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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 215 KB, 960x1440, 89161662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6356507 No.6356507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/, how do I get fit without being able to diet or go to a gym? I'm a female, about 65 kilograms and 173 cm tall. I can't afford a gym or go on a diet, because I live at home and don't cook my own food, so I have to eat what's served. Is there any way I can do exercise without a gym? I don't want to get super fit or something, I just want to lose some belly fat for a stomach revealing cosplay.
Also, general exercise tips thread.

>> No.6356517

There's no way to get fit without going to the gym and lifting.

>> No.6356536

Buy your own exercise equipment?
I barely have time to go to the gym these days, so I've purchased a sit-up bench, hula-hoop and hand-weights.
I make sure to take the bike to work every day, and always have some carrots in the fridge if I'm hungry for a snack.

>> No.6356546

You won't get fit without the gym.

You can get skinny without the diet

If you refuse to do both then you're not getting anywhere without surgery.

Its about as simple as not eating so much. It is literally no more difficult then cutting out some meals or eating more dietary fibers and meat

>> No.6356551

you can't get skinny without the diet*

unless you do mad cardio

>> No.6356569

Eat less

>> No.6356583

Try to walk everywhere, get off a stop or two early if you take the bus.
Clean a lot, it keeps you moving while you're at home.
Do some basic aerobic exercises when you wake up and if you want to, before you go to sleep. Some people think it makes them lose sleep, I find in calming.
And use ECA stacks. Apparently they burn fat but I like to use them as an appetite suppressant. But during the first week or so it might feel like you're about to have a heartattack. Do your own research on it.

>> No.6356972

Not cooking your own food is no excuse for not dieting. You're probably being fed decent food, so just eat less of it. Cut your portions in half. And exercise at home is easy enough. Just go for a run, walk, bike ride, do push ups, whatever whatever whatever

>> No.6357013

Do exercises at home. Bodyrock.tv has a bunch of video exercises both with/without equipment and for beginners/not-beginners.

>> No.6357015

bodyweight exercises and improvised gear. a suitcase full of books and milk jugs full of water can substitute for weights. go bug your parents for $20 for one of those over the door pull up bars.

>> No.6357061

Dumb excuses Imo.
>can't diet
I highly doubt you're being forced to eat. Just eat less and try to keep it to lean meat and vegetables when you can.
>no gym
You don't need that to lose weight at all. Just start running long distance everyday. Work up to at least an hour of running at a moderate pace everyday.
Look sexy... I doubt you'll have the motivation to stick with it though

>> No.6357074


2 things:

- Walk for 1 hour EVERY day.
- Don't drink ANYTHING but water. Eat however you normally eat, but no juice, no milk, no soda, no beer, no vitamin water, no gatorade. WATER. Just. FUCKING. WATTTER!

Try that out for 2 weeks and see what happens.

>> No.6357075

>not doing SS while on GOMAD

>> No.6357076
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/fit/ here
>can't diet
>can't go to gym


>> No.6357078

RUN. It's free and can be done anywhere, at any speed. It will burn calories.


There, you're done.

>> No.6357081
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i think this is a better question for a fitness board...

>perhaps you should come over to /fit/ with me
>and be my gf

>> No.6357085

>I have to eat what's served

How is a 12 year old on 4chan making posts?

>> No.6357086

i agree with the fit part because half of this thread is "run~! lol~!" and "eat less now ur dietin!"

>> No.6357087

Don't worry, this is already linked on /fit/

>> No.6357089


running sucks. if this bitch is as sedentary as i suspect, walking is a better option because at least that has the potential to become a habit.

>> No.6357091


>> No.6357094
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>> No.6357095

All those excuses gave me a headache.
>how can i get fit without doing anything?
>woman logic

>> No.6357099

ECA stack
>there has to be a thin pill somewhere

>> No.6357101

time for a /fit/girl thread?

>> No.6357104

OP where do you live, maybe we can put you in touch with a local /fit/izen and you can be gym mates

>> No.6357105


>> No.6357109


W-i-i-i-ll y-y-y-ou be my girlfriend?

>I am alpha as furrak zyzz mode 6'5'' master race

>> No.6357107

We dont want to kill the girl or give her a heart attack. DNP she will lose 5 lbs of body weigh just from sweat

>> No.6357115


how do I lose weight and still eat shit and not exercise at all?
You just went beyond full retard

>> No.6357127

>turn fattie 6/10 into 9/10 through hard work and guidence
>she quits gym and becomes a slut
>fucks the first guy she sees

>> No.6357123

ECA is just nice to surpress hunger (fat burning amount is neglectable) but I _think_ OP said she has to eat the amount of served food anyway.

If not then, yeah, just eat less.

>> No.6357124
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>> No.6357133
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someone say /fit/ girls thread?

>> No.6357139

You can work out at home, ask /fit/ about it.
This thread really belongs on /fit/ anyways.

>> No.6357144
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>> No.6357145

I fap so hard to this vid

hey girlies, do you even lift?

>> No.6357151
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well then. Prepare for the imminent Sam Wright

>> No.6357154

this yoko would be perfect
if she had the proper underboob going on.
she's got the perfect face but that ruined it for me

sage cuz i'm picky and off topic

>> No.6357158

don't forget that slut allisonnyc

>> No.6357155
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>> No.6357157
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Go to /b/ and ask them to shoop you
There! now you skinny!

>> No.6357169
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haven't seen her, but damn

>> No.6357171
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actually this thread is fine being here, maybe to make it more -on topic- we could just post fit cosplay or lolita. CGL has always had fit/thin threads for as long as I've been here, and I've only been here for a few years.

>> No.6357178
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>> No.6357187
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>> No.6357190

Uh, considering how limited she claims to be, I'd say it's sound advice.

>> No.6357183
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>> No.6357196
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>> No.6357200
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>> No.6357203


Your body is a key part to a GOOD costume. What point is there for some skinny 120 lb dude to try and be Goku, or deuce eighty hammy trying pull off.. well.. Any tiny anime girl? Sculpting the body should be as much if not more of a priority than the suit you put on it.

>> No.6357205
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>> No.6357207 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 1310x1382, allison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody ask for AllisonNYC

>> No.6357212
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>> No.6357213

>less sugar, more fruit


>> No.6357218


you do see that it's not the same top right? Not saying it's impossible, and I want to believe, but...

>> No.6357223
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>> No.6357219
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hey, get rid of that. worksafe board, foo.

>> No.6357226


>> No.6357233
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>> No.6357237
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>> No.6357241
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>> No.6357246
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>> No.6357247


>> No.6357249
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Shall resume image dump after smoke beak

>> No.6357251
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I got this

>> No.6357255
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>> No.6357259


If you wanna get really technical there's a freckle at the top of the left boob that doesn't seem to be on the picture with her face.
tittay CSI.. yes..

>> No.6357269
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>> No.6357287
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>> No.6357290
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>> No.6357295
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>> No.6357296
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>> No.6357303
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>> No.6357305
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Portion control. Don't overeat. If you eat a meal but you still feel like grabbing something else to eat, wait about 20 minutes. That's about how long it takes for you to actually feel full.

Also you may not be able to change your meals because you aren't the one cooking, but you can change your snacks in between meals. Cut out the junk, lean towards healthier options like fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.

Only drink water at meals. Cut out all sodas (even diet) and pleaseeee don't even think about Vitamin Water. Drinking water saves you so many calories and sugars, and clears your skin

Run. Exercise at home. There's so many different workouts you can do that don't require machines to do

the rest has been said by everyone else

>> No.6357306
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>> No.6357314
File: 31 KB, 377x675, 426706_214177628681263_204953999603626_385089_597307111_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I have some home-work-out set pics if anyone is interested, or I'll just keep posting ladies :3

>> No.6357318


Not OP, but question. What about Lifewater? It's 0 calories. I know that doesn't mean much, but is that okay to drink? I fucking love this shit. I usually just drink water, but I really really like drinking this occasionally.

>> No.6357317
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>mfw an average to slightly chubby girl only has to clean up her diet, eat at a small deficit, and do some squats to go from wouldbang/10 to wouldbangwiththeforceofathousandsuns/10

shit /cgl/ get it together

>> No.6357319
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>> No.6357320

Thanks to all of you who actually helped. I've been trying to walk further each day, it actually gave some result, until I lost all motivation due to depression. But I'll pull myself together again, since I really want to be able to start cosplaying soon, I don't have anything else to look forward to.

>> No.6357321
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>> No.6357322
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>> No.6357324

Also, for exercise at home, do dance games like Just Dance or something like that contribute to anything if you do it a certain amount of time a day? My friend offered to lend me her xbox with one of those games, she said it helped her lose weight.

>> No.6357327
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screw it, shall post a few anyway seeing as OP is around

>> No.6357335
File: 259 KB, 500x598, tumblr_m2dtx1SRQL1rt44a1o1_500d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found even doing reps of 10 of shit like Caramel Dansen dace tutorials on youtube have helped

>> No.6357340

>Just Dance
My fucking sides. Next you'll tell us that Wii Fit is viable fitness programme.

>> No.6357339
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lol typing fails

>> No.6357344
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>> No.6357346
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>> No.6357349

Hey, I`ve asked this before, but I'm pretty sedentary. Sometimes pilates and a ballet workout but yeah, I sit on my ass all day basically.
I'm also hypermobile, is there any way to make running less stressful on my joints or is walking basically the answer?

>> No.6357350
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>> No.6357357
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>> No.6357355

Moar ballet.

Seriously, I did that shit all through High School and I was hot as well. It works EVERYTHING. You get cardio and you build muscle.

>> No.6357361
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>> No.6357366


Running without a treadmill isn't really an option for me for about 8 months out of the year. It gets cold enough that you need snow goggles so your eyes don't freeze.

>> No.6357365
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>> No.6357368

I have to say I do have a certain amount of understanding when it comes to the whole, "I can't diet because I'm not the one cooking." deal.

My step-mom does the cooking where I live. She does nothing but make just add water recipes and microwave things that are pre-cooked. She's also from the deep south.

All vegetables are bathed in butter.

She is also a control freak and will fix your plate before you can make it to the kitchen. She's over 200 pounds and has a PT complex when it comes to people thinner than her, to the point where she once grabbed my hands to look at my knuckles.

When I asked why she did that, she said she was checking for the marks that bulimics get. At the time, I was 110 and 5'1, which is completely average.

With how crazy she gets, it wasn't worth fighting her over food. I'm sure people will sit back and think that in my situation they'd just tell her off, but it's not that easy.

People only have so much they can put up with, and you get worn down. Why waste what little energy you have on fighting over food when you can just eat it and not get yelled at?

Four years later she's the same as ever (thankfully I'm moving out soon). Now the only difference is that I've gotten to the point where I feign stomach aches to get out of eating dinner, or if I get to eat in my room, I sneak it back into the fridge as leftovers.

>> No.6357369

I hate this bullshit lie that running is cheap . In order to get properly into it you need to purchase a good pair of running shoes, which sets you back by at least £90. Those will only really last you two years at best if you're serious about running.
In contrast, swimming, which trains all muscle groups (and therefore makes you look better), as well as being far superior to running when it comes to losing weight, has next to no cost in terms of equipment and is free if you signed up with a gym which has a pool.

>> No.6357375

This (>>6357366) is also why swimming is superior to running. You can do it year round, and weather is never a barrier.

>> No.6357383

I understand your situation anon, I'm in a very similar one, which is why diet isn't an option. My mom is overweight and always makes big meals with lots of butter, often dessert too. I really love her and she gets so worried when I won't eat much. She's not very stable mentally so I really don't want to get her worried.

>> No.6357389
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Not sure about SoBe's one specifically, but for one, a drink is never actually 0 calories. FDA rules allow them to claim it is if it's under so many calories, and with their small "suggested" serving size, they can do that. Either way SoBe's drink has carbs (either 6 or 15 grams, google gives me different answers) and 1 carb = 4 calories. The fact they are allowed to label the drink as 0 calories is pretty BS

The biggest problem with vitamin waters is that they're full of additives and unnatural sweeteners. It may say "0" on the bottle, but they still have a similar nasty effect to your body. Just google up why it's unhealthy and you'll find a lot of results that get more in depth

In moderation, it's nothing to be worried about. But don't expect it to help your diet or get any real nutrients from it

I wish I didn't lose my thinspo folder on my other computer so I had something to contribute

>> No.6357390


Jump start that heart rate.

>> No.6357395
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aaaand I'm out. back to the ladies I guess

>> No.6357411
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>> No.6357415
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>> No.6357424
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>> No.6357433
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>> No.6357436
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>> No.6357441

Ugh, this body type is my own and I find it very disgusting. Need to work out more.

>> No.6357442
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>> No.6357448


not really, no

it belongs here as much as Dakota threads do

>> No.6357452
File: 1011 KB, 2041x1275, nigirithinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I have this, just for you /cgl/

>> No.6357456
File: 52 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m3xwlflTtY1r8doy5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, more muscular? Personally I like that-body type, but I'm still a fatty, so technically my opinions don't count :P

>> No.6357513
File: 83 KB, 304x499, Photo on 03-08-2012 at 012.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, shut the fuck up you dumb whore.

I'm not even a female, nor a fatty, I'm just insulted how you dared to tell me that JNig is something I would touch.

You prolly an uggo butterface like her and think that if you go to the gym you can get a guy like me #protip - you can't.

>> No.6357525

>You must be kidding right, DYEL
Would smash JNIG so hard with the force of 1000 supernovas.

>> No.6357529

Lol, this is either dill or JNig. I could knock you out just by slapping you with my flaccid dick (since you too ugly to get it hard).

>> No.6357533
File: 6 KB, 227x251, umirrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, none of the above. Suck it

>> No.6357547

dill did you make that?

>> No.6357551

Nice google images, dill.
Yes she did.

>> No.6357553


>> No.6357555

So who IS dill?
Girl from toronto right?

>> No.6357562

Jessica is still prettier than you, dill.
Why don't you take your own fucking advice?

>> No.6357573

oh no, don't drama up this thread, keep coming with the fitspo pictures, I need to populate my folder

>> No.6357572

Suddenly the thread becomes interesting.

>> No.6357578

is that photo supposed to show us how tough you are
i bet you can't even bp bodyweight

>> No.6357581
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aye aye captain *salutes*

>> No.6357583
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>> No.6357589
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>> No.6357591
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>> No.6357593
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>ordering a salad when you really want a burger

>> No.6357596
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>> No.6357597


The con about playing sports games is that it takes a while for your system to turn on and play the actual game. I prefer something that is easy to access (like dance workouts downloaded and mirrored from youtube) that you can link in your folder favorites and get to within a matter of seconds.

>> No.6357601


You don't need to go to the gym to get fit but you're going to need to put in the effort.

>> No.6357603

is it a horrible idea to get on the pill just so i can get some tits? i'm flat chested and i hate it

>> No.6357606

but flat chest is delicious :3

>> No.6357609
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>> No.6357611
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>> No.6357612

Embrace your DFC chica.
I have medium/big titties and I fucking hate them.

>> No.6357616
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>> No.6357618


>> No.6357621
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>> No.6357625


>> No.6357626
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>> No.6357630
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>> No.6357647
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>> No.6357651
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>> No.6357671
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>> No.6357676
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/fit/ pls halp
I'm really thin and I'm pretty much curveless, so I have almost no ass.
I want a body like the one pictured, but it seems impossible for me. Someone on here recommended doing squats and such to get datass, but would that really work? I only do cardio, so I'm pretty much clueless about all of this.

>> No.6357679

heavy squats and high-protein diet

>> No.6357695

7/10 body, would smush

>> No.6357733
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>> No.6357743

Wow. That girl has my measurements, but I look like a fatass. Time to do some squats!

>> No.6357749

uhg same. my butt is not like that and her thighs look crazy delicious.

but my waist looks smaller, like she doesn't look crazy curvy. wonder what's up with that.

>> No.6357755

this is hideous

>> No.6357906

do mark rippetoes starting strength routine with a high protein diet, you probably dont need much of a surplus but maybe 100-200 kcals

>> No.6357923

try eating less food, getting more vitamins, and going on walks/ run/ working out at home., you can't just sit around and lose weight. it does not work that way. im also working on becoming smaller (im 5'4 and 131- i want to drop 16 lbs by anime expo) it takes alot of work. you can't just hope for it. work for it every day. Walk your dog every day (if you have one) do push ups- sit ups- crunches- etc 6 days a week. Don't give up when something is "too hard". being Lazy is not the way to lose weight.

>> No.6357941

So I know that a certain amount of weight gain and swelling is going to happen after a weight-intensive workout, but how much is too much?

I've been going to the gym three times a week for the past month and a half. My routine depends on how crowded it is, but always includes 30 minutes on the treadmill for a warm-up (5 minutes walking at 5.5kph, then 25 minutes on interval jogging), 15 minutes on the bike/arc/elliptical (depending on which is available when I finish the treadmill), then weights alternating between legs and arms. None of the weights I do are particularly hardcore--I usually do between 25 and 35kg for legs and 10 and 20kg for arms, depending on the exercise in question.

At the end, I cool down with another 5 minutes on the treadmill and about 15-20 minutes stretching and core work, depending on how much time I have before I need to leave.

Since I started this exercise routine, I've actually gained about 3kg total weight and about 4cm on my waist. I'm not sure what's going on.

In terms of diet, I eat really carefully due to a metabolic disorder. High protein, low fat, low carb, low fibre diet, small portions and such spread throughout the day when I take my meds. Should be ideal, right? But suddenly none of my clothes fit and I'm feeling really frustrated. Should I back off on the weights and focus on cardio instead? Should I do specific *types* of weights? Do I just need to wait longer for results?

I'm really fucking baffled at this point as to why I'm seeing the opposite effects from what logic says I should be seeing. Everything I've ever read/been told is that weights help burn fat and that muscle increases are good, but I seem just as soft as I was when I started. Just. Bigger.

>> No.6357954

>not mentioning weight and daily kcal intake

sorry can't help you

>> No.6357960

The actual amount of calories you consume are pretty important here. Considering the fact that your waist increases it's size one might speculate you are overeating.
Unless you are actually doing exercise to increase muscle size in that area which I doubt.

And swelling after working out is temoporarily which isn't a good time to take measurements.

>> No.6357970

Started at 60kg, currently between 63 and 64kg, depending on what time of day I weigh myself. As for kcal, I'm not sure the conversion is accurate, but roughly 5000-5500kJ per day. So 1200-1300kcal? If Google isn't lying.

>> No.6358124

Motherfucking grief eating.
How to stop it, and how to compensate in the mean time?

>> No.6358137

How much time between he 60kg and 63kg?

There is the possibility of gaining SOME muscle but - again - that should not increase your waist size that much also 4kg is a lot.
You should actually try to accurately count your kcal intake for a few days.

>> No.6358146

Losing weight without going to the gym or going on a diet?

>> No.6358166


>> No.6358177

I have adderall?
And Concerta?

>> No.6358189

That should work fine, too.

>> No.6358218

>> how do I get fit without being able to diet or go to a gym?

You don't.

>> No.6358227
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>can't fix an ugly face

>> No.6358267

I used to be fat as fuck. A grotesque mound of lard, if you will.

Then one good day, five years ago, I had a horrible gallstones attack. The worst pain I've ever experienced, spent hours and hours in excruciating agony, bathed in cold sweat and despair. I even started hallucinating for a while. After getting medication and the pain going down to tolerable levels, I had to spend four days sitting in a couch because lying on a bed hurt like a motherfucker. Took me a whole week to get back to normal.

When the doctor told me that what caused the attacks was fatty food, and that I had to get surgery.... I said fuck that shit, I will use the memory of that pain. Don't want to relieve that hell again? Then don't eat like a pig, fuckass. Nowadays, I have lost over 180 Lbs, feeling fine, and haven't needed any surgery.

I guess what I want to say is... inspiration to get thin comes from the oddest sources.

>> No.6358368
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Good show. A good outlook on life helps, too. I've gone down the depression route and know how much it can suck. It takes some fighting but find all the things that are good and revel in them.

Perhaps take up just going for walks with friends, it's something I do with mine. If you're going to just talk and sit around, you may as well get your legs moving.

>> No.6358851

Try shotgun to the face.