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6321604 No.6321604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Detroit's Midtown district maid cafe, Chou Anime Café, closed its doors last month. The company opened in June, and, according to the company's website, the last day of operation was September 22. The post cites lack of steady customers inevitably led to café closing.

>> No.6321624

I went there with friends when it appeared on the news. Here is my experience:

>Went in and was immediately greeted by overweight "Maid" that overuse perfume.
>While getting our orders from another "Maid", maid stood too close to me to the point of invasion of space.
>Japanese terms... prolific use... abusive... painful.
>Food was bland.
>The decor felt wrong
>Leaving the shop through a gauntlet of bows.

Friends kid sister (5yrs old)never want to go back.

I'm sorry but the whole staff was creepy.

>> No.6321628

This is literally months old now, stop it. This is getting to Tuna-Chan of several summers ago levels. No one cares.

>> No.6321634

To give this a positive twist, how would one do a maid cafe right?

What needs to happen for it to be enjoyable and people want to come back?

>> No.6321644

I've been in maid cafes in Japan. I've been to the niche kind and the regular kind. I've also been to an awful maid cafe in the west that only opens up for 2 times a year so it doesn't really count, it's still awful though. I'll give you some insight in a second.

>> No.6321641 [DELETED] 

I've been in maid cafes in Japan. I've been to the niche kind and the regular kind. I'll give you some insight in a second.

>> No.6321645

Get actual cute Maids.

>> No.6321656
File: 487 KB, 380x254, fatasscrying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. I figured this would happen.
I live in detroit and have been pushing off going to this place...I looked at the staff..seriously why didnt they think about actually hiring a good looking maid staff
Thanks...Another thing to make Detroit look bad..As if we dont have the worst image

>> No.6321665

-Playful decor
-Attractive Maids
-Ease of access
-Stick Japanese language to greetings, goodbyes and exclamations. Phrasing tends to turn people off.
-food that pleasing to the eye and actually delicious

>> No.6321668

From what I read, it's a bunch of friends.

>> No.6321672

To make a good maid cafe you first have to have a theme, or atleast have maids with a theme. It should be a fairly small establishment with only a few tables, or with a lot of maids.

The maids are waitresses yes, but they need more time to allot to each table than just giving them food because more than a service it is an experience.

Theme like I said is important. Is the establishment supposed to be Victorian themed? Is it suppose to treat you like royalty, like a modern-day ojousama? Is it more niche than that with anime qualities added in like moe or 'little sister' or any 'dere' kind of maids.

Maid cafes should have high-quality food because if not it will ruin the experience not so much amazing expensive dishes, but normal dishes prepared in a way that is unique or intricate looking or fancy. The food is a large part of the experience.

There is also service. The staff must be interested in providing good service as well as putting on the 'act' of being a maid. Waiting tables is a bit daunting in itself so, like I said earlier, knowing how many tables one can/should handle while also trying to make the experience of being served by a maid is difficult. You need quality people who have good training or atleast drive to perfect themselves. All in all a lot of things must go into consideration for something like this to work if you think the idea is 'fun' or 'unique' and go into it without doing research or having a misconception this sort of thing will happen. I may write more after that if you'd like.

tl;dr: maid cafes are srsbzns and weebs need to do a lot of research to do them correctly.

>> No.6321688

I agree with what you said since I was a waiter Chachies.

As for the theme, A Maid Cafe is a novelty brought from Japan so I suggest you do as >>6321665 said. Something Playful. You go straight to classy elegance and people will think it's "Club Snooty"

Do not get overweight Maids. They need to "glide" between tables with ease while carrying stuff.

I'll write more when I think of other stuff.

>> No.6321712

AS the two posted before me. Locate your maid cafe in a mall, preferably next to a toy shop.

>> No.6321720

>theme most important aspect

Nope its the location and the customer service that gives out good reviews for these low rated restaurants. Detroit is a terrible place to choose as a location because of economical turmoil over the auto industry not only that but no market for maid cafes. You also need attractive workers I mean thats the whole purpose of a maid cafe. Pandering the fetishes of otakus and the like.

>> No.6321732

I never said theme was the most important.

And all you are talking about with location and service has to do with normal restaurants, we aren't talking about obvious things that anyone who's ever been to a restaurant knows. If you will reread my post, I mentioned that not knowing how to run a restaurant at all doesn't work.

>> No.6321748
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Guy who originally asked here... Neat stuff! I personally would never do it, but I've got more than one ~omg life dream~ friend who are about to get a lot of text in their inboxes.

Personally, it sounds to me like one would be better off doing a smaller locale that is maybe primarily a sweets/cakes/pastries shop? It seems to me focusing on just otakus is a great way to go out of business... Even if you're A+ maids, there aren't enough. But EVERYONE loves cake.

>> No.6321749
File: 102 KB, 500x344, 5528258283_18e7cb0d53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what the one in the philippines did.

Good food, service and started with a small location. Now they are moving to a better and bigger location.

Oh and the Service was like Fridays, but cuter and kid oriented.

>> No.6321759
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Guess they didnt drink enough Morning Rescue

>> No.6321768
File: 51 KB, 600x400, MeiDolls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most times they have to set tables out of the shop when it fill with customer.

>> No.6321769
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This is the owner of Meidolls Cafe.

>> No.6321773
File: 137 KB, 600x400, MeiDolls4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus the Maids are attractive.

>> No.6321781

Personally, I think it would be fun to open up a maid cafe, but that thing would crash into the ground within a month.

>> No.6321782

My dream would be to work in a bakery/french cafe style orientated maid cafe with a very quaint and rustic feel to it.
Not sure if I'd rather be baking or serving, but I could easily do both (not time wise, more skill and enjoyment wise).

Honestly, I'd consider it as a business venture if I didn't believe it to be totally unviable. It's just too much of a niche market within one that is completely saturated and mostly dominated by chains and franchises. Really, for it to work you'd need to have great knowledge of the industry and a product other than the maids, because it's not enough of a selling point. A USP that is too unique just won't net you enough customers... and while diversification is an answer to that, in the case of maids I think that you'd really have to have an outstanding product to make "normal" people want to go. Or have the theme of the cafe render the maids acceptable and not so obviously fetishist/novelty product (novelty always wears off).

Maybe one day I'll open a tea room that offers a maid service during specific hours or in a side room... A girl can dream.

>> No.6321800

There's a Western Restaurant in Harajuku. The Waitresses were dressed as cowgirls (short shorts, Checkered or plaid top tied over tank top) and shop and food theme was wester (hence western restaurant) and it still does very well. They did research. Even showed vids of cowboy circus and such.

>> No.6321803

fuck off failipinos

>> No.6321808

Oh, look!

A Filipino denying his countrymen!

>> No.6321815

Go read about their staff. One is actually Japanese who grew up in the Philippines.

>> No.6321840

Easy. Don't hire the people in OPs pic

>> No.6321845
File: 46 KB, 612x612, 486561_405840022785597_1831313815_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they should've done:

>Buy cloning machine
>Clone the fuck out of Ami-Nyan
>Only maids are an army of Ami-Nyans
>Nigga dat kawaii

>> No.6321857

uh.... NO!

>> No.6321910

fukku u

aminyan is superior waifu 10/10

>> No.6321914

>trying to sound cool and edgy

Oh, child..

>> No.6321928

Holy fuck I need to go to that.

>> No.6321936

I've been there. I don't know the name of the place. I remember they had one leggy number who gave me a mega boner the whole lunch meal. Asian Babes in hot shorts, cowboy hats and boots and once in a while one of them would ride the mechanical bull.

And get this, no male staff on the floor except for 2 wranglers(bouncers) who stay by the entrance.

>> No.6321942

>Oh, child..

Wisdomic old hermit


Nicholas Cage in kickass?

>> No.6321948

Still no.

>> No.6321966

if anyone is thinking about open up a restraurant, demographs is what you need to first look at. im quite sure you can go to town hall or census office and ask to see the most recent censous.

A maid's cafe would most likely be a restraurant concept that would be good in a middle class area with high numbers aging in early to late twenties.

A huge warning when starting your restraurant you have to start with a huge fortune to make a smaller one.

that being said your location will affect you as in sense of cost, customers, money making capability, and many more factors.

key importance of keeping customers is what mainly everyone said food quality and customer service its goes hand in hand.

>> No.6321968


dont sacrafice quality to try to bring in a buck, go at it as you would with any restraurant and try to make the best food you can, also switch up your menu a couple times out of the year, and make sure you review your menu to see what dish are the "super star, Work horse, Under dog, and coin term turd in a punchbowl"

super star dishes are popular and sell a lot

work horse dishes sell more but are not as popluar

underdog may not be popular but sells enough

lastly turd in a punchbowl doesnt sell and isnt popular means time to change

customer service is what is a key part in keeping your customers they provided a friendly service and they are the salesmen of your business so they can influence whether or not your making money or barely making anything.

as some of the people said your going to have to hire attractive women, that seems to be one of the trade marks of a maid cafe. but personally i would make it a combination of maid and butlers since your now appealing to both genders of your customer base, which could bring in a possible steady sale.

also when you hire your maids make sure your train them in many things from socializing, point of sale systems, and table service.

but to put realistically to anyone thinking about making a maid cafe or butler cafe, its going to be quite difficult and your demograph will have to be spot on to make a profit or even survive.

>> No.6322044

>but to put realistically to anyone thinking about making a maid cafe or butler cafe, its going to be quite difficult and your demograph will have to be spot on to make a profit or even survive.

This is a huge point. Aspiring cafe owner here.
I've been wanting to open a ~maid cafe~ for a while now, but upon going into the business aspect I realize how silly it would be, even in a place with a large population of 'otaku'. I decided that I will open the cafe as just that, a cafe, but I can still have the staff dressed all cutesy and bring the novelty and playful aspect of a maid cafe into my own cafe. The service will still be the same as any usual cafe, so the idea of 'maids' won't exist but I can get the same feeling out of something that's relatively normal and not too daunting.

>> No.6322092

Oh man, there's a maid cafe that went to A-Kon and I wasn't really impressed with any of the girls at all. Well, they called themselves a maid cafe for the sake of the con but it's more of a host/hostess club. I guess I just can't really see the appeal in a maid cafe/host(ess) club.

>> No.6322104


along these lines, ever considered opening a regular cafe with 'theme days'? Like, Monday Maid Days or something. In essence that'd be just opening a regular cafe that features a maid cafe once in a while; sort of like some restaurants which have special cultural food nights.

>> No.6322119


>> No.6322142


We had one at tiny Eirtakon. Stupid and disorganized as hell. Took so long I just wandered over to the vendors and bought the food myself.

>> No.6322150

Ours didn't even serve food, apparently. The event was titled as a maid cafe, yet they weren't allowed to serve food or drinks. Only the vendors were allowed to do that. I never went to it because it would bore me out of my skull, since it was just about the girls entertaining the guys and vice-versa. Or whatever it is that host clubs do.

>> No.6322155

Good food, service and location.

No idea where they set it up but in general I don't think Detroit is a good spot for that kinda of shop.

Other than that I heard stories about how awful the food was, aparently all the raman was instacup noodles and the sandwiches where the ones a local shop couldn't sell. Same goes with service which apparently was also terrible.

As someone who worked in the restaurant business (and who watches Kitchen Nightmares/Restaurant Impossible 24/7) I can tell how just how important buying fresh, cooking yourself and a friendly smile can do.

On a semi related note: I wonder how much money they lost.

>> No.6322176

Probably quite a lot since startup costs for any business are in the thousands + renting the space + utilities + insurance and shit. Yeaaa.

I know you have to be willing to invest heavily into any business and not expect much profit for a while, but it doesn't sound like they had ANY business plan at all and just thought it'd be a cool thing to do.

As someone who's worked and managed in the food industry, you basically need to dedicate your entire being to your business for it to be successful no matter the business size. Or if you can't dedicate yourself to it but want to just be the owner, you have to hire someone who can dedicate the time and oversee things but you can't really be the only one in charge and treat it like a hobby or a sideline. There are sooo many little things you have to pay attention to when it comes to food!

>> No.6322326

It looks like it was just a business they all got together as a hobby or possible because their huge fans maid/butler cafe, doesn't really seem to be a business plan.

besides what it takes to run a business it looks like their menu isn't much and already premade so food cost should be high, probably a combination of poor quality and very few customers.

I'm not sure if anyone got paid but im going to assume, so possibly labor cost could also have also been a drive into them closing.

I dont think anyone went in their with business in mind.

>> No.6322441

I don't think you'll run into any problem if you run it like a normal cafe. the only difference is your business attire that your staff is wearing is maid outfits, while operation goes as normal a normal business.

>> No.6322517

I can't see the business model of maid cafes working in the United States at this time with the exception of New York City and San Francisco.

Sure maid cafes are a great concept this board, but it wears off over time without a steady stream of customers who are interested in either tea or in otaku culture. Maid cafes are great to have one at cons, but in the long run it's not sustainable especially in Detroit. The demand of a maid cafe in New York City is a 10x larger than Detroit and the demand of a maid cafe in San Francisco is 3x larger than New York City.

>> No.6322522

Like Hooters but classier. The maid are there to look cute.

>> No.6322678

too small of a venue, no one went to it, too weird and niche for the D, a ton of maids, bagged tea and as another anon said, the ramen was a cup you MADE YOURSELF and the sandwiches were purchased from another shop; clearly they didn't have their food license (so expensive).

>> No.6323185

I fail to see why race has to do with...anything

>> No.6323228
File: 569 KB, 2048x1536, Cafe_Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo of the maid cafe staff from AWA.
ANY maid cafe whether its at convention or outside of one should have some kind of standard when it comes to looks. If the maids are raunchy then you can forget a steady flow of customers.

>> No.6323261


>> No.6324407

I'd do the white girl behind the Orca on the right.

>> No.6324417


Clearly their screening process wasn't ironed out, since one attractive girl actually managed to slip in.

>> No.6324419

2nd this...

>wonder why noone comes in
they have one staff member who look good, rest arn't...

>> No.6324502


why are most of them black

>> No.6324505

Because it's in Atlanta.

>> No.6324511

The owner was black. Technically the leader of the group who owned it.

>> No.6324515

i live in japan and i have only been to maid cafes a few times but from what i can glean there are two different types of customers

1. hardcore otaku people who go there to spend a lot of money paying for pictures with the maids etc. this is basically a cabaret club/hostess bar for nerds. the first time i went to a maid cafe some super otaku dude was giving presents to one of the maids it was fucked up. these are your repeat customers i guess

2. people who come for the novelty value. tourists etc. i doubt these people come more than once, and in america i doubt many people know about maid cafes

i guess in between that there are akibakei people who go there to hang out with their friends, but most people i've met would rather just go to mcdonalds cuz maid cafes are really expensive and limit the amount of time you can be there without ordering

basically i think maid cafes in japan are sustained the same way the anime dvd industry is, by super nerds. i don't think you can bring this to america. personally i find the "moe moe kyun" stuff kind of creepy. also you can't have ugly maids. what's the point of paying out your ass to look at some fatty who shouldn't be wearing maid outfits in the first place?

i want a make a bar that serves microbrews with cute waitresses wearing lolita clothes as uniforms. like a tastefully vaguely barmaid type thing. no creepy moe shit, just enjoying cute girls in frills

>> No.6324533


The only maid cafe model I could see working in the states is probably one of the less intense Akiba style cafes and one of the "classier" joints like Wonder Parlour--all the maids wear ankle length, Victorian style maid uniforms, the food is actually good and pretty reasonably priced (like $20 for their delicious stew, a pot of tea and a fancy dessert), they play classical music and shit and it's all really nice and doesn't scream "creepy nerd zone" except when they're doing cosplay event days (usually just one or two weekends a month).

>> No.6324543

This is going to sound funny, but oh well: the main problem I've seen in Maid Cafes outside Japan is that the girls don't behave like maids, they're waitresses.

And yes, there's a difference. The Maid cafes in Japan aren't only supported by nerds. It's a place for men with a fetish to go and have a girl be their servant. It's not just about serving food and drinks, it's chatting the guys up, listening to them, being all cute, treating them like a prince.

For what I've seen in the West, they think it's only a regular cafe with girls dressed cutely.

>> No.6324556

I'm no nigger lover but the bottom center black girl is pretty cute too.

>> No.6324566

i don't know... i think doing the opposite and making it basically a hooters with cute uniforms instead of sexy ones is the most likely to succeed

>> No.6324575

There's no Hooters in my country so I won't speak about it. But what I'm saying is that I haven't seen a well Maid Cafe done outside Japan.

Would it be succesful if they did? Who knows. I have my doubts, to be honest. Outside otaku culture, the West doesn't dig the moe fetish much - hot, sexy women sell more than cute little girls that squeal.

>> No.6324593

I see how you describe cute but not my interest.

>> No.6324595

I heard that the venue for this was incredibly cramped and tiny. Not to mention it was separated from everything, and in "Detroit" (not a bad area of the city mind you, but just the name has a stigma to it) I also heard they would just buy sandwiches and stuff from a deli down the street and didn't actually make food.


They're selling the used Bodyline uniforms on ebay for the same price as they would be new.

>> No.6324618

They should have done what the Meidolls Cafe in the Philippines did.

>> No.6324631

I could see this working, also because it's not nearly as embarrassing to be found in something classy like that vs. an anime desu maid cafe. Practically everyone can appreciate a bit of Victorian/Edwardian posh foofaraw but to spend much time in a cutesy maid cafe you pretty much 'have' to be a weeb with a fetish.

>> No.6324635

Start off slowly. Start your Maids as waitresses then develop from there. It's a new idea here and if you start them in full service (sit and chat/play games) people with narrow minds will think it's prostitution.

>> No.6324655

I live in yorkshire, england, and we have a series of tearooms called Bettys where the staff dress up as Victorian maids and serve people.

It's really classy, beautiful cakes and pastries on a tray, cups of tea, but their customer rating is through the roof, and although customers visiting are usually rich elderly couples, I've eaten in there loads, as have many other students.

It's really popular with asian tourists too.

I think the concept of a 'kawaii maid cafe' is something that only a few people might get, and a large portion of people would find it intimidating and weird, so if I were to host a maid cafe, I'd make it a themed Victorian tearoom with laduree style cakes.

>> No.6324673

It was too much anime themed and less cafe as from what I can tell, unattractive staff wont attract people non-anime liking people. They should have focused on being a cafe first with that being said they should have good drinks and deserts I don't think they even needed sushi. Considering that the owner spent all of her money on this is sad because she clearly didn't go to any how to run a business 101. If she knew about the cafe's in akihabara she should have studied them better and know how they jack up the prices there, of course I doubt they could jack up the prices with such staff personally id throw up looking at half of them.

>> No.6324758


-Attractive maids, obviously. Average weight to skinny. Must look polished and clean. Beautiful hair, no excuses. Get a Gabalnara wig if you need to. They must have good posture and a good bow.
-I honestly feel weird about non-Japanese speaking Japanese to me, even fluently but at least use the greetings I guess.
-Not only must food be good, it has to be special. Maybe you have a specialty that sets you apart. Maybe your cafe only serves bubble tea and donuts. If you can, make it interactive with guests. Maybe they can help decorate cake or omurice.
-I agree that theme is important. Think of a concept and center your color schemes, decorations and food around it.
-have something extra. Maybe you also have manga to read, stage with karaoke, maybe video games.

>> No.6324778


yes, doing a pastry shop/cafe could work, but it would have to be the type like asian pastry shops you find in chinatown. i work at a pastry shop that does things from wedding cakes to dessert catering to sandwiches...

if you simply have the girls wear maid uniforms and possibly play games with you and act more "maid-like," you will get people coming to the cafe without caring about the maids. i think that's the only way to stay out of the red, honestly.

however, you better be on the main street of a city, and you should definitely have a food/drink specialty. the shop i work at used to barely break even, IF that, but now we're really prospering because of services that make us unique.

also remember that a lot of people who would want to go to a maid cafe don't have too much money.

>> No.6324802
File: 95 KB, 673x960, kowaiine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, over where I live there's this little maid group that popped up out of nowhere to start their own little maid cafe. At least they're trying I guess?

>> No.6324821

Oh my goodness, the girl with the glasses is so adorable!

>> No.6324823

Probably the only smart one out of the group. SHE CAN READ! SHE CAN READ!!!

>> No.6324827

Interesting but definitely not adorable. 5 bucks say fake glasses.

>> No.6325182

Quit that. Mentioning it once is enough. Wag kang ksp.

>> No.6327563

Tangina mo! Dapat proud ka at nagawa ng pinoy yun! Think about it. All these nigger cafes and not one of them lasted. Pinoy hating yourself is ridiculous. Go hate your being inadequate and praise the ones who do better.

>> No.6327648

> Wag kang ksp.

Bitch. Show me your achievements, oh, wait! You don't have any.

>> No.6327669


Adorable =/= Potato nose

>> No.6327683


She's cute in her own way. By the way, her name is Tomo (and yes they all come with their special kawaii Japanese names)

>> No.6327689
File: 49 KB, 539x960, 561158_498400666853338_1754924468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my picture bawww

>> No.6327967


holy crap. I took those pictures two years ago when they first opened.

>> No.6328010

Her bent glasses are really annoying me.

>> No.6328012
File: 495 KB, 200x112, smelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6328051 [DELETED] 

I made a response to that and the mods deleted it.

was just trying to be funny.

>> No.6328085


>> No.6328087

wow, so so gross

>> No.6328109

Eh, it's not the worst but certainly not the best.
At least there are no land whales.

>> No.6328231

They all have the same face except the glasses chick

>> No.6328313

Don't lie. These are stills from GMA 7 Website.

>> No.6328333

You did not take those photos.


I don't know why you have to pretend.

>> No.6328343

The two girls on the floor are damn cute.

>> No.6328351

Bulag ba kayo? Namention na ulit ulitin pa? Fishing for compliments?

Bitch ako dahil di ako nagkakandarapang purihin sila? Dahil Pinoy ako kailangang maglupasay ako sa sahig kakapuri sa kanila? Pag hindi hater na agad ako?

Tapos tatawagin mo yung ibang lahi na nigger tapos gusto mo igalang at purihin nila Pinoy? Tangina ka rin. Kapal ng mukha mo.

Kaya tayo inaayawan dito dahil sa kabobohan ninyo at pagiging desperada ninyo. It's not even about hating them. Did I say anything negative about them? WALA DI BA? Ayan kasi bobo kayo hindi muna kayo nagisip bago tumalak.

>> No.6329023
File: 66 KB, 604x453, 17135_295303664254_5621448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another photo of the AWA maid staff. This was my first experience ever going to the maid cafe at this con. Our group waited in line for a good while before we were able to get a table. It was not worth it. The food was ok, but not worth it, it was just desserts provided by the hotel and luke warm tea and coffee. The maids though were even worse, their uniforms were shabby and most of them did not fit the wearer well at all. The girls looked like they didn't know how to wash their hair, apply make up and tried to hard to act cute. The one entertaining us at our table was so annoying that we just wanted her to leave us alone as we tried to finish eating and get the hell out of there. Despite this its actually a pretty popular event at the con.

>> No.6330404

Mas bobo ka! This is an english board. Fuck off you retard! This is called promotion. The moment you tell someone to stop for your own personal reasons means you're jealous! And by your reaction to above said comments just proves me right. If you do not like what you read, ignore them. When you don't, squatter ka at naghahanap ka lang ng away! Gago! Bobo! Retarded! Social climbing Squatter Nagmamarunong!

PS: You should have kept it in english instead of adding Tagalog.

>> No.6330408

BAkit mo kasi pinanasin? Look at the other posters. They just ignored it. You had to just point it out. Nagpapansin ka? You are so stupid! You are why Filipinos hate each other!

>> No.6330470

good lord.

>> No.6330471

Saw these on ebay earlier



>Take home a piece of history with your own Chou Anime Cafe Maid uniform.

>> No.6330674

Being a transplant here in the Philippines, Of African heritage, I do not find "Nigger Cafe" offensive. I read above comments and responses and it totally seems you are at fault. Calling someone KSP when you are the one who noticed it, and by your lengthy response, I have to agree with the others that you are "Inggit"

As to being a "Hater" I have to remind you on how Fils have this "Crab Mentality". Pulling down those rise up.

Seriously wake up and understand.

>> No.6331151


>lengthy response
Pag maiksi hindi na ako inggit? lol.
>Calling someone KSP when you are the one who noticed it you are "Inggit"
Are you serious? Kapag may maingay na bata at sinaway mo ibig sabihin inggit ka na sa bata? Lol.
>I do not find "Nigger Cafe" offensive
If other Filipinos are looking for people to compliment Meidolls then why bash other maid cafes? You want compliments and respect as a Filipino? Learn to respect other races. We have no business calling other races names.

No, you wake up and understand.

Meron nang post about Meidolls. >>6321749
Apat na yan. Dapat naghintay na lang kayo na pansinin sila. Pero hindi kayo makuntento. Nung hindi pinansin inulit nyo pa.
Ginawa nyo pang reply sa post niya>>6324595
Ipilit ba talaga yung Meidolls sa muka nila? Bakit kasi hindi kayo makuntento? Pag hindi pinansin sa ibang pakakataon na lang kayo uli magpromote.

>> No.6331157


Let me guess ikaw yung tipong pumupunta sa con pero hanggang labas lang at napakaingay at pag sinita ng guard ikaw pa ang galit?

I have nothing against Meidolls. I have no personal reasons. I have said nothing negative about them in this whole thread. Ang kikitid kasi ng utak nyo iniisip nyo pag hindi papuri naririnig nyo hater na agad. Kayo ang sinisita ko hindi yung Meidolls. Kayo ang problema hindi yung Meidolls.

Hindi ko na ginawang English dahil kababayan ko kayo at ayokong makita nilang nakakahiya kayo at socially retarded kayo. Wala ba kayong natutunan sa board na to? Ayaw nila ng loud obnoxious people katulad nyo. Yung mga tao nagsisigaw look at me, look at me. Kayo yon.


Hindi bobo yung ibang posters dito. Nakikita nila ginagawa nyo at kahit hindi sila nagreply hindi ibig sabihin ok yun. Sa tingin mo pag inulit ulit nyo kakapost matutuwa sila? Maiirita sila at pag nabuwisit sila masisimula na pang lalait sa Pinoy. Damay lahat ng Pinoy dito sa katangahan nyo.

>> No.6331162

This is an english board. And give up the argument. This will be my last response to you. You contradict yourself in your responses. When you say things in tagalog, you are being rude to the others who don't speak it.. And still with your long winded response? I rest my case.

And I'll have you know I'm Black. You are a majority of the Failed Filipinos. Get a Life. In fact, enroll in the school for Childrens special needs. I'm a volunteer Teacher here. I await your self gratifying response. But as I have said, This will be my last response to you.

>> No.6331164

Seriously guys, Drop the subject. Let it die. It was left alone a couple of comments back, why bring it back up? I really don't care who started it or who's right but please, stop it. You guys say your mature enough, please act like it.

>> No.6331196

Actually, by using your language, you draw attention to yourself more.

Curiosity got the better of me and I google translate the language.

And to the others in your argument, you already know, why stretch it out?

>> No.6331199
File: 23 KB, 420x268, 1269237006170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring your argument if you have one.

>And I'll have you know I'm Black. You are a majority of the Failed Filipinos. Get a Life. In fact, enroll in the school for Childrens special needs. I'm a volunteer Teacher here. I await your self gratifying response. But as I have said, This will be my last response to you.
>Tries to give credibility to own posts by giving details about self
>Complains of my use of Tagalog
>Has nothing to say about my actual post
Oh, you have none? Ok, bye.

This is my last. Seriously, I'm tired of you folks.

Have some red maids. Personally I think maid cafes would be better if they had just one costume design that looks good on all body types.

>> No.6331207

Google translate gives hardly anything but gibberish.

You're either Filipino pretending to be not Filipino or OMG SORCERY!! Lol. Do you google translate Spanish posts in this board as well? Or the German ones? Or the Dutch ones? Lol, you.

Sage cause you made me laugh.

>> No.6331217

>Hindi ko na ginawang English dahil kababayan ko kayo at ayokong makita nilang nakakahiya kayo at socially retarded kayo. Wala ba kayong natutunan sa board na to? Ayaw nila ng loud obnoxious people katulad nyo. Yung mga tao nagsisigaw look at me, look at me. Kayo yon.
Google translation:
>I have not made my fellow English because you and I do not want to see you and humiliating you socially retarded. Nothing you have learned on this board to? They do not like loud obnoxious people nyo. Those people crying look at me, look at me. You today.

Not entirely gibberish but it did take me a while to sort out.

And yes. I do google translate whatever comes my way.

>> No.6331220
File: 96 KB, 1010x291, Translate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331228

Explain it then. I want to hear what you've assumed it to be.

> I do google translate whatever comes my way.
And I thought I waste too much time here. Lol.

>> No.6331232

"I did not put it in English because I do not want to socially retard you. Have you learned nothing on this board. They do not like a loud mouth like you. Screaming Look at me"

Is that passable to you or are you going to nuts? Because seriously, I don't see why you have to be uptight.

>> No.6331233


I didn't make it in English because you're my friends and I don't
want to see them humiliated and socially retarded.
Don't you people learn anything from this board?
They don't like loud, obnoxious people like you.
The people screaming look at me, look at me. That's you.

>> No.6331243

>And I thought I waste too much time here. Lol.

Not many type in their country of origin.

>> No.6331249

Not uptight. Amused.
I wanted to hear it, why are you so uptight?

>> No.6331252

Remember that maid cafe's are just like regular cafe's. Just with cuter outfits.

>> No.6331258

Am not really. Just found it disturbing it was dragging since yesterday evening. And I get the feeling I got an overflow of anger from your heated comments to the people you were arguing with.

And Yes, It interest me when someone post something in another language. and no, I didn't write this >>6331233

>> No.6331282
File: 62 KB, 500x375, maid_cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT, Jnig and Dakota threads drag on forever. Do you get bothered by those too?

>I get the feeling I got an overflow of anger from your heated comments to the people you were arguing with

Have some more maids.

>> No.6331297

Totally different case on the other threads. As to why on the overflow, look up thread again.

>> No.6331309
File: 75 KB, 271x300, oktoberfest beer maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a normalfag and I wouldn't go to maid cafes. Too weird, too creepy, definitely not to my taste. Besides the basics, design some original outfit that isn't necessarily exactly like an anime maid's and don't use Japanese.

>> No.6331335

flips eat that shit up though

>> No.6331355

>Personally I think maid cafes would be better if they had just one costume design that looks good on all body types.
Hahaha, this reminds of brides picking out bridesmaid dresses trying to find a design that "looks good on all body types" and it never happens. The only way this can happen is to get maids with a similar body type.

>> No.6331367

I wonder how many ghetto coons MUH DIK'd the maids before it closed down. The only customer I could picture as being a regular is Thad, the weeaboo pedophile /b/tard kneegrow from Detroit but he is in jail.

>> No.6331403

>Mentioning Thad's name in vain
Please refrain from that. Go to Gaia if you must try and keep slapping names onto him, they had a lot of fun doing that apparently.

>> No.6331421

You get affected by posts in a language you don't completely understand but not threads filled with hate and written in English? Sounds legit. Lol.

It just looks chaotic to me when maids are wearing different dresses.
>bridesmaid dresses trying to find a design that "looks good on all body types" and it never happens
You have a point.

>> No.6331432

This thread was about the Maid Cafe. And the off topic argument you had. And try to understand the case to case basis. And don't assume you know what I mean.

>You get affected by posts in a language you don't completely understand but not threads filled with hate and written in English? Sounds legit. Lol.

You're annoying now even when I've been polite to you. My opinion of you has changed.

>> No.6331546
File: 49 KB, 460x345, MAIDCAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And don't assume you know what I mean
I asked but you decided to be indirect. You don't want to explain your overflow yet you don't want me to assume anything? Sure. And don't assume I'm angry or uptight. Lol.
>My opinion of you has changed.
We're both anon. Your opinion of me doesn't matter.

Not much variation can be made on the outfit. They will all look very similar to an anime maid.

Yellow underskirt looks nice in this pic.

>> No.6331583

this just too easy

>> No.6331592

How much are you willing to pay when you go to a maid cafe?

>> No.6331705

It was not indirect. I said it was a case basis. Do you have trouble following the thread?

Man, you're an ass!

No wonder Filipinos hate each other. It's people like you!

>> No.6331713

The price of food + $5 for maid eyecandy. No need to talk to me either other than getting my order.

>> No.6331715

30 on a good meal. Maybe if I'm happy with the service I'd do the standard 20% tip.

>> No.6332612

culinary wise, it depends on the chef or cook they have in the back cooking. also if its high class and they actually have great food I wouldn't mind the price. if its like dinner or general restaurant quality mabye like $5 dollars minimum to $12 maximum

>> No.6332625

okay, Filipinos. Do you guys argue in Tagalog and switch to English for a bit a lot? It's kind of making my brain explode. It's like stuff I can read and then BAM FACEROLL ON A KEYBOARD

>> No.6333222


>black person teaching in a school for special needs

oh god stop making the kids worse.

>> No.6333255
File: 499 KB, 500x260, 1349819266084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Taglish.

>> No.6333324

lol, first thing i thought of was Nick Cage in Kick-Ass.

>> No.6333392

Isn't there a maid cafe in Cali that hasn't died yet? Royal Tea or some shit? How is that going? I always wanted to go there but it seemed...I don't know something about that cafe seems empty.

>> No.6333786
File: 60 KB, 320x310, weiner lion_edited-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Royal Tea closed

>> No.6333874

I don't know how efficient maid cafe hiring could even work in America. Imagine having to tell 95% of the nerds who apply that they don't look good enough to work there. Then they will have a big grudge, and spread it around to the whole potential customer base.

>> No.6333878

That looks more like a flower than a lion.

>> No.6333880

and then the rest of the customer base will go "good, i didn't want your whale ass serving me" and go to it because that's what they want: some goddamn maids. if they just wanted food they'd go to a regular restaurant.

>> No.6333888

I want food and entertainment but I don't want servicepeople talking to me in a language I don't speak or bothering me with unnecessary annoying shit. You're just there to serve food and look pretty, you're not required to talk to me except to take orders and give greetings. Entertainers are kept separate for a reason.

>> No.6333929

You could hire them as models/waitresses. That makes the requirement of being attractive out in the open.

>> No.6333966

Pretty much what >>6333929 said.
That's how Hollister gets away with appearance discrimination like that. They just call their front floor employees "models".

>> No.6338983


>> No.6339017

I just honestly don't think maid cafe's (Of the hardcore weeb pandering variety) have much of a chance for success. Period. Ugly girls, pretty girls, whatever.

Royal Tea from what I saw wasn't extremely weeaboo surprisingly. The maid uniforms were cute, but not overly frilly/cheap looking. And the setting was really nice, modern, with stylish art pieces for decoration, etc. And they still ended up closing.

Detroit does seem like an off place to begin with though, I'll admit that much.

>> No.6339022

Aww, girl with glasses is sooo cute.
The guys... well... They need styling. Haircutes, hair styling, a good shave, some makeup wouldn't hurt either... oh, and ironed clothes that actually fit right.

>> No.6339069

The girl with purple and white hair is really sweet in person. This isn't a very good pic of the group.

>> No.6339105

Oh man... I know this is bad, but some of them look like they are like actual maids circa 1960s American South.

>> No.6339115

>there will never be a slave cafe

>> No.6339181

Sebastian cosplays from Chinese sellers on ebay, no doubt. Minus the ties for some reason (wtf?)

>> No.6339183

Arggghhh! Are they actually bent or is it a photoshop mistake? I can't tell

>> No.6339703

Cheapy fake glasses by the look of them so I'm guessing bent.

>> No.6339734
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Maid cafe doing it right

>> No.6339737 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6339742

are you kidding? the only one there above a 5 is the second girl from the left.
at least they're not landwhales, but that's where the quality ends.

>> No.6339744

Whoa bro your standards are pretty high

>> No.6339745

And I can say that they're all barely above 1/10.

The only one who's below a 6 is the man on the left.

>> No.6339750
File: 40 KB, 400x265, detroit-ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It failed because it was in Detroit. Detroit would be better for a Ted Nugent or Eminem themed restaurant.

>> No.6339763

>below a 6

How do you count?

>> No.6339796

I think they all look cute, especially compared to other western maid cafes. But beside that, quality is not just looks, it's impossible to expect them to look like super models. They have matched outfits something I rarely see in western maid cafes and it looks like they really put some effort in it. Good for them.

>> No.6339798

The first sentence is an exaggeration to point out the poster's opinion is not a factual statement.

The second sentence is my actual opinion.

>> No.6339850
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1347576129006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a white, english male so i'm probably not the best expert on maid cafes

But heres a few ideas:
-Make sure its in a mall or on the mall square
-Make sure its near to childrens clothiers or toystores
-Main demographic should be girls aged 3-16
-Avoid japanese expressions, I know its a japanese idea but its the same as listening to a 50 year old white guy use african proverbs
-This is gonna be pretty damn racist, but the girls have got to be white. the idea of a black maid cafe makes me think of A. black people trying to act white B. Slaves

I think the main goal for a western maid cafe is "make little girls tea parties come true"

>> No.6339882
File: 70 KB, 425x340, asian-girls-so-this-is-your-fetish-huh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because those girls don't fit into your otaku view of the perfect waifu (i.e. asian), that doesn't mean they aren't pretty. Since according to normal standards (i.e. no otaku focused on japanese maid waifus) they look pretty dayum good.

And if you don't have a penis, well, your jelly is showing. You will never be a cute petite little maid like those girls. Now go cry in a corner.

>> No.6341709

Royal/T closed recently, but they were around for four years or so. I went to a lot of events there. The food was good, and they had some cocktails. Their biggest draw was the art gallery/event space, probably more so than the maids. It had a nice classy modern look, with cute/quirky accents.

>> No.6343594
File: 113 KB, 1024x681, white liberals' schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343610

I used to go there all the time. I genuinely enjoyed the place, although I wish they served more actual food and not just pastries.

To everyone saying that Detroit was a bad spot to set up shop, keep in mind that they had it two or three blocks from Wayne State University. The area around Wayne is nice and isn't ghetto or anything.

>> No.6343607

Top left - Ugly tranny
Middle left - Derp face
Middle right - Ugly tranny
Top right - Derp face, FOREHEAD

>> No.6343634

Honestly, a black maid cafe is making me think of Geoffry from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air for some reason.

>> No.6343640

It definitely wasn't in a bad area, but I think a lot of people are afraid of Detroit. Look at Youmacon, I've heard so many people worried about it being Detroit even though it's the safest place in the city.

>> No.6343644

But those people are stupid in general

>> No.6343643

I'd probably do the middle left one.

>> No.6343658

open a bel air themed maid cafe
itll be awesome
i went to a fawlty towers restaurant night once during the edinburgh fringe
it was beautiful

>> No.6343672


The safest place in a wood chipper is still in a fucking wood chipper.

>> No.6343675

there seems to be a good maid cafe in the UK at the moment. they've got some halloween event on the MCM expo sunday. thinking of going, anyone else?

>> No.6343685

Good thing Detroit's not a woodchipper and you're just a paranoid suburbanite

>> No.6343698


I'm from downtown Hamilton, I used to walk home from work at 11 pm every night north of Barton where the crackwhores hang out ever since they refurbished most of the east end.

I still won't walk around Detroit.

>> No.6343701

Bitch, I walked all the way back to Wayne State from Dearborn in the ghetto, by myself and the worst I got was a sunburn. And when I say "ghetto", I mean "the kinda ghetto you need a fucking machete in order to walk on the sidewalk"

>> No.6343705

>A. black people trying to act white

This shit bugs me. The second I do something not involving rap or slang it's "U SURE ACK WHITE GURL." Why can't I just be "acting" like me?

Sage because no one cares.

>> No.6343706


Good for you. I'm not gonna.

>> No.6343710

I think part of the reason this place closed down was because the owner didn't really know much about business. That, and a lot of people in the area didn't really know where it was until they started advertising - but by then, they changed their hours around to be really screwy.

>> No.6343817

And also because nobody in America gives a fuck about waitress fetish cafes staffed by fat black women.

>> No.6343993
File: 13 KB, 360x270, 599594_480298558663651_1774268539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about other western cafes, like At Your Service, Animaid, Cafe Mochi, Apple Kisa, etc....?

>> No.6344012

Sorry but unless you rewrite history, maids and lolita it will always look weird on blacks

>> No.6344031

I remember those maids!
There was a pretty long line at the maid cafe and one of the maids was talking to some people to entertain them a little and kill some time.
They were all very nice.

>> No.6344078

Theres actually a maid cafe in San Francisco! They have pretty good honey toast and desserts, but they'll only do maid service i.e. 'power ups' for food if you ask I think.

>> No.6344083

Are you talking about Royal/T? The closed earlier in the year.

>> No.6344089

Nope. Its called Akiba. Wasn't Royal/T in LA?

>> No.6344109

I won't get "Maids". I'll get Ladies to wear butler clothing to serve. It seems much more attractive.

>> No.6344119

There are cafes in Japan that are like that. I want to go to one so g'damn bad.

>> No.6344150

Animaid is just getting pathetic at this point. I'm friends with a few former maids and when they were booted out they indulged a lot of secrets about the cafe. Like their school based events are stolen from Blue Rose Academy, activity by activity, they just alter them slightly to fit being more "cute". They had a few of their kids go and sit in the events.
They treat their con staff like shit.
Am2 heads openly talked shit about the two leaders Casey (venus) and Kchan in front of other con heads to make sure they don't hire animaid

>> No.6345366

Yes, Royal/T was in Culver City/LA area.

>> No.6346480
File: 3 KB, 119x122, img_1502873_21326847_25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious about their Hawaii branch. I've heard some good things about it and that there's also actual Japanese people in it (though that doesn't matter exactly).

Again, so far I respect the butler cafe, Cafe V. They are the only cafe that I feel knows what they're doing without having to put out like all the maid cafes.

>> No.6347218

The hawaiian branch is pretty bad too. I had a friend go. The hawaiian group can't do anything with out Casey there, so every time they have an event Casey is there. It's a bunch of girls who did skype auditions for the cafe, they have a video up, and the entire time I was waiting for some one to fall in the water behind the wall they were dancing on

>> No.6349227
File: 162 KB, 707x709, 1321933742461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, disappointing to hear. Guess I'll just stick to Cafe V.

>> No.6349320
File: 62 KB, 800x533, 47510_477514932271865_1344633884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a different opinion from your friend, they're actually pretty decent. Much better then the other maid cafe in Hawaii.

Food was pretty good (I had the omurice, suger cookie with a chocolate pikachu draw on it, with one of the teas they provided) and it was fun to interact with the maid I had. They're very nice.

It was funny to watch them play Jenga and quite a bit of them are asian.

>> No.6349327

A Western themed "maid" cafe needs to go all out to make money.

How about "Cafe Antebellum"? We could have a big Aunt Jemima looking chef, while the all the maids are of a darker skin tone and run around calling everyone "Massa"?