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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1008 KB, 1280x800, tongueseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360464 No.6360464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one is autosaging now >>6353208

Have a ball.

>> No.6360473
File: 630 KB, 795x1200, tumblr_m3kvn2HcOX1r32wayo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360476
File: 360 KB, 1024x685, tumblr_m8799j9Os41qejo01o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were talking about actually good fancy cosplays.

>> No.6360479
File: 148 KB, 636x960, tumblr_m8mnnzpl691r35os0o3_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360484
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>> No.6360482

oh, I like the cat embroidery detail on the Nepeta!

>> No.6360491
File: 472 KB, 250x135, 1323201463066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy christ that is fucking gross

>> No.6360495

Can we cut this shit out already?

>> No.6360503
File: 93 KB, 428x640, tumblr_m8dgdilTvw1rqednko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360550

I've always wanted to do dreamer Nepeta, but, I'm not the world's most skilled seamstress and the collar/sleeves look a little bit scary
Also fabric choice- it's a long and straight skirt so I'd think jersey would be best for walking, but, how would that fare for the sleeves, yknow?

>> No.6360567

CGL is about the good, the bad, and the drama.

>> No.6360571
File: 191 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mchva5EXzX1rwz9xxo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360574

and Homestuck General is all three combined into one!

>> No.6360576
File: 709 KB, 519x800, derse_by_ritnou-d5f8xtu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360595
File: 145 KB, 900x598, it_was_really_cold_outside_i_wanted_to_die_by_082298-d4vro7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360603
File: 171 KB, 750x800, 7lh0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I designed a sort-of Human!AR and Human!PM cosplay for me and a friend that we were going to try to do at SDCC. The plans fell through and now she and I don't talk anymore, but I'm still open to it, so I figured I'd post them here and ask for feedback.

Here's AR, or at least the upper torso. The purple armband is meant to represent Derse, by the way. The PM outfit would have a similar armband representative of Prospit. The green patch is supposed to show that there is a tear in the CAUTION tape, showing the barcode.

>> No.6360605
File: 1.02 MB, 927x618, tumblr_mcmirtilpQ1r3uk69o6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so confused by the Meulin in the yellow shirt??

>> No.6360607
File: 143 KB, 612x792, F1E3Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's PM. I traced an outline I found via Google Image Search, then built around that, in case you were wondering.

Again, there is an armband and a barcode.

>> No.6360610
File: 209 KB, 978x714, 1Hxwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a layered version of PM, showing how it would all likely fall together.

>> No.6360612
File: 175 KB, 600x916, the_prince_and_his_princess_by_colicade-d4ubl7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360622

Dirk is good, but that Roxy makes me sad. PsychedelicPaprika, or however it's spelled right? All the wrinkles on her shirt bug me, and I think dreamer roxy wears pants, actually. She has a lot of potential as roxy and it kinda makes me sad.

>> No.6360623

What's with the bare legs thing

>> No.6360627

is that fucking cod-tier as meulin

>> No.6360663

What exactly am I looking at.

>> No.6360666

Is that Mituna actually good or am I confused because everyone else in that pic is so shitty?

>> No.6360682

Mituna's helmet is a bit large but other than that, Mituna is actually pretty good. It isn't just the other people in the picture.

>> No.6360688

All of the paint on Porrim's dress. Damn, woman.

>> No.6360740

Bought some red glitter flats for godtier jade, but I'm afraid of the glitter rubbing off or whatnot. Any seagulls know of any sort of spray that will seal it for more safety? :S

On that note, what sort of things would make a godtier Jade stand out more...? I know the light up planets, but not sure how to incorporate them/hold them (and my painting skills are a fail). Thinking about putting a petticoat under my skirt for more poof so I don't look like a board up and down (body shape is like a ruler), how would that go...

>> No.6360749

god her shirt looks awful.
actually neither of their shirts seem to fit very well at all...but hers especially. wow.

>> No.6360755


the color processing on this photo is so horrible

>> No.6360758

I've used clear spray paint before and it worked really well! My only issue was when I actually kicked things or something of that sort. As far as normal wear though, put some clear coats of spray paint and you shouldn't be sprinkling glitter everywhere.

>> No.6360768


Ask your local craft store for spray on clear coat, they'll probably hand you the Krylon stuff. That should give you a nice finish to keep glitter from falling off everywhere.

>> No.6360779


you could do jersey for the longer part of the sleeve but the bodice and the puffs need something with structure, yeah. you could get a snow-white or some other disney princess pattern if you're still an early seamstress to start with, it'd give you a starting point

>> No.6360794


I'm recommending this pattern as really easy to follow. I've used it a ton of times and it always looks good!

>> No.6360809

the Mituna actually does look good, although the horns on the helmet look a little awkwardly placed.

>> No.6360811
File: 11 KB, 329x236, dreamerkids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of their shirts are inaccurate on the bottom.
I mean Roxy's is supposed to be quite a bit longer, and she wears fucking pants. its more like a tunic (right word for it?) than a shirt.
dirk's is okay I guess though it could also be a little longer and slit on the sides.
why are their collars so fucking huge?
and holy shit roxy's shirt does NOT fit well at all anywhere.

>> No.6360833

>why are their collars so fucking huge?

I dunno about anyone else, but every time I see a Derse dreamer cosplay that's a Strider or Lalonde the collars are fucking huge and I have no idea why people do that.

>> No.6360865
File: 835 KB, 600x800, 49579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360897

Oh! I actually have the simplicity pattern for the Dorothy/Witches in my drawer right now. Would that work?

Thank you so much for the recommendation, by the way!

>> No.6360956
File: 2 KB, 188x247, Kanaya_Maryam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping to cosplay kanaya to a local con but im having some trouble with the wig.
I have no idea how to go about getting that flippy thing she has going on in the back.

>> No.6360972

jesus christ i cannot stand her
also her wig is way too short and shes using those crappy party city horns
and the color of her dreamer apparel is way off

>> No.6360973


Any Dorothy costume with puffy sleeves would be a great start for Nepeta's fancy dreamer. It should have fabric recs on the back too

>> No.6360983

Actually, it's perfect for Rumminov's fancy dreamers; she draws them very pink.

>> No.6360987

pink? sure
salmon? no

>> No.6361008

what's your beef with her? anything good or just a grudge?

>> No.6361015
File: 210 KB, 482x642, tumblr_m07x8g1gnl1qexi1uo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just waiting for some girl to misunderstand the joke and do this one

>> No.6361021

I'm pretty sure it's just the lighting in that picture actually. Everyone in that group matched really well, as seen in >>6360401

>> No.6361044

I've seen this picture before, but only now noticed the Liv Tyler. It looks fucking awesome, does anyone have more pictures of it? Or even more Liv Tylers in general.

I own a few different glittery flats in different shades, and I've never had an issue of the glitter falling off? I thought that wasn't supposed to happen with commercially made shoes. I'm rough on them too, just wore my bronze glittery flats out in the pouring rain today and nothing came off.

>> No.6361048

Just checked the back and it says to use broadcloth. I feel like that would be a poor choice for the rest of the costume, though?

>> No.6361091


Agreed. Love her singing, but she's not very good at cosplaying Aradia. The wig and party city horns just ruin it for me.

>> No.6361097

Maybe it's her recording equipment but her singing is pretty pitchy and warbly at times, too.

>> No.6361104

Has anyone ever cosplayed a kid and simply painted their skin completely white? I think it would look cool, and technically it's the most canon accurate thing to do.

>> No.6361154

I've seen one or two but it looked really, really bad. Most people interpret it not as "literally the color white" but as blank, which makes life a lot easier.
It sounds like a neat idea, but I doubt it will ever be pulled off well.

>> No.6361160

Hmm... well I see it as more of a "literally white" skin color.

Maybe if I ever do Jade I'll paint myself white and see what happens.

>> No.6361164


is the dirk a dude?

>> No.6361171

Jesus fuck get that sick shit off the front page.

>> No.6361214
File: 338 KB, 500x669, tumblr_lmmwxnOaJA1qhbwtbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ran into this cosplayer at a con once they super super nice

>> No.6361230

do not tempt me

>> No.6361247
File: 89 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m7rbhuLDLz1qchyu1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen quite a few guardians like Bro and Mom with white zentai suits to pull off the of silhouette look, and if the rest of the costume is crafted well it looks really interesting. But the fact that the kids' sprites actually have facial features means that you kinda expect them to be humanised and to have skin tones that cast the natural highlights/shadows/reflections etc. on their face and body. I've never seen a full white makeup on a kid that I really enjoyed, except for pic related, which doesn't really count.

>> No.6361307

That picture makes me laugh every time I see it. I think it's the little eye holes near the top of John's hair.

>> No.6361343

This. Dear god Op...why?

>> No.6361376
File: 154 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mcmir9VnnX1rq3akro2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.6361379

Oh dear lord. I just went into the Fancy Dreamers tag and found this. It's a WIP for Mookie's Ballgown Dreamers Terezi.

Just. Oh my god. The designs already don't look good on actual people but I don't think newbies should try to make them anyway. That satin.

>> No.6361383
File: 49 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mbp46jQqAc1rp9mqqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.6361388


horns are wrong, paint is sloppy

I actually like the wig even if it's supposed to be curly I like how much volume there is and that it looks ratty and tangled like Disciples hair should

>> No.6361417
File: 325 KB, 500x741, tumblr_m6k9j5SGdh1qij4gjo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mookie designs are fuck ugly anyway not surprised they turn even uglier in unskilled hands

pic related

>> No.6361413

that poor girl jesus christ. i cant decide what's worse, the sagging boob area, the limp ''''skirt''''', or dat wrinklecrotch,

>> No.6361433

what the fuck even are these supposed to be I
Is it like, "the more random edgy stuff I can tack on, the better it will look!!!"

pulling a Kanaya and judging senses of fashion so hard right now

>> No.6361434

Like, I'm really trying to not be too hard on her because she's young, but why did she have to choose a design that's so hard to make? Holy shit.

>> No.6361439

That was taken at comic world. Damn it, I miss Koreans and their clever use of felt...

>> No.6361442
File: 568 KB, 1280x716, tumblr_lzza57pEqw1qij4gjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol because anyone would want to wear something this ugly references really needed

>> No.6361446


there's a real problem in homestuck with people not being honest with the kids and telling them to calm the fuck down

I see requests on the help blogs from kids who have never sewn and want to make fancystuck. needs more gentle discouragement

I just feel bad for that girl somebody should have stepped in earlier

>> No.6361453

If I remember right, I think it's stuff inspired by things that Mookie sees in Kera magazines. Most of her designs are J-fashion in some way.

Doesn't mean it looks good, though.

>> No.6361461
File: 500 KB, 1280x882, youguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I know I will never get into Home Stuck. To an outsider, Homestuck already has some shit tactular designs that you fans would just jump all over (and already have) Those designs look no different.
Picture related: The whole series is a shitty design contest. You all are winners

>> No.6361471


big shocker

>> No.6361472

Ugh some of those fantasystuck designs are horrid but this is definitely one of the worst.. John's is gross too. Dave's looks to be the best imo (not awesome, though), Jade's I can tolerate/would consider wearing if was simplified some.

>> No.6361474
File: 322 KB, 817x1200, tumblr_mclv6eOaA51qirvmwo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6361488
File: 92 KB, 900x600, homestuck__the_lost_child_by_colorpsychedelic-d5gsw5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You found everyone in this thread in one picture.
There are actually only 4 people in the whole world that cosplay from Homestuck, and the huge ass gatherings are only cleverly placed lights and Papier mache.
Congratulations, you win.

>> No.6361491

oh god that waist shoop

>> No.6361500


purple outfit is admittedly retarded, but the other three aren't that bad. blue outfit is a fucking tee shirt and pants. the colors are dumb but that's still better than outfits that require 13 heads of height and dislocated hipbones to look balanced

>> No.6361501
File: 39 KB, 600x400, dave_cosplay__great_derse_k_o__by_abessinier-d4ddwn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to say that I love how crisp her 'tattoos' are, but I'm 90% sure they're mainly shoop too.

And I don't have many dreamers saved, sad to say

>> No.6361505
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mbpprtUHuh1re1c3qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6361511
File: 357 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_m84yz7hEuO1ru6ow2o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6361519
File: 191 KB, 774x1032, againyousuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying that every single homestuck design is a shitty one. To say that those are awful is just...its laughable.
Pissing in a sea of piss essentially.

>> No.6361531

i usually dont think her designs are that bad but
holy shit
did she even
try with that one
the colors make my eyes hurt

>> No.6361535
File: 328 KB, 1280x962, tumblr_mckemayEsQ1r31iggo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.6361542

Oh god, it's such a shame because the horns are the best Tavros horns I've ever seen.

>> No.6361540

That's a shame... Those Tavros horns actually don't look like shit, as Tavros horns usually do. But everything else makes me sad.

>> No.6361553


Is that Terezi just wearing coloured stockings as pants? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6361566

Two fatass 'strong womyn' are trying to cosplay male Homestuck characters. They fail miserably at this task.

They're also using a shitty camwhore angle with a good camera

I think they took this in the bathroom in the middle of some kind of rave at a meetup or something

>> No.6361577

Anyone know a decent site for a Vriska wig? Haven't found anything I'm totally in love with yet.

>> No.6361591
File: 361 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_maz4j1mIrC1rnu77xo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ears.
I like a lot about this cosplay, but the ears are just..When did canon confirm the weird elf-ears for trolls?

>> No.6361594

There were some old pencil sketches in realistic mode that Hussie did which depicted trolls having pointy ears. I don't know where they are, but I'm sure someone on this thread has it saved.

>> No.6361602


Oh god, that looks so stupid. I know the disciple's hair is supposed to be big but that looks beyond retarded. Her hair is meant to look wild and untamed, not deliberately coiffed and poofed out like a drag queen scene girl.

>> No.6361614
File: 200 KB, 667x1000, i__m_here_by_devioustofu-d4m2nfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately. She's the only Terezi I've seen cosplay the default dreamer to date, though.

I think the pointed ears are cute, when appropriately sized. Not to mention a good number of them cover your ear so you don't have to worry about painting your ear.

>> No.6361621
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 480px-Rebels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it looks pretty damn close to the Disciple's hair if you ask me.

It needs to be longer, but the way it's makes sense and looks pretty close to the Disciple's hair.

>> No.6361620


I like the ears, but I like anything that makes the trolls look more alien

>> No.6361624
File: 406 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mckh4joFoA1qkzlogo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus help me out

>> No.6361630

oh god that Aradia looks retarded. What are her horns even made of? paper?

The Jane is adorable tho

>> No.6361638

I think it's those massive red eyelashes she's wearing. They're really not helping her expression at all. Not sure about the horns, though.

>> No.6361644

YES. She looks terrible.

>> No.6361646

That fuckin cod tier

>> No.6361652

those are definitely rachety paper horns. Quality.

>> No.6361656

How can you fuck up those really simple designs so badly???

>> No.6361669


No, it's not. The silhouettes aren't even remotely similar.

>> No.6361677


Me too! I think they run Fuck Yeah Homestuck Cosplay.

>> No.6361679


I really wish cod-tier would just stop cosplaying Aradia. She has received so much good critique to improve her cosplay but accepts none of it- she just throws a fit any time someone dares to criticize her makeup/wig/costume work and continues to keep cosplaying her terrible Aradia without any regard for improvement.

If she would just listen to critique instead of getting butthurt about it, I really think she could improve, but she doesn't, so she never will. This picture proves that she has no plans on stopping the awful makeup job or getting a decent wig.

>> No.6361685

Actually anon, if you don't mind offering help, do you have any suggestions for wigs for Aradia?

The current wig I have for her has a really flat front, and I'm not quite up to trying to figure out how to make it not so flat soon.

>> No.6361687
File: 413 KB, 485x900, IMG_5721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I think I ran into her at otakon, I snagged a picture with her in my Jane costume. She was pretty fantastic.

>> No.6361686

She should stop cosplaying at all. Her make up and laziness with clothes just fuck everything up so badly.

>> No.6361781

One of the album covers (I think the fourth one??) shows them with pointed ears. They're also shown with human ears, but the album cover gives it the canon go ahead.

>> No.6361790

I talked to her extremely briefly at Otakon, like while walking back to the parking garage brief, and she seemed really nice! She was cosplaying God Tier John at the time and I didn't realize she was also this Nana!

>> No.6361824

I have! And while it's a lot of fun, but like others have said it looked... really bad, sadly.
Take it from someone who knows, it's really not worth it in the end unless you can find some sort of way to not only pull it off, but do it in a group.

Looks kinda strange being in a group photo and being the only one painted.

>> No.6361834

/cgl/, show me some bad/good pre-hivebent Vriska cosplays to make me feel better/think about ways that I can improve my own.

>> No.6361854

pic please?

>> No.6361874
File: 599 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_maie9tklm21r2t5upo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this is the only picture I could really find where I had makeup, even if it's a shit one.
Of course I also was stupid as fuck, and didn't have on any eye makeup either.

I'm really an amateur at makeup stuff so maybe someone who is better with it could pull it off better but it'd take a skilled hand. Someone had given me the advice to drop it because white already sucks when photographed, never mind various other factors, like bad makeup jobs and so on.

>> No.6361879
File: 254 KB, 1280x853, cronus_mituna_spookstuck2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i've heard a lot of people complaining about mituna's who attach horns to the helmet rather than making holes. any opinions on this?

for me it's one of those needlessly nitpicky things that don't matter unless your going to be taking pictures with and without the helmet on.

>> No.6361880
File: 46 KB, 540x720, tumblr_m8q6olsreB1rdign8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this Vriska. It was her first cosplay ever. (I only think she could use a longer wig but it's really great anyway)

>> No.6361881

that actually does not look as bad as i expected, saw a gt jade do white make up and that just looked bad
i mean if people paint themselves for sprites why not the kids also

>> No.6361889

I had a similar mentality, really! Like I said though, it looks strange on one's own. If you got a group of folks, say in my case if I had a Jake, Dirk, and Roxy to do the white makeup with me it probably wouldn't be so strange. But by itself it looks stark and odd.

Give it a shot I suppose! If you have the makeup already, or are more skilled with it, there's nothing saying you can't try really. Just wanted to tell you my own experience.

Another problem I found with it, by the way, is the amounts you really have to use to get your skin a good shade of white, because like troll makeup if any skin shows through it looks blotchy and bad. Just as a warning. As well, someone also had said the non-canon black lipstick I was using made it seem harsh so in your case perhaps going white lipped or even with grey thin lips may help that out.

Sorry if I keep rambling, I'd just rather help someone out before they make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.6361893

For me it's not so much the horns being attatched to the helmet that's a problem so much as it is the fact that people don't look make it actually look like it's a helmet with holes drilled into it for horns. They place the horns awkwardly so they don't line up with the head, or they don't account for the fact that the horns they make should be shorter, or they don't paint holes around the horns or make ridges or something to make it look like they're not growing out of the helmet or something.

Just think about how a helmet with holes for horns would ACTUALLY look before you make it; even if you're just attatching horns.

>> No.6361895

Oh, she's cute. The horns aren't necessarily how I picture them, but everything's well-done enough for it to definitely pass.

(Capcha: horses, erieszin)

>> No.6361899


I like how it looks like the horns are actually coming out of her head. That's nice.

>> No.6361939

ohhh i missed the SD meetup, how was it?

>> No.6362191
File: 141 KB, 600x710, 130025292080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one saved but it gives the general gist

>> No.6362193

It'd be nice if she could at least sort her makeup out, she wears way too much and it looks ridiculous.

>> No.6362273

Sort of canon or not, I dislike the elf ear look on trolls. It looks better on some than others (Sollux especially looks best with them) but otherwise, no

>> No.6362341

I dunno, I personally like them a lot. It depends on the shape of the ears and how they look on the person, too. Some people pull it off better than others.

>> No.6362384

It was a good time. Thanks to it being officially labeled as a potluck there was plenty of food, the weather stayed pretty neutral, and they managed to go the whole day without a single spin-the-bottle game.

The park closed at sunset so everyone ended up walking over to the mall to chill in the food court. Thanks to mods and actually respectful kids, nobody managed to make a commotion.

>> No.6362447

yes good
something about the crown bothers me but yes good
shit i love it
holy shit what

the overwhelming problem with homestuck cosplay is that a lot of them are really young, cosplaying for the first time, and not researching how to make things, and not being able to make good judgement calls on how terrible they look.

>> No.6362478

Quick question for you guys, what sewing machine would you recommend? I looking to get a new one since my current sewing machine is ancient and is slowly dying.

>> No.6362531


a lot of people still like singers even if they're not as good as they used to be. low range brothers are reliable.

>> No.6362566

I've learned that the old machines work way better than new ones. I rock a Husqvarna from the 70s, it used to belong to my dad. It works like a dream, has never broken down.

>> No.6362594

If you want to get one that's easy to find in a store and affordable, go with Brother. Singers are such shit now...

>> No.6362621

Question about armsocks
Will it be possible to use touch screen things with them on? I've done a cosplay that involved gloves before and it was nearly impossible to use touch screens without taking them off....

>> No.6362673

I don't think she cosplays as John!

>> No.6362761

Anyone familiar with the DCstuck crowd? I just moved back down and I'm curious...but also apprehensive, if only because I feel like it'll be mostly 14-year-olds and I'm 21.

>> No.6362770

I'm friends with them and can confirm that they've never cosplayed GT John! I don't know who you met, but it wasn't them.

>> No.6362876

I was able to use a laptop touchpad with armsocks, but I don't know about phone touchscreens. Probably, since tights are pretty thin.

>> No.6362885

I just stuck my arm into a pair of thin tights and i could use my phone's touchscreen just fine.

You should be able to use a touchscreen with armsocks

>> No.6362922


I guess it depends what kind of tights you make them out of. Test with your material before you sew them and you should be fine.

>> No.6362937
File: 666 KB, 527x859, tumblr_mcnxlzzR3y1qgncr8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362941

I loved that Disciple, she was amazing. Cod-Tier looks bloody stupid, though. Get that girl a make-up wipe. That being said, my god Meulin is a cute cosplay for a chubby girl.

>> No.6362942

cod-tier looking dumb, as always. what's new here?

>> No.6362946


Agreed on the fat Meulin thing- I think chubby girls can look really nice as her. Cancerously is a good example, but cod-tier... not so much. Also, what's up with her eyebrows...? They look like commas.

>> No.6362948


I can't tell if her paint is just sloppy or if it's... fuzzy? It looks weirdly furry around the boob area in the first photo.

>> No.6362951

>people making out in cosplay
>people getting naked or almost naked and doing inappropriate things in cosplay
>no good skinny feferi cosplay

>> No.6362967

I think she was trying to go for the kind of sketchy look of the green lines on the Disciple's silhouette. It was drawn roughly there, so I think it isn't bad painting at all, just a stylistic choice that didn't translate well to real life.

That's the problem with a lot of the "trickier" Homestuck designs; it's really easy to pick an interpretation that doesn't quite work IRL. Then again, considering the Ancestors are basically a fuck you to the cosplayers that backfired...

>> No.6362973
File: 375 KB, 1178x861, tumblr_m7j6glldDH1qivmmmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no good skinny feferi cosplay

and peppermintcakes doesn't count because...?

>> No.6362977

Cod-tier is really starting to annoy me. How do you get that many people giving you good advice and then ignore it all and literally never improve? It's not like she's a clueless newbie, what is her deal? Some cosplayers would kill for that much free help, and to just discard it?!

>> No.6362981
File: 729 KB, 538x809, tumblr_mcnvw2Fe9T1qgncr8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6362994

calliope is basically supposed to be a skeleton why is this happening

>> No.6362990


With all the sparkles, did she mean キラキラ and fucked up?

>> No.6362993



>> No.6362995

>implying that isnt kawaii as fuck

>> No.6363017


Maid Aradia costumes, while I think are unnecessary and a bit of a stretch, at least make a little bit of sense since she's the Maid of Time.

But Calliope isn't a Maid. She's a Muse. Why is she in a maid uniform. That shit ain't kawaii at all.

>> No.6363054

>that crooked horizon
oh man that is really freaking distracting.

>> No.6363234

The store was out of Ben Nye creme liner in white, but they had the P series foundation in white. Can I still mix that with the grey?

>> No.6363274
File: 69 KB, 639x960, 577922_228541743916957_466868124_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I the only one who dislikes when jadesprites do their makeup like this? I mean it doesnt look terrible or anything but damn
once the first jadesprite did it, the rest seemed to follow
lets get some creativity in this bitch, fandom

>> No.6363282

I understand what youre saying.

But Jadesprite spent 85% of her time crying up until cascade. Seems pretty raisinable to me.

>> No.6363337

dude there's not many other ways to do Jadepsrite makeup. Green tears, green nose, green lipstick. What else do you want?

>> No.6363381

Yes, just be careful not to mix in too much white.

>> No.6363400

DCstuck is mostly harmless, though I haven't been to a meet since June-- usually I just hang out with a crowd of people who range from late high school to early twenties who are much more relaxed to chat with Homestuck about. Still, there haven't been any major incidents at meetups. It's pretty good.

>> No.6363408
File: 624 KB, 900x600, tumblr_m94n935Z9Q1qzmpk6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363419

except bunnystuck was shit

>> No.6363421

Can we make a rule for HSCGL and not post content that is more than 2 weeks old PLEASE.

>> No.6363423

are you kidding old shit gets posted all the time

>> No.6363425

she's an adorable jadesprite though so who cares

>> No.6363427
File: 612 KB, 900x859, jadefin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post my progress for this here. ALmost done Jade, just need to style the wig and take in the tunic a bit more and I'll be ready for AUSA! Anyone here going to AUSA?

>> No.6363440
File: 388 KB, 1280x850, tumblr_mcjfi3nZ8l1qfilwyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh it was ok i kind of like it
wish i could cosplay it but she said no one could do it other than that group

>> No.6363455

She said others could do it just not the exact same design/accessories she commissioned for hers, so change it up and go for it anon I'm making my own version of Roxy

>> No.6363456


Cute! I like your skirt especially.

What's going on with your tights though? They look a bit loose.

>> No.6363459

Ack, I was hoping it wouldn't be too notable but they're a bit big on me. I'll have to see what I can do to fix them

>> No.6363468

I do music production as well as cosplay, and I just made an LMFAO medley for an LMFAOstuck group. Feel slightly dirty, but good.

>> No.6363478

what's going on with her arm?

>> No.6363482


holy shit I never noticed that her shoes are a completely different color than everything else

at least her makeup looks less bad than it did IRL that was a fucking mess

>> No.6363484
File: 267 KB, 498x374, alphakids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on that alpha kid headcanon post going around?

>> No.6363487


It's no biggie! Even if you don't find a way to fix them, the rest of the costume is great.

>> No.6363490

I'm not really sure what it's called, but I can do the same thing. It's something to do with the joints, but I don't know if it's being double-jointed or not.

>> No.6363494

You look super adorable! Love the tunic, but I'm not really feeling the ears. They look a bit like they're falling over?

>> No.6363506

decent, but I've seen better. Those nude Alphas from russia that are making the rounds are better imho.

>> No.6363507

hyper extension. "double jointed" basically.
I have it too, its really annoying for photos because it happens without you noticing and people point it out

>> No.6363508

Thanks! They're actually sitting a bit far back and fart apart there, I think that might be the issue.

>> No.6363515

Your skirt and tunic look excellent! I'd just get tights that are more obviously black-and-white, those look kinda black-and-grayish. Adjust the ears to face forwards to.

I'll look out for you at AUSA! I'll be doing three different costumes with painting my face, erk.

>> No.6363521

they look like shit and people only like them because they are naked and have cis men

>> No.6363523


>fart apart

i loled

>> No.6363534
File: 2 KB, 160x244, Godtierjadesprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of avoided the black and white and went off the sprite since its grey on grey there
Ack, good luck with the facepaint. I have Kanaya and Huapo so I'll be painting up my face too haha.

gdamnit, I am the best at spelling.

>> No.6363550

Ah they are gray-gray on the sprite, I had forgotten. Looks ok next to the sprite then.

And yea, I'm also doing Kanaya, as well as Feferi and lawyer She-Hulk so funsies.

>> No.6363555

any tips on genderbending something well? so that you don't look like you are too lazy to crossplay

>> No.6363560
File: 112 KB, 960x640, 383821_2983044334873_349884265_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh this vriska i just... feel like the colors or maybe the material is off? am i being stupid or does it look weird

>> No.6363562

detailed work, mainly. either be really well styled or work off a popular genderbend design.

>> No.6363568
File: 117 KB, 650x800, 03127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're not stupid, it's definitely off. Here's how the colors are supposed to be.

>> No.6363577

Oh geeze, face paint con haha. I also have Princess bubblegum but I got real lazy about wanting to face paint that. Which outfit are you doing for Kanaya?

>> No.6363590

Rainbowdrinker, with the sash and chainsaw. I'm in the middle of remaking my horns -- paperclay just wasn't working for these.

Feferi's really only meant to be for a photoshoot I missed doing at Otakon but I get the feeling I'll be stuck in her for a while, with having to makeup my damned arms. If there's time, a friend and I are doing AusHun together.

>> No.6363591
File: 314 KB, 2048x1536, 415771_10151292762800921_855087351_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met moosey at mcm and she was a sweetheart

>> No.6363605

Ack, what about armsocks for Fef? Might save you the hassle of paint. I'm doing the red dress Kanaya version, I just made some armsocks so I wouldn't have to deal with that.

>> No.6363606

Jane and Jake holy shit PERFECT. Roxy's kind of meh, I'm not sure if she's wearing contacts if yes then why that colour and if not she should get a pair.

Dirk is crap. I can't tell for sure but hair looks misstyled and what the fuck is going on with dem brows. He's got thick eyebrows yeah but they're not black wth

>> No.6363611

why yellow contacts though. They're really distracting and just WRONG.the rest of the costume lookss damn near perfect.

>> No.6363613
File: 215 KB, 500x287, christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen the sis designs out there?
have you seen the cosplayers?

>> No.6363620
File: 120 KB, 640x631, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6363629

It would, but my sewing skills are not that great I have to say. If I had the means to sew stretchy material like that I would -- I think armsocks for Fef would be really cool if they had a little webbing between the fingers.

>> No.6363631

I loathe when people give Leijon's cleft lips.

>> No.6363634
File: 91 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m87p4bbe2C1qcfj3jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6363650


Die sis scum.

>> No.6363651
File: 59 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mckjisRrTJ1r4wjr7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karkat's paint is rubbing off, but I'm enjoying his shitty fake glasses and Jade's visible horn headband heheheh

>> No.6363668

i like how the tz in the back just looks dead or really fucking chill

>> No.6363671

Jade having a visible horn headband makes perfect sense, she's Jade dressing up as Karkat. Not a troll.

>> No.6363693


This was such a cute idea. I love Vintage Aerith's Rose-as-Kanaya too.

>> No.6363701

that is why I thought it was nice it wasn't sarcasm,

>> No.6363725

Jesus dem glasses. Biggest i've ever seen

>> No.6363739

I think your symbol is a little big. But other than that you look great.

>> No.6363752

Now that Terezi is freaking me out a bit. This image totally needs some creepypasta.

>> No.6363787
File: 400 KB, 633x950, meevist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far, the only Sis Strider I've ever found halfway-acceptable. The ridiculously tight crop tops still irritate me because they'd inhibit your range of motion pretty severely, but this Sis has abs, short hair, and a good photographer.

The kid genderbends I could appreciably see with long hair are John and Jake -- John because his lifestyle isn't daily strife sessions like the Striders, and Jake because island kid with no good sense of mane maintenance. Strider girls with lolita ringlets down to their waists make zero sense.

or had most of her bones removed via evil clown magyks

>> No.6363814

I think this picture was just taken later in the day, haha. They were super cute! There's better pictures on tumblr somewhere.

>> No.6363870

is the same guy who posted the severely-edited webcam pictures of himself as Kurloz and Cronus. Vies to be internet-popular: Got a picture of himself surprise-kissing Hussie at SDCC and made a Tumblr parody of Gangnam Style.
He gets by on being an okay-looking mixed-heritage cis male, the same way windmillzp was when his Jake self-portraits first surfaced.

>> No.6363876
File: 237 KB, 800x960, 6567989079689687687687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people cosplay from this kind of thing?

>> No.6363904


I'm a cis male who cosplays in this fandom. I didn't realize that entitled me to jack shit.

>> No.6363917 [DELETED] 

I'm linking this thing I drew you guys because it's sorta NSFW?
I don't wanna be banned again I'm sorry mods.

>> No.6363922

what is this even?

>> No.6363938

But windmillzp actually tried.

Okay, maybe I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's attractive.

>> No.6363934

http://daycarestuck.tumblr.com/ It's from this. It's just a silly, cute little AU about the trolls as little kids.

Cosplaying it is a bit strange though, as they're all 5 or 6...

>> No.6363946

it entitles you to the swooning of a million girls who think having a penis makes you inherently a better cosplayer. have fun doing a half-assed dave and getting undeserved attention for it! plus no one will ever feel the need to demand what your sex is when you get posted here.

i'm amazed i've never seen MTF cosplayers get anywhere near the number of rude dismissive comments FTM guys do about their cosplays, considering how in daily life trans* women have it a lot worse. i'd say i wish there was shit being hurled at cis guy crossplayers too, but there's hardly any of them and the ones i've seen get fawned over because they're doing kawaii fanservice by deigning to cosplay a girl. fun stuff.

>> No.6363943

From a tumblr where all the trolls are kids from the kindergarten and the kids are the teachers.

>> No.6363947


>> No.6363958

See >>6363934

>> No.6363970


thats what happens when you let tumblr social justice turn your identity into an attention getting mechanism

>> No.6363978

this is how hussie draws ALL ears in hussnasty mode
even the kids
and i'm pretty sure the kids aren't elves

>> No.6363981

If only I wasnt black so I could enjoy this wonderful sounding privilege.
Its a good thing Im not in it for the ladies.

>> No.6363996
File: 76 KB, 949x651, wretrfyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna do a Jadesprite cosplay. Every cosplay I see of her, they give her a white dress and white skin. Why?? Jadesprite has green skin, green clothes, green everything! It's like they didn't even research what she looked like. Anyways, I like how the white looks better than green. Green faces just look.... weird. And I've only seen like one or two example of it. Do you think people would care if I made myself white? Or should I just do green?

pic related

>> No.6364006

ok what??? who is this guys? tumblr? he KISSED hussie? what the fuck is he some sort of a moron?

>> No.6364016

I'd go with a very light pastel green, instead of the darker green she has. Still will be accurate without looking really weird.

>> No.6364015

why does cgl let their feelings on a blogging website dictate their treatment of an entire demographic. seems a tad retarded

>> No.6364018
File: 2 KB, 208x289, Jadesprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sprite is white, so you'd be fine if you wanted to do that.

>> No.6364017

Because her sprite is white and green. Go with white, it's better.

>> No.6364022

Okay thanks. I think I might go with a really light pastel green like the first guy said. And if I can't do that, I'll just go with white.

>> No.6364028

did you go to supercon?

>> No.6364042

>Implying race automatically makes you a bad cosplayer.
>Implying you are not fucking retarded.

>> No.6364053


>Implying I implied that
I was implying that, if I tried to half ass a Dave cosplay id end up looking like complete shit and everyone would wonder what the fuck I was thinking. And theyd be right.

>> No.6364072


And yet, white Davesprites look like crap and orange Davesprites look fantastic. Who knows.

>> No.6364083

You probably wouldn't if you actually put work into it. Shit, even half assing it would be better than most of the fandom's Daves. Maybe you shouldn't be so down about being black?

>> No.6364091

Did you even read the post I was replying to? Or did you just notice I pulled the race card and flew off the handle?

Im very well aware how to look nice in cosplay.

>> No.6364157


Fix the sagginess in the tights and I'd say it's a decent job (and for Homestuck, decent is like...almost god tier).


>> No.6364166

Oh gosh yes I saw the bunnystuck shoot and it was just like. Please all of you, fix your makeup. Being bunnies does not mean you get a free pass to shoopland and your own merry-go-round.

>> No.6364184

>What you did there
But thanks!

>> No.6364390

But the post didn't even mention White or Black and you just pulled it out of the air.

>> No.6364405
File: 451 KB, 1280x1628, tumblr_mbhnlqahY91rt09xxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr user radstunts
piling on to what >>6363870 said he's a fatty who thinks he's hot shit because of a terrible joke of a song that tumblr fangirls cream their panties over.

>> No.6364410

Im aware.

>> No.6364413

you do realize the only makeup was on her face right...and it looked good..she had a shirt and tights on to cover up the rest

>> No.6364416

Jane is pretty good but yikes no there are so many better ones also these pics are crap

>> No.6364426

please show me what other Janes you're talking about that aren't fat or unattractive

>> No.6364439

Ok guys tell me this. I've seen a lot of people get mixed up with shooping appearance and using basic photoshop to enhance a picture like every professional photographer does. Also what's the harm in smoothing up makeup. They're not drawing it on. Professionals do it all the time in edits, shit happens. I can understand major work but fixing up certain splotches isn't bad. And lighting, darkening makeup, this is all amateur photographer work it's not crazy shooping. I know some people are guilty of manipulating their actual appearance or costumes but the majority are just basic editing don't confuse the two.

>> No.6364446

no anon I meant Jane is the only good one in that set the rest are aweful

>> No.6364462

>implying that fat is unattractive

>> No.6364473

A good percentage isn't to enhance the photo, though. The levels of photoshop applied to posts that then get reblogged and spread everywhere because people know jack is ridiculous and does get to people.

There's nothing wrong with fixing minor flaws, but this fandom goes far beyond minor flaws consistently.

>> No.6364480

That John has some big arms holy hell.

>> No.6364497
File: 218 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mbi1lztjXb1qbwnxlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi heaven how are you

>> No.6364501

Herrehghr when you see her in real life, her makeup is all caked and flakey. It settles in her laugh lines and makes them hideously deep.

>> No.6364505

Ok yes I'll agree with you there. I'm just tired of people who complain about things who don't know what they're talking about. As a photographer I get annoyed on both ends of the spectrum - when stuff is overshooped and when people complain about editing in general

>> No.6364511

what are you talking about she does her make up PERFECTLY because she's a theater major and uses only the best make up and not ben nye uhg

>> No.6364513

no sorry anon I'm a photographer not a cosplayer and I'm not talking about drastic photoshop but touch ups

>> No.6364517

give me more good cosplay shit is sucking

>> No.6364523

>There's nothing wrong with fixing minor flaws, but this fandom goes far beyond minor flaws consistently.

Absolutely this. There's nothing wrong with fixing your makeup if a bit has come off or if you didn't apply it in a place so it wouldn't touch your costume, if you had zits and want them gone, or even eye color if you can't wear colored contacts.

The big things I hate in photoshop are serious altering of the face or body where it shows a completely different person. Like if you met them in person, you'd wonder if it was the same girl/guy you saw pictures of online.

>> No.6364526

Link to her tumblr please since she changed it from prospit-dreamer

>> No.6364529
File: 151 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mcojjwBBQo1ru6ow2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going to leave this here

>> No.6364534
File: 95 KB, 377x750, awful meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is all a local meet up has to offer

>> No.6364536


>> No.6364566


The problem is that this fandom is notorious for people just slapping their costumes on and taking poor quality pictures just so they can shoop everything to hell and back. And then when someone points it out, they get buttmad.

>> No.6364588

Suddenly every 'ME FIRST!!1' cosplay comes to mind.

>> No.6364599


>> No.6364628
File: 80 KB, 250x375, tumblr_m7sln4Q2cK1r8qcmyo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone i know is one of those awful "FIRST!!1!!!" cosplayers. I think she was mentioned a few HSGs back.

Also, the lack of styling in this Kanaya's wig is really, really bugging me. It's a great cosplay, but...The wig is just so flat.

>> No.6364634

Oh really?

And yeah, I agree. Her makeup job is gorgeous but the flat wig is really turning me off to appreciating the costume as a whole. Horns are lovely, too.

>> No.6364638
File: 66 KB, 540x720, tumblr_m4t0g3fbLr1qcuaupo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know man i have seen some things

i have seen some things

>> No.6364642


Doesn't even have wings.

There are a bunch of really good orange Davesprites. I don't think there's such thing as a really good white Davesprite.

>> No.6364643

Honestly I don't like the horns, they look too small. Minus the horns and the wig, the cosplay is pretty great.

>> No.6364650

I almost added in my last post that the horns looked a bit thin. They don't look like complete shit like a ton of horns out there and the paint job is nice. But yeah, they are small.

>> No.6364660

What the hell is even up with those nails, ugh

>> No.6364666

But there is no reason as to why Sis would have a crop top, its so illogical and blatantly sexualizing. I would think a fitted polo would be the most obviously appropriate top.

>> No.6364674
File: 943 KB, 800x600, FUCKNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6364688

I don't really care, keeps all the weirdos away from other series and now the APH fandom isn't shit anymore.

>> No.6364693
File: 56 KB, 225x220, jesuschristho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that even supposed to be??

Also what is with people using Homestuck "cosplay" to satisfy their exhibitionism fetish?

>> No.6364695

I'm gonna take a good guess and say it's Rose.

And I have no fucking idea. I've never seen so much porn (not drawn art) and nudity in a fandom before.

>> No.6364698
File: 142 KB, 209x330, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw they'll be gone next summer.

>> No.6364712

maybe she's tired from hot hate sex with gamzee

>> No.6364728


Source? I need a good laugh in the reblogs.

>> No.6364737

don't say I didnt warn you

>> No.6364740
File: 517 KB, 1280x1690, fatjake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.6364759

Fucking christ.

>> No.6364761

I almost asked what I was looking at here until I saw the filename.

How on earth is that Jake? Also that tattoo.

>> No.6364764
File: 189 KB, 456x628, 1351376829563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves this one and it makes me so mad because her wig looks like awful on her, forehead and then people say it looks amazing on her.

>> No.6364765


All fandoms have a dark seedy underbelly full of porn but fuck HS. Fuck. You guys win. Nudestuck, peestuck, live action shit and that's just cosplayers. I have never seen such a large and sexually frustrated fandom.

>> No.6364769
File: 49 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mcoqu6270r1r3r8ggo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6364774

that Jake looks like a baby Andre the Giant

>> No.6364777

What's sad is that if she got a different wig that didn't make her head look huge, she could be a pretty Porrim. Having a great body doesn't excuse the terrible wig.

>> No.6364782
File: 273 KB, 500x432, tumblr_mbv1lk1vku1r7mujco1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homestuck cosplay at it's finest.

>> No.6364786


Bro is a weird-ass dude, though, and one who apparently flaunts sexuality (making fetish porn, marionettes in bondage gear...)

I can see Sis Strider flaunting her sexuality ironically.

>> No.6364788

all her wigs look awful on her

I don't know if she just has a funky head, or if she just can't style them to flatter

>> No.6364797
File: 14 KB, 300x364, 600full-mars-attacks!-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. It makes her head look misshapen.

>> No.6364807


has a penis obviously the superior cosplayer

>> No.6364817
File: 185 KB, 1100x733, tumblr_mcnt0kkJw71qirvmwo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems like a lot of her wigs are that shape.

>> No.6364825
File: 76 KB, 347x450, alina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just her head

>> No.6364840

Maybe it's that she's not properly capping/pinning her hair and it's super long?
Does anyone have a picture of her without a wig?

>> No.6364878
File: 139 KB, 600x643, tumblr_m2ey47sH721qirvmwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6364896
File: 77 KB, 550x327, gloomy_mouse_by_alinajames-d39qjzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe both?

>> No.6364942
File: 352 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mco0zkv0uJ1ru6ow2o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makeup did not hold up at all. is there anyway to do porrim's tattoos and it not look stupid?

>> No.6364955

is she just not pulling the wig down all the way in the back? i just...
wait i figured it out she hides treasure in her wigs

>> No.6364968

I was thinking about painting them with a paint brush and PAX

To add, I hate kankri's with these really obvious pattern sweaters.

>> No.6364973

why though? it's supposed to be a hand-knit sweater. i think having a pattern is better than a cheap cotton sweater from walmart

>> No.6364977

New thread >>6364974

>> No.6364989

because of just that, it doesn't look handknit at all, it looks like they just got lazy and bought the first red sweater they saw

>> No.6365201

I think the wig is okay! just unstyled.

>> No.6365944

Jane is the best. I kind of like the Roxy, but there have been SO many great Roxys