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6315609 No.6315609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I might be going to Japan, and I'm really excited, but I'm worried about other lolitas other there.
I know the fashion is very different in Japan compared to the western world, but I don't know the 'do not absolutely do this' type things, or things that are accepted here but absolutely not in Japan?

I heard that glasses and short hair are a problem, and I have both. Are there any good , realistic wigs out there that don't cost and arm and leg?

I also don't own very much brand, mostly handmade and offbrand. Would this be an issue?

Thank you so much, I would appreciate any help or advice. (Also no need to worry, I'm not a Japan-worshiping weaaboo and I do know how to be respectful of others)

>> No.6315984

I am so tired of this topic. Why do you fucking care what they think? Do what you like and make it look good. To be slightly more helpful, all I've heard aside form an ISOLATED blog post by 1 Japanese lolita, is that the rules are more lax over there than here, and they don't seem to understand why people go crazy over stupid things in the western comms. Besides, due to the culture, I doubt anyone is going to come up and start screaming at you, that's far too forward. But seriously, stop worrying about bullshit.

>> No.6316092

They aren't going to like you regardless of what you do OP, you're not a Japanese born in Japan. Just wallow in your differentness and use it as your shield, don't try to fit in because that's impossible, they won't allow it.

>> No.6316195

I don't like being judged, I can understand Japanese fairly well and I know when I'm being made fun of. I'm sensitive, so I want to avoid that. I know I won't fit in, but I'd like to minimize any problems I could face, that's all.

>> No.6316215

You'll still be hearing things that you don't like there, or anywhere else. There's no difference. Grow up, you can't please everybody, even if you "minimize" any problems.

>> No.6316270

wow cgl anons get pretty pissed anytime someone goes to ~glorious nippon~

IDK from my experience Japanese people are alright. If you embrace the "yes I know I'm a foreigner and therefor different" thing, they usually will find you interesting and exotic.
I'm in Korea, so it's not exactly the same, but I just I embrace what makes me different while also acting according to the country's social standards (AKA general common sense with a few things slightly different).

>> No.6316355


It's not that, it's just this comes up way too often and people are to concerned with what people in ~glorious nippon~ think

As the other anon said, you are going to be made fun of and talked about no matter what you wear because youre a foreigner.

>> No.6316396

Ok, thank you. I understand what you mean.
See, that's actually what I was trying to ask. What is acceptable, what isn't, social cues I should know but it sort of went off in the usual cgl fashion, haha.

>> No.6316530

Actually the Japanese are generally super nice on the surface and you generally don't get beyond that unless you become long and good friends with them. From the lolita perspective, I never had any lolita tell me that I was breaking the rules nor had I ever had any rude comments. In fact, the complete opposite. I got comments like "Oh wow, foreigners look so cute in lolita." etc. I'm not saying the Japanese do not say one thing but think another when giving a positive compliment but what culture doesn't do that? What person doesn't ever do that? I honestly don’t think it’s worth the worry unless you want to learn for education’s sake.
Culturally speaking, the Japanese tend to feel that foreigners should not be held to same expectations that the Japanese hold themselves too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Japanese lolita’s also held this perspective about the fashion’s rules.
And concerning rules, in the summer time, I saw a lot of lolitas wearing JSK’s without blouses or cardigans (gasp!). I’m not saying that this makes the rule of wearing a blouse or cardigan with a JSK defunct or that all Japanese Lolitas think that this is OK because some wear JSK’s that way, I’m saying that in the end we are all individuals with our own thoughts and opinions, regardless of culture, and we make decisions about what to wear based on that. I think you should wear whatever makes you happy. ^_^
BTW I have both short hair and glasses and this has never EVER been an issue. What gave you the impression that it was a problem?

>> No.6316628

Thank you for your help, that does make me worry a little less, haha.
Japanese lolitas do have a problem with glasses, that's for sure. I've never seen any lolitas with them, and the only times I see them on jblogs I follow are when japanese girls are making fun of glasses! Maybe it's just what I've exposed to, but it seems a problem.
And short hair is just something I never see, so I assumed it was something frowned upon.

>> No.6316756

Well not many Japanese girls wear glasses in general. 90% wear contacts but that's because glasses make your eyes look smaller and huge googly gaga eyes are in style. And like others have said, unless you're an eye gougingly bad ita, no one will give a shit. Unfortunately the number of "wild" lolitas you will see will be very low anyway.

>> No.6316826

+1 to all this. My sister wore a coord that I thought was completely ita and awful (really tacky bodyline, she was 13 lol) and everyone was still nice to her and told her she was cute. Seriously, I think the worst thing anyone said was "You should keep improving!! You're so beautiful!"

Also they love seeing your handmade things, you should bring those

>> No.6316844

I don't know how crazy JP lolitas are, but when I was in Tokyo years back I found a bunch of cosplayers and broken-talked to a couple of Linali (D Gray-man) cosplayers who thought it was awesome that I cosplay as Lavi. Unless the lolita are just unhinged, I think they'd just be amused by you.

>> No.6316888

+2 ing. I don't know if it's "fake" or just kind-hearted, but I've never been insulted by ANY Japanese person while visiting. They seem to be overwhelming kind/helpful to foreigners. it's really sweet. So you're unlikely to get any direct negative comments even if you're dressed horribly. Although, I'm not sure about overheard-comments - they'll probably assume you can't understand, so that might be an issue, OP.

>> No.6316911

japanese lolita are sweethearts, and I swear they have this bizarre opinion that all westerners look better in lolita. I was told this about a hundred times while I was there, and not just by lolitas either. I've been wearing lolita for nearly ten years and while at a tea party I after they dawned the uasual "it looks so much better on western girls!" I told them of the opinion that some have here in the west and that used to be quite prominent particularly when I first started wearing it, that only Japanese girls look good in it and they where completely shocked lol

in general the only tip I can add, is don't wear things from another brand to brand events. that is a huge no-no. if you're going to attend a tea party etc, wear your handmade outfits and everything will be honky dory, most lolitas I've met sew to a certain extent and good craftsman ship as well as a cute design are always received quite well. in america is all about brand and in japan too honestly but in japan, specialty items or anything that's rare/not everyone has is a GREAT thing. so homemade clothes don't have that have a sort of negative stigma it has here. it generally seen as pretty cool.

>> No.6316915

sorry about the grammar, new phone ^^;;

>> No.6316930

Eh, in my experience if they said anything super negative it would be only be in private to their close friends later. They wouldn't want other Japanese girls possibly overhearing in public and thinking they're superbitches lol.

>> No.6317057

Here's a Japanese lolita blog entry where she uses glasses for her coord when she doesn't even wear glasses normally: http://magicalheart.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-10.html

I think you are taking the opinion of a few and making it the opinion of all Japanese lolitas. I think it's just as one anon said, it's the popular thing to make your eyes look bigger and glasses can help do the opposite.

>> No.6317101

Handmade is received well here in America but it's just so often that it doesn't look good. We love well made things though.

>> No.6317129

Thank you so much! This really opened my eyes, haha. I had no idea they admired handmade so much. I'm not planning on going to tea parties, but I am visiting shops. Would it be faux pas to wear BTSSB or IW to stores other than those brands?

>> No.6317188

calm the fuck down bitch

>> No.6317197

I've seen the opposite, in summer lolitas still wear blouses, overknees, wigs, and cardigans or boleros. No idea how they do it as I sweat buckets in shorts and sandals.
One of the prominent Tokyo lolitas is chubby and wears glasses. The manager of AP Harajuku wears glasses. Even Misako wears glasses sometimes. They're uncommon, but not looked down on.
I feel that blog entry that Kaho posted (the opinion of one lolita, she never gave the source) created a lot of misconceptions about what Japanese lolitas think
In terms of etiquette
- Don't be a loud obnoxious weaboo
- Always try to look as good as you can. I swear it's a law that you can't go outside even to grab the mail without makeup on. Handmade is fine as long as it looks good
- Don't wear Bodyline or another brand to a brand event
- Be fairly serious about buying something before you ask to try it on (and always ask to try on). The shop staff will usually accompany you to the changing area carrying the garment, you take off your shoes and step inside, then they hand it to you. They like to ask how you're doing while you're changing (usually when you've got the dress over your head and can only mumble), and they like you to open the curtain and show them once you have it on so they can tell you how damn kawaii you are
- Some items (cutsews, some blouses, socks, sale items) can't be tried on. If the staff think you are way too large for something, they also might not let you try on
- After you pay for your purchases (wait until you've looked around the whole store), the staff will escort you to the shop entrance, hand you your bag, and bow

There is a community of English-speaking lolitas in Japan on Facebook
Tokyo is the best place for lolita-related things, then Osaka. If you end up going to bumfuck nowhere Kyushu, there will be zero stores or things going on.

If you've got any specific questions I'll try to answer!

>> No.6317208

No, it's fine to wear whatever brands you like. If you go into a shop wearing their brand head-to-toe, the shopgirls will be fawning all over you and complimenting you, but they'll still be super nice to you if you're wearing a different brand. Of course, common sense applies, i.e., don't go into AP wearing a Melty Chocolate replica or something.

>> No.6317231

Any brand is ok. Just don't wear replicas. You'll get more attention wearing lolita than normal clothes, and if you're wearing that brand's clothing in their store, they'll usually compliment you and/or thank you for having bought it

>> No.6317274

She seems pretty clam to me. You need to take a breath.

>> No.6317281


>> No.6317324

>people are to concerned with what people in ~glorious nippon~ think
It's because in most western countries rules are all pretty much the same and we all know them. In certain countries such as Japan, the social norms are different.

I could also name many other countries that would make me go OH NO I DON'T KNOW THEIR WAYS WHAT DO I DO but not many of them are loli-tourism friendly so of course you don't see threads on them.

Now stop being a bitch and learn to ignore threads you don't like.

>> No.6317335

Since we're on the subject, are there any french lolitas here?

I'm thinking of visiting soon and I'm not sure how to behave... I've heard they're all very rude but I'm not too inclined to believe this. And unusual fashion in general, how do they react to that? I'm not planning on taking any lolita because it'd take up way too much space but most of my clothes are... well, not very usual.
ALSO, I'm a portuguese x italian mix are they going to see I'm an ugly not french foreigner and treat me worse because of that?

Please respond. ;_;

>> No.6317358

I'm going to school in Japan, more specificly Osaka or Kyoto. I know that lolita isn't the norm in those cities, but I cant skip the chance to wear lolita at least once while there. Any ideas/coord styles I can wear without being all OTT sweet or super dramatic?

>> No.6317414

Take some cues from otome? There was a lovely thread a while back with some semi-casual co-ords.

But to be honest, I really wouldn't worry. If you're visibly foreign you will be regarded like some new variety of giraffe most of the time anyway. You'll very rarely get any upfront rude comments, and if you do they'll be from people who hate foreigners anyway.

Basically foreigners exist outside of the normal rules in Japan. You cannot ever be Japanese and there is no use trying. Of course you must always be respectful and polite, but you might as well take advantage of your outsider status, because there will be times when it's a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.6317446

French people have a cultural tendency to ignore/respond to other language speakers in french, and they generally carry a demeanor that's considered haughty, I suppose.They also have a tendency to drop the second half of the words they say and speak mostly in gestures.

I personally don't find them any ruder than any other culture.

>> No.6317458 [DELETED] 
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痛ロリの条件 The conditions for Ita lolita in Japan

A:【体型・メイク・ヘアスタイル】 Hair style, Make up and Body figure
Over weight
Ugly looking woman
No make up for anyone who is high school age or above.
Gyaru Make up/ Gyaru Lolita
Never refine or shape the eye brow
Messy hairstyle
Just a pony tail ties at back with no other special arrangement
Not wearing a proper wig but a cosplay wig

>> No.6317461
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痛ロリの条件 The conditions for Ita lolita in Japan

A:【体型・メイク・ヘアスタイル】 Hair style, Make up and Body figure
Over weight
Ugly looking woman
No make up for anyone who is high school age or above.
Gyaru Make up/ Gyaru Lolita
Never refine or shape the eye brow
Messy hairstyle
Just a pony tail ties at back with no other special arrangement
Not wearing a proper wig but a cosplay wig

>> No.6317464

A lot of people say the Parisians are rude, and they are, in the sense that they don't give a fuck about you and just want to get on with their day. But I actually found people in the south of France much, much ruder when I was there (Montpellier is super fun, though). People in Northern France are generally very friendly and nice.
So it really depends on where you're going, but if you're in Paris, people probably won't give a shit about your unusual clothes, certainly not enough to remark on it.
They won't care about you being Portuguese/Italian, it's the Maghrébins they have a problem with.

>> No.6317469

Oh, I'm learning french and by the time I go there it should be enough to avoid the language barrier thing.

>drop the second half of the words they say and speak mostly in gestures.
And this sounds quite funny to watch, actually.

Thank you~

>> No.6317475

E:【ブランド・手作り】Brand, Hand made

Cheaper brand ( for High schooler)
Not well made hand sew lolita dress with terrible fashion sense


Sit directly on the floor
Walk like man
Laugh in big voice
Put "Sama" behind the brand name such as "Baby sama"
Speak like baby
Showing too much Otaku spirit or Anime taste
Talking too much theory about lolita
Pretend self not mentally stable, or living in a imaginary world
Bad mouth other lolita

>> No.6317471


B:【明らかにロリィタに合わないアイテム】Something that's totally not a lolita item

School shoes (For high school-er)
Normal sneakers
High heel
Pointing toe shoes


Not wearing any blouse or Bolero or inner shirt
Not wearing petticoat or boomer
Not wearing coat even it is winter and snowing out there
No socks or tight
Showing too much skin
Mismatch coordinate
Wearing exactly coordinate as poster or magazine like "Uniform lolita"
No hair accessories at all on the head
Lots of winkles and stains
Lots of tears or unclean.

・BODY LINEなどのコスプレ衣装
Buying Cosplay lolita clothes from BODY LINE
Same style as a character in Anime or comics
Dress as maid and claim this is lolita style


>> No.6317476

If you want to be judged as little as possible, don't wear lolita.

>> No.6317488

Who are those? Sounds scary.

And ah, great. I was assuming that as a big city they really would be like that (always heard it's like that as well in NY and other equally big cities) but who knows.
Funny, though, I always assumed it would be the southern part of France that'd be friendlier (more africans, maybe? Not sure where my mind got that from).
And thank you!

>> No.6317514

As already mentioned, Kaho's post is the VERY extreme view of ONE lolita. So don't take it as fact

>> No.6317532

Maghrébins are Northern African immigrants. They tend to get a lot of shit from older French people.
Yeah, I dunno, maybe I just got unlucky when I was there, but I found the people in the south really... grumpy. Like, I am near-fluent in French and always make an effort to speak it, but people were just so surly towards me. Except in Montpellier, where everyone was really friendly and happy. I did go there in the middle of a gay pride festival, so that might have been why, haha.

>> No.6317544

Yeah.. Some of that makes sense, like not wearing socks and having messy hair.
But being fat? Always having to wear a shirt under everything? No glasses?

As long as you don't look like shit, then you look fine.

>> No.6317577

I really don't get the glasses thing. Some glasses can look absolutely adorable in lolita.

>> No.6317584

Ah, thought so. I would also have a problem with them so I can understand. (not because racism but I feel the whole multiculturalism thing makes a country less patriotic and that's bad... but that's no subject to be discussed on /cgl/ why am I even saying this)

Oh damn, french-speaking AND having a gay pride festival. Sounds reeaally nice (is it just me or are gay people friendlier?)
About the grumpier people - maybe it was because the other places you visited weren't as tourists-oriented?

>> No.6317591

>is it just me or are gay people friendlier?
It's just you. I've run into lots of horrible gay people, though there have been a few nice ones.

>> No.6317607

It was great, I loved it so much. I don't know about gay people being friendlier overall, but there really is nothing like gay pride to perk up a whole city's mood!
And yes, I think that was part of it. I was visiting a lot of small market towns full of old people who didn't seem to take too kindly to foreigners. But the food you can buy at those markets is so amazing that it's worth the rudeness. Still, though, I found small, less touristy towns in the north to be very welcoming to visitors.

>> No.6317627

You guys are great. thank you SO much! I'm especially happy to see that runthrough of what the shops are like, I had absolutely no idea what to expect!

Wow, while some of these make sense (messy hair etc) that is so harsh! I'm so sad she doesn't like pointed shoes with lolita, I love them.

I don't mind being judged, I do know it comes with dressing in lolita. I just want to avoid as much unpleasantness as possible.

>> No.6317643

Oh, I'm sorry! Didn't notice the 'ask questions if you have any bit', haha. Maybe I have a link to that FB group? Are there any faux pas I should know about, when it comes to going to the shops or if I meet other lolitas? Would taking pictures be okay, or is that insulting?

>> No.6317673

What's up with this sudden influx of people who sound like they're from livejournal or tumblr?

>> No.6317711

I don't know if you're talking about me (OP) but I've been on 4chan since 2008. You can be polite and be on /cgl/ consistently, shocking I know.

>> No.6317719

Japanese people are pretty weird about getting their photo taken so ask, ask, ask and be prepared to be turned down. And for the love of christ do not be one of those assholes on Takeshita who think it's Disneyland and shove their camera everywhere, although you don't sound like you would do that.

>> No.6317734

So why are you asking these questions if you've been on 4chan for so long when we've discussed these kind of things before?

>> No.6317745

Because honestly, I never thought I would have a chance to go to Japan so I didn't bother perusing those threads? Regardless, I couldn't find anything in the archives, and asking never hurts, right?

Haha, I would never be rude like that! Thank you.

>> No.6317757

I don't know, but the typing in all lowercase and then suddenly using all capitals, or using ~*~*~*~, or acronyms that you could easily type out, or starting drama about fucking nothing are a dead giveaway for me and it's kind of grating on my nerves. Not referring to OP here, OP sounds relatively normal.

>> No.6317781

Relax OP. First of all you're probably not going to see many lolitas at all. I spent 2 weeks in Japan this past April and I saw a total of 6 lolitas. 4 were walking around the Harajuku area and they didn't look that stunning. One looked old as hell and was wearing a bonnet that made her look silly, two were wearing bodyline and the other one was in baby. Overall their coords weren't anything to get too excited about. Another time I saw a lolita in the subway station. She was wearing AP but for some reason she had on sneakers. The last lolita I saw wasn't even wearing a petti. Maybe she was going for a casual look I don't know. So um yeah relax. Honestly I don't think anyone will care.

>> No.6317788

I don't have the link but it's "Tokyo International Lolitas". The maintainer will probably want to know a little bit about you/when you are coming, just screening to avoid creepers.
Other than dress well, be polite and not obnoxious, not really.
Taking pictures in shops is strictly not allowed. I feel that lolitas are often a bit uncomfortable to be photographed, they're wearing the clothes because they like them, not to get attention. If you're wearing lolita yourself, compliment them on their coord and mention the print name or brand they'll be more receptive, but be prepared for them to say no or don't bother them if they seem uncomfortable. And always ask permission before taking a picture.

>> No.6318661

Wow, Japanese girls actually wear Bodyline

>> No.6318795

I remember hearing something about Japanese lolitas don't wear pettis until they get to their destination, as they're awkward/take up too much room on the trains and buses. Maybe the loli you saw without a petti had one in her bag or something.

>> No.6318994

Uhh, I don't know what part of Japan you were in but in my experience lolitas can be seen floating around Tokyo pretty much every day. Granted I was there during their summer vacation, so a lot more girls obviously had time to go out in lolita, but on weekends they were especially everywhere.

>> No.6320581

I read a lot of Japanese lolita blog posts about not wearing pettis at crazy crowded places like Disney Land because they will get in other people's way.

>> No.6320591

Usually the young ones who can't afford brand yet.

>> No.6320592
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AP does make sneakers. Or maybe her feet just hurt. Tokyo requires A LOT of walking around.

>> No.6320857

Stop being racist and don't say " i'm not being racist" Because you fucking are, you're only caring about what they think cause they're asian and nothing more.
You think asian people will think differently
Most asian people will think you're weird just like white people would.
The ones who don't are just used to it.

>> No.6320896

Wow, what the fuck is wrong with you? I want to be respectful of a culture, and not be rude. That isn't being racist, that's being a decent human being. Asian people aren't different, but a culture that I've never truly been a part of will have a huge contrast of what I am used to. I don't care if they're asian, black, or pink elephants. I want to be respectful and that's not racist.

Calm your tits and go drink some calming herbal tea or something, jesus.

>> No.6320969

Pretend self not mentally stable?
What if you.. don't need to pretend... is that okay?

>> No.6321450

She means to claim to have a mental illness for attention. Not actually having one.