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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6368168 No.6368168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yo /cgl/ I accidentally volunteered to talk to one of my classes tomorrow about cosplay (it's about the history of animation specifically regarding Disney and anime), and I'm kind of not sure what to say. The only thing I can think of is that cosplaying originated in the 70's at American sci fi conventions (this is correct, right?) and then the word "cosplay" came from the Japanese.

I'm kind of lost about what else to talk about. Any suggestions?

>> No.6368269

you should go up there in cosplay and talk about it , you know, for the lols.

There are a variety of topics and directions you can take for the presentation. Start off by explaining what does a cosplayer do and some of the main reasons why people cosplay. (Follow up with some prop showcase, tutorial, etc. Something cool.) Then you can begin to have a comparison to the past.
According to your research, since cosplay originates in the 1970s, it would be nice to know how cosplay has evolved over the years. Perhaps go over how the importation of Japanese anime and the development of videogame industry have affected cosplay would be an interesting topic.

Conduct some research on the cosplay demographic, what are the percentages of Male versus Female? Age group? Race? etc.
Finally, try Wrapping the whole thing up with some interesting questions for the audience.

Hope this helps. Just throwing out ideas.

>> No.6368273


Or google for the google book section on "Costuming the Imagination by Theresa Winge"

It basically talks about some of cosplay's origins, who/what/how/etc. about cosplay, and compares a bit between North American and Japanese cosplay.

I remember for a Japanese popular cultures class, I had to use that article to do my presentation on. I still laugh about the "lolita" images used in it.

>> No.6368597

You could talk about the direction of cosplay in the past and now. People would make cosplay of poorer quality in the past and it was less competitive. How cartoons, comics, live action series (like MLP, Homestuck, etc) gained more popularity at anime conventions? Maybe talk about how westerners try to make their own cosplay whereas Japanese people are more likely to rent/purchase their costumes. Can't really think of anything else.

>> No.6368687
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Just turn it into a discussion about star wars and dungeons and dragons, then start going off about how they're the devil's work.

Depending on what state your live in you could either get an A or a C. (the liberal states will give you a C because they don't want to oppress your religious freedom and the conservative states will give you an A for Agreement)

Let us know how it turns out.

>> No.6368711

Difference between cosplay and halloween
There's yer speech

>> No.6369875

Thanks for all the responses, guys! I wasn't able to respond before I went to class, but the teacher asked if I could talk on Monday instead so I guess I have a little more time to prepare.

It's not a full-blown presentation, it's just basically "this is what cosplay is". So I think it'll go something like this:

-Started in the US etc etc
-It is popular in many countries throughout the world, not just Japan and America
-It's linked to anime but also comic books, cartoons, tv shows, etc etc
-It's somewhat "mainstream" now thanks to the internet and tv (like when I go do photoshoots people ask about my cosplay now rather than asking wtf I'm doing)
-Conventions are like weekend-long costume parties basically
And then I think I'll take questions or whatever.

There's actually another girl in the class who I'm kind of friends with who cosplays, and another girl who is SUCH A NERD LOL GAMUR GURL who I think might cosplay sometimes.