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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6356746 No.6356746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

were you a social aspie in high school?
did you get picked on?
stories please.

>> No.6356767

I was an awkward weeb in the first two years of my lower secondary but after that I've basically been friends with everyone.

So, nah.

>> No.6356790

yes, I had no friends in high school. It was my own fault though, I was too shy to talk to anyone.

I don't know if it was my school or the era ('99-'03), but no one ever picked on me, even though I was an easy target. They actually tried to befriend me, but gave up after I wouldn't talk back much. I just became known as "that girl that doesn't talk". I haven't changed too much since then.

>> No.6356793

are you hot?

>> No.6356801


>> No.6356810

oh theres your problem.

>> No.6356812


I'm Bipolar 1 so I basically had no friends because I acted fucking batshit from the time I was a toddler until I was 14.

When I was 14 I went completely psychotic, was convinced I was a super villain, injured my family members, and after hordes of cringeworthy actions on my part I got sent to a mental hospital and was finally cured.

After that I had no social skills from having no friends so I acted like a desperate aspie for the rest of high school.

I'm now almost 24 and completely normal. Graduated college, good social life, good paying job, and have been in a relationship for 3 years.

>People change. Nuff said.

>> No.6356814

I had an awful time of it in high school. I'm one of the most painfully awkward, difficult people imaginable. I made a lot of my own problems, but yeah. School was shitty.

>> No.6356823
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Hello again /cgl/. Last week it was cosplay horror stories, and the week before, it was eye wateringly bad cosplay. I'm back again this week, just in time to share this image with you all.

Just like that time you drunkenly kissed your best friend on the school trip to Holland, or that time your barfed up tacos (double reggae reggae sauce flavour) on your crush, I will be around to haunt you with what you said on the internet. Basically, Santa - but more malevolent and with access to the paint tool.

>> No.6356846

>3 year relationship
How'd you do it mang? I'm in and out of one every month :C feels bad.

>> No.6356854
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Lets see what else I can dig up before I attend my court hearing...
Ah, here we go. As I've discussed before, Asian men seem to draw a lot of attention from seagulls. Once again, I have to admit I'm puzzled by this. It's a logical fallacy to ascribe the accomplishments of one race on to all the members of said race, which unfortunately means that Kim Sung Kill won't have the same bone structure as a club host. This rule, thankfully, doesn't apply to whites, and I can celebrate in such accomplishments as genocide-by-smallpoz, candwhichs, and motorized carts as developed by other whites.

>> No.6356884

I had a horrible time in high school, people treated me like crap and my mom didn't make it any better by stressing that "high school is the best time of your life!", I was seriously depressed and missed more than half the time because my anxiety about even attending was so bad.

Life got better though. I'm doing quite alright without having any degree.

>> No.6356886

From 1st till 8th grade, I was one of the most popular kids in school, despite being a depressed awkward weeb.
The teachers respected me and honored me and most students sucked up to me which is pretty weird.

Then I transferred schools, because I hated everyone. Ended up being the invisible student which I was okay with.
Oddly enough, I've never been bullied by any classmates, even though I was the perfect target.

>> No.6356887

I wasn't picked on. Just generally avoided. I think people were afraid to approach me cause I guess I am intimidating. I was really shy but it probably came off that I was just stuck up. I sat alone in my spot every day at lunch. It was better that way I think. I wasn't good at communication. Senior year I made a very good friend but, she was pregnant so she was only at school 2 hours a day.

Why am I in this thread... I should be sewing... Blah.

>> No.6356896


I didn't get picked on, I had few, very close friends. I had a lot of "normal" friends, and got along with pretty much everybody. I was by no means popular, and I usually tried to avoid social situations (such as class trips, etc.), but my class was cool.

>> No.6356901
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I'm still a social aspie!

Joking aside, my middle/high school years were hell, mostly because I was the only one who wasn't into sports. I was always "the weird kid" and never had many friends for it. I still don't.

But I had a horribad weeb stage at 13-14. I dressed in "decora".
My basic outfit throughout 8th grade was this:

>greasy, black "hime-cut" hair
>Some stupid t-shirt with a "cute" pattern
>Ragged tutuskirt/pink ballerinaskirt
>Striped stockings in ranbow colours

Oh god. If I could just slap my younger self in the face.

>> No.6356906
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I can't understand what it is about /cgl/ that fosters such a candid and laid back attitude to discussing sexual matters. I'm no prude - 6 years of being an altarboy to Fr. Pedro put paid to that - but at least I have standards. Discussing your sexual inadquecies to the whole world is a bit much, especially when you start asking others if such a thing as female Viagra exists. What would you even call such a product anyway? Clit it Bang? Death Grip? Iron Pussy?

>> No.6356925
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When we watched The Breakfast Club in class everyone started screeching about how much I was like Allison. They also booed her 'transformation' at the end, though, so that's something. I think they actually liked having a pet weirdo because they never actually picked on me and were always pretty cordial if distant.

However, I only had a very small group of friends and didn't really talk to anyone else so people liked to make things up about me, which then turned into rumours. There were rumours that I spoke fluent Japanese (even though I always kept my powerlevel way down), that I was asexual and/or that I was dating someone 10+ years my elder, that my parents were obscenely rich and/or in prison, that I had published several books, and that I had a terminal illness (that one didn't last very long).
There was never anything truly malicious and nobody ever 'confronted' me about them, so to me it was just funny. My classmates must've been bored as shit. The teachers also seemed to think it was harmless, and many even believed the one about me supposedly speaking Japanese.

Now in college I don't look quite as outcast-y so people don't tend to think I'm a weirdo unless they try to talk to me and I accidentally fling my spaghetti at them. Still, no teasing. I guess I got lucky.

>> No.6356940

>true anonymity
>mostly female audience
While I don't exactly condone daily female issues threads on /cgl/, it really is an ideal place to discuss this shit without consequences. I get why some seagulls would want to, especially if they have no close female friends or relatives to talk to about this stuff.

>> No.6356953
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Eh, last one. That comment about sitting alone at lunch really got to me. Admittedly in my case it was because I wore a cape fashioned from possum furs to school, but still, I'd like to think I share some sort of kinship with others here. If it makes you feel better, loneliness at that age, thankfully, is easy to recover from ,and you can still turn out to be a normal, healthy adult. In fact, a lot of people end up maturer, kinder, and just overall better from such a harsh experince.

Now, before I go to court to defend myself on public exposure charges, I'll share one last screencap, this time from /v/. Is it real? Who knows. Video games tend to unduce rather immature and febrile imagiantions in young people, so it could jsut be a man posting as a woman. Perhaps an influx of "nerds xD" from tumblr, though, made it seem acceptable to the anon to post this. Lesbian sleep overs are usually the best sort of sleep overs. Provided the girls aren't fat. God, fatties disgust me, totally unfit for society.

OK, off to court I go now, see you /cgl/!

>> No.6356969

I got along pretty well with everyone at school, though for the most part my high school class didn't interact much with any younger or older classes. Still had a decent number of older friends too though.

The only issue was that since I was really shy and kept with everyone I already knew in our grade, some people who didn't know me had the assumption I was a bitch and didn't want to talk to them. It made me feel really bad when a girl I befriended told me she thought of me that way before we started hanging out, and then found out that I'm just a generally quiet and friendly person.

>> No.6356980
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I was popular as fuck.
Everyone wanted a piece of this.

And that didn't happen because of my looks either. It happened because I'm fucking hilarious. I can make girls wet themselves.

I'm wittier than Simon fucking Amstell.

>> No.6357010

>I'm wittier than Simon fucking Amstell.
What's so amusing about gay sex? I'm sure Simon and Amstell aren't that pleased about you comparing their love life with your humour.

>> No.6357050
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I didn't talk much, didn't have a lot of close friends but a group to hang out with. Got along with anyone and everyone. Hell, even the bullies and sluts were my 'friends' and I actively avoided taking sides in drama. Never judged anyone, didn't talk shit, and it was a breeze.

Basically, I was the nice quiet girl that everyone kinda sorta knew or heard about and no one hated. Oh, and if word got around that you picked on me/teased me/talked trash,everyone would assume you're a dick because I was such an ~angel~.

>> No.6357079

The end of breakfast club was total shit. For a lot of reasons.

Awesome rumors though. All I hear in high school was that I fucked a pregnant girl and was dating someone I hadn't met. Until I found her because of said rumor.

>> No.6357090
File: 12 KB, 290x174, youre going to love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lulz this thread. Fun times

>> No.6357113

I got picked on basically my whole life until around 15. I started working out, shaving my head/ dressing in a punk army getup, doing martial arts and had a growth spurt. I fought a bunch of bullies, helped all the aspies out and ended up being pretty popular among teachers and the weird/outcast crowd, though I'm sure I looked like I was trying too hard.

I generally hid my power level though. I would discuss "nerdy" things only if someone else brought it up first.

>> No.6357111

I was fat. Like 180/200 lbs. I was an inbetween. I was introverted around 'popular' loud kids.

I had a bf every single year. Sometimes too..not sure how. Kidding, I was unattractive and dated unattractive people cept one guy who was meh.

Near senior year I was still inbetween. Id hang with popular kids and the nerds who wore hot topic clothes, huddled in the corner while reading manga and wore cat ears.

I was never made fun of and sometimes defended those who were (frandz onlee sorry fat girl from history...)

>> No.6357119

I was a total social reject up until my first year of high school. For my freshman year, I went to a brand new school with only a little over 100 students. Most everyone knew who I was, and I was rather well-liked. Fast forward to the next year, and a bunch of new kids enroll, and they all basically are the scum of the earth... The kind of people who applauded other students for wearing furry tails and ears to school. Ugh.

I decided to finish up the rest of my high school career at the public school, where I really didn't make any friends. I really think the big reason was that I only attended school about 30% of the time, and I was only part-time to begin with (I took classes at the college and online).

Now, I should be in my senior year of high school, but I got admitted early to college, so I'm finishing up my high school credits at college. I have a lot of friends at college, and I get on great.

Most of my friends were seniors when I was a freshman, and pretty much all of them went to different schools than me. Apart from the group of friends I made during freshman year (all of us are still great friends, they're coming over for some shots tonight), none of my friends are in my age group.

>> No.6357120

Best of all though was I met my fiance in high school. Almost 6 1/2 years strong. He is also ma first time.

>> No.6357142

I was known as the slut throughout highschool, but only because of the people I was surrounded by. I went through dozens of guys. I was generally hated by a lot of students because I acted as if students in normal education classes were inferior, and didn't really acknowledge special education students very much. I lead the school's anime club, so I had a lot of weebs that looked up to me, but in a normal setting, I would hide my power level. I thought that anime was too embarrassing of an interest for an all-star cheerleader.

God, I was a bitch.

>> No.6357193

You're still a bitch, hon. ;)

>> No.6357294
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I was completely fine until fourth grade, when my last friend (my other friends either moved or were in different classes) started to drift away from me and hang out with other people. I was insanely jealous, but decided that it was time to find some new friends.

Then I realized that I forgot how to make them.

No one picked on me though; everyone liked me because they thought I was shy and too kind. The bullying was only started by people that literally didn't know me (some random duo that passed me daily in the hallway from gym class) and this delinquent girl from the ghetto middle school I transfered to.

No bullying in high school. I took advantage of my Alma-tier creepiness.

>> No.6357338
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I was super hot, but I get horrible social anxiety. I would avoid talking/communicating with people like the plague. People tried really hard to be my friend - shallow bastards - but shortly after realized their efforts were futile. I'm still like this, and it sucks. I would actually eat lunch in bathroom stalls to avoid people.

I could be really popular if I wasn't like this. Guys would constantly drool over me (hot girl who likes vidya and mtg, how original), but I wouldn't even think of talking to them.

I wasn't picked on much, other than occasional laughter or this one time these bitches put gum in my hair.

Now, I'm a sophomore in college (in my hometown). I meet new people sometimes, and they complain about not having any friends here, because they're all back at home. Well I AM home, and I still don't have any friends. Even my family doesn't like me. I would rather be a fugly social butterfly than what I am.

>> No.6357351

I was a band geek/theater nerd, got nominated with 9 bitches for homecoming queen and I won.
It's like a romantic comedy but I never got the guy ;_;

>> No.6357370
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Not a social aspie, I actually did make a lot of friends in high school. I was known. I think I was voted most individualistic in senior superlatives.

But I did get bullied severely throughout my junior-early senior years by a girl who had dated my ex bf. I had gotten an abortion my sophomore year after he coerced me to have unprotected sex with him (told me things would be "okay" and the whole nine yards) and being the naive bitch I was I believed him. Well, things didn't turn out that okay.
My school was socially conservative and pro-life. When I broke up with my ex he went around and told everyone and I quickly became a social pariah to some people.
He managed to get his new gf knocked up and when she found out about me she had delusions that I was trying to take her bf away from her. She'd make up rumors that I was "talking shit" about her, and would try to come at me in the hallways or at the end of the day when we shared a class together.
She would spit on my locker handle and try to vandalize my belongings.
When I walked past her in the hallway she'd make gagging noises or yell at me.
She'd always try to get me in trouble at the office, and there were some weekdays (particularly Fridays) where I knew she would be incredibly bad and I was too nervous to go to school.
One rumor was so nasty: She went around and spread to the school that I was trying to abort her baby because I was a "baby killer." Wat.

>> No.6357372

I wasn't always a shy kid, I guess. I mean I had more friends who were male than female when I was little, and the other girls seemed to dislike that and picked on me a lot. It got so bad I had to move schools.
I moved schools, everything was okay! I was sort of going through a weeaboo stage, but I was friends with the 'popular' girls, so I was safe.
When I got into Secondary school, my 'popular' friends stopped talking to me as much, I didn't know anyone, I didn't speak unless spoken to etc. I started getting bullied because I was quiet, and the more I got bullied the more quiet I got. It went on for two years, and I spent those two years hanging out in the library with no friends. It feels pretty shitty to be all by yourself.
I moved schools again in year 9, made some sort of friends, foudn out they were stealing from shops and doing drugs, dropped 'em like they were hot. Started getting bullied by guys this time, didn't know how to react so I stayed quiet. Started getting sexually harassed and touched in places I didn't want to be touched, told a teacher. They laughed it off. My mum came into the school and talked about it to them as it was getting so bad I was literally coming home crying every day. It never stopped, but in year 11 I made friends with some people. However, before I was an A* student, and I dropped down to C's. I suffered from depression (still do) and was suicidal. I still have a hard time trusting people, especially males, as my dad started touching me in places those boys did when I was around 9. It still makes me sick to my stomach at the thought of touching another person, to be honest.
School was a pretty shit time for me.

>> No.6357376

School authorities didn't care that the girl was harassing me. Truth is after they heard the rumors they hated me too, and after them seeing me lash back out at her in my own defense on a couple of occasions they believed I was causing trouble. She was mentally slow and since I was the normalfag then I must have been "provoking" her.

Some teachers came to hate me so bad that they kicked me out of the National Honors Society because I was late to a meeting once when my car had been iced over in snow. When I tried to appeal saying that this clause was not in the code of national rules they denied me anyway.

God, those were shitty times.

>> No.6357381

Actually no. I was the drifter. I fit in everywhere, and so because of that I didn't know where I belonged. I played football, even got onto varsity, but had more in common with the geeks. So I hung out there.

But my two best friends weren't geeks. One was a stoner, so I hung with them. (never did anything, I'm straight edge.) and the other was a jock. He played every sport he could.

Because of that, I was one of the legitimately popular kids. Not the social-ladder kind, but the ones that just about everyone liked.

But, at the end of high-school, because I didn't really have one "clique" I am now only friends with my two best friends. So I'm right where I began.

>> No.6357420

Falcone would beat them up or even shoot them, you should have become his gf sooner.

>> No.6357434
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Oh god. I'm still a social aspie. I moved to where I live now in JUNE, and I still have no friends. When I try to make friends, spaghetti err'where.

In high school, I wasn't normal enough and too much of a badly dressed poorfag to be in the popular kid crowd, and I wasn't into anime and cat ears enough to be part of the weird otaku crowd.
Plus, I was fat, was in the band, and had a stutter... I missed a lot of school because of my depression and anxiety, but still somehow managed to graduate in the top of my class. lol How the fuck does that work...
I got picked on a lot and only had a few friends. One of them is still my best friend.

The teasing didn't really end until I started selling copies of homework and test answers to my classmates so they would stop failing. Nothing hurts worse than some ugly, fat, nerd freak with greasy hair laughing at you because you can't even get out of high school. I made some mad cash from that.

Those were the days...

Pic related, me in August 2008, start of Junior year

>> No.6357730

>were you a social aspie in high school?
Yeah, before I got diagnosised with asperger's. I still am in real life because of the negative socialization I had in the 7th and 9th grade.

>did you get picked on?
From the 7th and 9th grade for shit few people should care about. I tried following the standard advice but as usual it never worked. School did not cared about my plight and only wanted to suspended me twice because I became aggressive to counter the constant peer abuse. The only thing that preventing me from commiting suicide was the twice weekly Japanese language course.

Having no friends didn't help and my only outlet was the internet.

In the end I was transferred to a non-public school and I was unable to continue any foregin language course for YEARS, even when I was in college.

>> No.6357747

I didn't go to high school, I skipped into college. But for 9th grade my private school got a new dose of 7th graders that were just awful. Besides that I was mostly picked on in middle school, but it never mattered much because I moved every year until I was 13 ╚(•⌂•)╝

>> No.6357756

Since you've moved so much, how do you feel about friendships? Too fleeting to matter?

>> No.6357780

No, friendships are incredibly important to me

>> No.6357783

I was homeschooled. I'm pretty sure my mom didn't pick on me.

>> No.6357787

Hey Elsie, this question may sound awkward, but you're never going to make a Steam account or play Dota, right?

If that's so, can I ask you for a favor? Please respond.

>> No.6357802

I was cripplingly shy through most of the time I was in public school. Never interacted with anyone, people thought I was mute, etc. I was never bullied much though, and I assumed it was because I was invisible.

Later I'd realize that I creeped most of my classmates out and that was why. Something about the all-black clothes and the fact that I never talked to anyone (and spoke in monotone when I did), coupled with the fact that I was always writing/drawing something, made people uneasy. I'd been completely oblivious.

>> No.6357896

i was homeschooled through middle/high school, and pretty much hikki'd my way through my uni degree, passing through the system unnoticed, so my tale is different than most.

only started getting into anime in the past two years, but mostly liked grimdark/3spooky5me series so i kept my powerlevel decently hidden.

>> No.6357901

>were you a social aspie in high school?
>did you get picked on?
No actually. I could hang out with and talk to anyone in my class. I had no enemies and as far as I know nobody had any problems with me. I preferred to hang out with my group of friends though, the people with the same interests. The different cliches were more open though I think because I went to a small school. My graduating class only around 80 people.

>> No.6357909

School wasn't a good time for me. I moved around a lot between the last year of primary school and the first two years of secondary school, never really settled. No one spoke to me, ate alone, social anxiety set to maximum. Final year changed a little. I was a little less shy, started studying with a friendly group - another quite boy, his friend (extroverted, very campy), and a trio of girls. Very kind to me, brought me out my shell.

One of the girls was very much a female equivalent of me. She had been shy through most of school, very difficult to talk to, read a lot. Unlike me, she did have a few friends throughout high school - the two other girls I previously mentioned. A week or so before Christmas break, she asked me out. I don't know why, but I remember I got very cold with her for some reason. Tried to laugh it off at first, but when she got embarrassed and insisted that she wasn't messing around, I brushed her off. To say she didn't take it well was an understatement. After Christmas, studying with her was very chilly, which put the others off. Eventually disengaged with the group, kept in touch will all except the girl in question, but ended up back at square one. I must have really pissed her off, because five years later, at a little graduation dinner for one of our friends, she didn't speak to me. An hello, a few pleasantries, but after that nothing - completely guarded. Still as shy as ever.

I don't really know where this is going. I guess don't say no to a girl when she asks you out, particularly if she's shy? Meh. I would have liked to have known how she took it, maybe would have resonated more with the audience here.

>> No.6357914

I was socially awkward as fuck, but somehow got away with it?

In grade school I was a super weeb stuck in one of those "gifted" classes, which led to me not socialising at all with anyone outside my class for 4 years. I had a fairly abusive home life and would come to class filthy, maladjusted, and lying through my teeth about a million insignificant things to make me feel special.
Other kids in my class loved me for some reason though, they'd carry me around piggy-back style so I wouldn't have to walk, buy me food because I don't even, and beat a kid to the ground and kept kicking him until the principal came because he stole my shoe.
I can't.

>> No.6357943


High school was kind of weird too, I ended up with the guy I was crushing on in grade school and cleaned up my act a lot, but I was still awful in any social situation. I burst out crying multiple times in various classes because someone would speak to me and I wouldn't know what to say.

Sometime during my second year, my boyfriend ended up breaking up with me for being too clingy and I lost a bunch of friends from my old school because I ended up with someone new right after.
The new guy was a few years older, in University, and after about a year of dating, we both got into a bit of BDSM stuff, so I was one of those people who'd wear cat collars every day (He thought they were cute.)

In my final years, I stopped talking to a bunch of people because talking to people was tedious and I just stopped caring about almost everyone, my English teachers likened me to Meursault and Lolita alternately and were pretty convinced I was going to murder someone.
My literature teacher invited me for tea in her room every lunch though, so I ended up never having to deal with other people for those last years. It was nice.
Towards the end of the last year, things were going sour and I started having nervous breakdowns like all the time, and people started talking to me again.
I'm pretty sure they were just being nice so I didn't shoot up the place at that point though.
Never picked on outside of home though, as paranoid as I was about it all.

>> No.6357964
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I had friends, but I was in an advanced program full of people I couldn't connect with and they didn't seem to want to connect with me. I always put on a confusing demeanor in class, which led to very mixed perceptions of me. I'd try to connect with people during the first few months of the program, but I realized our interests weren't exactly the same and I was either too dumb or too slow in conversations to keep up with them and take our relationship to a friend level. I had a few acquaintances but they wandered off eventually. Due to sensitive ears, I could hear the crowd whisper about me whenever they saw me with a girl/girlfriend or talking with someone in general and they were shocked I would talk. There we so many different perceptions of me floating around that whenever people'd group up and whisper about me nobody knew what the fuck was going on. "Oh he's weird, he just stares all class" "Really? He helped me with my math earlier.. he seemed alright" "He was just staring at my tits, he's a freak" "Apparently he has a girlfriend, who'd want to date him" "I don't know, he seems like someone who could get a girl" "I thought he was gay, seeing how he dresses and his demeanor" "He seems too cocky to me" "Nah he's just faking confidence I think." "He was talking about girls with that one weirdo.. that's gross" They'd all go like this and the conversation'd go nowhere.

>> No.6357968

Oh Jesus, that was way longer than I thought

tl;dr, I had friend, but was in an advanced program with people I couldn't seem to get along with, so I'd basically be some sort of multi-persona entity to them through my actions

>> No.6358005
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>Bullied all of life for being short/thin, anything kids could be mean about.
>Develop eating disorder in middle school.
>In/out of hospital pretty much all of high school. Bad health.
>Periods where I was in school, I would sit alone and write/draw/read. Not talking to anyone.
>Senior year; move to country town. Talk to no one again. Starve self again, but too far away from hospital to get treatment.
High school sucked. All my doctors thought I was an aspie because I had no interest in parties and things. My medications made things worse. Psychiatrists will probably do all but suck a dick to get money from pharmacy company lobbyists.

>> No.6358075

i was popular as hell in middle school but completely burnt out in high school
i basically cut off all unnecessary communication with people (aside from my best friend) and stopped trying to look cute at school and subsequently no one really wanted to befriend me because everyone was/is shallow as hell. i hid my powerlevel and was just socially apathetic but i always felt out of place

throughout the remainder of high school i hid in the library at lunch because i was one of those girls that was cool to be "friends" with but not the sort of friend you integrate into your life. shit sucks

>> No.6358087

I went through my major weaboo phase through middle school so by highschool my weaboo reserves were kinda watering down and when I saw the people that went to Anime club it completely died.

I was mostly friends with the artsy fartsy kids, theather, stoner and some of them were geeky but I guess I was pretty normal. I Hung out with a large group of people, had a group of about 4 really closed friends, got nominated for prom queen and homecoming queen, ran about three clubs, did sports, was generally well liked by teachers and other students. I sorta dabbled at so many things in school that people knew me and no one really had a problem with me.

I dunno. I guess I was pretty popular in high school. If not popular at least well liked or ignored as 'normal'

>> No.6358131

words can not describe how significantly more ugly I was in high school than I am now.

I'd literally just whisper to people and have them repeat what I said to everyone else.

it wasn't cute.

>> No.6358251
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>Was huge weeb in highschool
>Kept to myself and fellow weeb friends
>In general never took care of myself, but managed to maintain decent skin and hair
>Go to NYCC 2012 and completely grown out of my weeb stage
>Suddenly meet a fuckton of people I never met before, but somehow they knew me
>me when people probably remember me for being a terrible weeb

>> No.6358292

>honestly try to make friends and join clubs; bball, volleyball, cheerleading etc.
>try hard at school
>start losing friends
>getting harassed by students and teachers
>getting physically bullied by students
>every day
>stop doing homework
>start skipping
>float around school, the rare days i went, in a depressed daze
>transfer to 2 other schools
>no friends
>self harm
>suicide attempts
>drop out at 17

I was just a target for people. Not sure why. I never really said or did anything to warrant much attention. But i got into a few fist fights and other stupid shit that made life hell..

>> No.6358317

holy shit. i hope you don't deal with fucks like that anymore. how awful

>> No.6358342


Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry this happened to you...

I wish we could get back at the school for what they did to you, anon. Fuck those rednecks. For real.

>> No.6358360

All in all, I didn't have too bad of a high school experience
>went to an all girls school
>for some reason, I have always got along better with boys than girls, right from kindergarten
>to top it off, I'm incredibly shy
>because of that, I didn't really make many friends
>the few friends I had and I were weebs, but we were pretty good at hiding our power levels
>get a job in final year of high school, lose some shyness, make more friends, grow out of weeb phase
Yeah, not a very interesting story at all.

>> No.6358399

I was really shy my first two years of high school since I'd moved there recently and didn't know anyone, and my town was small so everyone had grown up there and were very tight knit. I was never bullied, but I ended u becoming friends with a guy in my junior year and he took me into his group of friends, and over that year I really grew out of my shell and became confident in myself. The rest of high school was quite nice.

>> No.6358406

I was a social outcast, along with my friends. I didn't have a lot of friends, but the friends I did have were my friends since I was six. The five of us were inseparable, and even picked up each other's habits. Someone learned to skate, we all learned, someone bought a dog, we all raised it. Someone eventually started smoking pot, and we all did. They just didn't care about grades as much as I did I suppose.

Sometime in freshman year, one of us (I think Ryan) broke his leg at the skate park, and we didn't go skating for a while. Some time during that, one of us began reading manga, and we all picked it up. I think it was Love Hina or some romantic-comedy manga. That's when we started doing weeb shit, and when Ryan got his cast off we would talk about what manga we were all reading while walking to the park.

We were all some Japanese, so I guess we couldn't be weeaboos, but we were still losers, even if everybody just left us alone.

Nostalgia like crazy.

>> No.6358442

I was made fun of a few times, but the people that said things would always talk to me afterward like they hadn't. I never reacted or retaliated and kind of just ignored people, even if I really wanted to say something. Previously, every time I did speak up with something I thought was super clever, it would either fall flat or I would say it too quietly, so I just stopped talking.

I was made fun of a few times for being unattractive in an all-male (but me) class. I'm not too good at showing emotions properly so I would pull faces sometimes, make weird sounds, and I had some chub that I have by now lost. Despite saying shit to my face, they didn't treat me poorly, if that makes sense. They thought I was some kind of genius, but I just have a good memory for useless information.

I was the same way I am now; a humongous aspie. I could literally sit for hours doing what appeared to be nothing. People I hardly knew would sit next to me and tell each other horrible secrets about themselves or others and wouldn't even whisper or hide it from me, like I wasn‘t there. They would just talk over my head about whatever. I had a wealth of nasty knowledge about people, but I never told anyone.

>> No.6358474
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>moved around a lot as a kid so i always had to make new friends
>i was always shy though not unfriendly
>settle down, and then puberty hits
>suddenly boobs
>overwhelming sudden hatred of body
>eating disorder ensues
>depression and social anxiety
>made fun of for being quiet sad ED bitch
>all friends turn on me
>go to small "alternative" school
>get sent to mental hospital for wanting to kill myself
>sent to boarding school for depression (living with 19 girls who hate you in fucking utah yes fun let's do that again)
>come back junior year with all kinds of rumors about me
>discover most of bullshit was caused by health problems
>get GED and fix health problems
>boyfriend for almost 4 years (until recently), have great friends, doing schoolwork online, working at gamestop (idk how i managed to hide my spaghetti for that interview), & tons of hobbies that i'm p good at.

i think things turned out pretty okay

>> No.6358481

forgot the part where i turned to the internet for social acceptance. that didn't turn out so well. i try to shut that out.

>> No.6358556

Nobody ever picked on me directly, but the picked on my friends. I did have a horrible reputation though because I was friends with the weeaboo cat-ear crew, the goth kids, and that one girl who ate her own period blood and bragged about it.

>> No.6358591

I was pretty normal in pre-k through about 3rd grade...I had tons of friends, hung out with the 'popular' group (or what would become the popular group). 4th grade began a new hell though. I was the first to grow boobs and some of the kids in the circle of friends started picking on me so I started slouching my shoulders and wearing big shirts to hide them. Fast forward to 6th and 7th and I wore a huge hoodie all the time because I was super embarrassed of my body. I withdrew from everyone, lost all of my friends, and avoided people in general. Highschool was better because people left me alone and partied and drank and gossiped nonstop. I was super lonely though and had lost all of my social skills. At 16 I left highschool and started college 6 hours away from home and freaked out because of the lack of social skills so I didn't buy food or go to the dining halls and lost a ton of weight and came home looking like a skeleton. Annd now that I've gone through 2 hospitalizations and put some years between me and my school days I'm a relatively social being.

>> No.6358620

I got picked on most of my elementary school years, didn't make any real friends until middleschool, and I'm 20 now and talk to most of them on a daily or weekly basis. Suddenly becoming funny in 6th grade helped me a lot, so did realizing that, holy shit, people's opinions about you don't actually matter! So glad I didn't end up like some of you aspies.

>> No.6358629

I hated my childhood.

I was home schooled until middle school.
on first day on public school become social pariah due to never interacting with children before and for next 5 months become public enemy #1.
get depressed and parents remove me from public school. 1 year later convince parents to let me go back because im determined to make my first friend. upon returning I take tests and am pushed forward a year into highschool.
instantly become social pariah again due to being young and labeled the "brain kid" (not even smart just home-schooled)
I become depressed again. invent imaginary friend to lie to parents about so they don't remove me from school again.
become hermit when not in school.
no friends, no social life, suicidal tenancies rising.
attempt to ask a girl I like to homecoming.
she lures me to a shady part of school.
has jock boyfriend waiting there with friend.
get beat up and robbed.
decide I want nothing more than to leave this horrible school.
spend next 4 months studying my ass off.
take graduation tests and pass with flying colors. graduate near end of my sophomore year and head to community college.

>> No.6358646

This makes me so incredibly sad.

>> No.6358652
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in the end I attended community college until I could gather enough funds and scholarship money to attend state school.
got my four year degree at 18 and got my first job shortly after.
made my first friend with a coworker who plays video games with me online.

be 20 now and have couple of friends who play video games together and occasionally meet at the annual conventions.

finally happy

>> No.6358660

Meh, high school was alright. I'm an introvert so I've never had a shit ton of friends and I'm incredibly lazy. Like to sky high proportions.

I had an amazing (albiet small) group of friends though.

>> No.6358664

Forgot to mention that I grew up in a highly religious, nice community. There was never any bullying as far as I know of for anyone.

>> No.6358670


While I wouldn't describe my school system and overtly religious the area is considered to be amongst the wealthiest in the nation and the school prided itself on being bully free.

but there is always bullying it just gets moved to being outside the view of authority.

>> No.6358699

I'm sorry, it sucks to have to go to school like that! I have a friend who was homeschooled, but he slipped into college perfectly fine.

But I really do think my school was bully-free. Even the cat-eared weebs and such never got picked on, and the Prom King was one of the brainiacts of the school because all the honors classes got together and voted.

>> No.6358904

I was, but I had been like that since elementary and beyond. I got bullied in middle school, but by the time high school came, I was too shy/afraid to attempt to make friends for fear of getting bullied again. I'm not really a social aspie, just really shy and awkward until I actually get to know people, I can pick up on social queues and all that just fine.

>> No.6358923
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High school was actually my grand turn around. I was that greasy, fat chick with all the horrid black lipstick and 30 necklaces that turned my neck green continuously. Also owned alot of horrible Hot Topic clothes. My bf in 8th grade dumped me for a girl that looked like how Kelly Osbourne used to look. I cringe when I see old pictures.

>> No.6359016
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>I guess don't say no to a girl when she asks you out, particularly if she's shy?

It's not really that, I guess she got cold because of your reaction when she first asked you out:

>Tried to laugh it off at first, but when she got embarrassed and insisted that she wasn't messing around, I brushed her off.

she finally got the courage to ask someone out and they don't take her seriously, her reaction is not that surprising.

>> No.6359155
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I lived in a small city where everyone knows everyone, so I pretty much had the same classmates from kindergarten through middle school. I screwed up the socialization part in the first grade being an obnoxious class clown. I was also the tallest kid in my class even though I was a girl and my puberty started when I was around 10 so I gained a notorious fame of the "fatty" even though I wasn't a pound overweight.

This carried on until the end of middle school despite everyone growing bigger than me and everyone hates fatties. I wasn't really shunned for liking anime/manga, I started liking it because I had no friends in real life and the online community seemed to accept me as who I was. Becoming a weeb made people pick on me more though, and being left out for all my life I didn't learn the proper social patterns so yeah, I was a total aspie. I proclaimed my love for anime and video games openly and everything in my life revolved around them.

Being bullied was partly my fault for being so socially retarded but if I would've been just left alone with my hobbies instead of my bullies trying to provoke me every second they could I probably would've become a much more balanced person. When I finally moved before high school I was still a huge nerd, but because I wasn't given any crap for liking nerdy things in my new school I made lots of friends and eventually learned to hide my powerlevel when hanging out with "normal" people.

tl;dr: got into anime because of bullying, got bullied even more for being a weeb, social retardation for being left out, switched schools and became a normal person due to the absence of bullying

>> No.6359189

yes, and i still am today

>> No.6359195

You get picked on because you're an annoying douchebag, not because you're awkward.

>> No.6359234

I was so confusing in school. All of middle school i was a pretty big weeb (bl fangirl, shitty da bases, ect) but i tried to hide my power level around people who weren't my close friends. I was always really friendly and had a lot of friends but during high school i kinda lost all restraint. I would kick open the door to the art room and start to sing the pokemon theme song really loudly, try to get my friends into MLP, and showed a HS flash in art history class. I wanted to start and anime club and asked the teacher who ran the comic book club if it was a good idea and he said no and acted all pretentious about it. He was a total nerd too. I was friends with all the "post" scene kids that were decked out in shitty hot topic clothes. I went to an art school though so everyone was pretty wonky. Then I found cgl made friends with my school's resident lolita and got my shit together.
tl;dr was a huge weeb with a bunch of friends

>> No.6359389
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So this happened like, two months ago?

>> No.6359469

In elementary school i was a beta faggot but had awesome youth, high school i was alpha as fuck and in college (? I dont know what it is called in English. MBO in dutch ) i am seen as the motherfucker who wrestles bears, shirtless, on top of mountains.

So yeah basically i am fine. I am introvert as fuck but i go clubbing and chill with friends etc.

Polite sage because not CGL.

>> No.6359482

Kind of guessed that with a trip like that.

>> No.6359524

Not the person but homestuck is three years old now, don't be so quick to get on their ass.

>> No.6359543

Homeschooled, man. Feels good.

>> No.6359546

High school was fine for me; I learned to channel my weirdness into humor and ended up pretty well-known in my grade for being funny. Not the most popular kid, but liked enough to get invited to parties and being asked to hang out with people I didn't know that well.

Middle school, however, was shit for me. I was overweight until the summer before 9th grade, making me a fairly easy target. On top of that, I was an unregulated weeb with poor hygiene and a worse sense of style. I tried to be "goth," but my mom wouldn't buy me the clothes I wanted, so I ended up wearing a lot of black shirts with blue jeans and knee-high Hot Topic boots. I wore my hair in ratty pigtails to be more kawaii, and always looked greasy, even when I wore make-up. Speaking of make-up, I loved "bold" looks, and would smear peacock blues and lime greens on my eyes every day, making me look like an even sorrier mess.

First, I was just excluded from things, but I lacked the social grace to understand why I was being ignored. I attempted to force anime and manga on everyone in my grade to "show them the light," and thus, the bullying was kicked up a notch. My things were stolen, especially my manga. When I drew, I would be made fun of relentlessly. Word got out that I thought certain characters were hot and I got called a "cartoon fucker."

Starting in 8th grade, I began eating less, and eventually reached a slightly below-average weight. None of my old "goth" clothes fit me, so I bought a new wardrobe of actually fashionable clothes. My online friends started hating on manga, so I never talked about it. Suddenly, I was actually fairly liked in school.

>> No.6359547

I'm only 21 and got out of high school over 3 years ago. Homestuck wasnt created until after I graduated, and didn't really blow up until late 2009/early 2010. I think most of us here are 20+, so we would only have had to deal with HS in our Junior/Senior years, and MLP didn't come around until late 2010...
So, I understand how you think it is maybe unfair for anon to make fun of them, but, a lot of seagulls were already out of high school by then...