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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 625x714, 79xn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6365484 No.6365484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Great cosplay idea
>Work it out
>Spend a few hundred Euro on it
>Miss vital piece of clothing
>Cant do it for the upcoming meet because no one would recognize,
>Have to wear cosplay which i already used for upcoming cosplay meeting

Itt: Dissapointments.

>> No.6365490

>Miss vital piece of clothing
So what was it?

>> No.6365496

A red beret. Yes i mad.

I ordered one many weeks ago, but i just got an email that it was cancelled and not being send.

>> No.6365502

>A red beret.
not making it yourself.
>Yes i mad.
getting mad at your own incompetence.

>> No.6365507

You know, i kind of look at it in this way.
>Did the character i cosplay as created his own items?
Then me neither.
Then i will too.

Call me a faggot but that is how i roll.

>> No.6365510
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I know this isnt related to cgl, but thread says "Disappointments"

>Playing Smite.
>Team have someone named XxXNAMEHEREXxX.
>Already knows where this is going.
>Game ends with him having fed the entire enemy team.

Son, you disappoint me, go back to your COD.

>> No.6365526


>> No.6365528
File: 65 KB, 322x824, radygaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>June 2011
>On vacation, need some cheap sunglasses
> Counterfeit sunglasses stand, see Lady Gaga brand sunglasses
>Spend about a month creating her delicate prism costume
>Wear costume to school
>No Halloween party to wear it to
>Too delicate to wear it anywhere else
>So large and fragile it takes up a whole large box and most of my closet space
>See it everyday, no idea what to do with it

I was thinking about wearing it this year again... but dang it's made from cardstock and with this weather it's just not a good idea.

>> No.6365531


>> No.6365542

Yeah i never got into LoL or Dota 2 really, and it's a nice change of style for Moba's.
Want a key?

>> No.6365577

Is that a real hair bow?

>> No.6365626

Except that the character is from magic videogame or anime land where they can find pieces of clothing or objects that don't exist IRL...

Spending a couple hundred euro and not wearing your outfit because you're too retarded to make a beret in 2hrs with .2 metres of fabric.. you're a disappointment to yourself.

>> No.6365641
File: 136 KB, 705x741, tou-rea05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes because the world ends in December i will never have another chance to wear it!

>> No.6365645

think of it this way.

make beret = not disappointed

don't make one out of either laziness or stupidity = disappointment

you pointlessly made yourself upset enough to start a thread and whine about it when you could have solved your problem in approximately 2hrs and $10, and thats nublet tier.

>> No.6365661

OP you are a dumbass. You could have easily gone out and found another beret in a store or made one yourself. If I spent a couple hundred on a project nothing would stop me from finishing it.

Here is a story of real disappointment:

>slaved over costume for months for upcoming event this weekend.
>cosplaying with friend flying from overseas, probably the only time we'll ever meet face to face and we've been planning this for months.
>basement (my workshop) floods.
>costume and supplies ruined or lost.
>sewing machine ruined.
>serger ruined.
>out 100's of hours and dollars.
>friends flight might be canceled due to shite weather.
>used my last days off for this.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.6365673

>Berets in stores
Yeah sure.

Its not like i cant do any other cosplays with the costume that i have right now. Even if it is incomplete i can still use it for other characters.

>> No.6365685

>first couple cosplay with hunny
>order cosplay from commisoner
>she says october 6th
>con is november
>october 6th gets in
>no costume
>"hey what's up?"
>"oh I'm sorry I was working on another costume. Yours is almost done you'll get it before then!"
>november 6th, con is that weekend
>"oh ill over night it."
>costume arrives day that I'm AT the con which was 5 days later
>costume is too small
Fuck you Samantha Chance/barron costumes
You lying ass shit tier bitch

>> No.6365695

Stop nit picking and looking for a reason to bitch
>shoulda coulda woulda but didn't
Fuck /cgly cunt meter is off the charts today
Sage for no contribution

>> No.6365727

what were you planning on cosplaying though; and seeing how I live in Holland myself too I understand not being able to find one

>> No.6365738

Jack Krauser. RE4.
On a side note, you going to Utrecht on 4 nov?

>> No.6365745

Seeing how I actually have no idea what's happening in Utrecht that day. No, sorry.

>> No.6365747

It was a clip-on

>> No.6365764


If you don't want to make it, why not go looking for it in the mall? If it's a simple beret, you'll probably find something.

>> No.6365779
File: 24 KB, 316x401, 1327431919345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW you can find berets at this time of season in almost any ladies fashion store with hats

>> No.6365860

I come from a place you might not understand.

>> No.6365861

I live in Holland fuckwit

>> No.6365863
File: 702 KB, 1920x1080, 8765456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, EU have always been this weird.. Wanna flee and go live somewhere else?

>> No.6365871
File: 161 KB, 277x595, 1348430406613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Itt: Dissapointments.

Me. My life. Everything I do.

>> No.6365884

>Drugs are legal
>Knives are not.
>The goverment are dumbasses
Its kind of nice here.

>> No.6365906

>hurricane coming
>don't move valuables to a place where a flood won't destroy them

And you're really calling someone else a dumbass?

>> No.6365910

I thought exactly the same thing!

>> No.6365915

I wasn't on the predicted hurricane path until AFTER that shit happened, lets see any of you fuckwads empty your entire basement because the state next to you is getting rain

>> No.6365921

Implying i got a basement.

>> No.6365926

Wow, this thread got turned to shit immediately. Can we please have a good topic about cosplay sadness? Please?
Anyone have a prop broken? A dress not arrive? A wig ruined by wind or a friend? Getting sick at a con? A costume arrive that wasn't as good as you though? A panel gone bad?
Come on people.

>> No.6365931

My first cosplay was an ordered Kamina cape, which teared after i tried it on. Dicks.

>> No.6365932
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Yeah sorry, i'll just leave the thread now.

>> No.6366453

Found you, Bro.

>> No.6366633

My first and second commission experiences were horrible. I got things that didn't fit me at all.

>> No.6366655

>avatarfagging ----------------^

>> No.6366686
File: 14 KB, 283x271, 1267281341198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you guys.

>Member of a small cosplay group.
>We'd planned two different cosplay ideas.
>Get together the first costume well before the con. Only need a new wig.
>Friend orders a binder for her character but gets the wrong size, so she can't cosplay from that show.
>Other friend not able to get anything for costume.
>I was convinced we'd be okay because of our second group planning.
>First friend can't afford costume, second friend doesn't know who to cosplay.
>I'm told this a week before the con
>Rush out and buy supplies to get a new costume together.
>Up until two AM the night before the convention finishing my costume and getting ready while friends sleep.
>Also other friend got together a different costume instead of trying to go with a theme for her and I.

>> No.6366693
File: 470 KB, 700x775, 1349471937578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! Also no, you just made me come back to the thread <3 Of course with a sage.

>> No.6366709

So fucking what if you sage? Sage don't give you no right to shit post or avatarfag. Take your inferiority complex somewhere else.

>> No.6366713

omfg anon ur just so fukking mad because you're not as kawaii as page-kun.

gtfo and take your fail with you.


>> No.6366723
File: 30 KB, 500x375, rolleyes dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess it's impossible to mention 'inferiority complex' and not have you show up.

Surely, one day, posting on 4chan will resolve all your problems.

>> No.6366767

Avatar fagging means posting with the same character. You're ass pain is impotent

>> No.6366776


Last time he was banned for avatarfagging, he used 4 different characters. Now put your trip back on and tell me how you're turned on by me being tsuntsun, or some similarly infantile BS.

>> No.6366786

>in b4 some strawman about 'zomg u remember dat so creepy'

Actually, I only remember that because he was banned on the side, along with Elsfag (great success) and that Mexican who jerks of to girl pics.

Basically, three birds killed with one stone. Need more days like that.

>> No.6366824
File: 784 KB, 1920x1080, 56789876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was playing some smite, but yeah i got banned for 3 days, reason being : Avatar fagging or so.

Also tsuntsun always! I enjoy people like that.

>> No.6366839
File: 56 KB, 482x116, RankedPlaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also i won, normally i suck at these kinds.

>> No.6366975

That's not Dota. Therefore, you lost.

>> No.6366987

But i dont play dota or lol.. i like the style Smite have..