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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 23 KB, 1238x374, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6342734 No.6342734 [Reply] [Original]

Intentional or keyboard Tourette's? Either way it's hilarious, so I find myself rooting for both sides.

>> No.6342749

there is no excuse for that. hope she catches it and erases before anyone (else) see's.

>> No.6342764
File: 466 KB, 290x225, tumblr_lfefuy4JVU1qbjf2n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link nao.
do it.

>> No.6342775

I can only think "google translate".

>> No.6342779
File: 94 KB, 623x700, 1307080392018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck..

>> No.6342789
File: 299 KB, 1040x560, u rude obnoxious bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i was just about to post this


i cant stop laughing

>> No.6342793

Woah...here you guys go...

>> No.6342799

I love you, man.

>> No.6342807

lol 'classact' what a fitting name!

>> No.6342828

lol I was thinking the exact same thing.
I bet this is going to be all over btb's

>> No.6342833

New they're about $50, so $70 isn't double the retail price but still, since they're used, that's a bit much. If they were unworn $70 would be an ok price imo. But I've seen people trying to sell these for $100

>> No.6342840

People freak out over them so I would have expected a price like that. You also need to use a SS to get them in-store so they're difficult to obtain.

>> No.6342835

LMFAO awesome

>> No.6342843


>> No.6342844

That escalated quickly.

>> No.6342845

I wish the entry wasn't locked so I could see it, don't have an LJ account.

>> No.6342848

screenshot for those of us who don't have access.

>> No.6342851

There's nothing on it as yet.

>> No.6342853

There's no replies on it as yet.

>> No.6342870

Unrelated but wasn't there a french girl who started wank by calling a seller a 'swindler'

Probably the only two times I've ever read that word online

>> No.6342872

A lot of them are in stock on the website. With SS fees they'd be roughly $60+ shipping.
Maybe when they first came out and sold out in a couple hours they'd be worth $100, but now they restock all the time and the current restock has been up for a while, so they're a lot easier to get

>> No.6342953
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>Please feel free to give me a reasonable offer!

That is right in her terms of sales WOW

>> No.6343043
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>> No.6343131

I wanna know what her other warnings were for? Intrigued!

>> No.6343144

I checked her feedback...she has one negative & one neutral. Funny enough, that one negative was from wonderfinch, who banned her.

>> No.6343179


I wonder if this is the girl who has been asking around here a couple times if anyone would buy used Grimoire tights? Then again that girl said she'd be willing to give them away.

>> No.6343186

I'm thinking it was something unrelated to the actual comment. She must have already been on her nerves or something. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.6343200
File: 34 KB, 459x278, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is GOLDEN.

>> No.6343396

I'm curious as to what's going on here now. I bought an IW dress from her not too long ago. Other than her messages being sent to my spam box/or just not showing up at all, she was really nice to deal with.

>> No.6343602

oh shit, so this is the girl that was posted in that comm sales horror story thread a couple of weeks ago where we went through the negative/neutral tags D:

>> No.6343650


>> No.6343656


No wonder she 'missed' how the buyer backhandedly call her a scalper.

>> No.6343699


>> No.6343714

I reported it to the ARC, hopefully someone will listen -_-

>> No.6343794


As if the mods will listen when anyone complain about their 'kinds'

>> No.6343939

I don't understand how people can behave like that in public with their name attached while trying to sell something. "Gimme your money, you fucking bitch. I insulted you without reason, but you whore are the rude one. Here's my PP address, now tell me where to ship your shit, disgusting pig. Thanks for shopping~"

> As punishment for this behavior, we have issued an official warning. This is your third official warning.
Seems like she's quite the lovely person ... does anybody have links where the other two warnings were issued or what they were given for?

>> No.6344131

I lost it when finchy started lecturing about hahaha

>> No.6344136


Interesting that other people, when they want to leave negative, are required to post pictures and plenty of proof... but all we're getting is her word.

>> No.6344220

I'm seeing a ton of "subjective positives" in her eglfb. Sure, they're positive, but they almost all mention flaws like unmentioned stains/damage, and poor packaging. Those are hardly qualities that would call for a positive!

>> No.6344255

Did anyone see the mod reply? Haha, silly girl got banned.

>> No.6344361

I knew someone would fuck up this otherwise peaceful week.

>> No.6344378

It may have been backhanded, or it have just been her stating why she thinks a lower price would be fair.

I don't understand... You want to report for a possible backhanded remark, but if they started giving warning for possibly rude behavior, you'd flip.

>> No.6344662

Wowwww. Even if you did read the negative/neutral feedback for shits and giggles, you could still miss some dodgy behaviour, as people are just far too nice.
Must've felt good to ban that bitch after such a shitty transaction though.

>> No.6344697

She seems to be the type of person that knows her items aren't the quality she states them to be in, and hopes people don't notice all the flaws in them to get more money out of the transaction.

>> No.6344705

They've given people warnings, or at least mod comments, for similar behavior though. They need to be consistent.

>> No.6344718

That is me.
I'm not going to defend myself, and I'll basically say what I told the commenter.

I was absolutely a bitch and my actions were totally unwarranted. There's no excuse for what I did, there's no way I can try and justify myself. I was really, really awful to her for something that had nothing to do with her. Right now, I'm in a shitty situation, and I took it out on her.

I'm sorry, /cgl/. Really, I am. I'm not saying it to appease you or anything, but I took something in a really immature way and I got banned for it, and rightly so.

I know it doesn't mean anything now, but I really am not normally like this. I'm selling shit because I need to pay for my car problems out of pocket, and I wrote that with a lot of unnecessary hate inside of me.

>> No.6344745


>> No.6344757

god, tyrano_tiggs is so stupid

she also seemed to be under the impression that mods can edit actual posts recently. what are you doing moderating a community?

>> No.6344759


Dude, I don't know how to put this. I actually feel sort of bad for you.

But this ain't the place to post your excuses in.

>> No.6344766

Someone needs anger management
Next time you're desperate to pay off your car problems don't be a rude asshole and you might get somewhere

>> No.6344772

I realize that, but I feel like I have to let people know that I reconize that I'm an idiot. I'm not a Talia or whatever, I was wrong.
I think I'm aware of this.

>> No.6344780

Very good for you, friend. And thanks for the laughs.
Sorry about your troubles.

>> No.6344836

Okay, reselling used tights is kind of nasty. If they were socks it'd be significantly LESS nasty.. but TIGHTS form fit to your CROTCH.

Who knows if this bitch has crabs, seeing how she acts; she probably does.

>> No.6344841

She's a drama-hungry maniac that's why

>> No.6344854

classact127 posted in the GTFO:

"I doubt anyone will see this, but I want to go around and say this.

I really am sorry for flying off the handle.

Like someone pointed out, I wrote out a whole comment, then put in a nasty comment to vent my anger, but forgot to delete it. I was absolutely horrid to that girl

No, this isn't a case of being mad because I got caught. I got upset about something in my life, then tried to piss on someone else to make myself feel better. It was petty, immature, and childish, and I'm just really sorry that I wrote that to the girl.

I'm honestly not normally like this, and I honestly hate the way I acted. She did nothing wrong and I tried to yank her down to my shitty level. I'm really, from the bottom of my heart, sorry about what I did."


>> No.6344895

>then put in a nasty comment to vent my anger, but forgot to delete it

Not trying to stir this up again, but she says bitchy stuff under her breath, I don't like it.

>> No.6344920

So what's your excuse for selling dirty, stained, smelly items and shipping them poorly?

>> No.6344949

Hahahahaha the other day she (as a non-mod) tried to EDIT MY ORIGINAL POST to add something to it and couldn't, obviously, and was like "hey mods, I can't edit OP's post for some reason" as if she was reporting a problem. L O L

>> No.6344961

she's such a fucking idiot

>> No.6344965

I don't give a fuck about the reasoning behind her actions. But everytime I read it I burst out laughing because it's fucking hilarious

>> No.6344971

Found it

>My phone won't let me edit OP so I shall try and add them when I get to a PC

>> No.6344972

even though it's not very active i'm so glad now that i didn't apply to be a getoffegl mod. i couldn't handle the idiots on the moderator team.

>> No.6344979

that's brilliant

>> No.6345030

Who doesn't? Even the nicest people think negative thoughts about others once in a while.

>> No.6345060

this is damn unprecedented.
everything about this is delicious though, the wonderfinch kerfuffle and this.
I love you /cgl/ i really really love you

>> No.6346483

Dunno about that; I work in food service, and every time I get a bitchy-ass customer, as soon as they're out everyone will bitch to no end about them. Combine that with just being in a bad mood in general, and I can see how it happened.

>> No.6346528

That is way different, food service brings out the best in everyone

I'm pretty sure all food places do this

>> No.6346562

The seller didnt do anything wrong imo, aside from infringing upon whatever namby pamby authoritarian rurrrus the "community" has.

Its not infringing upon any consumer rights to offer bad service- a seller has every right to offer bad service or even to deny service if not contractually obliged to do so.

Bad service may be unsightly, but the free-market should solve this problem on it's own.

>> No.6346634

I meant really more that selling things and dealing with customers in general is stressful.

>> No.6346639

The "no swearing" rule is so goddamn stupid. What is this, grade school?

>> No.6346650

I found it just a little hypocritical on Wonderfinch's part, because I've seen her swear on the comm in the past. Namely, when the news about replicas being banned was posted, her song was something like "Fuck you" by Skrillex or something, which isn't something I would've noticed or bothered me, but it was brought up in the discussion by retarded guitar girl. I'm pretty sure I've also seen her swear other times, yet when other people do it, they will get told off for it? I don't think it's a matter of swearing that's the issue here, just the rude tone, really, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.6346700

I've noticed swearing in a generic sense is fine, but here it was obviously directed at someone who hadn't exactly done anything to warrant it.

>> No.6346713

OH MY GOD. This is the funniest shit ever I can not even

>> No.6346725

It's hypocritical on Wonderfinch's part because she is, as a general rule of thumb, a rude confrontational bitch. But when other people do it--or even come close to it--she freezes threads, gives warnings, etc. Like how she got on that girl for telling the dumbass who wanted to wear lolita to a wedding after the bride said no and couldn't possibly wear anything normal "Well maybe you shouldn't go since you don't have anything non-lolita to wear."

>> No.6346837

It's not like any of them are even active. Tiggs and rocketlaunching are the only two who seem to do anything. Who else is on the mod team? Are they dickbags?

>> No.6346864


I work as a front line customer service rep and that is 100% true in our business. Once the asshole customers are out of sight we basically bitch, insult and vent our anger to no end.
It is surprisingly relaxing. We can't be the doormat forever!

>> No.6346870

There's a clear difference between bitching when the customer is gone and then bitching in text format "forgetting" to edit it out. Kinda ridic if you ask me.

I'm a manager and of course I have to deal with all the bitchy customers who DEMAND TO SEE THE MANAGER ON DUTY. So of course, I smile, nod, and am overly polite, (or ask them to leave if they step over clear boundaries) but 99.9 percent of the time, I wait till they're gone until I bitch, and then I usually wait to bitch to another manager about it rather than the cashiers who may have dealt with them. lol

This girl however, is just craycray.

>> No.6347044

Oh, Wonderbitch. You so crazy.

>> No.6347072

rocketlaunching isn't even a very good mod as it is, and adding idiots like tiggs who clearly have no clue who LJ works is fucking retarded.

>> No.6347077

My "manager on duty" used to tell me how fucking stupid the customers he had to talk to were. Every single time.

>> No.6347140

Jesus fucking christ, this entire thread is just, Facepalm Central


Sometimes I wonder why these "PC" people even bother participating in wank communities

>> No.6347196

Oh god this morning there was this girl on my dashboard complaining about people using the word "depressed." Like, I get that a lot of people don't take depression seriously, but unlike things like Tourettes or schizophrenia, the DSM does not own the word "depressed." It has a functional meaning outside of mental illness. I'm a fucking clinical psych major and I think it's ridiculous.

>> No.6347198

amethystcitrine is a huge wanker. She is just the type to get offended and preachy when something affects her even though she's said way worse in the past. I'd bet money she or one of her buddies is reading this right now. She needs to stay off the wank comms before she gets her ass burned again.

>> No.6347210

Pffffttttt what? Good lord. As an English major I also find that ridiculous.

>before she gets her ass burned again.
Oo, did something happen a while back or something?

>> No.6347225

Shit that's annoying. I hate these kinds of people who get their feathers all ruffled about stupid shit. Being depressed isn't depression, and by saying "I'm depressed" doesn't mean that you have been clinically diagnosed with depression.

>> No.6347348

Why not? Because she didn't bend to anons will? Get out.


I agree. Even tiggs said that she got it from CGL... PC shit is the cancer that killed the comm

>> No.6347359

what does PC mean? never heard it before

>> No.6347360

tbh there's really not much to mod, the comm is very self reliant. even when angel of death was the only mod, there was really no need for her unless there was like a tag that needed to be added or spam or something.

>> No.6347367

politically correct.

Sage goes in the email field btw

>> No.6347369

oh it got left in name field from an earlier thread because sage in all fields, didn't notice it saved it
thanks, thought it would be something along those lines

>> No.6347377

Politically Correct.

>> No.6348261

Because people get MAD AS FUCK if you leave a neutral. I'm afraid of starting shit so I say positive and then 3-4 stars instead of 5.

>> No.6348323
File: 241 KB, 500x509, 1350939086215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ here

Y'all catty ass bitches.

>> No.6348368


So glad you could drop by with your words of wisdom

>> No.6348438


It was a terrible thread anyway.

>> No.6348506


Not really. We enjoy this kind of stuff. Now run along to /r9k/

>> No.6348510

hey rocketlaunching

>> No.6348512

Other /r9k/ user here

Women are terrible shrews

Stop being obnoxious catty whores

>> No.6348516


/fit/ here

you guys are faggots

>> No.6348521

Stop being beta disgusting pig and then maybe we could talk.

>> No.6348594

Nah, good try though. There are anons in this world who disagree with other anons!!

>> No.6352092
