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6354736 No.6354736 [Reply] [Original]

how fucked are you?

>> No.6354759

new york

it's gonna be hell

>> No.6354764

What is this.

>> No.6354772

halloween hurricane coming to butt fuck the east coast

>> No.6354795

So fucked. Maine is always so fucked when it comes to storms.

>> No.6354801

Not sure, I'm right outside the zone of possible outage.

>> No.6354807

Looks like my cabin is going to lose power. Glad we cleaned the gutters before we left.

>> No.6354819
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It's nice to be in da UP, eh.

>> No.6354822

What? Another yooper?

>> No.6354834
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Northeastern Connecticut ;_;

The last big hurricane we had knocked out power in my area for a week and blasted my family's refrigerator, it was the pits.

>> No.6354833

0% fucked

>> No.6354847

CA master race reporting in

>> No.6354850

One time it's actually good to be in Louisiana.

>> No.6354852

Central NC. If the power goes out, I'll just read and nap.

>> No.6354857

Southern Connecticut, 20 min from nyc or so, big city.
I was all hyped for the last storm! First big storm in my new building, I grew up getting prepared because my parents ALWAYS AND FOREVER LOOSE POWER.
Filled my bathtub with water, filtered drinking water, a weeks worth, in jugs in my kitchen.
We did not even loose power.
I am expecting something similar.
But seriously my building is built like a tank and all the power lines are underground hear so yaa...yaaa....
My parents on the other hand, they are fucked.
I keep telling them to come spend the night with me for it, but they won't leave there dog and I can't have dogs in my apartment sooo oh well, no power for them.

>> No.6354873

God I even moved everything valuable away from the windows because parts of my town and the surrounding towns were told to evacuate....
Then I had all my co-workers over my house using my shower/charging stuff for a week until they all got power back, haha, I should clean and prepare for that...

>> No.6354886

There used to be a giant pine tree in my backyard that was rotting from the inside, and every time we'd have a hurricane warning I'd pack up EVERYTHING in my room. Clothes, books, manga, videogames, DVDs, figurines, all of it in tubs that I'd bring down into the basement in case the storm was so bad the tree would get knocked over and collapse on my bedroom.

I'm really glad it was finally torn down because now I'm safe and don't have the paranoia to move my shit around during hurricanes anymore.

>> No.6354902

Me too.

Good luck to anyone else working those days. We never close SHIT and our subways stop working at the slightest hint of rain.

>> No.6354905

Oh god, does anyone remember that storm like, 3 years ago? The really bad storm around thanksgiving?
So storm story time, about my parents house again.

So I was staying up in ME with my boyfriend for thanksgiving, and I get a txt from my sister, it goes "You know that giant tree in our front yard?" I go ya, can't miss it, huge giant old tree. "Well, it fell through your bedroom window"
It did not just fall through the fucking window, it tore apart most of the front of my parents house.
Thank god I was not home, I would have died, or at the very least be honorably maimed from all the glass from the window it shattered.
and wood shavings from the wall/my dresser.

So ya, fuck treas. They have since removed all of the ones in range of the house on the property...but ya. wish I had proper warning to get anything out but surprisingly most of my stuff was OK, the only thing on my dresser was my jewelry box and while that shattered it broke in such a way I only lost one shitty pair of earrings, and that dresser was mostly full of pj's and old clothing so no big loss.
Getting the glass out of EVERYTHING was imposable though, I moved latter that year and I still found glass in some of the boxes.

>> No.6354930


I'm already fucked regardless of the weather

>> No.6354948

South Central MA, probably going to be fucked sideways. Most likely will lose power and have my second Halloween in a row thoroughly fucked. I think I'll just stock up on liquor and get shitfaced.

>> No.6354963
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Sweet, another Mainer.

Seeing how I live two minutes from the ocean by car, I'd have to say pretty fucked.

>> No.6354970


Both of these.
They're actually talking about closing school this day

what even

>> No.6354983

damn new england weather...

>> No.6354991

Raleigh NC, might get some wind and a little rain. Probably going to head to the outer banks and party with friends

>> No.6354998

Seriously. I am wondering where you are from.

>> No.6355041

Georgia-fag, we could use the rain.

>> No.6355273

Georgia-fag too. I definitely agree about the rain. It's been way too hot for October.

>> No.6355299

Right outside of Harrisonburg VA...we're gonna be pretty fucked. Kind of hoping for widespread power outage for serval days so it'll be an excuse to see the girlfriend in SC...

>> No.6355311

Central CT. Yeah, pretty fucked. Doesn't help that my college campus is on a flood plain and a river runs right through the center of it.

>> No.6355336

Always surprising to see another cold northerner.

I'm not looking forward to this storm, tides are going to be running high when it hits and I live right on the ocean. We're probably going to have to leave and stay somewhere else. Bad storms mixed with giant trees near the house at the end of a hard to drive on dirt road 10 feet from open ocean doesn't sound like a solid plan.

>> No.6355348

Buffalo, I doubt we'll get any outages here.

Stay safe east coast bros!

>> No.6355349

I wouldn't be surprised if we are evacuated. My home is surrounded by trees ( which shake a bit as it is ), not looking forward to the possibility of them tumbling on the house like dominoes.

>> No.6355355

Agreed. It's been humid as hell too.

>> No.6355359

Bostonfag reporting. This is going to be horrible

>> No.6355378
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> in MA


My old house, over a hundred years old, only lost power a handful of times in 20+ years

The apartment I live in now? Fucking loses power over any damn little thing. Last Halloween we were out for 2 days because of the freak snow storm.

Every time the power goes out here this little beeping alarm goes off in the basement below my apartment and it can't be shut off so I have to hear this constant high pitched beep for days.

I'm already going insane just thinking about it. Not to mention the plague doctor mask I'm making is so going to go to waste.

>> No.6355394

im pretty fucked on all levels im just about two and a half hours from NYC.

>> No.6355399

hope it's not as bad as irene lost power for 5 days

>> No.6355396
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none will be saved. not even the children.

off-topic sage.

>> No.6355400


>> No.6355402

Same here. Though Issac sucked.

>> No.6355409

I'm near the historic triangle. College just cancelled classes on monday and is ordering an evacuation on Sunday. I'm being dumb and staying in the area and hoping to get some extra hours at work

>> No.6355441
File: 53 KB, 960x718, irene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffolk County, Right on the southern coast on long island, NY. Less then a mile from the water...

To put things in prospective, Part of my house collapsed during fucking Irene...

Here is a random picture I took with my shitty iPod back then.

>> No.6355446


inb4 long Island becomes Lost Island.

>> No.6355448

Ha... we don't have hurricanes here... we have tornadoes... and killer ice storms. Good luck surviving the year, everyone!

>> No.6355455

And only Marine City and Port Huron are in danger from wind damage. All Michigan will see is snow possibly heavy in the southern and eastern parts, but we will keep our electricity.

>> No.6355456

Are any major websites going to be knocked out by this? That's all I really care about.

>> No.6355457

You guys better stock up on food and supplies. This thing looks HUEG. This is no joke.

>> No.6355465

Oh hey, me too.

>> No.6355466


>tfw poor and house is completely empty of food aside from some free stuff I got from the church a few days ago, and I don;t get food stamps until the first.

>> No.6355468

Chicagofag here. Good luck, northeast coasters. Those of us in the midwest salute your memory.

>> No.6355476
File: 95 KB, 960x720, bellport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Welcome to bellport, enjoy your stay.

>> No.6355479 [DELETED] 

I think they may need it. And to those on the Great Lakes on the freighters as the gales of November come early.

>> No.6355495

>tfw I live in western Florida and I don't have to worry about a thing

My grandma lives in Maryland though, so I'm kinda worried about her :/

>> No.6355501

Can't you tell her to find somebody to drive her to Canada for a few days?

>> No.6355510

Jacksonville, FLA fag here

Sure is nice to have one miss us for a change!

>> No.6355517

Where in Chicago? Fellow Chicago person.