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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6357419 No.6357419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

new larp thread.
old one >>6356394

requests, questions or general discussions are still welcomed

>> No.6357427
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>> No.6357435
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>> No.6357443
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also I must say that there are more to larps than fantasy ones. There are all kind of different larps, like post-apoc ones

>> No.6357445
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SCA, its not really LARP. They fight with wooden clubs and hard rubber weapons, and hit really hard.

>> No.6357450
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>> No.6357455
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>> No.6357460
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>> No.6357461
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I hope you don't mind, but I'll post a few stories of LARPing from /tg/, basically to give a little flavour of it. Some folks were interested in it from the last thread. I won't post many.

>> No.6357463
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>> No.6357465

I'm in awe at some of the details in some of the costumes you posted earlier

they really show a lifelong devotion to improving their craft for the sake of better LARP

the only problem is that LARP never really seems to gain traction here in the USA mainly because the communities are often very dreadful.
and without a well established community its hard to devote ones life to LARP.

any idea how one can help grow the current US LARP communities? how can we fix this?

>> No.6357475
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Post apoc LARP (kinda). I don't know if he posted more, but it was a neat little story.

>> No.6357490
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One of hungary's own stories. I hope you don't mind.

>> No.6357492
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there are a few good games in the US with good players.
But as you said mainly it1s just plain shit. There are several reasons for it and we always talk about this on /tg/.
One of them is that larpers in the US just don't put effort in into anything or somehow manage to negative amount of effort into their costumes.

Here is an example that I like to call negative amount of effort. It is a dicksword. With all kind of colored tape, to make it more impressive, de maker even put one-one strip of foam at the "edge" so it has an "edge". But in reality it's still just a dicksword but with a lot of wasted time and resources.

I can rant a more about this but to answer your question: you just need one really good group and a few years plus "hard work". It's not impossible to change peoples view on these things as most of them doesn't even know it could be better. I mean in the us most of the boffertags are seen as larps too

>> No.6357502
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I don't mind but I must add that my english is pretty much shit one I try to tell long stories in an impressive way (the keyword is "try") when it's so late that it's actually early

also about the improving quality thing here is two interesting pic, first one is one guy and his gear through the years. And no, it's not me, I still don't have a good enough costume.

>> No.6357510

Oh, wrong reply. Here we go. Well, I'm sure you could get a better answer, but it does seem a lot of the LARP events in America seem to stick to a very standard, high fantasy setting. I've never really heard of American LARP groups doing stuff like medieval LARP, or post apocolyptic stuff, or even World of Darkness LARP (although, that may be a good thing...). Tends to lead to a cliched image of the pursuit. Mixing it up might help I guess. Could be a history thing too - while it's fairly fun and immersive roleplaying, say, Polish Commenwealth battles in Poland and Ukraine, or Scottish Jacobites in the UK, there's no real equivalent in America besides the Revolutionary Wars. I've always thought a Wild West, or pioneer, RP setting though would be fun to do in the USA.

>> No.6357514
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and this one about the change of one of our games. You will notice that the shit tier costumes are pretty much constant and while we have way better costumes on the average then 4-5 years ago there are still people even here with bad costumes.
And this is true for even the biggest games like Mythodea and Drachenfest. But the professional photographers doesn't really took pics about the shit tier people.
What I'm trying to say is no matter where you go there will be bad costumes, the difference between the US and Europe that the US has WAAAAY more bad costumes plus idiotic larp systems

>> No.6357526

H-How do you even go about making/buying the good costumes?

>> No.6357535

by honing ones craft of costume making

>> No.6357536
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>but it does seem a lot of the LARP events in America seem to stick to a very standard, high fantasy setting
You are not that far from the truth. The most mainstream larps in the US, namely NERO and all of the NERO clones try to mimic DnD. And when I say mimic they want to make a DnD in Real Life game instead of making a LARP.
While at first it doesn't sound like there is a difference between the two actually there is more than a few big ones.
In a proper larp system you doesn't try to enforce rules to make it more like a tabletop game, like fireball throwing wizards, magic weapons everywhere, etc. In a proper larp system you try to make a game where the rules will force you to as little suspension of disbelief as it is possible. That means way less magic and you have to act out as much as it is possible.
There are games where your character has skills, like pickpocketing, and you don't have to actually pickpocket someone just told him that you used your skill on them and hand over the items he have in his pocket.
Or fighting skills, for example you "dodge" every fifth attack or something.
And by God someone told me that there is one larp where you have a skill for digging holes.
these are all examples that people should not follow, in my opinion.

>> No.6357541
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>> No.6357545

How do you become an npc in a larp?

This sounds like shit but I have always just wanted to be a politically important noble with a shit tun of guards that just sits around talking in a pretty costume.

>> No.6357549

the only groups ive found here in Denver, CO are boffertag groups im the only person I know who is even interested in Roleplaying as opposed to just whacking each other with sticks.

I'm determined to improve my situation somehow but the only way I see it changing is starting my own group.
the problem is im the only one who would be in this group.

>> No.6357552
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fun fact: here in hungary we doesn't have any larp shops. We have to make most of the stuff. Nowdays we order a few things from larpshops outside of this country but still we make the costumes ourselves. Or we find someone who is good at making costumes and pay him/her or barter.
That goes for the armors too, although it's a little more easy to find a good blacksmith in Eastern Europe than in other parts of the world.

So we make it ourselves, most of the scandinavian pics I see shows that more than a few people make their own stuff there too. On the other hand in Western Europe is more common to buy your costume from larpshops, although still, there are things that they make themselves. So the "make your own shit" never disappears

>> No.6357563
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you don't have to be an NPC for this, just have a shitton of guards, the politically important part can be easily achieved from there.
But most of the time you have to speak with the organizer. Or in bigger events you can just simply sign up for it, although that doesn't guarantee that you will be an important NPC

well boffertags are a different kind of thing, although as I said people like to call them "larp"
But yeah as you describe it you have to find a few good people and start your own group. Also don't be afraid to travel hours to one game. We do this all the time

>> No.6357566
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>> No.6357567
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>> No.6357569
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>> No.6357570
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>> No.6357571
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Just as you normally would for any cosplay! Admittedly, depends on setting and what you want to roleplay as - the really dedicated get actual suits of armor made up, but they usually try to combine it with blacksmithing as a hobby. Stuff like STALKER RP is pretty good in terms of costumes - outdoor wear,a gas mark, maybe sewing a few custom badges on your jacket, perhaps a model gun, and you're all set.
A really good idea for a standard fantasy LARP is hunter/archer. All cloth, and if done right, can look great. Base it on concept art.

>> No.6357580
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>A really good idea for a standard fantasy LARP is hunter/archer.
or a peasant. You don't have to be a mighty hero to enjoy a larp. You doesn't even need a weapon for it.

and about postapoc larps and any modern larp, the most expensive part of the costume usually is the gun if it's an airsoft one.

>> No.6357586

the /k/ in me wants to hate airsoft

but the /cgl/ in me knows real firearms would just be stupid

gotta suppress my /k/ alot nowadays

>> No.6357594
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and what does your /k/ say about this pic?

>> No.6357600

T-That sounds like a good idea hungary, I will just have to ask I guess.
I just want to be a pretty princess.

>> No.6357599

ok question time
so the main attraction for boffertag here in the US seems to be 2 different things

so my first question is this
how do the more realistic styles of roleplaying stay safe? how do weapons generally differ and how do they stay safe without losing their realistic charm as boffer swords do?

>> No.6357602
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>> No.6357607
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>> No.6357604

Guys, how do you actually get completely into character? I used to play in a few games in my teens but then sort of drifted away from larp altogether... I then joined a game a friend of a friend was hosting a few years ago and I just felt awkward and couldn't really completely get in character no matter what. It sucks because I used to like roleplaying and would love to get back into larping now but I'm afraid of joining any games just because I'm sure I'd just feel awkward as hell.

I used to be more into the character-driven games (never really was a fan of the battle stuff), too. I have no idea what has gotten into me, am I just rusty or have I just gotten more self-conscious as I grew up? I don't even know what I'm trying to get at, I guess I'd just like to know if you guys have any tips on how to just let loose and be IC for someone who's apparently lost that skill. :(

>> No.6357636
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>how do the more realistic styles of roleplaying stay safe?
we watch out for each other. You can't bash with full force an unknown person (although between two guys who train with each other and know each other this could happen)

I realise that it's a big letdown for most internet though guys who wants to "bash a shieldwall themselves" but you have to compromise. somewhere. We have safety standards but people are less anal about those and more about using common sense to make the game safe

I recently had a chance to try out a dicksword made in the US.
I noticed two things:
First one that it was as light as it could be so you really had to try to injure anyone
The second one is that it wasn't exactly soft. Not as soft as our weapons. So if it were a little heavier then it would be less safer than the weapons we use, but because of the lightness it's somehow similar in terms of safety.

On the other hand because of the lightness (and because it's a dicksword) you can't properly fight with it, it forces you to use light tappings as it can be seen on any boffertag game. So there is that...

Also another important thing: people here does not afraid of small injuries. That means bruises will happen there is a possibility to break a bone if you fight rough. Although the bone braking is rarely happens during the game, it's a thing for after game fights.

Once I stabbed someone in the neck with a spear by accident. He was moving backward while still facing me and stepped into a hole while I stabbed at him. He needed a little time to be okay but admitted that he died at this and after the game when I apologized he said that no worries, if someone can't bear something like this than he can play chess instead.

>> No.6357656
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Well, a lot depends on the other players. If everyone wears T-shirts and jeans then you can't really imagine that they are warriors and nobles. Although there are people who says that it's just elitism to have good costumes and all you need is IMAGINATION! but I think they are just complete idiots.
If one guy falls out of character and others around him does not bring him "back" then it will start an avalanche. Sad but true. Also if there is "nothing to do" (a much used excuse) then people will fall out of character

It also help to choose a character that fits you and your costume. Once I was asked by an organizer to play an NPC as a leader but I had to refuse because I'm not a leader type. I pretty much sucks at leading people so I don't try to play leader type characters. On the other hand I'm a very good second in command so I played that in the game and it pretty much suited me.

If the character suits you then most thing will come as natural, you have to think less about how to act it and everything will be way more believable.

Also if all you have is a cape made out of bedsheet then people won't take you seriously if you say that you are XY the famous noble. They will treat you as a guy with a bedsheet.

>> No.6357661

any tutorials you can point out for the creation of decent weapons?

I figure that while im trying to help establish some roots in the community here I can at least practice my techniques

>> No.6357662
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>> No.6357684
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I don't really have any tutorials for boffers, although there are a few good tutorials for latex weapons. Those are usually good for boffers with the difference that you don't use latex for covering it but duct tape or powertape.

also if the finished thing doesn't resemble the real weapon at least from far then you know that it can be improved.

but here are a few pics that we made years ago.

>> No.6357688
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notice the plus one layer at the edge and the plus things at the tip

>> No.6357697
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and this is the "finished version" although in reality the handle is not finished just the blade.

But this is just one version there are other ways to make a decent boffer that is safe and resembles an actual weapon at least from far

>> No.6357706


How legal is it to do this in Holland?

>> No.6357707
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a few other boffers with a different method

>> No.6357712
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I... don't know the laws in Holland but I can't think any reason why would it be illegal

>> No.6357718
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and these are weapons with fibreglass cores instead of wood.
Half finished as they lack the latex layer

>> No.6357724

Some countries have very strict laws even when applied to replica weapons. For example, in Australia, you can't own a replica firearm without a permit and it must be stored as if it were a live firearm, even though they're not made to be fired/don't have the capability of being fired. The only exception to this law is in the case of antique, non-revolver firearm replicas.

Similar laws apply to swords, as well.

>> No.6357725

Fake weapons are illegal, Knives are illegal.

>> No.6357727
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And this is how the fibreglass rods are arranged in them, although as you can see they are for different swords

>> No.6357735

>need a license in order to own fake guns
That's what happens when you elect a female prime minister, mate.

>> No.6357746
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ahh I see... Well in hungary we have very strict (and idiotic) laws about these kind of things. But never had any problems with the swords so far. The airsofters sometimes get a little attention from the cops but nothing serious as long as they don't wave around their weapons and shoot outside of the area where the event is held.

So as long as you don't wave around the sword I'm pretty sure there will be no problems. And even the most convincig latex sword can't be mistaken for a real weapon if you see it from a few meters. So if the cops actually come to you to ask questions he will see that it is basically a toy

and here is the finished versions of the bidenhander (the longer one)

>> No.6357760
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and the finished version of the katzbalger (the smaller one) although not the best pic about it.

>> No.6357769
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and found another pic about while they were WIP

>> No.6357775

>elected PM


>> No.6357782
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and just for comparison, from left to right you can see the following weapons
I from the shop twohander (with a latex shortword/dagger at the belt), in the background a homemade boffer twohander, a home made boffer hand and a half sword, a home made boffer halberd, and a home made latex twohander and the homemade latex katzbalger

>> No.6357788
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but back to the various pics as I'm not that good on weapon making

>> No.6357795
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>> No.6357798
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>> No.6357796
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>> No.6357803
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>> No.6357804
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>> No.6357809
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>> No.6357818
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>> No.6357821
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>> No.6357824
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>> No.6357831
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>> No.6357835
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and we went into silent mode again

>> No.6357840
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>> No.6357843
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>> No.6357846
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>> No.6357868
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>> No.6357863
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>> No.6357878
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>> No.6357873
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>> No.6357881
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>> No.6357928
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>> No.6357935
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>> No.6357939
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>> No.6357942
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>> No.6357948
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>> No.6357974
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because everyone fell silent I will rant a little more about a few things.

One of these things is how US larps seems to think that literally anything can kill a teenager or a grown up man.
For example larp arrows.
Now one of the common weapon rules in larps about ranged weapons that there is a limit on the draw strenght on bows and crossbows. this is usually somewhere around 20-30 lbs. Which is not much, you can't properly kill a man with a 30 lbs bow if you use real arrows, but this is a larp so of course you will need to use larp safe arrows. Which could be home made or from the shop.

Now here is the funny thing: more than one US larps though that the factory made larp-arrows are not as safe as the home made versions. Which is laughable at best.
But later they went full retard:
archers can't use arrows. Instead they wil hold out the bow with one hand and throw little packets (basically a small bags filled with seeds) at their targets. And they have to put padding at the bows.

I called bullshit when I first heard this but then pics were posted and indeed it is happened.

>> No.6357986
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>> No.6357987

I'd devour their bread, if you know what I mean. Damn.

>> No.6357992
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They killed people and baked into their breads in that game. Just so you know.

>> No.6357995

Mark McGrath: Vampire Hunter

>> No.6358010
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>> No.6358018
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>> No.6358027
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>> No.6358030
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>> No.6358032
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>> No.6358048
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Another thing that I don't like is that when the temperature warm enough those people that you REALLY don't want to see naked start to undress. Luckily most of the time they get only half naked but still, that's visual terrorism however you see it.
I never really understood this, I mean most people I know has a kind of self-judgment. I mean I know that I don't want to get half-naked or people will mistake me for an undead, and yet there are certain people who think it would be an AWESOME costume to get half naked and be a barbarian or whatever.

I just say this so you guys know larps are not all sunhine and happines

>> No.6358052
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>> No.6358054
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>> No.6358065
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>> No.6358067
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>> No.6358071
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>> No.6358074
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>> No.6358076
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>> No.6358077

I know I may be a little late to the party here

but as someone who as spent alot of time practicing archery I can say that LARP arrows in general frustrate the hell out of me.
they never fly straight enough and people always complain about them. they are the number one reason why I just outright quit LARP, especially dicksword style LARPs.

>> No.6358081
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>> No.6358086
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yeah I know that they are pretty far from accurate, but on the other hand shooting with blunt arrows would be actually dangerous...
On the other hand archers in bigger groups are still useful

>> No.6358091
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>> No.6358094
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>> No.6358096
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>> No.6358097
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>> No.6358101
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>> No.6358103
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>> No.6358105
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>> No.6358106
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>> No.6358114
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>> No.6358115


I....i didn't know LARPers came in that variety..

They're actually intimidating and not just neckbearded....

>> No.6358125

I wonder.. do people like you wish that you were born in a different age? When warriors battled head to head without guns

>> No.6358123

I like second from left's helmet

im curious as to how the ram's horns are made and attached to the helm.

>> No.6358126
File: 661 KB, 2448x3264, DSC00568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are a few around, although most doesn't really try to be intimidating as it's kinda hard to do it with toy weapons in your hand.

>> No.6358134

Do you ever wish you were in an anime?
What, scrap that question....

>> No.6358141
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I actually like modern things like proper food, modern healthcare (well... if you get any but still), internet, and all the other stuff.

So no, I don't really wish it.

judging from that picture it's a real horn, and it's attached to the back of the helmet somehow. It could be glued, or riveted or there is some kind of premade thing where you can attach it. There are more than a few possibilities

>> No.6358147
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>> No.6358150
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>> No.6358153
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>> No.6358155
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>> No.6358161
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>> No.6358170
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>> No.6358178

anyone know how to do a headwrap like this? thanks

>> No.6358191
File: 419 KB, 1600x1065, DSC04948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also important things: You can see a lot of pics here with a shitload of people, like hundreds of them.
Thos pics are mostly either from Mythodea or from drachenfest which are the biggest larps with literally thousands of players, like 5000+ players.
But most larps are usually has 30-50 players on and event.or sometimes around one hundred.
Events were are more than 200 people are kind of rare

That's the sad truth

>> No.6358198
File: 582 KB, 999x666, 1343478616740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this video will help:

>> No.6358203
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>> No.6358207
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>> No.6358210
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>> No.6358212
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>> No.6358214
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>> No.6358219
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>> No.6358222
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>> No.6358225
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>> No.6358229
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>> No.6358239
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>> No.6358242

You rock larpfag

>> No.6358247
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>> No.6358248

it very well might, thank you, kind hero

>> No.6358258
File: 377 KB, 999x666, 1326666337862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you but I just post these pics, it's not like I'm on any of them. Although there are a few that I made

>> No.6358262
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>> No.6358264
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>> No.6358269
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>> No.6358271
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>> No.6358272
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>> No.6358275
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>> No.6358278
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>> No.6358284
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>> No.6358287
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>> No.6358296
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>> No.6358303
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>> No.6358299
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>> No.6358307
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>> No.6358311
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>> No.6358313
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>> No.6358320
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>> No.6358324
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>> No.6358327
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>> No.6358347
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>> No.6358350
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>> No.6358355
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>> No.6358356
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>> No.6358359
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>> No.6358365
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>> No.6358361
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>> No.6358369
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>> No.6358376
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>> No.6358380
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>> No.6358386
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>> No.6358390
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>> No.6358392
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>> No.6358396
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>> No.6358404
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>> No.6358408
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>> No.6358410
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>> No.6358413

That just makes me want to marry them even harder.

>> No.6358419

and image limit reached

>> No.6358480

So what do you think about this hungary?

>> No.6358608

What's LARPing?

>> No.6359243 [DELETED] 

well the movie was watchable once, but I don't think that it shows really well how larps work. I mean the whole plot was pretty much designed to somehow justify the killing spree at the end, and even then it's easy to call bullshit on it.
On the other hand if you like movies where everyone dies at the end then you can enjoy it

I'm kind of lazy to type it down again so here is the answers from the previous threads

>> No.6359246

well the movie was watchable once, but I don't think that it shows really well how larps work. I mean the whole plot was pretty much designed to somehow justify the killing spree at the end, and even then it's easy to call bullshit on it.
On the other hand if you like movies where everyone dies at the end then you can enjoy it

I'm kind of lazy to type it down again so here is the answers from the previous threads

>> No.6360054

I'm more interested in living history than LARPs but I don't know how to get into it as a giant introvert history nerd :(

>> No.6360125

search for reenactor groups. Although be aware reenactor groups are similar to larp groups in that a lot of them is plain shit and don't know what are they doing.
If the group is interested ONLY in fighting then chances are they are far from historically correct

>> No.6360509

What are the general rules for weapons in LARPing? In my medieval re-enactment group we use blunted but otherwise historically accurate forged weapons, but it seems like LARP uses lighter stuff.

>> No.6360800

well generally the weapons on the larps are over-glorified padded sticks. So not real weapons at all. The exact weapon rules are different from game to game though but it's just a game where all kind of people play from the 14 years old kid to the 60 years old grandma, and you have to assume that the ordinary player knows nothing about swordfighting.
So yeah, sticks with foam padding.

>> No.6361139

hungarian, do you have any pictures of female costumes/armor? I'm picking through what you've already posted to see if there is any, but whatever you have would be appreciated

>> No.6361219

yes. more than a few. Although I must say that female armor as such doesn't really exists. I mean an armor is good for males and females too with a few really gifted exception of course.
I will start a new thread and post a few pics there for you but in an hour I have to and get some sleep, I will continue it later

>> No.6361292

the new thread
also if you have anything more specific you want to see then say it, otherwise I will just randomly post larper girls, and mostly the better and because of that more mainstream pics

>> No.6364232 [DELETED] 
