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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 480x640, 29f9ule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6352037 No.6352037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are bad teeth associated with being poor? I see that a lot here. A few days ago someone said that a person with bad teeth shouldn't even afford cosplay, that's fucking stupid.

Can only rich Americans afford dental care? Here people with extremely straight and white perfect teeth are seen as shallow and vain.

>> No.6352040
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>> No.6352044
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>> No.6352047
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>> No.6352052
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Just posting for comparison.

>> No.6352058
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>> No.6352056
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>> No.6352062

its cultural get over it

>> No.6352067

But why?

>> No.6352072

Funny, I thought they were just associated with having a hideous mouth, which is accurate.

>> No.6352073

i swear some asian girls will get dental surgery to unperfect their smile cause its more kawaii that way or some shit

>> No.6352075

Well...yeah. Dental care, like most medical processes, is expensive as shit.

>> No.6352086

You're questioning why something's cultural? Go ask an Anthropology major.

>> No.6352114

it's like a double canine, it's a recessive gene that is somewhat common in japanese girls

>> No.6352170

Pretty much in the USA, all upper class and middle class kids all get dental adjustments. Bad teeth here are synonymous with growing up poor.

>> No.6352172
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>Here people with extremely straight and white perfect teeth are seen as shallow and vain.
Sounds like someone w/o good teeth to me.
1. Insurance here is private so it's expensive, particularly dental--so pro whitening & specialty ortho stuff is a rich persons thing
2. It's just something culturally we're very fastidious about--much like Asians and their love for their skin & prizing paler skin (thus why BB creams are so popular there like whitening strips for teeth are here) it's a sign of good grooming.
3. Straight teeth are the norm as even poor American children get dental through CHIP and are often offered braces to straighten teeth in an attempt to lessen the possibility of dental issues in the future--so people with intensely crooked teeth are seen as either INCREDIBLY cheap, or backwater crazies who "don't want no gov't. help"
4. Good teeth are a sign of good health. It's a reason many men chose their wives (particularly immigrants, some who would actually mail order from places such as Norway), owners chose slaves, etc. so after generations of breeding many of us are also pre-disposed to having those good dental genes

Side note: anyone got some Chip Skylark & Shiny Teeth cosplay? Because I'd LOVE to see that shit

>> No.6352214
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>> No.6352235
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Oh hey I think I met her! She's nice.

>> No.6352248

crying at Chip right now, bless

>> No.6352474

My boyfriend and I are both Scottish, both grew up in similar households with a similar outcome, and yet for some reason his teeth grew in perfectly straight and naturally very white. Mine grew in crooked and like each tooth is trying to push each other out the way and creamy in colour.

Just genetics OP.

>> No.6352487


Income* lol

>> No.6352496
File: 11 KB, 299x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my whole night

>> No.6352512

>Sounds like someone w/o good teeth to me.

no, she was referring to how its seen in other parts of the world. white, straight teeth are uncommon generally speaking. to undergo a procedure to make it that way, its kind of the equivalent of undergoing any other cosmetic procedure, there's a bit of a stigma attached to it.

its not that OP has bad teeth, that's just the way things are outside of america.

>> No.6352833

I have teeth like >>6352058 and I like them. I'm American and always thought that the whole cosmetic braces thing was ridiculous (especially because since it's mostly kids/young teens that get braces it's initiated by the parents, whereas other cosmetic procedures initiated by oneself are looked down upon for being shallow). A lot of times there is no medical reason for braces, I've had friends who have had them on their baby teeth to straighten them and then had to get them again once their permanent teeth grew in (hurrr, no shit!) and it's aggravating to see so many parents spending thousands on what usually just amounts to a cosmetic procedure on a child.

I was given the choice and said no, it wasn't important as long as my health wasn't affected. And I understand the "white teeth" ideal because darker teeth are unhealthy, but some crookedness isn't unhealthy, so why it catches a stigma I'm not sure. That said, I've experienced very little comments, teasing, etc. on my crooked teeth, so it seems that outside of rare medical instances there isn't as much of a social consequence of crooked teeth as we seem to believe.

>> No.6352850

>tfw when grew up in america
>tfw perfectly straigh teeth
>tfw even my wisdom teeth all grew in
>tfw used to grind my teeth so they're perfectly straight
>tfw didn't need any expensive dentistry
>tfw drinking citrus is really annoying
>tfw love lemonade

>> No.6352908

I live in France and not having beautiful teeth is seen in a bad light here too. It's not the same as cosmetic surgery, many procedures are functional too and they're funded by the government while you're still young so people would be really cheap not to get it for their kids. Yellow teeth is just a sign you have bad hygiene.

>> No.6352968

My Japanese teacher has vampire teeth like that and I think it's cute as fuck. Her lips actually go :3

I think slightly wonky teeth is more interesting to look at. I wish I kept my vampire teeth, but they got plucked out when I got braces.

>> No.6352978

My teeth came in pretty straight, but I had a slight cross bite. That ended up causing speech issues, so I got braces to fix it.

>> No.6352989

Really, you're on 4chan -- these aren't the most educated of people.

>> No.6353020 [DELETED] 

>tfw 2 bachelor's degrees
>tfw getting straight A's in grad school
Yeah, we're not educated all all around here

>> No.6353026

>tfw 2 bachelor's degrees
>tfw getting straight A's in grad school
Yeah, we're not educated at all around here

>> No.6353032

>these aren't the most educated of people
Goes to show how much you know about this site. Try stopping by /diy/, /g/ and /lit/ sometime.

Hell, look at half the EGL threads here. Not all the girls make get their money by begging parents.

>> No.6353037

My friend claims that the Japanese think it looks more childlike -- you know when kids' adult teeth are growing in they're sort of uneven and a little snaggly for a while. Yeah, they think it's cute.

I also believe their diet doesn't have enough hard/chewy stuff in it that'd cause their baby teeth to fall out at a normal rate. I've even met a Japanese guy who had two rows of top teeth, one in front and another behind. Freaky stuff.

>> No.6353046
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>mfw I have bad teeth
Godfucking genetics. I had braces for years and all they ever did was give me horrible nightmares, panic attacks before visits to the dentist, longterm damage to some of my teeth and a somewhat corrected frontline of teeth. Didn't help that my dentist was a complete cunt who kicked my self-esteem with her hold granny feet.

I'm absolutely willing to pay the costs for a dental makeover. But when I think about the pain that involves I feel like fainting. I'm just too afraid to do it. My dentist trauma doesn't help that.

You people with pretty teeth can be so happy.

>> No.6353050

What the hell did your dentist do to you?

>> No.6353097

My teeth are crooked as fuck. When I was little, my parent's dental insurance wouldn't cover braces. The only thing I was able to do was get them cleaned and get cavities filled (with the dark stuff that looks like a giant cavity from any distance. Thankfully it was just molars).
I wasn't able to get my own insurance until recently, and because I've lived with crooked teeth my entire life, I'm kinda like, fuck it. I'll get them cleaned/whitened and fill in any cavities or do minor repairs. But I'm not going to go around being a metal mouth. It seems kind of pointless to me now.

>> No.6353159

actually, braces are not just a good looking issue. last year i got a tooth removed because of caries and that was a temporary tooth i had and now i have an empty cavity (i'm 17, it's a genetic condition when one -or more i think- permanent teeth doesn't appear ever in my mouth.

well, the think is losing a teeth implies your way of bite is gonna change. you can have surgery when the dentist replaces your teeth and uses titanium to place it into your mouth

the thing is it cost in my third world country like 2000 dollars and i'm too young for it (surgery could go bad)

so, cheaper and non danger way to fix my bite way is put braces on my teeth. (it costs, with the best dentist i could find, like 660 dollars.

>> No.6353189

Unless their teeth are already straight that is but then that isn't common.

>> No.6353197
File: 44 KB, 450x418, hurrrdurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in America we associate bad teeth with either being poor, stupid, or British.

Not say that all Brits are poor and stupid, it's just a stereotype.

>> No.6353207

although it's not as rare as some people make it out to be. I'd say a good quarter of my friends never "needed" braces as dictated by the dentist, myself included.

>> No.6353223

I never needed braces because my teeth are nearly perfectly straight. There's one tooth on my bottom row that's a bit crooked, but everything else is perfect.


>> No.6353225

Kids get made fun of in Japan for having braces. A lot of wealthier families come to America, work, and have their children get braces here. Then when they go back to Japan they have perfect teeth.

>> No.6353284

I have teeth like >>6352044 and OP pic, but only on one side. It wouldn't bother me if it was the same on both sides...
Anyways, gotta agree with >>6352833
I don't see why cosmetic tooth straightening is treated differently than other procedures. People almost treat it like a deformity. I can understand if it's related to your health, but that's pretty rare. It's just surprising how hypocritical people are in this area without even realizing it.

That... I'm sorry. You must have had a really horrible dentist, I've never experienced or heard of anything like that with braces...

>> No.6353309

>bucked teeth here

>remember begging my folks when i was 10 for braces despite every other preteen bitching about it

>couldnt afford

>still can't afford now

>have cavity free, white teeth

>doesn't matter I have bucked teeth

>> No.6353473

My teeth are healthy according to my dentist, but yellower than I'd like. Has anyone had success with drugstore whitening kits, particularly the less expensive options?

>> No.6353523

I've read that brushing/rinsing your mouth out with peroxide is supposed to whiten them, but I've never tried it.

>> No.6354734

I would try baking soda + salt paste, you just brush with it once a week/fortnight.

>> No.6354874

Man, I have two crooked teeth at the bottom, they cause me no problems whatsoever, and I only remember them when the dentist points them out. The fuckers constantly ride my dick about getting braces. For two teeth, when the rest of them are perfectly straight? I don't think so.

>> No.6354903
File: 39 KB, 600x449, app_bion07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 12,000 dollars of dental work done of me over a period of a decade and those fuckers couldn't shut my gap teeth. I feel ripped off. All the work:

7 fillings
4 pulled teeth
2 rounds of braces
2 rounds of palate expanders
Permenant retainer
removable retainer
labial frenulectomy

And I still have to get two, impacted wisdom teeth pulled out

>> No.6354914
File: 13 KB, 200x400, Whitening gel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Well worth the $5 at Wal Mart.

>> No.6354922

My teeth are, according to most dentists, as straight as you can get.
They're just not as healthy as I wish, so more motivation to cut back on the caffeine and sugar, before my enamel starts to get terrible.

>> No.6355670

I have slightly crooked teeth after about 3 years of having braces (and 4 molars pulled to make everything fit), and honestly I prefer them a little crooked. My teeth are quite round so it looks incredibly stupid if they're perfectly straight and lined up. The only thing I would like is a bit whiter teeth, but whitening your teeth damages the enamel so...

>> No.6355683 [DELETED] 

Ugh, FFS.

Whitening only damages the enamel on your teeth 1 - 1.2 nanometers, and that's only if you use certain brands that're considered overly harsh. Do some reading.


Would you rather lose one billion of a meter of the surface of your tooth whilst having it look pearly white, or would you rather keep that nanometer along with a yellowed hillybilly smile ...?

not really much of a decision, imo.

>> No.6355688

Ugh, FFS.

Whitening only damages the enamel on your teeth 1 - 1.2 nanometers, and that's only if you use certain brands that're considered overly harsh. Do some reading.


Would you rather lose one billion of a meter of the surface of your tooth whilst having it look pearly white, or would you rather keep that nanometer along with a yellowed hillbilly smile ...?

not really much of a decision, imo.

>> No.6355707

Why yes, that article also promotes to drink milk for calcium (wich is really not that effective because the calcium barely gets absorbed from milk) and brushing with fluoride containing toothpaste when that's actually damaging to your brain. I don't buy that shit that whitening isn't that damaging for your teeth.

But you're probably an american that drinks fluoridated water too.

>> No.6355711

I'm missing two teeth in my bottom jaw. Like, after my baby teeth fell out, my two bottom canines or lateral incisors never came in and neither have my wisdom teeth. It's never been a big deal for me and I never had it fixed, and I live in America.

Otherwise, my upper teeth are all there, minus wisdom teeth. They're mostly straight, and one of my front teeth is chipped. I also have a small overbite that actually compliments my face and hides my missing teeth. My dentist told me they were the best imperfect teeth he'd ever worked on.

My teeth as yellow as fuck though. :c

Otherwise, I do think you should get braces as a kid if you have shark teeth coming in. You know, if you have two rows of teeth in your mouth.

>> No.6355712

If whitening was really so damaging to our teeth, people would have figured out by now to stop.

>> No.6355714


I'm not agreeing that whitening is good/bad but that's like saying people would eat better if they knew their food was shitty or would stop smoking if they knew the affects. Thats clearly not the case.

>> No.6355717
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>implying people aren't goddamn stupid and businesses won't tell you literally anything to make you feel inferior and spend money their products
You're adorable.

>> No.6355724

>implying that entire nations would not backlash against a product used by over 50% of the population if the effects were are detrimental as you imply.

>> No.6355730

indeed calcium is hard to absorb from milk

fluoride is bad for you in large quantities. this is why you dont swallow toothpaste. hence, there is less fluoride per gram in kid toothpaste, because they are more likely to swallow it

fun fact: whitening is usually in two varieties.
whitening strips to me applied to your teeth use chemical staining, I wont really use them more than once in 10 years
toothpastes that have "Microgranules" or other scrubtastic particles that claim to whiten your teeth actually contain titanium dioxide, rock dust, so you can sand your teeth down.
The code for it is E171. Its not particularly bad for you, its just that youre being ripped off because in those commercials it looks like the invention of the century, but it turns out to be rock dust.

>> No.6355737


>> No.6355742

The solution to bad teeth in a nutshell:

>book plane tickets and dental care to Thailand (Phuket/Bangkok)
>book hotel or somewhere to stay for as long as you need
>get teeth done
>hang around while the pain subsides
>go back to the dentists so they can make sure there haven't been any side effects (mandatory)
>spend the rest of the holiday having fun
>check out the tranny bars if you're into that sort of thing
>fly home
>mfw still cheaper than getting them done here

>> No.6355747

>bad food
>thousands of fucking drugs that after years of being in the market get taken out because they're dangerous
>diet pills
>... et cetera

>> No.6355760
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 125251305844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Is it that expensive to get dental care in the US? I'm sure you're exaggerating but if it's worth that comparison...

I live in fucking Brazil and the only reason my teeth aren't perfect is because of my depression.

>> No.6355771

Not US here, from New Zealand, it's expensive as hell here as well.
I went to Thailand with my best friend whilst she got hers fixed, so I guess it wasn't really my story, just sharing it.
Altogether it was about $1,800 for flights and accomodation (plus $170 for dental care):
Getting them fixed here though for her would have cost around $3000.


>tfw naturally perfect teeth

>> No.6355776


Sorry, I meant $1,800 just for her.
But it wasn't unusual to see a big group of four or so people who all flew over to get them done together.

>> No.6355775

The thing about whitening your teeth is that for many people it brings pains even over a year after doing it.

Here in Finland whitenings strips are not sold, because whitening can only be done by professionals. Got my teeth whitened professionally. Looked good.

But the fucking pain.

I still get pains in my gums and teeth. Not that often, but enough to remind me that the procedure really wasn't this necessary. Besides the effect is pretty much gone now after 1,5 years.

>> No.6355784

From personal experience, yes. Just one filling can be $800 or more. And that doesn't include the actual fee per visit, x-rays, exams, etc. It's fucking ridiculous. I need some work done and I don't know how I'll afford it. If I were an idiot and shit out a bastard baby, though, the government would fall over itself to pay for care for the both of us.

>> No.6355787


Yeah, medical tourism is growing rapidly, everyone goes to Thailand.

>> No.6355796


oh shit so a little under 2k for everything? how long did you guys stayed in thailand for?

>> No.6355802


10 days.
We didn't stay as long as most people would since her teeth only needed to be straightened and a few other things: the thing about it is the more severe type of treatment you get (Say breast implants or wisdoms pulled out) the longer they require you to stay to make sure things go smoothly.

>> No.6355805

QUIET YOU FOOL DON'T TELL THE AMERICANS ABOUT THE FLOURIDATION PROJECT. They already started replacing their metal fillings with less radio-conductive ones.

>> No.6355807

>Yellow teeth is just a sign you have bad hygiene.

I have had a grand total of two extremely small cavities in my entire life. You do realize that teeth are stained by food and drink, not to mention that some people have more yellowish teeth naturally, right?

>> No.6355808

>Lisa needs braces!

>> No.6355814

>Born premature
>Had to get put on anti-biotics because immune system and shit hadn't fully developed
>Teeth will never be perfectly white because of it
They're not bad, but i have to maintain a perfectly healthy/non-american diet to ensure they don't look yellow. Which i suppose is a good incentive, but still a pain.

>> No.6355822

I had to stop drinking coffee due to medical reasons and when I started using whitening toothpaste, it made a huge difference. You'd be surprised at how bad coffee can stain your teeth.

>> No.6355825

>MFW in fact, having yellow teeth naturally it's a sign of awesome, great teeth genetics.
>MFW I don't even have a face.

>> No.6355826

>the only reason my teeth aren't perfect is because of my depression.
I... Whut? Did you sad them crooked or something?
Or did you just type that backwards?

>> No.6355841

>You do realize that teeth are stained by food and drink
... Yes? You're supposed to wash your teeth 3 times a day. Which is coincidentally the number of times you're supposed to eat in a day. WOAH IT'S ALMOST AS IF WASHING TEETH SHOULD BE DONE AFTER EATING

>> No.6355847

You seem to be new here. But it looks like you already claimed your intelligence was below average.

>> No.6355869

I lol'd because I have bad teeth (white, but crooked) and I can afford most of the things I want. I've had a chance to fix this - my mom told me to wear braces, but I thought (and still think) that braces are fucking disgusting (even more than my teeth lol) so I denied. Good thing is that my overall looks somehow compensate my shitty teeth.

>> No.6355882

I have admittedly horrid teeth. The entire front of my mouth are caps, two of which are chipped. I have a double dose of bad dental genes (my mother needed a full upper denture by the time she was 24; my father had soft gums) and on top of that, my immune system is absolute crap due to a childhood illness. I've lost the majority of my molars to painful infections and currently only have one full molar in my mouth. I want to get a full upper denture, but alas, I can't afford it. I have to endure a lot of pain due to being without dental insurance, often having to rely on home remedies to relieve it. It sucks. It really does. But so few dentists are willing to do a sliding scale pricing system or accepting monthly payments.

>> No.6355903

Im a poorfag 'merican, but I make sure to take care of myself. Also I wouldnt say bad teeth are directly linked to being poor, more like bad teeth are mostly equated to being British

>> No.6355921

WHY IS THIS A THING damn stereotypes

In Britain it's really really rare to see anyone with bad teeth because braces are free on the NHS until you're 18. I work at school with a lot of asian children who board and when I kept thinking "If these kid's parents are rich enough to send them to private school why haven't they corrected their children's teeth?" but this thread answers it. It really took me back though because pretty much everyone here gets braces as a kid.

>> No.6355925

I laughed louder than I should have.

I mean they are ok, nothing is actually crooked, no cavities or anything but they could be whiter so they're not really perfect? I could afford to make them perfect and the only reason I just don't do it is depression.

I imagined it'd be bad but not THIS bad.

>> No.6355953

Why do so many kids need braces, is it genetic to be predisposed to bad teeth. Hardly any kids in the states have braces. Out of 2000 people in my high school, maybe 10-20 have braces.

>> No.6355973


I knew a girl with perfectly white teeth (it didn't look unnatural, though, it just looked perfect).
A lot of people would always ask her how she did it, and the first thing she'd say is, "I don't drink soda, coffee, or tea."

>> No.6355988

If you were in high school within the past few years, a lot of kids probably had Invisilines or whatever those things are called.
Braces aren't exactly seen as cute in America, so like hell any high schooler would have them.

>> No.6356010

I live in Ireland and my teeth were a little crooked when I was younger. Just a little, though. My family were kind of poor so we had to wait like two years for an appointment to see if I could get free braces. The verdict was that although my teeth were bad, they weren't bad 'enough'. A couple of years later my teeth get much worse, and I'm too old to get free braces. My family are still broke, my teeth are still bad. My top teeth are pretty much fine, it's the bottom set that really knock my confidence down. They're overcrowded and crooked.

I'm a full time student and although I've a part time job, between buying various things like school supplies there's no way I'd be able to pay the five grand I need for braces any time soon. Shit feels extremely bad.

>> No.6356056

I hate my teeth, they're really small I feel like I have a weird case of babymouth and they're not super white.

but my boyfriend says he likes my teeth which is a bizarre compliment but I feel better about it

>> No.6356079

My teeth are fucked up and they'll be fucked up forever unless I want to go through a process that'll take years and a lot of tears and pain.

Just like the Irish anon said, my teeth weren't "bad enough" (there was some scale in Finland that if you were 8 or over, free braces... guess who had a 7) when I was younger, but now after turning 18 they're seeming a lot worse. A dentist finally told me the true reason they weren't fixed when I was still under 18 - my mouth is _too tiny to fix the teeth in there_. They'd have to remove some teeth and after that I'd get braces to fix the deal. I honestly don't know what to do. Maybe when I'm older and have a fuckton of money, I'll get the fix. But I don't want perfectly straight teeth, that'd be just horrible, it wouldn't look natural and would change how my lips are as well (if you weren't aware of this, your teeth have a massive impact on the way your lips look like)

I've had some minor fixes, like when my bite was very odd and when a tooth started to grow over another although its place was next to it, but, yeah...

I like the slight wonkiness of my upper teeth, but my lower teeth have started to turn pretty damn hideous. I can already see what they'll be just looking at my mum who seems to have the exact same pattern with her lower teeth. :/

>> No.6356101

i know a girl who has the worst teeth possible, but if there's a cosplay she wants, her mom instantly gets it for her. her family is loaded

>> No.6356104

I'm Asian but grew up in Murrika and even I got braces. Health care costs are rather insane here UNLESS and UNTIL your parents have good jerbs with coverage. That's the category I fell into. Even though teachers in my area get shit on with the lowest pay for any job requiring a Masters degree, most unions do ensure the members pretty decent benefits and rights. So, given that both my parents were teachers with good coverage, they just stuck me under my father's plan because dental was included with his insurance and his plan.In my case, getting braces was not considered cosmetic but a necessary preventative procedure to ensure fewer/no problems in the future. I'm obviously not the only one who fell into this category either.

I had a decent amount of work done because my top center incisors pretty much overlapped and everything else was crowded right against them, nothing was straight except for some molars LOL. There is no possible way my teeth would've been considered kawaii, shit was a trainwreck.

From what the orthodontist said, it sounded like statistically many Asians have overcrowding issues of varying degrees e.g. more teeth than can fit neatly in the mouth. So they pulled 4 teeth to make room. After I got braces and the retainer, I have nice straight teeth and no issues. Some teeth have rotated very slightly as it's been 13 years since having braces but they've stayed visually perfect.

>> No.6356108


hahah, >>6356079 here, my dentist actually said my teeth are "Asian". Seems to be very common then.

>> No.6356116

Contd from >>6356104

Also as to having bright white teeth, look no further than Hollywood and models for the reason people want chicklet teeth. I was trying to find a new hairstyle for myself and picked up one of those hair mags, holy shit, I could feel my eyes getting more tired than usual because every model had like, glowing white teeth so much that it actually started to strain my eyes looking. As for me? My tooth paste has whiteners in it, but I didn't go out specifically looking for a whitening tooth paste, it's just Colgate. I also drink coffee, tea, and soda (yay for stress from teaching middle schoolers) so my tooth paste doesn't make my teeth Hollywood white, but keeps them from getting stained. I'm ok with that.

Imo, having straight teeth is a cultural thing and indicative of whether the person cares to get them fixed or can afford it. I had a shitty job at Borders before they offed themselves and even that had cheap dental coverage that payed 3/4 the cost of whatever. That's a pretty good deal and you only had to be a half-time worker to get insurance. What I liked about that was that they took the fee out of your paychecks so you didn't have to worry about paying for insurance: the money was deducted before you got your check each time. So, there are many companies that do offer insurance + dental and vision, it's just a matter of how MUCH they will cover for their workers. In the economy today, I'm not sure 3/4 cost covered is as doable for companies here, but shit, it's nice if you can find it. That said, I teach now and am enjoying my insurance + benefits. Dental costs $5 a year. I don't even know how the union bargained that but it's balls to the wall awesome.

>> No.6356133

My teeth are pretty straight, with some un-noticable faults, people assume I have had braces but I never did...(Like one of my bottom teeth is slightly crooked, one of my two front teeth also but it is very slight)
Even my dentist, because the faults 'look like side effects of braces' we always have the conversation "Did you have braces?" "Nope?" "Really?" "Yes, really, I am to poor for that shit"

>> No.6356138

Anon you replied to.
Hahaha, I love that your dentist used that term! But yes, I would agree. I think overcrowding is what's going on with most of the pics of Asians that have been posted here.

But hey, if you're ok with your teeth and they aren't harming you, good on you. They have come such a long way with braces since I had mine on with Invisaline or whatever so if you do decide to get them, it sounds like they can be a lot less invasive than they were in the past...

or book a flight to Thailand like the other Anons were talking about. I didn't realize they did dental work over there so cheaply, wow. Everything is so inflated in price over here because of malpractice insurance. Is that the case in your country? Sorry, I have not really studied insurance practices around the world.

>> No.6356202
File: 26 KB, 152x62, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats called a yaeba its really popular in japan well at least it was im not sure now but girls use to actually get dentist to screw up their teeth to look like this. Something about it giving them a more animal look (having fangs kinda) as for models with them it makes them look more friendly and approachable.

>> No.6356231
File: 28 KB, 143x225, e7592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6356246

approachable in the fact of they dont look perfect and intimidating. In a way it makes them look more "real" and not like some spotless "dont fucking talk to me" model.

>> No.6356474

I think it's because it's so easily available, people get it for any tiny problem. I had them and all I had was a very minor case of the vampire teeth.

>> No.6356625
File: 66 KB, 386x378, 1322728673379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your teeth look fine and completely even but are fucked to hell and back anyway
>tfw no enamel

I would give anything to have completely functional, crooked-to-shit teeth instead of this

>> No.6356645

that feel when you have a massive cavity in the back of your mouth but no money to fix it.

currently looking up dental groups and hoping that I can beg one of my parents to pay half my bill.

>> No.6356760

Naturally yellow crooked teath here.

My enamel is unbreakable.

>> No.6358701

Out of curiosity, is it on a wisdom tooth?
I actually opted to get my top back wisdom teeth pulled when 1 got a cavity because they were so far back in my mouth they were hard to keep clean and would likely just get more cavities. Not like they were useful either, they pointed to the back of my mouth anyway. So, yea I did drop a bit more for getting them pulled than the filling, but I figured it would be less expensive in the long run.

>> No.6358715

I know that feel.

>> No.6358734

>(if you weren't aware of this, your teeth have a massive impact on the way your lips look like)

I... what, how? Tell me more, please, I'm interested.

>> No.6359631

Not same anon, but it's very true. In fact, your teeth can impact the way your entire face looks even with your mouth closed. Imagine not having any teeth, just gums. You now have no support for your lips and cheeks and your jaw will look different because your "bite" has changed. Teeth and bones are underpinnings of what gives your body shape so just like if you were missing bones, without certain or all teeth, your shape is different.
Here's an article to elaborate what I said.
