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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6328413 No.6328413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time to rate your skills as a cosplayer

Rate the following traints on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being poor while 5 being excellent

Time Management:
Prop Making
Wig Styling
Facial Expressions
Pose Endurance

Also feel free to list any other misc. skills you have that I did not list.

>> No.6328426

Time Management: 3
Prop Making: 1
Wig Styling: 1
Makeup: 1
Facial Expressions: 1
Posing: 1
Pose Endurance: 1

Total: 9/35

I'm a terrible cosplayer

>> No.6328435

>Time Management
4. I get done in plenty of time, but tend to take a while to get started.
>Prop Making
3. I've made swords and other basic weapons, but I can't metal work.
>Wig Styling
4. I've managed a lot of complecated styles, but have trouble with frizz.
3? I can do the basics really well, and a bit of stage make-up, but I've never needed anything advanced.
>Facial Expressions
1. I suck at this.
2. I can do good poses, but if I don't practice them ahead of time, I can't think of good ones.
>Pose Endurance
5. I've worked as a live nude art drawing model. I can hold a complex standing pose for one hour.

>> No.6328441


>> No.6328438

Time Management: 3
Prop Making 2
Wig Styling 4
Makeup 1
Facial Expressions 5
Posing 4
Pose Endurance 5

I also think I've got a pretty good grasp at putting on performances for masquerade.

>> No.6328447

Time Management: 3
Prop Making: 2
Wig Styling: 4
Makeup: 4
Facial Expressions: 2
Posing: 2
Pose Endurance: 2

Why isn't sewing on here? I'm 4.5/5!

>> No.6328542

>missed sewing


>> No.6328597

>attention to detail: 1

>> No.6328641

Too much credit in facials.

>> No.6328716

> Time Management:
4 I can get the costume done quickly, but the props take a lot of time =[

> Prop Making
1 I suck badly at props

> Wig Styling
2 I always bought already styled wigs and just had to do quick fixes and some corrections

3 I know the basics, but same as above: never had do to anything complicated

Facial Expressions
4 Stay in character as much as possible.

4 I think on poses during alll the cosplay development, pay attention at every special and iconic pose of the character

Pose Endurance

>> No.6329263

Time management: 3 (Sometimes good but sometimes have to hurry if I want it done on time)

Prop making: 4 (They're not perfect... yet)

Wig styling: 2 (I'm not good at this...)

Makeup: 4 (I think I still have to improve little things)

Facial expressions: 4 (Some still are out of my range)

Posing: 5 (I think they're pretty good)

Pose endurance: 5 (Oh yes, I can do it for a very long period of time)

>> No.6329686

>Witty response: 5

>> No.6329740

>Time Management:

>Prop Making
>Wig Styling
>Facial Expressions
>Pose Endurance

why is there no sewing ability? That's what I would rank highest in.

>> No.6329755

Time Management: 4
Prop Making: 1
Wig Styling: 4
Makeup: 4
Facial Expressions: 3
Posing: 3.5
Pose Endurance: 3

I'm just proud of my wig/makeup skills.

>> No.6329760

I knew something important was missing. Sewing skills should be on top, p much.

>> No.6329771

Time Management: 5
Prop Making: 1
Wig Styling: 3
Makeup: 3
Facial Expressions: 2
Posing: 3
Pose Endurance: 3

And for sewing which isn't listed I'd give myself a 4. I'm pretty good at making the costume, I got to get better at posing haha

>> No.6329775

Time Management:
3. most of the time I can get my shit together in time but other times it's a total two or three week crunch before cons.

Prop Making
1/5. I've only ever made very simple, easy props and my skills are weak.

Wig Styling
1/5. I can trim and shape simple styles, but I've never done anything extreme, difficult, or specific.

4/5. makeup is a big hobby for me outside of cosplay, so I know what I'm doing. I also learned to do theatrical makeup in several school productions and I've practiced on my own from there for several years. I guess I'm an amateur, but last time I did troll makeup for a con weekend it was the bomb--super opaque and well-applied fake red eyes-style eyeshadow for Terezi that freaked out my friends when I closed my eyes behind my glasses.

Facial Expressions
3/5, I stay in character as much as I can.

2/5, Not a master by any means but I make appropriate and usually flattering poses. I get sloppy during big group photoshoots.

Pose Endurance
2/5. I can stand or sit or lay reasonably still for a little while.

>> No.6329794

Time Management: 0
Sewing: 3*
Prop Making: 3.5*
Wig Styling: 4*
Makeup: 2.5*
Facial Expressions: 1* appropriate, 5* "interesting"
Posing: 1* character appropriate
Pose Endurance: 5*

>> No.6329799

Time Management: 4
Prop Making: 2
Wig Styling: 2
Makeup: 3
Facial Expressions: 4
Posing: 5
Pose Endurance: 4

>> No.6329808

What the hell, I'm bored, here we go:

Time Management: 1 What is this time management you speak of?
Prop Making: 5 You name it I can make it.
Wig Styling: 1 Never really tried.
Makeup: 3 Meh, average.
Facial Expressions: 5 Oh the expressions I've made...
Posing: 3 Average I guess.
Pose Endurance: 5 I've had to hold other people for pics so yeah, gonna say five.

>> No.6330260

>Time Management: 5
I always start early, end early, and have plenty of time so I can take my sweet, sweet time. I plan everything I want to do. I've never had to make something in the room or at the last minute. It's quite nice.
>Prop Making: 4
I'm pretty handy with my hands and know to work with materials like wood, metal, and fabric to make something look realistic, stylish, and durable. I'm not a big fan of foam or plastic, so my score isn't perfect.
>Wig Styling: 2
I'm not very good and I haven't had much to practice on. Usually I just cut the bangs and call it good, but recently I had to do a lot of work on a wig. It went alright...
>Makeup: 2
I crossplay so I've had to learn how women do their makeup. I'm not very good by any means, but I can apply it myself and know what everything does. I still have a long way to go though.
>Facial Expressions: 1
My eyes are always half closed making me look high as FUCK. It's a bad habit that's hard to break. Usually I just put on a coy, closed mouth smile and call it good.
>Posing: 1
I know barely anything about posing so I end up standing there with my hands on my hips/side turned slightly to one side. I'm pretty bad.
>Pose Endurance: 4
If someone poses me in something weird I'm pretty good about staying that way.

>> No.6330309

>Time Management
4 - I'm organized, but I finish way before schedule and get bored for a couple weeks
>Prop Making
2 - I think I'm alright, but everything I make is simple
>Wig Styling
1 - Plastic hair, how does it work?
2 - I don't change much from what I normally do
>Facial Expressions
1 - Nope.
1 - I need to be more creative with this...
>Pose Endurance
3 - I've been told I can hold a pose well, once I'm actually in one.

>> No.6330322
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Time Management: 5/5
Prop Making: depends on the prop 3-5/5
Wig Styling: depends on the wig 3-5/5
Makeup: 4/5, im always opened to new make-looks
Facial Expressions: 4/5, if i can't be in character, i dont cosplay it.
Posing: 5/5
Pose Endurance: 4/5 i can usually hold a pose for a good minute or 2.

In general, if i can't make it, i won't make it. I know where my skill level is and isnt. My Judge Dredd costume will be my first costume im not making totally by myself. My friend is making my helmet for me, but i get to paint it!!!

>> No.6330338

Time Management: 3
Prop Making: 4
Wig Styling: 3
Makeup: 5
Facial Expressions: 2
Posing: 3
Pose Endurance: 3

Posing and facial things are what I'm worst at. (time management is a close second, but shh don't tell anyone else that)

>> No.6330381

Time Management: 2.5
Prop Making:4
Wig Styling:2.5
Facial Expressions:1
Pose Endurance:4

>> No.6330892

Where are the sewing/costuming skills?

Or do you think everyone buys their costumes from eBay?


>> No.6330901

>Time Management:
4. I always start months in advance.
>Prop Making
2.5 I'm able to make my props look pretty good from a distance. Up close they look a little messy.
>Wig Styling
2.5 Haven't done any complicated wig-stylings yet, only spiking of bangs that I would say is pretty okay.
1. I'm blind on my left eye, so unless I ask for help, I can't apply anything but mascara, foundation and lipstick. Often has to ask for help with applying crap.
>Facial Expressions
Alone: 5, at cons: 1. I turn into spaghetti when people ask for my photos and forget all about the poses my character is doing. A friend often has to instruct me for the right poses.
>Pose Endurance
2.5, I'd guess.

So in short, I'm a terribad cosplayer. But we all knew that anyway.

>> No.6330903

I'm attractive, so I'm automatically a good cosplayer.

>> No.6330905

>Time Management:
>Prop Making
>Wig Styling
>Facial Expressions
>Pose Endurance

>> No.6335561

I think I'm pretty good at makin' faces lol.