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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 347x265, ask-for-help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6373169 No.6373169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because I love seeing cosplayers share their tips, tricks and skills. Have at you, /cgl/, post your problems and with any luck another fabulous seagull will have a crack at it.

>> No.6373186
File: 308 KB, 700x700, American.Mcgee's.Alice-.Madness.Returns.full.844326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some trouble finding good references of this character, it's the Queen of Hearts from Alice: Madness Returns, anyone able to help me out please?

>> No.6373218

Does anyone know who I could cosplay as with dark purplish blonde hair? It's like shoulder length
I just dyed my hair recently so my mom won't let me change the colour again, and I don't have enough money for a wig (I've got tons of fabric supplies at my house already though)
Oh, and sorry if this is a stupid question...

>> No.6373231
File: 26 KB, 225x350, 116141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Erin, but I'm having trouble finding a wig. I searched all the suggested shops in the sticky and could not find anything. Suggestions?

>> No.6373241


>> No.6373242

Does anyone have any tips to curling a wig?
I just need the ends curled up but no matter how hard I try to do it I can never curl them correctly.

>> No.6373246

http://godsavethequeenfashions.com/How_to_Curl_a_Wig.html Do this to the ends and brush it out?

>> No.6373276
File: 232 KB, 785x758, wig restylingwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's heat resistant you can use a curling iron on a low setting, and lot's of hairspray. Make sure to pin the curls in place until they've cooled down, otherwise they won't stick.

>> No.6373287

It's loosely help thread related, but I'm stuck trying to find a cosplay/anything for my buddy to wear. I'm wearing one of those horse head masks and he has nothing. I offered he wear a Scream mask (like Niconico people do) but he said no.

Any good pair ideas for a horse-man and something else?

>> No.6373424
File: 156 KB, 500x548, 12-media-2352-croquis-de-skull-kid-twilight-princess-artworks-__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to cosplay Skull Kid from Twilight Princess and I'm just making the plan up, but I'm stumped when it comes to the mask.

The head, as you can see, isn't really head-shaped. It's very round and I'd like to keep it that way, so the mask won't be exactly formfitted to my face. I don't want to make it out of paper mache for the sake of longevity and durability, but I want whatever I make it out of to hold its form, so that takes latex off the table.

I would make the mask more as a hard helmet, except I also want to give it a wood-like texture not just in look but in touch too.

So basically does anyone know how to make a hard mask with a bark-like texture to it?

>> No.6373438

Make it out of wood.

>> No.6373441

Seeing this color then remembering that you have a really soft and round face makes me think you'd be a gorgeous Merida from Brave.

>> No.6373462

I'd make it out of foam. Wood would look nice but wearing it on your face all day just sounds uncomfortable. Foam is lightweight and a lot softer than wood.

>Speaking of Twilight Princess...
Does anyone know where I can find a decent TP Link wig? Arda's Jaguar looked good but they don't have it in the right color for him (Link's hair is like dirty blonde/light brown) and their service sucks.

>> No.6373479

I was thinking foam too, but I'm not sure how I would add the bark texture onto it. I've never heard of adding a wood texture on foam.

>> No.6373577

I'm making a hoodie out of fleece, screwed up and cut a part in half.
Is there a way to get the pieces back together without making it obvious I screwed up?
Captcha : remade great

>> No.6373608
File: 295 KB, 1000x750, iopf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this again, because I got basically no help when I tried to make my own thread.

Since this is the only hardcore sewing community that I know of I'll ask this here. So I have this jacket that I want to modify.

It has this "kanji' emblem at the top, and it feels/looks like it's riveted. How do I remove it/how do i deal with the holes it will leave behind.

2nd, I'm wondering if this coat would look better without the bottom pockets.

I'll get to shortening the arms a little later.

Thoughts? pic related. it's the jacket. ignore all that isn't jacket.

>> No.6374438

You could make the cut into an abstract design?

>> No.6374586

Question. If I am going to be wearing a red wig, and I have black, black hair (meaning I have black black eyebrows. Thick, but not gross), would the red wig look stupid with my eyebrows? If so, what can I do to fix that? I'm not going to dye my damn eyebrows.

>> No.6374606

You won't be able to mask it completely, but if you carefully sew it back together and iron down the seam, it shouldn't be "too" noticeable. I'd just remake it if I were you.

>> No.6374617

that ghost in the shell chick.

>> No.6374619

a cowboy.

>> No.6374625

just get some temp dye for your eyebrows, or pluck and draw for a while.

>> No.6374632
File: 17 KB, 400x300, chola-makeup-look-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pluck and draw for a while

lol I'm hispanic, I'll look like a chola

>> No.6374641

Try to find one of those mascaras with a white end and a black end. Just use the white on your brows and then go over with red eye liner or eye shadow. Seal it with a setting spray, or if you don't have any hairspray is ok as a one time thing.

>> No.6374644
File: 12 KB, 300x276, 3596-kushana_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet thanks. Will that give it a natural look? The red hair isn't yoko red, it's more orange. pic related

>> No.6374646

Then get some fake mustaches from the dollar store or Spencers and rip them in half, Or deal with your inadequate cosplay.

>> No.6374649

I would use the pink insulation foam method. That stuff is amazing for props, and not that hard to work with (as long as you don't hate sanding!).

>> No.6374651

Depends on what colour you put over. Nothing is going to make it look like they're you natural brows, but it wont look bad. Just make sure that you apply the mascara sparingly in a thin coat or two. You don't want them all clumping up.

>> No.6374654

Great, thanks so much for the help!

>> No.6374693
File: 581 KB, 600x4255, cos_makeup_tutorial_part_v_by_the_sushi_monster-d2zu0ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See tutorial. I have pretty dark eyebrows for a white girl and I gave myself red eyebrows by using concealer and red Halloween dollar store makeup (cause I didn't have the right colour eye shadow.)

>> No.6376203
File: 839 KB, 900x2000, seerrobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some hamsteak tutorials, but this can be used for other robes too I guess

>> No.6376210
File: 869 KB, 1000x4449, seerhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376248
File: 56 KB, 400x535, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good harness to look at for wings?
I've been trying to figure some sort of way to make Cirnos ice wings, but I'm not sure what method would work out the best without looking ultra silly.

>> No.6376297

Gee, I used to have some wing tutorials saved but I can't find them now.

>> No.6376419
File: 80 KB, 590x1023, charleart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway I could wear her grey armor (I think it's armor) without sew velcro to the bodice or am I stuck with the velcro?

>> No.6376423

Cover your natural eyebrows with foundation or concealer, and then draw over them with red eyeliner or eyeshadow. Your eyebrow hairs will still show, so they won't look fake.

>> No.6376437

hey /cgl/ i would like to know if you could help me think of a pokemon gijinka cosplay where i don't need to sew or make any special items, like a cosplay i could do with regular clothes, maybe i could make some ears or tail. preferably brown hair, female...

>> No.6376812
File: 73 KB, 767x421, Ghis_with_ashe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also need help with something similar where I have armor on a sleeve. Pic related.

>> No.6376915
File: 80 KB, 700x710, Shibuya.Tomochika.full.974401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on the UtaPri uniforms but this question can help with almost anything that's striped as well. For the blazers, I'm not sure how to go about with the stripes. I was thinking of cutting out all the pattern pieces and then either painting on the stripes, or sewing thin ribbon on. Does anyone else have any tips or methods they've used that works?

>> No.6377052

steam. if you just set the ends and then steam them they will curl right up and the rest of your hair will still be strait.

>> No.6377090
File: 59 KB, 800x600, kk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tutorials or advice on Making knee high boots like these?

And going out on a limb here but if anyone also could point me in the direction of a cheap used Fender Squire bass that would be dope. Doesn't even have to work.

>> No.6377094

Because it's a pin strip I wouldn't do the ribbon. I would paint it on, via stencil.

Get some of that sticky on one side contact paper. Double it up and cut out your pin strip stencil. Just place and stick it onto your pattern pieces (before you sew them together) and brush on a good flexible fabric paint. Because it is such a light color on a relatively dark background you may need to do more than one coat, so do some tests! good luck!

>> No.6377091

Didnt mean to quote

>> No.6377102

oops. pin stripe. My bad.

>> No.6377222

Does anyone have goo product recomendations for taking care of a wig? The spray I have that's supposed to help condition it in order to detangle doesn't help much and I'd like to take better care of the wigs I have.

>> No.6377408
File: 55 KB, 800x600, yugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips/tutorials for making Yugo's hat?

>> No.6377415

You can wash your wig with fabric softener. Not too much since the smell is strong.

>> No.6377510

What kind of fabric should I use for the outside of a hoodie, and then the lining on the inside? I was thinking flannel would be the nicest for the winter, but I still don't know for the outside.

>> No.6377512

mmm Thanks! I'm just worried I can't cut the freezer paper straight enough for the lines. The ribbon I was thinking of using is 1/8" thick. Maybe I'll test out the look of both.

>> No.6377580

Don't use freezer paper. Use contact paper, like this.


double it up so it is nice and thick and then use a exacto knife and strait edge to cut out your stripes. When you are actually doing the painting the adhesvie on the contact paper will keep your stencil from moving around so you will get a clean line.

Good Luck!

>> No.6377640
File: 63 KB, 750x471, g2_tio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wig. How do i even?
i'll probably getting an Arda base with extensions, but which one? Im so lost over the styling of this.
Thankfully i have a year to troubleshoot.

>> No.6377731

Ohh. Gonna look into that. Thanks so much!

>> No.6377782

Hey I need some help with a costume coming up where I need to make my bust larger that it already is. It's a bunny suit basically. How can I go about making my boobs appear bigger but not just with padding? Any help is great thanks

>> No.6377790

Padded bras that add another cup size or two, as well as push them up.
Seriously, if you don't want to pad them then your other option is implants.

>> No.6378388

Random tip: Take 2-3 Advil/Tylenol every 3-4 hours while wearing a wig to prevent wig headache and to dull the other pinches and pains that come with it.

>> No.6378416

Need a stiff but light base for the "wings" Like perhaps plastic canvas that you can shape with heat over the stove and reinforce the edges with coat hanger wire. Paint it the color of the fiber or cover it with fabric that matches. Try to keep this structure thin as it's going to get bulkier as you add hair.

Use a couple layers of hair to cover teh structure and don't worry about how stiff and dry it might look. Use lots of hair spray, caulking, whatever helps it stick to the thing. Sewing down sections into the structure might help it stay in place. Once you have a solid layer of hair that is covering the piece use hair spray to add a final layer of hair over it that looks much more soft and natural.

>> No.6379516

Shading/contour as well. Darker inbetween boobs to "deepen" cleavage.

>> No.6379553

Can I get some wig help? I washed my Gothic Lolita Wig (yes, I know) and it's still a tangly mess and the fibers feel quite rough. I've tried spraying it with fabric softener, conditioner, and detangling spray but nothing is softening it up. Any suggestions?

>> No.6382159

I want to cosplay as a human sableye, I have most of my Idea planned out, I'm just having troubles on the Eyes and the chest gems. I planned on doing the eyes as goggles but instead of lenses putting semi-transparent glass or something. I'll likely be wearing them on my head most of the time. How would I go about making such gems? Or would it be better to go a different route or material?

>> No.6382322

You could buy gems in a jewelry supply store, but you could cast your own out of resin.

>> No.6382610
File: 99 KB, 567x635, il_570xN.193108211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for the small 7/8" anodized scales in all colors. Ring Lord is out of stock of turquoise and yellow, so its pointless to order from them. I can't find anywhere else with turquoise or yellow in the size or stock. I'm not about to paint these fuckers. I need these within a week or so, and there's no restock info on Ring Lord for the turq/yellow.

>> No.6383236

Do they really need to be anodised? You could probably get away with a lot by buying plain blank silver ones and spraypainting them whatever metallic colour you need. Not the most hardwearing, but for one used it might do in a pinch.

>> No.6383241

Does spraypaint set fairly well on metal? I guess I could do it. I found another site with turquoise and yellow, but they're like 50 for $15. lol

>> No.6383244

Depends on the spraypaint. If you can, spray it with your desired color and use a sealant on it that allow for more use.

I'm assuming this is for Aquaman? I'm doing a very similar method to my own Aquaman cosplay.

>> No.6383254
File: 420 KB, 1871x741, SCALE-SM-AABLACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should use the black scales from Ringlord and paint over them? Paint would stick to paint, I'd assume?

And this isn't for my future Aquaman that I'll be working on next year, I'm not using metal scales for that. Fuck that'd be a pain.

This is for some accessories I'm making for that photoshoot, and I need to cascade them similar to chimera/hydra/dragon schemes.

>> No.6383258

Paint will stick to either surface, honestly, so it doesn't matter. Sealant and how much you use will dictate what sticks for good.

>> No.6383282


The lining has to be a natural fabric, like cotton or viscose, so as long as your flannel is made out of natural fiber, you're good to go. Those are the materials that feel nicest on your skin and will absorb moisture when you sweat.

>> No.6383486

You'll need more than just a standard spraypaint; if you just give it one color coat and call it a day, it'll scratch off pretty easily.

Can't really say what works best since all I've done is what doesn't work, haha.

>> No.6383541

Bumping my question

>> No.6383580

how would I go about casting my own?

>> No.6384237
File: 1.37 MB, 427x4087, resin gems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my tut folder. Google has more tutorials as well! For moulds and resin, try your local art store. I would avoid Michaels cause mine had everything for nearly three times the price. If you're in Ontario I'd recommend Curry's, they have everything for cheap. Amazon, Ebay and Etsy are all great choices too.

Also, keep in mind you might have to change up your resin based on the side of your item. For small casts, epoxy resin is good but for bigger ones you'd want polyeurathane. Or at least that's how I remember it.

>> No.6384481
File: 103 KB, 174x315, garnier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I know how to dye a wig unnatural colors but I'm not 100% sure how to get a nice natural looking light auburn wig. Every one I see online is either that purplish auburn, way too orange, or red. Then when I do find one that looks close it's labeled as light brown.

I was thinking of getting a light brown wig and trying to tint it.
>pic related; the color I wish to achieve

I've seen metal spray paint at Lowe's and Home Depot. I'm not 100% if you'll be able to find the color you need but as long as you put on the right amount of coats you need and then follow it by the recommended sealer it should work. Recently applied this to some items myself and so far it hasn't scratched off.

If you can't find it in the color you need always try hobby stores. They may have it or something you can use.

>> No.6385094

Nevermind. Managed to chance on a wig the exact color.

>> No.6386898
File: 34 KB, 640x480, eq039_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of cheaper alternatives to casting? I'm making a mask, and I was going to cast it in silicone (I need a soft mold for a hard mask), but the prices are completely fucking ridiculous. Are there alternatives? I want to maintain a high level of detail, and be able to have the mold survive so I can make a few of them. Any ideas? I've heard of the silicone caulking idea, but has anyone actually tried it?


pic unrelated

>> No.6389462

Most rivets are two pieces that fit one side into the other and then are pushed together in a way that they lock. That's usually what you see on clothes, and if it's that kind you should be able to pry the two apart with effort. If it's the other kind, where it's one piece that's basically smashed until it's flattish on both sides, then you'll either have to cut it, or widen a hole in your fabric to get it loose (which I would avoid if at all possible).

As for the holes left behind, see what they are like once the rivets are out. They may not be noticeable at all if they were small enough. If they are noticeable, there's a fusible webbing sort of thing they sell at sewing stores that you can iron on to the back of clothes/fabric to repair holes in places where there's not enough fabric to sew it together again or would look strange to sew. I'd test it on a scrap (maybe the parts left over after you shorten the sleeves?) to make sure it looks okay to you/will work.

Hope this helps!

>> No.6389472

Sorry, this:


is in reply to this:


>> No.6389644
File: 145 KB, 675x800, turret_cosplay_by_naashi-d3isdzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i need help figuring out how to do the gun arms for my turrent cosplay. By Thursday. On a limited budget.
It doesnt have to be perfect i don't plan on going to a con with it
any ideas would be amazing

>> No.6389652

Cardboard and papermache.
Every crammers best friend.

>> No.6389820
File: 792 KB, 1888x2668, 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to a con as Naoto Shirogane in the near future. Anyone know some brick-and-mortar stores in the US where I could get a cheap toy revolver? I think Walmart carries them but they're usually in 'cowboy costume' packs or something. Looking at getting this http://www.amazon.com/Parris-4607C-44-Magnum/dp/B000FJD5WG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1340049301&amp
;sr=8-3&keywords=revolver+nerf but it's got two different pictures, so not sure what I'd get with it.

>> No.6389833

craft foam is your best friend

>> No.6392965
File: 1.45 MB, 1196x1764, 1332704216086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I use in order to make this?

>> No.6394342

Not the other anon, but please make sure you use a colour that's darker than the orange hair. It looks really weird when people's eyebrows are lighter than their hair.

>> No.6395870

Would anyone know where one can commission boots?

>> No.6395905

Does anyone have an experience with resign casting? I need to do it for my next cosplay but have never done it before and would love if anyone had any tips.

>> No.6396000
File: 239 KB, 700x840, 1342044319475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the tits is this hair supposed to work? The spiral at the end of the front ponytail probably wouldn't be too bad, I'll just do whatever all the Mami cosplayers do, but how do you get the two on each side to separate like that? Would you have to spray the heck out of them?

>> No.6396122

Just get 4 hair clips, It doesn't seem like it they are connected from that picture.

>> No.6396704
File: 43 KB, 471x479, 471px-~Soviet_siblings~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'll be cosplaying Hitsuji de Oyasumi Russia in about a month and I want to make soft ram horns - it's supposed to be a sleepy soft outfit, so why not make soft horns to match. How do I make them, and what do I make them out of? So far, I've tried making them out of felt (by making a tube and bending it into shape), but they wrinkled and looked crap.

If I can't make them soft, then I guess I'll just use paperclay and follow an Aradia horn tutorial.

Pic related.

>> No.6396716

Kinda like a plushie, maybe?

>> No.6396748
File: 45 KB, 628x431, wiggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a short white wig, what can I do with it? Any ideas?

>> No.6396765


>> No.6396769

The Kid from Bastion, with some styling.

>> No.6396771
File: 1.23 MB, 300x227, 1285385234515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I adopt you or something?

>> No.6396784

Yeah, like a plushie.. but, I've never sewn a plushie before. How do?

>> No.6396787

YES I AGREE WITH >>6396765
Do it.

>> No.6396791

I'm loving this idea actually. I've never made a staff before though does anyone have tips on how to make his staff?

Awww thank you but I dunno how my fiance will like me being adopted out hahaha

>> No.6396796

You could prolly just get away with sawing apart a large wooden dowel and gluing it into shape, really.

>> No.6396803

Can anyone direct me to a site that sells compression vests? Also does anyone have tips for binding large breasts?

>> No.6396806

PVC pipe or wooden dowel?

>> No.6396807
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, Fate_Zero_ED_02A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering what shape the fabric for this style of robe should be. Just taper it at the end that goes over the shoulder?

Also I haven't figured out what fabric would look best for the red trim.

>> No.6396832

It's a toga, man, it can look like anything. You could use a damn bedsheet if you wanted to.

>> No.6396933
File: 108 KB, 757x1056, 1333430132527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bedsheet on the King of Heroes?

>> No.6396985

I think your best luck will be to just get a wig in the color you like and in the closest length possible and then do a lot of styling. Arda has pretty great color selection, personally I would go with one from them and then taper the ends/trim bangs. Not sure how experienced you are with wigs, but I like to curl the ends inward a bit for a more natural look. Sometimes a little teasing can also help a wig look less flat or pin straight.

I hope that's helpful, finding a perfect wig is really difficult and most of the time you're going to need a lot of styling regardless of how simple the characters hair is.

>> No.6397360
File: 14 KB, 200x300, PVC3581main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I have to cosplay Bucciarati from jojo Vento Aureo (5th series), I have a Sewing machine, the wigs and so on. The point is: I do not know how to make a pattern or how to make the jacket, i can use the machine but I have 0 experience on how to do something with it. So... any suggestion? Did anyone have some useful pattern to use or some other suggestion?

>> No.6399463

Any help, please?

>> No.6399501

I'm thinking, make that fleece tube, but stuff it with polyester filling. (Basically the stuff pillows are stuffed with.) Then roll it up so it has that rolled ram horn shape and put a stitch or a dab of glue on a couple of spots so it doesn't unroll. If you get it to work let me know how it went.

>> No.6399509

Nah, the tube would bunch up on the insides of the curve and look kinda weird.

>> No.6399516

You're right...I'm wondering if there's a way to maybe put some kind of darts in, or cut the tube into smaller sections...

Or maybe try sewing two circles together, stuff it with filling (loosely) and then topstitch through the whole thing to make the swirl pattern.

>> No.6400128

Thank you for helping! I might actually try the sewing the circles together thing, it could be easier. Right now I have a friend saying she's going to have a go at it, so I'll see what she does first. Again, thanks!

>> No.6400470
File: 57 KB, 900x844, Impmon_by_MttKn14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help, /cgl/. I'm making a 2' tall Impmon plushie for a friend as a prop, but he wants it to be posable. I've tried looking for wire to make as the skeleton, but floral wire is too thin and too easily breakable. What type of wire do you guys think I should use?

>> No.6401067

Dave Strider.
Glasses, whatpumpkin shirt, black jeans, red contacts. There's no canon appearance for him, so you couldn't possibly go wrong, and the fandom will only adore you.

>> No.6401768

The main problem with being adored by the Homestuck fandom is having to associate with the Homestuck fandom.

>> No.6401834


I knew someone who made a Ragnarok for their Chrona cosplay out of those bendable lamp poles, like the kind that look like shower head hoses? I don't know how well I'm explaining this.

>> No.6401877

okay I have a big ass head. As a result, when I style it on a Styrofoam head, it looks things are out of place when I actually put it on..

so what the hell do I do?

>> No.6401901

Put a blanket or something over the head.

>> No.6401957
File: 82 KB, 425x640, 1103OP13_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay, but I'm thinking of dying pic related purple with a mix of idye lilac and idye poly violet with the hope of getting it to a nice mid purple colour (stovetop method), does this seem feasible or am I more likely to end up with a blotchy mess? I've only ever dyed fabric before, not garments.

>> No.6401972

Have a look on pattern websites for something similar to the jacket - it looks like you could modify a blazer pattern. Not to discourage you, but if you have no idea about this it could be a bit difficult for a first time project.

>> No.6402464

I think I know what you're talking about. I'll look into that. Thanks!

>> No.6402476

What would be the best route to painting on tights?
There's a certain design I'm going for for a cosplay but I feel like using fabric paint would be too heavy for that type of fabric.

>> No.6402492


It's possible, I imagine. It really depends on the materials the dress is made of though. if the ribbons and lace are different from the body of the dress, they'll take the dye differently.

Find some discrete part of the dress you can cut a swatch from, or maybe use a bow or tie that you could replace if you fuck it up, to test the dye. I'd wet the fabric first to make sure it takes the color evenly, then mix up some dye and dip the swatch(s) at timed increments to see how long you'll need to leave the dress in to get the color you want.

>> No.6402500

Ah, yeah, you're right, now that I look at it. And it'd be easy enough to have the rear one drape behind my shoulder, while the front one goes in front of the shoulder. That should separate 'em enough.

Though, if I did want to make the rear ones poof out and defy gravity like that, how might I try to do that? Is that even reasonably possible?

Also, on the subject of >>6396000
I'm trying to figure out how that skirt can work. Clearly there's no petticoat, so do you think it would be possible to make those three green hoops a solid structure, and affix the skirt to the inside curves? Seems like that's the only way you'd be able to give it the poofy shape without a petticoat. But, I'm not sure if I'd be able to get it smooth like that... How difficult do you think that'd be?

>> No.6404309
File: 37 KB, 400x400, $(KGrHqIOKo8E24INBrHSBN4UF7Ggew~~_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a pair of artificial leather gloves and I need to paint parts of them red. Anyone know a good paint to use for this (one that won't crack or anything).

>> No.6404323
File: 77 KB, 325x585, 4036_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was wondering if any of you had any experience making a top like pic related. I am not sure what you call it. A Cross Halter?

I am basically looking for a pattern or at the very least a tip or trick I can use to make something that looks similar.

>> No.6404370


I watered mine down (one part water to one part paint) and it went on fine, except for that when I would dab on paint, there would be a spot where the paint was concentrated and then an outer 'ring' where it wasn't (I was painting spots on, and painted a small circle before painting outwards in rings, if you know what I mean). Wasn't a problem for me, but it might be for you. Be sure to put the tights around a tube of cardboard (I used a poster tube) beforehand so it doesn't crack afterwards and you should be fine. I wore my tights three times, handwashed in between, and there is no problem whatsoever with them.

>> No.6404381
File: 14 KB, 348x739, IMGP9030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dropped pic. I should include more details. I used tulip soft matte paint, but really, you should be using something like Jacquard or higher quality paint. Still, I liked how it came out, so you get an idea of how much better it could be with higher quality fabric paints.

>> No.6404402

Please tell me you're cosplaying Charlize Theron a la Aeon Flux. This is all I can think about.

>> No.6404464
File: 360 KB, 640x415, sending-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone show me how to attach the strings that wrap around this obi? I'm adamant about not gluing them directly on the obi.

>> No.6404471

could also be one of christie monteiro versions.

>> No.6404472
File: 36 KB, 394x357, zelda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make Zellie's crown (Brawl/TP version) out of Sculpey but when I sat down today to start sculpting bits of it I realized I had no idea what I was doing.

Does anyone have a tutorial on making crowns and/or tiaras?

>> No.6404478

>christie monteiro
Oooh, didn't think about that, which is also acceptable.... But I reaaaaallly like Charlize Theron. Aeon Flux is one of my favorite movies.

>> No.6404486

Where can I get a wig like this?

>> No.6404498

Anyone have any recommendation for wing tutorials? There's so many, I was wondering which were better than others.
More importantly, any recommendations for where to buy lots of cheap feathers?

>> No.6404539

Thanks! I'm definitely going to put it through a proper wash first of course, and dye it while it's still damp. I was thinking I might test on the waist ties first and possibly cut off and resew on the bows so there's less chance of dye getting trapped.

>> No.6404561


>> No.6404914
File: 14 KB, 225x368, rika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see...I'll probably search for physical help. Thanks anyway!
Changing subject, I'm looking for a sort of cosplay for a tournament with a friend, and I'm "doing" Rika from Digimon tamers. I have long brown hair, and no intention to buy a wig, so quetsion is: hot to make rika's ponytail hairs to spread like hers? or something similar/not perfect.

>> No.6404962
File: 39 KB, 300x349, 2503574-gl_13_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've never cosplayed before and I was wanting to try it out. I was gonna try cosplaying as Simon Baz since I'm a GL fan and that's the only character I like with the same tone of skin as me, so I was wondering is it better to make a costume or order it from somewhere?

>> No.6405441
File: 236 KB, 720x540, tumblr_m7qylleiWH1r9fbo4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use some help with a Dipper costume I am making for my cousin.
First, I'm not too sure what kind of vest I should make for this. I have seen some use puffy winter vests, and some that are possibly polar fleece, and some that look like just sleeveless jackets. Which would be the best approach?
Secondly, for the hat, I have a base hat that will work great, but I have some options for the pine tree logo. What would be the best way to get the logo onto the hat? Screen printing? Air Brush? Embroidery?
Thanks for any help!

>> No.6405464

tease it and spike it.
you'll need hair pins.

>> No.6405466

With the jacket it depends on the look you're going for.
For the hat, t-shirt transfer or template+ fabric paint. Its a closet cosplay not worth going hardcore on it.

>> No.6405513

Go to Spandexman's site and message him with pics. He'll gladly make you one.

>> No.6405550


>> No.6406952

I've heard you can buy paint specifically meant for leather. First result on google: http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/10144517-AA.shtml

Pretty sure this top is one strip of fabric, crossing around the neck and sewn together in the back. Boob tape probably recommended.

>> No.6407127

Quick question, would it be better if I prime the feathers before painting them with acrylic paint?

>> No.6407220

What is the best way of distributing powder into a wig to reduce wigshine?

>> No.6408881

Bumping with question, I've tried making shin guards out of craft foam but I just can't get it right. Does anyone know the best way to make shin guards out of craft foa?

>> No.6409080

Can you post a pic of what they're supposed to look like?

>> No.6409141
File: 1.05 MB, 2164x1577, img000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boots. I looked at some tutorials on boot covers online but I can't for the life of me think of how to make the kneepad-thing work or how the fuck it will stay up the entire time. Anyone care to explain to me the science behind it?

>> No.6409152
File: 88 KB, 769x1000, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-video-games-odin-sphere-odin-sphere-gwendolyn-54590-rid-preview-6f9b529c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These right here.

>> No.6409283
File: 2.64 MB, 2448x3264, 20121112_223912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Measure your head. Buy a canvas block.

It may seem like a lot to pay for a head stand, but they will last forever. If you want a super accurate wig block then take a tracing of your head. you will likely want a friend to help you.

Step 1: Cover your head with saran wrap
2: cover the saran wrap with clear tape so the saran wrap conforms to your head. Make sure to cover your hair line and ears.
3: Using a sharpie, mark out where your hair line is, front sides and around, also mark where your ears are.
4: Take the saran wrap/ tape of of your head and tape it so it fits around your block. It does not need to fit to the top. It should fit around the sides, not the top.
5: cut a few small holes in the tape/saran wrap and using a rat tail comb stuff pieces of toilet paper/tissue into you head until it fills up the shape and is hard. cut a few holes in different places.
6: tape up the holes.
picture related. It's my wig block. I also use it for molding head armor and junk.

>> No.6409285

It looks like there is are holes in the obi/flower applique that the strings come through.
1: After painting/ you've completed the applique, sew a tight zigzag in the the size of the circle.
2. Only after you are certain your positioning etc is where you want it and your stitching is secure, cut out your holes. You may also want to use some kind of iron on interfacing on the applique to make double sure your fabric won't fray. This will also lend stiffness and structure to the applique.
3: thread your tassels through the the back of your applique.
4: sew the ends to the obi directly (since you don't want the stitching to show on the flower).
5: Sew/secure your flower to the obi.

Why are you painting feathers? you can dye feathers with a Acid dye meant for protein based products such as wool or silk. If you paint the feathers they will lose all featheryness, they will just clump together. If this is what you are going for then, no you shouldn't need a primer. If this is not what you are going for I'll explain how I dye feathers. :D

>> No.6410169

Yes it would be helpful if you explain.

>> No.6412002
File: 91 KB, 1000x850, 176992_295292007239353_757342376_o - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a quick question:
Gonna be cosplaying Moko-chan soon. I already have the outfit done. Pants are a normal kinda baggy.
How can I get it to somewhat like the picture posted? Like a more "enhanced" baggy. Also without stuffing pillows down my pants.

also bump.

>> No.6412196
File: 126 KB, 713x713, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Fix-It Felix for Fanime. I have pretty much 95% of the stuff already sorted out online since it's an easy costume. However, I am having some difficulties finding a similar belt. Does anyone have any good links to strips of leather (or similar materials) that I can use to make it? Tutorials for sewing leather would be MUCH appreciated, too. Thanks!

>> No.6412264
File: 427 KB, 750x1187, beatray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been wanting to cosplay Beat for a while now, and I've pretty much gotten everything down except the shirt and sunglasses.

the sungalsses, I can get pop the lenses out of an old pair and paint them white.

But the shirt seems to be my biggest problem right now. I have no clue what kind of pattern I'd even need for the shirt. I'm fairly sure I'll be using jersey knit for the fabric,
but because of the design, I have no clue how the pattern would look.
Also, not sure what/how I'm going to do with the symbol on his shirt.

Any ideas?

>> No.6412293

Maybe you could do an iron on or something.

>> No.6412335

Yeah I was thinking of an iron-on, but if I remember correctly, in order to show up probably and not be a big miss, doesn't it have to be on a special material? (Going by how I did it when I was a kid when they used to have them in those Kids cuisines)
Plus, not sure how well it'll show up on yellow.
But I can always experiment with a normal yellow shirt for that.

>> No.6412590
File: 252 KB, 908x1080, elite knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make the Elite Knight armor set from Dark Souls. There's two problems I'd inevitably run into, though.
I have never tried making chainmail. I looked up how much a shirt would cost and it's way above my budget. I researched and found that I could use some metallic tulle or mesh fabric as an alternative, but I'm not sure how good it'd look.
My second problem is the armor pieces. I've never made armor but read that craft foam is fairly cheap and easy to work with. Would it be suitable for pieces like these, especially the helmet?

Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.6412601

Quick question: cons and fog machines are they a no go or can a guy skeeve by?
I'm intergrating a portable one into a prop and I was wondering if I'd get in trouble for using it at a con. I do need it for private shoots however so it will be manual.

>> No.6412933

You can make your own chainmail. It's cheap, but extremely tedious. If you're willing to put in the effort though, it will look awesome. As for the armor, craft foam would work well. For that helmet, which i would say is a basic knight helmet, you can find a pepakura file online and make it that way. For the rest of the armor, You can use a thicker EVA foam, and make the patterns yourself (it's really not too complicated). If you want me to elaborate on anything, just ask.

>> No.6412976
File: 7 KB, 280x280, tool_belt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tool belt man. Shouldn't be too hard to find one at any Home Depot.

>> No.6412978

Transfer paper. Make the shirt, then use transfer paper for the logo. It works best on fabric that doesn't much stretch, mind. (also, always use the dark transfer paper, the light stuff looks worse and cracks faster)
I've done white transfer paper designs onto a black long sleeved shirt, and it turned out fine, so you should be fine with black and orange.

If this doesn't work, applique is the way to go.

>> No.6413047
File: 703 KB, 1958x2611, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How time consuming is it exactly? I'd also need advice on wether to make the rings myself or order them, and out of which material. Care to elaborate on pepakura?
Thanks for your help so far.

>> No.6413094
File: 65 KB, 341x206, shoes ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a little help working out how to do these shoes.

I was going to get some cheap ninja style toe shoes and add a heel but I have no idea how I could attach the heel or if it would work adding a heel to a flat shoe ( with out it destroying my feet).

So has anyone got any ideas how to make these? or anywhere in which I can buy something similar and edit it?

>> No.6413111

I'd get a heeled sandal and cut the straps off, then glue the ninja shoe to the sandal with shoe glue.

>> No.6413136

Actually that's a far better idea. Just have to find some strong glue and a sandal with a similar heel.

>> No.6413156

Hmmm, I never really bothered asking /cgl/ before AX last year, but I might as well ask before next years. I'm trying to do a Yoshika cosplay from Strike Witches, but I want an actual swimsuit and not just some blue booty shorts like thing. Does anyone know where I could get one from?

>> No.6413181

Im working on an elite knight armour right now.

Pepakura is incredibly time consuming but the more care you put into it you can get a greater quality piece of armour.

I plan to do real chain mail too but it costs a shit ton so im saving the money for that now (The main cost is the damn shipping)

I put my email up in the email part or you can add me on skype and I can help you out and give you the 3d files.

>> No.6413196

Added you on skype.

>> No.6414364
File: 100 KB, 500x667, Hela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this dress...I'm sort of at odds with it. For the base I've decided on a high waist skirt, but the top needs to be some sort of drape that gathers in the back for a cape. My problem is that I don't know how to go about doing this drape and making it sit against my chest without the fear of a gust of wind catching and forcing me to flash the whole world, even if I covered myself underneath.

I want to find some way of attaching it to a piece underneath...like a sewn in bra or something so that it clings to my body and won't catch in the breeze. I'm going to sew the bottom to the midline at the skirt, but I don't think that'll hold the fabric against my chest. I hope what I'm saying makes sense. Would anyone happen to know a magic solution for this? I'd be eternally grateful.

>> No.6414379
File: 157 KB, 246x366, helasidedrape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's what I mean as far as the drape goes. It doesn't actually connect at the sides like how it looks in that picture, it's literally just a drape of fabric over the breasts.

>> No.6414910

I know nothing of hair styling.
How would I go about achieving a good 10th Dr. dew?

I know a wig is always an option.

>> No.6414912
File: 66 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would help if I had the picture attached...

>> No.6414919

Flat iron and hair spray.

>> No.6415098


>> No.6415150

Can anyone recommend what brands of make-up provide the best coverage for colouring skin, without rubbing off? I am looking for blue, specifically.

>> No.6415179

I don't want to give you any bad advice, but I find spraying watered down lotion onto the wig then combing it through with a toothed comb tames the tangles on my wigs rather nicely. Be sure to take it nice and slow and not to tug too hard. I hope this is helpful for you!

>> No.6415182

pt. 1
sorry on the late reply.

dyeing feathers is pretty easy actually. First you will want to purchase your dye. Ive only ever used Jacquard Acid dyes, but theoretically any other dye meant for protein based fiber should work. I purchase my dye from Dharma trading company as it is not found in any craft stores I know of. The color chart on their website is fairly accurate, but I usually do a google search for the dye color I'm interested in and it will usually pull up pictures of things other people have dyed. You can also mix colors if you just can't find the one you are looking for. Once you have your color picked out here's what you do.
Things you'll need:
your dye
a large pot (I just use a 10 gal from the dollar store. note: do not use this pot for anything else other than dyeing/crafting!)
Measuring cups/spoons
vinyl/latex gloves
towels/packing paper (to lay your wet feathers on)
white vinegar (optional)

>> No.6415184

pt 2

1. Take your pot of water (here to know as dye bath) and set it to heat on the stove. keep the water hot and steaming, but do not let it boil.

2. In a small container (I use a pasta sauce jar) mix very hot water with approximately two tablespoons of dye and mix until the the dye is completely dissolved. (note: you don't have to use this much dye. the more dye you use the darker you feathers will dye faster. If you only need a light color then you can either add less dye, or immerse the feather for less time.)

3. Add your dye mixture and appx. 1/4 cup of white vinegar to your dye bath. (the vinegar is optional, but it will help make the colors brighter)

4. Making sure your feathers are clean, submerse them in your dye bath. The darkness of the color will depend on how much dye you used, how hot the bath is and how long you leave it in the bath. Do some experimenting to find what you want.

5. After you've achieved the color you want, remove the feather from the dye bath and submerge in a COLD water bath. This will remove any excess dye and stop dye process so your feather won't get darker.

6. lay your feather out to dry on a flat surface. I put packing paper on my drying surface to soak up some of the excess water. DO NOT HEAT DRY or squeez/pat your feathers. At this point they will look terrible, but once they are dried they will fluff right up.

7. After they are dry congratulate yourself on being awesome and dyeing your own feathers.

I will mention that if you are dying pinions. pointers, tails and flats they need to air tried on a flat surface, but I like to throw my down and semi-plums (basically the fluffy feathers) in a lingerie bag and put them on a no heat cycle in the dryer.

tldr: just go to rainbowfeathers.com and have them custom dye what you want.

>> No.6415218

fashion tape. Its double sided so you stick it to the garment first and then to your skin.

Kryolan aqua color. It's water based so if you jump in a pool you'll have some problems. I've used it all over before and have only had it come of when I put it on the palms of my fingers/hands. If you want something that even water won't touch you can try their alcohol activated makeup.

>> No.6415311

Hi guys! I've got a thread over here
All of the information for the costume is there, but I'd really love some tips for making the helmet out of clear resin, possibly lighting it up, and some help with masculine make up and short wigs!


>> No.6415367
File: 29 KB, 904x149, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's a good place to get a petticoat that'll make 'bout this amount of poof?

>> No.6417429
File: 132 KB, 761x531, wighelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I need some suggestions for two wigs that I just have lying around, if somebody would be so kind.

#1 is layered with some auburn-brown highlights (though I'm planning to just make all of that as black as possible). I feel like it has a lot of potential, but those bangs...

#2 is basic warm brown wig. Again, has a lot of potential, but I'm kind of stumped. I considered Jane Crocker from Homestuck, but I don't feel like it's full enough in the back to style properly. Also, brown.


My First thought was actually Near from Death Note. The wig looks like it might not be full enough for it, but you definitely have the face to pull it off.

>> No.6417688

Try checking out Volpin's Daft Punk helmet builds for ideas on how to make the helmet.

>> No.6417747

Has anybody tried making armour out of craft foam? From a couple of tutorials it looks fairly simply provided you put in the effort and time, and pretty durable, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

>> No.6417764

Edit: read through the thread and saw this had already been discussed. I still would like to hear people's personal experiences with it, though, so I refined the question.

How long do you get to mould it?
Does it look clumsy with fingers or is it completely necessary to have a solid shape to mould around?
How durable did you find it?

>> No.6418500
File: 157 KB, 650x2362, T2AN5TXl4aXXXXXXXX_!!141838129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl. Probably a stupid question but what do you call these gold parts?

I want to make my own jewelry for my magi cosplay if possible.... but if this stuff is hard to make or find then I guess I'll just be buying it off taobao. As for the red jewels, I think I can find plenty on ebay or something

>> No.6418562


jewelerfag here, those are commonly called metal stamps and/or punched metal.

Better buy it, intrincated designs like this are a bitch to saw and punch by hand.

>> No.6418619

Thank you so much!! I seriously had no idea what the term was for those pieces. I'll check out eBay for the gold flat parts and maybe I can just glue the red jewels on.

>> No.6418733
File: 142 KB, 303x352, pvc wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to permanently bend or shape pvc sheet? Also, what glue is best to keep them together, I originally used hot glue, I knew it wouldn't work for very long, but it was all I had at the time. I want to turn these into something completely different, snazz them up a bit.

>> No.6418735
File: 706 KB, 957x768, skirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I need some help, if you don't mind.
Wolf here has a weird skirt. Long pleated at the front and back and short pleats at both sides.

Which of these do you think would be easier/make the most sense?

a) Make a longer skirt with the pleats, then a smaller underskirt with the shorter pleats.

b) Make the long skirt and attach the smaller pleats at the side.


>> No.6418818

youre welcome and good luck!


I learnt a technique to bend acrylic sheets at school. I don't know if it could be suitable for pvc, so I'd suggest you to practice with scrap pvc first.
Heat carefully the sheet in gas oven, when sheet starts getting soft take it out of the oven and quickly shape it around a metallic or wooden cylinder, cone, etc. Wear safety gloves all time.

For bonding, check this:

>> No.6418830

Go for B. The underskirt would add too much bulk to the skirt.

>> No.6418848


You bend XPVC using heat. either heat it up in the oven (200 degrees) on a flat surface or use a heat gun to spot heat the areas you want to bend.

There is a specialty glue you can buy specifically for PVC/XPVC. Its in the plumbing department at Home Despot or Lowes.

>> No.6418860

I just remembered that the proper term for those is "filigree". Punching is the process to make them lol

>> No.6419001
File: 242 KB, 640x480, 1292706680966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thanks! I don't know why I didn't think of fashion tape. Hopefully it holds together.

>> No.6419412
File: 102 KB, 800x612, wfashionmall_casual_jackets_for_men_sleeveless_militar_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to do kululu. I'm having trouble deciding a military jacket. This?

>> No.6419431
File: 176 KB, 480x800, SC20121115-231051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this? I'm also open to any suggestions.

>> No.6419457

Haha, no problem.

As long as its not bearing a lot of weight you should be fine.

>> No.6419551
File: 13 KB, 251x239, Okay_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6419583 [DELETED] 

The only way to make things more baggy is to add more fabric. If the pants are already made, it's kind of late. Unless you can slit them and add inserts or something.

>> No.6419591

You don't deserve to cosplay Moko unless you've beaten Impreishable Night extra stage while clearing at least 6 spell cards

otherwise you are unworthy. cosplay a fairy or something.

>> No.6419594

Do you mean baggy, or puffy?

If you mean puffy you could try stuffing tulle or something in there.

If you mean baggy, then it's because the pants aren't full enough ie they don't have enough fabric in them. If you need them to be fuller, you could always try slitting the seams and adding more fabric, I guess.

>> No.6419596

but i have!
hard as tits.

>> No.6419599

like how it's all puffy at the ends.
and thank you

>> No.6419605

You could make like....a petticoat. For your ankles.

>> No.6419606
File: 217 KB, 269x263, tumblr_m90m9o04n61qexdrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need opinions please~ Friend is going to be this Tom Nook but we're not sure what would look better for the tails and ears -- faux fur or fabric/felt for more of a mascot style? I'm leaning towards the latter since it would look cartoon-y, which is appropriate since he's a raccoon dealing in real estate after all. But fur would look nice too. I don't know.

>> No.6419627


I don't really have any advice, but I would LOVE to see pictures after!

>> No.6419635

Unfortunately it won't be for a while since we're just in the preliminary planning stages, but I'll definitely be posting them here once it's finished in the far future! Need New Leaf to come out so I can see how I can make my main character cosplay look like I'm from the game and not some random schmuck carrying a butterfly net, haha.

>> No.6419714

Cool, thanks guys.

>> No.6419733
File: 117 KB, 575x498, Squirrel Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of fabric would be best for the green/gray body suit thing she wears? I have no idea what would look best.

>> No.6419738


Just get a green unitard, goddamn

>> No.6419856

aren't petticoats like big ass jacket things?

>> No.6419862
File: 28 KB, 500x313, AAAACy94s2kAAAAAAVqJrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A petticoat is an underskirt used to fluff up a dress or skirt and make it poofy. They come in different lengths and shapes. Pic related, a petticoat.

>> No.6420374

lol I think you're confusing petticoat with peacoat. A peacoat is a big ass jacket.

>> No.6420708

i totally was haha.
i'll look into that. thanks!

>> No.6420729

I was going to say get a zentai suit for the under section but this looks like it would be thicker.

I don't know my fabrics so much, but maybe like...fitted cotton?

>> No.6420741

Not trying to be mean but google is a useful tool, people might want to try that first before coming here.

>> No.6420927
File: 49 KB, 590x393, Dermablend makeup tattoo Zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have tips or tricks for covering up tattoos?
specifically large ones, or ones in places with hair (ex: my legs)
will i just have to end up slathering my whole body in makeup?

>> No.6420962

My aunt is a model, and got an incredibly unfortunate looking tattoo on her arm. They cover it up with heavy foundation, then photoshop it out if it can be seen through the makeup.

Being a guy, shaving then foundation won't really be an option for you... I would suggest attempting what you can through foundation applied with a q-tip. There's not much else you can do, unless you choose cosplays where the outfit will naturally cover it up. otherwise, who cares? You don't have to be entirely in character.

>> No.6420973


I wouldn't just use foundation there's plenty of tattoo concealers
Kat Von D has a tattooo concealer you can purchase at sephora/ulta it works alright. I

>> No.6420977
File: 54 KB, 700x495, Kat-Von-D-Tattoo-Concealer-Kat-Von-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

this pic is shooped to even the skin tone but it works , I have another that shows what it looks like without shoop

>> No.6420983
File: 21 KB, 300x400, DSCN1382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it looks like without shoops. the more red parts are her natural skin. I'd suggest using it in combination with a foundation close to your skintone. or you could use a skin colored zentai but that doesn't always look great

>> No.6421202

thanks a bunch,
i think im going to try a couple things, see what looks best.
and im cosplaying tarzan,
i dont think heavily tattooed really fits the whole character vibe

>> No.6422016

