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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 281x500, 6492197243_3176779070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6345736 No.6345736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a handmade thread going, to help distract me from the intense pain currently going on in my abdomen?

Post your favorite pieces/indie designers, post what you're currently working on, post tutorials & patterns, post your favorite fabric shops/prints, request advice and swap sewing tips, etc.

>> No.6345743
File: 110 KB, 331x500, 6492195709_b92a8f583a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with the front of the outfit from OP pic.

>> No.6345747
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>> No.6345749
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>> No.6345757

this is now my dream dress

>> No.6345765

No pics, but I'm currently working on a classic bolero pattern. Need to test it out in muslin just to make sure it lays how I want, but it should be fine. Once the pattern is finished and tested, I'm going to use a navy blue sweater knit and some matching net lace, and double faced satin ribbon to tie it in the front.

>> No.6345770

LJ username was nessaneko

>> No.6345774
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>> No.6345813
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It looks like Mary Magdalene.

compare my pic with >>6345749

>> No.6345822

i'm fairly certain it's actually based of a meta piece

>> No.6345931
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>> No.6345925

It's not.

>> No.6345938
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>> No.6345945
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lol are you blind

>> No.6345960
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>> No.6345967
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>> No.6345988
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>> No.6345993

You're joking, right?

>> No.6346130
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>> No.6346138
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>> No.6346162
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>> No.6346163
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>> No.6346202
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>> No.6346210
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>> No.6346213
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>> No.6346274

Oh my god, it is beautiful. That look would never go with my bust, fml.

>> No.6346280
File: 310 KB, 1076x720, skeletrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to save up enough money to commission a skirt from the creator of this print. I am so unbelievably excited!

>> No.6346300

Fuck I love it

>> No.6346330

Wow, all of these are lovely. Why can't all indie and homemade be this good? And why don't indie designers just put the extra effort into presenting their piece in a nice way?

>> No.6346343
File: 76 KB, 960x639, 388918_150963178382061_1173639981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are by 4oclockbylindafriesen on facebook by the way

I don't know if she's open for commissions or anything, though

>> No.6346346
File: 103 KB, 960x640, 247231_150961055048940_237025231_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of her work

>> No.6346347
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>> No.6346348
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>> No.6346353

Thank you for source. Their work is wonderful.

>> No.6346358

these.. are beyond perfect. omg.

>> No.6346362

I agree. I'm not always a fan of the silhouette but their construction looks good. I wonder what they charge, though.

>> No.6346361
File: 187 KB, 600x800, tumblr_mc4555VAYO1rne83to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love snow field

>> No.6346366
File: 38 KB, 373x551, tumblr_mc0at6CjDM1r3dw34o3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also sakurafairy (lily of the valley)

>> No.6346370


THIS is the kind of indie work that should be praised and fawned over on EGL

Not that shittily constructed D&D dice bullshit

>> No.6346372
File: 82 KB, 960x638, 3825_150958748382504_693735944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one of her coats, which are to die for

>> No.6346376
File: 32 KB, 278x600, 46181_1578040851589_1834508_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep yep yep. I am really loving her work. It looks like she's only recently started to sell online, but I hope she continues because I'd like to commission her in a few months.

>> No.6346380

Agreed. I love me some tabletop games but when I see these dresses I cannot help but wonder, "WHY???" Or that one with the cell phone on it? Sad face.

>> No.6346385

fa/tg/uy here

what are you referring to?

>> No.6346387


>> No.6346404

Because people think that to have an "indie brand" all they need is a home tabletop machine, a shitty print from spoonflower, and the skill to be able to sew an elastic waisted rectangle skirt. Seriously.

>> No.6346418
File: 12 KB, 251x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy the shit out of this stuff!

>> No.6346429

Can anyone give me any advice on how to improve my sewing from average cosplayer level to reasonable etsy seller level? I've got a regular boring machine but I've been practising overedging my seams to finish them. Other than that I'm a bit stumped for what makes good quality sewing

>> No.6346454

Are you? It's based off Princess Drop. The bodice is exactly the same.


>> No.6346485

Not a Loli, but what's the source? This coat is amazing and I must see more

>> No.6346499

Not being lolita doesn't excuse you for being a retard

Source was already given >>6346343

>> No.6346501

My apologies. Im blind and the iPhone app sucks.

>> No.6346509

that's hard to say. What skills do you have?

Are you proficient at blind hems?
Do you french seam?
Do you know the properties of a knit, sheer, woven, ect fabrics

that kinda thing...

>> No.6346512

French seams are better than overlocking in terms of quality of construction and durability. Overlocking is only worth it if you've got an actual dedicated machine or foot, since just zig-zagging doesn't have the same result.

As for other quality issues ... Basically, the devil is in the details. Always pay super close attention to the little things--are your stitches straight, are your hems even, are the pleats/gathers/ruffles/etc. distributed evenly, did you finish off the edges of ribbons and lace, and so on.

When someone buys a garment from someone else, they want to see that you've paid close attention to your work and done your best to make it as close to perfect as possible.

>> No.6346524

No, no, and no...

I'm guessing I should just take some classes?

>> No.6346527

Thanks for the help! I'll have a read up and a practice with french seams

>> No.6346545

french seams are nice but aren't always the best move for things like princess seams or curved seams. you can do it, but it is more than a little difficult to get the results to lay flat after pressing. also french seams are very bulky. bound seams and flat felled seams are at least as nice but a little less bulky. also sadly no one knows what good quality is and doesn't want to pay for it. they expect taobao prices despite your careful couture efforts 90% of the time.

>> No.6346916

OMG I love her too I can't wait till her book pint comes out, it will be mine!

>> No.6346935


>> No.6346945

Another anon here wanting to improve quality. I don't think I want to sell on Etsy but to make some clothing for myself would be lovely I just don't want it to look like I'm wearing terrible homemade clothing when I wear my own garments! It seems that French seams are necessary to learn as well as other things. I know how to blind hem so that's a plus... any other tips?

>> No.6346979


>> No.6347048
File: 58 KB, 322x470, marilyn_chemise1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from candyviolet.com
I've been a fan of her dresses, especially the older designs but never quite made the leap to the purchase line. I just want to know if its worth buying or if I should just save my money for somewhere else.

>> No.6347057

From what I've heard, you're better off going somewhere else.

>> No.6347061

Save your money. She shoops the heck out of her photos to hide iffy fabric choices and "meh" construction.

I could maybe even forgive that if she had decent customer service, but if you ever have any problems or are otherwise dissatisfied with your order, she ignores you.

>> No.6347067

Thanks, I'm glad I saved my money.

>> No.6347324


Knowing how to do a good blind hem, and different types of seams is a great start!

As another anon mentioned -- french seams are great for quality and finishing, but they can be bulky, so you will want to mostly reserve them for straight seams. For curves like princess seams on a bodice, you can use flat-felled seams. Or, invest in a good serger/overlock machine. I have a Babylock, and I couldn't live without it. On fabrics that are prone to stretching or fraying, you can serge them before you sew them together (just stay on the edge so you don't cut off seam allowance), then sew together, notch if needed, and press open.

Another general tip is to get to know the feet & attachments for your machine really well, and know what needles to use on what fabric. If you want to work with knits, invest in a walking foot. Use ballpoint needles on knits or easily snagged fabric. On slippery or sticky fabrics, use a layer of tissue paper between the foot and fabric. It will rip right off when you're done.

>> No.6347326


If you plan to work with thin or flimsy fabrics, never underestimate interlining. I use rigiline boning, lightweight tricot knit fusible, and sometimes a layer of muslin inside my bodices to give them better structure. I do this even on normal medium weight cottons, to give my bodices a "smoother" appearance when being worn.

You should know how to understitch (there are good youtube videos explaining it) and topstitch things properly.

If you want to improve your pattern skills, I highly recommend "Pattern Drafting for Fashion Design." If you're designing for yourself, you can make a block or sloper to your size and shape, then use that to create future patterns. If you want to sew for others and offer a variety of sizes, you can purchase pre-made bodice slopers in a variety of commercial sizes. It will save you a lot of time and you can still use them as a baseline even when making custom sizes for customers (start with the sloper that's closest to their size, then adjust the pattern to match them perfectly)

Finally, iron the hell out of EVERYTHING. If you don't already have a ham, buy one.

>> No.6347352


Also, expanding on the topic of seams:
Serging is sufficient on the majority of fabrics, especially your normal cottons (sateen/poplin/oxford/etc)
If you're wanting to work with chiffon or another fabric that's highly prone to fraying, definitely use french seams. However, french seams would be way too bulky if you're using a thick fabric (twill, drill, heavy linens, corduroy, velveteen), and should be avoided.
Be aware when doing french seams that your fabric may stretch, so you should frequently compare it to your original pattern and re-cut as necessary. This is especially true for the side seams on a-line skirts, since they are on a bias -- you will almost always need to re-cut your hem.

>> No.6347371
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>> No.6347372
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>> No.6347430
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>> No.6347431
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More indie brands need to do blouses.

>> No.6347445

Actually, I have a question on this note.

Does anyone know where I can buy poly peach skin fabric, like what IW uses in their blouses? I tried google with little luck. If I can't find it in a normal shop, does anyone know the Chinese term for it so I can search Taobao?

>> No.6347460

Who are these from? They're gorgeous!!

>> No.6347465

I know joanns used to carry it. where are you located? (us, uk, etc)

>> No.6347466

onlinefabricstore.net or etsy

>> No.6347473

Nessaneko, same as >>6345749

>> No.6347470

I'm in the US, and I remember seeing it in Joann's silky solids, but not recently. It may just be my store.

Thank you!

>> No.6347478
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not the best but I liked her concept of using court costumes from early 20th century Russian as an inspiration

>> No.6347483


>> No.6347481


apparently they've moved it into they sew-classics

>> No.6347484
File: 1.58 MB, 700x1098, DSC03962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by miscy

I liked her chemise dress better with longer sleeves

>> No.6347489

that dress looks so much better worn.

>> No.6347494

My boyfriend has been wanting me to do this kind of thing with 16th century Austrian military uniforms. I need to get on that shit.

>> No.6347514

Thank you!!

>> No.6347523

Pictures of it worn? I've only ever seen the short sleeved worn and I didn't like it

>> No.6347530
File: 104 KB, 802x612, pintuckdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many beautiful dresses!
I'm still on the lower sewing tier, these give me hope. Made something basic from scratch in June but still haven't made a detachable bow for the front or worn it to a meet.

>> No.6347544
File: 62 KB, 477x720, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have seen the short sleeve in person. I don't think she's made more than the one longer sleeve version. Here's one pic of it in blue I saw somewhere.

>> No.6347545
File: 97 KB, 343x722, blueJSK_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem is that she has given up taking commissions - it was only ever a hobby/extra income thing for her and she stopped a few years ago when she got busy (about 2009-2010 I think). She's working full time + doing her masters now.

>> No.6347550

See, I'm just not digging it. The ruffle is just overwhelming.

>> No.6347557

Totally fair, to each their own. I just hate how limp it looks on that mannequin. I'd like to see her re-visit the idea, but maybe a little more tailored and with a lower neckline.

>> No.6347569
File: 36 KB, 425x640, calr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think for me, the ruffle either needs to be balanced out with larger accessories--like an 18thc inspired hat or flowers or something--or reduced. Something more tailored would look lovely, though, as you said.

Something like this with fuller sleeves would look nice, though she'd need to change how she does the hem to match the 'gauziness' of the poof sleeves

>> No.6347571

I desire this dress

>> No.6347580
File: 49 KB, 479x720, il_fullxfull.230656079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're describing looks a lot like her etsy listing lol.

>> No.6347583

I actually just found a pic of her(?) wearing it with that hat, or a similar one, and it does look better. I still dislike the ruffle, though. It workedfor full 18thc gowns but it just kinda looks out of place.

>> No.6348406
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>> No.6348562

Also PLEASE look up how and when to use interfacing. No zipper should be put in without it.

>> No.6348597

What? I've never been taught to use interfacing with zippers... it would make an invisible almost impossible to zip up... as for a lapped zipper, the folded fabric is more than enough stability. Please explain.

>> No.6348622

Exactly my thoughts when reading >>6348562

>> No.6348623


These. Who interfaces zippers, exactly?

>> No.6348633

It shouldn't if you're doing it right - the invisible zipper shouldn't be trying to zip the interfacing closed, and you would obviously use a lighter weight for the sort of garment an invisible zipper would be used on. The reason I was given is that a zipper is an area of stress by nature of being a closure - therefore should be interfaced to minimise fabric warping and strain on the garment at that area.


>> No.6348638

Threads magazine, haha. Well everyone learns a little different, but I took classes with an actual tailor and was never told anything about interfacing zippers, and had several weeks of classes focusing on several different types of zippers.

>> No.6348648

I was told it was industry standard- fashion incubator is a fairly reliable source for this.


>> No.6348655

Welp, I'm never adverse to trying and learning new things anon, so I'll give it a shot on my next zipper.

>> No.6349008

When I was doing production sewing, I never heard anything about interfacing specifically for zippers, but most of our bodices were already reinforced with a layer of knit interfacing all over. And, my mentor was trained in Italy, so I don't know if that makes a difference re: what "standard" I received.

I may give this a go, though. Threads' tips haven't lead me astray yet.

>> No.6349206
File: 9 KB, 180x240, baby-pockets-embroidery-JSK-VERSION1-lavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc it's based on baby's pockets embroidery. cgl has gone to shit in the last year.

>> No.6352089

The hell is this doing on page 8?!?!

>> No.6352641


>> No.6352651
File: 211 KB, 400x495, iphone 9-23-12 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a skirt...

>> No.6352688

who made this?

>> No.6352697

I love this print so much and I love grey coords. Its like... this print was made just for me. Please please tell me the source

>> No.6352695


>> No.6352713
File: 216 KB, 712x1023, Handmade red jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6352812

>googled "skeletrain" from the file name
> within the first five results


>> No.6352868

These are all so nice! I love when indie brands look good. But there's so much bad handmade stuff out there. Thanks to this thread for restoring the faith,