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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 360x218, mcm-expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6346729 No.6346729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

MCM thread: EVERYONE IS ILL edition
(last one is autosaging)
Two days to go! Who still hasn't finished their costume(s)?

>> No.6346741
File: 9 KB, 250x192, 1342615735319s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get lifting.

>> No.6346743

Too ill for lifting, I'm going to eat fudge in my onesie while watching yaoi instead.

>> No.6346744
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No excuse.

>> No.6346747

my flatmate is working on a staff right now
im not fighting anymore

>> No.6346749

My mum has actually forbidden me from lifting until I get better, lol. Bad times. Anyway, this is not remotely MCM related and you can easily nag me about lifting over skype.

>> No.6346750

I already have a pretty lazy costume OP. I just have to make the mask.



>> No.6346756

Get it done today, it'll lessen the 'ohfuckpanic' feeling tomorrow.

>> No.6346766

Mmmmmmm. I'm all done I'm just in bed sick and my bf is at work. Snore.

>> No.6346769
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>everyone is ill
yo I only just got up at 2PM because i'm ill
what the fuck is happening
why is everybody fucked up

Anyway, doing the Cael Hammer today if I can pull myself out of bed and stop playing Borderlads 2.

>> No.6346773

maybe it's like final destination and we're all destined to be murdered at MCM, unless we're too ill to go. I'm mad excited though. There's still this fucking essay standing between me and the weekend, then I can just lash it up for a few days and forget that Oxford even exists. You'd think that'd motivate me to write the essay, but here I am in my pyjamas. At least procrastination has finally led me to finish my bloody horns.

>> No.6346777

I'm on it champ!

>> No.6346810

Muahahaha I'm not ill! (touch wood).
Although the materials for Cammy still haven't arrived, so I'm either gonna have to do a botch job or make it on the train/Friday night.
Jade is done though, just finishing up the shoes. I also discovered I have a pretty good closet cosplay of Kim Possible on hand if Cammy goes tits up.

>> No.6346900
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ive been battling this migraine thats pretty much crippled me for four days and ive finished sewing someone elses cosplay but... ugh, it's seriously rough. i fucked up so i don't have enough material to line the whole thing, and I'm pretty sure it's going to look like total wank. I don't even know where to start making it look less botchy.

The worst part is that we were too broke to buy stuff for these cosplays till last thursday, which is why it's taken me so long to get around to it.

Everyone be nice to the motorcity cosplayers, if you tell me Mike's jacket looks like shit I might just cry and barf on you.

>> No.6346901

Holiday time go.

I gotta go pick shit up on the friday, right the way across london. Suckage.

Otherwise, just gotta print and pack, and I'm ready to go. Whatever I don't have supplies-wise, I'll just buy when I'm down there.

>> No.6346941 [DELETED] 
File: 890 KB, 766x519, erm merk cherltern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk maybe this doesnt look as bad as im embellishing it to im just
so sick of looking at it

whats everyone else wearing?

>> No.6347168

Calm down, it looks fine. Although if you don't bring Sollux, I might tell you it's shit and induce crying/chundering.

>> No.6347246
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Hat came out a little shitty because the ink spread through the fabric a bit... but I think I did a pretty good job on the book.

And that's me sorted! Just got to pack now. Shame the Madoka group I was in fell apart, so I'm not sure if I want to switch Kenji and Kyubey around on Friday and Sunday.

>> No.6347260
File: 437 KB, 1944x2592, DSC00200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started packing...does that count?
Also my phone is srsly dying, photos get worse quality every time...

>> No.6347533
File: 24 KB, 305x819, 2012-10-24 20.50.54-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taskmaster here again, photo this time. I'm ill too. Dafuq is going on lol.

>> No.6347710

I started my costume today! Ugh, I have so much to do... I'm going to be slipstitching the lining closed on the train, I'm sure. At least I'm going up in normal clothes on Friday, so that gives me a bit of room.

But at least I'm not ill. Hurrah!

>> No.6347915


>> No.6348354


>> No.6348883

Everybody's ill edition? Sounds about right.

>Throat ulcer
>Donating blood Friday evening

Gonna be real fucking fun getting up at 5am on Saturday to get the train. Looking forward to meeting everyone and having a good day though. My cosplay's ready and I've got almost everything sorted out for the three days I'll be in London. Should be fun!

>> No.6349648
File: 56 KB, 876x876, I give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so much work to do all of a sudden after my dissertation tutor told me that my new idea is terrible. I might have to be rude and spend some of the weekend working on a script and reading up on some theories. I haven't even finished my Laurentius costume.

>> No.6349666

Come on man, you can do it! I've just been in bed writing my essay all day and I'm NEARLY THERE, gonna get my last few cosplay bits afterwards, woo! This is gonna be the most satisfying essay to finish ever, no more work til Monday afterwards.

>> No.6349684

Just 3 hours of Human Computer Interfaces and 4 hours of Advanced Object Orientated Programming to go then I leave for expo. I also have to pack and finish plucking my eyebrows around all these.... Halp.

>> No.6349706

I feel for you, I have a ton of uni work to catch up on because I partied my butt off last night so I missed today and a deadline last night! I need to make some wounds out of liquid latex in the next day or so and that's going to take literally hours of painting, hairdryer, painting, hairdryer. I really hope someone on the street doesn't freak out and try to call an ambulance for me or something.

>> No.6349711

lol I'm so not ready. Waiting for my mum to get back from the shop with my superglue so I can finish Cammy's gloves which I only started this morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone C:

>> No.6349735

Turns out that instead of just being myself and one friend it will be me, my ex, that one friend, three other friends and one of the friend's girlfriends. Guess I can't come to the /cgl/ meet now.


>> No.6349770

Man, I need to donate blood, my blood type is O-neg, thats like, the best one.

My biggest concern about the cgl meet is that you're all going to just mistake me for some underage b& or spike my drinks with date rape drugs, hence why I'm bringing my more attractive friends who are much more rapeable.

>> No.6349792

Re-read that over 4 times before I realised that doesn't say Human Centipede

>> No.6349789

Ophelia's going to be there too can we please see a cosplay bitch fight?

>> No.6349799

Why not bring them along?

Aren't you scared someone's gonna get lairy, end up knocking the shit out of you something?

>> No.6349821

Please let that happen.

>> No.6349826
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I'd rape you any day troll tan.

>> No.6349827

Anon, you's a buster

I can guarantee Micnax will get in some kind of drama.

>> No.6349831

I'm actually looking forward to hanging out with Ophelia if I can she seems nice but this Annie stuff could get nasty.

>> No.6349856

I only just started going on /cgl/


>> No.6349884
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_-_06_[584027C6].mkv_snapshot_20.17_[2012.10.25_02.33.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can guarantee Micnax will get in some kind of drama.
lolwhat, I never have drama at meets


>> No.6349888
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>gg Madoka sub

Why I outta.

>> No.6349895

3 hours of HCI doneeeeee. 4 hours AOOP to go. Woop.

>> No.6349899

Only way to watch animu today is raw, since fansubbing is dying.

>> No.6349901
File: 60 KB, 508x690, vFjWn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really think so, just avoid gg, HorribleSubs and Commie and you're good.

>> No.6349900
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Chuunibyou_Demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_01_[5B6EFD1F].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2012.10.09_20.34.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg just stylin' on you

>> No.6349902
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1343669559423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not UTW

>> No.6349910


>not Aniplex subs
At least thats something they let us have not for an arm and a leg...

>> No.6349924

>gg, HorribleSubs and Commie.
Which just leads to the rest of the fansubbing pool today : Hadena, UTW, sage,

Now again, watch your animu raw and learn da moonspeak.

>> No.6349927

It's on the list of shit to do.

I have too many hobbies.

>> No.6350013

Cake completed!

Now all that's left to do is pack my suitcase, I think this is the first time I've been good on time for stuff, usually it ends up with me packing at 2am.

>> No.6350031

Dress is in the washing machine, hair clips and bow arrived. As long as it doesn't fall apart in the wash I should be ready to get everything packed tonight so I can spend tomorrow baking. Sure hope there's some Tupperware somewhere.

>> No.6350043

My cake! Did you make or buy?

>> No.6350058

Not unless they want to deal with me, they're not. Protip: they don't want to deal with me.

Just finished my Aradia horns, SQUEEEEEE. WHY IS COSPLAY SO MUCH FUN. What're you guys planning for Friday night?

>> No.6350070

Are you even trying anymore.. ? talk about second hand embaressment dude.
oh bb <3
Nah man, Considering I'm bringing my three favourite big butch dykes I'd say I'm pretty safe.
Circles gonna rotate

>> No.6350071

I have made it , we had all the right stuff in.

Cake party and just hanging out I guess

>> No.6350078

Oh snap, I'm coming down with a fever and general illness. I think I caught it from you guys, thanks.

>> No.6350079
File: 8 KB, 206x250, 1343213433406s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I want to deal with you.
Oh how I want to deal with you bb

>> No.6350088

Tell me bout cake party. Moirail and I are hitting London at fiveish.

a-are you an

>> No.6350095

It's for someone birthday so I can't really divulge on details unless they tell you themselves, plus the cake isn't big enough for loads of people~
I might buy a cake for the Saturday meet though.

>> No.6350096

Ahh okay, no worries then, will see who's aboot.

>> No.6350120

>tfw when you're not british and won't be able to witness irl dramu

>> No.6350131

what dramu?

>> No.6350132

Don't worry, you'll be missing nothing, I'm going to bring along a cake full of rainbows and we can all hug it out.

>> No.6350141

>Implying there's drama

Also been testing makeup.

>> No.6350174




;w; ;w; ;w;

pics in 2secs

>> No.6350184
File: 35 KB, 453x604, 406849_10152210304520704_110997926_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that nobody cares but I just really love this wig ok

>> No.6350206


You look homeless

>> No.6350209

Pretty much what I was going for, I'm doing the dead version.

>> No.6350240
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1333635968246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go but have no one to go with. Feels bad man.

>> No.6350241

Please be in London.

>> No.6350247

Come with da seagulls

>> No.6350251

Well, I will be tomorrow, because MCM, herp.

>> No.6350262

I'm going on my own too.
Probably walk around and photo terrible costumes.

>> No.6350283

Are you cosplaying or something?

We should have a meet in the con for all the lonely people.

>> No.6350313

Eh. I have a terrible 11th doctor costume I used for Halloween party's. I could wear that. I'll be getting in the train looking like that alone though.

>> No.6350334

Team Rocket Grunt cosplay cone, packed, tried on and, to top it off, I'm not even ill! Though judging by the thread I'll turn up to MCM and catch some sort of combined super illness... Fucking brilliant.

>> No.6350335

Disregard what people on trains think, I'm going to be looking like a murder victim and my friend is crossdressing, sometimes you just have to give no fucks, besides, I'm sure you look great, anon.

>> No.6350346

link to Facebook group?

>> No.6350347

But your gonna be with a friend.
I really want to go, but I'm afraid that I'll end up walking around alone feeling sorry for myself or see someone I know and they will find out how forever alone I am.
Thanks for the faith in my cosplay though.

>> No.6350353
File: 157 KB, 615x345, portalcomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall be the god damn Ratman, bringing in a portal gun and companion cube; the works. You'll know when you've see me

>> No.6350356

Awww, it's not like we'll ignore you! I always try my best to make everyone feel involved because I know what it's like when everyone is doing their own thing. I haven't even met my friend in IRL yet so who knows, we might just all hang out and be awkward together.

>> No.6350371


>> No.6350376
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Mate what you wanna do is, if you are on your own, make the best of it. I mean, you don't have anybody to drag you to things, or anything like that. I mean shit, I'd love to go to MCM on my own. If you're worried about feeling all sorry for yourself, go do something you enjoy for a bit. There's a lot of stuff you can do. You should also check out the Seagull meet up, it should be fun and you'll get to meet some people.

But anyway, my cosplay is all done and packed, my clothes are packed, I have all my medicine and whatnot and now I'm relaxing in bed getting ready to watch Liverpool play. I feel pretty damn rough, but at least I get to sleep in until about 11AM tomorrow.
No 6 O'clock starts for me~

>> No.6350386

Any of you folks hosteling for the whole weekend experience?

>> No.6350397

Fucking hospitals suck.
No costumes this weekend, fuck. Still taking pictures though.

>> No.6350418

My fucking phone charger decided to die right before expo...

>> No.6350420


A bunch of us have posted our costumes. If you see any of us walking around just come over and say hi and we'll be happy to hang out with you.

>> No.6350440


- Saturday, 6:00pm by the Statue
- Sunday, 5:00pm by the Statue
All seagulls are welcome!

>> No.6350593

Welp, after 15 minutes, I'm pretty much packed. Just got laptop and gubbins to deal with.
All my gadgets are on charge. Literally, all of them. My room looks like an accident in a spaghetti factory.

Dragging all this across london is going to be heavy going.

>> No.6350713

see y'all at the meet!

>> No.6350719

I'd also love to go alone also but I always get roped into going with people.

That feel when working until 11pm tomorrow, I'll only be down on Saturday I think.

>> No.6350720
File: 179 KB, 355x1000, 2spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to cosplay but I just have been so busy with work so I will be wearing a spookier version of this outfit as long as I can fix a couple of things. If not, going as a lolita witch.

I got paid quite a bit of money for a photography job so I can't wait to spend it on crap and booze. I will also be up for doing some photoshoots now that I'm not cosplaying.

>> No.6350739

Looks good!

>> No.6350774
File: 87 KB, 404x854, 66304_4828400755837_408621751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished mine

skull kid from Majora's Mask

just need to put strings on the mask and im done :D

>> No.6350879

where did you get that necklace? also are you that swedish girl on tumblr? she has the same one.

>> No.6350895

There are no tickets listed for sale on the site

>> No.6350916

Looks like my plan of being in bed by 1am has gone NOPE. Still need to finish packing and shower, and also finish Jade's dress. Ugh. Mega proud of how my Cammy gloves came out considering they were made in a few hours, would post pics but cannot on my iPad :C

>> No.6350914
File: 291 KB, 1045x784, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn, yesterday they were, got mine last minute

>> No.6350922

they said they would be avaliable on the day of the expo,

>> No.6350930

They are, you line up and buy them.

>> No.6350936

the site says you can still buy through it on the day

>> No.6350931

It's from a japanese brand called Super Lovers that I got off CDJapan when they had a sale and no, I'm not Swedish but I have posted my tumblr a couple of times.

>> No.6350938


if your new to Con then well, theres 2 lines, 1 that you get tickets from and 1 for early bird entry.

you might just have to wait like half hour to an hour to get your ticket and get into the Con itself

>> No.6350943


i dont think you can sorry >.<

>> No.6350949

Yeah, that isn't usually the case.

>> No.6350959

I'm in the same hole anon, completley forgot to get the actual expo ticket. Time to queue with the common masses.

>> No.6350997

Random daft question but does anyone know if you can buy the weekend tickets on the day? I got mine in advance but the two people I'm going with didn't. Really hope we can pick one up tomorrow :/

>> No.6351002

I think you can yeah.

>> No.6351093

just wondering, and thanks!

>> No.6351179

oh god. Still need to finish sewing the giant sleeves and sewing them to the other sleeves.finish 1 and a half leg armour pieces and a little bit more to the hip armour and Im done. Prepare to poop pants in panic. i have a pic of it so far but Im doubtful of sharing. Makes me feel sad.

>> No.6351469

It's ffffffffriday motherfuckers. I'm expecting pictures soon.

>> No.6352334


Making my way down on the coach right now, is anyone already there?

To the person above, I'll be uploading pics each day.

>> No.6352339

Has anyone got the link to the online version of the MCM guide/map/book/thing? I need to make some meet-up plans for tomorrow.

>> No.6352340

Awww are you not being Equiqui? You know what we agreed you have to do if you're not being Equiqui... necessary tax for being lame...

>> No.6352403
File: 694 KB, 844x475, Pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready as I'll ever be. Got my tense playlist set up for the drive down.

>> No.6352421

Coming to the Valve meet? I'm doing Space Core, I'd love a photo with you!

>> No.6354223

Well that was a fun day, even though I didn't do anything at the actual event.

>> No.6354243

Late-night wig-styling jam chez moirail. We just drew his face on for Problem Sleuth and it looks amazing, I literally cannot look at him in it without laughing. Going out to pick up candycorn tomorrow, he feels he needs to have some in his hat. Will make sure Zom gets some pics of him.

It's a lot nicer doing cosplay stuff with people instead of just stressing in my kitchen with paintbrushes. <3

>> No.6354256

Just had this gem from him:
'Well, given the amount of people there, there's quite likely to be some exulted blue-blood to get all sweaty over you. You'd better bring some towels.'

>> No.6354317

tfw looking out the window at the weather, I'm losing all hope of having the energy to go, especially when I can cinnamon bun myself tomorrow morning and the TF2 Halloween event just started.

>> No.6354393

The hotest it will get tomorrow is 5°c. toastey.

>> No.6354490

>currently 1am
>have to be up at 5am
>awake testing different bake times for these bloody cookies
>still have no idea how I'm going to transport them on the train to London and carry them around all day

Looks like I'll be napping on the sofa and train!

>> No.6355836

I haz a camera. Who needs a camera man? Ready to go whenever, heh. I have unreliable friends.

>> No.6356016
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch

>> No.6356904

Definitely saw you today Mr Taskmaster, as well as Cirno from the last thread.

>> No.6356959


>> No.6357131

well how did the first day go for people?

>> No.6357164

Anybody got plans on what they are coming in as for next year then?

>> No.6357181

I was thinking about Mugen, something easy-ish for my first time, but I just realised I am not nearly tall enough.

>> No.6357180

I was team rocket grunt too, taking pics with all the pokemon cosplayers fuck yea.

>> No.6357185

TF2 Medic if I get enough duct tape, cardboard and German accent

>> No.6357221


Definitely not Slenderman again. Still stole the whole fucking show because I'm 6ft3, had a really nice suit and the right physique to actually look creepy/discomforting, but it was lazy as fuck and I kinda felt a bit bad about all the pictures and hugs and shit I've gotten. Then again, your average Slender there was a 5'7" skinny shit, so I suppose there's that.

I'm thinking one of the Dark Souls characters, maybe. Lautrec or Solaire.

>> No.6357258

Why haven't you posted a pic. I want to see you at your oh so scary 6'3"

>> No.6357298

I hugged a lot of people, did you get hugged by a guy about 6"0 - 6"1 dark short hair and black coat with a green black and blue "Free Hugs" sign?

Then you were hugged by me, thank you.

>> No.6357683


Hey Ophelia, you at the expo on sunday? What you up to? Me and my gf want to meet you!

>> No.6357687

Today was a bloody clusterfuck of people.

>> No.6357955

Hella fun night tonight, we got about 20-ish seagulls at the meet and we managed to all pack into a suite for drinking games... which escalated quite quickly. It was great meeting a large number of anons and a few trips which was ace.

Now lets see who doesn't have a hangover tomorrow.

>> No.6358187

only the dead can know peace from wezley's snoring

help ;_;

>> No.6359224

mate /i am still srink
pretty drunk
also i maintaint hat you are one cute ams sassy motherfucker

>> No.6359257

Sadly not, I'm knackered and I didn't plan a cosplay. Catch you at Hyper Japan?

>> No.6359281

Coming to May with Damara, Equius and Meulin. Definitely going to invest in armsocks so I don't have to spend ages painting all three days.

>> No.6359317

>Which escalated quite quickly

I lol'd. Also, you can't have a hangover if you don't stop drinking~ ~

>> No.6359321

Also, we still have a fuckload of drinks for tonight and everyone's welcome to tag along!

>> No.6359323

Hold on, I'm confused. Are you annie?

>> No.6359337

Finally sober and sticking to beer tonight. The moment I said 'Ed, here's all my money, spend it on scotch' was the moment of my doom.

>> No.6359357

hey annie you know it's sad that you have to buy peoples company

>> No.6359371

It is you then, ok. Just checking. There was something about you not being able to come on 4chan and it confused me because "troll tan" has been around for ages.

>> No.6359374

She's always been able to get on 4chan as we found out recently.

>> No.6359390

I didn't buy anything mang
You sound kinda..m-m-mad jelly anon chan!!
When I lived on campus last year I couldn't use 4chan. I now live with my boyfriend.
Just about to walk back to excel, n-n-not that I like any of you or anything... bakas

>> No.6359392

Good plan,
kawaii tan.

>> No.6359395

>didn't buy anything
>posting about having loads of alcohol so people can come to my room

Pick one.

>> No.6359402

Do you know who the girl was who called you a massive bitch to your boyfriend? I'm surprised people are still talking about you like this... kind of. It does look sort of bad that you need to lure people in with drink I guess. They might worry you're going to talk shit about their drunken antics or something.

>> No.6359406




>> No.6359409

Surprised? She thinks everyone has forgotten everything she's done even though it only happened a few months ago eg the whole penuspathetic incident.

>> No.6359411
File: 25 KB, 348x380, 1318906674446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I was the only one to chip in
>Implying it's not just overflow from the group bought drinks last night.
>Implying implications

and it's not my room.

You have no idea how buttmad and ronery you sound if you're not too scared, tag along .

>> No.6359416

It feels like everyone did forget, since no one ever talks about it anymore and discussions are met with thread deletion and "stfu"s. And because Eva Braun is her best friend or something now.
I don't know, I just think if I were invited to her room for free things it would feel like a setup to me personally.

Says on your twitter it was your room. But then again I wasn't really paying attention, that might have been the previous night or something.

>> No.6359417


Just remember that everyone super really likes you desu I must just be a huge ronery buttmad loser then.

>> No.6359418

If I knew her, she wouldn't have called me a massive bitch because she'd have known otherwise *gleam*
I'm not doing it for myself dude, I just wanted to meet Amber IRL
My friend Mike throws a mcm party every year and the cgls had no where to go, so it was two birds one stone. And micnax made us vow scilence to the whole 'what happens at a cgl meet stays at a cgl meet'

It was like fightclub but kawaii

>> No.6359419

I'm expecting she'll be bitching people out soon and then acting all hurt and shocked when people call her out because you can't prove anything because we're all anon.

>> No.6359422

No, I meant did he say what she looked like, would you be able to hazard a guess? Again, because I didn't think people were really talking about you. I figured this one must hold a grudge.

>> No.6359423

No Annie everyone and their dog on /cgl/ knows you're a fucked up bitch.

>> No.6359428

Yeah, the room mentioned in my twitter is my house bedroom, not the hotel room, the hotel room was paid for by my boyfriends and his friends.

Also, my drama was dramaless drama, like, nobody ever explicitly said anything I actually did because it was all minor or justified, so it was all like 'OH YEAH, SHE'S A CUNT' without ever really saying ''Annie did this this this and this''

The people who believe shit like and don't even want to try and get to know me, aren't worth my time anyhow.

>> No.6359429

Spoiler, you are <3

>> No.6359430

Nothing to bitch about, everyone at the meet was lovely and I had a fantastic time ~
I'll ask my bf, but as far as I'm aware , I don't know who she is .
I am pretty kinky, dude.

>> No.6359431

You're just a lying bitch and everyone knows that most of the people who went to your party don't even like you just a heads up. You're not trustworthy and everyone knows that.

>> No.6359432

They said you did lots of things. Like lying about having a disease, and sleeping with ophelia's boyfriend, and posting threads about ophelia, and posting ophelia's underage b& shit, and being generally obsessed with ophelia. Oh, and giving some guy aids, or intending to, or whatever it was. And openly bitching out another tripfag. I don't know where you get this whole "no one ever says what exactly I did" argument.

>> No.6359433


Only one meido for me

>> No.6359434

I guess that's why you use the name troll-tan because you're such an awesome troll and not just a sad attention starved little girl. ^___^

>> No.6359436

She likes to think that somehow everyone doesn't know about that and hasn't judged her. Free booze is free booze and at the expense of a messed up lolcow at least you get a show with it.

>> No.6359437


Being with Annie is like relationship AIDS. With the right cocktail of drugs, you can stick it out for a while, but sooner or later you're completely fucked.

>> No.6359438

Are there any pictures up yet from saturday? I'm curious to see what I missed :<

>> No.6359440

That was pretty good, anon. You earned a snort.

>> No.6359442

Everything about that is bullshit.
and man, her boyfriend is ~ginger~ shock.
I don't even dislike or like ophelia, I don't care, If anon posts about her, don't assume It's me, because I don't care, she's not even remotely interesting to me.

>> No.6359444

But you are ginger

>> No.6359446

We all believe you Annie everyone does.

>> No.6359451

(You missed the joke )

>> No.6359452


My favourite posts of yours have been those in the Ophelia threads, whether you started them or not (you started them), where you lose your shit and just type NONONONONONONONONO, etc, before deleting the post in a fit of realisation.

Never give up, Annie.

>> No.6359449

You spelt 'at the expense of a exceptionally interesting and lovely individual ' a little wrong there anon! But it's okay, I still love you baby.
Like you know, as if you'd be so lucky~

If you're brave enough to face me in person and you want to actually ask me shit, not just make up a load of lulzy far fetched rubbish, then I'll be at the statue, 5pm <3 gtg faggots

>> No.6359454
File: 239 KB, 300x401, platmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it isn't far fetched at all we all know about your crusade but why would we say anything when we can get free booze out of you?

>> No.6359456

Oh my god that was hilarious. It was like her hard drive crashed.

>> No.6359459

I feel like this is community service. Working at the cgl attention kitchen, handing out free attention. You've been low-profile for long enough that you'll take anything, be it positive, negative or outright abusive and wolf it down eagerly in a flurry of OMGTHAT'SMEDESUUUU~

>> No.6359457

She does generally lose her shit in those Ophelia threads since that's Annie on full insanity mode.

>> No.6359465

There's a reason Annie is a consolation prize on the /cgl/ tripfag graph.

>> No.6359466

It makes me a little sad that you would invite people to come and ask you questions so you can flat out lie about it and probably drag in someone else. SOME of that post is bullshit, some of it is real. And you know it.

>> No.6359474

why is your boyfriend so moay

>> No.6359478

I bet they don't last longer than a year before she tries to spread STDs to other peoples BFs again. ^___^

>> No.6359481

Nope. the only bit that's close to being real i told a girl I had a STI just to see if she would spread the rumour (and she did,pretty well as you can see , not naming names because I've made peace with her now)
I'm not anon dude. If I have something to say, I'll say it, but there is really nothing interesting about ophelia to say. what am I supposed to care about her for? why is everyone trying to convince me that I love/hate her?

>> No.6359483

Annie we all know you made those threads it's hilarious just to watch you break down about her then deny it to hell you're just a hilarious fuck

>> No.6359484

She didn't actually, she told one person after you had already gone crazy and started spreading shit of your own. I've seen the screenshot of the message she sent to Eva Braun. I've seen all the damn screenshots, we all have. If you want to trap someone like that, you have to give that sort of thing time. You can't tell the lie, then immediately go maverick on the subjects' ass and claim victory when they tell someone as part of an explanation of the incident as a whole.

>> No.6359488

Dude, I have so many instances where I've flat out proved to you lot I wasn't doing it and some girl (I think rabbit777? ) even came forward and took responsibility for it.

I even showed cgl my boarding pass from my flight to switzerland to prove I couldn't have posted her nudes.

I just don't care about ophelia, she's just a normal teenage girl, they're a dollar by the dozen

>> No.6359489

But this is Annie she's a veritable paragon of sanity of course her actions were right!

>> No.6359493

I haven't lied about anything dude.

I don't even know where ophelia comes into any of this

>> No.6359492

Because they don't have the internet in Switzerland do they? If you don't care about her why are you trying to talk down about her even now?

>> No.6359495
File: 55 KB, 720x720, 1317382414380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on a aeroplane

>> No.6359498

I meant you can't tell her you have an sti to see if she spreads a rumour, then attack her and claim it as proof she's a bitch when she tells Eva whilst explaining what happened to her. She didn't spread a rumour. Next time you have to wait and see if shit circulates. I'm guessing there will be a next time.
Afaik people only know about that because of the screenshot EB posted. That goes for a lot of other stuff.

>> No.6359496

She does because you hate love her remember that folder your ex told us about, the one with all her pics in?

>> No.6359499

The whole time you were in Switzerland?
You're so fucking retarded it's hilarious.

>> No.6359505

Idk but I think shes trying to say she was on the plane at the time the pics were posted

Or are you trying to say the pics were being posted the entire time she was in switzerland?

>> No.6359507

Not that anon, but they were being posted for fucking weeks, over and over.

>> No.6359510

The whole thing happened over a few days so to be perfectly honest she's lying out of her arse since we saw twitter posts from the time these threads were happening so she was online.

>> No.6359512

maybe the first time then?

nerds need to be more specific or someshit

>> No.6359514

It was her and Static who she's bffs with now and who everyone also hates.

>> No.6359518

Are Static and 32 Inch Waist chan the same person?

>> No.6359528

Nobody cars.

>> No.6359537
File: 309 KB, 600x779, 1347127025011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god what's going on.

>> No.6359538

Snake here, anyone getting wankered now/after?

>> No.6359541

seriously nobody cares, everyone who was at the meet got along fine with everyone and that's all there is to it, why is this argument still going

>> No.6359542

>Oh god what's going on.

/cgl/ my friend

>> No.6359544

Because bitch needs some reality for once.

>> No.6359545

but none of what you're saying is accurate give it up

>> No.6359548

Annie turn your trip back on love we all know it's true.

>> No.6359553

Snake, u r a faget.

>> No.6359567

Gonna need some ice for that one.

>> No.6359573

Faggotry aside, when/where is the meet tonight?

>> No.6359584

Got a weekend pass for £10. One of the stewards stole passes and was selling them in the Hallway on Saturday.

>> No.6359602
File: 192 KB, 283x240, OWacW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god, it was cold on Saturday. I watched the EuroCosplay final for the most part, my favourite was Angemon as I have a bias towards Digimon.

Other highlights of cosplayers I saw during the day include the dapper Twilight Sparkle guy with a Spike plush on his hat and the Atlas and Peabody duo on stilts.

I've been to most MCMs since 2009 and have always had a passive interest in cosplay. I tend to go so I can stock up on DVDs and doujinshi, though now I've struck up a close friendship with someone who dresses it so I'll probably get into it more.

Who was it that was singing on-and-off through the day like Enya on a swaying boat?

>> No.6359608
File: 176 KB, 503x421, 1351187362256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And micnax made us vow scilence to the whole 'what happens at a cgl meet stays at a cgl meet'
pizzaface got a little too touchy-feely, didn't he?

>> No.6359621

We do that for every meet though

Also hory shit I contracted so many girls today!

>> No.6359863

My dream came true, I got to sit on blues lap

>> No.6360048

It was nice seeing everyone again. Really wish I would have spent more time on/in my costumes though, that and I feel kinda guilty for not complimenting more peoples costumes at meets and stuff. I didn't take many pictures and a lot of them are out of focus since I left manual focus because I'm a div. I'll post them when I'm back at uni.

Can't be charming all the time~

>> No.6360050

Micnax is fucking Eva braun in a bathtub. You heard it here first.

>> No.6360068 [DELETED] 

Was wondering where they went. Didn't quite expect that pairing., but they were flirting yesterday I was told.

>> No.6360071

Was wondering where they went. Didn't quite expect that pairing, but they were flirting yesterday I was told.

>> No.6360075


Dear god. How drunk is she?

>> No.6360078


>> No.6360087

she drank my entire bottle of mead, so pretty fucking drunk.

>> No.6360092

That's fucking disgusting lost some respect for her now.

>> No.6360094


Well shit, I really want to know her views on this tomorrow morning.

Looks like someone just got...contracted.

>> No.6360100

So much fun today! heading back to canterbury tomorrow morning. Gonna miss class. >.<

>> No.6360103

Calling bullshit.

>> No.6360122
File: 231 KB, 1167x778, IMG_2067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally fucking home. So tired.

Pic related: My loot.

Also thanks for seagulls for the other smaller event.Shame I missed the room party with the broken ceiling.Noooooooo.

>> No.6360166
File: 117 KB, 964x743, 1350137526704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw this coming

>> No.6360174

Sweet! See ya then. Maybe someone do a /cgl/ meet-up? I'm new here, so forgive me if I'm being a faggot.

>> No.6360185

How much you spent bro?
With me personally, I had £25 left after buying tickets form upfront.
>£5 for 3 dbz toys
>£10 from C&H booth with free sketch
>£3.50 for Nice Ice (delicious shit)
>£6 for a Halo 3 Brute chopper
>Then borrowed £5 from a mate to buy "Twisted Dark". Good read.
>And a shitton of free posters and a SSJ Goku toy.

Hella better loot than last year.

>> No.6360209
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1714, loot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my loot.

£10 each for the Project H books from United Publications. There was a few others I wanted but I figured I'd leave them until next time.

Also 3 for £20 on the Doujinshi from Tokyobookstore. Nothing that interesting really but these turned out to be pretty decent anyway.

Relatively pleased.

>> No.6360225

also we saw wolverine screaming at bar staff in fox that they fucked up his burger on sunday

never before have I ever seen someone more in character. nigga looked like he was gonna tear the whole damn bar up, polish staff and everything.

>> No.6360316

Aww, sorry I couldn't stick around for longer this afternoon guys. I had great fun hanging out though, totally looking forward to whenever we next have a meet.

>> No.6360325

Hey guys Bleach from Naruto here, thanks for the sick weekend. My loot is too pathetic to post.

Also the ceiling set me back £50 so definitely worth it.

>> No.6360338

No problem Deadpool, glad it didn't cost too much!

>> No.6360345

What happens at these meet ups? just nerds having awkward sex with eachother?

>> No.6360361

Oshino Meme here, it was nice to meet you guys even if it was for like 5 minutes.

I got some Sayaka figures which I'm too lazy to take pictures of.

>> No.6360371

The /cgl/ meetup consisted of visiting an overcrowded bar then half the guys going to some hotel room, drinking, not talking to each other, throwing up and a couple of girls made out while the other losers watched

>> No.6360373

Senjougahara is sorry for being so over excited, your hair was very good.

>> No.6360378 [DELETED] 

Ha! Who were you?
Shit goes down.
Clearly went to the wrong hotel room

>> No.6360385

Joke's on you I didn't go to either of them because the meetup was shit!

>> No.6360395

girl i want to fuck went to it and probably sucked some nerds off, that's why I'm so jaded

>> No.6360402
File: 20 KB, 327x360, sam fisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fisher here, you guys sure did a good job of fucking up my ceiling. but great to meet you all.

>> No.6360409

Snake wants to know what hotel room you guys are at as he's been left hanging! (and what hotel)

>> No.6360415

Oh from the saturday?
Tell her I was sorry that I didn't get to see her again, I somehow ended up avoiding the cgl group that day despite them being in my friend's room.
Oh that and that she looked wonderful.

>> No.6360422
File: 389 KB, 778x1167, IMG_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fursuit of the Expo,imo.

>> No.6360446

p. much this but "not talking to each other"? nobody in that hotel room would shut the fuck up like damn

>> No.6360457

I didn't mean everyone I just heard from a guy who did go that there was one or two guys who pretty much just sat in a corner watching everyone else

>> No.6360475



>> No.6360519

oh huh okay

I was mindfucked because I'd been drunk since lunch on saturday and was just starting to sober up around the time I got dragged into that hotel room. I ended up getting called back to my hotel before I really ended up talking to anyone I didn't already know, whoops

my friend is just really bad at social and was rooming with wesley anyway or something I can't really make excuses for him

>> No.6360525


I fixed the fucking ceiling, how did they even tell it had been damaged?!

Sorry to hear you got charged though, bro.

>> No.6360543

I legitly googled that.
I hate you dude, you could sell the arabs sand.

>> No.6360592

Did you actually fall for that? lmao girl u silleh

>> No.6360613

No dudette, seriously, I don't know what you're typing in to google to get these results but it's pretty much common knowledge in any Naruto community where the average age is above 8 that the person Yoo Jae-Suk portrays in the gangnam style video is a reference to episode 214 of Naruto Shippuden.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.6360821

Yeah she might have sucked my cock- was she blonde?

>> No.6360843

Crutches or poles inside the forearms, bro.

>> No.6360867

Surely you mean episode 314 you kids.

>> No.6360886

My excuse is that I was feeling really ill, was already sobering up from the drinks i'd had earlier and didn't want to kill myself with more drink. I don't think I stayed more than an hour at that room.

Also lol I got more sleep between 9pm and the time wezley got back to the room than I did the entire rest of the night.

>> No.6360889
File: 204 KB, 300x480, 513055-513054-4758_481546978_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toori/Tenzou here.

The girlfriend slept all the way home in the car and is still asleep (Taking up the entirety of my bed). Which explains why I'm still up despite being so god damn knackered.

Great time- looking forward to seeing some pictures, since most of what I took was on a fucking phone.

>> No.6360908

Ah man I am tired and managed to spend like £100 on food and drink. Am such a fatty.
Saturday cgl meet was pretty cool, had much more fun after we went back to the hotel room and ate pizza and cookies in bed <3

>> No.6360939

Anybody get a photo of the Mad Moxxi cosplayer? I saw her like once and didn't ask figuring I'd see her again later.
Also, same for a Soos (Gravity Falls) cosplayer.

>> No.6361020
File: 279 KB, 2048x1365, DSC_1432_2048x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally home, exhausting train ride but the person next to me had Ghostbusters 2 on so I watched in on that. I'll dump photos tomorrow but here's the larger group of seagulls we managed to crowd into a suite on Saturday.

What's this about a ceiling? Did you all jump too high or something?

>implying anyone would hit on me even with a 20ft barge pole
C'mon dude, at least make it convincing

There was a Soos? Goddamnit, I found a Grunkle Stan and got a photo with him but I didn't see the Soos

>> No.6361028
File: 394 KB, 1415x1061, sDSCF0440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a couple Stans, this was the best (read: cutest) Mabel I saw though. A few Dippers and the girl said there was also a Wendy somewhere. I don't recall seeing her but then a Wendy cosplay would literally just be casual clothing that wouldn't stand out at all except maybe the hat (but then it was fucking cold so good luck).

>> No.6361032

My boyfriend actually suits my meido outfit better than me. I be mad jelly fat .

Do I have you on facebook dude?
YEAH, B-but I totally know it's not real now.. and I didn't google it... b-b-baka

>> No.6361042

so many people say that cgl girls are underweight and skinny, well i now know thats not true

>> No.6361049

Anymore pictures from the meetup?

>> No.6361055

That room is so full of neckbeards I can only begin to imagine how it smelled.

>> No.6361057

seriously vendetta fag, your same fagging here has been so painfully obvious.
Fair enough you may have pussyed out of the party because the big bad annie wolf was out, but nobody wants to hear you whine and don't take it out on anyone else.

>> No.6361058

>implying your nose functions while you are drunk

>> No.6361065
File: 190 KB, 2048x1365, DSC_1455_2048x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about BLUE in a maid dress instead

>> No.6361067

That's not me dude but keep being super defensive about it I guess.

>> No.6361079

Gosh. Looks like fun, but it's a tad overcrowded. I'm a little less upset that I couldn't make it now haha.

I am genuinely impressed by this, holy shit.

Probably gonna wear my Ness /Earthbound cosplay again. And one of Tsumugi Kotobuki's summer outfits so the heat wont kill me. See you guys in may.

>> No.6361081

Finally got home, in bed with a cup of hot chocolate and my new supersoft yoshi pillow, feels good man.

>tfw taking your wig off to sleep on the bus

>> No.6361086

hah what's the story behind that?

>> No.6361089

Borderlands psycho

gotta start working out

>> No.6361094
File: 116 KB, 960x960, hithorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have pictures of this horse?

>> No.6361107

Haha, you are so oblivious it's impressive.

There are a hell of a lot of people in there, I don't remember that many! Then again, I don't remember much from Saturday. :c

>> No.6361120
File: 463 KB, 1365x2048, DSC_1358_2048x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of us pushed him into swapping the apron with the guy that was wearing it originally.

Anyway, before I go crash, just wanna say that this SCP scientist group were hella awesome

>> No.6361136

we ended up in two different rooms, so it kind of worked out. It was a lot of fun, sad you couldn't make it, yo!
Moe~ moe~ kyun ~

>> No.6361150

Well, three rooms, really? The two in the Novotel and then the group who went to Toast's room?

>> No.6361226

ah yeah, forgot about the other lot.

>> No.6361233

I should of stayed at the meet perhaps. Went to wota london instead which had great moe maids dancing and a guy put a £200 tab down but still... got boring after an hour

>> No.6361249

I didn't get your messages until way way too late ; ;
I told you, six at the statue dude , you should have come

>> No.6361278
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 1349559950619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly remember talking about LOGH and going 'woop woop.' It was a nice evening though.

>> No.6361332

Those guys look pretty cool.

>> No.6361502


And so I'm now in a picture on /cgl/, I never thought I'd see the day

>> No.6362161
File: 41 KB, 960x637, 229946_4779184684577_947668081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Eva and Annie clutter every last place for months with their drama and now they are suddenly best drinkbuddies together?

>> No.6362163

Yep, I believe they call it 'not holding a grudge', although it does sometimes go by the name of 'growing the fuck up'. To be honest I'd find it difficult to dislike anyone who's willing to keep an eye on me while I chunder for three hours.

But hey, this is /cgl/, having respect for people who do nice things/are decent just isn't cool here, right?

>> No.6362165

lol annie snagged a big one.

>> No.6362167

Yeah after publicly drawing each other through mud and shit with everyone telling you to take it the fuck elsewhere, now you are all grown up taking pictures of each other passed out in toilets

>> No.6362168

>But hey, this is /cgl/, having respect for people who do nice things/are decent just isn't cool here, right?
Oh please do not try to pass as superior here. You badmouthed Annie for months, you posted caps of private conversations, you are no saint yourself

>> No.6362171

Not sure where this 'pass as superior' thing is coming from. Annie and I said a lot of bad shit about each other, we have now made up and realised we should have done so a lot sooner because we actually get on really well. Only on /cgl/ would I be criticised for NOT hating someone.

To be fair, neither of us took that picture, given that we're both IN it.

>> No.6362197
File: 181 KB, 601x1000, IMG_1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Wesley, but this is the best photo I caught.

>> No.6362218

micnax get a wig cap your kyubeey looked sloppy and shit

>> No.6362227

This was the state of the roof when leaving.

>> No.6362230

Sorry guys no photos from me this time around, but if you're going to Hyper Japan I'll see you there!

>> No.6362252

So tired. Working the whole weekend this time around, hope you guys enjoyed your Berserk/TB posters. God damn handing those out while wearing lolita is frightening.

>> No.6362255
File: 1.01 MB, 964x1636, toomoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so Fabulous.

I didn't really take that many photos but I'll post a few good ones later when I'm not sorting other stuff out.

>> No.6362270

Really? That's hilarious!
How was the Sunday night? I'm annoyed I missed it, the picture(s) look.. good?

>> No.6362291

This looks like a very well behaved party. And by "well behaved", what I really mean is autistic.

>> No.6362330

After 2 days of no sleep and excessive drinking, it's good to be in casual clothes and on the way home. Thanks for helping me pop my MCM and cosplay cherry, Saturdays meet was awesome

>> No.6362333

I was wearing one and it was fine when I left the hotel in the morning, I didn't notice it messed up. I think I'm gonna get a better wig next time instead of borrowing one too.

>> No.6362338

Don't worry- the rest of us remember your antics a little better than yourself~

>> No.6362355

Here are my photos from Sunday, Saturday ones will be up when my phone stops being wank. Saturday is mostly Homestuck. Feel free to tag yourselves/add me to do so if necessary.
(the usual facebook address)/media/set/?set=a.10152220440400704.927027.834170703&type=3

>> No.6362382

never seen a cosplay of him before this expo, kudos

>> No.6362390

Does anyone know the results of the Sunday Masquerade? I didn't have the time to stay until the end. Also photos would be appreciated too since I forgot my camera that day.

>> No.6362404

Annie goes on about being so thin now but check dem cankles.

>> No.6362428

You're crazy as fuck you seriously only think there's this one person who dislikes you. I can't believe that you're for real.

>> No.6362435

samefag say whatttt

>> No.6362465
File: 2.00 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_3297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes let's keep these going

>> No.6362482

Last night the room party was pretty fun, I do wish I had gone on Saturday as well now though.
Made friends, drank mean, talked about shit and saw Colin Ferguson (who Annie snubbed which was actually kinda funny).

>> No.6362486


There were two judges awards, one for the God from Mononoke and 'scarriest halloween cosplay' went to the guy with claw hands and felsh melting off his face and stomach but I don't remember what he was from.

Miku got best parade and best performance went to an expert entry who knocked over a chair. I don't remember what got best expert though on Sunday.

I hear the judging was pretty crap for the whole weekend, include the Saturday mini-masquerade and EC finals.

>> No.6362556

so who's going to hyper japan?

>> No.6362622


>> No.6362651

> Fucking electronics!
My camera was in the wrong mode for image stabilisation, and I'd nudged autofocus off. Friday and half of saturday were blurry, AND I DIDN'T NOTICE. Because they looked just as blurry as everything does to me normally. I need new glasses.

Ibis sucks now. Wifi means 'do it online', which means no visa or mastercard. Then they tried charging it to me ANYWAY when I checked out.

> Bitch.
If that bipolar lesbian slut insults me one more time, I'm going to smack her.

My back hurts. Next time, I am driving down. Because it's GOT to be cheaper than £30 of train fares, and london driving HAS to be better than using the tube with luggage.

So many people from near me, out drinking and stuff. Sadly, not many people in total due to cold weather. I don't blame them, tbh.

Hanging with the furries was fun as always. Everyone loved my new paws. High-fours for everyone. And padded pawpads mean no sore hands from high-fiving people.

And, as usual, the world ends while I was out. OMG STORMS HITTING NEW YORK LIKE A DISASTER MOVIE.

Missed the seagull meets, though. Too busy having fun to remember when they were, especially with the NO FUCKING INTERNET.

Dat trap. Had me fooled at first. GodDAMN.

So many catgirls.
And so many free hugs, too.

More of the merchants need to just take cards. It would make things so much easier, and save so much queuing for cash machines.

Also, necomimi are heavy. And, as I feared, are cropping up everywhere. I was right to get custom ears for them to maintain my innovation,

>> No.6362701

new thread:

>> No.6362958

> bipolar lesbian slut
I stopped reading right there. You sound like a massive bitch.
Stop hanging around people who insult you in you can't take it and it's really not necessary to use sexuality/mental health in an insult. You sound like a vile human being.

You've rustled my jimmies, I hope your sd card melts and your batteries explode.

>> No.6363622

Some ridiculous drama about some guy apparently. Probably just attention whoring from what I heard at the meet. Put simply she thinks there is this one guy hating her for whichever reason from the last meet in May, but like most human beings he probably moved on and it seems he left at the start of the Sunday meet because he could tell that she hadn't moved on (well it is probably true as she snapped at a random anon, hence >>6361057) using sixth sense alone (well this part I can only assume).

This of course is assuming what I found out was correct and that not too much of what I was told was false.

>> No.6364211

No, she really is bipolar, a lesbian, and a fucking slut. As for 'hanging around', bitch was in a lift as I was heading back to my room for a drink.

>> No.6364345
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I was probably one of those guys.