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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 602 KB, 967x1920, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6361497 No.6361497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this really lolita?

>> No.6361506

Is it lolita? nope.
Is it supposed to be lolita? IDK, but it's pretty awful regardless.

>> No.6361524
File: 47 KB, 426x640, estellewhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys replica from Oo Jia in custom size. Still gets it too small.

>> No.6361537

That's when you learn to sew and make that shit yourself.
Waste a lot less time and money that way...

>> No.6361580

Just saw those on tumblr and nearly pissed myself laughing. When have leg warmers worked for lolita (and most other fashions for that matter) ever???

>> No.6361611

To make matters worse, I thought those were eyes on her breasts. Ita lolitas are the worst thing imaginable.

>> No.6361633

its a tad ill fitting (her chest is screaming), a little bit uninspired and the color (unless that's the photo) is hella weird, but other than that she doesn't look bad.

>> No.6361723
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 253148_10151290512457174_172436154_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.6361991

Tall girl tried....but didn't try hard enough

>> No.6362013
File: 55 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mbcak4RNSj1qdv5quo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6362015

Anon, that's not a girl.

>> No.6362019

Is there a post that has photos from this meetup? I'd like to see more of these coords.

>> No.6362022

That thing has got to be at least 6 feet tall. Also lawdy that dress is suddenly altogether TOO short.

>> No.6362025

It's not? Oh dear....

>> No.6362041

I kind of feel bad for her sometimes. I've only seen her a couple of times but some of her darker/more gothic coordinates actually don't look too bad. I just wish she would find dresses that fit her height - almost everything she wears only goes to midthigh. It can be cute but just not suited for lolita.

>> No.6362065

Isn't that one on the right the one that got posted to BtB and had a bitch fit, then claimed to be a model?

>> No.6362089
File: 83 KB, 960x720, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this girl have a tumblr?? I feel like I should recognize her but I can't place her name for the life of me and it's going to keep me up all night.

>> No.6362096

The very same

>> No.6362122

that face. that bow. that everything. omg.
i'll never understand why girls who have a face that's as wide as a cow's ass get their bangs cut. it just looks stupid. "hurrdurr i can has lolita hairstylez, guise!" no.

>> No.6362148

Ah, the "...Yyyyyeah, I'm just gonna stand here." vibe. Both sad and funny in the right context.

>> No.6362154

Tall girl would look much MUCH better in aristocrat.

>> No.6362194

I wish the whole legwarmer thing would die already. It was ratty looking when in was "fresh" in the 90s, and it sure as hell isn't getting any better 12+ years later.

>> No.6362247
File: 555 KB, 168x126, 1344749507656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I only saw the thumbnail I just assumed it would be one of those ratty older ladies dressing all kooky to relive her youth (we get so many of those in lolita)... but she's actually really cute. Girl! What are you doing! Take that shit off!

>> No.6362259

>dat color
Oojia, what you do to VR?!

>> No.6363103

The same thing she does to everything!
Tries to take over the loliworld with itaness

>> No.6363127
File: 62 KB, 500x400, bitchplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363209
File: 115 KB, 720x540, 428782_10151937037260043_1619798075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363247

Has she ever not looked ragged? I can't imagine her looking anything but grody, whether in lolita or in jeans and a sweater. The essence of ita just oozes from her pores.

>> No.6363825
File: 56 KB, 359x480, blogger-image--1523443162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how she looks out of lolita

>> No.6364040
File: 159 KB, 467x700, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364045

is that Kelly/Liam?

>> No.6364051
File: 980 KB, 1080x1920, ita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did she choose yellow shoes? I'll never understand....

>> No.6364056

Jesus christ, vendetta chan, leave my friends the fuck alone you psycho.

>> No.6364058
File: 268 KB, 453x594, ita3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364069

as far as itas go, without the white lace, she's adorable.

>> No.6364081

Yeah, I have a vendetta fag who thinks it's okay to take shit out on my friend.

This is my friend a long time ago when she first got into lolita, she's a hell of a lot better now, and even when she first started she was never that bad, I was a hell of a lot worse and I would rather vendetta chans take it out on me and post my ugly ass ita pictures.

>> No.6364097

Why do people keep buying this ugly fucking dress?

Am I supposed to be taking you seriously?

>> No.6364103
File: 47 KB, 380x900, ita4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops dropped my picture.

>> No.6364134
File: 90 KB, 803x720, 1320144920136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fuck off you ugly piece of shit, pick on me , somebody who deserves it and just leave innocent people out of it. This last two days your vendetta has been so obvious and I am up to here with your shit, I have proof, do not make me call you out on this.

>> No.6364155

Ooooh, I want to see this "proof."

>> No.6364162

compared to everyone ever posted in an ita thread, this girl is pretty cute. I smell vendetta

>> No.6364196

You fell for it.
you just admitted you have a vendetta by instead asking me to call you out instead of arguing that you're some random stranger ~who ~happens~ to ~browse~ my ~photography ~ portfolio and have a fixation with my life .

Even if I call you out right here, right now, you'll deny it, so It proves no benefit to me to make your life worse than it already is and make you look bad.

I pity you, man.
Go and better yourself instead of trying to make yourself feel better than me . If you want to talk, send me an anonymous message outside of 4chan, but if you want to stay a bitter faggot forever, then stay a bitter faggot forever, just pick on me instead of my friends.
My tumblr is in the email field if you want to send an anonymous ask and I'll answer privately.

>> No.6364206
File: 178 KB, 531x506, ita5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This last two days your vendetta
I haven't been on /cgl/ in a month, what are you even talking about? Sorry man, you've got me mistaken for someone else. I saw a girl in an ugly dress, chuckled, and posted it. Calm the fuck down before you blow an artery.

"Ita" doesn't mean "physically ugly." Ita means poorly dressed. She's a pretty girl but she looks like she's wearing a wrinkly sack.

Found this on a proMilanoo Tumblr today.

>> No.6364205

>implying I'm the one with a vendetta

I just want to see what kind of proof you had because I've seen your posts and the replies to them lately and I got curious.

>> No.6364227
File: 180 KB, 536x508, ita6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>6364196 replied to this >>6364155

THAT ISN'T EVEN ME (>>6364040)

>> No.6364229

I suppose you just happened to have stumbled across my portfolio too and ~you don't even know who I am desuuu~
Of course. The offer is still there, I'm not replying to any more of your posts, sort yourself out dude.

>> No.6364234

I can't believe how stupid you can be.

>> No.6364244

It even has a 4chan filename.

>> No.6364237

None of the anons. But you do realise you posted that photo in some MCM thread a while ago right? That might be where they got it?

>> No.6364240

Did you ever think that maybe a lot of people here don't like you?

>> No.6364255

are you a fucking retard?

>> No.6364272
File: 138 KB, 539x489, ita7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, really. I don't know who you even are or give any fucks to find out. It was floating around Tumblr. You do know /everyone/ on the internet can see these things, right? You, your friend, and your Vchan aren't the only people online.

>> No.6364283

Everyone is out to get poor little Annie. Boo hoo.

>> No.6364306

It says this tumblr doesn't exist.

>> No.6364321

at first I thought you meant the tall ita chick

I'm almost positive the girl you circled is in the Bay Area comm, since I remember seeing her at a tea party before

she struck me as the brand-only type (which isn't bad by itself but she was super snooty and used this really fake voice when she talked)

second whether or not she has a tumblr

>> No.6364374


If she wore a jacket, a better petticoat and had a wig or did something with her hair, it wouldn't be so bad...

>> No.6364377

>photo angle for maximum cleavage
>no boobs to show

>> No.6364402
File: 168 KB, 536x498, ita8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364417
File: 130 KB, 538x499, ita9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364466

The print does have yellow in it. She also incorporated yellow into other areas of the coordinate. I smell a sandy vag and a vandetta.

>> No.6364467
File: 135 KB, 533x472, ita10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364485

Holy fuck "vendetta" is a buzzword of the vilest kind.

Some yellow on her shoes would have been fine. Like, yellow bows. There just isn't enough yellow in her outfit to warrant those shoes as it is though. It draws the eyes down before you even have the chance to appreciate the entire coord.

>> No.6364495

Oh, and those socks are fucking horrible.

>> No.6364502

The yellow of the shoes is also just a bit vibrant to pair with that dress. Also,


>> No.6364564
File: 81 KB, 640x480, Photo-0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This girl is beautiful, perfect legs too. As far as poor quality dresses go, this girl makes it look better than I could have possibly imagined. I'm actually twitching right now imagining how pretty this girl is now as a lolita... Complete jelly? 100%. I wish my ita pictures looked this good.

Pic related.

>> No.6364565
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo-0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween, girls.

>> No.6364665

adora-BILE indeed.....

>> No.6364763

Is it more sad or funny that the tall blond in the middle is actually a boy who makes a much better girl than the tall brunette on the right that always looks like a boy even though she is a girl? :(

>> No.6364790

Funny that he makes a better woman until you realize that she is a woman. Then it is sad.

>> No.6365257

Isn't this the girl who signed off each post with a flouncy link to her shitty blog?

>> No.6365265


still better quality than GLW

>> No.6365268


>> No.6365282 [DELETED] 

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I can maybe understand the bad shoes but the socks are so out of place and her hair is a state. She can not honestly be being serious, are you sure she wasn't just trolling?

>> No.6365283


Why? I can maybe understand the bad shoes but the socks are so out of place and her hair is a state. She can not honestly be being serious, are you sure she wasn't just trolling?

>> No.6365311

yes, that's her. She has an unfortunate face.

>> No.6365318
File: 124 KB, 960x720, 527850_414225718632757_1044681507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words could describe the fear I get when I see this photo.

>> No.6365410

Oh Jesus. I just feel bad for this one.

rabbit777 is trolling the entire fashion community with her continued existence.

Also I don't know what our tripfriend here is talking about, but that girl looks pretty darn ita. If she looks better now then good for her, but that one picture is still ita-thread-worthy and crying about it won't make it go away.

>> No.6365413


which is weird that was the only pic with her face fucked up along with the outfit.

>> No.6365419

how does that even English

>> No.6365441

Why should it be sad that he looks more feminine than a woman?

I hate the double standard that it's okay for men to look like women but women who look masculine are horrid and should keep their faces in a burlap sack.

>> No.6365444

Because she is trying to look feminine...

>I hate the double standard that it's okay for men to look like women but women who look masculine are horrid and should keep their faces in a burlap sack.


>> No.6368888

I see the opposite. There seems to be a lot more shame in men acting like/looking like women than women acting or looking like men.

>> No.6368897

That's what I feel as well. I think sometimes people forget that women can wear what used to be men only clothing, where are men really can't or else people find them weird.
I was pointing out to >>6365441 that the point of it being 'sad' is that the girl isn't trying to look masculine, but rather that she is trying to look girly.

>> No.6368945

Brown haired tall girl has a square forehead but her jaw is small, if angular. She would probably not look that masculine if she had a fringe.

>> No.6369325
