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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6341849 No.6341849 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you are [spoiler] lesbians [/spoilers]?

>> No.6342181

Lesbian here. I'm all about eating out vaginas and getting pussy juice all over my face. I also like to bury my face in a chick's buttcrack and just go to down on her turdcutter like I'm trying to give her colon CPR with my tongue.

>> No.6342192


>> No.6342196

But they poop from there...

>> No.6342208

I like pussy, but I'd never date a cosplayer because 95% of the ones who claim they do don't.

I want a lolita. I've never known a dyke lolita to not actually be a dyke.

>> No.6342213

that's what makes it fun
how can you say you love someone if you won't eat their poop?

>> No.6342234

That screencap was actually the first thing I thought of when I read your initial statement.

>> No.6342374

>95% of the ones who claim they do don't.

Well that sucks.

>> No.6342410


>> No.6342418

i loled

>> No.6342421

I'm a shy, "innocent" asian girl and I kind of want to experience what it's like with another girl.

Men sort of scare me.

>> No.6342437

I bet I wouldn't scare you, infact you would scare me.

>> No.6342490

Men are gross and not attractive at all. Ladies, please.

>> No.6342538

Name one attractive thing about men...that's right, you can't.

>> No.6342548

Guys, please

>> No.6342573
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>> No.6342586

I love looking at girls and would like to touch them but I don't think I could be in a relationship with one. Dick is too bomb.

>> No.6342592


>> No.6342606
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>> No.6342607


And muscles.

And personality.

>> No.6342641

Only one I agree on are dicks. Men are gross, but their dicks are sent from Allah.

>> No.6342648

Men are amazing. They are God's gift.

>> No.6342655

I'm lesbian?

>> No.6342658

I wish men would stop breathing and having muscles near me, it makes it hardto think

>> No.6342674
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holy jesus
would bang till the end of time

>> No.6342679

Definitely felt a twinge down there, interpret that as you will

>> No.6342681


>> No.6342689

gave me a mild panic attack :s

>> No.6342699

Please be girls, so tired of hearing guys say this. Usually followed by "No Homo". /fit/ has scarred me with trolls

>> No.6342722

yes i'm female, can't speak for the others though

>> No.6342746

10/10 would swordfight

mad homo

>> No.6342842

I'm dating a girl right now. Totally lesbian.

Wait, that's not how it works?

>> No.6342948

Apparently this makes me really weird: I greatly prefer women, but I absolutely hate cunnilingus. Both giving and getting. So far, none of my girlfriends (or boyfriends) have understood this, and some have been outright bitchy about it.
Please, CGL, tell me. Are there other lesbians out there who don't like oral?

>> No.6342969
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I disagree with all men being unattractive though.

>> No.6342976

I'm fairly bi/pan though I've never gotten that far with a girl I like.. ANYWAYS

I've NEVER liked the feeling of someone going down on me. I feel stupid self conscious and it don't really go much for me. I prefer getting fingered way more...

I can imagine going down on a girl being the one thing I would not want to do with another woman, but I've never been that far with a girl...

it just seems wet and pointless. That being said I genuinely love sucking cock. Such a power trip. Unnf.

>> No.6342985

This is a question for the lesbians.

What made you become lesbians? Weather it be bad experiences, physical attraction, or just a difference in your own anatomy.

>> No.6342991


/fit/ isn't a problem unless you're fat. They're all rude anyway

>> No.6343029

Not right then they don't.

No your not weird! I for the longest time did not like being gone down on and wasn't until I started dating my current bf that I began to enjoy it. For the most part it just feels weird and uncomfortable and I'm sure a lot of girls who are all sexual orientations disagree. Everyone has their likes and kinks and if your parter loves you they will understand this.

>> No.6343045
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I came pretty close to being one once,
when your a teenager there is a very thin line you walk on, if you and another female friend get close enough...
That sort of backfired in my face tho, she accused me of trying to steal her boyfriend and had this paranoia that he was in love with me, even though all I wanted was her, and now we dont talk
That little voice that tells me I like girls is still there, nagging at the back of my mind.

>> No.6343046

i think a lot of girls are uncomfortable with receiving oral, very few people encourage the "your vagina is beautiful" so being self conscious about it is normal.

i was uncomfortable with it when i was younger, but i had one relationship with another woman who really made me realize vaginas are vaginas and after that i wasn't self conscious about it anymore.

as for giving... i'd honestly bring that up before starting to date someone. it would be horrifically insulting if a woman wanted you to go down on her and you refused. it's basically saying
>your vagina is too gross for me to touch with my mouth but i will gladly suck a dick
even if it's not what you mean

>> No.6343075
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^ This with my best friend as well as a huge distrust of any male after being sexually assaulted. Both these events happened around the same time too, so it just resulted in woo I like girls. Dem curves and boobs.

>> No.6343079

>not a rape lesbo
>not raping your friend rape lesbo
>not hating other people
>not killing youreslf

>> No.6343109

Most def a lesbian.

>> No.6343110
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>> No.6343112

Oh totally not what I meant and didn't even realized it could be taken that way. Now I'm just embarrassed. Sorry.

I don't suck the dick because I love sucking the dick, I just like the power trip I've gotten from it, I'm sure if I was with a girl who gave me the same feeling I'd go muffin diving all day long.

I love the look of vaginas, I don't think they're ugly (or well, uglier than any other organ...) I just feel comfortable with someones head down there for me and would see myself feeling vice versa as well. My inner woman lover needs to branch out. Also, I'm not alone in liking some healthy pubic hair, right?

>> No.6343121

> ^ This with my best friend

It seems pretty common dosn't it?

ive been wishing for years now that I could find another relationship with a girl like that one

I miss having a best friend I could be with all the time, and tell everything to, I miss sleepovers I miss that broken touch barrier holding hands and sitting on laps and practicing kissing

That being said its hard for me to be close with other girls, I could never find another person like her, that I could just get along with so easilly

>> No.6343137

> I'm not alone in liking some healthy pubic hair, right?

No, I love the way it looks too, I think it looks pretty and makes them look more mature and warm

>> No.6343146

Oh man I love cute pubic hair on a lady.

I think the vagina looks cold and odd with out a bit of hair. That and I will never unsee homer simpson lips, god dammit internet.

>> No.6343145

So do you not trust any males at all? Not even males that are family, friends, etc?

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.6343151


Thank you for the replies! It's interesting to read other people's thoughts. I haven't had a partner in a while (grad school eats my time + endometriosis treatment has killed my sex drive), but I'm definitely planning to bring it up with my next SO before we get sexually active.

I definitely understand that vaginas are vaginas and find them fascinating, but I still haven't been able to get over my aversion to 'lingus. I think the giving issue mostly has to do with my heightened sensitivity to scent and taste (supertaster). On the other hand, receiving it has never really turned me on, and I don't like the ultra wet feeling from saliva down there. Especially afterward, as it starts to get cold. I greatly prefer fingering, using toys, and focusing my mouth/tongue/teeth elsewhere.

>> No.6343156
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Holy Christ do I know that feel.
Me and that girl are no longer friends because of some scummy shit, but I genuinely loved the hell out of her. We would have sleepovers and cuddle all night. My dad told me that he opened the door to my room one morning, and she leaned over and kissed my cheek to wake me up. I miss her.

>> No.6343161

Also, that feel when you are fooling around with a guy and you are jealous of him because all you can think is

> I wish I was doing this to a girl

>> No.6343164


I agree. I don't like a completely untamed mane, but a well groomed/trimmed up public region is nice, and that's how I prefer to manage myself (trimmed to about 1cm all over). Nicely trimmed public hair on a natural redhead is especially hnnng.
Completely bare, on the other hand, just looks... odd.

>> No.6343169

>mfw you haven't shredded ur pussy with a knife
>mfw you haven't killed urself or atleast stuck a knife up ur ass

>> No.6343176
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I trust men a ton more easily now. Now it's more I don't trust guys in a relationship with me, and I fear sexual contact with non-fantasy males (like actually having sex as opposed to fantasising about fucking some guy from a video game). Around the time it happened though I didn't/couldn't trust any guy aside from my father. What's weird about this, is I like the feeling of dildos and whatnot, and often fantisize about rape (though I've heard that's common in these situations).
I dunno. I'm just odd I guess?

>> No.6343180

>tfw you should use tumblr as your prsonal blogspot dyke

>> No.6343187

How do you ladies find other ladies? :(

I'm rather shy...

>> No.6343191

leave u dyke no one wantes u u were a mistake u bitch, why weren't you aborted, kill ur self, and save me the jail time

>> No.6343192

Guy here

So do girls talk to each other when not in the company of men about boobies and bras all the time? Because judging from reading some of the threads on this board that's what it seems like

>> No.6343195

no u gay fuck

>> No.6343197

Hey, step off. I'm asking questions and she's giving me answers. Back to /b/ you go.

That is kind of odd, but whatever gets you off. Everyone has their kinks.

>> No.6343199
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>implying you're a girl

>> No.6343201
File: 110 KB, 900x675, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no, I would never go on /b/.

>> No.6343205
File: 49 KB, 500x458, Udontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying ur not gay

>> No.6343206
File: 122 KB, 670x794, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about you silly person. If dyke is meant to be an insult, you should probably choose a different one, I call myself a dyke and faggot all the time.
Also Id never talk about this shit on tumblr I'd attract horrifying social justice girls. It doesn't matter if some fucked up shit happened to me, I'm not going to wave it around like it means the world owes me something because of it. Same goes with my sexual preference. It's just a preference it doesn't make me this super special snowflake that's so unique or whatever

>> No.6343209

It's not odd at all, actually. By making rape your fantasy, you become in control of the act and decide everything that happens. Fantasy can be a very useful tool for gaining confidence back and being able to deal with traumatic experiences, just like putting on a cape and pretending you're Superman to feel stronger than you currently are.

>> No.6343211

lol its funny becasue u took the time to type all that out u avatar fag

>> No.6343213
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id rape u

>> No.6343218

it seems all the lesbiens are left and i have won

>> No.6343222


I noticed that I had innocent crushes on girls when I was in elementary school. When I hit puberty, it became actual sexual attraction. I ended up with a hard crush on a couple of my closest friends between middle and high school, but tried to hide it. At the time, I was also interested in boys, but not to the same extent as girls.
Through high school and the start of college, I found that I liked to kiss and fool around with boys, but I wasn't as romantically interested in them, and I eventually found that sexual intercourse with men was almost never as satisfying as sex with women, for me.

The last heterosexual relationship I had was actually quite serious (while he was still keeping up the good con-man act, we were discussing getting married), and happened midway through University, lasting almost until my senior year. After he graduated, stress from the economy and his family, plus input from his actual friends finally let me see beyond his "act". He ended up being incredibly manipulative, emotionally abusive, and after confronting him on some of those issues, he started using my health issues to coerce me into sex when I couldn't fight back.
I know he's not representative of all men, but that sealed the deal for me: Girls all the way from then on.

>> No.6343230
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Yes Christ yes.
I have at least one boob conversation a day.
That's possible, but the being dominated and held down and whatnot is what is arousing to me.
Why is that funny.
Ooh bby.

>> No.6343232

No bad lesbien

>> No.6343235


>> No.6343237


I hope you can find your way back to each other some day, it sounds like she loved you very much too. if anything I hope you can find someone you can be that close to again

Its like a sick need, whenever I see best friends like that out in public my heart irks a little for what I used to have

>> No.6343244
File: 103 KB, 487x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to give less than 0/10 because that would be your score.
Like are you trying to troll or something by telling us we're gay I don't understand the point.

>> No.6343245


>> No.6343247

No avatar posting

>> No.6343249


Seriously, 0/5.

>> No.6343253

What is even happening here?

>> No.6343251

>tfw i raped ur mom
>tfw i destroyed her with a cheese grater
>tfw my pug could lick pussy better then you

>> No.6343255

Some stupid anon.

>> No.6343262


Bro is mad about all the women stealing his bitches.

>> No.6343261
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>> No.6343268



>> No.6343277
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>> No.6343278
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Oh I have not cute gf?
Anon you so silly I do so.

>> No.6343281

Ok, I'm going to be honest here.
She's ugly.

>> No.6343293

>going to be honest
>She's ugly.

That's not honesty.
She's ugly as shit, not "ugly"

>> No.6343290

Rude. But okay opinions blablabla.
I think she's pretty.
What is this bears joke I'm not getting?

>> No.6343294

She is pretty fugly.

>> No.6343298
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>mbw ur gf is ugly