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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6335124 No.6335124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how was Facts?

>> No.6335185


>> No.6335259

anyone got any pictures?

>> No.6335331


>> No.6335401

Who won in the cosplay comp? I only know of Lisu getting first place).

>> No.6335472

Just a summarized version Sairu's thoughts of FACTS:
- this year even a third row appeared on the right of people tryin to force themselves in front of the second row while fair people were in the back of the row
- Another thing about the 2 rows... the "i got a ticket' row was... eh... longer ...?
- it took me a half hour to realise there WAS a second room
- What was up with the prices..? this year even the bread costed like 5 Euro i heard? ...
- Buying Fries in FACTS but its forbidden to eat them inside FACTS ..? what?
- The hallway to the second room had a large gate open where the smokers were smoking, okay.. thats pretty fair but... leaving it completely open so that the cold can come inside...
- apparantly the prices of the bathroom have become insane
- All those booths are not really in order ...
- Only 1 ATM ... Get in line.. this will take 2 Hours
- asking money for an after party...? then its not an afterparty anymore.. is it ? .... 8 euro for an afterparty...... thats like... well.. FACTS costs 10 ...
Now... the good things i noticed :
- Better lighting then last year, supports cameras, not sure if they really improved this on purpose or are just lucky, anyhows, its better.
- You guys actually scanned all the tickets even in the begin of the convention
- You guys kept the floor pretty clean, compared to other conventions i must say FACTS their floors were one of the cleanest floors, even at the end of the day
- There was enough staff and you devided their work properly.
- Your staff was able to have a great time WHILE they were doing their job. (well.. most of them, we don't know whats going on in the back of the 'office')

My own additions:
I'm actually agreeing with Sairu on a few things in her list.
Wait, does that mean I'm going mentally insane?

>> No.6335498

Where was this posted?

Didn't really enjoy FACTS myself as it was too crowded for my liking. Only managed a few pics which turned out to be pretty bad. Might not go again.

>> No.6335541

Her facebook

>> No.6335560

She was so annoying in the changing room. Constantly checking herself out in the mirror in front of people who tried to get ready and leaving the door open while people were changing. Sairu, it's not because you're okay with walking around in your underwear that other people like to have theirs seen.

>> No.6335585

She has a few points
>apparantly the prices of the bathroom have become insane
Yeah what was up with that? 50 cents to go to the bathroom while the entrance fee was pretty high to begin with. And some of them weren't even clean.

>asking money for an after party...? then its not an afterparty anymore.. is it ? .... 8 euro for an afterparty...... thats like... well.. FACTS costs 10 ...
good point and what I don't understand is why they held it in a club. Most facts visitors aren't really the clubbing kind of people and I heard there were more non-facts-people than facts-people ther

>> No.6335599

clearly i must check my congoing privilege because i am shocked that bathrooms cost anything at all

>> No.6335858

I see, never bothered with her facebook page as it struck me it would be filled with self deluded wank. She did raise a good point about the bathrooms though.

Any pics?

>> No.6336253

Sup, random dude who went here.

I have some pics of saterday, might upload if I feel like it.

>> No.6336356

PLease do, like to see.

>> No.6336450


Don't expect too much, I only have a handfull.
My cameras batery ran out pretty fast because I forgot to recharge it. And most of the pics are just me and my friends messing around, so I wont post those.

>> No.6336470
File: 2.46 MB, 3000x4000, FACTS2012 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No cosplay, but a freaking cool mask.

>> No.6336503
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>> No.6336585
File: 2.32 MB, 3000x4000, FACTS2012 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These guys just cracked me.
I'm not a cosplayer or anything, but if you do it please look the part. Just putting on a costume just doesnt cut it.

>> No.6336619
File: 2.22 MB, 3000x4000, FACTS2012 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tried catching this guy by surprise, thats why its blurry.
Dude was just chilling in the corner.

>> No.6336639


>> No.6336656


.... Cersei and Jaime? Really? Really?

>> No.6336712
File: 99 KB, 400x400, i have fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fury at those fools. They are the mustard of my doom!

>> No.6336780
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x3000, FACTS2012 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cant forget about these guys.

Now that I'm here I might aswell agree what has been posted here.

Yes, I was one of the guys who cut in line. I had my ticket ready and didnt care waiting in line with a bunch of weeaboo shitheads who played some anime bullshit trough speakers.
Shit was fucking expensive, I bought one litle botle of water for 3,50 euro. I'm glad I brought some beer of my own.
The smoking area was cool tbh, cool place to just hang out and talk with people. Didnt find it chilly inside at all, if anything it was too hot. Lots of fat sweating neckbeards.
That litle hallway leading to the second hall was a fucking bottleneck. Shit pissed me off, why couldnt they have gotten the other hall, which has two big ass fucking gates.
The afterparty seemed like a cool idea, but charging for it was too much. Tijuana sucks anyway.
Overall I had a good time, but most of it was because we were drunk/high and made fun of a lot of badly dressed nerds.

>> No.6336831
File: 2.20 MB, 3000x4000, FACTS2012 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This Donny doll creeped me the fuck out.

Anyone see those two guys dressed up as the dude and Walter btw?
Didnt get any pictures but they were pretty chill guys and a good example of looking the part.

>> No.6336888
File: 2.17 MB, 4000x3000, FACTS2012 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These guys were pretty cool aswell, cant fuck up with adventure time all that much.
I feel sorry I didnt chat up the chick some more now.

>> No.6336906


Haha, awesome doll.

>> No.6336945
File: 2.35 MB, 4000x3000, FACTS2012 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have some cookies.

>> No.6336984
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I think this guy was strapped in for reals btw.

>> No.6337018
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Out of all costumes, I liked these guys the most.
Still needs some work here and there, but still.

>> No.6337101
File: 2.01 MB, 3000x4000, FACTS2012 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this is my last pic.

She wasnt even hot but she was the only female cosplayer I saw who showed some flesh. Couldnt let it slip.
First FACTS I didnt hook up with anyone, maybe I should have gone to that afterparty afterall.
Still had a great time though.

I might check with one of my friends who took some pics on his cell phone.
If I get my hands on them I'll post them aswell.

>> No.6337456

Shame that they look like they don't want to be there otherwise these would be ok costumes.

Will have a look around and see if anyone I know has any good shots (I wasn't there).

>> No.6337711
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This is the one who placed

>> No.6337720
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>> No.6337748
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>> No.6337760
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>> No.6337768
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>> No.6337789
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>> No.6338836


>> No.6338913

I had a ticket ready for Sunday. Ended up not going because my girlfriend had to hurl the night before, and kept on hurling well into the dawn.

It's a shame. I was supposed to tag along with my kid bro, and it was the first time I was cosplaying.

>> No.6338956

what is wrong with her hand in that picture?

>> No.6339253

She's blind, asshole

>> No.6339256

Almost anyway.
Just goes to show that there are people out there who are natural born assholes.

...Even though she doessometimes sugest things that creep me out.

>> No.6339262

Try asking him for a picture next time. It's much more polite and he'll most likely do a cool pose then.

>> No.6339264

>Yes, I was one of the guys who cut in line. I had my ticket ready and didnt care waiting in line with a bunch of weeaboo shitheads who played some anime bullshit trough speakers.

Pretentious dick

>> No.6339444


Hey, guess what.

The fact that she is blind has no bearing on the fact that the cosplay is awful. Just means the guy did a bad job.
Also, most people can't tell someone is blind from a picture. You can't use that as a defense when he rags on them for their chosen cosplays being awful.
Furthermore, you should probably just drop the "don't critisize my work, take pity on me instead" tactic. If you don't like getting told your shit is bad because so and so, don't put it out there.

She looks fuck all like Cersei should. She exudes neither authority nor cold beauty. And the guy in question barely looks like he can lift a sword, let alone pass for Jaime.

>> No.6339450

Like I said; natural born asshole.

>> No.6339514

Hey guess what, people cosplay what they like, for themselves and not for you.

She makes her own cosplays but that's not what I meant. Have you ever met a (nearly) blind person? They usually have a weird expression and do this weird thing with their eyes. That's why she doesn't have the right expression.
And I'm not her, I'm a friend

>> No.6339528
File: 58 KB, 641x960, 543399_412513608816072_1335320434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely girl and awesome clone trooper

>> No.6339530
File: 78 KB, 960x641, 189118_412513908816042_1603006127_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy ewok at some star wars set

>> No.6339644

Does anyone have pictures of the League of Legends cosplays?

>> No.6339645


I know, you're Kiekebust Lannister over there, probably.

>> No.6339650


Though I do have to say, props to a nearly blind person making her own cosplay. Seriously, hat off to that.

>> No.6339674

No I'm not, I'm sorry you don't have any friends that defend you.

>> No.6339692

Wow! She isn't wearing much for Oct. What is she supposed to be.

This looks like the same guy who had issues with his deviantart. Great costume.

Not bad Cap.

Don't know who these guys were meant to be but not keen on the performance they did. Didn't like the blue haired girl's outfit at all. It looked bad on her.

Gotta say, that is amazing to here. I don't know of too many nearly blind people who are willing to give cosplay a shot. I still think that they needed to pose better for the characters. Both characters are very ambitious so the pose should reflect that.

Was there any drama at all?

>> No.6339712

She's supposed to the "sexy no jutsu"

If I'm not mistaking the assassins creed guy is actually a hired ubisoft cosplayer.

and the blue haired girl is starla star, drama queen

>> No.6339738

Oh okay. Never liked the 'sexy no jutsu' costumes anyway. Her's is pretty bad. Did she cause any problems while she was there? I'm guessing not as I haven't had anything.

That makes sense considering how good it is.

Really, I thought she was quite good at cosplay. This new costume is quite possibly one of the worst ones she has made. I can see why people might think she hasn't made all her costumes herself as there isn't a constant skill level through her costumes.

>> No.6339764

She goes by a new name now, Starla E Rose. Not sure what the E stands for.

>> No.6339773

Who were the cosplay winners? Pics please.

>> No.6339885

If this was for WCS or ECG, it's not fair, cuz she wasn't even Belgian.

If it has nothing to do with either, great for her.

>> No.6339906
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 269403_293582650752977_174642371_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has pics of Lady Deathwing, (I know I looked like crap half of the time tho) please share em.

(see pic)

>> No.6339907

No it wasn't.

She was in ECG this year already too, and she competed for that in the Netherlands. Doubt very much Lisu would be the type to try and go out of country for those things! (plus, aren't the rules strict on citizenship?)

>> No.6339959

you sound like lisu, a lot. What you doin' on 4chan gurl?

>> No.6340298

Didn't know that, I hardly pay attention to that stuff, I've never even been on a podium myself exept for fun.

>> No.6341484

If she wants to compete there isn't really nothing to stop her. Its not like she cheats and doesn't make her own costumes. Personally, I thought her costume looked great so well done to her.

Didn't she place 1st again on the Sunday?

>> No.6343301

More pictures!

>> No.6343694


>> No.6343708

I'm flattered, but I'm not even Belgian/Dutch.

That's not what I mean! Her costumes are always awesome and she always cosplays things she likes WHILE being ridiculously nice, she's a great person.

I meant the actual rules for competitions like WCS and ECG require you be a citizen or resident of the country you're running for. Anon asked if her win was for either of those, and I said it wasn't as she competes for the Netherlands not Belgium. Nothing about deserving it or not being good enough so hold your whiteknight anon!

>> No.6343815

I was not there at the competition saturday, who where the top 3 then?

>> No.6343849

I think the turtles won

>> No.6343887

Dear God, I always thought Sairu would be at least skinny with her amount of ego, she can barely be considered skinnyfat. Is she really 44 kg? Looks more like 55.

>> No.6343925

You might not like her but you gotta admit she has a nice body

>> No.6344018

She looks chunky, that's not a nice body.

>> No.6344074

1 - Pokemon
2 - turtles
3 - Vocaloid

>> No.6344159

For someone "suffering" from blood cancer she sure is fat!

>> No.6344173

Though for someone who randomly passes out, she sure never passes out.

>> No.6344228

Sorry, misunderstood what you meant. Yes, WCS and ECG require you to hold citizenship of the country your representing. FACTS doesn't run for either of those comps far as I'm aware and it no longer runs selectors for EC.

Didn't see who won, thanks for posting anon. Thought the Turtles were good glad they got something. Was the Vocaloid Starla's group? If so I'm not hugely surpriced. She wins at every FACTS now.

Shes kinda average looking. I agree with >>6344159

>> No.6344230

I thought Lisu placed first. Was there more than one comp at FACTS?

>> No.6344251

I posted the results of the Groups, I wonder myself who won for the individual category
I think it was a wow cosplayer, Lisu and capitan Harlock.

I also saw this cosplay video popping-up all over my facebook

>> No.6344306

Thank you. I only knew about Lisu as she is a friend of mine, I wasn't at FACTS.

Wasn't there a comp on the Sunday as well?

>> No.6345272

Its was the dude in the Vocaloid group who made all three costumes not Starla.

>> No.6346419

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.6346477

Yeah there was one, but to be honest, I did not even watch it because all of the acts were to long and boring, and did not even stik around to watch it.

>> No.6347207

Yeah, I'm not surprised either. He's not even from Belgium. Neither was the other girl in the group. Not sure where she was from. I think it was Finnland.

I see.

>> No.6347249

The only one I can recall from sunday was the group, and they placed third.

>> No.6347386

The only one I know of is Lisu and she came first. I haven't seen many pics from Sunday at all. Did people give up at this point?

>> No.6349347

Durr I mean Portal group.

>> No.6349599

Are there any more photos?

>> No.6349610

More pics!

>> No.6349990

Groups: first : Iron Lanter, Scarecrow and Cap America (I think all of them are from france)
2nd: Summer Wars
3rd: (as stated above) Portal

The Iron Lantern group got another price

Solo there was Enchanted and Yusuf (can't remember the rest)

>> No.6350991

Found these links in the facebook page. Some good photos in them

