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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 85 KB, 414x268, 2012-logo-finalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6356735 No.6356735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Already seagulls, it's the time again!

Have any favorites among the American finalists this year? Any hate, drama, proof-of-lies-and-possible-voting-fraud (lol living ichigo)?

The voting is weird this year. You vote for the cosplayer and you can also vote on their individual photo entries. So I guess just make sure you Like all the possible Likes on your favs.

>> No.6356859


>> No.6356877

People still participate in this contest? Apparently, they don't even give out prizes even if you do win.

>> No.6356914

It's interesting to see the breath of work or the lack there of...

>> No.6356977

They do give out prizes, they just aren't very good. I think I remember PL saying she sold her prizes to go into her wedding fund. But eh, I guess that's not the point.

Right? I was clicking on the thumbnails of some great cosplays, and for most of them the other costumes they entered are really lackluster.

>> No.6357325

Some are really spot on as far as character, but then it's either pics of the same character or images that aren't up to par. Others are really up there as far as craftsmanship, the guy that did the monster hunter cosplay has great breath, but then the girl that did the tube woman thing... I've no idea where it's from, her last picture looks like an image of her just in a dress. It's apparently of a cosplay, but people really need to think of this as a portfolio, only put your best. If only your best is of the one costume submitted, then go for that.

Personally, I'm going to put my votes towards the people that have more breath. That's the one down side of the initial voting. You only get to see one picture of the person. I think there would be higher quality of work if we got to see at least 3 different costumes from the person.

>> No.6358484

A lot of it has to do with if the character is popular or not. Guy who does the Monster Hunter and .hack stuff is amazing but I doubt he'll win because it isn't super super mainstream.

>> No.6358521

It has to do more if they have a fan club.
In the end, I think we all know Courtoon will place high not because of her sewing, but her fans.

>> No.6359603

I was just thinking this. The contest hasn't even been announced officially yet and she already has hundreds of votes. She definitely has some of the better cosplays, but she'll probably place much higher than she deserves to based on media whoring.

>> No.6359737

They just announced it. Everyone prepare your Newsfeeds for spam!

>> No.6359836

These contests cater especially to those who can promote the shit out of themselves. Courtoon, while not nearly as impressive as other entries, will probably get the most votes. She cosplays from popular things, knows photographers who can take nice photos, and makes her presence known on the internet (to the point where she's everywhere I turn). I disagree with her being in the lead, but you can't deny these are the ways to getting votes.

>> No.6359882

Popular characters and a fanbase are what is going to win this sort of thing...or people whoring themselves out like crazy everywhere you look. Not the people with the actual talent. Thought some of these people impressed me with how much they resemble the characters they cosplay.

>> No.6359921

I'm really impressed by the cosplays from Expressions Cosplay (or Expressions Inc?), but it says that they're really a TEAM who all work on the outfits together, and I don't know. That doesn't seem fair to me, even though I remember from LAST YEARS DEBACLE that it isn't required that the cosplayer make their clothes anyway!

It just seems to me that they should be in an entirely different contest. Of COURSE those costumes are going to look great, they have an entire team working on each one.

>> No.6359962

i know this girl irl
she avoids /cgl/ since it's filled with shitty drama, and is very rarely helpful

>> No.6359968
File: 199 KB, 350x490, 1312926335505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Facebook friends with people in this contest is fucking annoying. How many times are you going to spam this shit? I actually went through the contestants and voted for almost everyone else instead of her. Hiding your posts now, stop fucking begging.

>> No.6360049

Holy shit, it's been a whole year?

>> No.6360064

this is one of the many reasons I won't enter this thing, I don't want to be THAT GUY

>> No.6360072

Oh god, same. I wanted to enter the contest for fun at first, but after hearing that all that matters is your popularity and/or attractiveness, it just really killed what will I had to enter. I also can't bring myself to beg for likes.

>> No.6360096

MOST of them don't do any hardcore begging unless they try to spam Tumblr or something. I can see Courtoon doing that this year. OBOY

>> No.6360110

I don't know who you have friended that enters but last year I had 2-3 people that would post the link at least once a week begging for likes.

yeah, I hate asking people to vote for me, if I ever enter anything I usually just ask people to check it out and vote for whoever they think in best.

>> No.6360145

That's what you get for being friends with attention whores? 2-3 people doesn't even sound that bad though. Just hide them from your Feed.

>> No.6360246

I foolishly entered their first contest because I figured, hey, it's new, worth a shot and I would've sold the prizes anyway. Just one of those "Why not" kind of deals.

After seeing people with god-awful costumes and myspace style pics getting tons of votes I was like "Yea no, never again. I am not going to sink that low for votes and a "prize basket" of shit." It definitely didn't matter if your costume was nicely made/accurate or how nice the photo was. It was all about self-whoring and marketing. I entered with a decently known side character that has a strong following and used a photo from one of my shoots that was particularly nice but quality was no match for marketing/self-whoring. Whatevs, ya live and ya learn.

>> No.6360306

>>I entered this contest and didn't do well, IT SUCKS EVERYONE WHO ENTERS IT IS A LOW-LIFE

>> No.6363643

The spamming from her has to be high, bitch already has 800+ votes!

>> No.6363776
File: 73 KB, 500x750, 01-Princess-Yue-avatar-the-last-airbender-cosplay-CourtoonXIII-otaku-house-cosplay-idol-north-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, wig aside look how messy this is! It's not sewn well, it's not even IRONED.. And Im calling it now, she's going to win by a ridiculous landslide because no one else has the fanbase she does

>> No.6363785

That's what happens when you dedicate your life to attention whoring. This is not a craftsmanship contest, by any means. The only reason PL won last year was because of her fanbase, though at least with her she makes great stuff. I can't say the same for Courtoon.

>> No.6363788

There's always someone in the lead with shitty costumes. Last year we had LI and this year we have Courtoon.

>> No.6363998

Is it because of her Avatar costumes that she has such a big following? I know her Tinkerbell is well liked but she didn't even make the wings which are the best part

>> No.6364021

Way to interpret what wasn't there.

I said it wasn't at all about craftsmanship or even having a decent photo [which it wasn't and still isn't. look at this thread now].

For last year's contest, how else do you think LivingIchigo got as many votes before he started cheating? It certainly wasn't with a good photo or costume. How else was it that it was pretty much down to voting between him and PL for the NA winner? Yea, I said it was about marketing and less about skill/craftsmanship.

>> No.6366116
File: 2.12 MB, 1406x1190, Top 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looked through all of them and these are my top 3, no particular order

Mony, Heather Smith, Okageo

Coutoon wasn't close

don't know if any of them will even make top 10 because of how the contest works with whoreing, but they seem to have the best cosplay sets or the best breath like Anon earlier said

also didn't include Expression because thats a whole team and the Shiva cosplay was my favorite in the first round but then he uploaded an unshooped pic and it isn't as impressive

>> No.6366126

I'd really love to see quite a few of these make the top, especially Sora, the Queen of Hearts, Articuno and Haseo.

>> No.6367995

some good stuff! dat monster hunter armor