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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6357073 No.6357073 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to a costume party tonight and so I don't reveal my ~true costume~ before Halloween I've decided to cheat and just wear lolita and go as a "living doll". Any tips for achieving this, makeup/hair or otherwise?

Now is the time I wished I paid attention to the VenusAngelic and Kotakoti threads.

>> No.6357114

Lolita is not a costume

>> No.6357130

By putting on pounds of makeup, circle lenses and lifeless expression? oh a a possessive mother as your accessory XD

>> No.6357161

I'm using an IW dress in a costume, not being a Lolita.

>> No.6357252

Don't make lolita into a costume you dumb fuck

>> No.6357273

Don't be such a tight ass.

>> No.6357277

Draw the joints on your wrists or where ever your skin is exposed. You could go for more of a marionette look and draw lines on your mouth and chin.

>> No.6357307

What's wrong with using a lolita dress in a costume?

>> No.6357352
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People dress as cheerleaders, jocks, goths, emos, punks, nuns, priests, old people, catholic school girls and everything else for Halloween. Why not lolita?

A costume is when you are dressing as something your not.

>> No.6357364


Nothing, really. I'm going to try to pull off pirate lolita

>> No.6358265

Lolitas are way too insecure about their own fashion. It's obvious people think it's a costume, people think more toned down things like fairykei are costumes sometimes.

>> No.6358293

Very true.

>> No.6358319

Not only that but it's hard to understand sometimes how they insist that it's "just clothes" yet it seems so important to them for people to understand that it's a fashion and everything.

>> No.6358331

We just want to wear something that we feel looks really pretty without having to hear snickers.

>> No.6358340

do you have any falsies? layer multiple pairs of those, as well as the concealer & eyeliner.

er, do you have any bodyline white dresses you wouldn't mind getting dirty? 'cos you could stain them with fake blood and go as a broken (guro) dolly

a long wig with himecut bangs would work too

>> No.6358341

Well isn't it obvious that people will think it's odd? Hell, some people think certain 'normal' clothing looks odd and make fun of that. I feel like a lot of you guys are too insecure, which could be why you rip apart other lolitas, and I'm not talking about ~itas~ I can understand that someone dressed badly or who sticks out even more than you yourselves could make you embarrassed since people already get the wrong idea about the fashion.

>> No.6358346

>layer multiple pairs of those

It would probably look better if she only wore one really extreme pair. She's not trying to go as Michelle Phan.

>> No.6358385


You're very funny. I like you.

>> No.6359809
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how is using a lolita dress in a costume any different from any other halloween costume made by pulling everyday clothes out of the closet? I know lots of people who do that for their costumes, it's cheaper.

I use my lolita in costumes because it's a lot easier than having to make a new costume every year and given the nature of the fashion, you'll get tons of compliments.

lighten up.

>> No.6359814

OP, here, 2 "living doll" tutorials that are actually helpful (but not in english)

and pictures of a more subtle big eye look that i do regularly. same technique but less... shitty looking IRL. doll look only works in photos and straight on, from the side it looks quite silly.

side view

>> No.6361700


Do you have the actual links for these? The thread you're linking to 404'd.

>> No.6361721

If the links are from /cgl/, go to the archive and search for the posts.

>> No.6361794


you're a genius!