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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6352828 No.6352828 [Reply] [Original]

post /cgl/ related feels

>> No.6352837

I have no feels.


I dead inside.

>> No.6352847
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>> No.6353136

You're alive! I missed you~ How's everything going?

>> No.6353172
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>> No.6353186

>tfw no qt azn bf

>> No.6353199

truest of all feels.

>> No.6356063

>that feel when this board is overrun by drama queens

>> No.6356082

>tfw asian and no qt white gf

>> No.6356087

>tfw white and no qt asian gf

>> No.6356090

>tfw white and no qt black bf

>> No.6356092

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6356257

>tfw you lose interest in lolita and want to sell your entire wardrobe

>> No.6356261

>that feel when guy who used to have a crush on you tells you you're definitely not kawaii and totally undesirable and even though you have a BF it hurts your feelings D:

He's probably just butthurt I turned him down but still ;___;

>> No.6356264

> tfw no cute lolita BFF to gawk at cute girls with

>> No.6356269

>tfw no coloured contacts in my high prescription

>> No.6356274


>> No.6356281
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>tfw no BLT

>> No.6356307


tfw no qt gf to eat blts with

>> No.6356308 [DELETED] 

this fucking feel

>> No.6356309
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>tfw you're a six foot tall girl and Lolita dresses will never look right on you

>> No.6356311

SELL IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6356318
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>tfw faggots like this try to jump in and tell you what you can and cannot like

>> No.6356330
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>I have no gf and I must feel

>> No.6356341
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That feel...

>> No.6356348

>tfw you will never meet a qt english gf who will teach you how to cosplay ;_;

>> No.6356367

bet you never played the game you pos

>> No.6356368
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Let me tell you this, son.
Naturally my view on it is coloured by me being Scottish, but all English girls can be split into two groups - middle class girls, usually privately educated, who, outside of sexual matters, look down on others as scum. The second group, who aren't as privileged, were either in a state of frenzied extroversion, fueled by dozens of Barcardi Breezers, or were stone cold, emotionless robots, forever toiling away in Greggs or Primark.
I have to admit that Scottish girls can be split into roughly analogous categories, but they certainly don't take things half as fucking seriously, nor are they so cold with you.

>> No.6356376

it's because I'm English too, but apart from a few exceptions you are pretty accurate ;_:

>> No.6356391
File: 243 KB, 300x331, shutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an anonymous poster, posting on a board filled with other, anonymous posters. How exactly do I boast about playing a video game - if we are to accept that boasting about video fucking games makes you look somehow better - given the parameters I just outlined?

>> No.6356899
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>tfw white and no qt non-asian bf

>> No.6357584

>first fucking cosplay
>guaranteed, I don't think it's absolute shit, but it's not great either. I could go on forever about the fucking wrongness of my cosplay.
>a week and a half before con, I find out some guy I know had to just tell everyone my power level
>now everyone wants to see me cosplay
>tfw they are not expecting what looks like to be a halfassed cosplay because there are just so many fucking things wrong with it that give it that 'off appearance'

Holy shit fuck you beta male person.

>> No.6358458 [DELETED] 

I just want a cute girlfriend to have lesbian sex with. Now I think I might be in love with my ex best friend who I now realise made advances on me before but I don't think she's interested anymore and if so it'd be really complicated because she's friends with my ex boyfriend. Someone plz grope my boobies.

>> No.6359420

>that feel when you love a slut selfish whore

>> No.6359426

>tfw from /a/ and they hate feels.

>> No.6359427

>tfw no qt asian gf

White women are the worst.

>> No.6359462
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>> No.6359464
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>> No.6359485
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>tfw you want a loving gf, but every weekend you meet a new round of whores. Sooo many whores.

Is cheating the only way out?

>> No.6359490

>cosplay is probably your best in a while
>no one recognizes it because it is not mainstream enough.

>> No.6359497

said the virgin azn pretending to be alpha on the internet