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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 301x301, knap-progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6319499 No.6319499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread has been pushed to the limit. >>6251420

New progress thread. Post progress in this thread, yo.

>> No.6319926

Bumping because it needs to be!

Gonna start sewing some more tonight on Rotom when I get home. So whatever I get done of that I'll post.

>> No.6320761


No pics taken but finished my friends Fierce Deity Link armor which was made out of foam. Good learning experience before I move on to my other friends Wild Tiger commission....

>> No.6322342


>> No.6322567
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-10-17 at 22.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a new painting technique. But I can't apparently paint swirls, so this came out way more retarded.

Oh well. I'm covering it with flowers, so hopefully that'll compensate for something.

>> No.6323273
File: 305 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_0166 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final fitting for Princess of the Crystal bodice. I'm high on life.

>> No.6323557

That looks really nice! Maybe consider adding some boning to support the entire thing and keep it from bunching/sagging at the waist.

>> No.6324898
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20121018_021112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a majority of Kirito's shirt done last night. Had to stop for soccer, then seamrip two sleeve halves because I put them on upside-down...

I think I have a problem. I was just going to single-stitch every seam, because pfft, it's barely going to be seen under the coat, but after reattaching the sleeves, I had the compulsive urge to serge and topstitch everything. And so I did. And I am content.

what the hell.

>> No.6325665
File: 567 KB, 1632x1224, satori shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished all the hearts and the third eye. All that's left is attaching the cords to everything, which I'm still sort of figuring out. So far I was thinking of using brass wire and stuffing for body, but stuffing such a small tube is hard...

I also finished the wig a few days ago. All that's left is buying some slippers and new makeup and I'll be ready for Akicon!

>> No.6325696
File: 85 KB, 717x960, Dickplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint test for barbarian "belt buckle". Still trying to find best way to make the armor. Liking the fiberglass casting technique I've been using, but might start layering the strips directly onto the plasticine mold instead of fucking about with the rubber negative mold + fiberglass positive I used for this. Added a bajillion coats of gesso, which I've never worked with before. The acrylic went on perfectly but is now drying and showing white still, so I will add several more layers before testing out anything else. It's not Kamui-tier yet but getting closer!

>> No.6325764

For a bodice, I would have gone for something and either lined it/put support in, or just gone with 4 way stretch to really get it to fit properly. It is definitely too loose as it is now, I don't know the character so I could be wrong about that. The design is really cute!

>> No.6325783

Boning it is! Good thing I didn't trim the seams yet.
Four way stretch wasn't available to me, and I made a lined version, but that looked terrible. It's actually a fairly snug fit, which is bizarre since I gained weight, and still needed to take it in.
Thank you guys for the advice!

>> No.6325815
File: 73 KB, 478x710, wing1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie Dash~!

Made the wing last night on a whim. Now I need to figure out the rest of the outfit.

>> No.6325821

why did you not trim your flats AHHHHHHHH

>> No.6325838
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-10-17 at 20.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digitigrade legs for my faun druid.. holy balls. Still have to shape all the foam, add a few more pieces near the ankle, and fix the hooves. I only have one layer of clay on there right now. Im scared to start sewing these..

>> No.6325848

It's a zombie wing, I figured it didn't have to be pretty. Plus I was using random things I already had, which limited me. If I wanted pretty I would have went shopping for better supplies, because the feather I had on hand certainly wouldn't have been my first choice for a proper wing.

That said, this is also the first wing I have ever made. I'm kind of proud of it for that. Just faked it as I went.

>> No.6325849

That looks awesome~

>> No.6325854

Ahhhh that's cool!

>> No.6326034
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, 121019-011842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilith top progress with the jacket. Jacket still hasn't had the fluffy collar sewn on (ALL HAND SEWING COMES LAST, ALWAYS).

Top needs a zipper, adding a few bits near the top of the arms, distressing and sharpie errywhere, but otherwise it's fitted at least.

I wish I had another week, eurgh. I only have two full more days to do this and a few half days, boo.

>> No.6326042

thanks! It was a pain in the ass so far! lol

>> No.6326137

/fit/ here
you look easy, id flirt with you, take you into the public bathroom. bend you over the sink for a quickie then send you back to the con. you interested ?

>> No.6326188

>"p-please respond"

>> No.6326395

Looks pretty goddamn good so far. Always nice to see someone cosplay Borderlands-stuff. I'm dying to see a Gaige-cosplayer, though.

>> No.6326414

Have some consideration for others. I'm fed up of every public bathroom being shut down because some grotty fuckers have been banging away in there. What if I really need a shit and I go in and you window-lickers are going at it full throttle?

Take it to the dumpsters.

>> No.6326425

You just answered your own question about where to shit

>> No.6326463

just use the bathroom while they fuck it's NBD

>> No.6326504

Thanks! Yeah, the irony is I've been too busy to play much Borderlands as I've been making this dumb costume. I think I'm about half way currently, meh. I'll get around to buying Gaige after next week, pretty sure I got enough points saved.

Outside of Moxxi's (who is probably one of my not so favourite characters tbh) a lot of the other characters don't get cosplayed so much. I'm really looking forward to the anon who said they were going to cosplay Ellie. I would love to see that in person so much. Also Captain Scarlett, hnngg.

>> No.6326608

Oh is she in Borderlands 2 as well? I haven't looked into it much but I did enjoy the first game.

Costume looks great so far. What material is that for her tank top thing?

>> No.6327185
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20121019_002600 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp derp too much effort spent on this oh well.
Need to undo the topstitching on the collar, cause, yeah, sits weird and ruined the stretch

>> No.6327194

every playable character from 1 is in 2 as NPCs

>> No.6329052
File: 183 KB, 376x1134, PA160044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll post this again since the old thread had stopped bumping when I posted it.

>Does it still count as progress if all I've done so far is order stuff online and hem the pants?

>> No.6329058

You better be handsome when you take the hair away... else this cosplay is ruined.

>> No.6329094
File: 63 KB, 654x406, P4150336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as far as I'm aware, the upper part of my face is better than the lower, so I guess so?

You be the judge, how 'bout.
(white wig unrelated, took the picture for something else a while back and didn't want to do another)

>> No.6329110

Is that circle lenses...? But you can pass i guess... let other people judge.

>> No.6329118

Holy crap this looks so great so far! What's your shirt made out of?

Love seeing Borderlands cosplay, Lilith is my favorite and I have her planned for SDCC next year. Tiny Tina for Katsucon and then Gaige for SDCC as well! Borderlands has such good designs <3

>> No.6329365 [DELETED] 

Nah, those're just my eyes.

>> No.6329372

Nah, those're my natural eyes. I don't even own any circle lenses.

>> No.6330073
File: 179 KB, 977x314, 2012-10-19_23-00-35_828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much. Working on the details for Fran's Traitor bow. Still seeing where the pieces should lay so nothing is glued down...

>> No.6330181
File: 211 KB, 1024x768, 121020-043355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah what anon said, Lawl. Also to answer the top query, it's made out of a burgundy colour leatherette (since I didn't like the tshirt fabric other people seemed to use). Specifically it's this but I'm not sure you'll want to spend money on leatherette from the UK:


I haven't put boning in it yet. Debating, seems kind of pointless since the design shows it screwed up at the bottom, but oh well (it forms to me better than the dress form but yeah.. not posting pictures of me wearing it again). Otherwise, aside from the zipper which I need to go get tomorrow, done. Now just one millionty things to go. :'(

>> No.6330209
File: 70 KB, 531x960, kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started/finished a Kiki's Delivery service costume for Halloween. Hair is inaccurate, but idfc.. if this ever gets worn to a con (and i doubt it will) i'll use a wig.

>> No.6330250


>> No.6330488
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 644027_10152189093935646_605990778_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend managed to finish the Fierce Deity Link armor in time for tomorrow.

I patterned, cut and glued all the floor mat foam pieces together while he painted it.

>> No.6330564
File: 249 KB, 1280x960, 1019122143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon progress. The bows are literally safety pinned on so please ignore how droopy the front one looks.

My waist "v" looks more like a "u". =/

>> No.6330595
File: 50 KB, 574x960, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's 95% covered with Celluclay. Why is sanding such a bitch? I mean I don't have much sanding experience but the more I sand some spots the more shallow crevices I make. Kind of annoying and I am getting close to just painting it anyway because I don't think any of those impurities will show very well in more pictures,

>> No.6331143

>the more I sand some spots the more shallow crevices I make.
Use finer sandpaper. You can never go too fine if you're finishing a surface.

>> No.6331147

Are you Sailor Moon Man?!?

>> No.6331152

What grit are you using? Do what this guy said, and go mad fuckin' extreme with it if you have to.

I do a finish run with 2500 grit; you can hardly tell the stuff is even sandpaper but it makes the surface silky smooth. Also make sure you stop and clear the surface of dust frequently, especially when using really high-grit paper.

>> No.6331533

Finer sandpaper huh? Yeah I was using 120 grit, hehe. I'll go get some finer shit. Thank you very much for the tips guys! I'll go buy some way fine stuff now.

>> No.6331540

Oh yeah, 120's definitely too much for a finish sanding, especially with soft materials. You're gonna want at LEAST 400, if not more.

>> No.6331612

Should have said, but if you can't find really fine sandpaper, try automotive departments/part stores. They've got the best selection.

>> No.6332025

If you want a really fine finish buy some steel wool. Get two types: one rough, one fine.

>> No.6332565
File: 528 KB, 988x697, lilithprogress5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done all the various pointless little arm bracelet thingies. Some need weather but that'll come last with handsewin'.

>> No.6332655
File: 42 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20121020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran out of time making the helmet. I'm just going to cop out and buy one from a halloween store for now.
I'm super excited about the rest of it though! Will anyone else be at the madoka premiere?

>> No.6333794
File: 104 KB, 300x500, hotpants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jojo. I haven't put the lining in yet, and I'm kinda too lazy to do it tonight, but here's some Hot Pants progress. So much left to do!


>> No.6333804
File: 422 KB, 1280x960, boku no handkerchief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, motherfucker. That collar looks great!

...Here, /cgl/, have some also jojo accessory work from me. I haven't done embroidery work in like 10 years, the writing on the original (both manga and the anime) is terrible, but somehow I felt like making Jonathan's handkerchief. I'm half done with the embroidery!

I think it's... okayish... considering I had no idea wtf I was doing, I didn't know how to properly into marking my design, and I think I was making up stitches there on the J.

the rest of my progress for this one is an unstyled wig, a purchased shirt and sweatervest, piles of tweed, some socks that I think I'm going to replace before I paint, and a lot of crying.

>> No.6333889
File: 250 KB, 417x768, lilithprogress6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made the dumb cut up yello jumper thing. Stupid thing took so long to sharpie as it kept absorbing it, boo.

Now to worry about the trousers and boots..

>> No.6333893
File: 105 KB, 960x717, stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made stocks/manacles/whatever for Kimblee from FMA. They velcro together so I can pop them open with a good solid shake, which is what I need them to do for the walk-on contest at Aki-con. They're probably not completely accurate, but fuck that noise I'm already going to be walking around splattered in the blood of my commanding officers and snacking on strawberry rock candy.

>> No.6333895

aaaaa kimblee. where are you wearing it too? I'm putting greedling together

>> No.6333908


Aki-con this coming weekend, maybe other cons depending on how much wacky fun I have. I can't wait to see your Greedling! I just recently watched the entirety of Brotherhood and I was reminded of how much I actually fucking love FMA. I basically want to make every goddamn thing from it right now. Up next after finishing Olivier is probably Ling's yellow jacket outfit because what is a life, man. What even is a life.

>> No.6334020
File: 858 KB, 834x1176, IMG_2749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished doing the cutouts for my LPC blade

>> No.6334023

Lollipop Chainsaw is terrible game. Why are you doing this?

>> No.6334033
File: 225 KB, 680x473, stopliking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz I enjoyed the fuck out of it--plus the HSOTD alt outfit works great for Halloween/the local zombie walk

>> No.6334103

Looks good! How did you cut out the design?

>> No.6334200

For attention/whoring of course. Do you really need to ask?

>> No.6334442

Sort of unrelated: what's your waist measurement? You look soo good. ;_;

Are you going to do anything else other than sharpie details to the top?

>> No.6334468

25/26. It's 25" now because I've been sick and not eaten much in over a week. It doesn't get lower than that though, I have a long torso and a long rib cage. But thanks! I guess it's just fitted well.

I'm a weird inverted triangle shape which is actually the opposite to Lilith since she's more of a pear with long legs. So I'm going to wear boots with heels, hope the belts make my hips look bigger and wish for the best..

As for the top (and all the garments) I should be doing more weathering. Possibly going to test out using sandpaper, possibly using acrylic paints for highlights.

>> No.6334478

I was reading a tutorial about that and they mentioned acetone... not sure that would work with leatherette though.

Have you considered padding your hips a bit? People do it all the time with boobs, no reason not to with hips. After having used sandpaper you could perhaps try drybrushing. If you have some leftover you could try there and see how it goes. I'm just musing though, never tried myself.

>> No.6334538

Yeah, I'll try it out if the trousers/belts don't help the illusion. My hips aren't weirdly small (34") or anything so should be ok.

Yeah I have a few things to try out on some scrap leatherette, I'm not sure which is going to work out best. I'll probably pansy out and do the most minimal amount of weathering tbh since I don't have time to ruin and remake anything, Lol. I have a nailvarnish remover with acetone so I can see if it does anything neat.. the yellow cut up top will be tea stained, I think, at the very least.

>> No.6335594
File: 509 KB, 1024x768, lilithprogress7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the front page is mostly full of bullshit right now..

Working on chaps. Getting there slowly. And yeah.. they're too dark brown for my liking. Gonna work on changing that.

>> No.6337401 [DELETED] 

Most people I've seen do Satori use surgical tubing, presumably with nothing inside.

>> No.6337512
File: 394 KB, 960x640, hotpantsprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real, I hate handsewing fur. It just gets EVERYWHERE.

Lining is in, still handsewing the trim. Only thing left is to finish the trim and bind the armholes and this part of the costume is done.

>> No.6337698

Dude those look..black. Which is really inaccurate for Lilith. I like everything else you've done but this doesn't look that good...

>> No.6337728
File: 1.16 MB, 933x933, Draculaura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's okay if I post this pic as I did want to post progress shots along the way to get feedback and fix it but I just didn't have time and just finished it the night before the con. I reallly love these lenses and I'm so happy they turned out bright! My big concern with this cosplay was the wig and necklace. I had to weft the pink into this wig, and it was my first time doing so, so I hope I did an okay job with it. The necklace I put all those gems on one at a time since I couldn't figure out any other way to do it. If you guys could tell me what I could fix up about it I would totally appreciate it!

Also I just want to say I think everyones progress is coming along great and for you all to keep up the good work! I can't wait to see them all finished.

>> No.6337763
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, 121022-031644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, read the part where I said "And yeah.. they're too dark brown for my liking. Gonna work on changing that.", I know. Still, changing the colour will come last when I do all the painting/weathering/remaining sharpie-ing tomorrow. At least the in-seam is darker so it's useful for that, sigh. I hate ebay sellers who can't photograph the colour of their shit correctly.

The base is sewn and done now though. Sewed loops to attach to belt. Cut in holes.

I have to handsew my fur collar soon. I am putting it off hardcore. Looking good btw, nice and clean.

>> No.6337822
File: 75 KB, 500x580, tumblr_mau9ffcbWK1qk16kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much progress but a wee cry for help

I need to make Garth's helmet. Well, not the actual helmet but the bits and pieces on top. Apart from one of them being an old skool video recorder that I could gut I don't really know what the other pieces are or represent. I was thinking of just trying to see as many angles of it as possible and perhaps reconstruct them from junk parts that look similar or card and foam and make them look exact

>> No.6337829

Gosh I love these types of threads. Seeing all of your progress really makes me wanna step out my comfort zone and do something awesome.

>> No.6337840

You want a critique thread really but..

Pink looks too light going by ref images, get a darker pink sharpie and sharpie dye those sections. There appears to be no long pink extensions in the wig? Also you need to cut your bangs shorter, I can't see your eyebrows like I can on the characters. You might want to tuck/pin those longer bits in the bangs behind your ears?

The necklace looks a little large but that's due to the fact the character has a weirdly thin neck, rofl. Oh watch out putting things on in the mirror, as you probably figured out you put the heart on the wrong side of your face (or you mirrored the image for some reason?).

>> No.6337978

Thank you so much I'll be sure to fix what I can! Yeah I did weft in pink into the back but it seems to not have shown. Oh man I didn't even think about it. I had printed a bunch of photos out and didn't even think when I held them up they would be mirrored. Thanks again!

Yeah sorry for posting in a progress thread, I was really happy how this cosplay turned out and did want to show some of it off.

>> No.6338129
File: 88 KB, 479x593, SteampunkAOcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a suitable steampunk costume
>Better goggles
>More brass, gears, and leather

>> No.6339525

>more gears

no. Don't just slap gears on it and call it steampunk. Be logical! How would the gear/gauge function?

This dude has a badass DA account that I link everytime I see someone try steampunk.


>> No.6340571
File: 101 KB, 720x960, Tediore Salvador shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this an hour before a party and tossed together a quick closet cosplay. Now that I see how it came out any comments on how to improve it because I want to cosplay Salvador at my next con.

>> No.6341125
File: 484 KB, 587x589, Screen Shot 2012-10-22 at 6.18.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolinstagram, but i finished ami today! finally. The skirt needs to be re-ironed, its been in my closet because i finished it ages ago. But besides that im all ready to go!

>> No.6341136
File: 447 KB, 586x588, Screen Shot 2012-10-22 at 6.21.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage because double post, but i also finished kidas wig which means im finally almost ready for youma.

>> No.6341169

looks 100% legit
well made

>> No.6341290

You make a great ami! Perfect body for her!

>> No.6341297

Ahh~! So you were able to fix her top then?
so jealous of your legs.

>> No.6341313
File: 1.10 MB, 2736x3648, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need puffy sleeves

>> No.6341350

No, that is not progress. Making stuff/stilying wigs is progress.

>> No.6342107

Anyone? Should I continue the sharpyish cell shading? I'm tempted on putting a cult of the vault symbol on my back too.

>> No.6343012
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, 2012-10-22 23.06.05 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top for Mitsuyoshi/Jubei (Blazblue) patterened, cut, sewn, and finished while watching the debate. derp. Also worked on the kunai for his belt, and adding the second eye to the mask

>> No.6347318

Oh my glob progress thread you are third from last about to fall off page 10, GET BACK HERE

>> No.6347347

Why is that skirt not on your waist? It looks really unflattering like that.

Ignore me if character's skirt is like that

>> No.6347366

>big breasts
>tiny waist
>not fat

>> No.6347405
File: 46 KB, 430x1000, 315754-capsnk2_sakura_02_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like she needs to shorten her top a few inches.

>> No.6347467

For the love of god, cosplay Kaito Kid!

>> No.6347479

You look good! I love that bow, it's so... nicely shaped. ;_; (I'm very critical when it comes to the bows on senshi uniforms)

>> No.6347501

I love you.

>> No.6347517

I don't know what kind of padding you're doing with your chest here but it looks REALLY fake. Part of the problem is that your boobs below what is obviously real look like a block and they hang far too low without sticking out enough.

>> No.6347705


I love you too, Anon.

>> No.6348066

Oh shoot! I meant to say thank you for the answer. I love the color and fabric choice, as I never liked the t-shirt fabric either. I would personally say skip the boning, but regardless this looks fantastic so far! Can't wait to see it done!

>> No.6348702
File: 73 KB, 267x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping up from the abyss.
My progress on Battle Bunny Riven from League of Legends. I'm probably going to wear different tights if I can find some w/out the control top lines. I mainly just have to finish the sword.
I'm really glad I decided to actually go through with this costume, the design is fucking adorable.

>> No.6348989
File: 228 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit splotchy but fukkit, needs more coats.

>> No.6349031

Walmart has cheap tights w/out the control top.

I hope the sword turns out good!!

>> No.6349054
File: 31 KB, 424x452, rompersdonotflatterme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta dye a part of the wig, buy some tights, get some better shoes (yellow sneakers in a size 12 that don't break the bank), sew straps on it, buy the yellow t-shirt, ears, and tail. Deciding whether or not to add a yellow belt? Yes? No? Yes?

>> No.6349063 [DELETED] 

I'm also unsure what do to about the tan marks on her arm and hand..

>> No.6349074

Even if you can't find yellow. Find some it a style you like and repaint them with either leather paint, or worse case fabric paint. You could also try floral spray, but that's better suited for boots then sneakers.

Also, try stores like Ross and DD's discount(basically discount chains) sometimes I find decent shoes for not a bad price.

Also, try a guys size 10 shoe. Women can wear guys sizes, you just have to convert the size two sizes down. So a Woman's 12 is a guys 10. A woman's 10 is a Men's 8, and so on. I tend to find sneaker and boot shopping for cosplay easier in the mens section since women's shoes in discount stores tend to be platform and stiletto heels.

>> No.6349075



>> No.6349083

Thank you so much! I forgot about mens shoes. I've been scowering every payless and nordstroms rack for a pair of sneakers that I more than likely wouldn't wear more than a few times. sorry about the deleted post, I moved down to the help thread.

I don't know what that is.

>> No.6349092

Yeah. When I was looking for regular boots for a cosplay(the kind the resemble mens work boots) I found a pair at goodwill.

Also, I know some people might think it's gross. But goodwill isn't a bad place to look for shoes for cospla. Especially since, at least the ones in my area, tend to get stuff that didn't sell in clearance(like from target) or stuff from places that went out of business. So some of the shoes aren't even worn, outside of the people trying them on like at stores. Also you can usually tell the really worn stuff, but there will be stuff that looks pretty new. I've gotten some really cute wedges that way and plenty of shoes I didn't mind modding for cosplay for under $10.

>> No.6349103

What is this?
I may wish to do this in the future if it suits my fancy.

>> No.6349104

I've also checked the local thrift stores, they all stop at a size 9 or 10. Anything higher it's pumps and pointed toe shoes. I'll check again and see about the leather paint (Which, I didn't know that existed. I learn something new every day here.)

>> No.6349106

Cake Gijinka.

>> No.6349108

It's a brand called Angelus leather paint. It's obviously made to be used on leather, but can also be used on pleather, and canvas since a lot of the people who mod converse sneakers like to use it.

You can order it online. If you're in Socal, there's actually a manufacture in LA county They're sadly only open until 4PM on the weekday.

>> No.6349830

>I tend to find sneaker and boot shopping for cosplay easier in the mens section since women's shoes in discount stores tend to be platform and stiletto heels.
Hm, I dunno about sneakers but you're never gonna find a tall boot in men's sizes. Had to go to woman's sizes for both of my pairs of boots.

Granted, I was crossplaying, so that does kinda make sense, but still.

>> No.6350683
File: 463 KB, 1280x992, photo (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much cosplay related but

got my bday pinata done! HELL YEAH \ o /

>> No.6350717

that'll be really fun to smack

>> No.6351220
File: 65 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mch5nfgDin1qapljno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the base for cammys leotard done. Im honestly not very happy with it, so i'll probably remake it this weekend if i've got time. Considering I ended up drafting the pattern by hand, im pretty happy with how it turned out. It's just not as good as I wanted it to be.

>> No.6351236

Alpha version right?
looking pretty good IMHO

>> No.6351256
File: 318 KB, 810x788, Hound Helmet Primed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the main part of my Hound helmet (Game of Thrones). Tomorrow I put the fangs in and then I should be able to cast it, FINALLY. I'm SO ready to be done with this piece.

>> No.6351277
File: 161 KB, 500x326, 1323400788960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351290
File: 298 KB, 475x800, IMG_7121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Kirigiri for Magfest! There's some adjustments I need to make on the jacket. The sleeves are too long and I might need to take them in a bit. Also my skirt still needs a zipper. The boots and blouse are fillins.

>> No.6351378
File: 52 KB, 576x768, 2012-10-25 17.04.27 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jubei headband, collar, and belt pendants progress... Also cut out the belt, and bought a sheet of 1/4" MDF for my SAO swords...

>> No.6351394
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 121025-023459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on cass cain. rigged up my cape today but it's not in this photo

>> No.6351407


>> No.6351413
File: 61 KB, 539x960, latulawip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latula wip. Sorry about the picture, I am stupid with cameras and self shots. I just finished sewing the bodysuit (its in two parts actually, black bodysuit underneath a second layer for the blue part) First time sewing any kind of detail with stretchy fabric. I am ok with how it turned out. I still have to style the wig, make the horns, make the gloves and spray paint my skateboard.

>> No.6351416

Where/How did you get/make your glasses?

>> No.6351421
File: 129 KB, 1632x976, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut my glasses out of plexi glass, and took apart some store bought reading glasses for the parts. Heres a closer shot of them.

>> No.6351426

...yes? O____O

>> No.6351433
File: 45 KB, 244x448, N Gasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like how you did the belt
you look amazing

>> No.6351483
File: 102 KB, 554x804, beat prog oct 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally getting shit done with Beat.

Still need to finish the leg bands, aquire a wig, gloves, and some small details to the shirt. I'm also trying to finish the roller blade covers
pardon the glasses, I haven't peeled off the frisket from the left lens yet

>> No.6351492
File: 118 KB, 468x341, aw yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omigosh JSRF!


>> No.6351491

Amazing. I love you for doing this

>> No.6351608

You really have lost loads of weight congrats! Everything looks great so far, nice clean work!

>> No.6351781

>wash clothing laundry and a piece of fabric for cosplay as well
>set aside the fabric when taking clothing out of the dryer
>leave it in the laundry room, come back an hour later and it's gone
>sigh and buy another cut of fabric
>have no dirty laundry, so ask my roommate to do it with his if he's doing it soon, he says he really needs to do his laundry so it should be fine
>this was over a week ago
>he said it'd be last weekend at the latest

dammit I just want to make some shorts, is that so hard

>> No.6351853
File: 584 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1350172854318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished tai's shirt, I'm not doing this till spring but can't wait to do this

wow looks so cute

>> No.6351898
File: 157 KB, 500x661, gettingmymountieon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got working on this today! I'm making a heavily RCMP inspired uniform for practice and stuff. So far i'm pleased with the fit and hope to get it all finished up tomorrow. The buttons are roughly pinned in place, and obviously the pockets are mock ups.

I apologize for the ridiculous shorts, i'll be making much longer, poofy ones that play off of the trousers Mountie's wear.

>> No.6351923
File: 165 KB, 746x541, IMGP00512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnd the worst picture ever of my Royal Milk Tea sleeves. I'm so happy with the shape I ended up getting, they look just the way I wanted. The collar is giving me a bit of trouble but i'm confident I can get it sorted out.

Please ignore the ruffles and muslin straps, those will be reworked and look much better, I was just playing around with em'

>> No.6352065

youre not brown

do not want

>> No.6352310
File: 263 KB, 692x1037, IMAG0093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sewing a skinsuit at 530am without reason but I'm still learning sewing so I'm pretty damn happy with myself so far.
now onto the bottom half of it..

>> No.6352447

I am jelly of your legs.

>> No.6352540

Canadian here. Why didn't I think to be a sexy Mountie for Halloween? goddamnit

>> No.6352544

nothing, just didn't know you posted here. hi.

>> No.6352557

probably because it's illegal to impersonate a police officer

but I don't think there'll be any problem

>> No.6352643

I don't think anyone would confuse the kind of sexy Mounties from Vancouver 2010's closing ceremonies for an actual cop you derp.

>> No.6352993

Seems like she's the only IMT girl left on cgl, haven't seen Hythe nor Courtoon on here in ages.

>> No.6354135
File: 1.78 MB, 1936x2592, 2012-10-26 14.55.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time heavily styling a wig/stubbing. Hoping to get it done for Halloween, still have to attach the long ponytails and buns over them. Anyone have advice for the ponytails? I got 2 long curly clips from Arda and took them off the clips, just not sure if I should wrap them around the stubs or just tighten the elastic and wrap them.

>> No.6354141

and sew, not wrap them. Derp.

>> No.6354174

how can I make my sleeves puffy?

>> No.6354659
File: 190 KB, 574x960, snaek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Naked Snake Harness and belt with all the extra's.

Makes me happy.

>> No.6354817

May I advise you pick up some actual D Rings and suspension clasps instead of using something you pulled off a gym bag? Just saying. Otherwise your stuff looks good.

Also, your mag pouches are wrong. I believe Snake's were canvas M1956 pouches, not British M58s.

Just sayin'.

>> No.6354838
File: 14 KB, 100x100, moe boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks really cute so far!!!!!
sage but i love you omfg

>> No.6354865

I want dem legs

>> No.6354894
File: 2.19 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look super amazing! Cant wait to see all of the outfit together :3

Just working on a Happy Berry backpack for my Miwako cosplay, im a little worried about time but hopefully I can get it done!

>> No.6355205

Ah thank you!

>> No.6355477

Make new sleeves. Puffy sleeves are constructed differently than straight sleeves like the ones you have. I would also use thinner ribbons on the collar and arm bands.

>> No.6355503

Are you stupid? Are you dense?

>> No.6355596
File: 296 KB, 410x854, mabelprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mabel Pines sweater applique for a friend. The knit of the sweater was a pain to topstitch on, so the applique isn't my best work ever, but I'm fine with how it turned out.

>> No.6355613

that came out better than my satin stitch/zig zag usually does! Kudos to you :)

>> No.6356070
File: 62 KB, 486x648, rSK6-6o8efx7XOVPyOVxvM2pvWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really don't look like much hung up but I am so, so glad these halloween costumes I had to make for my friends who are hosting a big halloween show are done.

Never again am I making a catsuit with out of combined 4-way and 2-way stretch. Never.

>> No.6356149
File: 191 KB, 363x750, tumblr_mck1usLpqD1qf6qkjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with Mabel.

>> No.6356168

Enver, you are boss

>> No.6356177

Don't have pics yet, but I'm reconstructing a Rin Kagamine Append cospaly that my friend made.

>> No.6356223
File: 69 KB, 720x960, spidey2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween costume just about done! I love Rosy Higgins' spiderman so much!

>> No.6356224
File: 105 KB, 960x960, spidey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the back

>> No.6356233


>> No.6356858
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 121027-151001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

con next week means i'm cramming to finish costumes again agh. haruko's almost done though! just got some minor stuff to work on

>> No.6356893

where did you get the plexi glass?

>> No.6356894
File: 107 KB, 900x800, fionnaprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fionna progress. I hate the shirt and am replacing it asap. Also button on the backpack is just a place holder, I think I'm gonna sew one, don't like the raw edges. New shirt, shoes, stripes on the socks, hat aaaand I'm almost done! I was also too lazy to change out of my heart tights, haha,

>> No.6356900

I remember you working on this in the chat. Fucking baller as heeeeeeeellllllllllllll

>> No.6358464
File: 347 KB, 2741x833, DSC_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with all this jewelry.

Top is circlet that I can't put on yet because I still need to style the wig. the two with the chains are slave bracelets, and the blue one is just a regular bracelet.

>> No.6358509


i went as naota once

no one knew who i was

>> No.6358626
File: 398 KB, 1280x1280, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely remade my cammy leotard all over again, and I like it so much more. I also added a neck. Almost done! Next up, bracers..

>> No.6358650

Gurl, clean yo room!

Nice cosplay, though. You have a very nice figure. I saw the other cosplay that had the red jacket. Very nicely done! I am impressed~

>> No.6358655

It's creepy as fuck that you blend into your walls.

>> No.6359351

Get rid of that costume hat and get a real one. Nothing screams noob steampunk like a costume hat with crappy goggles covered in gears.

>> No.6359405


>> No.6359414

How thin does it get on the back? Are you actually pulling it off completely authentically?

>> No.6359439

...somehow I get the vibe that you don't understand how a progress thread works.

>> No.6359958


>Basing your opinion off a body pic specifically taken to show clothing because she is attractive


>> No.6359961


Love love love

>> No.6359965


Fuckin awesome belt, how'd you do it?

>> No.6359973


Holy soda cans Batman, this is awesome!

>> No.6359986

AHHHH PARADISE KISS! Looking forward to seeing progress on this.

>> No.6360036

This looks great! Post a picture when its complete!

>> No.6360112

two layers of thick craft foam glued together and covered in marine vinyl...ahaha

>> No.6360339
File: 58 KB, 382x500, gwen stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up my Gwen Stacy wig finally~!

>> No.6360393 [DELETED] 

Working on princess bubblegum. The dress is coming together. I still want to take it in a bit more around the waist but I'm happy with how its finally coming together.

>> No.6360400
File: 378 KB, 548x900, IMG_7127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on princess bubblegum. The dress is coming together. I still want to take it in a bit more around the waist but I'm happy with how its finally coming together.

>> No.6360412


>> No.6360417


>> No.6360452

Back off she's obviously mine (see >>6356223 )

>> No.6360599

Gwen cosplayer here--all my yes to your cosplay *swoons*

>> No.6360656

Yes. How did you know?

Aww thank you! Iron on interfacing is a godsend. Unfortunately, my back bow looks like cardboard because the interfacing I used for that was way too stiff, but eh, I don't have time to fix it.

>> No.6361023
File: 116 KB, 640x726, beat prog oct 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for minimal progress, but I got a wig and found a way to attach those white thingies to my shoulders

>> No.6361993

No photos yet, but I added the ponytails to the wig for my Halloween costume and made up some patches I'm selling.

>> No.6361999

I'll be keeping an eye out for your photo at AUSA girrrl.

>> No.6362026

I haven't seen any other of your progress but holy crap this looks so cool!

>> No.6362103


>> No.6362641
File: 257 KB, 1600x1200, katana24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a long time since I was around. Ended up moving 200+ miles from where I lived, new everything, so it's been chaos. New apartment sucks - no workshop anymore, so I can't do my normal big props. This is the final image of the Tsubaki Beam Katana from No More Heroes that is about to travel to Nekocon with me for client delivery.

>> No.6362644
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, katana25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit up as well. Client is very pleased. Sturdy enough to be, er, 'charged' like it is in the game.

>> No.6362657

You kinda look like PT

>> No.6362824

Are you meanlilkitty?
>please say yes

>> No.6362913

fucking pro
legit as fuck. Did you use an fx lightsaber to make the blade, or did you make it from scratch?
Looks like an LED string under diffused polycarbonate

>> No.6364670

It is an FX lightsaber - I am only just barely learning electronics so this was my first step into that area. I learned a lot from the electronics in this piece - it has a battery pack that is not the original, and needed quite a bit of rewiring so that wires could reach where necessary. I also was working on a limited budget for the client so the lightsaber already set worked nicely.

Nope, sorry, not sure who that is. I used to be PropKitty here before I had to close shop and move.

>> No.6365250

Got this arda wig semi done before my basement flooded. I have had difficulty getting Flutteryshy's shape. All I need to do is glue the "shelf" of hair. It doesn't look dramatic while on the wig head. I did not want to look like Snookie. There is pieces of cotton fluff underneath to help the hair stay up. Didn't matter how much hair spray or teasing I did, that thing kept deflating on me.

I'm sad that I wasn't able to get the hair into the one curl (or two). Due to the length and cut of the wig, it was not working at all. My compromise was the little curls at the bottom.

Any suggestions before I glue it?

>> No.6365253
File: 52 KB, 500x500, progfluttershy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GR. Here's the pic.

>> No.6365568
File: 305 KB, 640x480, LSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new LSP dress is done!
It took 30+ yards of tulle. I also have acrylic rings, one that says "LUMP" and the other that says "OFF", but they're not shown.
Might wear this to Ikkicon if I can go.

>> No.6365823
File: 181 KB, 621x795, ivyideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did Poison Ivy for Halloween, but as it is now it's way too incomplete to wear to a con. Since this is already a generic Ivy without any specific comic book appearance, I figured I could take some creative liberties and spice it up a little.

Obviously I need gloves, but I was also thinking of doing angled thigh-high boot covers like my terrible photoshop job there, along with green lipstick/makeup and a bigger/greener crowny fascinator thing. Thoughts/suggestions/feedback? I'm also thinking of getting a curly wig- I used what I had for this one.

HNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHH oh my glob that looks awesome!

>> No.6365849

I really like this! I would personally add some leaves around the neck area as well maybe.

>> No.6365857


I would say that unless you are welling to cover all of yourself in green paint, stick with a red or corral colored lipstick. It seems like the only time you see her with green lips is when she is more green based, the rest of the time she is wearing a brighter lipstick.

>> No.6365991

Holy shit, best crossplay I've seen on this board for a very long time.

>> No.6366135

Oooh, that's a good idea! I'm also thinking about tangling some leaves into the wig so it's not such an unbroken expanse of red.

Ideally I'd love to get an airbrush and stencil on some leaf shapes/mottling on my cheeks and shoulders, in which case I think the green lipstick would work...but if I don't do that, then I'll definitely keep your advice in mind. I'll play with it and see what looks best. Thanks!

Thanks bro. Now bend over, Daddy wants some sugar.

>> No.6366157

Thanks! Also, I second the leaves around the neck area. I also think some leaves scattered around the top of the thigh-highs would be cute, to sort of transition up into the bodice perhaps? If that makes any sense~

>> No.6366178

I'm sorry about your face.

>> No.6366680
File: 220 KB, 720x1280, IMAG3282-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366683

Bad evading.

>> No.6366963
File: 49 KB, 640x480, picture009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever cosplay, how shit is it?

>> No.6367014

You have no hips, you should have done Sakura so you wouldn't have to wear such a heavily padded bra.

>> No.6367082

Another Cammy what a surprise. Oh Syren doing her too. You guys are really in it for the attention aren't you?

>> No.6367125
File: 62 KB, 480x480, 2012-10-30-135441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpu with some avatar stuff

>> No.6367379

Yesssss, this looks so good!
How are you planning on doing the bracers?

>> No.6367391

That looks awesome!

>> No.6367473

Thank you!

>> No.6367498

Your waist to hip ratio is shit.

>> No.6367539

Umm, I hate to ask, but is that your pad hanging out? Or is there a hole in your tights?
Also you've lost a lot of weight, and I'm not sure how comfortable I am with how thin you are getting. I mean, if you are comfortable, than awesome! But, I thought you looked really healthy, and good, in your Yoko pictures

>> No.6367570
File: 40 KB, 199x639, rsz_8111464363_c29c4e3209_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As bad as firsts useally go.
>Pic related.

I want to get work on something soon,I just need practice and get better before I go to work on a costume.

>> No.6367841

it's actually the tights im wearing, they have it built in and its an obnixious white since theyre cheap ones i usually wear under other costumes, hadnt yet bought the good quality ones Im using with her.

>> No.6367934
File: 179 KB, 360x615, IMG_0961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously one more bad stitch away from lighting this hoodie on fire.

>> No.6367974

I finally got my lacus wig styled tonight. it needs a red bow and a brushing but that's easily accomplished. I also made/baked her hair clip, so it just needs to be painted and it needs some kind of... hair pin attached to the back so it'll stay on.

pretty good day for me in the way of progress

>> No.6372318
File: 530 KB, 900x676, harnessnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con is in a week, and I'm just now starting to fix up Morrigan.
I figured out a way to get the wings to stay! Ghetto fabulous harness that will definitely need some adjusting, but it'll work for a short period of time.
This is still definitely a work in progress, and I still have to work out the corset and flesh tone fabric underneath, but I'm off to a good start~

>> No.6372320


has your butt gotten bigger? probably not, just the costume

>> No.6372348

sorry but this is pretty awful. Your hip to waist ratio is really bad and you just dont have the body for Cammy. This is coming from a guy, you dont look good in that.

>> No.6372370

Cammy is supposed to look fit, not like she has an ED.

>> No.6372675

>This is coming from a guy
aw it's so cute when guys think their opinions matter

>> No.6372957
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-01 16.00.03 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makin' swods
second elucidator layer is cut out, need to cut out two more detailing layers and two detailing layers for lambent light, then start sanding

>> No.6372984

Omg Miwako! What outfit? Can't wait to see it finished!

>> No.6372989

>This is coming from a guy
>as if this makes your opinion matter more

>> No.6373485
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-01 18.15.07 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand everything cut out; there so much sanding on Saturday

>> No.6373517

looks good! Will you use bondo to fill in gaps/smooth it out, or just dremel directly onto the wood?

>> No.6373628
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, SHDT7HxScjP7AN99HYYD5fGbucCpuZDHP0lipu4qNCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The layers I cut out there were strictly to build up the shape, now I'm going to carve down the true shape out of the bulk that's there. I shouldn't need any filler unless I fuck something up.

I'm considering taking a mold to sell recasts, since I've already had someone ask to buy them...

I don't think I have enough clamps, guys.

>> No.6374551 [DELETED] 

6 hours until I leave for a con? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

>> No.6374557
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 011118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 hours until I leave for a con? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

>> No.6374770 [DELETED] 

omg there is no way I'm going to be able to finish this

>> No.6374772
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 033251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg there is no way I'm going to be able to finish this

>> No.6375375

I believe in youuuuuuu!
What are you working on, btw?

>> No.6376198


>> No.6376243 [DELETED] 

<a href=http://buytramadolonlinesafe.com/#cheap>buy tramadol 180</a> tramadol online from mexico - where is a good place to buy tramadol online

>> No.6376257

dis someone seriously donate to 4chan just so they could use the non-captcha for spam?

>> No.6376394


>> No.6376820

Yea I do think you need some more clamps lmao Looking good so far! I'm curious to how it turns out

>> No.6377072
File: 93 KB, 612x612, worblawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Fluttershy wings (pardon the cell pic, didn't have camera on hand). My first time working with worbla. Really like the material, but I will never work with it unless I double up on the material. It's too flimsy otherwise.

I'm happy with them, they aren't perfect but I've already spent close to 4 hours working on them. Going to give it a light sanding and then primers. Crap, I gotta go buy spray paint...

>> No.6377076

Thought those were knee caps

>> No.6377105
File: 83 KB, 612x612, worblawings2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... they do look like knee caps. Not sure how to fix that as I got the shape from a screen cap.

Pic with my patterns and cut outs.

>> No.6377282
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-02 21.19.20 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have any daylight left when I got home from work, due to cloud cover, so I busted out this indoor sanding box I built a few months ago and did some rough detail sanding, enough at least to get the rest of the layers glued together

>> No.6377286
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-02 23.50.22 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, so, they are glued together. Lots of sanding to do tomorrow. And I still need to figure out the bell hilt for Asuna's...

>> No.6377576
File: 2.54 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_6287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently working on my gurren lagann cosplay for ikkicon, roughly 45% done, its turning out really good so far very proud of it

>> No.6377643

What do you use for it? A boxcutter?
And what is the proper name for the material?

>> No.6377995

Hey hey hey, my friend mentioned someone was making the actual Gurren Lagann for Ikki!
If I go, I'll totes say hi. I'm planning on bringing Timeskip Yoko since Starboobs isn't gonna get done in time :c

>> No.6379044
File: 51 KB, 576x768, 2012-11-03 20.02.22 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A boxcutter ain't gonna cut MDF wood, man. That's all Dremel work.

Also: 6 hours of dremeling and sanding later....
Little bit of filling to do, then I'll hit it with high-build primer and post again.

>> No.6379066


You'd better not be a shitty Kirito

>> No.6379128 [DELETED] 

What are you planning to paint it with? As far as I niticed, Elucidator in anime is all glossy and shiny.
And what do you use for the triangle armorpiece? MDF too?

>> No.6379136

What are you planning to paint it with? As far as I noticed, Elucidator in anime is all glossy and shiny.
And what do you use for the triangle armorpiece? MDF too?

>> No.6379270

Just black spraypaint and silver enamel, but I'm going to hit it with gloss varnish when it's all done.
The "armor" piece, I'm just going to use EVA foam.

>> No.6379684
File: 355 KB, 353x418, LSP plush finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much progress but I started on my Sailor Moon bows and got odango covers cut out. Also started styling the wig but I'm not confident enough to cut it yet. Can't sew anymore tonight since mum's going to bed and can't find the camera so here's a pic of a LSP pillow I finished.

>> No.6381237
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-04 14.22.48 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make no promises. But I can at least show my dedication to accuracy. Finished cutting out everything, and hit exactly five packs (20 yards) of white bias tape in this shit. But I wasn't happy with it being white. Everything points to it being a little grey, but not as grey as the lightest grey bias tape, and not fucking silver like all that ebay shit.

>> No.6381242
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 2012-11-04 16.11.56 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, a little rubbing alcohol, the remnant cartridges of a black fabric marker and silver sharpie, and I'm dying the whole bundle a nice light grey, a shade that I'm quite satisfied with.

>> No.6381265

I did almost all of my progress in the 3 days before the con so I didn't have time to post any other progress pictures, and now I don't know if it counts as progress since it's all finished.


>> No.6381331

Post it anyway

>> No.6381425

Haven't come across any hall pictures of it yet, so I don't have any stills, but here's the video of the masquerade at the part where I'm at.


It's kinda falling apart at this point already, the scarf wires are trying to escape the collar so you can see a safety pin as it pulls up side-right, and the right antenna's basically falling off onstage... oh well. (That part kinda irritates me, isn't JB Weld supposed to be super strong? What's the point of a 24-hour setting time if it doesn't even hold for 6? ...Anyways.)

I think I posted all the detailed stuff like the sword and the wristbands a while back anyways, so I guess not having a detailed picture for the finished product is okay?

>> No.6381445

Er, 24 hour curing time, not setting, of course. I'm not too up on the epoxy terms.

>> No.6381515
File: 538 KB, 800x631, corsetdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waist cincher for Sakizo cosplay!

>> No.6381650
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>> No.6381722
File: 11 KB, 135x170, dis-laharl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of the cosplay, man.

>> No.6381737

point stands though, yous a scrawny bitch

>> No.6381809

oh! It's the Laharl I met yesterday!
Fallen angel Flonne here! I really loved your whole get up. Wig, scarf, everything was really well done.
Do you happen to have any pics up?
Sorry for shitting up progress thread

>> No.6381817

SAKIZO COSPLAY! YES! ... which illustration?

>> No.6381959

Haha, hi! I really liked yours too, Flonne is awesome and you did her quite well.
It was great that we happened to run into each other, since there were not that many other Disgaea cosplayers there and I only saw the Etna an hour after I got out of Laharl, orz.

Ah, pictures that I took? I don't really have very many, I don't usually take my camera around in cosplay since most of them don't have anywhere to fit it. (Even Laharl's pockets are kinda too small to do that.) I can upload the one I took of you if you want but it was with my cell phone camera which is kinda bad quality.

>> No.6382008

sure thing! Ah that made me happy to see at least a few Disgaea cosplayers peppered around every once in a while. But mostly prinnys, or Rozalins.
This was actually my first cosplay so if anyone has any pointers/criticism whenever a pic is uploaded (I don't have any. I didn't carry my camera at all either), I'm open for it.
The only thing I didn't make were the wings. The original pair I made snapped 2 days before the con and were beyond repair. Had to make a choice between Halloween City wings, or no wings at all.

>> No.6382011

ignore double quotes...

>> No.6382077
File: 69 KB, 768x1024, Photo0665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha, here's the one my friend took of the both of us. It's not that much better than my own camera phone but you can mostly tell what's going on in it.

>> No.6382105

Ahh thats awesome! And don't worry about photo quality, I'm just glad I have something to take away from the whole experience.
Hopefully after the release of DD2, we'll see another surge of Digaea cosplayers.

>> No.6382118

New to the board, is this where I would post asking for help with making a costume? Or would I be better off just making a new thread?

>> No.6382129

I-I mean it's already mostly done in my mind... I just need help with one small detail

>> No.6382142

There's a help thread here >>6373169 which might be better. Or sometimes if you've already gotten a start you can post it here and ask where to go from there, but it's a bit more on-topic in the help threads.

Though I'm not perhaps one to talk about starting to get off-topic in the progress thread. Flonne, do you have MSN or something of the sort? Then we can stop monopolizing this thread, haha.

>> No.6382147

Thanks, my Idea is still in my mind alone, and it should go along well once I get over this final hoop

>> No.6382153
File: 466 KB, 1200x1600, Photo0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said friend here, the picture of just you turned out a little better.

Throw me an email, I'm always interested in keeping in touch with other Disgaea fans/cosplayers. I'm going to be doing Adell in the near future, to make this post at least a little progress-relevant.

>> No.6382156

Was actually about to ask you the same.
I mostly use skype; username Whinecraft.
I don't use msn unfortunately.

>> No.6382576
File: 316 KB, 1178x767, satansbustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two hundred yards of hemming later...

At least I don't have any more ruffles to make, just a lot of tacking down, steaming and hand sewing to do. I think I underestimated how time consuming this would be to make

>> No.6382618
File: 496 KB, 296x160, tumblr_m91o20e79M1rp49na.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so beautiful I want to cry, Angela!

>> No.6383046
File: 170 KB, 800x600, side+view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work on the car continues. Doing lots of body work lately. Sprayed a primer coat of buff to bring out flaws. Filling them in with putty and more sanding. Non stop sanding.

>> No.6383086
File: 254 KB, 536x345, 1336097380512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is awesome

>> No.6383100

Aw aw aw, as amazing as always!

And this is coming out really nicely, whoa

>> No.6383655
File: 509 KB, 762x860, !HotSpringsYoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this the other day for a midnight swimsuit competition that an upcoming con is putting on.
I handstitched some plush fabric (they didn't have terrycloth in any shade of pink) onto a bra I had lying around, and then the skirt is just sort of free-patterned to my hip measurements and it ties at the side.
Dis shit soft as hale.

>> No.6383687


>> No.6383688

awesome work!

>> No.6383689

Thank you for not showing your busted face

>> No.6384127

Angela what are you cosplaying?

>> No.6384197

Wow, that looks amazing!

>> No.6384236
File: 197 KB, 993x1907, IMG_20121105_150618 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fionna's almost done! I left my backpack at a friends house :c but I'm gonna look for shoes tonight and paint stripes soon!

>> No.6384311
File: 44 KB, 417x800, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resizing is cool.

>> No.6384312
File: 24 KB, 165x115, 1328410954111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy..fuck.. What did you make this out of?

>> No.6384335

The shell is fiberglass, and the chassis is from a Chevy Caprice.

>> No.6384369

That is incredible.. please tell me it will shit flames. Please..

>> No.6384679

Flames will be shat. Indeed. Machine guns too.

>> No.6384720

I love you.

>> No.6384735

Strawberry ice cream!

>> No.6384753

Oooooh. I haven't seen anyone cosplay her, yet. Looking forward to seeing yours!

>> No.6384780
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>> No.6385803
File: 146 KB, 597x799, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished painting and coating these at con, they're Skyward Sword Zelda's belts and broach. Trying to decide if I want to remake these so they're either sculpted or casted instead.

What do you guys think, should I go the more 3D approach?

>> No.6386479
File: 810 KB, 2048x1536, 2012-11-05 22.33.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After filling, more sanding, and high-build primer.

>> No.6386489

I think these look really fucking awesome, well done on the shading! They'll look great in pictures, but it's really up to you if you want to tackle them as 3-D. Personally, though, I think they're fine.

>> No.6386508

Wow, those look really nice!

>> No.6386524

Well >>6351923 and >>6382576 are the start of my "Royal Milk Tea" cosplay, based off of artwork done by Sakizou. >>6351898 is a RCMP inspired outfit i'm making for practice.

Thanks guys!

>> No.6386582

Thanks! I'm really happy with them considering its just painted craft foam.

>> No.6386602

What did you use to give them the shiny finish?

>> No.6386620

It's covered in resin. You can buy it at michaels.

>> No.6386903

Don't know if it's technically progress but I'm about to start my Sawsbuck antlers. FOUR AND A HALF DAYS TO THE CON YEAH

>> No.6387113
File: 111 KB, 480x640, IMG_1037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last photo I managed to get before my camera died. Now have both antlers rough-shaped and glued. Need to pick up some sandpaper tomorrow and neaten them some more.