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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6321467 No.6321467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You've been presented with this to use in your next cosplay.

What do?

>> No.6321471

find a way to make that go with my new lolly outfit.

>> No.6321474

Gonna learn how to make some boot covers.
Problem solved. And I even get to learn something new from it.

>> No.6321480

try to pass off as stylish monkey boy?

>> No.6321482

First time I've seen this. What is it and where can I get a pair?

>> No.6321486

>replace laces with shiny ribbon
>tie into a bow


>> No.6321490


>> No.6321546

I love the idea! How does cycling tights under the skirt sounds?

>> No.6321549

What about rock climb themed lolita?

>> No.6321551

cosplay as Emi Ibarazaki.

>> No.6321553

Now I have an excuse to use the heavy gloves I got last christmas.

>> No.6321560

I don't get the reference.

>> No.6321563

She's from that visual novel that started as a project on 4chan (surprisingly good imo). She's a double amputee so she doesn't have feet to wear the shoes in the first place.

>> No.6321564

i laughed

>> No.6321570

Not pissed but curious to why you suggeted her. Just saw the wiki for her.


>> No.6321583

I was implying the shoes were funny looking, so a suggested a character that wouldn't have to wear them.

>> No.6321584

but op said to be used in next cosplay.

>> No.6321585


>> No.6321587

thinking barefooted monster.

>> No.6321586

that's what makes it so funny!

>> No.6321591

I'm sorry. It is probably funny. But I can't get into the spirit cause my little bro lost his left foot in a skiing accident.

>> No.6321602

But thanks for introducing me to that visual novel. going to find links to it.

>> No.6321605

Yeah sorry about that. You can download it for free on the website, it's really quite good despite its origins.

>> No.6321607

link please?

>> No.6321610


>> No.6321625


>> No.6321699

Go as SpandexMan

>> No.6321706

Come now, spaghet~ You know damn well that katawa shoujo was awful.

>> No.6321717

my SO has those shoes and men universally adore them.

IDGI they look horrific to me

>> No.6321745

Make some sort of covers for the toes out of plaster that look like big ass ape toes. Cover rest of shoes in brown fur. Proceed to build bossy DK cosplay.

I like this thread. /cgl/ should have more entertaining cosplay threads like this.

>> No.6321755

I liked it. The only path I really didn't like was Shizune's

>> No.6321780

If I can get a pair in red, I'd go as the Red Troll Fae from the books of The Dresden Files

>> No.6321783

Forgot to add that I want to keep the toes. The does interest me much!

>> No.6321805

You and almost everyone else. I liked Rin's the most. Also Lily's.

>> No.6321826

Holy fuck I loved Lily's. Sage because not on topic

>> No.6321837

I have a pair. I just find that it reminds me to clip my toenails every once in a while. See if you can get it in full black then go as an outdated ninja.

>> No.6321855

It be easier now to attache blades/claws. Skaven?

>> No.6322222

>Make fancy shoe covers with nude colored fabric
>Glue on fake toenails
>Add a mass of brown shag carpeting
Be a hobbit

>> No.6322277
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>> No.6322288
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>mfw ruining Vibrams for cosplay.

>> No.6324607

It was an inane joke.

>> No.6324614

There is only so much you can do with this. If you are just going to cover them, get regular shoes.

>> No.6324825

Cry. Separating my toes is my phobia.

>> No.6324832

You have webbed toes? Awesome! I have a cousin with a webbed pinky.

>> No.6324871

No, although that would be kinda neat. Just toe socks and those things when you get a pedicure make me panic for no reason. I guess that's what a phobia is.

>> No.6324968
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I have the silver ones.
They're comfortable as fuck, as long as you don't get them wet. Running in snow with these is a godawful idea.

>> No.6324974

you can paint them pure black and be some half-naked creature from a game or something
like that miniboss from dark souls witthe the huge meat cleavers and no shirt

>> No.6324975

are they not waterproof or something?

>> No.6324983

They're magic shoes, I swear, regardless of how dumb they look. I have a pair for running and they are just god-tier.

Sage for off-topic

>> No.6324993

The fabric on the Vibrams at least is really thin, our feet got pretty damp just running through a park in the morning, so, yeah... No real protection against water, running through snow sounds like it'd be hell.

>> No.6325015

Not sure about Vibrams, but with the Adidas ones, the fabric takes FOREVER to dry and it's really thin (you can feel the breeze through it) - so if you step in snow, a puddle, or wet grass, expect your feet to be wet until you take them off.
Also: It amplifies the "bad foot smell" to the point you have to vacant that half of the house, unless you wear toe socks with it - then the problem vanishes completely.

>> No.6325186

>bad smell
you can wash them in the washer brah

also toe socks prices are extortion, like $10+ a pair

>> No.6327221

They smelled that way after a single day's use.
I've never had a problem with smell with any other shoes before. And since it takes so long to dry, I'd spend more time washing them than wearing them.
Which is a bit ridiculous for shoes.

>> No.6327331

Buy plain/solid color pair and use with a super hero cosplay. Seriously, these are uglier than sin, but they'd work pretty fucking well to blend into a suit.

>> No.6327342

I'll just cosplay a character with a dress or gown that covers my feet.

>> No.6327352
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>> No.6327355

a better image of her for that text would be the face she makes in the "lemon" scene.

>> No.6327571

I have a pair with the airtech vents. I use it even without socks. Sweat, wash and dry 2-5hours then it's good to go. I use them also when i go camping.

>> No.6327588
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>> No.6327598


>> No.6327620

I have those exact Fivefingers, style and colour, come at me bros.

>> No.6327719

no this one: O_O

>> No.6327790

mirrors edge freerunner

>> No.6327856

it's not a rape face, because women can't rape men, you dumb feminist bitch

>> No.6327870

>implying she's feminist
>implying your statement isn't disgustingly misandristic

>> No.6327873

>implying it wasn't an obvious troll

>> No.6328798

misandry isn't a word

>> No.6329926



>> No.6333673

The character wears Tabi, doesn't she

>> No.6333676
File: 20 KB, 418x235, tabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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