 180 OR at 210. I think people are being illogically paranoid for the most part.

>> No.6375088

fat privilege

fat privilege is being able to shop at stores like old navy (the biggest offender i’ve seen) because they fantasy size their clothing so severely that even a small is huge on a person who wears a normal size small

their sizes are seriously so distorted from normal sizing just so that fat people can feel better about their size.

“oh look, i fit into a size 10! i should definitely buy this!”

no bitch, that’s called fantasy sizing, and it fucks it up for people who need to wear small sizes and can’t get them at old navy. they barely sell anything in a size xs, and sometimes even that’s too big. it’s completely ridiculous.

fat people shouldn’t be coddled into thinking they’re a smaller size than they are. face the truth, if you wanna be a smaller size, work for it instead of trying to fool yourself and others.

>> No.6375091

>I think people are being illogically paranoid for the most part.
I was with you up until this point. It's not about paranoia it's about preventative steps. If you try to stay healthy then the worst weight you can have will only be that 20-30 lbs over, but if you're more lax and think "Oh, well 20-30 lbs won't hurt, as long as I don't go over that I'm fine" then you'll have no wiggle room and probably end up weighing much more than you would have.

>> No.6375094


Oh my god, fucking old navy. I ragequit that place when I found out they don't carry short length jeans in a size smaller than 2 in store, even though they had smaller sizes in regular length. And the way their shoes all seem to be wide width by default. Fuck old navy.

>> No.6375108

>And let’s not forget ableism and ageism in assuming everyone is physically capable of playing something even as high impact as kickball.
>high impact

are these people for real omg

>> No.6375112

>using big words to sound intelligent. Can we eugenics nao?

>> No.6375115

That's not exactly what I was pointing out, but I do agree 100% with what you're saying. The paranoia I'm talking about is the assumption by people that being any bit overweight is an instant death sentence. I see it all the time here and many other places. I've been told countless times by concern trolls that I'm going to die at 40 for being a 20-30lbs overweight (despite my overall health being in the same shape 40-50lbs heavier), or that I'm clearly in bad physical shape and I have all kinds of health issues. The best one yet was being told that I obviously don't care enough about my husband because I'm currently 20lbs overweight (despite that I am working on losing it, but said person didn't know), and I should be ashamed for gaining all that weight because he wouldn't want that and I'm going to die early. Bitch no, we started dating when I was 35lbs heavier. Stop assuming things. lol.

That kind of thought process is brought on by paranoia and outright fear of fatness. Beyond that, assumptions of what all fat people are. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

>> No.6375136
File: 15 KB, 284x242, I will slap your shit, Grundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy sizing is weird and makes it damn near impossible to buy a pair of pants unless you go to someplace like Hollister and shell out way too much money. All I want is a decent pair of pants at an affordable price.

>> No.6375155

That reminds me, I'm probably like the only lolita that doesn't know how to photoshop...
It's expensive and I never learned how to use it well.

>> No.6375158

Use GIMP instead

>> No.6375160

You can download a pirated version too. It's really easy to learn though.

>> No.6375166


but use meitu xiu xiu. there's a thread around for it somewhere

>> No.6375183

GIMP is the poor peoples photoshop honey

>> No.6375197

No, illegal downloads are the poor peoples' photoshop. Gimp is the worst program ever, you might as well use something like Paint Tool SAI for shooping pictures.

>> No.6375206


Fuck you mang, I don't use shitty Gimp.

>> No.6375209

The people hating on GIMP, are tards that don't know about all the plugins for GIMP that make it a program to rival PS.

>> No.6375275

the very first girl got an excellent body!!

>> No.6375316

Even speaking as a thin person this is horrifying. Please get out of that situation or seek some kind of family counseling. If this isn't overreaction that is past the point of concern and bordering on abuse, if not abuse already with the not being allowed to see family members unless weight is lost or being fed false and destructive information about college admittance.

>> No.6375321

There isn't *~societal hate~* for short people but as a fellow short person I'm mad too. There's nothing nice in petite sizes either, it's either boring basics or old lady wear. If you're lucky there might be a little bit of career wear too, but not much in the way of really wearable clothing. Hell, plus size stores have more variety and flair than the petite section.

>> No.6375393

the girl in the background has a way better figure

>> No.6375473

Give me some examples AND they have to be equal or better.

>> No.6375523

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.6375544

As someone who has used GIMP and PS... Yeah, sorry, but GIMP sucks in comparison, even with all the plugins. It rivals all the other free graphics programs, yes. But Photoshop? Sorry, no.

>> No.6375575

Depends on what you want. I actually prefer Gimp over PS.

>> No.6375577

In Brazil the women take hormones to achieve the figure in this picture.

It's certainly possible to be naturally hourglass or pear shaped but don't fool yourself into thinking this picture or OP picture is real life. Unless you want to fuck a woman with a deep voice and a giant Chyna clit.

>> No.6375579
File: 50 KB, 554x348, 193091902743709883_ZfmSnsKj_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all weigh 150lbs.
>There is no ‘right’ body type. Weight looks different on different people, and it is ALL OKAY. Don’t compare yourself to other people’s bodies, learn to love the body you’re in NOW and what it can do NOW.
>Tumblr cheers and cries perfection

>> No.6375611

There was no way I was that fat at 150lbs at 5'2" or even at 165. Does she just sit on her ass all day?

>> No.6375623

And that is a personal preference, which is fine. But anon was talking about which was better purely feature-wise.

>> No.6375629

Some people have a few fat cells that just get bigger, and some just have a lot of small fat cells.
One person will show it more, another person's fat may pack inwards more than outwards.
You were probably the latter, anon.

>> No.6375667

I look exactly like the middle chick (and am roughly 145 lbs) but I am a size 8 in dress/pants pretty much across the board of stores.

What the fuck?

>shopping at Old Navy

Why do this? The quality is shit, no matter the price. That's like buying your basic wardrobe items at Forever 21.

>> No.6375670

You know about body types? They tell you how your fat is going to distribute so you're going to look different depending on it. >>6375629 this is retarded /cgl/ science, don't pay it any mind.

>> No.6375671

The woman in your pic is fat, not ''curvy'' or any other beta shit you've come up with.
Obesity is a SERIOUS problem, promoting it is absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.6375675
File: 22 KB, 395x387, 1310581732227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I never looked -that- fat."
>mfw this is what delusional fatties think

>> No.6375681

I'm 103 pounds now and am able to admit I was a fat fuck but not like that. I had a stature; I wasn't a pile of cottage cheese jello.

>> No.6375691

I think they're UK sizes.
UK size 12 = US size 8.

>> No.6375692

Lolita isn't supposed to be about showing off your figure, unless it's ero. Lolita is supposed to be about covering up and looking classy. Nevermind the Western Lolita's, they're all sluts and are doing it wrong. REAL Lolitas are supposed to be classy as fuck. There are even rules about showing skin and how much is allowed to show before it's considered trashy. Fucking gaijin sluts trying to shit up everything.

>> No.6375687

She's fat and curvy. "Curvy" refers to body shape, not size (despite what delusional fatty apples believe). They're not mutually exclusive things.

>> No.6375699

Sure ya weren't...

>> No.6375703

>wanting to have a decent figure, not looking like a box
>slutting it up


>> No.6375713

Exactly! I'm a healthy weight for my height, and I'm curvy!
Thank you, anon. Now I see, /cgl/ is not entirely full of crazy bitches!

>> No.6375716

I had the whole "Fred Flintstone" thing going on, though. I got plenty of exercise; I just greatly overestimated the amount of food I could eat given the exercise. Therefore I was in good shape and was fairly toned, but remained fat because my input exceeded my output. I figured that shit out when I went to college, lost 60+ pounds, mostly stopped exercising and am now skinnyfat. I'mokaywiththis.jpg

>> No.6375757

Fuck off with your fat acceptance shit.
Fat people need to lose weight and stop being burdens to society and people around them.

Stop fucking deluding yourselves, being over weight isn't good in any way.
No man would fuck a fat cunt if he could get an athletic, healthy woman.
Neither would a lesbian.

>> No.6375766

B-but I said I'm a normal weight for my height...
I just.. have a figure...

I mean, I don't think 154 is fat on someone 5'6"...
*sigh* nevermind, you're not going to listen anyways.

>> No.6375776

Um, pretty sure she means curvy as in shape, not as in fat acceptance bullshit. You can be curvy and very thin, even.

>> No.6375791

156lbs for someone at 5'6'' is overweight.
I'm 6'0'' and am about 155lbs and I'm dead in the middle of the BMI healthy zone.

You can sigh and do all that gay tumblr shit, you're a fatty and you need to lose some weight.

>> No.6375795

You're so mad, anon.

You just skimmed the posts and read the phrase "crazy bitches" and saw that they were talking about curvy women and went off on them.

Cray cray motherfuckers like you are what makes /cgl/ worth visiting every day for me. Congrats, anon.

>> No.6375799

I someone male or female is bold enough to ask in public how you think they look then anything other than complete honesty is an insult to them. Ugly people should know better than to ask anyway.

>> No.6375802

Also I've been defending you, but just so you know the whole "b-but" thing and excessive ellipses makes you look like an idiot, not a kawaii anime character.

>> No.6375806

Excuse me, but I believe my doctor is the only one who can tell me what my healthy weight is, not some butthurt little anon on the internet.

If you take away the 10 lbs that my breasts contribute, my weight would be around 144, which is fine for someone my height.

You know nothing about me, anon. Now run along.

>> No.6375809

Try to find a "nice" way to say it while still being direct and honest. Instead of saying "you look fat as fuck" say "that's not flattering on your figure." Instead of saying "that haircut would make you look like a dyke," say "longer hair makes you look more feminine." Instead of saying "that outfit is clashy as fuck and makes you look like a 12-year-old weeb" say "I'm not digging the jacket and leggings combo, it's too much of a contrast to really look good." It's still honest and it's even better if you offer different suggestions.

>> No.6375814

Protip: don't defend yourself on 4chan, you just open yourself up for more ridicule. Just leave.

>> No.6375812

>only someone with a medical degree has the qualification to use their eyes and tell whether I'm a land whale or not.

Goddamn I didn't know I had been using my ability to see without the proper qualifications all this time.

>> No.6375813
File: 68 KB, 571x429, curvesvscurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6375816

its so weird because according to every internet site ever I am at a good weight for my height

but I still think Im so fat.

Do you guys think losing 9-10 lbs in two months is healthy?

>> No.6375818

Different anon, but that doesn't sound like landwhale status at 5'6". Chubby, certainly. Fat, maybe, depends on how weight is distributed. Landwhale? Probably not.

>> No.6375820

Yeah that is how you deal with people you like. On the other hand if it's someone I don't know then they get what they deserve for asking my opinion.

>> No.6375823

I was being overly descriptive in my sarcasm.

>> No.6375837

>using my ability to see
I don't believe I posted a picture of my self anywhere. So no, you're not using your ability to see. And doctors don't just look at you and go "Yes, you're overweight!" or "No your weight is fine!"
You obviously don't know how doctors do shit, anon. There are things called scales, measurements, and calipers.

>> No.6375846

>missing the point this badly

If you need to be measured to tell if you're overweight then your not. Anyone with eyes can tell. And if you think I wasn't speaking in general and was talking about you in specific then you're dumber than any woman I've met in real life. Congrats.

>> No.6375878

Since you referred to her post and restructured her quote, and then followed up with that comment, it is easily assumed that the comment was directed at her, especially since we're on the internet where things like eye contact and body position to indicate who the recipient of a comment is must be replaced with things like quoting and post referral. So it was entirely logical for her to assume your comment was directed at her, anon. Social convention has yet to extend to every corner of internet interaction so right now we're just having to rely on heuristics. Which she, and I, and probably other people in this thread, did.

>> No.6375879

Girl in OP's pic is delicious. I still prefer skinny bitches, but I'd hit that.

The thing is, though, most fat chicks do not look like the girl in the OP pic. They are nasty and covered in rolls and cellulite. Many fat chicks take girls like this one and try to act like they're the average heavy girl, this is very far from the truth. Most are not that sexy. 99.99% of fat chicks are not that fuckable.

inb4: everyone starts posting sexy fat chicks as if that disproves what I said.

>> No.6375881


OP's pic is fucking amazing, but some fat chicks are too blind to see that they do not look like that

>> No.6375883

Technicalities don't matter. If you look fat, you look fat. Deal with it.

>> No.6375888

>everyone starts posting sexy fat chicks
I'm okay with this.

>> No.6375892


>> No.6375904

This. I can't count the amount of fatties I know who look at pictures of girls like this and delude themselves into thinking they look like them. I know one girl who's about 250 at 5'6 and posts pictures of Marilyn Monroe to her tumblr adding captions that say things like "I miss when curves were appreciated".

>> No.6376081

no really
i'm 5'8 and 125 and i'm at the peak of health and physical fitness
you're two inches shorter than me and 30 lbs heavier
don't think so chief

>> No.6376441

Any time someone brings that up, I tell them her measurements (as recorded by her dressmaker) and the fun facts that she a) bathed only once a month, b) would eat in bed and shove the crumbs or leftover bits under her sheets for the housekeeper to find later and c) was ridiculously flatulent. There was a reason she had such horrible relationships with her costars and lovers. The woman was batshit.

>> No.6376447

Why would she bathe once a month? Did she like the smell of rank vagina or something?

>> No.6376553

Beats me. She apparently just had really shit hygiene, but because odor doesn't come through photos/screens, only her costars and close friends really knew. People were discreet back then, so it didn't get out until fairly recently. Apparently, Clark Gable rejected her on set due to her serious lack of cleanliness and passed the information along to others in letters and his personal journal, which were used in said book.

She had all kinds of issues with depression and was generally a bit unhinged, so that may have been part of it.

>> No.6376561

>until fairly recently -> in a recent book

This is what I get for rephrasing things without reading the rest of my post.

>> No.6376629

Wow, I couldn't imagine how much it would reek on set, especially when she did nudes.

>> No.6376837

stupid troll 0/10 try again

>> No.6376862

Yeah. I also remember reading in Frank Sinatras autobiography that when she was on her period, she wouldnt bathe. She would just lie in her blood, get drunk and demand to be told she was pretty lol. She also often had menstrual blood on the back of her dresses lol. She just didnt give a fuck, man.

>> No.6376861

Why are ugly girls even allowed to exist? Fuck off fatties.

>> No.6376872

white people

>> No.6376894

I would still eat that pussy and that ass all day err' day. She could have the stankest pussy in existence, i would still go to town on that beautiful, crazy bitch.

>> No.6376919

ew at you.
do you have any idea how fucking vomit inducingly vile it is going down on a woman who hasnt bathed in a while and has no concept of personal hygeine? If the smell doesnt knock you out, the smegma will. Not to mention the fucking dingleberries because you know that bitch didnt wipe properly.

>> No.6377039

you mean objectively
i bet this post was written by a woman

>> No.6377159

>implying people on /cgl/ knows the difference because everyone here views their own opinion as objective fact and anyone who disagrees, no matter how respectful or well-supported, is a ~jealous hater

>> No.6377161

*know, hurrrdurrr

>> No.6378216

... Marilyn Monroe was 119lbs at 5'5.

She wasn't a twig, but she wasn't close to even being chubby. You don't even need to know her measurements, just look at her and you can see this.

>> No.6378235
File: 130 KB, 476x750, mmnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thats how much she weighed at her SKINNIEST. At her fattest she was around 145lbs.

>> No.6378267
File: 159 KB, 600x332, BL2_rather_large_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is she talking about, of course there are fat people in videogames!

>> No.6378338

This doesn't make any sense to me, I'm 5'6" and 160, so this says I should be a size 14 or 16 or something but I wear a dress size 8. *mind boggled*

>> No.6378345


Most stores use vanity sizing.

>> No.6378361

/fit/ here any deviation from the ideal body composition for the kind of behavior your show is deemed as a personality fault and is noticeable by everyone even if their understanding of humans is about equal to begin able to draw poorly postured stick figures.

If you are maybe teenage this can be excused for inexperience (but not all) , being raised by normalfags who couldn't show you any better, not rally knowing any better, etc.

but considering that 90% of you girls can be brought into the ideal shape for your personality within several months to a year its very strange you jump to defend a compromise physique you sort of got without picking anything else voluntarily.

if you look 70% why is that? you are too stupid to have had the 30% all along? you think we don't notice? why don't you have what can be easily gained? you are walking and showing that you can't match what you think you are, that like super ugly tier.
or are you into the fat acceptance stuff? so why do you to fit into non fat ideals?
the more excuses you need to list as to why I'm such a jerk and the way you look should always match your behavior because you are such a snowflake the more disgusting you end up. that the actual biological "definition" of ugly, I think.

those fatgirls you post who look good all tied into positions that mimic being not-fat (or either have the estrogen output of a genetically engineered cow which is a turn on for some, but not all) "myspace angles" worked maybe 5 years ago, now we have videos everywhere unless you are a choreographic genius you can't tie up the lard to look good.

and now having had a revelation I don't even care to go back to /fit/ or stay here.

>> No.6379524

UK or US sizing though? UK sizing is 4-6 sizes smaller than the US (i.e. a US 6 is often a UK 10-12)

>> No.6379534

I thought she looked good even at her "fattest."