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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6358539 No.6358539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread 1 is on nomo'bump. Youmacon! 5 days!
Here is the main programming schedule: http://www.xiberspace.com/youmacon/Youmacon2012-Schedule-Oct-27.pdf
Here is the cosplay schedule: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?jx5d5nr3ckk9eo1

Meet-up will be at 5 pm on Friday, hotel lobby by the bar, moving to the roof if the weather isn't causing death from above.

>> No.6358724
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Is it just me, or are most of the winners of the calendar contest Michigan/Canada based? That's not fishy at all, and not really fair to out-of-state attendees wanting to enter.

>> No.6358795
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I'm shuddering at the hordes of Linkara/TGWTG fans I'm going to bump into. I don't want to sound like a /co/ elitist, but shrieking into your camera does not equal fame...Oh fuck, I forgot that PewDiePie is a thing.

I can't fucking WAIT to see Paul Schrier though. When I was growing up, I thought Bulk and Skull were the two most punk motherfuckers on the planet. I'm going to see if he'll go the the bar with me and my group of friends, he seems like such a solid dude from interviews I've seen at Powermorphacon. Jon St. Jon and Sonny Strait too? It's pretty much Childhood Con this year.

>> No.6358840
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I had drinks with Paul and Narvy at the bar saturday night at Morphicon this year.
Needless to say it was awesome!! and Paulie Likes Kamen Rider!
ask him about the Morphicon Pie wall

>> No.6358859


I think my group and him will get along swimmingly then. I just want to buy one of my childhood heros a beer.

>> No.6359036
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>don't remember Scott McNeil being on the guest list last time I checked
>thought he only attended a couple cons a year
>thought I lost my chance

I never had the means to go to a con when I was younger and he was more active, this makes my day.

>> No.6359058


>> No.6362444
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So, the meetup is at 5 on Friday either where it was last year or by the door to the roof if the weather sucks?

>> No.6362481
File: 743 KB, 1933x1108, youmacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALRIGHT. Assuming nothing goes wrong with Cammys bracers, this is what ill be wearing. Might bring Chie along for the midnight persona shoot/a backup costume

>> No.6362590

I'd guess most of the attendees are from Michigan or Ontario, so it's not surprising

that's the plan

>> No.6362613

My money is on Lousy weather.
What with it being the ass end of autumn in Michigan and the giant fuckstorm to the east making strange weather patterns

It might fucking snow tonight even

>> No.6362881

Weather will suck a little: http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Detroit+MI+USMI0229:1:US Bring a sweater.

>> No.6363026

at least the sun will come out

>> No.6363042

where was it last year? on the balcony thing right?

chilly weather is better than rainy weather.

>> No.6363141

This is my first year at Youma and none of my close friends will be there. What typically goes on there? Anywhere to go for sure or any places to avoid like the plague?

>> No.6363198


Dark allies and East Detroit.

>> No.6363236


Outside for reasons other than Cobo. And even then, be quick about it.

Also, Interstate 96 if it's on your route to the con, some maniac's shooting at random cars.

Enjoy Detroit!

>> No.6363278

I meant in the sense of the con center buuut this is good to know too.
Oh shi- I'm not the one doing the driving so I'll be sure to pass the word along.

I doubt I'll be venturing far from the con center to begin with but thanks for the heads up though!

>> No.6363338


The people mover is handy though, you can get to some good restaurants if you ride the line a little bit. Don't be afraid to explore a little, but just be careful about where you are and move in a group. Don't get too far from populations or landmarks.

>> No.6363341

How many people who cosplay on the day of the meetup just go without changing into normal clothes?

>> No.6363498


Not really. You're in the good part of Detroit so you'll be safe as far as big city safety goes. Only way for you to actually be in danger is to leave the area, stand in the middle of the street, hang out in allies, and just in general, leave the area of the convention center and venter 3 hours in to ghettos.

>> No.6363566
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I'll be wearing this when I'm not running cameras.

>> No.6363576

Well, being in a bigger city or taking public transit is nothing new to me so I'll probably be okay.
Thanks again guys!

>> No.6363581

how much is the fare on the people mover?

>> No.6363588

you mean I cant go fight crime as nightwing? :(

>> No.6363596

the people mover costs money?

>> No.6363713


Ya you can. Just not where Youmacon is going to be!

>> No.6363965

IIRC, about 50 cents a round. It only goes in one direction.

>> No.6364136

got bumped up to $.75 but there might be a special weekend pass for youmacon or something in the works

>> No.6364144

so you have to pay to go somewhere that you have to walk back from anyway?

why would anyone pay for this?

>> No.6364152

Well, the people mover goes throughout all downtown... but yeah, it's not a very big loop. I remember one of my teachers in high school ranting about how the People Mover was just put there by the auto companies to get people to shut up about public transportation.

>> No.6364177

why is it one way, though? like, it has to get back to where it started eventually- right? or do they make everyone get off until it gets back to the start?

or is it just too big a trip to be reasonable to wait the entire way? idgi

TBH it seems like something to exploit the lazy.

>> No.6364190

Nope, it goes in one big loop. No one gets kicked off. Trip's not that long. Last year, a friend and I rode a full trip in less than 20 minutes

>> No.6364197

then why do they say it's one way only?

>> No.6364209

Think of it like a race track. It goes all the way around the loop, but only one direction.

>> No.6364221

Because they mean it goes one direction, meaning you have to take a full trip from Cobo to get back to the Ren Cen.

>> No.6364225

i can slightly understand that, but the proper way to advertise that would be
>one way round trip x minutes

because "one way" alone generally means you go, you're dropped off, that's it. only way back is to find other means of transportation.

>> No.6364300


Because it is.

>Get on people mover.
>Get off at station.
>Implying Michigan has public transit besides the people mover.
>Implying getting back on is an option.

>> No.6364313

there's decent public transit up here in GR, buses take awhile but you can get all over- besides suburb areas of course.

but back to the people mover- yeah, then what's the point? you pay to go somewhere that you have to walk back from anyway.
that makes zero sense.

>> No.6364362

Where's the best place to park? I live in A2 and am commuting in every day.

>> No.6364419

You could take the people mover both ways. It's just a matter of when it comes back to your part of the loop

>> No.6364440
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So parking at this Cobo place or the Renaissance is equally good? (Sorry, just moved to Michigan and haven't been to Detroit yet.)

>> No.6364457

oh my god i want pictures with you if you do Athrun, I'm gonna be Lacus

>> No.6364483

I'm from Ontario so I don't know very much about Detroit, but as I recall, there's cheap daily parking at the Ren Center. I think the garage is immediately east of the main building and is connected by a bridge.
I don't remember how much it was, but it was reasonable, especially if you have other people pitching in.

>> No.6364521

so, uhh, who's going to the orgy? o_O

>> No.6364545


>> No.6364611


I'm stil ltrying to find out where it is, when it is, and if I can work up the nerve to join in.

>> No.6364653


>> No.6364659

oh my gawwwwd if i didn't think i'd need eye bleach afterwards, i would so attend just to witness the terror

>> No.6364668

>no mention of STD testing

imagine all those blue waffles... EEEWWWWW!

get pics pl0x, hope you make it out alive. :/

>> No.6364692
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No wonder people like this con so much.

>> No.6364773

lol i'm not actually gonna do it omg that'd be so unpleasant

> eiwash plugs.
the captcha gets it

>> No.6364829
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>attend just to witness

I don't think so buddy. Once you enter that door, the 20 fat neckbeards and landwhales inside will never let you out with your virginity intact.

>> No.6364945
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>if you do Athrun

This happens every time I cosplay Shinn...

>> No.6364980
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More specifically, the People Mover was built so that people who kept talking about a subway would just shut the fuck up.

Also, it was built to fail. And look at it; it's a complete failure.


>> No.6364995
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catpcha: years ughbolo

>> No.6365187

Oh my God, the look on that lady's face, I can't stop giggling.

>> No.6365485
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>> No.6365749
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You guys might like some of the flyers from the Security group.

>> No.6365766
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>> No.6365767
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This seems to be everyone's favorite.

>> No.6365830

... I want to stick it inside you.

>> No.6366203
File: 660 KB, 1920x804, Wreck-it-Ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!!!!

They have Wreck-It Ralph at the Ren Cen Theater!

4:30, 7:00 and 9:30

>> No.6366207

boyfriend and i will for sure be going. anyone else?

>> No.6366234

I might, but it depends on if I've got other stuff going. I'm tempted to duck out of Cosplay Shougi for it, but idk

>> No.6366242

what day though?

>> No.6366247

uhg oh no. BF really wants to go to Shougi, i don't think he'd skip that for something that will be in theaters for weeks.

>> No.6366257

Am I the only one who forgot to pre-order the pass and has to wait in the line?

>> No.6366280

nope. how long is the wait usually for Youma?

would it be worth it to get there early to wait for the registration to open instead of waiting in line?

>> No.6366283

It's long as fuck at peak hours.

Line up.

>> No.6366285

as I recall, there was barely any line in the mid-afternoon on friday. It shouldnt be too bad

>> No.6366299

thanks ~

i'll most likely end up in line at 11:30ish. BF wants to be there early on thursday, doubt he'll want to sleep in on friday either.

>> No.6366388


Where did you find get the times? The Ren Cen Theater is not showing it on their website.

>> No.6366406

aw shit, totally didn't look close enough at that picture, my bad.
but they do look remarkably similar lol

>> No.6366497

So wait, is cosplay speed dating actual speed dating, or are you doing it in character?

>> No.6366563
File: 240 KB, 720x963, YOUMACON 2012 CGL MEETUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hasn't been posted in the thread yet so

It might be funnier if you do it in character

>> No.6368340

Weather is looking like it will be low 50s

>> No.6368393

That's usually what it's like in Michigan this time of year

>> No.6368396

have fun, everyone! i hope the weather doesn't get TOO shitty on ya'll!!

i'm pretty bummed i can't go this year... the past two years were a blast~ for any first timers, i'm sure you'll have a great time!

>> No.6368591

Excited. Only one day to go, who's finished their stuff and who's going to be rushing to last-minute everything?

>> No.6368607

I'm pretty much finished all I can do, but there's still some things to do tonight

>> No.6368611

totally finished, all that's left is to pack.

how early is everyone showing up?

>> No.6368659
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>> No.6368658
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>> No.6368660
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>> No.6368662
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>> No.6368664
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>> No.6368669
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>> No.6368671
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>> No.6368683

flights delayed. Dicks.

>> No.6368682
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>> No.6368690
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>> No.6368693
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Last one. See you all tonight. Or whenever you arrive!

>> No.6368750

Fuck I'm leaving tomorrow and I still have all my packing to do... plus a few small things to finish up with wigs and accessories, but I plan on dong those in the hotel and getting points on the achievement list lol.

>> No.6368763

Ideally by early afternoon

by how long?

>> No.6368769

early afternoon friday or thusday?

my BF wants to show up like at noon on thursday but we can't even check in until 3 so i'm like- no

>> No.6368774

Will be there tomorrow around 3. Didn't have time to finish my costume, thanks work. See everyone there.

>> No.6368846

Sometimes hotels let you check in earlier, depends on room availability. Don't think I've ever checked into a room later than 2or so, last year got the room at around 1.

>> No.6368859

that's true. the main reason i want to leave later is because then we can wake up 9-10ish instead of at 7ish

oh welll no sleeping in for me

>> No.6368892

I remember being able to check in sometime after the Opening Events last year. I'm probably going to ask the hotel staff tomorrow afternoon.

>> No.6369108

I'll be driving down on friday

>> No.6369142


We were able to check in at around 10:30/11 last year. The check in time is not a hard line, it's just stated the way it is because that's the time where it's guaranteed every room is clean and fit for the next customer. As long as there's an empty room that's been prepared, they'll let you check into it.

>> No.6369354
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Thank the cosplay gods, I got all my stuff mailed just in time for Youma \o/
Will probably be arriving super early (7-8 am) so I'll be wandering around for awhile.

Hope everyone gets here safely!! The wind has been so shitty so be careful if you're driving, can't wait to see you all ~

>> No.6369425

Ditto. I have class until 2pm (There's a test that day or I'd just skip). The drive should only be about three hours or so.
Is there a meet up that night?

>> No.6369429
File: 55 KB, 813x960, 386095_325999180762875_205344452828349_1227211_398323022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orrrr...I could just read the original post. I doubt I'll be there in time to make it.

>> No.6369451

i don't have a normal room, i have a suite. so it doesn't work the same as the "as long as we have a room ready". but i doubt they'd leave the suites for last, anyway.

i'm excited though. really excited. ready to leave already.

>> No.6370301

what's the best place to park at for the weekend? i don't plan on moving my car once i'm there.

>> No.6370319

Chicago is cold. see you fuckheads tomorrow.

>> No.6370329

I had a bunch of cosplays planned but I didn't hit my GW so I'm just going to be ramona for the weekend.
Is there a meet up planned?

>> No.6370358

refer to >>6366563

>> No.6370519


We're leaving early to try and ensure that we can get into the parking garage that's connected to the con. The second best place is a little lot down the street, but it's an uphill walk so be prepared to hoof it a bit. And pack light, just incase. It's no fun carrying two bags and a case of bottled water all that way.

>> No.6370566
File: 37 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mcsfo5Eama1r34k1so1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my lil bat for my Aquabats power belt. How does it look /cgl/?

>> No.6370717

is there a spot to pull up in front of the hotel and drop shit off? i'm definitely not packed lightly.

>> No.6370785

I think you can on the back/riverwalk area.

On an unrelated note:
Guys, they rent segways in the Ren Cen.


>> No.6371057

Showing up in Ann Arbor (staying with friends) late Thursday, actually going to the con EARLY Friday. Is parking going to be a bitch or what?

>> No.6371439

i went last year pretty early on friday at like 9am and i had to park at the roof :I

>> No.6371480


kind of terrible actually
unless its supposed to look terrible then good job

>> No.6372052


[spoiler]I know :(

[spoiler]I did it all free hand though I'm surprised that it actually came out semi decient.

>> No.6372182

Finally reached a point where I feel the content of my panel is satisfactory, just waiting on people to get out of work so I can pick them up, and a VERY important package critical to my ability to panel is in the mail and god damnit UPS just fucking get here already. You can't dick me like this!

>> No.6372354
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>trying to use spoilers
>on a board that doesn't use spoilers
>not even doing spoilers right

>> No.6372625

what's your panel?

>> No.6372644

Is it true that there are elevator wrist bands that is 4 per room?

If so, I'm glad I didn't go.

>> No.6372673

"Is it true that there are elevator wrist bands that is 4 per room?"

What are you trying to say?

>> No.6372678


Apparently the Marriott is restricting access to the hotel rooms with wristbands and they have a strict 4 person per room policy

>> No.6372682


I am SO fucking glad I did not go now.

>> No.6372714

wristbands? really? I have a fucking zentai to wear. This is dumb, stick with room keys.

>> No.6372732


I really wonder what is going to happen. Apparently the stairs are also locked.

This means many many people will not be able to go to their rooms.

>> No.6372760

That's a LONG way up, depending on the room # of course. The Ren Cen Marriott is one of the tallest hotels in the world, which is exactly why there were 30-60 minute lineups just to get ON the elevator last year.

At least the lower levels are accessible by escalators, but it's not an ideal venue for large crowds, which is why they expanded to COBO.

TL;DR it's better to get a hotel off-premises

>> No.6372769

Wow! That blows. I guess theyre sick of people doing 6+ per room though. Don't see why since they get fully booked anyway.

I'm in the courtyard across the street, glad they don't pull that shit here.

>> No.6372785

The thing is, the stairs need to be unlocked for emergency purposes. You can't legally have the main stairways in a hotel that tall locked 24/7, it's a fire hazard. Especially when the elevators are so high-traffic.

>> No.6372793


Can't someone sue?

>> No.6372820

only if something were to happen that caused them to get injured.
worst they get for locking them when they aren't supposed to is a citation and unlock the doors.

>> No.6372829

So, someone call the fire marshal so those fucktards will unlock the doors.

>> No.6372851


>> No.6372870

it doesn't effect me, so if someone else wants to. it is a fire hazard violation.

>> No.6372874


The stairs were a god send for me last year.

>> No.6372886

i always was a stair taker at cons, i hated waiting for elevators and i like being active. especially at cons, so much energy from excitement, you know?

i doubt they'll keep the stairs closed off for too long. guests, registered guests, will complain when they have to wait an hour or more to use an elevator to get to their rooms and are not able to access the stairs and they'll open them.

this wristband business is sketchy as hell, though. is it only for use of the elevators?

>> No.6372908


From what it sounds like, just for the elevators yes.

And 2 years ago the stairs were locked.

I think the Mariott does not want Youmacon anymore, so this is their way.

>> No.6372914

I will never figure out why they are so up their own ass about their stairs. I think they don't like people using them because they don't look as nice as the rest of the hotel.

>> No.6372915

Did anyone manage to use the hidden elevators in the past? Last year we found a few on the lower levels that were technically "off-limits" but they let us avoid the crowded escalators

>> No.6372916

WTF. I have an elevator phobia, and have nightmares about being stuck in buildings with the stairways locked.

>> No.6372927

If you're staying in the Marriott, bring that up when you check in. The more complaints they receive, the more likely they'll be to unlock the stairs.

>> No.6372933

There's no way, the con has gotten too big for that venue.

>> No.6372934


Those are for staff.

>> No.6372931


Well looks like it's back to the Hyatte in Dearborn then.

>> No.6372935


Not big enough. They may have to have the entire convention at Cobo soon.

Or find somewhere else.

>> No.6372939

check your staff privilege.

>> No.6372938

someone needs to check their staff privilege

>> No.6372940


We can expand to U of M and Green Field village and then slowly assimilate the rest of dearborn.

>> No.6373093

Also it appears that you cannot go to a floor that does not have what is on your wristband.

Good god.

>> No.6373104

Do they have... guards or something?

>> No.6373112

locked stairways are also a massive violation of fire safety

>> No.6373116


I guess they'll be having people in the elevators at all times.

Its the Marriot's decision, not Youmacon's.

2 of my friends already had to cancel. This is going to end spectacularly.

>> No.6373280


Welp, looks like the orgy....

Is fucked.

(Though, seriously, what the fuck, I got friends i visit only at the con, is it that much of a sin to let me chill with them a little more? Hell, I have two rooms booked because I have 8 people coming, I can't even visit with them? Fucking bullshit.)

>> No.6373290


Sounds like the Mariott has little idea how to run a con.

Nor do they probably care to.

>> No.6373319


I call bullshit. My friend just sent me tons of pics of the wrist bands she got and none of them have floor numbers or room numbers. All it has on it in terms of text printed on it is what number band is printed out. Her's has 6 numbers on it and the other 3 go up from hers so there doesn't seem to be any corilation to rom numbers or anything.

>> No.6373661

the dealers room here at youma is looking good, see all you fuckers bright and early tomorrow

>> No.6373711

I'm hearing reports of the pre-reg line being 10 kinds of fucked. Any word on that?

>> No.6373742

it doesn't look like it's moving a lot, but that's an outsiders POV. other than that i don't know.

but i'd like any tips, i want my badge ASAP tomorrow.

>> No.6373767

First off, the hotel has zero right or ability to stop you from having "friends" visit your room. Just make sure to complain. Ad nausium. Over and over. Go request an "escort" every time you want to have "a friend visit". It's total bullshit.

Also, the hotel is planning to start this on Friday and they do not know how they are going to do it. You can maybe walk to floor 10 and then take an elevator up.

Also, I've heard that Youmacon is going to sue the hotel for this. They can't change shit like this this late, and it's already going to cost the con attendees.

Also, go get new wristbands every day. You can't have to wear the same ones all the time. Then just put them on new friends.

Then, pack people into your rooms like sardines.

>> No.6373882

lol fuck that marriot. Some lady got pissy because I was holding a wristband instead of wearing it. switched over to courtyard

>> No.6373903


I doubt Youmacon can have a case.

The rules ARE you can't stack in a room, they just enforced it way too late.

>> No.6373913

I've heard the courtyard is much better

>> No.6373921


If by some strange reason Youmacon is at the Mariott next year again, I'll just go to the court yard. I don't cosplay so its not like I have to make frequent stops there.

>> No.6374067

How the fuck could the hotel have thought this would be a good idea?

>> No.6374211

>Was planning on going saturday


>> No.6374299

Wait so
What's going on with wristbands and whatnot?
This is totally new and confusing, does this mean we can't visit our friends in their rooms?

>> No.6374305

i was really disappointed with the customer service, from what i saw the Mariott was much nicer. like i had to ask for help with my luggage multiple times, where as over there i saw men going out to help without being asked.
the hotel room i'm in is also insanely tacky, like cheap motel tacky. but other than that it is really clean and nice.

>> No.6374547

>suite in the Double Tree

Awwww yeah.

>> No.6374567
File: 215 KB, 1280x960, zera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it's been a while since i posted on /cgl/

does anyone know if you need a wristband/roomkey/badge to hang out on the 3 floors where there all the events of the con are being held? i'm not currently at the con because i have exams tomorrow but i wanted to know the situation in advance because i've heard so many conflicting reports on tumblr/facebook/etc

pic somewhat related. its me and my zera (litchi hikari club) costume i'll be wearing tomorrow/saturday

>> No.6374584

>Litchi cosplay
I love you

>> No.6374718

>drive half hour to con
>spend another 30 minutes and $10 to park
>get to pre reg line
>insanely long
>nobody else allowed to even enter line

What the fuck happened? Last year on Thursday, i was able to buy a badge (without pre regging) in ten minutes.

Also, what's the wristband deal? I have some friends I'd like to visit in rooms.

>> No.6374732

Essentially, the Marriott got together Wednesday night and asked themselves "Hey, how can we fuck up everything in the most efficient manner?" and then did this.

Supposedly this is an extremely reactionary thing towards this guy who bought up a lot of rooms to sell room space. Sure, that guy was a douche, but why make everyone else suffer?

Part of me is feeling like the magical deity that is Morgan the Elusive will have this all fixed by tonight

>> No.6374781

I've heard a sickening rumor that the hotel may even be doing room checks.through out the weekend,(to make sure rooms aren't stuffed to the gills). This just seems silly, but hell, they did do the whole wristband thing. Anybody know if this rumor is in fact true, or just more BS? Also, the hotel staff said it was the convention staff's idea to do the wristbands (which is a total load of crap). Marriott, what the hell?

>> No.6374784
File: 66 KB, 336x411, lupin-neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cosplay schedule is impossible to decipher. Anyone know when and where the Lupin III meetup will be?

>> No.6374788

We took off our wristbands and my boyfriend is carrying our reciept for the room in his pocket, if anyone gives us shit about the wristband fuckery we will raise high hell. We're paying 400 bucks for this room, we will enter it when we choose without this kind of nonsense.

>> No.6374795

>beginning of October
>go to book a room at the RenCen
>completely full
>book room for Saturday night at the Holiday Inn Express instead
>buddy I know that's going asks if I want a room at the RenCen for cheap
>u wot m8
>his friend bought a bunch of rooms and is selling them for $98 for all of the days

Fuck people that do this. If you assholes just bought your rooms for yourselves like normal people I could be staying there.

>> No.6374851

report that guy.

he's the reason why they are doing this shit in the first place.

still not a good reason to do it though.

>> No.6374855

I don't know him well enough to report, and it's a "friend of a friend" thing. Honestly, the Holiday Inn seems really nice, and the shuttle/valet parking will definitely be better than having to mess around with parking and shit at Youmacon. Also, it isn't an Xbox hueg hotel where I have to wait an hour to go on an elevator.

Unrelated note, boyfriend and I are arriving on Saturday; What would be the best time to show up to fight the badge-buying lines?

>> No.6374919
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About to leave, this should be fun

>> No.6375694

A fucking Jake cosplayer just shot me with a nerf gun.

>> No.6376474

>tfw woke up at 6pm when I leave early tomorrow morning for Youmacon

The good news is that now I have more time to fret and wait in agony!

>> No.6376602
File: 272 KB, 1072x804, PB021361small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meetup was small, but with good people

>> No.6376638

Matt looks like Doc Brown here

>> No.6376756

I wanted to go to the meetup but I completely missed it.

>> No.6376762

lol that's not me. That's Enver.

>> No.6376807

Who's the girl in the middle with the sweet dress and crown supposed to be?

>> No.6376979

Judging by Youmacon's forums, Cartoon Network group can't decide whether it's meeting in Wintergarden or or "Photoshoot Area 5: Tournament Gaming."


>> No.6377047

the witch from the beginning of Beauty and the Beast

>> No.6377087
File: 185 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lugmxmZiWq1qkrlcoo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a wild Charizard I see?

>> No.6377101

Can you list the names of everyone in order there?

>> No.6377117
File: 942 KB, 1598x1199, YoumaYoumaYoumacon (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You "can", you just have to go to the Marriott desk and get a wristband for a guest. You ARE allowed to have a visitor (or a few).

Bolt the door. They can't do a room check. Easy as pie.

>> No.6377120
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>> No.6377123
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>> No.6377126
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>> No.6377127
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>> No.6377131
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Last one for now.

I couldn't believe the /cgl/ meetup was so much smaller than last year.

Where was Fanservice Renji when we needed him?

>> No.6377151

Youmacon CGL Meetup 2012: The Lonliest Meetup

>> No.6377175

did anyone go to the orgy???

>> No.6377430

Anyone know where the orgy is,?

>> No.6377444

Renji wad actually in the vicinity of the meetup. But I agree, low turnout was less than ideal

>> No.6377498

anyone see those fuckers playing that game with the move controllers by the game room?

>> No.6377594

Anyone know the password to the Marriott wifi in the rencen?

>> No.6377646

The reg line this morning was fucked. It was a mess and I had a drunken weeb passed out, only to wake up and shake his 300lb ass in my face for another hour.
heres to hoping tomorrow is free of that

>> No.6377648

I was hoping I'd find a thread for this.

I went to Yoma on Friday because a co-worker told me I had to go, and holy fuck did I just feel so out of place. The guy that I was supposed to be going with kept running off and doing his own thing; which is fine because I mean I honestly didn't want to bog him down from what ever he had planned.

But still, I was just out of it. Most of my time was spent sitting some where and browsing /v/. Does any one have any suggestions on having a better experience? I ended up just going home, but I'd like to possibly try and go again next year.

>> No.6377890

We got in last night but didn't make it to the con center. We just hung out in our room, drank and played cards.
I didn't pre-reg so will I be waiting forever just to get a Saturday pass?

>> No.6377901
File: 255 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the normal reg line.

>> No.6377909

if you're by yourself you're going to have to do one of two things. 1) you find a reason to go. maybe it's a guest. maybe it's for the cosplay and you want to run around and just take photos of that. maybe its for a concert (assuming they have concerts there). maybe its a specific panel. basically, you have to get interested in something, even if all you do is move from panel room to panel room for the whole day.
2) you need friends at the con. real life friend, con friend, either is fine. don't have one? well, better go make some. even your coworker would have counted. you need someone to help waste time with and if your coworker was that enthusiastic in telling you you "had to go" there's a good chance they would have played tour guide

>> No.6377916

>small snippet of the line

That gives no perspective nigga, how long is it?

>> No.6377917

i was going to say the sdcc meetup this year was smaller but you guys have managed to undercut us by a couple of people.

>> No.6377919

can't see the people behind it wrapping around? goes to farther than I can see

>> No.6377920

are the stairs still locked?

Im not even at the fucking con but I have quite a few friends going and staffing, and this really makes me very worried about their safety. Has a fire marshal been called yet? Because I will seriously call a fire marshal if no one else does.

>> No.6377928

>implying I know what this place looks like at all

The last time I went was when it was at the Hyatt. I hope that it's not horribly packed. :(

>> No.6377940

about 3 hours long

>> No.6377943

holy shit this thread makes me glad I don't go to Youma. I've considered flying out for it before.

>> No.6377944
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W-well at least I have all day to wait.

>> No.6377948
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Registration was at the center of the hotel lobby by the elevators, the lines for both lines extended off a bridge the wrapped around the outer walkway. the normal reg line when i arrived friday afternoon barely went 45 degrees while the other line went around at least 270. Everyone who preregistered were feeling pretty silly as they watched me walk in off the street and get my badges within 45 minutes.

>> No.6377953

Apparently the new bar code system made it extremely bogged down. They at least told us it won't happen next year, but when you count in the Marriott elevator shit, this is strike two.

>> No.6377967

>bar code system
huh? are you talking about the wristbands for the elevators?

>> No.6377978

no, the pre-reg passes are redeemed using QR codes this year. I *think* that might be what they're having issues with

>> No.6377986


I think he means the QR codes on the pre reg sheet

Also o had to check another group of friends on a room after getting my badge, it was frustrating making them waitt two more houts.

>> No.6378063 [DELETED] 
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map of cobo

>> No.6378360
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got a creepy monkey kigu

>> No.6378530
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Not done with today, but have a Midna

>> No.6378784

was anyone else part of the wedding photo by the Joe Louis fist? I wish I would have done something to try to get a copy of the picture

>> No.6378799

>have a Midna
>a Midna

Her name is Fi.

>> No.6378967

aw fuck, I'm a tard. sorry

>> No.6379382
File: 816 KB, 1069x1426, Yoummmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that game is fucking awesome. And if you bump into people walking past, you're out anyway, so the players try desperately not to.

Give it a try. Totally fun.

The stairs were pretty much never locked. And in cases where they were, people just opened them no problems really.

>> No.6379394
File: 657 KB, 1123x842, Youppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs to complain about the wristband shit. And I'll tell you the main reason why. Handicapped people have been having a terrible time with it. I talked to one girl with an escalator phobia and she was shaking at the top of an escalator. When I asked her why she wasn't using the elevators she said they wouldn't let her because she wasn't in a wheelchair.

And some people in wheelchairs have had to wait a long ass time just to get between levels 4 and 5. One guy was having his girlfriend get out of the chair, and stand on an escalator just to get up and down.

Which, is technically illegal for the hotel to do. They cannot restrict access like that. Total bullshit, all for this wristband stuff.

>> No.6379423

Dat ducking fight

>> No.6379428


>> No.6379432


>> No.6379433
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>> No.6379436

Nigger fuck fest at Youmacon

>> No.6379440

YOOO we almost just had a shooting here. Noel Brown part 2

>> No.6379444

>>6379432 Twitter is exploding

>> No.6379445

I saw a chick in half a Dolorosa cosplay bring the wrath of god down on the hotel staff over the wristband shit

>> No.6379446

No just niggery going on at the Youmacon stream

>> No.6379447
File: 66 KB, 500x500, heavy fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw shit, someone tell us what fight is going on

>> No.6379451


That has nothing to do with what happened. Wait for the archives

>> No.6379450

I left like an hour ago, what happened?

>> No.6379454


You can't say that word at Youmacon. Specific PG 13 rules

>> No.6379458

It was on stream and Twitter is popping off about it.

>> No.6379465


Cocky Niggers + Marvel + Noel Brown

>> No.6379471
File: 81 KB, 703x329, 1318060783278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its merbil baybee

>> No.6379486


YouTube when

>> No.6379495

There's a "feedback" panel 5th floor Joliet room at 3:00.
be there.

>> No.6379502

Where are you guys seeing this on Twitter? There's nothing in the Youmacon hashtag.

>> No.6379562


>> No.6379634

Only in Detroit

>> No.6379652

it's a fighting game thing
there's so much buttmad in that community it's scary

>> No.6379658


Look who is talking

>> No.6379683

sort of really sad to hear about this wristband thing. my friend didn't even mention it. i guess i shouldn't be surprised, i've been pretty displeased with the hotel service both years i've gone, but this takes the cake, honestly.

>> No.6379713


its nigga shit, not drama. They're still friends, unlike your average cosplayer

Just a normal day in Detroit

>> No.6379873
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>> No.6379877
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>> No.6379900
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>> No.6379903

literally nobody cares

>> No.6380052
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Posting a small dump

>> No.6380054
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>> No.6380058
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>> No.6379932


So they did have that orgy?

>> No.6380079
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>> No.6380082
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>> No.6380084
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>> No.6380086
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>> No.6380088
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>> No.6380089
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>> No.6380092




>> No.6380023
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Needs more orgy talk.

>> No.6380140

Is this the con that Yukapon was supposed to be attending ...? Gosh I love Yuka. ;_;

>> No.6380230

How the fuck you have a rave then no bitches dtf? Fuck my existance

>> No.6380265

So what was the thing with Chris Ayres's gf being humiliated by the chair or some higher up at the con?

He posted it on Facebook yesterday. On phone so can't really cap it.

>> No.6380283

Where in dealers can I get some good bumper stickers for my car?

There was some place last year but my friends this year all wanted to do the whole Cobo thing in an hour.
That wasn't possible. So I'm wanting to run over tomorrow and just find some things quick that I can stick on my car.

>> No.6380284

any decent homestuck cosplays?
or any homestuck tricksters?

>> No.6380333
File: 375 KB, 1536x2048, 132429998237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kingdom for new Hotaru pictures.

>> No.6380350

Interested in this as well. Can someone give details/background info on what happened?

>> No.6380508

the Sanshee booth has some nice ones

>> No.6380601

Chris Ayres wasn't a guest at Youmacon.

>> No.6380627

Needs more orgy talk.

>> No.6380779


No shit but his gf was. He was on Facebook freaking the fuck out but never said what exactly happened aside from she was humiliated.

>> No.6380939


I wish I knew. I ran into her Saturday in the dealer's room and she was crying while talking to a friend about something. A real shame since she's a nice girl.

>> No.6381069
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>> No.6381081
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>> No.6381090
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>> No.6381094
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>> No.6381097
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>> No.6381101
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>> No.6381103
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>> No.6381111
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>> No.6381116
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>> No.6381119
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>> No.6381122

I like how my hair-antenna things came apart literally 10 minutes before I went out for the masquerade. orz

Also, I completely forgot to go to the meetup! It was right after the Touhou photoshoot so I was kinda distracted by other things, and didn't think about it...

>> No.6381124
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>> No.6381126
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>> No.6381128
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>> No.6381131
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>> No.6381135
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>> No.6381143
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>> No.6381146
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>> No.6381150
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>> No.6381157
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>> No.6381163
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>> No.6381175
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>> No.6381180
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>> No.6381185
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>> No.6381189
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>> No.6381192
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>> No.6381201
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>> No.6381206
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>> No.6381211
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>> No.6381216
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this guy

>> No.6381308

Saw this guy Friday out of costume and thought he was cosplaying as the new Peter Parker.

Not too fond of the spider suit, but damn.

>> No.6381451

Yea, it was nice being able to see everyone again, Internet awkwardness aside ahaha

Not really sure who everyone was, besides Dagon, tenleid, enver, and the gumshoe

>> No.6381480
File: 165 KB, 1377x1032, capnassassin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I SAW you! Too bad I was unable to find the thread before me and my buddy visited on Saturday. I don't know why you wore that, but I can tell you that you succeeded in confusing the ever-loving fuck out of me, and since that's a kind of humor I greatly appreciate I must say well-done.

Youmacon was my first anime con, and it was really something, especially with a friend along. I got to look at cute girls in frilly outfits, and I was honestly surprised at how many non-japanese inspired cosplayers there were - some of them quite good, in fact. The Disney cosplay especially surprised me... to say nothing of the hordes of Homestuck in the place (I mean, I knew about it from reading /cgl/, but god damn.) There were also Tesla bods in the game-room... BATTLETECH tesla pods, which I'd wanted to try FOREVER. Unfortunately it turned out to be Mechwarrior 4 in a dark closet, which was a disappointment, but I actually got to try them, and that was good regardless.

My friend had came in a rather nice pirate getup because whythefucknot, which resulted in the attached picture. Whole night was worth it for that.

>> No.6381521
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The other thing I noticed was how much bad cosplay there was. I guess lurking /cgl/ for a year gave me a skewed impression of average cosplay quality; I wasn't expecting to see so much half-assed... everything. Especially the tacticool cosplay - I can only figure 'em as vaguely Resident-Evil or Cawadootay related. I could literally do better then half of them just by opening my closet. It certainly bolstered my courage; next con I go to I will certainly be coming in cosplay.

How does Youmacon stack up against other big cons? Can I expect more or better if I go to, say, Acen?

>> No.6381527

I didn't notice awful cosplays in any more or less concentration than the average con, so I guess it's pretty standard?

Then again I haven't been going to them for so very long, so you don't have to take my word for it.

>> No.6381638

>The feel when only camera is shitty cel phone camera.

Oh well shitty low rez pics incoming.

>> No.6381728
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>> No.6381751
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>> No.6381758
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>> No.6381765
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>> No.6381769
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>> No.6381772
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>> No.6381794
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>> No.6381798
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Ok tired as fuck will post rest later.

>> No.6381859

If it is who I think it is, she did something super nice for the guests and then afterward was immediately kicked out of the green room and told she was not allowed back in.

>> No.6381882

Wait, what? I was in the green room and don't really remember anything like that, though admittedly I'm not exactly the most observant of persons.

>> No.6381892

Well if you were in there then you would know that she was not on the list of people allowed in.

>> No.6381908


She spent some ungodly amount of time cooking for the green room (like three days straight) and wouldn't even let her in to grab coffee when she was done handling like she didn't just provide all the food in the room.

>> No.6381924

Aw, man... were all of those awesome cheesecakes and stuff hers, then? Why wouldn't she be allowed in?

>> No.6382065

I got offered cake/brownies/etc from a box at random by someone while I was out in the general con area, up near where they did the judging before the masquerade. Wouldn't have been her, would it?

I wasn't in the green room, so I can't say anything about that.

>> No.6382135

>Tell friends about youmacon
>One friend keeps saying "NO I DONT LIKE ANIME I DONT WANNA GO!"
>"Oh, there's something for everyone. Don't worry, it's not ALL anime"
>"I don't wanna go!"
>Get back from youmacon
>Friend is posting stuff like "I really wish I went to youmacon! I can't believe none of my friends didn't try talking me into going this year. Totally going next year."
>"But [Friend], I did! You just kept saying 'I don't like anime!'"
>"I thought it was nothing but anime but then I saw the storm troopers"
>"I told you it wasn't though! I specifically said 'there's probably something for everyone there'"
>"I don't remember you saying that"
>"You must have awful memory then"

In retrospect, I really should have said "Acquaintance"

>> No.6382190

>at an anime con

Seemed more like a regular comic con with anime panels.

>I didn't notice awful cosplays in any more or less concentration than the average con, so I guess it's pretty standard?
What this guy said.

>> No.6382198

So is he just cosplaying the wings?

>> No.6382236

Detroit's comic concs suck. One is just trying to make money and gets the most random-ass guests possible while the other is brand new and keeps scheduling itself way too close to youmacon

>> No.6382251

Yes and no. One of the reasons you don't see much at Youma, is because the hotel is so split up, so running into people is hard

>> No.6382305

Paul Schrier might be the most gracious guest I've ever met, he was SO fucking excited to meet people and just talk for the short amount of time we had, it made me kind of sad he was shoved into the back of Team Fourstar's meet/greet.

I'm montoring this thread to find pictures of me and my girlfriend looking really gross and photobombing.

>> No.6383051

So this is where that photo came from...

Friend of mine showed it to me before I left the con and I was completely surprised.

>> No.6383399


Are you a man or a woman? I thought you were a man tbh, but I was afraid to ask.

>> No.6383547
File: 285 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_edv2ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you missed all of Scott McNeil's pannels.
>That feel when the one you went to he didn't show up.

Well at lest I met him hanging out outside Thursday night. It was cool up to the part where I stood there really fucking awkwardly for 2 minutes after I shook his hand.

Oh well back to pictures.

>> No.6383549
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_emkiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383558
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_eor4z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383561
File: 352 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_fdv2ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383569
File: 222 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_fmkiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383572
File: 516 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_for4z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383578
File: 191 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_gdv2ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383592
File: 358 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_gmkiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383610
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_gor4z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383615
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, SprintPhoto_hdv2ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383652

I am a man. I'm just glad everyone who got a picture of me seemed to enjoy the cosplay.October was a shitty month for me, so it was nice to hear something positive for the first time in a month.

>> No.6383776

I'm so sorry about that. I was his handler and the hand out I had that had his schedule on it said that his autographs where in Cobo not in the Ren Cen. Scott overslept a bit due to the time change and we didn't find out until far too late that we were in the wrong place and we both felt horrible for accidentally missing that signing.

>> No.6383932


Haha it's cool. At lest I got to meet him and he get's to be my first random public celebrety encounter.

>> No.6385502

If you saw a guy being wheelchaired away by a cop, that was probably me.

>> No.6386703

My video review of Youmacon 2012. Did I omit anything of importance?
