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6324746 No.6324746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a female opinion and you lot seem pretty girly. Is it ungentlemanly to sleep with a girl you have no intention of forming any type of long term relationship with?

>> No.6324750


>> No.6324752

Ungentlemanly, yes. Inherently wrong, no.

>> No.6324754
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Depends, does the girl want a long term relationship? If yes, then don't sleep with her unless you want that aswell. If she is only looking for some fun like you, sure, go for it.

>> No.6324773

If she really likes you? No. It will end badly for both of you. If she just wants to fuck? Yeah go for it.

Just make sure you're both on the same page or you'll end up having to deal with drama.

>> No.6324793

You the same guy who complained about dating a fujoshi?

Come on folks at least sage this shit.

>> No.6324795

If she is willing to have sex with you within the space of minutes/hours
don't worry about this.

If you lead her on for a few days or weeks, just for sex then you are a douche

>> No.6324819

No it's not, it's perfectly OK to do it.

Let the femnazi hypocrites get their butthurt up.

>> No.6324847

>welcome to /fit/
>now get out.
pls don't bully.

>> No.6324848

It's okay as long as you're upfront about the fact that you're not looking for a relationship, and she is alright with that. However, it will be your fault if you detect that she isn't okay with it and goes along with it anyway. You will have to deal with a bag of crazy for a while. Decide for yourself if it's worth it.


>> No.6324957

As long as she's aware that you're not interested in a relationship, then it's cool.