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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 470 KB, 1024x768, Superior Asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6338339 No.6338339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB1YvXnXknU

Her info are on the page.

Anyway, You westerner = You deep set eyes, long nose, square face, etc = You fail in Cosplay = You ruin Anime

>> No.6338377
File: 983 KB, 480x270, NOOOOOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, someone doesn't like us, whatever shall we do?!

Yeah, right. GTFO.

>> No.6338388

newfag detected

Sage and move along faggot

>> No.6338417

I mean her info is on the video.

>> No.6338451

But Ahri isn't even from any Asian media, LoL is American.

7/10, much better than normal, bound to get tons of replies because of flawed premise and popularity of LoL

>> No.6338466

Don't you get the point you dumb fat westerner?

>> No.6338481

Asian cosplayer needs more tits to be Ahri.

>> No.6338492

Indonesians are the worst Asians next to Koreans.

>> No.6338498

Yes, use of the troll rating systems deftly demonstrates that I understand the entire and complete point of this post.

>> No.6338496

wait a minute aren't most anime characters modelled off of americans anyway???
I mean every asian has black hair so instantly as soon as any anime character has anything other then that it kinda fucks with your strategy a bit...

>> No.6338503
File: 188 KB, 700x700, 1345271673383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys pls

>> No.6338504
File: 223 KB, 498x286, proud2beindonesianfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not forget

>> No.6338527

No trolling, as usual dumb fat westerner are dumb, no wonder you puckers can't make any Anime and even some of lol characters design are done by us Asians.

>> No.6338534
File: 773 KB, 971x948, fuckin' miracles up in this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like that proud to be asian has been posting every few weeks now. It felt like there was this giant span about a year ago where he was never around and I missed the familiar shitposting. You can use these threads as a population sam ple to find how many aspies and new people are hanging out, too.

>> No.6338540

Oh wow, how long ago was this

>> No.6338545

does anyone have that chart that compares a K-On character's facial features to that of a Caucasian and that of an Asian and it's remarkably Caucasian in appearance? I forgot to save it last time.

>> No.6338561
File: 784 KB, 740x1110, league-of-legends-ahri-cosplay-by-k-miyuko-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a troll thread, but I feel I have to post this.

>> No.6338575

I also saw one of naruto characters.

Whoever the pucker who made all of that are helping us Proud Asians indirectly because Japanese believes Anime characters are based on Japanese so anything that try to oppose that will benefit us to bring it up to the surface, not that we want to be helped by puckers.

>> No.6338580
File: 143 KB, 640x960, 1350629093395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt matter what race you are- pretty girls can always cosplay successfully even if it means cosplaying as another race.

(pic related: the same korean girl who cosplayed Ahri cosplaying a blue-eyed blonde haired aryan Lux)

Pretty girls gonna be pretty.

>> No.6338595

Then you are saying western girls are sick puck ugly because none of them can look like the Asian cosplayer I posted.

>> No.6338614
File: 193 KB, 1400x815, 1305122736001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring what up? That you believe they're Japanese?

See picture: even the characters drawn as Asian as possible will still have shitloads of facial features stolen from Caucasians.

>> No.6338620

why are you even bumping the thread

>> No.6338619

Dumb fat westerner are too dumb to understand the strategy of war.

>> No.6338646
File: 47 KB, 700x559, 1350230410728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians with makeup and without. Asians with plastic surgery. We just had this thread. Go.

>> No.6338648


The cosplayer you posted is butt-ugly.

It just proves that ugly girls cannot successfully cosplay pretty girls even if they are of the same race or not.

Im pretty sure there are caucasians, anglos, aryans, nords, middle-easterners etc out there who can make better Ahris than >>6338561 even. The problem is that not the entire world is into cosplay- and even then not everybody cares about LoL and even then care enough about Ahri to cosplay as her.

The sample size is far too limited and in this instance, the prettiest girl to cosplay Ahri just happens to be korean.

I bother to explain not for your sake, troll, but for anybody who genuinely felt that they couldnt cosplay as something they wanted to because of their race.

>> No.6338660

No westerners who can look like Asian = No good western cosplayer = westerners are puck ugly

>> No.6338663
File: 26 KB, 356x354, 1326170986779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somewhat Asian girl in American made game

Oh, and good luck being a good Lux cosplayer :)

>> No.6338665

american made game? Yea but not american made characters.

>> No.6338666


>> No.6338669

At least it's cosplay related unlike

>tfw no qt gf

>> No.6338672
File: 118 KB, 300x300, Ahri%20(Featured).4622602bde9a4541f5dbdb286c624350520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It dosnt matter who made the character, Ahri was clearly based off East-Asian influences.

>nine-tailed fox - east-asian mythology
>attire - east-asian inspired
>facial features, skin color - pic related

>a successful Ahri cosplayer cosplaying as a good Lux >>6338580

>> No.6338684

Great costume but her face is off. She was perfect for Ahri, but not for Lux.

>> No.6338697

their eyes are like slits

>> No.6338869

She doesn't even look like a god damn human.

>> No.6338924

It's okay. She's a fox.

>> No.6338986

Honestly this is shooped to hell and back. I've seen this reposted so many times, too. No one ever comments on how much this is shooped.

I think ahri is quite capable of being done by people other than asians, just haven't seen anyone that properly fits the way she looks doing it yet.

>> No.6339076

Then you just supported the counter argument that white people can cosplay anime characters that were clearly based off white people.

Also, you missed the part of my post where I pointed out he called her anime.

>> No.6339254

ahri and league of legends game are american, fat dumbass pacific nigger.

>> No.6339275


I dont see how my post supports your point. I was only proving that your implication that Ahri is only "somewhat" Asian is wrong. Especially since you justified that by stating that LoL is an American game.

It is as ridiculous as saying that the samurai in Shogun 2 were only "somewhat Asian" just because the developers were British.

I posted >>6338580, however - so really you have no contention with me.