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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 159 KB, 1100x733, tzp__link_rides_into_the_sunset_by_adella-d5ix7as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358276 No.6358276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone else go home. This is perfection.

>> No.6358281


>> No.6358282

Mountains don't work that way.

>> No.6358285

That looks absolutely nothing like Hyrule.

Go fuck a horse, Adella.

>> No.6358289

I think those are real.

>> No.6358298

mfw the grass has more blur than the mountains in the background. so much win.

>> No.6358300

>shooped to hell

>> No.6358301
File: 446 KB, 1200x800, faces_by_amouranth-d4u1zt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that even this thundercunt managed to do better Link and Epona pictures.

>> No.6358304

I personally like how perfectly they captured Link and Epona. A real man as Link who actually looks like him too. The costume looks spot on in accuracy and quality and the fact that the horse looks exactly like Epona makes this that much better.

I am impressed. This looks like it came from a movie.

>> No.6358308

Link is like 4 foot tall.

>> No.6358312

At least I hope they're real. Didn't they pay a shit ton of money to go to a location like that?


>> No.6358314

newfag or troll
not sure

>> No.6358316

Maybe as a child. He's around the same height as the other adult characters in the game, usually the women (compared them myself).

Unless Hylians are all short for whatever reason.

>> No.6358328
File: 203 KB, 600x486, tzpcopied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL did anyone else notice that PL outright copied TZP? Same back shot, fairy, game.
Except she couldn't get a horse. What a bitch.

>> No.6358332

I think PL posted hers first.

Still, she did the same old boring ass forest shot. I wish that woman would get more creative with her shoots.

>> No.6358334

I'm glad I've never paid to see these pictures

>> No.6358337

Shut the fuck up Enver. Your Link is 5 times worse (hipster creeper).

>> No.6358339

PL posted that photo months ago. At least she didn't ask for donations to take that pic and probably used her own money to go to a forest.

>> No.6358343

>PL posted her picture back in April
>Adella posted her picture last month

PL is totes a copycatting whore you gais!

>> No.6358344

This is true.

>> No.6358345

Why did they travel out to a location to shoot these if the back ground is completely photoshopped?

>> No.6358348

Adella wanted a free vacation.

>> No.6358353

It's not even that hard to find mountains since the state they live in has them.

>> No.6358354

I'm starting to wonder if they never actually traveled anywhere, and just said they did. Adella probably used that money for something else.

>> No.6358364

I can't believe people are still donating their hard-earned money to this shit after what happened the first time.

>> No.6358367

Everyone knows that she came up with Zelda Relived in hopes of beating out TZP. She even tried bragging using her pitiful game design skills to make that retarded sand monster picture, and now she just slaps on her ZR logo to her other boring pictures.

>> No.6358371

My guess would be mostly 15-year-old girls who stole their daddys' credit cards.

>> No.6358375

Zelda Relived was branching off of her Poster Series Project which she started way before Adella did TZP.

If you just read her posts, you'd see this.

>> No.6358382

They got a new Link who has a good 5 inches between his eyes.

>> No.6358377

adella's descriptions of her newest uploads from TZP say the link cosplayer is "retired from project"
so does that mean that there will no longer be photos of the main character...orrr?

>> No.6358378

I think she just said that to make it seem less obvious.

>> No.6358389
File: 470 KB, 1565x705, df5ee2110df27f5cc449cffd7875ef2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and now she just slaps on her ZR logo to her other boring pictures.

At least her "boring pictures" are more accurate to the games.
I'd rather look at pics from PL because she uses her own money to do her shoots.

>> No.6358395

You're butthurt is showing Adella.

>> No.6358398
File: 194 KB, 1100x733, 1351393404333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6358405

Her pictures are all the same. Just her standing or sitting casually (usually in a forest) by herself without any other cosplayers. Her pictures are almost as dull as her personality.

The picture you posted is alright, I actually kind of like it. Wish she'd be more creative with her other pictures.

>> No.6358407

This photo only had a photographer and the cosplayer while
this photo had a team of 30 people and donations.

>> No.6358411

YOUR butthurt is showing.

>> No.6358415

Not to be a whiteknight, but I really enjoy PL's pictures.

>> No.6358418
File: 216 KB, 577x590, hint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want to know why she is using money from fans instead of her own fucking money.

What happened to the money for that SWEET helicopter fly-over she paid for?

>> No.6358420

What a bitch. I mad.

>> No.6358424
File: 218 KB, 498x1037, 1307051566091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6358427
File: 65 KB, 442x745, 1307062181368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit. Get a job and pay for your own shit like everyone else.

>> No.6358428


>Western tack
>holds reigns like a fucktard

At first I thought she was holding them English, but no, she's just grasping at them.

>heels not pointed down
>strap from the breast collar that runs beneath the chest shopped out

I will horse snob all up in this bitch. Don't ride one and have no idea what you're doing. These things are incredibly basic, beginner knowledge that you learn in the first 20 minutes of your first lessons.

>> No.6358434
File: 141 KB, 530x309, 1307408024184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent updates on the site confuse me. Why are we paying for JoEllen to remake her Zelda costume?

>> No.6358437
File: 42 KB, 502x365, 1307425589765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6358438

Kudos to Gund Dam.
I almost feel sorry for the retards that are buying into this shit.

>> No.6358435

>sending 2K have Sarah go on vacation

How are people this stupid?

>> No.6358436

Why would she when she can get suckers to spend money for her.

>> No.6358440

*Reins, sorry. Goddamn you English.

>> No.6358447
File: 35 KB, 418x272, 1307578060558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire project is a joke, and someone should really report her for it. I doubt she has filed all of this correctly and paid taxes. When you donate toward a project, if the project doesn't return what you're promised you have an obligation to return that money. Not blow it on weed and shoes.

Let's not even start on the whole "hurting small children to satisfy my fan fiction needs". She had to make sure to buy multiple hotel rooms, gas, and huge spreads of food on donation money for a trip to a place less than five hours away.

>> No.6358444

If they can afford to make their own cosplay costumes, they should be able to afford these costumes too.

>> No.6358454

Somebody give me the full name and address of this guy so I can punch him in the face.

>> No.6358452

JoEllen used to be cool. What the hell happened?

>> No.6358459

>if the project doesn't return what you're promised you have an obligation to return that money. Not blow it on weed and shoes.

You know she is starting up a Kickstarter to get even more donations, right?

>> No.6358465

Granted, in any video game I've ever played that has someone riding a horse, shit is fucked with the reins. I have no idea if Link holds them split/english or one handed. Though it is obvious in this due to the pinky being inside as well as no 'thumbs up' as we liked to yell during lessons, that they had no idea what they were doing. Not to mention they are held much too tightly for this walking gate.

>> No.6358472

>given thousands of dollars
>can't be bothered to figure out how to properly ride a horse

>> No.6358473

She had him do weeks of horseback riding lessons that she paid for.

>> No.6358479

holy fuck this THIIIIS

lessons are expensive ($60 an hour for a decent place) but a lot of places have a first lesson discount, or less expensive rates for group lessons

with all the money she got she could have spared $25 for a half hour lesson

and before anyone jumps in to say the horse looks fine, that doesn't mean shit

english bits and western bits work different

in english you want to keep contact with the horses mouth (so like, the way she is holding now, she is keeping contact)

but western bits use leverage, and you only use contact when you are steering and the like

she's keeping contact without actually wanting anything and that doesn't feel good to the horse to keep that up (especially when the horse is trained to react to contact, she is giving contact without any other sign she wants something and is confusing the horse)

if you are going to work with animals, it is so important to know how to handle them, especially when they are 1000+ pounds and prey animals

I am assuming whoever owned the horse was there because someone had to tack it up, but I am surprised they wouldn't give her five minutes of coaching

>> No.6358482

heh, 2 weeks of lessons, in default terms, would be 2 30min-1hour sessions (1 per week). You don't just have 2 straight weeks of riding lessons (usually). Obviously this didn't happen, or they went to a shitty shitty place. The seat for western is too rigid for one thing. She needs to slightly roll back the hips and sink deeper into the saddle with her legs pulled back from the girth line and weight dropped into the heels. The hands are MUCH too high (we always teach that you should be able to extend your pinky downwards and be able to touch your horses' neck to check height of hands) and too far apart. And we've already been over the rein holding. They should be either in one hand and much more relaxed, or split with the pinky outside (this allows for double reins in english, when using a much harsher bit so you can simply roll your hands forward for leverage on the bottom reins with the pinkys).

>> No.6358485
File: 38 KB, 602x41, westernbullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>six months of lessons

How the fuck do you take lessons for six months and not learn how to hold the reins or keep your heels down.

What a fucking lie

>> No.6358486

Don't you like, learn how to ride a horse in the first lesson? Why do you need six months?

>> No.6358489

Hmm, I read that as '2 weeks' not 'do weeks'. Anyway, they failed completely... Especially seeing that it was supposed to be western specialty... Seriously, how could it be western lessons if they are going to use split rein and such a firm seat? What a fucking lie.

>> No.6358496

good thing kickstarter doesn't count as donations because you get rewards as simple as they might be. kickstarter also has zero real recourse in getting your money back. yay!

>> No.6358501

You learn the most basic things in the first lessons (like how to HOLD THE REINS) but to actually stay on a horse you need more

Also if you decide to do dressage/jumping/cutting/reining you need a lot of lessons as well

>> No.6358515


Riding a horse is pretty fucking complex. In the first lesson, you'll probably be taught some basic posture and seat, shown how to hold the reins, how to trot and possibly how to do rising trot, and continue in that vein for a while. You need a lot of tuition before you can say you can ride a horse.

>> No.6358519

Adella needs to kill herself.

This fucking thing has been going on for years and has had thousands of dollars sent to it.

That pathetic faggot that gave her thousands in the posts? He was a member of the military stationed in some remote shit hole that was just hoping Adella and JoEllen would friend him.

It's pathetic and embarrassing to take money from desperate people.

>> No.6358524


I'm going to assume that "six months" is just the time period that he took lessons within. He might have only had one hour of practice every week, every two weeks, or even every month. Saying you've been riding for the past six months doesn't give any indication of how long you've spent in the saddle, what you've learnt and what conditions you've ridden under. It's empty bragging, plain and simple.

>> No.6358528

lmao oh jesus

>> No.6358531


It means Adella probably broke up with the guy playing link and got her new fuckbuddy/boyfriend to be link.

>> No.6358535

We didn't even do trotting, let alone posting, when I used to teach first timers. Granted, we were an English barn and if they were taking lessons at a Western specific place, the school horses probably have a nice slow jog that would be Ok for a first timer to sit.

>> No.6358538

Yes. They know exactly what they're doing. They know the people who donate to them are desperate to be part of their elite inner circle and would pay money just to get a comment from them. So all this "It's their money and they chose to use it this way" bullcrap needs to stop.

It should be obvious by now that TPZ is nothing but a scam. The word "donations" should be synonymous with people who literally have no money to help themselves, not middle-upper class people who are privileged enough to have money to support their HOBBIES (much less food and shelter).

It's insulting. And this project has had very little to show for the money that has been invested into it.

>> No.6358557

I ride English in Britain, and everywhere I've been, I've found a bit of trotting pretty standard in every first lesson. Things have changed though, back when I was first learning, I was put on the lunge and wasn't even allowed to touch the reins until I'd fixed my seat.

>> No.6358567

Haha, me too. The ol' lunge lesson. We don't do trotting with very young students on their first lesson, they do walking over ground poles towards the end of their first 30 mins to get a feel for the bigger movements.. But older students (I never taught the older students) may do some.

>> No.6358577

>Implying most of the shit tier cosplayers don't use their own money.
Your whitenight is showing.

>> No.6358574

It's definitely something that changes depending on what barn you're at. Not to mention whether you're in a private or group lesson.

Where I've boarded, if it's private, they almost always trot on the first lesson. Only for a minute near the very end, and it's used as a kind of bait to take more lessons since it gives them a taste of what they'll be moving on to. But we always keep them on a lunge line.

At the same time, if the rider is struggling and not as adapt, we won't have them trot. It all has to do with their ability to begin with, and a big part of it is whether or not they have a good seat and soft hands.

It's an absolute dream for me to one day do a cosplay shoot on horseback, so this sort of thing gets me in the gut.

Sage for horsey talk unrelated to cosplay or lolita.

>> No.6358579
File: 111 KB, 498x640, Audrey horseback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that my first riding lesson was "Here's the horse. Get on. Hold on. Go. I'll see you in an hour."

>> No.6358595

Yes, she uses her own money where Adella asks for donations. Learn to read fucktard.

>> No.6358597

You obviously misread my post. Fucktard.

>> No.6358602

pls be troll

>> No.6358600

all of these pictures are so fucking boring. Wow ur in a field with a horse jus like Zelda wow links outfit looks like it came straight from china

>> No.6358607


Does it not look like a cheap Halloween costume or am I blind

Is it good for cosplay? Sure. Could you pass it off for movie quality? Lmao.

>> No.6358611

last paragraph was meant to be greentexted

>> No.6358609

>Spending time at the ranch was always a welcome distraction from reality. However, he had a duty to find the Princess and liberate the people of Hyrule. As the sun dipped below the mountains, Link lead Epona away with heavy heart, his sights set on Death Mountain.

>This photo was meant to be the last in the set, but unfortunately the final two that were supposed to go before this one are not ready. I didn't want to be late again for you guys, so I just posted this. Sorry they're out of order guys. :) Expect to see more Link riding Epona in future shoots!

>The background is a beautiful digital matte painting by Mickael Forrett. Also, to answer the popular question about horse makeup: We painted Big John's legs and tail and ears to have black on them because his coloration wasn't like that. We used horse show touch-up which many people use in horse shows to hide things like scars and imperfections on their horses. :D Think of it kinda like spray in hair color for humans, but it's made for horses.

The Zelda Project is a Los Angeles, CA based group of friends who seek to bring to life the characters, settings, and overall feel of Ocarina of Time through photography and film. Our ultimate goal is to create the characters as they would appear in reality to the best of our abilities, placing them in beautiful sceneries true to their Hyrulean counterparts, and creating elaborate photosets, as well as a film short (coming soon! Stay tuned for our Kickstarter project!).

>> No.6358610

Looks like the site is down. What IS the zelda project? They want to..make a movie?

>> No.6358614

Oh I thought you meant the game was from China.

My bad. Time to go to sleep.

>> No.6358615

>adella hate thread
>turns into a horse snob thread
god i love this place

>> No.6358616


>> No.6358618

Professional looking cosplay photoshoots. Bring the game to life. Blah blah blah.

>> No.6358622


>> No.6358625
File: 34 KB, 550x412, mt-shasta-looms-in-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even find real mountains
>pay a guy to paint some in

>> No.6358628

oh wow how pathetic can you get

>> No.6358634

I gave constructive critique on her photoshoots. I even said that I liked her photo. Jesus Christ any time somebody doesn't kiss her ass you act as if they're ripping her head off.

We get that you worship her. Just except that not everyone else does.

>Funny 'cause I wasn't the only one ITT "badmouthing" her either.

>> No.6358640


>> No.6358644

When will Adella get a job?

>> No.6358649

Hi Adella. Or JoEllen.

>> No.6358645

Hi PL. Or Sai.

>> No.6358647


>> No.6358654
File: 31 KB, 298x302, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good you're all here together.

Now get out.

>> No.6358656

After you, Adella.

>> No.6358666

Oh goodness anon, you caught me!
You're so smart. In fact, I haven't been talking shit about Adella this entire thread.

>> No.6358672

Why would Adella talk shit about herself unless she's crayfish? Is she (ie you) a crayfish?

>> No.6358669

Wow that photo is utter shit. Everything looks pasted on and colors are filtered to fuck and back.

>> No.6358675

It's sarcasm. I'm not Adella, I've been talking shit about her the whole time. At least 1/3 the posts in this thread are me.

>> No.6358678

Nice try, Adella the crayfish.

>> No.6358682


>> No.6358685


>> No.6358696

Instead of derailing the thread with your lame, unoriginal comebacks, why don't you stay the fuck on topic? This thread was fine until you rushed in to protect your precious cosplay lord PL.

That's because everything is pasted on and the colors are filtered to fuck and back. It probably would have been okay if they made Link blend in better with the background. It looks like they shot the picture with him in broad daylight.

>> No.6358703


>> No.6358717

Stay butthurt.

>> No.6358718

Of course.

>> No.6358775

The fact that she did an accurate pose doesn't change the fact that her costume is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.6358785

So as mediocre as the OP?

>> No.6358793

I'd say both are about the same.

>> No.6358806
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1346503368465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pisses me off the most about this shoot is that they uploaded 8 photos of Link and Malon, but didn't show Ingo or Talon.

>> No.6358853


Because it's The Malon Project, based on Adella's self insert LinkXMalon fanfic.

I just can't get over that part, the people that shovel money at her really can't see this?

>> No.6358992

...They did do lessons, months ago. Even if you are a newfag you could do a little research before you jump in.

Inb4 hi Adella. I know this project is fucking stupid but at least get your nitpicking right.

>> No.6359001

What is your point? The criticism is centered around the fact that they obviously do not know how to sit/ride the horse, even though it is stated that they had lessons. This isn't shit you just 'forget' in a couple of months if you spent 'months' learning it in the first place... I don't understand your comment.

>> No.6359009

"They could have spared $25 for a half hour lesson"
They did, and did more than just a single half-hour lesson, in fact. So that particular nitpick doesn't stand, even if the part about the technique being wrong does. That was all I was saying.

>> No.6359018

Looking at their youtube account, there are three videos involving horseback riding.

They're all terrible (the trainer has to keep hollering at the guy playing Link to, guess what, stop holding the reins with both hands)

All the videos are close to one another time-wise, and the last one is from April.

Chances are he took all of three lessons, and learned nothing, because looking at the videos he still needed to be told how to hold the reins on the third one.

How can someone's motor skills be so tiny they cannot even break themselves of holding reins in one hand? Watching him try to trot and canter, it hurts.

He springs out of his seat when he posts and doesn't even post right, posting every third beat (at best) instead of every two. I am really surprised he didn't fall off.

>> No.6359020

I think the judgement revolves around the fact that it doesn't even appear that they DID take lessons because of how poor just about everything in the picture is. How do you know they did? You don't just forget how to hold reins properly, even after only one lesson even... Basically, I look at that picture and don't see someone who's taken months of lessons, it's basically impossible to look that bad even after only 1 lesson. So I'm curious where the proof is that they even had any horseback lessons... unless they count going to a trail riding barn and just following a lead horse on a trail counts (guess what, it doesn't) because nothing is 'taught' to the rider then, other than to hold onto the horn (also incorrect) while your horse follows a trail it's memorized over the course of years of repetition.

>> No.6359022

The ~technique~ is astonishingly wrong, regardless of how many lessons were or weren't taken.

If someone gives you a rope and says hey, hold this in one hand, and after six months you still cannot do this, you are a fucking retard

>> No.6359033

I give lessons on western horseback riding and you would not believe how fucking difficult this is for people to grasp.
Even after months, they're over here holding the reins in both hands like an idiot. And pulling, no less. Pissing off my horses... Ugh.

>> No.6359034

There's a link to their youtube, but it's not all that obvious. You can see the videos there.

It's terrible all around. The trainer actually has to get on the horse with him and double ride because he can't figure anything out.

There's also a video where Adella gets clocked in the head with a stirrup (not shown) and goes to the ER. She doesn't bother taking her elf ears off or changing and then lets everyone at the ER fawn over her.

It's dumb as fuck

>> No.6359035

Wait, is this Link the same Link as OP's picture?
I am cringing looking at him using that wire curry comb like a fucking brush... USE IT IN CIRCLES, WHY IS NO ONE SHOWING HIM WHAT TO DO

>> No.6359047

As someone who learned by volunteering at stables and got rewarded by getting to watch other people have lessons while I was on break, and occasionally getting to warm up horses, I will never get why some people take too long to learn.

Then again, I think it would help loads if people would pick up basic, supplemental reading regarding their riding style so they understand the mechanics, instead of just going, "Well they told me to hold it like this so I'll do that."

I was wondering that same thing. I think so but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.6359049

Wowowowwow, these videos... wtf... I am so glad they have fat eggbutt snaffle on that horse. What the hell is with the 'put the reins in one hand, then pull with the other hand in the direction you want to go'...? Why aren't they teaching him neck reining???

>> No.6359051

...is it just me or does the guy playing link is a little too tall to be Link or the horse used for Epona is way too small to be Epona?

>> No.6359057

I don't understand either.
Oh, and the best part is when they finally start to hold the reins in one hand, but they're holding them entirely the wrong way.
I tell them god knows how many times to hold it the other way, and they are just baffled.

Honestly, I blame hollywood for this bullshit. People in movies are almost always double-reining, and still it is incorrectly...

>> No.6359061

It's not just you. Epona is supposed to be something like a clydesdale, and link is supposed to be pretty short.

>> No.6359062

Looks like the project didn't invest much in learning to ride, but also did no research and picked a terrible barn. Not to mention he has no helmet, which for ANY beginner is absolutely necessary.

Second time I was on a horse, I got thrown off and landed right on my head. I had a helmet on, so the worst I got was a strained muscle.

Horses, no matter how bombproof, can always spook.


The horse for Epona is a draft horse, and a hearty one at that. You're not going to find a bigger horse, especially considering most draft horses aren't used for riding, and if you ride them, you need specially fitted saddles.

>> No.6359064

It's not perfection, he looks too Asian, without probably actually being Asian.

>> No.6359082

Here's where the lessons took place at. One of the videos shows a few signs for it.
>> http://www.coppercreekarena.com/

A lot of boarding places have bad sites, but this is a special kind of terrible.

And with that I go to bed.

>> No.6359087

In the video I watched (take 1 or something?) he is wearing a helmet. For the picture I guess there was no getting around not wearing a helmet? Though it is a stupid risk. In my state if you are over the age of 16 helmets are not required, though I would never recommend that.

>> No.6359092

One last thing I just noticed. The trainer in the videos is nowhere on this site and seems to be unaffliliated with them.

That or Shana Carver goes by multiple names.

Someone should email or call them and ask if Dawn Stafford ever worked under them.

>> No.6359094

Helmets. YES.

I am not a beginner, I ride regularly. I figure I don't need a helmet to walk my horse around. Except this herding dog has been hanging around the farm lately, and holy shit. The thing nipped at my horse and she started running, full speed ahead. I turned her real quick to avoid a fence and a car, and got tossed off into some rocks. Thankfully, no injuries, but damn I was sore for a long time and from now on, I'm wearing a helmet.

>> No.6359095

I thought the instructor said she owns a place across the street?

>> No.6359643

How does a helmet help you from being Superman? The spine is lower.

>> No.6359668

>/cgl/ - Cosplay & Horseback Riding

>> No.6359681

Are you pure, dill?

>> No.6359746

His costume is much better than hers. Nintendo is stupid and should have gotten him to model. Then again Nintendo never does anything right.

>> No.6359759

>t-shirt link
>shooped mountains from default Windows wallpaper
>shooped sword and shield
>crappy gloves
>crappy hair

Perfection? Not so much.

>> No.6359835

what the fuck 50% the game is played from that perspective. that is just the best angle for a good link pic. if anything is getting copied its the game and i believe that is the point of cosplay pictures...

>> No.6359885

You have that completely backwards.The bottom pic was posted months ago. The top a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe check before you try starting drama

>> No.6359898

She's a whore, so no, probably not.

Plus, she's Canadian. That's like whore^2.

>> No.6360324

TPZ is the stupidest shit ever. I sincerely hope someone from TPZ is reading this.

- I like the photos

- But you don't need donations for them and you certainly don't need donations from people for.....

- riding lessons (NOT necessary!!!)

- helicopter rides

- the actual costumes (or didn't you know that most cosplayers actually pay for their own shit, using, well it's something called a JOB)

- lodging and food for the cast & crew. OK you're not a widely-circulated magazine doing a photoshoot for a spread. You're a cosplay project. Get your shit together.

- donations PERIOD. Do your own shit with your own money.

>> No.6360333


Does Adella even have a job? How does she survive, she's a grown ass woman...

>> No.6360351

She survives on the donations of retarded Zelda fans.

>> No.6360651

None of these attention whoring cosplayers have jobs. They try to live off of their fans instead.

>> No.6360691

That watermark is horrible

>> No.6360735

I think he's trying to get lucky

>> No.6360769
File: 126 KB, 499x374, tumblr_lndawrWVH51qcvknro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my barn, most kids just walked for the first lesson to learn the basic of posture, reins and steering. Then if they can sit tall we'd have them sit the trot on the lunge line. If the kid improves quickly, then they learn to ride by themselves and posting trot.

>tfw I can talk about this on cgl

>> No.6360792

My first time on a horse was visiting my grandma's. She had a retired hunter who was gorgeous and so sweet, would respond so easily to me. I was sat on her back minus any tack barring the reins. This is how I rode until I was about 12, which is when I first tried riding with tack. I was super terrified of how high up I suddenly was! I know that the saddle serves to protect the horse, but holy crap I was scared up there. Gave it a few tries but I didn't enjoy it as much. I haven't really ridden since.

Tl;dr is there a legitimate way to continue riding bareback as an adult?

>> No.6360817

The photoshopping in these pictures has gotten so shitty. They're clearly trying to achieve something well out of their skill level because their matte paintings and compositing is just so obviously amateur. It's sloppy work and she constantly goes on about having "professionals" work on this but this is so far from professional. This looks like babby's first attempt at editing.

I'm honestly surprised that not many people (aside from here) have brought this up. The sloppy shooping is all I can see.

>> No.6360823

I think she has a day job at a dentist's office or something. She also still lives with her mother.

>> No.6360836

I gotta agree. But mostly because of PL's awful fabric choices. And her wig.

Both are shit, though.

>> No.6360839

Riding bareback is definitely an option, but you really should take a bunch of lessons in tack first to really sort out your seat etc. There are such things as bareback pads (Some have stirrups, some don't.) and treeless saddles that are pretty widespread, so it'd be worth looking into riding with one of those. Definitely consolidate your existing experience with some tack based lessons, though.

It seems like there are a lot of different ways things like that are dealt with. Lessons here in the UK seem to cover everything far faster, but we have a real shortage of quality barns here. If you've not got your own horse and you're riding at a barn with a random instructor, you will probably be hurried through your first lesson and spend a while just trotting, walking, learning how to sit. Some barns hurry you even more; I went to a barn once and watched a first lesson where a terrified teenage girl walked for about ten minutes, was told to start trotting (Elbows out like teapot handles... The instructor was lazy and was hurrying her.) and then told to take the horse over a very low jump. Needless to say, she went over the jump, fell onto the horse's neck, burst into tears and the horse had a bit of a canter during which she slid off the saddle like a sack of potatoes. It was ridiculous.

>> No.6360902

>But mostly because of PL's awful fabric choices

She actually made a twitter post a while back making mention that Nintendo gives her a list of fabric to use on her costumes in order to go through approvals. Sounds like Nintendo has really bad fabric choices.

>> No.6360918


>> No.6360933

I-I.... t-think that PL l-looks way more like L-Link...

>> No.6360938

So Nintendo imagined Skyward Sword Link's tunic was made out of fleece?

Why does this piss me off on so many levels?

>> No.6360944

She doesn't. Nobody looks like Link.

>> No.6360961

She chose shitty fabric even before Nintendo hired her.

>> No.6360965

I think she pulls it off best though.
Link's a male with a feminine face. PL's a girl with a masculine face. I think it just works best.
TZP Link looks too masculine for Link

what is this i don't even

>> No.6361003
File: 355 KB, 768x1024, 7351046592_5c4ca8a33f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
Sorry for the bad pic, It was the best I was able to take of her.

>> No.6361014

Link doesn't have a "feminine face". He has a BOYISH face. There's nothing about Link that looks like a girl.

And no, pikminlink doesn't look anything like Link.

>> No.6361018

>Link doesn't have a "feminine face". He has a BOYISH face.

You sound just like Adella.

>> No.6361024

The props are well-made. The fabric looks ridiculous.

As usual, the most flattering pics of her are at a distance with her face obscured.

>> No.6361026
File: 12 KB, 278x229, 1317085227144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to each their own I guess

>> No.6361060

>The fabric looks ridiculous.

How so? I think it looks fine. It even drapes correctly.

>> No.6361064


Why are we even talking about pikminlink in a thread about TZP? You whiteknight fucks are annoying. Stop jamming her in everyone's face. Jump in a time machine and go back 6 years ago when her cosplays mattered.

>> No.6361076
File: 51 KB, 364x469, 130658453458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You state something looks horrible
I asked how so.
You start screaming whitenight.

Okay bro.

>> No.6361098

It doesn't matter what a person replies with. You're just looking to play whiteknight damage control. Here's how the conversation goes, as it always does.

>"The fabric choice is bad."
>"It's a bright pastel green with no texture and doesn't even resemble the design."
>"Please go away."

And so on and so forth. Arguing with pikminlink fangirls is a waste of time.

>> No.6361119

Different anon here. I'm actually curious as to why the fabric is bad as well. Please explain, because I don't really see it but if it's really that bad I need to know so I can avoid it in cosplays.

>> No.6361125
File: 5 KB, 219x218, 1327712081222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tone of that conversation sure is correct

Keep pretending you are the sane calm one, kay?

>> No.6361128

Hi, Adella.

>> No.6361134

>"It's a bright pastel green with no texture and doesn't even resemble the design.'
>Has never played OoT

Please stop posting.

>> No.6361274

You need to calm the fuck down.
The person here >>6361060 was asking what's wrong with PL fabric, not kissing the ground PL walks on, or shoving her in everyone's face.

Rage moar, Adella.

>> No.6361355

Right. That's why pikminlink is being talked about unsolicited in a TZP thread even though she has nothing to do with anything concerning the topic.

>> No.6361366

She's being talked about because some faggot (probably you) posted a pic saying she copied Adella. Of course the rest of us laughed it off since PL posted that images ages ago.

>> No.6361394

I like how you pretend to be some kind of humble, neutral entity while still shoehorning in defenses on pikminlink's behalf at the end of every statement.

You just want to argue with people and jam her into conversations because you don't want to accept that she's not the center stage zelda cosplayer anymore she was years ago.

But just for the record, yes, she IS copying TZP. Not necessarily picture by picture but her whole "zelda relived" or whatever crap came about on the heels of TZP's photosets, even emulating a similar watermark.

>> No.6361402

Go back to be Adella. Also, get a job.

>> No.6361457

Pikminlink telling someone ELSE to get a job? How ironic.

Why don't you go pretend your body produces estrogen and put on cosplay costumes at your own wedding some more.

>> No.6361504

christ, this thread reeks of period

>> No.6361517

lol wow

>> No.6361521
File: 18 KB, 500x318, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catty bitch overload

>> No.6361526

That comeback.
I really hope you aren't proud of that.
>man you weebs suck at comebacks

>> No.6361575


Not sure if English, question, or even person, place or thing.

>> No.6361616

not PL but she has a job unlike Adella.

>> No.6361626

I was talking about that one specific post, by that one person. Not the whole thread, you old hag. But wait, that probably went over your head, didn't it?

>> No.6361659

No she doesnt.

Wait, oh I get it. You're gunna try to claim Nintendo asking you to be a booth clown a couple times in the past qualifies as having a job. Sorry hun, but a free hotel room and some change isn't going to pay the rent.

>> No.6361672

No, she actually has a job. She went in for an interview last week. It's not my business to tell you what it was for.

>> No.6361684

>some change isn't going to pay the rent.

Like you know how much she got paid for those. Either you are a butthurt troll or Adella herself.
Please stop posting.

>> No.6361696

Hai Adella.

>> No.6361704

Maybe this isn't a common sense opinion but... who the fuck cares if she DOESNT have a job? At least she isn't funding vacations and shit with fucking donation money like Adella. Why does it MATTER what she does for a living? What's that gotta do with her costumes or even her internet persona?

>> No.6361722

Is Adella's "job" being a hobo and begging for money? That's not something to be proud of.

>> No.6361729

Even if she got paid THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (lol) she still wouldn't have enough money to live off from the handful of events Nintendo asked her to go to (along with other people). Even Precious, who had a formal contract with a company, didn't get paid more than a couple hundred dollars for attending a con.

But I guess this is the typical whiteknight tactic: claim it's all a mystery and hope somebody gets fooled into thinking someone asking you to cosplay at a convention makes you money and that it gives you any kind of regular pay check.

And please, stop with the "lol ur just Adella in disguise" shtick. You say that anytime you've run out of things to say.

When you don't have a job but still waste all your time and money on cosplay trying to make yourself feel good by garnering empty compliments from strangers it indicates what kind of loser you are in life. That's one thing both Adella and pikminlink have in common. Both of them are losers.

>> No.6361735

Getting paid by Nintendo > Begging for scraps from poor, pathetic fans

>> No.6361748

Except PL actually has a job that she just got hired for.

>> No.6361752

I'll bet Adella could get more money from donations than anything Nintendo pays cosplayers.

Sure she does.

>> No.6361755

>Sure she does.

LOL nice try Adella.

>> No.6361760


Are you trying to defend Adella for not having a job... by accusing someone else who is younger for not having a job?

>> No.6361770

Pikminlink is older than Adella, hilariously enough.

That's another thing Adella and pikminlink have in common: they're both too old for cosplay but refuse to give it up since it's all they have in life.

>> No.6361774

>Pikminlink is older than Adella, hilariously enough.

Wrong again. God, you're stupid.

>> No.6361778

Adella is 28. Pikminlink is 30.

>> No.6361795

Why is someone 28 begging someone in their teens for money? Don't you like, feel, embarrassed?

>> No.6361815

You do know you have them mixed up right?

Now I'm convinced you're trolling.

>> No.6361919

I've always really liked PL as Link, even before I was aware of who she was and the cosplay community itself (read: 13 and wanting to go to a con because it seemed like a Ren Fair but with characters from things I liked).

Her face has that elfin quality that Link's does, and her cosplays, to me, always looked like clothes that were worn and lived in, like you'd expect to actually see in game (as opposed to super clean crisp stuff).

Admittedly I don't know what the drama surrounding her fabric choices it is, but from the photos I've seen and also seeing her at some California cons, it looks nice.

I think the best way I can put it is that while the Zelda Project's Link isn't bad, it looks like a costume. PL looks like she stepped off a LOTR movie set (that's all I can think of to describe how her cosplay looks authentic/lived in).

>> No.6361988

>PL looks like she stepped off a LOTR movie set

lol right. That's why she uses tafetta and shiny satin trim. Her Link costumes look like she's playing Link in a school play.

In before the whiteknight wants to argue back and forth, stomping her feet because her masculine idol isn't getting the respect she wants.

>> No.6362001
File: 57 KB, 450x600, Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, like I said already, I don't know much about the history and drama surrounding her fabric choices, so for all I know she has made some pretty out there decisions.

But what I mean is in cosplays like this one, it works very well in a realistic sense.

>> No.6362005
File: 345 KB, 510x765, pikmins-link-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one looks nice too

I don't mind if you disagree with me though, it is okay to have different tastes.

>> No.6362009

Does Adella Jr. never sleep?

>> No.6362018

>make thread about TPZ
>PL fandorks get jealous and start spamming her pictures

Business as usual.

>> No.6362020

I don't know that feel.

>> No.6362024

I feel like you are the one who talked about the satin/taffeta stuff. I posted photos of PL to explain what I meant by LOTR set look, and now that I made my point you are trying to backtrack.

>> No.6362033

No, you're just doing the old whiteknight tactic of "Uh oh I'm being attacked. TIME TO DUMP SOME PICTURES I LIKE TO WARD OFF THE EVIL SPIRITS!" Neither of your pictures look anything like LOTR style nor do they display anything that is weathered or looks "lived in". The very thing you're trying to promote your idol on is one of her costuming weaknesses.

Now let me guess, your next reply will be to dump more pictures we've all seen a hundred times then proclaim yourself winner of the argument because you posted pictures.

>> No.6362038


wat. In what costumes does she use taffeta and satin? I've only seen those in appropriate cosplays (Aurora, and that girl from Geass)

Also not a whiteknight, just genuinely curious because I remember never having seen an awkward fabric choice on her.

>> No.6362042

So mad, bro. So mad.

(P.S. Adella's looks like a PTA mom made it in two days.)

>> No.6362044

I'm not certain how you deem clean, textureless fabric with shimmery trim and a micro suede bandolier to be an example of something that appears "realistic."

>> No.6362051


But...it doesn't have shimmery trim? Where do you see shimmery trim? Do you mean the maille?

>> No.6362126


now that you mention it, has there ever been a link that has literally rolled around in dirt to make the clothes more muddy or realistic looking? I don't know I guess it'd look cool

>> No.6362137

Can you post what you feel is the best Link?

>> No.6362153

no what is life

There is no way that person had SIX MONTHS of riding lessons and still holds the reins like that.

>> No.6362190

That horse looks like it's ready to commit suicide

>> No.6362236

I was thinking the same thing. I'd been riding horses as a kid and took lessons for a few weeks a couple of years back , he's holding them so robotically like a beginner.

Although he's overall looking very stiff and robotic.

>> No.6362250
File: 356 KB, 1280x720, 1320246157067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362267


>> No.6362271

From the horse? Maybe it just wants to fly like the wind.

>> No.6362292

There is so many crazy bitches here shit is insane.

You can copy a project, anyone can start a live action series of Zelda and they still wouldn't be copying TZP. You can't copyright this shit, jesus.

PL and Adella sucks, we all could make better shit.

Can we go back to how TZP looks like crap for something done with donation money? This is far more interesting.

>> No.6362297

Adella is NOT 28. Are you kidding or just newfag as fuck? Adella is at least 31 or 32 now. Both PL and Adella are past the 30 mark. Same with Lillyxandra who is also 31. Yaya is around 34. The only famous cosplayer I can think of who's 28 right now is Miyu. PT is 27.

>> No.6362732

Adella is 31, PL is 29. Lillyxandra is 30.

Wow, quit pulling numbers out of your ass.

>> No.6362745

Why isn't Adella 40, PL 12, Lillyxandra 5000?

>> No.6362793

lol calling Link a she

>> No.6362938

Wow. So much ass-kissing in here it's pathetic.

PL is lazy as fuck when it comes to making costumes and making them accurate. For someone who has been hired by a video game company to help them advertise, I'm pretty disappointed in her.

>> No.6363002

Go away Adella, your butthurt is showing.

>> No.6363010

>Everyone who disagrees with me is Adella.

>> No.6363020

It sounds like you're the one who's butthurt.
Both Adella and PL are shitty cosplayers, and you're probably even worse since it appears you worship one of them.

>> No.6363050
File: 63 KB, 375x513, magicarmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaking of PL, I love that she tried painting her magic armor to make it seem like weathering, but in reality it just shows that she can't paint to save her life.

Sage because this thread was perfectly fine until PL was posted and her whiteknighting fangirls rolled in.

>> No.6363228

Looks fine to me. If you want to pick on shit work. Go to another thread.

>> No.6363281

This one is correct.

>> No.6364367

Are you sure?

>> No.6364395

She looks like an old jewish man.

>> No.6364404

That impossible since she tips.

>> No.6364412

I chortled.
And then I felt bad.

>> No.6364543

It's dat massive nose. I feel bad for her, but at the same time, it makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.6364561

i bet you look like shit

>> No.6364569

No. Because I don't have a massive jew nose and a man face.

I love how PL's fangirls get so offended at the smallest comments. She's not you, so why do you care?

>> No.6364580

pics or you still look like shit

>> No.6364598
File: 325 KB, 800x530, TZP_Hiouchi_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I loved the original shoot? Something about deep green forest shoots makes me happy. The scenery was lovely and the editing, though excessive, was pretty.

This new set, however, is fucking awful. To think they got $2k for this, too. It would have been great if they went to Yosetime or something, or used any real background rather than some blurry painting.

Somebody's buttmad.

>> No.6364603

Lol you soooo mad
Rage more, anon. This is hilarious.

>> No.6364630

Adella is 31. She just had her birthday recently.

>> No.6364637
File: 15 KB, 420x300, 1349118415014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this photo too. I think it captures the feel of the game well

If only if it weren't for that awful CGI Navi

>> No.6364662

PL is about to turn 30 next month.

>> No.6364667
File: 166 KB, 601x627, fatass navi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I hate humanized Navi. She looks so much better as just a ball.

>> No.6364687

You forgot
>take thousands of dollars from strangers to search the globe for mountains

>> No.6364690
File: 9 KB, 156x161, twilight_princess_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link does not have a feminine face. He looks like a boy. Not a teenage one, but a young boy. OoT looks especially masculine compared to the others.

Why do people still not understand this?

>> No.6364710

>large eyes
>small nose
>full mouth
>wide face
>small chin

yeah lots of boys have those features..

>> No.6364734
File: 382 KB, 516x600, 516px-OoT_Link_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. When you see a small child, their most notable traits are chubby cheeks, and depending on their race, big eyes as well (Link was obviously intended to be white). To be fair he looks more like a cartoon/anime character than an actual person.

Obviously you haven't played OoT, or at least bothered looking at the official artwork. When you see this picture, does he look like a girl to you?

>> No.6364742
File: 41 KB, 360x480, IMG_0028[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're attempting to be sarcastic, your argument is invalid.

>> No.6364767
File: 256 KB, 425x893, Free_Link_Render_by_Ninja_Jaiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small nose
Looks pretty big/normal sized to me. Also twice as wide as PL's hooked jew nose.

>> No.6364780
File: 78 KB, 270x230, feminine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Link looks boyish/elfin.

It changes from game to game, but sometimes, dude looks like a lady.

Pic related.

>> No.6364883

Nah. He looks like a boy there, even more so than Twilight Princess. Fangirls and weebs just like to say he's girly because their ideal man looks and acts like a woman.

At least that's what I've been able to gather from the girls who cosplay from Zelda in my area.

>> No.6364903

You have a weird bias then? Why do you specifically follow Zelda cosplayers in your area is a better question

>> No.6364904



>> No.6364960

>stepped out of a LOTR set.

Jesus Christ you have to be kidding me, this has to be the lamest attempt to whiteknight PL in the history of /cgl/. Not only are LOTR and Zelda two COMPLETELY different universes (they don't even look remotely similar) but she does not look like she could fight orcs with that outfit.

>Paper thin fabric for the tunic that would rip if she even brushed against a bush
>Cheap fake suede for her boots and belts that would soak in all kinds of moisture from mud, puddles, rain, etc., would not protect her feet, and better yet, would tear easily after a while.
>A hat that's pinned to her head using a visible bobby pin (also looks tacky as fuck).
>a bracer made from a thin layer of craft foam.
>Not to mention her wig looks completely fake, and was recycled from her first OoT costume that she STILL uses today (she even said so herself, check her recent formapring posts).

LOTR costumes were designed to look like they could be worn in battle. PL's looks like a slightly above average looking cosplay costume. Her ears also look like they've seen better days.

I actually don't mind PL, I almost kind of like some of her work. But it's ridiculous posts like these by her brainwashed fangirls that piss me off.

>Excuse any typos...I'm on my cell phone.

>> No.6364970

LOLwtf how was I even trolling...
You must be blatantly retarded if you think he looks like a girl there.

>> No.6364992

They're obviously new here and too retarded to know what 1/10 means.

Link does look like a boy, the only feminine trait is his eyes.

Its kind of stupid to judge all people who think so by just a few people that you know personally.

>> No.6365006

Link looks androgynous.

Sage for samefags all over the place.

>> No.6365036
File: 3 KB, 191x215, 1271316553430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link clearly riding perpendicular to the light source, ie the sunset
>brighter sky in opposite direction of light source

>> No.6365839
File: 124 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PL does officially work at Nintendo. She is in training today for her job.

>RT @Pikmin_Link: Excited for my first day! Made it to training :)

>> No.6365844

This looks questionable. Isn't the actual Nintendo in Washington? This looks like a sub-office somewhere else. Betting her job is nothing more than QA.

captcha: shcooll touched

>> No.6365850

QA is done in Washington. The CA office is Marketing, PR, and Advertising only. She is probably on a team for PR now.

>> No.6365874

If she is in San Francisco, she would be going to the Redwood City office.

>Originally the NOA headquarters handled sales, marketing, and advertising. However, the office in Redwood City, California now directs those functions.

-Wikipedia about Nintendo