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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 217 KB, 900x1211, Seme_Face_by_AlexKingOfTheDamned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6349757 No.6349757 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing the discussion of the creature to the left, since the original thread (>>6348303) is in autosage. What we have is a fakeboi who not only insists that she's biological male (not ftm or anything like that), but also claims to have been molested which she treats as SUPPAKAWAII AND claims to have been hit by a bus and has a glass eye.


>> No.6349759

>molested by eleven people because omg too cute
>got hit by a bus which gave her terrible scarring, damaged her voice box and had to get a new eye... which was the wrong color!

I just... wut

>> No.6349760

She didn't claim to have a glass eye, she claimed to have had a full eye transplant, but they gave her the wrong color, and there's nothing she can do.

Captcha: SPECIAL Geranium
She's so much of a spechul snoflak she needs a different word.
That just about says it.

>> No.6349762

>she claimed to have had a full eye transplant, but they gave her the wrong color, and there's nothing she can do

bu-.... but wai----.... hold on...

>> No.6349763

>one eye is supposedly green
>both eyes in pic are brown

Whatever you say, Sevvie.

>> No.6349766
File: 399 KB, 500x491, gettinrealtiredofyourbullshitrei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she'd just come out and say that she's FtM I would mind so much.

>> No.6349769


It just occurred to me that her/his ~real~ name is extremely omgeetoteskawaii XD yaoigayboi. Even more than her 'fake name'

>> No.6349771

Apparently her name is Alex David or something. Or at least it was at one point

>> No.6349772

No one would give two shits about her if she'd just say that she's trans. The fact that she's trying to pass herself off as a kawaii uguu yaoi femme gay boy is what's pissing everyone off.

Well, that and the "molested teehee" shit

>> No.6349776
File: 37 KB, 1058x536, adkr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For supposedly being a rape victim (or not!), she sure does treat it as sugoidesu.

>> No.6349782

I have never known a rape victim who would be okay with people saying shit like that to them.

>> No.6349783

Pretty much agree.
But the getting molested shit is just wrong on so many levels I just cannot like this person even if they did come clean

>> No.6349786
File: 325 KB, 250x157, 303236_600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6349787
File: 39 KB, 1148x546, akdbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I've never seen an actual gay man talk like this ever. Even the derpy teenage fags. That's straight up yaoi fangirl bullshit.

>> No.6349788
File: 43 KB, 250x141, luna, i....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6349793

...do it

>> No.6349790


Sometime I just wish I could splash shit like this all over Tumblr to watch them bitch out about it.

>> No.6349794


I would but I don't have one.
I value my blood pressure too much :(

>> No.6349795

I had a friend like this who 'pretended' to be gay to lure girls in and then tell them how he thinks he is really bi, but he was raped by a girl so he's scared to try to be with one again.

He was also into 'scene' fashion.

Oh the notches in his bedpost.

>> No.6349797

Sort of on topic, but my girlfriend is doing the 'i want to be a boy!' thing but:

she owns almost no male clothes
wears eyeliner and does her eyebrows
goes by her female name
hasn't done anything to start living as male.

I think its the infection that spreads in the Tumblr/cosplay worlds (Why is that btw??) and I want to try and get her to stop, but I don't know how to approach it.

>> No.6349803
File: 179 KB, 500x375, cheerupusagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try to talk about it like a civilized human being. When I told my ex girlfriend I wasn't strictly lesbian she threw a bitchfit because I she was one of those "gold-star" lesbians.

To make this post topic, just make sure she really knows what she wants. She can be a boy with guyliner and stuff, but then she'll have to present herself as a boy and not deny that she was ever a woman.

>> No.6349805

The hell is a "gold-star lesbian"?

>> No.6349806

tumblr should be obvious, but with cosplay, I think it's about the fact that people into cosplay already enjoy pushing the limits of their own physical appearance.
Trying to look like the character, crossplaying, etc. It can really alter your view of yourself though, usually gender issues have nothing to do with it.

>> No.6349808

sit down and talk to her really about what she thinks being a boy implies.

i had a "boyfriend" who was biologically female, and all of his friends would call him by male pronouns and he got his family to mostly call him by male pronouns and by his male name. he wore male clothes, and never had breasts (she was basically a almost a cup so it wasn't hard to conceal them)
but when we really talked about gender reassignment he wanted to remove his breasts. he had zero interest in intrusive surgeries to change her genitalia, he didn't even really want to take t, it was still up in the air but to this day he hasn't started it and he is more than financially able to.
what he really wanted was to be respected as a man, not to be a man.
and he's not the only girlfriend i had like this, i actually have known more ftm's who just want the respect and social status of being a male than actually wanting to change their anatomy.

dunno if this sheds any light on your issue- but there are more reasons that people want to be viewed as male

but really, just sit down and talk to her.

>> No.6349811
File: 161 KB, 500x380, rusrs.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lesbian who has never even kissed a guy and thinks she's better for it.

>> No.6349815
File: 40 KB, 1009x487, akde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course what special snowflake is complete without color-changing eyes!

>> No.6349818

I'm guessing she forgot about one of her eyes being green because of a medical mishap!

>> No.6349819
File: 457 KB, 900x1196, which_doctor__witch_doctor_by_alexkingofthedamned-d312xgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture those comments came from. Pretty goddamn sure those eyes are shooped.

>> No.6349824

They do look unnatural. And some of the color seems to overlap onto the white of her eye

>> No.6349825


Would you change your damned trip? It makes me feel weird to see my childhood hero promoting gossip and shaming people on the internet, it just doesn't seem like something she'd do.

>> No.6349828
File: 29 KB, 1059x505, akdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowing hair too.

>> No.6349832

>and my hair is like... glowing
Glowing with shoop

>> No.6349833

Are you guys seriously still on this shit. He came into the last thread and apologized for his past behavior, what more do you want? Now y'all are just being redonk.

>> No.6349836

Hell yeah we are! OP keeps delivering gold

>> No.6349838

I'm not sure you know what that means.

>> No.6349839

I was about to believe that fucker too.

>> No.6349840

Apology or not, she's still insisting she's biologically male and was molested, even though both claims are the most obvious bullshit in the world. That apology don't count worth shit when she's still sticking to her guns with the main things we have issue with.

>> No.6349841


Thanks, that actually really helps. I'll ask her why she wants to be a man and if she's really serious about it, because as of now she's made zero moves to get on T or change her anatomy.

I don't have a problem if she is trans, It's just she's just coming out as a cosplayer and the community is noticing her and I don't want her to start special snowflaking and end up here/embarrassing herself.

>> No.6349843
File: 42 KB, 500x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is precisely why I was calling her Sevvy.
Hey it's almost like she's trying so hard to be semeyaoiboi she took the name of that one guy who's arguably "seme" from that one anime and switched two letters to make her own original character do not steal name.

>> No.6349844

the thing about the modern world is gender isn't black and white. people don't really have to be like a "boy" anymore by what society would consider is being a boy, they can be a ~boy~ which really can be whatever the fuck they want because social justice bloggers really encourage that kind of thing.

which i really think is damaging to the entire trans community, while there are many who don't fit male and female gender roles they actually are normally aware of it at age 3. so when you're a full grown adult and you're just starting to be like "uhm maybe i'm not what i was born as" it's kind of like- are you sure? because you better be fucking sure.

>> No.6349847

Looking through her gallery, the fandom jumping is insane. Why do people do this?

>> No.6349852
File: 215 KB, 801x997, shattered_chrysalis_by_alexkingofthedamned-d3bfv1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's hoping people like this. I spent a good, long week on this picture.

>This is the very underrepresented Caterpillar from Alice In Wonderland.
I have a very long story to go along with this man. If you care to read it, please let me know what you think after you have finished.

>> No.6349860
File: 59 KB, 1072x537, akdmom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, we have dead parents.

>> No.6349864

I think her brother's dead too.

>> No.6349866
File: 108 KB, 600x424, My_Lion_King_OC_by_AlexKingOfTheDamned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His name is Kagai, pronounced KAH-gah-ee. not kuh-GAY or kuh-GUY

>He was Zira's mate in the "Bad Lands" but at the same time was another lion's mate. Scar's. (Yes, homosexuality happens in the animal kingdom. Fuck you. Look it up.)

>> No.6349869

>i barely knew my mom
>i was close enough to her and her fiance to know that she was gonna be killed.

>> No.6349867

That seems to be implied here http://alexkingofthedamned.deviantart.com/art/Darling-Baby-Brother-213717297

though considering how much obvious bs she spews, who knows if they're actually dead, or if these pictures are even them?

>> No.6349870
File: 53 KB, 1157x674, scar%204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a blatant trace.

>> No.6349871

>sewing needle through nipple

Oh god ow

>> No.6349873

No. One. Does. Not. Just. Trace. Disney.

>> No.6349875

She did say that the lineart wasn't hers

>> No.6349877

I'm pretty sure it's still super illegal.

>> No.6349883

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLm46F7JQco we have video

>> No.6349885

Definitely a girl.

>> No.6349891

I was about to point that out.
This chick is an attention whoring little shit.
Aaaand that's a woman.

>> No.6349892

Welp, that's a girl. No doubt about it

>> No.6349893

Close enough to be sat at her brother's bed side next to her in the hospital too

>> No.6349898

She's the gift that keeps giving. She's actually cosplaying as a complete lunatic, and refuses to break character. What an auteur.

>> No.6349904

Actually, it gets kind of freaky if you read the description for the marauders cosplay picture.
It seeme like she gets really into character where she becomes the character and gets emotions based on how the character would feel.
>She became nervous when shrieking shack was put down due to her being lupin

>> No.6349903

http://alexkingofthedamned.deviantart.com/art/Demotivational-Condoms-166255068 TEEHEE CONDOMS AND GEY SECKS

I like how the only thing she apologized for/admitted to was a bit of attention whoring. Not telling a bunch of crazy ass, blatent lies, not shooping, nothing. She still maintains she's not lying about all this BS, which is the best part.

>> No.6349909

So I looked at the other thread and then here
And leave him alone. what has this guy ever done to you? Why is it a problem that he is a fem-looking man? And can you prove that he wasn't molested? No he could easily just be talking about it waaay too much.
alex/Sevastien hasn't talked any BS about anyone and doesnt deserve to be hated. He even APOLOGIZED. I sorta know how he feels because I did some really dumb shit here too and apologized but it was ignored, and seriously. It's stupid that you're still holding something he's said sorry for to him
Just leave him alone

>> No.6349912
File: 8 KB, 160x120, washu-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi alex

>> No.6349919

Man, you really keep coming back with your self-pity. Just leave the chans.

>> No.6349920

Oh god you're still here. Fuck off.

>> No.6349917

I don't think you looked at everything...

>> No.6349929

I'm not Alex.

What self-pity? And Im allowed to post on this board, so no.

No I have. The other "bad" things he's done is apparently shooping a picture and MAYBE tracing some drawings. That doesnt deserve any shit at all.

>> No.6349930
File: 55 KB, 1139x586, akdpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bawww how dare you accuse me of not being a man

>> No.6349932

>The other "bad" things he's done is apparently shooping a picture and MAYBE tracing some drawings

Yeah... you really haven't though have you. Please leave

>> No.6349936

Holy overreaction Batman!

>> No.6349939

Ok. What did I miss? More things you just SPECULATE are lies but can't prove at all. And no I will not leave.

>> No.6349946

How about you go back and read the other thread especially the end that included shit load of compulsive lying about her name, car accidents, superkawaii molestation, and etc, before you start white knighting again.

>> No.6349944

Sure, you can post in this board. You're only making yourself look stupid though, so thanks for that entertainment.

>> No.6349947

And surprisingly, I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.6349949

>More things you just SPECULATE
Yeah, you didnt read the whole thread(s)

>> No.6349950

Keep digging your own grave

>> No.6349951
File: 494 KB, 235x128, disgonbegood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yis a whiteknighter is here to stay

>> No.6349952

Oh nothing, just claims of molestaition and dying family members for attention.
Claiming she got molested because she was cute and acting all XD happy about it which is NOT at all how one responds to that shit.
Alex pls go

>> No.6349954

I already covered the molestation, and fucking prove to me that his name is fake and he or someone he knows has never been involved in a car accident.
You're all just speculating he's lying but you really dont know at all. And no, "my friend who was raped doesnt beleve him guys" is NOT proof.

>> No.6349955

That'll be that thick skull of yours

>> No.6349958


Because an eye transplant is impossible to do.

>> No.6349959

The problem is that people think the whole internet is their own personal blog and then can't accept backlash for it.

It's about making real suffering look like a fucking joke. This is the kind of thing that makes the negitive stigma around trans people, people who are raped or molested, and feminine women.

It's not even just what they are saying, it's that there is no control over their behavior.
It's socially unacceptable to just talk to people so openly, and I don't understand why some people think it's okay to just shout out to strangers how you've been molested and raped or that your parents and brothers have died.

I know people and am someone who is really suffering and I would be embarrassed and ashamed if people who weren't close as fuck to me knew anything about my past like that.

It's people like this make me want to kill myself.

But I digress, the point is, if you are going to put yourself out there like that, you should expect hate. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone is understanding, and some people get offended and hurt when it's clear to them that something is off.

>> No.6349961

What? Do you think being a whiteknight is going to get people to defend your past idiocy?
Leaving is the best option but I guess you like the attention.

>> No.6349963

Goddamnit... you're so stupid

>> No.6349964

That doesnt even make sense. Please go on trying to insult me though. You're fucking hilarious.

>> No.6349970

It means you're stupid... fucking idiot

>> No.6349973
File: 176 KB, 1261x634, akdeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the kawaii fake green eye? :(

>> No.6349975

Why is it okay to insult or make fun of people on the internet? You can easily just ingore them and not give them any attention. You dont even need to be their friend.
Just because your own experience was so traumatizing and you can't talk to everyone about it, doesn't mean Alex can't try to deal with it by acting like its nothing (even though it really isn't). He even said he was sorry for putting it out there like that.
And one more thing; he never claimed to be trans. He's saying he's a biological male through and through.

Who the fuck is even talking about my past idiocy right now? Just you. Piss off.

And lying about an eyeball deserves 2 fucking threads of bashing?

>> No.6349976

I am shocked and appalled! I totally believed her 'hit by a bus eye transplant story'.

>> No.6349978
File: 12 KB, 200x250, _mecha_washu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6349982

Here. I'll save you the trouble of having to actually read the whole thing

>> No.6349983

Yeah, he never claimed he was trans, which is one of the most glaring pieces of BS he's spewing. That is not the body of a biological man. A biological man does not accumulate fat in those places, have curves like that, have goddamn boobs like that, etc. And if he keeps lying about that, how the fuck do we know anything that comes outta his mouth is legit?

>> No.6349985

Why is it okay to condone liars. If people are allowed to act like ignorant, lying idiots then that is just what the world will become.

I don't know where you got the idea that everyone should try to be nice and not hurt others, because when you point something out that's clearly fucking stupid, guess what, people grow.

People need tough love to grow and if we allow people to act like this they'll end up spoiled entitled brats who think it's just fine to do and say whatever they like.

>> No.6349987

I thought she wasn't lying? That's what you said before.

>> No.6349989

This thread will be alot more entertaining if everyone just ignores SelenaScreams. The second I saw that cretin's trip I knew she was going to baw baw moral fag blublub bullshit. Predictably boring as usual.

>> No.6349992
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 33xueiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck those obvious tits are so painfully obvious
i can't

>> No.6349994

Seconded. Ignore the attention whore everyone.

>> No.6349996

Wait... how do you know this person WASN'T molested? Who are you to tell them how to cope with it?

Also, who cares what they identify with? It's their fucking life, dude.

This is the first time I've ever witnessed on /cgl/ the person being bullied act way more mature then the mob of bullies.

You guys all need fucking lives. Is it sunny where you're at? Get some fucking sun.

>> No.6349999

Maybe he has some sort of condition that makes him look more feminine? You honestly don't know.

I didnt say to be nice and not hurt others, but that if someone is just acting stupid ignore them.
And this is more than just pointing out stupidity.

I said he wasn't lying about being molested or losing his parents and that pretty much everything else is just speculation.

>> No.6350002

Fucking this right here.
Preach it sista.

>> No.6350005

He was molested. By eleven people.
He was also hit by a bus which is pretty traumatic. I don't know how these people could be so horrible to this guy. He seems so genuine

>> No.6350004
File: 351 KB, 300x300, tumblr_m1pv44TiYP1rsrrito1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the first time I've ever witnessed on /cgl/ the person being bullied act way more mature then the mob of bullies.

>> No.6350007

She's made herself into one of her super tragic OCs, and you can't even tell. She lost her parents and brother, got molested, and was hit by a bus. All of which she brags about on deviantart.

How the hell are you so stupid that you can't see this?

>> No.6350012

Why on earth should it be okay for someone to publicly put all of this kind of thing onto the internet? If someone you just met introduced themselves with "oh hi, I'm a boy I'M NOT FAKING!! My parents are dead, I have a glass eye and I was molested cause I was sooo cute." Only an idiot would still be friends with them.

>> No.6350017
File: 5 KB, 308x164, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6350018

This moron has decided to become a self appointed troll of /cgl/. Ignore it.

>> No.6350025

This moron is a self appointed troll of /cgl/. Ignore it.

>> No.6350023

but we have Annie and Static for that...

>> No.6350026

OP here. As much as I'd love to keep digging up lulzy shit for ya'll, I need to sleep like nobodies business. Of course someone else could definitely take over that position from me while I snooze.

>> No.6350027

Is this bitch underage? It would explain so much.

>> No.6350028

Sleep well OP. It truly has been lulzy!

>> No.6350032

someone should ask her this on dA

My god I love fakeboi threads. I have to go to work now and I know this lovepuddle will be gone by the time I get back but seriously, you guys, this has been beautiful.

>> No.6350038
File: 751 KB, 1258x251, DOB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks the 2 in '92 looks shifty?

>> No.6350040

gaiz this was obvi. before she was hit by that mean ol' bus. gosh

>> No.6350045

As someone who has faked legal documents before, this looks like shit.

>> No.6350056

Well they are

>> No.6350057

Yeah, that 2 seems to be thinner than the rest of the numbers, as well as obviously being above the rest of the letters. Seems like she's probably underage. Who knows about the rest of the permit.

>> No.6350064

The 2 is a lighter hue than the 9 as well. If they were the same red, over the same yellowish background, then they should be relatively the same color....

>> No.6350065

Wait, when did this bitch get hit by the bus? Shouldn't there be some kind of injury marks? The worst I've done is had a broken arm, but scars are forever man. You don't just get hit by a bus and lol then walk home.

I want more delicious dramu from this thing. This entire thing is hilarious to me

>> No.6350066
File: 175 KB, 900x1137, sgsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My half-assed attempt to make her manly with photoshop.

>> No.6350072
File: 129 KB, 747x436, 1328663640294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stupid fat bitch.

>> No.6350073

id hit that

>> No.6350075

Nearly 5 years ago. Supposedly.

>> No.6350081

She could be attractive if she lost weight and committed to trying to look like either a man or woman.

>> No.6350082

was the creepy filter really necessary?

>> No.6350084

She has bad scarring on her left side apparently. And a limp and a busted voice box and a new eye in the wrong color, silly doctors!

>> No.6350087
File: 191 KB, 900x1137, like_a_boss_by_alexkingofthedamned-d4owqi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the original

>> No.6350091
File: 368 KB, 900x1200, We__re_All_Mad__Here_by_AlexKingOfTheDamned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6350093

Ooo, that's some bad shoop on the eyes.

>> No.6350094

What an absolute lad. I'm not even offended by that, I'm too impressed. Take a bow, son.

>> No.6350102

Oh god. I only skimmed the other thread, completely missed that gem.

THAT IS NOW HOW VOCAL CORDS WORK. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I don't know which is worse, the fact that she convinces other people to believe it, or that she actually might believe it herself. . .

>> No.6350104

that facial structure, that shape of the thigh/ass region, that obvious boobage. this is no man. At least, no naturally born man.

>> No.6350106

I can't wait for her to come back and defend herself again

>> No.6350109

I feel bad for saying it but me too

>> No.6350111

>or that she actually might believe it herself. . .

You have to wonder if that's how her mind actually works.

>> No.6350114

If that is how her brain is ticking, dear god this is worse than any of us could have imagined.

>> No.6350123

I see no limp in that youtube video.

>> No.6350126


I noticed that two, a video which should be 3 years after her accident.

>> No.6350129


What the hell *too

>> No.6350130

Guise srsly stop using scientific facts and logic!

>> No.6350138
File: 71 KB, 500x706, lazyassediting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was lazy

>> No.6350151

>They won't stop digging up things I've said in the past, and they won't stop escalating things.
>They don't seem to care about the person I've become now.

Maybe she has a point but what kind of person could she become after creating all those lies?

>> No.6350155

If she keeps them visible she's still clearly attached to them.

>> No.6350186


she was molested 11 times
hit by a bus
lost an eye
has a permanent limp
has damaged "forever kawaii lil boy" voice
has bad scarring
her brothers dead
her mom is dead

am I missing anything?

>> No.6350204
File: 40 KB, 553x473, 1350946664396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, in some shots she actually looks like a guy.
Here she looks kind of like a Weasly kid.

...but then the tits, hips, and hands throw me off.

If you're reading this Alex, Sevvie, whatever, it's best to turn back now and just ignore this all happened. Seriously. If you keep responding/cgl/ will be on your ass for months or even years. Your little followers that are posting here aren't making it any better.

OR you could see this as an oppertunity for more attention. Get followers to feel sorry for you, start a fake donation pool for a "surgery" of some kind, then use the money for costumes, cons, etc.

If you're gonna whore out, at least milk it while you can like the rest of your predecessors.

>> No.6350208

Her mother cheated on her father with a Japanese man so she's half....oh wait.

>> No.6350219


This sounds exactly like me except for small breasts, and that I don't want T but do want chest surgery. Good to know I'm not the only one.

>> No.6350234


This is even more hilarious because she claims to be 5"2 and TINY TINY TINY THIN like such a good little kawaii uke.

>> No.6350239

>I'm finding it hard to believe you really are a man...
>What part of "gay" don't you understand?

As a gayfag, this really burns my ass. Being gay doesn't turn you into a girly looking lispy falsetto skirt-wearing faggot.

>> No.6350246

Isn't in funny how (s)he is coincidentally gay :O

>> No.6350250


That's my point. All these "but guise, I'm a boi! really!" girls think that being gay gives you a free pass to look, act, sound and dress exactly like a girl, and it doesn't.

Gay men are attracted to men, not dickgirls.

>> No.6350255
File: 364 KB, 162x200, Way+funnier+than+I+expected+_bf5c67ca1770a542af120b247ce9c4c2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously one of the most interesting threads to happen on CGL in a while.
And holy shit...so much white-knighting/self posting in this thread, I can't even.

...still waiting on a pic of that dick.

>> No.6350253


Her dad is dead too,


>> No.6350271

Apparantly she goes on Graceland University, and she belongs to either Amici, Aponiv or Faunces (Amici and Aponiv are female houses).

Someone find out more about her, I want to know if she really is a guy.

>> No.6350273

All I want to see is her wiener.

>> No.6350275

She'd pull off the fake boy look if she were more thin. Because she's fat, it ruins her image and looks stupid as Fuck. Also, the special snowflake lies should stay in shit filled fan fiction. It is insulting to those who have had rough times. Fucking weeb yaoi fangirls.

>> No.6350278


Found her facebook but it seems inactive as fuark. Only 3 friends and such.


Looking through Graceland Uni on FB, I found out a friend of mine goes there. I'll see if there's something there.

>> No.6350279

I'm kind of mad she is fat and pretends to be a dude.

I'd kill for that face and hair color. Seriously, fuck this ungrateful bitch. I'd cut off her face and wear it if I could.

>> No.6350280

nice work anon

>> No.6350302

are you fucking shitting me

>> No.6350307
File: 116 KB, 960x639, alexmason1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Np. Here's a picture of them in the background of a University event.

Can't tell if boy or girl because of the lack of bodyshot

>> No.6350310

she needs a dramatica page

>> No.6350311

they all look like dudes

>> No.6350318

I hate this entire fucking trend of girls doing the "I wish I was a man ;~;" thing, it seems rampant in the cosplay community. All those girls that wish they were gay boys. I feel bad for legit trans people who get these retards lumped in with them. Those crazies who think "I like crossplaying, I WISH I WAS A KAWAII YAOI GAYBOI" Bitch, if you wanna be a man, get on them pills, start the process. I'm sick of all these bandwagon girls pretending to be boys because "yaoi so kawaii I will be one of them". The entire thing frustrates me.

Anybody who has been molested or raped, ESPECIALLY as a child, does not think "rape is so smexy uguuu"

As a homosexual there are so many things about this child that bother the shit out of me. Not every gay person looks/talks/etc. like a girl. Not even the super flamers. I am legit mad at this little brat.

>> No.6350321

We must let her reach her full potential as a lolcow before we do that. We have to let her grow for a while longer.

>> No.6350323
File: 40 KB, 831x567, Irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what they call irony

>> No.6350330

Ick I hate that signature. Phobia does not mean fear of it means aversion lrn2roots!

>> No.6350349

Speaking of her signature, seems she's just another one of those fat chicks that has an obsession with Loki so she wants to be a smexxi man like Loki so she can make the hot sex like in her fanfictions.

>> No.6350361

back in my day, RPing was enough...

pretending to be a kawaii uke/seme with roleplay was enough...

what happened

>> No.6350366

we grew up

>> No.6350382

From what we can see of how she's dressed, she's dressed like a lesbian. Or at least how stereotypical lesbians dress where I live.

>> No.6350393

>tfw she's dressed looks like and has the same hairstyle as a pre-op ftm lesbian who I know.

>> No.6350406

Godammit no.I cannot wait til this Loki business winds down.I miss being able to discuss things that happened in the comics.
Tom was great and all but jesus.

>> No.6350427


The internet happened. Nowadays it's literally everywhere and every stupid teenager treats it like their personal e-journal where they can also chat with their friends and nothing bad ever happens.

>> No.6350431

You called?

Seriously, we need a fucking study on why so many cosplayers are fakeb0is. I can't even tell you how many I know that are claiming trans, but not doing anything to prove they're trans. I can't figure it out other than I suppose they're just trying to get attention.

>> No.6350437

Oh, I should've known better than to mention you...

>> No.6350447

Please die.

>> No.6350450


I was already in the thread, just not tripping.

>> No.6350457


>> No.6350468

Seriously, I want someone to post her pics/screenshots on a board with a high population of males. Let's see if they buy her "I'm a boi really I am!" bullshit. They'll probably call her out on it, she'll catch wind of it and start bitching about it.

>> No.6350469
File: 32 KB, 392x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god.
I am so fucking entertained right now. Sevvy is hilarious.

>> No.6350480

>Being proud of molestation
This makes me sick.

>> No.6350496


They won't buy it for one hot second. There's a reason fakebois hang around girls who like feminine anime girlybois- they don't know what real men are supposed to look like.

>> No.6350502
File: 934 KB, 278x222, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Graceland University
>>Lamoni Iowa

wellll, that explains it. She is from extreme South Western Iowa, almost right on the Missouri border.

the further West and South you go in Iowa, the more fucked up the people get.

>> No.6350503

Oh hey, are you also the Bro that storytimes Yotsuba on /a/?

>> No.6350516
File: 33 KB, 158x230, proud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6350523

I believe we have found the princess of the Seagull Royal family

>> No.6350524

Moral of the story.
Crazy people need to stay off the internet.

>> No.6350526

But she has nothing to do with /cgl/

>> No.6350531

did you see OP's pic?

>> No.6350532

She's from New York, I believe

>> No.6350534

She cosplays and has made attempts at lolita. She's board related

>> No.6350536

please PLEASE post pictures

>> No.6350542

She deleted the whiny journal!

>> No.6350546
File: 14 KB, 400x300, scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6350549

I can't post them because the old thread is still up
here's "lolita"

>> No.6350556

If that's not a girl then I'm PT!

>> No.6350566

so, this bitch is our new ashley? i'm ok with that.

>> No.6350587


More like the new Jessica.

>> No.6350589

It's like JNig and Ashley had an illegitimate lovechild.

>> No.6350592

It could be a he.
But by the looks of her outfits she doesn't seem too talented and seems a bit lazy.
Video related its my fave efame trap

>> No.6350596

So a Sevastien “Alex” Mason apparently graduated from a charter school not extremely far from where I live (couple 200-300 miles perhaps), but would have JUST been accepted to college this past year.
The age is undoubtedly a lie, off by at least 2-3 years.

>> No.6350609

Yep because now she's dug herself an even bigger hole and it's hilarious.

>> No.6350621

>doesn't give a fuck
>still posts shit

Sure you don't. If you don't give a fuck then hide the thread and move on.

>> No.6350624
File: 25 KB, 419x388, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who actually responded to me~

>> No.6350625

You know, in OP's pic the mirrors kinda... dirty...

>> No.6350627

Why, why is she still lying?

>> No.6350628

i really didn't want to hear anything about her dad's bush. (i know that's not what she meant but still ew.)

>> No.6350630

Oh lord, that's what I thought of too. Why.

>> No.6350637

it's okay
keep thinking about it
now think of this fakeboi and her flaming crotch
now think of her dad's flaming crotch and tree
now imagine meatspin.

>> No.6350639


You guys are really grasping at straws now, aren't ya?

>> No.6350642

Most parents don't want their young boy to have long hair let alone in a ponytail. It's a legit argument.

>> No.6350649

i'm actually glad i'm not the only one, lol.
posts like these are why i have such a love-hate-relationship to cgl. you manage to give me the worst nightmares but they made me laugh hard as fuck. so thanks and fuck you. <3

>> No.6350652
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 22583_3963387567771_1059790560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pathetic argument, I see young boys with long hair all the time. This is my friends kid, she is also a hippy pagen wicca whatever.

Not saying that this chick isn't a chick, but you guys are trying really really hard at finding things to be butt hurt about.

>> No.6350657

Yeah, but even though that little boy has long hair, he still has on boy's clothes. In all of Sevvy's pictures of their youth, they have on cutesy girl style shorts and top, or dressed up as a nurse (in a skirt), or wearing a frilly skirt at age 11.

I agree that little boys have long hair all the time, but they typically don't pair it with feminine clothing, especially not skirts and dresses.

>> No.6350664
File: 695 KB, 500x372, tumblr_mawwguwDmE1r46ugeo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, I was just kidding!

>> No.6350667

I was imagining longer hair. That doesnt look long to me, but he's cute.

>> No.6350668

Another whiteknight trying desperately to save this train wreck. There's too much hilarious shit in this thread now.

>> No.6350673

>Most parents don't want their young boy to have long hair let alone in a ponytail. It's a legit argument.

oh wait I mean

>I agree that little boys have long hair all the time, but they typically don't pair it with feminine clothing, especially not skirts and dresses.

still looks to me like you're grasping at straws... how does it all personally affect you again?

>> No.6350678

I'm >>6350657 and not >>6350642.

So, no. Not grasping at straws. I pretty clearly explained that some boys have long hair, but don't wear girl's clothes, and Sevvy having long hair + girl's clothes = a girl.

>> No.6350687

I'm >>6350642 and I was simply trying to troll someone who is stupid enough/thinks it's ironic to OMG SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS!322!21!!

>> No.6350708

>how does it all personally affect you again?
Did you take a wrong turn on the internet? You do realize where you are, right?

>> No.6350715

I actually do know a guy who had long hair and was dressed as a little girl when he was younger. His mother was slightly insane though.

My theory is that dis chick is some flavor of fakeboi who's taking the Jessica instead of the Gutter option -- deny all evidence of having ever been female. I'm frankly surprised she hasn't come out with some kind of medical explanation for why she's so very obviously soft and curvaceous.

It's also possible she's rockin' PT-esque levels of delusion and that's why she insists that she's male, male, male...if you want badly enough to believe it's true, and your self-esteem depends on it, you can even halfway fool yourself.

>> No.6350712

These threads are hilarious.

>> No.6350724

This may be the right time to ask this question?
But I enjoy living as a male at times and female at times I do not always enjoy being a male just going out in public where nobody knows who I am and seeing how people react. I get hit on the same amount by men when I am a girl as I do when I am male and get hit on by females. I do not consider myself a boy, I know I am female but I like living in someone else shoes for a bit and learning more about the world as a male too. Is that wrong? Also when I do these transformations I bind and dress manly, change my voice, and do contouring so I am not half assing it. Best way I can explain it is like the boy in Wondering Son.

>> No.6350738

Perfectly normal thing to do. If you were going out dressed as a girl and shouting down people who addressed you as "miss", you'd be a fakeboi, but it sounds more like you're just into casual transvestism.

>> No.6350744


I don't think it's grasping at straws at all. My parents didn't dress my hyper femininely, i had short hair, but everyone EVERYONE still new I was a girl.

It's fair to judge that MOST parents would not dress their little boy in hyper feminine clothing. If a parent is that progressive about raising a kid in a gender-neutral environment, they would wear gender-neutral clothes.

As for the hair thing, like I said, you can still generally tell if it's a little boy or a little girl. All my friends with sons dont really bother cutting their kids' hair. One kid wears a ponytail. But he still LOOKS like a little boy.

>> No.6350750

By now I'm halfway convinced that she's a pathological liar.

>> No.6350771

I don't think there's anything wrong with it tbh. To me that's similar to what cosplaying is - dressing up as someone else to see people's reactions. As long as you're not lying about being a boy, why not?

>> No.6350818

Is that a special snowflake thing? My eyes are blue with yellow around the pupil and the colors change with lighting between blue and a murky green...

>> No.6350830

What she's saying is. You, like me, just have central heterochromia which means you have a 'starburst' of different color in the center of one or both of your eyes. The 'color change' just has to do with lighting because if enough light reflects both colors at a certain angle it will blend them together.

>> No.6350853

It's more of a 'you're stupid' thing. My ex was convinced that no one else in the world but him had ~magical color changing eyes desu~ and flat out told me I didn't know what I was talking about when I told him otherwise.

>> No.6350862

i'm laughing so fucking hard right now. This whole thread is pure gold.

Anyone know is this bitch got tumblr?

>> No.6350884

Eyes don't change color, ever. They reflect light in different ways which can appear to make them change color. No, your eyes don't change color magically.

>> No.6350897

I thought she said she didn't know her mom that well before she died.

Also, holy shit at dead dad too. This chick is a walking fanfic.

>> No.6350917

Right? It's the epitome of a Mary Sue.

>> No.6350927
File: 126 KB, 561x370, The More You Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, for some it is a special snowflake thing. Sorry to intrude, but I've been wandering boards fr the past few days on a break from /x/, and this reminded me distinctly of a time when researching vampirism for a thread a few years ago and something I found on a website is related to this.
According to the owner (who claims to be a vampire), having a central heterochromia is considered a sign of vampirism. So, yes, it is a gateway to special snowflakeism for the particularly desperate and/or delusional.

>> No.6350928

Oh shit, I totally forgot about that.

>> No.6350945

Totally forgot about that too! Well spotted anon!

>> No.6350955

http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2362565/AlexLeaderOfTheDamned found her ff.net account, dunno if anything juicy to be found there though

>> No.6350960


>> No.6350977

seems like there's a decent bit of rape fetish porns on her ff.net account too

>> No.6350989

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6033503/1/KisaIta-Beach so she supposedly witnesses two KAWAIIGHEYBOYS having sex in front of a croud at a beach in real life. wat

>> No.6350998


Eh, people react to those sorts of things differently. I was molested by a neighbor when I was younger and there have been some pretty shameful/unfortunate ripples. Needing to be forced into things to achieve orgasm, stuff like that. It sucks.

Do I believe this person may have been molested? Quite possibly. Did it all go down the way she/he describes? Not fucking likely.

>> No.6351007

I'll care when you bring up something from this year. It seems like most of this dirt is from 2-3 years ago. People can change a lot in that time.

>> No.6351013

Consider the following. Yaoi fangirls are the absolute worst human beings on the planet.

>> No.6351012

She's inconsistent in the details though. She goes from claiming to be raped, then saying LOL LUCKILY THEY NEVER RAPED ME. That really raises red flags.

Also, sorry about your situation.

>> No.6351018

Lol dumb bitch

>> No.6351024


It's alright. I just don't think anyone should jump to conclusions without acknowledging the way that sexual assault can affect someone years and years after it's occurred.

This person is definitely a girl, though. And definitely an idiot. But bad things happen to dumb people, too.

>> No.6351023

She's still insisting all this is true. Remember, the only thing she admitted to was a bit of attention whoring. She's still insisting she's a biological male, was molested, and I think it's safe to assume she'd probably insist the other stuff was true too. In the wangsty journal entry she flat-out claimed she never lied.

If she was admitting now that all this was BS it'd be one thing, but entirely another when she's still clinging to it.

>> No.6351025

this is more than maturing after some time passed, I mean christ:


look at this list of shit she claims happened to her. Or did she set all of it straight in those two years?

>> No.6351042

Agreed. If you're older than 15 and publicly post about how much you love 'omg smexy yaois' you should be culled.

>> No.6351045

http://images.4chan.org/cgl/src/1351141514827.png she's claiming she never lied. So no, I think it's safe to assume she has not set it all straight in the past two years.

>> No.6351049

From someone who's going to have to get an eye transplant in a couple of years, I don't understand why anyone would want that. I'm fucking horrified and uncomfortable with the thought, to the point that hearing someone claim that makes me feel really bad.

I wonder if I should finally join tumblr and remind people of their privileges.

>> No.6351056
File: 211 KB, 700x961, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand completely where you're coming from, and its not your fault. So don't be ashamed! I'm not trying to be like, LOL ME TOO XD, more trying to be consoling because I know that feel, and have learned to not let myself be ashamed.

>> No.6351065

Be sure to call people occular ableists

>> No.6351069

If she is such a kawaii uke boy why is she so offended people think she is a girl?
My boyfriends looks abit fem, doesn't TRY too and gets posted on Trap thrusday or some stupid shit site. He didn't get pissed off people thought he was a girl and he is a BORN MALE BEING MALE.

So why be offended when you're claiming to be a girly uke kawaii yaoi boy? That someone thinks you're a girl?

>> No.6351076

I assume you think she's full of bullshit on the whole thing? I know the tumblr where I originally found her at, the guy was PISSED that she was using it as a ploy for attention. He's not the type to call claims like that bullshit lightly, but my god was he emphatic that she was full of bullshit.

>> No.6351086


remember she *~BARELY~* knew her mom before she got killed tragically by her fiance!

>> No.6351096

People react to things like that differently.

I know a rape victim who often fantasizes about the subject, although she was raped by a man in her teens and she's a lesbian.
She doesn't have a problem with rape jokes and she even makes them herself. The only thing she's not okay with is the person who did it, he sometimes calls her and treats her like they're friends and afterwards she cries a lot.

I was molested when in my late childhood, by someone a bit older than me. He took me to his bathroom, touched me inappropriately, made me stroke his penis and rubbed it against me. He was my friend's big brother and I disliked him for doing that, yet only years later I realized what he had been doing to me.

I spent a while thinking about it, was kind of weirded out but let go. I would have no problem with someone playfully threatening to molest me, I wouldn't even relate it to the incident. The only thing that worries me in that is that it could make a social justice blogger mad.

>> No.6351106

just for clarification, are you saying you were not aware that what he did was necessarily wrong until you got older?

>> No.6351117
File: 42 KB, 1261x537, akdirony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351120


Because the girls that say they're male/transmale yet continue to do all their usual girly things and using the excuse that they're "gay" really don't want to be male. They just don't want to be girls because girls are stupid slutty, inferior second-class citizens that are only good for making babies and sammiches.

>> No.6351123


I should add, I don't believe all that sexist bullshit, it was a sarcastic example. Though the point is that actually a majority of them do take serious offense to being called female/a girl simply BECAUSE they think that being female/a girl is offensive or wrong. They can't stand it. So as a result of being disgusted by their stereotype they turn right around and extort another one.

>> No.6351128


She HAS to be a master troll. There's just no other logical explanation.

>> No.6351142

THIS. FUCKING THIS. Hell, from what I understand Kaz was pretty liberal with spewing all kinds of misogynistic bullshit while living with that other chick from DoA. And even if the others don;'t flat out admit it, it's still usually obvious that's whats going on.

I wonder if they realize the KAWAIIUKEGHEYBOIS they adore so much are nothing more than horrible stereotypes of women that just happen to have male pronouns and a supposed penis slapped on?

>> No.6351148

I knew that it was somehow sexual and "naughty" and that it was better kept secret, not that I wanted for it to continue - I just didn't want to shock my/our parents. I never thought much of it since he wasn't hurting me and only did it when my friend was busy.

What I wasn't aware of was that he, a (pre?)teen boy was molesting a child. I simply didn't think of it in that way even when shit like that came up in school.
Several years later I was reading a 4chan thread about something similar and I realized it had happened to me too.

>> No.6351199
File: 16 KB, 200x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much me. But I don't throw it around like this girl is doing. Only a couple of people that legitimately know me even know about it, because I don't really like people knowing about it.
Oh she's definitely full of shit. She wouldn't have reacted like that if she had legitimately been assaulted, even if she had learned how to cope with it, you don't throw it around for attention, you're just comfortable talking about it when the subject comes up.

>> No.6351228

Sounds like it. I had a friend who would make up stories constantly. I distanced myself from her because I couldn't stand the lies. I finally called her out on it and we didn't talk for years.

Her thing was having all these super awesome goth guy friends like Raven and whatnot. She'd use other people's images to back up her claim and even have them 'talk' to me online.

Thankfully she's changed and doesn't lie like that anymore. I hope this girl can change and stop lying. It seems she didn't get enough attention by her (dead) parents as a child or something since she's seeking it on the internet.

>> No.6351249

I wish that would happen to the crazy yaoi fangirls in their late 20's early 30's. Egh.

>> No.6351262

At one point her "friend" says that they had sex with her, mentioning something about her possibly being FtM. The friend would know for sure if she was FtM, because I don't believe FtM can produce sperm...

>> No.6351272


>> No.6351270


Who's Kaz?

>I wonder if they realize the KAWAIIUKEGHEYBOIS they adore so much are nothing more than horrible stereotypes of women that just happen to have male pronouns and a supposed penis slapped on?

They know, but don't care. They're technically male, that means they can do whatever they want without being judged, and anyone that DOES judge them is just homophobic, transphobic, closed-minded bigots that don't understand the true love that comes from two bishies plugging eachothers' asses with pocky sticks.

>> No.6351275

gutterface/kazakai/whatever the fuck she's calling herself these days

>> No.6351283

Can we turn this thread into one of those threads where some FTM/gender challenged seagulls come in and talk about what it's like for them? I love it when that happens.

>> No.6351293


>> No.6351295

it's back in the previous thread when the friend was trying to back her up. Here's the actual post itself (>>6348814)

>> No.6351297
File: 41 KB, 240x259, 1329105302788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, fantastic. This thread is still here and new hilarity has come out. But ask just one thing. Did we ever get to see some DICK?! or was she confirmed for vagoo??

>> No.6351300

It has a vagoo, the breasts are super noticeable in some of the photos.

>> No.6351301

Nope, no dick but she's still holding steady on the claim that she's a biomale. Wonder how long it'll be until she pulls the Aki I HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITIONNN excuse?

>> No.6351314
File: 177 KB, 587x621, 1345014514951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No DICK? Now I'm just disappointed.

She should show me her ginger vag to cheer me up. Pop out one of those glass eyes and take a picture of herself licking it.

>> No.6351351

She's in this video. At about 3:00, she's second from the left in the group of decepticon dancers closest to the camera.

>> No.6351443

holy shit what is wrong with that thing at the top of the journal
that is the most awkward ass gay kissing i have ever seen, it looks like they are both disgusted with eachother and they're doing it for a dare or some shit

>> No.6351463
File: 39 KB, 217x208, 1303846112402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this chick reminds me of myself in early high school...granted I never pretended to be a dude but in terms of the whole "parents are dead/shit has happened to me/ etc etc"...yeah I told everyone that my parents were dead and I was originally from I think Egypt?? When people met my mom I'd say it was my foster mom...

IDK how people bought it because I"m a pasty white chick...I think it was like Junior or Senior year of High School that I finally cut that shit out. But man I got in deep sometimes if people called me out. Nobody did to this extent but every now and then someone would say something.

I know from experience that when you're called out on that, it's hard to just say "yeah I admit, it was a lie"...course I can do that now and my friends and I chuckle about it, but when your'e put on the spot like that, it's so, so hard to just man up, especially when you've made connections based on those lies, built up your identity around those lies, etc.

Wow I was such a little shit. Hope she comes out of it like I did.

>> No.6351473
File: 17 KB, 288x306, 1308514245328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting /cgl/ from /fa/
>find this thread
>actually entertaining

Please go on.

>> No.6351477


You're welcome to stay a while as long as you don't fag up the place with constant "I'm from /fa/" or "/fa/ here, etc." shit.

>> No.6351482

But she's not in early high school, she's a 20 year old college student. She should know better.

>> No.6351488

Wait... seriously? I just assumed this girl was a young teenager going through a weird/immature stage. I can't believe someone could be 20 years old and act like this...

>> No.6351494

google "pixyteri"

you're welcome

>> No.6351498

Yeah. Check out her DA profile.

>> No.6351503
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 1347468379262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These damn threads man. I just cannot understand how people become like this

>> No.6351511

Christ this thread is still going strong,
This is such gold.

>> No.6351512

Gives advice on how to draw on their horrible, fucking, shitty ass pictures.


>> No.6351520

Goddamnit she's a ToraCon attendee.
Between her, Brittany Bors, and meow tan that con is full of nuts.

>> No.6351521

Seriously you guys? Even if he is a girl, he identifies as male. You could at least be respectful enough to use male pronouns.

He's obviously got some fucking issues, yeah, and he's lying about things, yeah.

But if he's taking the time to TRY to pass as male, however unconvincingly, he's got to have SOME feelings about being a guy.

If he was 100% doing this for the attention, he would be throwing out a lot more "i'm a guy i'm a guy i'm a dude i'm a guy" around every corner.

>> No.6351524
File: 145 KB, 400x300, shoppedeyecolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concerning the eyecolor, it's an obvious shop. Picture is taken from the last thread. >>6348337

>> No.6351528


>> No.6351529
File: 8 KB, 480x323, 1548575568768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that con is full of nuts.
It's funny because she is pretending to be a guy.

>> No.6351534


>> No.6351540
File: 53 KB, 363x268, 1345066737578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex is not FtM. Alex is a pathological liar claiming that she is a man for attention.

>> No.6351550

Well, I already know pixyteri, but this seems even beyond that...

>> No.6351554

No, she's a yaoi fan girl pretending to be male and make up sob stories for attention.

>> No.6351556
File: 780 KB, 512x384, A single tear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your dick please Alex, we just want to help you :(

Also what the fuck? Captcha gave me a legit address

>> No.6351558


Gutterface is in her MID 20's and she's still a 7th grade dropout with no GED, no license, and no job living off of her doormat parents.

>> No.6351564
File: 396 KB, 254x186, haha fuck you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with not having a license at 20 anon.
>That's the only part of your point that I had a problem with

>> No.6351565

And then I missed that you said mid 20s. How do you know how old she is? It's frowned on a little more to not have your license well into your mid to late 20s

>> No.6351568

Gutterface dropped out in the 7th goddamn grade? What the christ. Is that even legal? And why the fuck haven't her parents given her the boot yet?

>> No.6351574
File: 9 KB, 228x251, 1350224373002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have pleased me

>> No.6351582

This annoyed me more than anything else.
Yuck? Really? Thats her surmization of supposedly being molested every day after school?
That 'oh well thats the downfall of being so adorable' shit gave her away immediately.
This woman is wrapped up in some sort of wanna be yaoi uke delusion via the internet and her sympathizers who reinforce her delusions with their supportive comments.

>> No.6351590


SOMEBODY didn't see his apology in the previous thread.

>> No.6351588

Has anyone even tried talking to her on deviantART?

>> No.6351597

You're a sucker if you believe it. Or trollin'.

>> No.6351599


>> No.6351618

Actual transman here. I tried sending her a note but she read it and ignored it. I wasn't even degrading her at all, I was just trying to help.

She did mention that she knows about this thread. So obviously she comes here.

>> No.6351636

I'm trans post op and i may have some fem things about be but i never wear girl clothing and i have some facial hair.
I don't do girly things or talk about girly things.

So yeh everyone isn't the same.

>> No.6351653

I am shocked but not appalled that this thread is still alive.

I read through the first thread earlier before going to work and I assumed both of these would have surely 404'ed by now but nope. Its one of the pro's of being a slower board. Keep it up girls/guys. I've had some good laughs today thanks to you.

>> No.6351685

Story time.

A teacher's daughter is about 8 or 11 I think. I honestly can't remember. But if you ask her daughter, she will swear to God that she was born male in China. She drove to the US from China. When her mom showed her a map and asked how she drove across the ocean, she responded "Oh I'm from the China in Mexico." When people speak Spanish she says that's what they speak in China and she thinks she taught chinese schools because the children were smaller than her.

Maybe this is like that. Just completely convinced. Heck I still think a chicken I owned when I was little was light blue and a yard tall.

>> No.6351688


She's about 24-25 now. Well old enough to drink for a few years at this point. It was relevant because she lived in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no public transportation and had her parents driving her everywhere, like to cons. We've had seagulls that knew her come into past threads and tell us about how her dad would sleep in the car in the parking lot because he had to work that night or something. Now she apparently lives "just outside of Salem, MA.".


If I recall correctly, yes. Might have been 8th. And it seems they just have no backbones at all. They bought her an expensive ass professional-tier camera for Christmas one year and her ungrateful ass posted a blog about being disappointed about it being a different brand than the one she wanted. The one she got was a Nikon, I believe, which I always thought was one of, if not the best brand out there.

>> No.6351690


Being a little feminine wasn't the point. Making no effort to be masculine was.

>> No.6351692


Post it here pls.

>> No.6351709

or she's a yaoi loving fakeboi

>> No.6351713 [DELETED] 

But her learner permit said she was born in '92

>> No.6351718

>6351618 for fuck's sake, don't post it here. give this bitch SOME privacy.

>> No.6351729

>for fuck's sake, don't post it here. give this bitch SOME privacy.
How about no. Just because she is pretending to be a kawaii yaoi fake boi doesn't make her special or different from any other lolcow.

>> No.6351732


How about she's not responding to this anymore. She left it alone yesterday and hasn't been around since. She's not looking for attention ever since the people told her to shut the fuck up about it. She DID. She's not looking for attention, clearly, or she would be throwing a fit about this whole mess of shit.

>> No.6351734


What learner's permit, and when was this?

She was 14 in 2004 when she vandalized a cemetary and blamed it on another guy who went to jail for it, that would make her 22 now.


>> No.6351736

I thought you were saying all transguys and girls do that that. It read that way.

>> No.6351740

sorry, I thought you were talking about some else. Got lost in all the replies

>> No.6351746


No worries!

>> No.6351754


How did it read that way? I can understand that if you only skimmed it, but I was being specific to fakebois.

>> No.6351803

anyone else tried to talk to her? I know someone earlier got a reply, though anyone else have anything?

>> No.6351814


If anyone has, she' hasn't been replying. I think she just wants this shit over, so she's ignoring it like you're supposed to when you're harassed on threads like this.

>> No.6351823

>central heterochromia

Huh, that's actually really cool. My eyes are like that (green/brown), didn't know there was an actual name for it.

And yeah I'd say it's just the lighting; eye color can look different depending on if one is standing in artificial light or natural light. But of course she sees it as being ~*~ultraspeshulsnoflakedesu~*~

>> No.6351864

I had a bit of a double take while reading this thread because her natural appearance is just like a FTM lesbian I know as well.

Perhaps we know each other or all short haired, red headed masculine lesbians look the same.

>> No.6351865

Her shooping skills are so bad

>> No.6351969

The medical term is "heterochromia"

>> No.6352126


>> No.6352129


>> No.6352131


>> No.6352139

Oh good, this thing is still alive

>Q: Can I send you my pet after it passes?
>A: Absolutely! I love to take care of people’s loved pets once they pass away and currently have a few pets from other people that live in my home, if you need information on preserving them, just shoot me a line!

what? WHAT???

>> No.6352140

What the ever loving fuck does that mean?

>> No.6352145


She's a goffick taxidermist. And also a "cannibal" who eats her sister-cousin "husband"'s scarification skin remnants.

>> No.6352150

Well that explains.....ok back to alex!

>> No.6352151

That is so fucking creepy. I know it's supposed to be ~edgy~ but seriously.

>> No.6352158


Gutter does EVERYTHING she can to seem weird and edgy and unique and dark. She's addicted to attention.

>> No.6352160

It looks like she's deleted a ton of shit from her dA, especially porn. I found this though.


>> No.6352184
File: 2 KB, 213x99, pageviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn /cgl/

>> No.6352286

Oh, guess she should be thanking us

>> No.6352363
File: 534 KB, 720x416, frankeneyeballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she claimed to have had a full eye transplant, but they gave her the wrong color, and there's nothing she can do.

Ask her if she can give me Baron Frankenstein's number.

>> No.6352418

>I know a rape victim who often fantasizes about the subject
And this is the reason why I will never EVER take anyone who cries about being raped seriously.
> Bawww, I was raped, it was such a traumatizing event that I get off every time I think about it, feel pity for meee!

>> No.6352420

can't believe this thread is still up

>> No.6352574

actually guttercunt just moved back to bumfuck ohio because her nipple-less "fiance" that she met online and was engaged to after like a week of being "TOTES IN LABU LABU" was abusive. or some shit.
though according to her now ex, he never even touched her and guttercunt was the psycho abusive one and now she's slandering him for sympathy and attention. and donations.

>> No.6352593
File: 199 KB, 480x720, innate_sleep_by_mind_by_alexkingofthedamned-d58i83b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352609
File: 298 KB, 729x1097, here_in_wonderland____by_alexkingofthedamned-d2zhvc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I looked pretty damn cute. I crossdressed with three other lovely boys who went as the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, and a female Mad Hatter

I thought the "crossdressing" pictures were gong to be removed because she didn't feel comfortable with them

>> No.6352622
File: 8 KB, 965x93, long hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comment on the Alice picture

>> No.6352634

Someone should start a new thread, this one is auto saging.

>> No.6352668

I guess you missed the part where she said "All but one" dumbfuck

>> No.6352675

new thread here

>> No.6352875


You mean the girl from Washington who was also a "man" with tits and vag?

>> No.6353510

>Heck I still think a chicken I owned when I was little was light blue and a yard tall

I have no idea if that is you trying to support your point but you just sound a bit mental to me.

>> No.6357608

Holy shit, the Gutterface thread got deleted and this is still here?