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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6345276 No.6345276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Apart from how stupid slutwalks are in the first place am I the only one who thinks that it's the most retarded special snowflake thing to try to bring lolita into it as well?

I suppose there are a lot of reports of girls who are approached in lolita by men who think they're some kind of fetishist and make a lot of sexual assumptions based on what they wear but still seeing lolitas doing this ruffles my panties a bit.

>> No.6345285
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I'd ruffle your panties any day.

>> No.6345286


>> No.6345292
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oh baby that was totally unsolicited and hopefully based on what I'm wearing

>> No.6345298
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You know it.

>> No.6345304

Isn't that
some sort of irony?

>> No.6345306
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Is this what it feels like when sempai notices you?

>> No.6345310
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>> No.6345323
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my insides deel like sparkles

>> No.6345329
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This is only the start.

>> No.6345331


>> No.6345362
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>> No.6345646

At first I felt it was silly, but after hearing enough stories about girls being hassled (in a sexual manner) about wearing lolita, I actually think it's fine. But then, I think the whole "slutwalk" movement is fine too - and while this could be motivated by special-snowflake-ness, it could also be a legitimate attempt to bring up the issue of unwanted attention and assumptions of sexual permission, which is essentially in the spirit of "slutwalks". So, it actually seems appropriate in that context, so long as the motivation is appropriate.

>> No.6345657
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I'd rustle your panties any day.

>> No.6347252

Women degrading themselves to get attention about unwanted attention....

women's logic

>> No.6348005

Is this about people hitting on girls or is it about people who rape women and tell her "You're dressed like a hooker anyway, isn't this what you want?"

Because I was under the assumption that it was the second. And while I awfully dislike that... kind of outfit, I suppose the idea behind it is warranted. But if that's the case, I have no idea where OP's pic's girl is coming from. Who has gone up to a lolita and said, "Hey, dressed to the gills like that means you want to have sex with me, right?" I'd imagine that if anyone was going to make assumptions on a girl dressed like that, they'd say she was a prude.

>> No.6348022

You assume wrong. Men always try and pick me up or yell abuse at me when I'm in Lolita.
Like they think it's just an elaborate schoolgirl get up.

>> No.6348042

I don't mean to insult, but what style do you wear? I can understand it with sweet, but not really with classic. I love sweet and feel a great joy looking at and wearing it, but I can understand the misconception men might have.

>> No.6348230


Unfortunately this happens more often than you would think. I wear classic and am often called a prostitute. I have had men come up to me and ask for sexual favors and ask how much I charge. A guy and girl came up to me once and asked me if I wanted to have a threesome. People tell me I am hot or sexy while wearing simple classic coords. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6348232

It's about both. The point of slutwalks is to say "Don't make assumptions about my sexuality based on the way I dress, because I do it for myself and not for you."

I know plenty of lolitas who have been propositioned because of how they were dressed, and that's in -all- styles, not just sweet. So no, I don't think lolitas are out of place at a slutwalk.Whether it's in the form of street harassment or actual unwanted sexual contact, all it really boils down to is women saying "This shit is not okay."

>> No.6348235

Well with lolitas, keep in mind that most (Western) people will think of the book Lolita, or at least draw that "little girls' dresses" connection and assume it's some fetishy thing.

>> No.6348236


I was followed down the street by a man who started propositioning me at a crosswalk. When I ran into a Shoppers Drug Mart to get away from him, he stood outside and pounded on the windows, screaming at me, until security hauled him off.

I was wearing jeans, hiking boots and a winter coat.

>> No.6348238

Not the anon you're replying to, but misconception or otherwise, it's still not a decent reason to harrass someone. I've had guys bug me both in lolita and in sweats at the gas station. There's probably an entire feministy breakdown of the hows and the whys of this, but we've probably already gone through that in other threads. Bottom line is that we'd like to be able to wear whatever we want without harrassment, but until that day comes I will continue to keep sharp objects near my person.

>> No.6348239


God I hate that. I just want to wear pretty dresses. Is that really so wrong? God damn.

>> No.6348241

I like your style, Anon.

>> No.6348248

What I would like to know is, if you're doing it for yourselves, why dress sexy in a PUBLIC setting in a frequent manner?? I can understand in the comfort of your own home, or going to a meetup once in awhile with friends, but people who do this shit every day. Why? So you can 'feel' beautiful?

I'm all for wearing whatever you want, but having an unreasonable expectation that people won't talk to you because you're wearing something fucking different is as aspie as the mouthbreathers that try to approach you at cons.

>> No.6348252


So if I strap a dildo to my forehead, I have a reasonable expectation that I won't be harassed someday.

>> No.6348256

But Anon, Lolita is not a dildo.

>> No.6348259

Actually, come to think of it, you'd probably be harassed less because people would think you're just some crazy frat kid having fun. Or they'll just stay away from you.

>> No.6348272

"Oh my god please guys quit hitting on me!" is just another way of women saying "I really want to be the type of girl that gets hit on by every guy. Please think of me that way."

Just another way of trying to get attention.

>> No.6348296

Yeah exactly.

I rarely get hit on when I don't want to be. It's the girls who are constantly trying that are constantly getting hit on - so if it's actually bugging you, you can make it stop. I can't stand when girls claim they can't or start complaining about it! If it bugs you, do something about it. If you're complaining, you're looking for attention or unaware of your body language.

>> No.6348328

Another anon popping in to post anecdotal story but I don't know what I did to get unwanted attention while sitting on a subway, wearing jeans, sneakers, a sweatshirt, and listening to my iPod. It's what many other people do so why did some man sit next to me and put his hand on my thigh? I didn't ask for it and even if I was wearing lolita or some outfit that people deem "slutty", I still don't think I or others deserve a stranger touching them.

>> No.6348333

Most people are aware that people will react a certain way if you dress a certain way, however that doesn't mean people should act rude. I honestly think that it's about common courtesy to not heckle someone.

>> No.6348335

not true anon, i've been out looking like a shitty mess on many occasions in just sweats with my hair in a ponytail and still got hit on.
not saying 'oh look at me i'm so hot i get hit on even when i'm not trying' it's just certain groups guys where i live are pigs who just see you being female as a green light.
i feel so disgusted sometimes it makes me just not want to go out

>> No.6348336

That's not someone hitting on you.... that's someone sexually harassing you.

They're completely different.

>> No.6348343

Same thing for you:

>> No.6348346

Oops I should I responded to OP instead since slutwalks are about sexual harassment. My bad.

>> No.6348360

The first case, yes. The second anon, no.

I've been hit on while sitting in coffee shops and on the subway, listening to my music and reading, and generally ignoring the people around me, like everyone else.
Of course, if you go to a club and then complain about being hit on, then the logic of "don't do things like that if you don't want to get flirted with" applies. But the majority of it happens in regular, everyday situation.

Now, personally, I think people complaining about being hit on is silly, but if the person doesn't let up after you turn them down, it's starting to border on inappropriate.

>> No.6348367

problem is 'hitting on' someone can so easily turn into harassment

>> No.6348369

Maybe I'm weird but I feel flattered when someone hits on me, even if they are ugly.

Being heckled at, being mistaken for a prostitute, or any form of touching (except a tap on the shoulder to ask for directions) is a no-no.

>> No.6348422

I'm a feminist and I get the idea behind the slutwalk, but I just don't like the action. I don't think we as a society are "ready" for the slutwalk; I think it's a good thing for people who already agree with the movement but the methodology chosen isn't really effective in educating people or swaying people to the feminist side of reasoning. The name is really offputting as well; I think trying to make a statement about rape and trying to free the word "slut" of its negative connotation are trying to do too much with an already controversial movement; we should either tackle one before the other or tackle them separately, especially because for most people "slut" is still something negative, creating a bias against the Slutwalk before they even know what it is about.

>> No.6348430
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>mfw people blog paragraphs about stupid shit like going outside and having a teenager ask for their number or ask about their stupid MLP t-shirt

It's supposed to be fishing for compliments, I guess, but it just makes me think they don't ever get hit on.

>> No.6348645

>I'm a feminist

Dear god.. You lost me there..

>> No.6348687


Well yeah, flirting is flattering. "Hey, you're really cute, can I get your facebook" is perfectly acceptable. I have a boyfriend and I always make that clear (gently), but it's always nice when someone asks (politely) for your number.

When they start sexually propositioning you, following you around, and refusing to take no for an answer, then you have to bust out the mace.

I was chatting with a guy at a club. He was flirting a little, which is cool, but when he asked for my BBM id I told him I have a boyfriend. He said that's cool, he kinda has this on again off again thing with another girl. He seemed pretty cool, so we exchanged BBM with the understanding that we could be just friends. A few days later he started sending me propositioning texts, when I reminded him that I have a boyfriend and we agreed to just be friends, he promised to "change my mind". I blocked him.

>> No.6348703

Pretty much. Being approached by people is actually a normal part of human interaction. It always makes me laugh when I see things to the tune of

>OMG I was like outside and this guy came up to me and said "hi" and tried to talk to me! EW what a creeper!

>> No.6348751


That comment didn't make any sense to me, at all... what part of my comment is this referring to?

>> No.6348775


>> No.6348807

This. It's stupid that some girls say "Oh NO, guys are flirting with me for wearing this tiny skirt/tittastic blouse/stripper heels". Like, really? I completely understand if someone is legitimately harassing you and I'm on your side, but otherwise, stfu. You're the one who decided to wear something that somebody, somewhere, might consider sexual. I don't dress revealing, but when I put on a lot of eye makeup, guys bother me. And, after experiencing that multiple times, I have learned to either deal with it and move the fuck on, or not wear such heavy makeup on days I don't feel like dealing with people like that.

I think that everyone deserves a "safe" environment, as in no one physically assaulting or stalking you, but jesus christ it's not like we have some god-given right to tell strangers what they can and can't say out in public. I'm not using the freedom of speech argument - I'm just saying that the "don't call me a slut, teehee!" mentality is just as retarded as saying you expect a "safe" environment where a guy in an elevator to should NOT start chatting to you about the weather on the day you were your new dress with an umbrella and raindrops print.

>> No.6348813

That's more or less how I feel. The protesting against victim-blaming is a fantastic cause, but trying to turn slut into a positive word is too ambitious and they're not quite going at it in the right way. Especially when we're up against such massive amounts of ignorance and bias. Case in point:


>> No.6348816

You probably didn't do anything except perhaps accidentally look young and submissive or something. Guys try to do physical shit like that all the time to my small asian friend on the metro (bus). They think just because she's five feet tall and looks cute and innocent that she can't kick their ass.
Almost anything can be taken as "sexual" because there are so many kinds of fetishes. Toe cleavage is a thing, so aw snap gurl you betta watch out if your ballet flats show too much toe cleavage in case some dude sees. Some people are just majorly creepy and it has nothing to do with us personally :\

No one deserves a stranger touching them, but on the other hand, no one deserves to say "I DESERVE not to hear a stranger make a move on me". It's life. "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me". Didn't anyone else graduate from preschool? We have to ignore the shit people say because - fact o' life here - people will always be saying shit, often things we don't like.

>> No.6348823

But I have met basically zero people, /ever/, who actually freak out when someone talks to them or even innocently flirts. Of course there are some weirdos who flip shit just because a guy asked them their name, but they're a tiny minority. Believe it or not, most women are okay with being looked at, just not /leered/ at for minutes on end. Most of us are okay with men talking to us, just not when it gets gross and inappropriate and uncomfortable.

>> No.6348868

this shit pisses me off so fucking much. our mothers and grandmothers didnt work their asses off to prove to men that women were more than just sexual objects and now we have all these stupid cunts fucking it all up. as long as you advertise yourself in a manner which puts your sex apeal above anything else men will NEVER EVER see you as anything more than that. It doesnt matter if you went to some fancy school and are "omg so smart" if your dressing and acting like a hoe people are not going to see you as anything more than that. and yknow what? THATS JUST LIFE.

>> No.6348877


What? So you are saying that as women we have to carefully choose what we wear outdoors because "somebody, somewhere, might consider it sexual". I hate to tell you this, but men find everything sexual. You can wear a mini skirt, jeans and a tee, sweatpants and sweatshirt, or a fucking burka. With men everything is about sex and they seemingly can't control themselves. If you have a pussy you will get hit on and more often than not it has little to do with what you have on.

>> No.6348879

Ahh, someone who does not get it at all.

Men are allowed to be sexual. They're allowed to have multiple sexual partners. They're held to a completely different standard because they have penises. Hating women for being sexual is insanely hypocritical, first of all, because our society pressures the fuck out of them to be sexy and desireable, but it's also objectifying. It's only okay when women are passive and submissive and there for the pleasure of a man, it's not acceptable when they own their sexuality and seek pleasure on their own terms.

None of this shit is okay.

Blaming women for their own rape, assault, harassment, or anything else that happens to them, isn't any more enlightened then not allowing them to vote or have jobs. You need to stop deluding yourself into thinking we have it so great and everything's perfect for women, because it's fucking NOT. Is it better than the 50's, or living in Afghanistan? Sure, but that doesn't mean sexism is dead. And the fact that you've been conditioned to not even notice sexism when you see it is all part of the problem.

>> No.6348899

you seem to be the one who doesnt get it. femminism was supposed to be about NOT objectifing ourselves and going AGAINST what society thinks women should be to prove we are more than a pair of tits attatched to a body. now its just "IM A WUMUN I CAN DO AND WEAR WHAT I WANT EVEN THOUGH IT HAS A NEGATIVE EFFECT ON SOCIETY AS A WHOLE BUT I DONT CARE BECAUSE IM ~INDEPENDENT~ AND CAN DO WHAT I WANT"

captcha: passayea breast-preen

>> No.6348902

women showing of their bodies = degrading

men's logic

>> No.6348926

It has a negative effect on society when I show my cleavage? Really? Does God kill a kitten every time I put on a push-up bra or something? Explain this "negative effect on society".

And feminism is supposed to be about women having freedom and being treated as equals to men. Freedom means I don't stop being a human being with basic rights when I put on a short skirt.

>> No.6348946

>as long as you advertise yourself in a manner which puts your sex apeal above anything else men will NEVER EVER see you as anything more than that

Explain why women 50-100 years ago were not allowed to dress in any revealing clothes. Or why women in repressed, misogynist societies today are not allowed to show any skin whatsoever.

>> No.6348959

oh my god back to tumblr all of you.

>> No.6348962

Exactly. Some men are going to see women as sexual objects whether they're stark naked, covered from head to toe or anything in between. And this is sad because men aren't wild animals with no self control. They can easily control themselves. Men who rape or assault choose to do it, they aren't overwhelmed by hormones that force them to do it. Men should be incredibly offended by the notion that they're all rapists deep down and women have to dress a certain way to keep them under control.

>> No.6348983


No, feminism is about women not being targeted because we have the audacity to have vaginas (or be perceived as having vaginas).

Women dressing sexy doesn't negatively affect society, stupid men do. I don't know how fucking dumb you'd have to be to see a hot girl and think, "SHE DRESS LIKE THAT FOR ME. SHE NOT KNOW ME, BUT SHE WANT ME PENIS. ME KNOW IT!" I mean, do men really think this? That's just... sad.

Or, the opposite, which is, "She's a hot girl who didn't dress sexy for me, but I deserve to have a hot girl, so I'm going to demand she have sex with me!"

Both are creepy, and really sad, and show how bullshit thinking has poisoned men into being retarded. I don't think a display in the Radioshack window is for me, even though it's stuff I want and it's right by where I go to work. I have somehow developed the idea I'm not entitled to everything I see, I don't get what I want, and I'm not in control of other people.

If seeing a woman wearing heels and a short dress is so disturbing to a guy that he physically can't keep from yelling at her, grabbing at her, or otherwise behave like an adult, then there is something seriously wrong with him and he should probably be institutionalized until the issue can be addressed and he is no longer a hazard to public safety.

>> No.6348994

My favourite part is when girls say things like "omg i was wearing this super short miniskirt and high heels and this dude was trying to touch me I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GO OUT IN UNDERWEAR WITHOUT BEING RAPED" well yeah honey, and I should be able to go out at fucking 3 AM without being robbed but that's life, there are always assholes who don't give a shit about what is good or bad, either take care of yourself or don't whine because not even 100 slutwalks will change that

>> No.6348998


A guy came up behind my friend and lifted her dress up so high that the entire dance floor was flashed her bloomers. He then tried to stuck his hand under her dress or something, and she kicked him really hard and ran away.

Weird shit happens in lolita too. I've had nice come-ons (including one stoned guy who told me, "You are the most beautiful fucking woman I've ever seen") and a few weird ones.

>> No.6349001

I'd rustle your panties any day.

>> No.6349012


So, women shouldn't go out to clubs or bars lookin' hot. I'm sure that clubs and bars full of women in sweatpants and a 4:1 guy:girl ratio is totally what everyone wants.

If guys want to see hot chicks, they need to keep their hands fucking off and admire the view. If they want to touch hot chicks, they should either get a girlfriend or go to a stripclub, not grab random girls they know don't want to be grabbed, using the excuse, "I can touch whoever I want because I'm a special little boy!".

>> No.6349015


Bloomers, we're talking about lolita here. Are you even fucking listening?

>> No.6349025


And it applies to cosplay. You men know damn well you want to see hot chicks in revealing costumes when you go to cons. If you like it, you need to shut the fuck up, look but don't touch, and show a little respect so they'll have more incentive to keep wearing them.

>> No.6349034

>Women dressing sexy doesn't negatively affect society

>hey guys my clothing is designed entirely to show off my secondary sexual characters for male sexual attention but you better take me seriously and not just just think of me as another cunt who wants all the hot guys to see my cleavage

Dress how you want to be viewed, whore's uniform, etc. There's a reason men are taken more seriously by society; they don't wear clothes designed to show off their bulges and when they do they at least admit it instead of pretending it's for "comfort" or whatever lies women tell themselves. On the bright side, I guess it's nice to know who does and doesn't wear panties thanks to yoga pants showing off everything.

>so they'll have more incentive to keep wearing them.

Attention is the incentive. They actually have more incentive to wear it if they get touched because then they can blog about how they were ALMOST RAPED etc.

>> No.6349036

And once again, it doesn't matter. If my girlfriend wants to go out drinking with her friends I always ask her if she has someone to take her home because I don't want her to ride a taxi or put herself in danger. She knows there are certain nightclubs with a higher number of "rape incidents" that have happened in the past, and she tries to wear clothes that don't reveal too much so she won't catch anyone's attention, not to mention she tries to never be alone. You can whine and bitch all you want but it won't stop happening because those guys aren't even men, they're just plain assholes, normal guys don't do that. The thing is, if you're walking alone, at midnight, wearing a sexy outfit, chances are you're going to get raped. Is it ok? No, of course it isn't, but neither is being robbed, killed, beaten up, etc etc etc. That's life girl, good luck trying to change it.

>> No.6349058

Wrong. Wrong. You are so, so so so so wrong. You can not even comprehend the wrongness of how utterly wrong you are.

Statistical correlation between clothing and rape is a BIG. FAT. ZERO. There is none.

Rapists are opportunistic. They rape women who are alone and vulnerable. They care very little about what the girl is wearing.

You just do not get it, fuck. Sexy clothes aren't magic wands that turn men into rapists. Look it up if you don't believe me, do your research. Know the most common thing worn by women who are raped? Blue jeans.

It's not about clothes. it's about men who rape to feel powerful and they will do it to any victim they can find. If it were about how much skin is showing, women would be raped constantly at the beach because they're all wearing bikinis.

Just stop.

>> No.6349065

>chances are you're going to get raped

Yeah, if you're female. It's about one in six.
Higher probability if you're mentally or physically disabled.

But no, it's all about dresses and high heels.

>> No.6349071

And if I smack your shit, it's your fault for having your face out there where my hand can reach it.

>> No.6349079
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>Yeah, if you're female. It's about one in six.

>still believing rape statistics from a women's magazine from 1986 that have no actual empirical basis

I say that men have a 1 in 2 chance of being raped. Most of them go unreported though which is why the actual FBI numbers are wrong. You can't prove me incorrect so you have no choice but to accept my numbers.

This has nothing to do with fault and everything to do with women demanding to be treated differently than they treat themselves.

>> No.6349080


The most likely victim is the victim that's alone, before and after the crime. Rapists are *planners*. so when they pick a victim, they choose someone that they think no-one will care about, believe, or defend.

Women in short skirts don't get raped because rapists like that more, they get raped because people like you refuse to hold rapists accountable and demand a higher standard of behavior. Because you think rape is a like a natural disaster. Because a woman cannot leave her vagina at home, or conceal it, or convince someone she is without one, the way you can a wallet. She was raped for existing as a woman. There's no cure for that.

The only think that helps is when people say that all rapes are unacceptable under all circumstances. Then rapists will find they have no more weak prey, no more isolated victims, and we can stop rapes before they happen, and arrest and rapists before they rape again.

>> No.6349102

>The only think that helps is when people say that all rapes are unacceptable under all circumstances. Then rapists will find they have no more weak prey, no more isolated victims, and we can stop rapes before they happen, and arrest and rapists before they rape again.

Because that worked so well for murder and other crimes, right? If we all loudly chant that rape is wrong it will magically stop happening, right? Because rapists are logical and thinking men like us and not criminals who don't care about whether something is right or wrong, right?

>Then rapists will find they have no more weak prey, no more isolated victims, and we can stop rapes before they happen

Alternatively women can practice basic personal safety, but no. Let's go with the tried-and-tested approach of telling criminals not to commit crimes. It'll be much more effective.

>> No.6349097

I've never called myself a dirty whore or assaulted myself.

The problem is YOU. You and everyone like you, making it the victim's fault. You say "hey, sucks you got raped, but you shouldn't have had so much to drink." A rapist hears that and knows that when a woman is drunk, it becomes her fault and therefore, he can get away with it.

So congratulations, you're helping perpetuate rape culture.

Own the fuck up and knock it the fuck off.

>> No.6349098



>> No.6349113

Yeeeeah when my mom was raped years ago, she wasn't stumbling around drunk in a dark alley. She was at home. What could she possibly have been thinking? Staying at home isn't safe.

And 97% of rapists will never spend one day in jail, when you can say the same for murder, we'll talk.

>> No.6349122

Or we could try the wild, radical notion that the crime is the criminal's fault.

>> No.6349124
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This isn't about rape. I didn't even mention rape in my post. I'm talking solely about women's stupid crusade to have men treat them like respectable and high-class members of the community while making it clear with their attire that all their interested in is having people look at their tits and ass and legs and not whatever brilliant thoughts they claim to have. But if you want to discuss rape, let's discuss rape

> You and everyone like you, making it the victim's fault. You say "hey, sucks you got raped, but you shouldn't have had so much to drink."

That's not making it the victim's fault. That's telling the victim what do to do avoid bad things happening to them. I guess telling someone they shouldn't park their car in the middle of the street if they don't want it to be towed is also "making it their fault" too? Telling kids not to talk to strangers is bad? The most hilarious part is that feminists regularly discredit male victims of prison rape with 'well, you shouldn't have gone to jail if you didn't want to be raped! You're scum, you deserve it anyway" All so they can continue to paint rape as an exclusively male-committed victim-victimized crime.

>And 97% of rapists will never spend one day in jail,

This statistic assumes everyone accused of rape actually committed it. And considering how frequently women falsely report it (6% of rape claims are objectively false, probably even more), do you really think it's a good idea?

>> No.6349127

I think the sign means in OP's pic that she is not selling her frilly dress. This is her dream dress.

>> No.6349126

It is never about what the woman is wearing, but about the power the man feels when he violates a woman.

A person can be buttoned up to 11, or stripped down to nothing, that doesn't matter when rape is involved.

Aside from that, everyone can wear anything and still be the victim of unwanted attention.

Women and men who dress in sexy, revealing costumes are fully aware that persons of the opposite sex are going to find it appealing, and will probably be gawked at or ogled in some way shape or form. It comes with the territory.

However, it is never, under any circumstance, okay to inappropriately touch other wise physically impede upon a person to the point where they are physically uncomfortable, simply because they chose to wear something revealing.

Do they wear those costumes or clothing for attention? To some extent sure. No one is 'asking' to be raped or made to feel uncomfortable or even cat called. We as a people need to restrain ourselves. Saying "They were asking for it" is pretty much saying no man or woman should ever wear something revealing for the sex appeal or whatever feeling they get out of it.

If we follow the logic that revealing clothing or costumes means "OH THEIR GAME! THEY WANT WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO" is basically saying no one should wear ANYTHING that doesn't cover them completely.

And even THAT is not an assurance of protection. I know people who were completely covered, myself included who have had very unsavory situations occur to where they had to involve authorities or otherwise tell off the offending individual.

It really doesn't matter if you're showing every inch of skin or under 100% coverage, someone will try and creep on you or otherwise impose themselves upon you. And it's never okay.

>> No.6349128

SIlly me, I should have practiced 'basic personal safety' when I was raped by a family member in their home. If only my 6-year-old self hadn't dressed so provocatively (a slutty, knee-length sundress), surely it wouldn't have happened.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6349131
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>considering how frequently women falsely report it

I give up

>> No.6349132

I don't want to deny that there are cases in which people put themselves in very dangerous situations (though that really still doesn't make it alright).
But on the other hand, my cousin was raped by her best friend of several years. What could she have done? Avoid all male friends ever, because they might turn out to be rapists?

>> No.6349149

While we're on this subject, I have a question for you folks.

All we're doing is talking about what women wear, blah blah blah same old same old, so what is it that men wear that would make a woman think derogatory thoughts about him or grab his penis because they can't ~control~ themselves?

Or I guess we can boil it down to how misogynistic many societies are so that there are only clothes that make women become objects of desire and men as just bland ~all look the same~ lookers so that they don't stand out but can ogle all they want.

This also makes me think about my thoughts about bras and how they were created for men rather than women in that we wear them so that our boobs like "nice" but if no bras existed, no one would care about nipples protruding from our clothes or about saggy tits.

I think I'm either a crazy feminist or just plain crazy.

>> No.6349148

I have put myself in VERY dangerous situations before. Looking back on it, I see how dumb I was and how easily I could have been victimized in those situations. But guess what? I wasn't raped. I have been in places and with people where I could have been very easily raped, and it would have been hard for me to argue my case because I put myself there. But still, I was lucky. I wasn't raped.

Sometimes you break the rules, and nothing bad happens. Know why? Because I wasn't with a rapist. THAT is the only 100% sure-fire way to get yourself raped; being alone with a rapist. And they don't wear big red tattoos on their foreheads so you know who they are, either. They look and act like normal, nice guys. They blend in.

And then sometimes you do play by all the rules; you stay with friends, you wear conservative clothes, you don't drink much if at all, you do everything you can to stay safe, and you STILL get raped. Because all it takes it being alone for a few moments with someone who wants to rape you.

Your clothes are simply not the deciding factor.

>> No.6349150

Ok, let's do that.

Alright! Rape is now the rapist's fault! Women, don't bother protecting yourself in any way, because when you're being raped in the back alley you thought it would be a good idea to cut through on your way home at 2AM, you can rest assured it wasn't your fault!

Alternatively we can tell women walking through back alleys at 2AM is a retarded idea that not even men who don't want to die try. But I guess women assume that repeating the mantra "the crime is the criminal's fault" protects them somehow? That somehow this belief will give law enforcement the power to accurately predict who is going to rape and their victim? That it's going to solve anything when the biggest hurdle to dealing with rape comes from the fact that women spend more time trying to expand the definition of rape to "he looked at me with LUST in his eyes" thinking this solves ANYTHING except making the whole issue out to be a big joke rather than eliminating the breeding grounds of rapists like single-mother homes and shitty communities?

Do you just pick single points out of my post because you can't actually argue with any of the other ones or are you hoping that an appeal to emotion will suffice?

Do you think it's acceptable for there to be any amount of false rape accusation, given how an accusation is pretty much a death sentence for any man without significant pull in his community

You're a woman, so I guess the answer is yes.

>> No.6349151

>so what is it that men wear that would make a woman think derogatory thoughts about him or grab his penis because they can't ~control~ themselves?

Nothing, because female sexuality isn't primarily visual. The equivalent would be making men stop being alpha in public because women just can't control themselves around them and just have to take him to the bathroom and suck him off regardless of her relationship status.

>> No.6349153

You are a fucking brain dead hick of an idiot, dear god.

A false accusation fucking NEVER ends in conviction. There's no evidence, and even WITH evidence a conviction is ridiculously hard to get.

Stop spouting the bullshit you heard from Rush Limbaugh and use your damn brain.

>> No.6349155

Perhaps I didn't express myself correctly, but I agree with your opinion, so I don't really see why you're replying to me

>> No.6349161

I wasn't arguing with you, just explaining the same point further. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.6349164


I love watching people respond to trolls because they get so butthurt and I'm amused at the trolls that they have so much time to burn.

And I'm just here for the show.

>> No.6349171

>A false accusation fucking NEVER ends in conviction.

And yet every day we have men on death row for rape being exonerated because of DNA testing proving them innocent. How many men do you think have died for a crime they didn't commit? Not that you care, of course. You're convinced every accused rapist is guilty, which is why even an accusation is social death for a man because everyone is convinced "he must have done it!". Do you think anyone will hire someone even accused of rape? And if the case is high-profile enough then he has to worry about some paladin who decided he actually was guilty trying to exact some sort of vigilante justice.

The more I hear the more I realize the people against rape and rape-related crimes are only in it for the benefit of women and absolutely don't care about the men affected by it. And that's why I have no problem contributing to "rape culture" when it's clear you're only interested in helping a portion of those affected by it.

>> No.6349169

Ah then I misunderstood, sorry!

>> No.6349175

But.......this has never happened ever. EVER.

You don't even know how the death sentence works. You can't get on death row for rape. Can't. Can not.

Please stop making things up.

>> No.6349188

>You can't get on death row for rape.

If they die during it you can. And considering the rape aspect is usually the reason the death penalty is sought rather than life, it's safe to say rape can land you on death row.

The point remains the same. In women's view, every accusation should be a guilty verdict. Not even a show trial. This is retarded beyond belief/

>> No.6349193

Oh, you mean if it's a murder charge?

Yeah. If you rape someone and then murder them, maybe, MAYBE you could get a death sentence.

But you know, tons of dead women make up stories about rape that result in poor innocent men going to jail.

>> No.6349196
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Holyshit you are so stupid I'm going to fucking die of laughter.

saged hidden, reported

>> No.6349197

>you can rest assured it wasn't your fault!
Rape is NEVER the fault of the victim. Did they go OH HEY I JUST WANNA BE RAPED? No. They didn't. They made a poor choice, but being raped was NOT their fault.

>> No.6349194

Tons of living ones get men sent away for life.

>> No.6349209
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they sure do!

>> No.6349207


Now explain to me how this protects someone from rape better than the "exercise common sense" proposals that women loath so much.

>> No.6349219

because for the last mother fucking time, common sense will not keep you safe. women getting raped in places they thought they were safe, by people they thought they could trust, isn't some rare exception, it's the norm. and the rapists get away with it because we've been taught to blame the victim.

>> No.6349216

>A false accusation fucking NEVER ends in conviction

I remember reading about some father who got locked away for several years because his daughter lied she was raped.

>> No.6349222
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This thread is reeking with the awful stench of tumblr.

>> No.6349226

...I suspect you didn't read what I said...?
Use common sense. But rape is never going to be the woman's fault. Rape, by fucking DEFINITION, is UNWANTED SEX. Be careful, don't walk around alone in an alley at night (this...applies to everyone? not just women.) and yeah. It's not going to stop all rapes. It never will. Not all rapes happen in back alleys.

>> No.6349224

Oh boy. One anecdote about an innocent man being convicted. One. Compared to thousands of rapists who walk free.

>> No.6349230

It's not just one, you can cases like that everywhere.

>the lacrose dudes
>that black teenager football player
There are cases everywhere.

>> No.6349232

>(this...applies to everyone? not just women.

So why is it that men can take this advice no problem while women throw a hissy fit?

>> No.6349238

>One. Compared to thousands of rapists who walk free.

Except it's far more then one. Far, far more than one.

Seriously, I'm starting to think /r9k/ is right. I'm seriously arguing with someone who believes women never lie about rape.

>> No.6349239

...How many women legitly engage in wandering around back alleys at midnight? Serious question. I sure as hell don't. I won't walk streets in Seattle at night without at least some mace. And Seattle isn't reallyt that bad.

>> No.6349240

Jeez, who let the men's rights idiots on 4chan? go to Reddit or something.

>> No.6349235

Again; compared to thousands of times more men that rape and walk free.

It's not equal or even remotely comparable. One wrong doesn't somehow negate another, especially not one when is absolutely minuscule compared to the other.

>> No.6349241

>Again; compared to thousands of times more men that rape and walk free.

Prove to me that those men who walked were actually guilty.

>> No.6349242

Read, motherfucker. Reeeeeeeaaaaaad.

People get upset at that "advice" because it SOLVES NOTHING. And you're acting like it's going to magically fix something.

Oh, and men often don't follow that advice. They get to walk around alone at night drunk and not worry about getting raped, because they don't have vaginas.

>> No.6349245

Prove that the "innocent" men are really innocent.

>> No.6349248

Feminists are just as awful and need to go to tumblr or something.

>> No.6349251


>Let's go with the tried-and-tested approach of telling criminals not to commit crimes. It'll be much more effective.

You know, if you're out with your friends, and one of your friends says he's taking this really drunk girl home to fuck her, you could always say, "Dude, that's rape, and if you do that, I'm gonna tell her to call the cops."

When you see a guy going to grab for a girl, you could say, "Dude, that's assault. And I'm gonna call the cops if you grab her."

When your friend brags about pressuring a girl into sex, and talks about how he kept putting on the pressure until she finally stopped saying no, but never said yes, you could say, "Dude, that's fucking not cool."

Shockingly enough, when people call out criminals and threaten to report them before the crime, they often stop their activities or are arrested during their crime, and since they're in fucking prison, they don't commit it again.

Yes, you too can prevent rape.

>> No.6349259


>> No.6349256

Yeah, those awful feminists wanted to be treated like equal human beings.

Shit, I don't even call myself a feminist and I'm discussed by the guys in this thread.

>> No.6349265

If a person consents to having sex while drunk and regrets it the next morning, that's not rape. Drinking doesn't change who you are, it just lowers your inhibitions. This is why drinking responsibly is so important, especially if you are alone.

>> No.6349267

I never once said that women never lie about rape. It happens. But the number of men who have actually been punished in any way because of a false rape accusation is insanely fucking tiny next to the amount of women who were really raped and everyone said they were making it up. That's the default reaction when people don't want to believe that their friend or family member who seems so nice could be a rapist. "She must have made it up! Women make it up all the time for attention!" and the guy rolls with it. Of course he would say she's lying, he doesn't want to admit to rape.

>> No.6349269

You are free to go back to your blog if you dislike it here so much. No one will miss you.

>> No.6349271

You could also be responsible by not having sex with someone you know is heavily inebriated.

And no, I'm not talking about a little tipsy, I'm talking about drunk to the point it lowers their ability to resist.

See, "personal responsibility" is such a common phrase to throw out until you ask men to practice it.

>> No.6349273

The fact that they are proved innocent by DNA testing or by the accuser admitting they lied?

Or do you think they were forced to recant or something? I assume that's your logic.

>You know, if you're out with your friends, and one of your friends says he's taking this really drunk girl

1. Drunken sex isn't rape no matter how much irresponsible crows caw about it. It's an excuse used solely by people who can't hold their liquor and need to defend their shitty behaviour/infidelity. The only time it's rape is when one person is unconscious and that is NOT the majority of instances drunken sex.
2. The idea that if two drunk people have sex only one is a rapist is ridiculous.
3. I don't see women telling their friends to stop riding guys who are passed out or dragging stumbling dudes back to a bedroom?

>When you see a guy going to grab for a girl, you could say, "Dude, that's assault. And I'm gonna call the cops if you grab her."

Why do something women won't do? I only feel obligated to do things when they aren't being dictated to me by someone who can't practice what they preach.

>When your friend brags about pressuring a girl into sex

No one I know actually does that?

>> No.6349281

>You could also be responsible by not having sex with someone you know is heavily inebriated.

Are you willing to petition for government-mandated BAC meters for men so they can make sure they're legally clear before fucking a girl? Or would that interfere with the fact that most women expect to go out, get drunk, and have sex?

Maybe we should just build female-only bars and let women get drunk there since obviously they won't be upset if they can't find a guy to fuck while drinking.

>> No.6349277
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Nope. If I stay here I get to piss you off more.

>> No.6349278

>The only time it's rape is when one person is unconscious

.............You are a genuinely dangerous human being.

>> No.6349282

>.............You are a genuinely dangerous human being.

No, I'm a realistic one who recognizes that most people are perfectly capable of giving consent while drunk. If you're drinking yourself to the point where you can't you have very severe alcoholism.

>> No.6349283

>Maybe we should just build female-only bars and let women get drunk there since obviously they won't be upset if they can't find a guy to fuck while drinking.
Dude, if you think all women are desperate to get drunk and fuck a random guy you don't know much about women.

>> No.6349290

Good job ignoring the context of that quote.

>> No.6349292

That's my point. They won't care, so there's no issue. Women will be fine drinking without men around because when a woman goes out to drink with her friends she is never thinking about sex at all, and has no intention of having sex or performing sexual acts on a man, right? If it happens it was forced on her by a RAPIST and she didn't want it.

>> No.6349298
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Why DO normalfag girls go out drinking/clubbing/raving dressed like hos alone at midnight, then? I am a girl and I don't understand this. I don't see a motivation for this behavior other than looking for sex. Please explain, normalfriend.

>> No.6349303

Is that really a "normal" thing? I don't know anyone that does it. I know some people that might go to a bar with a group of friends to hang out and have fun together, but I've never heard them say they do that just to fuck strangers.

I'm sure SOME women do that, sure, but I think it's less common than you'd think based off of MTV or wherever people get the idea that everyone "normal" does this.

>> No.6349307

>Is that really a "normal" thing?

Looking outside my window on Friday/Saturday night I'd say so.

>but I've never heard them say they do that just to fuck strangers.

They don't do it JUST to fuck strangers but you're kidding yourself if you think it's not on their mind. or it's not an option.

>> No.6349311
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I don't have friends who aren't introverts so my perception of what normal girls do is probably skewed, but I was under the impression that it was fairly common for women to go to bars/parties/anime cons where there will be alcohol with the intent of getting The D after doing some drinking.

>> No.6349325


Your friend *still* shouldn't be taking her home, especially if he's sober/relatively sober and she's clearly totally fucked up. It's not right and you know it. It wouldn't be okay if you convinced a stranger to give you all their money, it's not okay to stick a dick in them. It's not.

>Why do something women won't do? I only feel obligated to do things when they aren't being dictated to me by someone who can't practice what they preach.

Aaah, so, if you say someone you knew about to assault a woman you'd refuse to say anything SO WOMEN LEARN A LESSON. Because that's not really fucked up.

>> No.6349329


Rarely. I think it's fairly common that women want to have a flirtatious evening where they get a phone number or a potential sex partner's contacts. Most women who plan to have sex with someone don't get really, really drunk--maybe one or two to make themselves braver, but not stumbling, slurring, can't-walk-in-heels drunk.

I like to go out and party and shit even though I'm in a relationship because I honestly find it fun to get dressed up, dance with strangers, and get shitfaced. This is me being social.

>> No.6349330
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If I decided to dress like a fireman one day, guess what? People will think I am a fireman and will ask me to put out fires.

If I dress like a slut, then people will assume I am a slut and will ask me to suck their cocks in the back alley. It's that simple.

Recently a woman was murdered in Melbourne and a street parade was held in her memory. I originally thought it was a noble cause, but then they interviewed someone from the march on TV, and they basically said, "women should be able to walk the streets at night regardless of what they are wearing".

I couldn't believe just how fucking shamelessly the slutwalkers had hijacked an horrific murder to push their shitty political agenda.

>> No.6349335

Yeah, but if you were dressed up like a fireman you probably wouldn't have someone push you into a flaming building and, if you died, say something stupid like "He was asking for it! He was dressed up as a fireman!"

>> No.6349337

Ah, I still don't understand the appeal but that does make more sense to me.

>> No.6349340

>all this rape bullshit
I swear the only reason women bitch so much about rape is because they feel guilty for having rape fantasies(the most common female fantasy)

>> No.6349345

...Or they could bitch about rape because no one wants to be actually raped.
(Seriously, did you read what you typed before you hit submit?)

>> No.6349348

>...Or they could bitch about rape because no one wants to be actually raped.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.6349349

Subconsciously women are very open to rape.

>> No.6349353
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I hope someone sticks their pleasure stick into your diddlely hole.

>> No.6349355

Okay, seriously? There's a difference between RAPE FANTASIES, and RAPE.
Rape is, by fucking definition, UNWANTED SEX.
Rape FANTASY is just that. Fantasy. It's pretend forced sex. They consented to it. It's therefore NOT RAPE.

>> No.6349359

uh, you do know that rape means you don't want it, right? you literally can't rape someone that wants it.

>> No.6349362
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>that feel when dress conservatively and people still act like I'm a stupid whore

>that feel when hand-holding virgin in premed program

ALSO. I only attract the strange sorts. Pedophiles and the socially perturbed. Last week in my chem lab some guy like 15 years older than me kept coming over to get help with some of the work, which I was fine with. But then he said thanks and... He kissed the top of my head? And I've never met him before?

Does this shit happen to anyone else?

>> No.6349365
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Jokes on you.

I only dream about being raped by other women.

With xbox huge titties.

>> No.6349367

The problem is that many women subconsciously enjoy it. They don't want to like it but they do.
It's the reason many frigid women who can almost never orgasm end up orgasming like crazy during rape and then can only get off to violent sex.

That's why women end up feeling so guilty about it.

>> No.6349370

Don't feed the troll folks.

0/10 Not subtle enough

You need to lead with something plausible and THEN move into the bullshit

>> No.6349371


[citation needed]

>> No.6349373
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Nope. I stayed a year in Japan and never got hit on by weird old dudes. Friend was there for a week and got weird old shitheads hitting on her almost everyday.
I think I come off as unapproachable most of the times. Try the death stare. I swear by it.

>> No.6349378

It's not bullshit, everyone knows women are very submissive in bed and like being dominated by a strong man. Just google "orgasm during rape".
Also women are more likely to get pregnant when raped because their bodies know the rapist is a strong bold male.

>> No.6349379
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I want to be handcuffed and spanked so hard I can't sit down and have my hair pulled and get pushed into the ground while I get my pu$$y pounded so violently I accidentally wet myself, and then after my boyfriend cumz inside me he kisses my forehead and gives me a bubble bath and then reads me a bedtime story and spoonfeeds me mashed potatoes and I pass out while we cuddle. So like, nice rape with lots of nurturing aftercare. That would be the best. I could do that every day of my life.

>> No.6349384

I get catcalled and stuff WAY more when I wear lolita. I normally wear fairly toned-down classic stuff in dark colours and not an awful lot more makeup than normal, no wig or anything. If I looked at someone dressed in one of my outfits and didn't know about lolita, I'd say they were just going to a formal dinner or something. Still, I get attention from a LOT of arseholes when I wear it. Of course, I also get people stopping me to tell me how beautiful I look/am, so to me, that balances it out. I can always just stab anyone who gets handsy, I have absolutely no qualms about that sort of thing and getting blood on my Bodyline is really no biggie.

>> No.6349385

I bet it feels good to admit it.

>> No.6349389

Is it weird that my deepest fantasy is to brutally rape a man? Like exactly that, but roles reversed with me in a giant strap on. That'll be totally hot. I suppose I'd have to tie him down though.

>> No.6349393

It is weird as in it's not as common as the reserve.

>> No.6349395


Orgasming is a physical response

Pleasure =/= Does not necessarily equate to willingness/consent

>> No.6349399


I find I get hit on more in lolita too. Doesn't bother me because I'm a sassy motherfucker, but I always wondered why it seemed to attract those kinds of advances. It's not exactly a sexy look.

>> No.6349400
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It does and I'm glad my boyfriend indulges me sometimes but he doesn't like it when I pee everywhere... le sigh... almost living the dream...

>> No.6349402

>It's the reason many frigid women who can almost never orgasm end up orgasming like crazy during rape and then can only get off to violent sex.
Those stories "oh I never had an orgasm but then someone raped me and I squirted like crazy and now I can't stop thinking about rape, help!" are always hilarious.

>> No.6349403

Doesn't it hurt too much? Is his dick big?

>> No.6349406

The stabbing part reminded me, if you stab someone because he was touching you inappropriately once and say it is self-defense, can you get away with it? Where do you draw the line in regards to stabbing/shooting someone? Is hurting someone the instant you sense fear due to unwarranted attention or contact ok?

>> No.6349408

I think it's because you have to have quite a lot of self-confidence to go outside dressed like a lunatic, and confidence attracts people. I don't get hit on in lolita because I'm fug but people often approach me and want to be friends when I'm dressed up.

>> No.6349409

Pixy threads deleted but this shit is fine...I fucking hate you janitor

>> No.6349412

Recreating abuse as pleasure is a common psych phenomenon....does not want's healthy or okay. I have anxiety and react in a horrifying way to violence....wouldnotenjoyrape.jpg also an orgasm is he tensing and sudden release of all your muscles at once. When tensed for fight or flight plus adrenaline= orgasam. It has nothing o do with wanting it. It's involuntary.

>> No.6349417
File: 44 KB, 506x381, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get so into it I don't even notice it hurts until after the fact. Some pain is fun but I've burst into tears after sex on a few occasions because suddenly everything hurts everywhere. I don't have anything to compare it to because it's the only duck I've seen but I think it is a pretty big duck.

>> No.6349440

you're going to have to sell it like he was going to rape, severely beat, or kill you. they'll do an investigation, talk to witnesses, security camera footage if available, etc. if it appears like a lethal response was called for you're fine. if it's not, you might be facing assault with a deadly weapon or something similar. it's a very fine line you tread. it's likely that a jury will be involved and they are going to be the ones you're going to have to sell things to. as much as i hate to say it that's your opportunity to turn on their emotions. i only hope that whatever situation where you do stab someone is a case that actually demanded such action.

>> No.6349437

you deserved it

>> No.6349438

My bf is like 7.5in and I love some good session of rough fucking. The pain gives me the best orgasms.

>> No.6349450

basically what that last part means is please do not stab someone just because he groped your chest. things can get very bad legally if the case turns against you. you have to be in fear of your life.

>> No.6349463


>> No.6349515


>6% of rape reports are false
>the other 94% must be lying

I call troll

>> No.6349524

Would you stop arguing with a troll? God you people are fucking stupid.

>> No.6349523


>> No.6349530

you don't understand it's not just one troll. It's at least 3 trolls and then about 6 trolls trying to troll the trolls and then people trying to troll the trolls who are trying to troll the trolls.

>> No.6349536


>> No.6349695

>A false accusation fucking NEVER ends in a conviction


Just one example of many.

And the anon meant a death sentence figuratively, are you an idiot?

>> No.6349722

I have a serious question.

Don't most feminists believe that sexual or revealing clothing is a product of patriarchal society??

If so, why do they get so mad when people tell them that they are trying to attract someone.

Plus, isn't it proven that most women dress to impress or out-do other women rather than men?

So then why is this such a huge deal?

>> No.6349730
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She's just being a whore for attention, what more is there to know? Sluts deserve the treatment they get because they asked for it.

>> No.6349739

Similar thing happened to me. I was waiting for my boyfriend and a friend at the mall and some guy came up to me and started talking to me. You know, the usual flirting. As soon as he started I immediately told him I was taken. He goes on about how he was sorry and he didn't mind just being friends. Eventually I end up giving him my facebook because he was polite about and he did seem like a good guy, until week later he starts blabbering on about how he was going to win me over and make me his, and how my boyfriend was an ugly freak and that he didn't deserve me. Blocked him after that too.

>> No.6349741
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Ain't you supposed to be in jail, Adachi?

>> No.6349751

Let's just say I was watching TV.

Typical bitches inviting men over and considering cheating on their boyfriends. What else would low class whores be doing at a club or the mall? You obviously want the attention to validate yourself as attractive.

>> No.6349752

Because women suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6349753

haven't read the rest of the thread and really don't plan on it, but to answer your first question, no. most feminists I know believe women should be able to wear whatever they feel comfortable in without having to worry about feeling unsafe or being harassed/abused.

>> No.6349755

Well then explain to me why it's okay for them to ignore dangerous situations.

I'm not trying to troll here either. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Wearing 'club clothing' in a strange area at night alone while drunk does not seem safe to me and I don't believe that it should.

Wearing rollerskates on top of an icy cliff alone while drunk also does not seem safe to me, as well it shouldn't.

I just don't get why feminists seem to think that just because something should be one way it means they should not take precautions.

>> No.6349756
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>>Most women should be allowed to dress like a slut without being approached by men or classy women telling them to put a shirt on.


>> No.6349767

Also, falsyfied rape charges have led to TENS OF THOUSANDS of deaths of innocent people in the most gruesome ways possible, just in America in the past 300 years. Look at any case where a Black was lynched. Guess what is far and away the most common accusation? Rape. And guess how many of these "Rape" charges are actually true? Almost none. Acussing a black of rape before 1950 basically guarenteed he would be subject to violence. Even today, a lot of black males are accused falsley of rape due to lingering prejdudices. So don't say "Oh, well falsly accusing people of rape hardly ever does anything bad". Rape is awful, yes, but it has gotten so much better for women in the past 50 years or so that continuing to make men sound like animals just makes it more likely that innocent men, especially men of ethnic background and those in poverty, are sent to prison while doing nothing to prevent rape. Rape prevention must be done through education of violently inclined men (and not all men are potential rapists like radical feminists believe). Tumblr femenists like the ones in this thread only hurt Women's progress because they make femenists who help women seem like morons, and they hurt men by painting them all as violent animals.

>> No.6349768

living in fucking 2012
people still insulting/etc others for the fucking style they wear


>> No.6349784

No one is doing that. We're arguing that it's stupid that women don't understand that people are more inclined to touch their asses if you can clearly see them.

>> No.6349796

>Tumblr femenists like the ones in this thread only hurt Women's progress because they make femenists who help women seem like morons, and they hurt men by painting them all as violent animals.


>> No.6349800
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Why would Amerifats complain about rape? ugly whales should be glad a man will actually touch them. European women actually have something to complain about because they are respectable, healthy, and actually look good.

>> No.6350783

This so much. IDGI.

it is partially your fault if you get fucking raped if you're a goddamn idiot and cant be sensible. no pity.

>> No.6350800


guys would see that woman and think "she's kinky" because honestly, she comes off that way. i can't blame them either. grown women normally just don't wear that shit. ...

>> No.6351097

Hey Americans.
What's the difference between you and your oh-so-hated taleban?

And even if the girls wear burqa, they'll still be raped. And they'll still get the blame for it.

You know why? because you're so hypocrite it hurts in the rest of the world. You fund war in other country because you believe they don't have any freedom, but guess what? you neither. You are the most hypocrite country in the world.
Liberty? Freedom? ha! don't make me laugh.
In what aspect does a woman have freedom in the US? She can't go anywhere she wants, by fear she'll be raped, can't wear whatever she wants. And if she gets raped and impregnated, she can't even have an abortion. You need to review your concepts of freedom right now.

An American's freedom ends if said person is a woman.

>> No.6351101

The stupid ... it hurts.

>> No.6351107

It's just a rump-roasted Euro who doesn't really women have more rights and legal protections than men do.,

>> No.6351213
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>> No.6353833

Yeah but just because it's out in the open, it doesn't mean it's free nigga.

You don't walk into a store, see a bag of cocoa krispies and open the box for a taste, you pay for it asshole. Then you can take the box home and eat the fucking cereal.

I fucking hate people

>> No.6353843

That's why when I wear lolita, I act like a crazy person. A guy starts following me, I just starting foaming at the mouth and chanting prayers to satan.
They run away 8/10 times

>> No.6353876

>grown women just don't normally wear that shit

So how is it kinky? Like, how do you make that connection unless you're thinking ageplay?

>> No.6354290

I believe the thought process goes

Not normal = abnormal
Abnormal = Kooky, Kinky, weird, attention grabbing, insert whatever thesaurus bullshit you might want.

So grown women not normally wearing something qualifies as exactly that. Because it isn't normal.

>> No.6354308


Also the word kinky has a loose association with weird stuff.

Roads can have kinks. So you can drive on a kinky road.

You aren't saying that the road is a sexual deviant.

>> No.6356406


I'm really curious.

If women don't dress sexy for sexual attention, why do they dress sexy exactly?

I mean is your ideal situation dressing sexy and being noticed by nobody except straight women and gay men? Or not being noticed at all?

What do you want?

Do you only want that sexy guy at the con/party whatever to check you out but at the same time want the eyes of any homeless bum who gapes at you gouged out?

What do you want when you dress sexy?

Genuinely curious, for science, etcetera.

>> No.6356609

To gain approval from other straight women

>> No.6356611
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I feel like there are certain things that are considered sexy that some people just consider fashionable.

Like thigh highs/long socks.

Also someone might wear really short shorts because fuck it, it's hot outside.

Other things might just make them feel more confident, similar to make up it feels good to look good.

>> No.6356673

I'll admit, when I dress sexy, it's a power boost to my ego because I can look at myself and just be like "I look hot right now."

Sure, I'll get attention, but even if I didn't, I think I look hot, so that's really all I need.

>> No.6356755

anyone wanna start a rapewalk with me?

we'll walk around with dildos jammed in our jeans to show how erect we are and we'll wear flash guy coats. We'll stroke ourselves as we walk and leer at people.

Rapists are people, too!

>> No.6356762
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>"I don't dress to please men - I do this for myself"
Sure you do, sluts.

>> No.6356928

>mfw wearing 'hot' clothes are the only things that make me feel better about my body
>mfw looking shitty in public makes me more paranoid about what other women are thinking

>> No.6356973

If the world ended and there were only women left, yes I would wear makeup and cute clothes.
I feel pretty. It makes me happy. This might be hard for a guy like you that only thinks with his dick to understand.

>> No.6356981

Do you think lesbians dress up for male attention?

>> No.6356994

imo if the world ended and there were only women left i think the whole peacocking thing would be even MORE extreme. high heel implants, tattooing makeup onto your face, corsets and leg lengthening surgery a must, etc etc. truth: women dont dress to please men, women dress to please other women.

>> No.6357004

Actually I feel very comfortable in my soft, cotton low cut tops, thanks very much. It's nice to get a bit of fresh air on my décolleté. If you're so hopelessly controlled by your parasitic dick that you can't help but stare at my cleavage, well, that's no fault of mine.

>> No.6357005

no you dress up for attention.

>> No.6357035

You get paranoid about other women looking good? This is just an indirect effect of other women trying to look good for men. Your trying to avoid feeling bad around other women, they're trying to look good around men.

You feel happy when you attempt to look pretty, because it's your brain telling you that you look suitable for a mate. Endoprhins are released, you feel good, and that imparts to men. Elementary biology.

Lesbians dress up to attract other lesbians. Which of course is just a deviation from the norm aka, dressing up to attract men. Just a simple perversion of the rule, that's all :).

Again, biology. You'd all be attempting to out compete each other trying to attract a mate. Sure, your conscious mind knows that no mates exist anymore - but your subconscious still holds out for the possibility that a male may arrive.

It's all very simple to understand ladies, don't worry!

>> No.6357276

>Hello~ My eyes are up here!
Yes and your tits are down there, hence why I'm looking in that direction

>> No.6359245


I'm more of the belief that, if you are going to dress in a flashy/revealing manner, to have some expectations of the fact that you are likely to attract unwanted attention and to try to at least handle it in a mature way before becoming reactionary right away. However, how you are dressed is never an excuse for why it's alright for someone to straight up harass you, especially if you have asked them to leave you alone. People will harass other people regardless of how they are dressed, but they will always go back and find reasons to excuse their harassment, like their clothing.

>> No.6359404


Don't want to be treated like a thug by the police?

Don't dress like a ghetto thug.

>> No.6359453

That's the thing that bothers me, this "x should be able to do y with no consequences." Yes, they should. I should be able to end up safe during a collision without wearing my seatbelt. Yes, I should be able to walk around with money hanging out of my pockets and not get robbed. Yes, I should be able to let my kids play with their friends wherever in town they want without the threat of violence or of getting lost. But I can't, so I take precaution against those things before they can even happen. But people dressing a certain way with a certain connotation is going to bring a certain kind of attention. Carry some pepper spray. I don't care if you "shouldn't have to."

>> No.6359516


First question that's going to come out of the investigation is "Did you have the option to retreat?"

If not, you're fucked.

Take the mcdonalds employee who beat the brakes off of these two women with metal rod up in New York awhile ago. Initially, he was charged with assault, but was cleared when the video showed that he made an effort to get away from his attackers before he was cornered and had no choice but to break out the rod on these girls.

>> No.6359556

Very true, but if you get raped, well that's no fault of mine.