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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6314636

Looking for rokku style clothes

>> No.6314658
File: 116 KB, 717x518, shoppingorder1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a review on what I got, what shopping service and what was good, what was flawed.

>> No.6314750

can you post the link to the eyeball shirt and necklace?

>> No.6314754

Hey guys, I'm looking for Lolita cutsews suitable for summer. They can be loliable too, I don't care much but I'm hoping for some cheap ones with collars so I can buy a lot of them. Thanks

>> No.6314765

The fuck is rokku? Do you mean rock?

>> No.6314777


hey very handy informative review

how much did you pay in total after going through the agent?

>> No.6314787

I keep changing my order because things being out of stock and questions and I feel like the worst customer ever, are they used to this? Sigh.

>> No.6314793

I just tried my first taobao order and I'm rather excited to receive my package. It was shipped out last Monday and tracking says it's in the US right now so I guess it's just waiting time.

I used TaobaoSpree, recommended by a friend and I was emailing her back and forth for a long while. She was really sweet, really kind and we even exchanged silly jokes with slang terms. When she was ready to ship things, I asked if it would be alright to add two more items I had just found and she was completely okay with it. She took pictures of everything and would ask if they were to my satisfaction so I really can't wait to get my box.

>> No.6314797

are the discounts really worth all that hassle...?

>> No.6314800


>> No.6314813

The shirt link isn't working for me but http://barb1e.taobao.com is the shop you want, it's got tons of miska items.

After shipping and service charge, It was around 130 price range. Shipping is pretty pricey..

>> No.6314815

Rokku style is (correct me if I'm wrong) pretty much gyaru but with the clothes being fully black/implementing dark clothing.

>> No.6314918
File: 62 KB, 427x124, sizechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone translate this?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.6314938

Unit of measurement:cm

长度 length, 胸围 bust, 高腰围 high waist or natural waist, 袖长(连蕾丝) sleeve length including lace

>> No.6314947

You are not Japanese. It is called rock. I bet you say retarded shit like MEIKU too.

>> No.6314957

Are you retarded?

>> No.6314992


>> No.6315202
File: 730 KB, 600x956, first taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First taobao order finally came in!

Small and boring, but does anyone want links/pics/reviews of anything?

Also, as a small note, the two shirts are no longer available, but there are very similar shirts and styles available and I can tell you how the material is in any case.

>> No.6315214

Service used? How much did it cost altogether?
Can I see a picture of the pink bottom left dress (preferably worn)?

>> No.6315348

Where did you get the skirt and can I please have a short review and pictures of it? Thanks!

>> No.6315502

Yes, i think so. If you've never ordered from Taobao before the whole thing does seem like a hassle - this is what put me off for a long time but i finally gave it a go and it's easy and fun (in my opinion).

>> No.6315512

Very cute! Can you link to the red shirt?

>> No.6315518

Reviews/pics of all of them please? Also link for the skirt?

>> No.6315701
File: 167 KB, 567x850, krad lanrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Taobaospree operating these days? I remember seeing some concerned posts on EGL a little while ago; did everything get sorted out? I want to get in on that new Krad Lanrete action.

>> No.6315908

anybody wants to share stories about shoes bought on taobao? good and bad stores, how the shoes are after the time being worn etc

>> No.6316061
File: 695 KB, 700x1000, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went with a personal service this time, because I wanted to play it safe and I was ordering small. Her name is dollypoddle and you can find her on both LJ and I believe FB. The order was originally around 65 dollars, but shipping and service fees brought it to around 96 dollars. I'll probably go with a site next time (thinking of Bhiner) since I have a larger wishlist in store.


The dress is actually my favorite of all the items. It's made of a really nice and soft material, probably polyester, which drapes nicely and has a good weight. Only the skirt is lined (with a slip) so for the top I really recommend layering unless you think it's cool for everyone to see your black bra. The necktie for the dress is actually separate, which is nice if you don't want to spend 30 minutes fiddling with the bow, you can always ditch it. It's a little large on me, but then again, everything is (I'm a 78 bust or something insane like that). The details are quite nice, just like in the picture, and I'm rather pleased with it overall

>> No.6316124

shit anon, you have such a nice figure, this dress does nothing for you. Have you considered tailoring it? Because as it is, it looks really granny-like and it could be sooo good damnit

>> No.6316135

I've thought of using dollypoddle before. Is there a reason why you would choose another service for a larger purchase? Or is it just because placing orders is easier on the more streamlined sites?

>> No.6316139
File: 760 KB, 700x1000, skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



For the record, I got all of my stuff from this shop.

Skirt is made out a very nice chiffon material - quite smooth and nice to touch. Material is a bit see-through, but there's a black (albeit thin) slip underneath. I don't feel the need to line the skirt. Drapes and fits very well, and on me (I'm 160 cm) goes past my knees. I would probably either put this in a protective covering before throwing it in the wash, or handwash it myself (probably the former knowing how lazy I am).


Forgot to say how delicate this is. Material seems to be quite thin, and to not disturb the details, I probably would just handwash it because stuffing the whole thing in a bra bag would just wrinkle it like whoa.

>> No.6316155

holyshit anon, that store got a nice pallete of blouses, thank you for sharing.

>> No.6316156


Yeahhh the dress is pretty baggy on me. I think I'll end up asking my mom for options - I know there's a laundry service in our area who can fix small things. Thanks for the advice anon.


Her service fees are a bit expensive, but she has amazing communication and is willing to bend over backwards in some cases if let's say there's a last item in stock deal (happened to me with the dress). She'd probably be best suited for lolita dresses and other things which need tailoring and a lot of communication between her and the store. I'm moving over to Bhiner because it's more streamlined, has less service fees, I've heard good reviews about it here, and because the stuff that I need just does not need that much communication (pick size, color, dump in shopping cart sort of deal).

>> No.6316169

I see. Thanks for breaking down the differences.

>> No.6316207

no prob, I happen to have the same problem with clothing so I know that pain

>> No.6316228
File: 828 KB, 700x1000, shirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... Were my exact thoughts. No problem! Glad you like it!


Unfortunately, the red shirt doesn't seem to be there anymore. However, if you browse the site, it's got a really nice selection of blouses and stuff.




Their current stock of short-sleeved blouses.

And I'm just going to shove the blouses into one review since they're not there anymore, so I feel a bit pointless about going over much besides material and quality.

Material for the red chiffon shirt is see-through, rough and a little scratchy. It's unlined, so it's your average bordeaux red unlined chiffon shirt of average quality. I'd recommend wearing something underneath, unless again, you're into showing off your bra choices. What I was most disappointed about was that it was huge on me. Moral of the story is to not assume something that's bigger than you by 15-20 cm is a ok because at least it's bigger than you. However, I think I can work with it, so it's not a complete fail yet.

The peach shirt is made of a sort of textured chiffon material, which I find much nicer than the red shirt. It's very... poofy, shall we say? However, the elastic is not uncomfortable unlike other elastic clothing I've tried, and it fits pretty well on me. Again, it has no lining - you have to provide your own or deal with it.

For both shirts, I'd probably recommend handwashing or very cautious machine-washing. I'm not sure about other shirts, but since these two came unlined, it's safe to say most of them will not come lined and will be quite thin.

>> No.6316513

Does anybody know where to get bjd sewing stuff?

>> No.6316556

Wig question: Have any of you bought from this store?

I found this on the spread sheet, and it does have an email and when translated it says it does international shipping. I was wondering if the email is correct. I emailed a few days ago and no response.

Has anyone emailed to lidan1988@yahoo.com.cn, specifically looking at the .com.cn... I've never found an email like that before. I feel stupid asking it, but then I can email them again.

>> No.6316644

What the best economic shopping service do you use everybody?

>> No.6316666
File: 100 KB, 500x500, 814-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for diy deco sets like this

>> No.6316868

Oh my god. I WANT IT.

>> No.6316910

not sure about taobao but they have loads of them on jlist

>> No.6316932

Simple question.
How long does TaobaoRing take to confirm the items?
I made an order on Oct 10th, and still haven't heard anything..

Does it usually take this long when the agent has to wait for the sell to see if they have the item..?
>I don't mind waiting
Because I'm currently trying to sell my flatscreen and camera for some extra cash to spend online, so I don't have the money right away~

>> No.6316935


People in the last few threads have been complaining about them being really slow with confirmation recently. No idea what the issue is

>> No.6316943

Hmm, weird..
I made an order the other day and they got back to me within two days (didn't have what I wanted in stock)
So I just made a new order on the 10th and still nothing..
Maybe they are backed up with orders for Halloween or something.

>> No.6317516

I need clothes for winter so maybe I'll grab some from Taobao. I haven't been able to find much stuff that looks warm but cute.

Gonna lurk this thread to see what everyone else is buying. Maybe I'll see something I want too.

>> No.6317534

>Gonna lurk this thread
I've been sitting here for hours, waiting for someone to post new shops or items they've purchased. This is the life of a nobody.

>> No.6317540


In all that time you probably could have found a whole bunch of stuff on your own

>> No.6317578
File: 165 KB, 640x480, TBR00412F3FC4672 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao threads are slow now, maybe it's because of the recent chinese holiday...well.

Part of my items were already shipped using taobaoring, a dress and a pair of shorts are being procesed by bhiner because taobaoring took a lot of time to answer me if the items were available, I got scared if they would run out of stock(...they actually went out of stock! but luckly I bought them first on bhiner, sadness on my wallet)

>> No.6317610
File: 109 KB, 927x543, bhiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll just submit my order. I've been delaying it because I keep thinking "but what if something really cute and lightweight comes up?" but I'm scared things will go out of stock.

Also feeling really weebish... Got into lolita because of a friend and only recently started watching some anime and I really liked the swimsuits and undies... ;_;
Please tell me I'm not weaboo, /cgl/.

Ahh, the blue... thing looks cute. What is it?

>> No.6317634

You can make a new order and request it to be shipped with a current one

>> No.6317649

I know. It's just that... what if it's from the same store?! I won't save up on domestic shipping!

Just paranoia, really.

>> No.6317653

I.....have no idea haha, I think it's a little present from that store...Maybe those things that covers your eyes while you sleep.

Oh! I wanted to buy the jetoy calendar too! ;_; Please, can you review it when it arrives?

>> No.6317678

Ah, of course, it does look like it. Amazing how something can get so unrecognizable just for being upside down.
And funny, everyone seems to be getting presents from stores. Didn't expect that from... well, China.

And yes, sure! I love it too, just ordered the other stuff because it would feel like a waste to just get a calendar haha.

(I'll actually review everything when the package arrives since I just love reading reviews and there's gotta be someone similar somewhere).

>> No.6317701

Ive never seen domestic shipping charged more than $5ish even when I ordered shoes

>> No.6317702

What shopping service are you using~?

>> No.6317705

Putting in my order right now. It is GIGANTIC and includes stuff between my friend and me. Somehow, I only managed underspend her by 30-something bucks.

SMH at how much even domestic shipping can drive up an order.

Ah well. It's either now or I lose out on the "only one left!" items.

Sage because no picture of stuff and I'm way too tired to collage it right now.

>> No.6317709


Looks like Bhiner to me.

>> No.6317761

As >>6317709 said, it's bhiner. I really didn't know which to use so just picked the one with the prettier name out of the ones who were referred as good. Hehe~

>> No.6317804

link to the kitty paw and ears set pretty plrease?

>> No.6317835


Link to the top middle brown shirt?

>> No.6317872
File: 13 KB, 552x239, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one you suggest me seagulls?
What about the services of shopping/shipping fees?

>> No.6317889

oh, that's out of stock!
But the store got other colors>

and welp, fuck. I just found it in another store and cheaper...

btw anybody still wants the moomin dress? I also found it in another store, but more expensive>

Just tried both, I would say taobaoring is more cheaper and charges less on shipping from taobao to them than bhiner. Bhiner by the other hand, replied me faster.
Taobaoring says they are honest when it comes on discounts, I could not be sure of that because of the only item that was discounted returned to it's original price at the time my order was placed. They do not offer VIP price.
Bhiner, well I just used them because I was scared of my things went out of stock, imo, they are a little bit pricey.

>> No.6317918
File: 754 KB, 240x240, 1348351896497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>6317872

really? I expected that shipping fees on bhiner were cheaper

>> No.6317950

Well, I mean the domestic shipping, taobaoring charged me almost like 2 bucks per store, also I know they charge even less depending of the store location I think. Bhiner charged me per store 3.32 bucks. I'm still waiting for one item to arrive, so I can compare better their shipping to my country price. If I use their calculator, 500g to my country in the poorfag shipping method would be $35(HK airmail, I wish they had SAL...). In taobaoring I payed $38 for 1580g shipped by SAL.

>> No.6317976
File: 501 KB, 834x1080, 1349413514338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may I ask where are you from?, and when you finish your shopping can you reply this post and share how much did you spend? I'll appreciate it so much

>> No.6317996


link to that brown sweater on the upper left, and the white dress below it?

>> No.6318020

Well I'm from south america, and I hate the fact the shipping from almost any place on the world is expensive for us. And about how much I spent ;_;...That would hurt but I will try! I think, if taobaoring would have replied faster, it would have cost me less, since for 2kg they charge also 36 bucks lol.

the one with holes?
that sweater is so pretty....I just hope it good because my hopes will be crushed.
btw this is another store that got it, but more pricey>

this dress/blouse is so pretty...>

>> No.6318026

Anyone know where to get knee highs that aren't just plain? Maybe with lace or bows or neat designs. I see a lot of black or white, or striped, I'm looking for ones more cute.

>> No.6318098

entonces tu hablas español :'D?

>> No.6318232


>> No.6318247
File: 82 KB, 600x600, T28qxXXbFcXXXXXXXX_!!55084630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me, kudasai~? I'm not really into lolita or anything, but I really love maid-type characters and their outfits and I just found what I think is the perfect maid dress -


I'm all new to Taobaoing tho, so I have a few questions-
Is it worth it? Is it even real or are the pictures stolen?
How does the fabric look? (I'm a real noob when it comes to identifying fabric grade and overall clothing quality >_>)
How much worse should I expect it to look in real life? (I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT)
Also should I expect it to come with a pettycoat or do I have to order one separately?
And finally - Does it look terribly ita and should I be ashamed of wanting something like this in first place? :D

Thanks in advance~ n_n
Pic related

>> No.6318262

seconding this! also if anyone has any links to stores that sell harlequin print OTKs, I'd appreciate it!

>> No.6318274


.cn means china

its like .co.uk

>> No.6318278

I dont understand you guys, why not just use Amazon.com?

After paying for all that shipping and handling you end up paying alot. Furthermore the rule of law is quite weak in China still, so settling any disputes will be a tremendous pain unless your middleman does it for you.

>> No.6318280

if you claim not to be lolita and/or dont try to pull off a lolita look with this dress, then it shouldnt be ita
just another maid cafe desu

>> No.6318308
File: 144 KB, 333x500, tumblr_m612ytCeLl1qffkwto1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where could i get something like this?

>> No.6318326


Because where else would you get a kawaii desu desu seifuku maid costume complete with a a lace eldritch abomination slithering at the sides?

On a more serious note, if I can get it off of eBay, I will, but for some things I find that I can't. That's simply it. I could go on how I feel utterly safe, but seeing as I just put in a large order, I do not want to jinx myself. Fingers crossed.

>> No.6318399

made an order with taobaoring twenty minutes ago, and they got back to me within five to ten minutes... I was expecting to wait a while since many others have but yeah. wow.

>> No.6318413

Knocking on wood.

>> No.6318444

see >>6314793

May I ask what concerns where there?

>> No.6318507


well it was like 6:40 pm there at the time you sent them the message, maybe its still working hours there?

>> No.6318572

So I know they were on the spreadsheets at one time but now i can't find them. Can someone point me in the direction of Kigurumi?

>> No.6318576


>> No.6318581

动物睡衣 = animal pajama

>> No.6318630
File: 19 KB, 376x406, aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean I'm fucked and the seller just ran away and left the store to rot? ;_;

Or is it possible they're going to reply eventually if I keep asking them to re-quote?

>> No.6318633

Not the quoted anon but not all south america is spanish-speaking.

>> No.6318647

First: learn to get around without asking everything.
Have you read the FAQ that's always posted in the beginning of the thread?

Anyway - the photos don't seem to be stolen, the store has decent to good rating and the buyers review of the dress are good so you can hope it'll look pretty close to the pictures and good quality.
Can't tell you if it's worth it because really that's totally up to you. The fabric seems like it's ok but not quality high enough to charge that price, better lolita stores sell better stuff for the same price (and really, without the apeon it's a lolita dress). But as I said - up to you do judge.

As I said, without the apron it's a lolita dress and a decent one. Not particularly pretty but definitely not ita. But since you said you want it because maid and not lolita, no need to worry about being ita.

It probably doesn't come with a petti, but you should translate the page and check.

>> No.6318707

Thanks a lot n_n
And sorry for so many questions, I read the FAQ but I was still worried. Thanks for confirming that all is ok :>

>> No.6318754


For the love of anything in life
Please do not wear that and go around telling people you are wearing LOLITA
Please fucking hell no.
But enjoy yourself as a meido.
Thank you.

Sage in case troll

>> No.6318812

Ask to requote a few times, sometimes it means the seller doesnt reply for a few hours.

>> No.6318859

Stop with the damn emoticons.

>> No.6318866

Well, that's true!


Maybe this ones could work?
This store have some nice socks suited for winter>
heart, diamond, dot...etc socks>
don't remember what this one had>
sells some lolita type socks, the ones with ribbons and strawberries.
unusual socks?
translucent socks>

anddd, well you could find a lot more by searching with the terms of the dictionary.

>> No.6318867

Catty. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean no one can. I don't much care for them either but gosh. Bitchy.

>> No.6318868

It's not being catty, it's in the rules and faq of the site to limit the amount of emoticons you use. Shit's a bannable offense.

Besides, the only acceptable emoticon on 4chan is ;_;

>> No.6318869

go back to gaia

>> No.6318873

Never played.
Anon used like max 2 per post, just calm down gurlie. Isn't healthy to get so mad over something so little.
Sage and end off topic-ness please.

>> No.6318879

you must be new

learn how to fucking sage and go back to gaia

>> No.6318885

I wasn't the one who complained about it first, but yes it's irritating trying to read a post and having it filled with nonsensical emotes and weeaboo phrases, perfect example being >>6318247

Clearly there are multiple people getting annoyed about it, so this poster should really look into either lurking more in Taobao threads, go through the FAQ again or learn how to type like an actually competent human being rather than a 13 year old.

>Sage and end off topic-ness please
....And seriously, you need to take a look at the site faq.

>> No.6318888

Well, you did quote me and that was the only emoticon I used.

And it is the only one I ever use so eh. Been here for well over 4 years and never had a problem with it before /cgl/ suddenly has a problem with ;_;.

Ah, good, thank you! Hope they'll reply soon, then.

>> No.6318891

I know how to sage lol. It works whenever it is.

>> No.6318942

Does anyone know if Loris can replicate bags?

I really want a plain black spade bag.

I know DoL made some at one point but I don't see them up anymore

>> No.6318993


Thanks so much! These are great!

>> No.6319103
File: 14 KB, 666x154, ask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone can help but do any of you have a picture of this dress or a link to it? I have no idea what dress they're referring to.

>> No.6319117

this one>

sorry I do not have the actual link to it, but it's quite popular so It won't be hard to find

>> No.6319119
File: 65 KB, 611x815, 28787j2827128732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only one I can think of could be this one, I don't have a link though.

>> No.6319154
File: 1.46 MB, 450x253, 2lt12ye.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both so much. I must be living under a rock or something because this is the first time I've seen this dress.

>> No.6319171 [DELETED] 

And the search term in case anyone else is looking for them too.

> 蝴蝶结猫咪纱透连衣裙

>> No.6319172

And the search term in case anyone else is looking for them too.

> 蝴蝶结猫咪纱透连衣裙

>> No.6319205

Thanks so much!!

>> No.6319219
File: 84 KB, 500x749, bats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone come across sweaters like this?

>> No.6319225
File: 139 KB, 480x3468, wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with another example.

>> No.6319382

That even has the link to the taobao shop in the picture...

>> No.6319403

I already have this one logged. It's just an example of other sweaters I'm looking for.

>> No.6319496

well there was a chance of 95% to her to speak spanish, and yes, she does (I suppose it's a female)

>> No.6319514
File: 22 KB, 304x304, 1349043184206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm.. I just made a new order to see if maybe it will go thru faster.

Ha, I just made $40 and now I'm about to spend it all.
Oh the joys of taobao~
Least I'm actually buying cosplay shit for my first cosplay.

>> No.6320288
File: 185 KB, 1063x1530, Practical not fun order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting my order. I'm a little pissed I didn't get this earlier, as it turned out that Dear Celine was out of stock of a blouse I ordered. Which is not what I was told three weeks ago, when they took my order and said DC would custom make it in two weeks. Would have been nice to know this up front, but I guess in the confusion of the festival, things got messed up.

Whatever. I'm looking forward to seeing if it looks like buying house kitchenware is more financially feasible than buying at home.

>> No.6320306
File: 2.64 MB, 967x1473, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my order, it just got shipped. I'd say how long things took to arrive, but I combined orders, there was the holiday, and I did pre-orders. Let me know if you want sources.

Also here's a really cool looking bear coat that I passed on: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=13933628751&ali_trackid=2:mm_14507426_0_0:1348502244_3k1_139
There's a short version too.

>> No.6320315
File: 17 KB, 280x350, satin off shoulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've checked the dictionary, the spreadsheets, copied, translated, and pasted Chinese terms of what I'm looking for, and looked through /cgl/'s archive. I cannot find the word for "off the shoulder sweater". Any help?

>> No.6320320

Where did you find that blue and white cardigan?

>> No.6320331

How much was shipping on all that?

>> No.6320338

Ooh, I've been stopping myself on buying that blue parka/raincoat with lace inside for the longest time. When you receive your order, can you do a quick review of it please?

>> No.6320372

the mmouse cardigan please!

>> No.6320490

Sorry, looks like that sold out. I know I've seen it from other sellers though so look for heart cardigans. I did a lot of digging to find some things.

Cost for the items was $343


I think it's Astroboy.
And sorry, it looks sold out. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19974768092

>> No.6320505

Wow I need this. Gonna try to find it for us

>> No.6320526

Guys. I understand that its techically cheaper to buy lots on taobao compared to buying lots in physical stores and other sites, but once you take in account shipping, it's really not much cheaper is it? I remember there being a really good discussion/explanation a couple threads back, but could someone explain it me again?

>> No.6320542

Basically when you sum it all up you could pay $100 for one outfit at the mall or $100 for several outfits on Taobao. Plus if you order with friends and split the shipping/service fee then you save a lot more.

>> No.6320551
File: 1.43 MB, 677x1032, taobaoadd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I added it up. I gave low end dollar amounts for everything (debatable) and added it up. My dollar amounts are also assuming that the items are available in the store. In the end, I don't find things I like in regular stores, and the in person shopping experience is very stressful for me so I'm happier with this.

>> No.6320589

Wow, $40 for the pajama set? That's expensive by Taobao standards.

>> No.6320597

That's not what it really cost, these are just estimates if I bought these items in stores in person.

It's long underwear, for whatever reason I can't find that for a reasonable price.

>> No.6320601

Oh! Jaysus girl, I thought all those prices were what you paid for the items off Taobao!

>> No.6320620

I'm making an order of stationary and homeware and it's so hard not to add a billion cute notebooks I will never ever fill. Like at least I'll definitely use pens and bookmarks and stuff.

Any suggestions of cute small stuff?

>> No.6320638


I don't know if you drink tea like me, but I got some nice spoons or you could try coasters. I also got some pairs of socks because I figured they'd be light.

>> No.6320639

Ooh socks are a good idea. I have pretty big feet, but I'm guessing the plus-size keyword will work for socks too?

>> No.6320658

experience with Dolly Poddle? She looks slooow, like only commenting once a day on people's posts... so it would take at least three days to get an order started... First day for the quote, second day for the confirmation of the order, third day receive your first invoice... Is she worth it?

>> No.6320733
File: 208 KB, 600x421, 20101003015159546517015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where to find this?

>> No.6320828

I think she's a bit slow since she's a one person operation and heaps of people use her because her English and her customer service is great. I am personally willing to pay the extra for that if I have an order where I think there might be really specific things I want to communicate to a seller.

>> No.6320933
File: 94 KB, 632x466, newcosplaybuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very small order..

Try to decide what to spend the rest of my money on..

Grey circle lenses or buying my boyfriend a wig to go with our couples cosplay..

>> No.6320961
File: 65 KB, 550x830, T2jEqTXjVaXXXXXXXX_!!202253732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnddddddddddddd I forgot
I bought this also on a different agent
Hopefully they still have it in black..

I put it in my bag on tbtrends but never paid for it
then I found taobaoring and put it in my bag and they said black was out of stock..

So I'm crossing my fingers~!

>> No.6321016
File: 13 KB, 296x486, 60623_414846948580187_794864977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where i can get a replica of this skirt overall thing? Please and thank you!

>> No.6321018


That's cute as hell.

>> No.6321027


Black is out of stock, but theres more like that on taobao is you look.

>> No.6321056


Awesome, I'd probably want the pink one anyway haha. Do you have any idea how much it weighs?

>> No.6321059


closest i could find for now, but i'll keep looking


you could check out hellochild though, they have a ton of lizlisa stuff


>> No.6321065

My bag just broke so I'm trying to find a bag that's simple but cute to carry my college books around in.

This is surprisingly difficult but maybe it's because my tastes are pretty specific.

>> No.6321068

where is that from? if it's from dreamv just get it from there, bro. if not, i know they have similar ones.

>> No.6321074

Not a clue.. I tried asking my agent and apparently that listing right there is actually a preorder but the actually cost of the item.

But if the items finally came in they might finally know.. just ask your agent~

>> No.6321076

I'm looking for a decent pair of heels to wear out to the club...but I'm terrified of buying crappy ones on Taobao. Will they be cheap quality and break on me when I try to dance? Anyone have experience with Taobao heels/shoes?

>> No.6321149

How would I search for just collars? The kind you can just put overtop of things.

>> No.6321178
File: 314 KB, 671x598, holyfuckneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godfuckingdamnit. Just went to Taobao for the first time since I bought my first boots (They're awesome! Wore them for my Superboy cos this weekend!), and what do I see under men's high boots? These motherfuckers. Pretty sure these are some weird Vivienne Westwood "appropriation" or blatant knockoff, but fuck I need them bad. This is going to go in my huge order later this month for that photoshoot I'm doing wardrobe for.

>> No.6321224

Aw the pink bunny shirt is adorable! Where did you get it?

>> No.6321387


>> No.6321390

These look like they're made of felt...

>> No.6321575

Any stores that sell kitchenware? Thanks!

>> No.6321678

wich shopping service do you guys like the best?
i have been using taobaospree but im wondering if there is a cheaper one

>> No.6321702


For cat lovers here *__*

>> No.6321810

wtf they have balls lol but they're cute :P

>> No.6321823

Please don't use emoticons. I'm sure it's very cute, but we're not 15 year olds (hopefully).

>> No.6321830
File: 246 KB, 750x750, sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can pick up tops like these?

>> No.6321876

(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・
emoticons are beautiful

>> No.6321881
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x1000, ohgodwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit so cute seconded.

I just put an order in. Holy crap it's so huge because my friend ordered shittons of stuff, as did I (though only my stuff is here). And who the fuck can resist those coal black balls from Spirited Away?

Anyways, anyone want links?

>> No.6321895


Omg, links to the white lacy cardigans and the belts, please? *q*


I love the because they are so cute. But do you know if other shops sells them cheaper? That shop seems to be more a bit expensive than the others...

>> No.6321956

Just discovered the Chinese term for lucky pack. Goodbye money.

>> No.6321958

Care to share? I need to throw my money at something.

>> No.6321970

神秘福袋 = surprise fukubukuro which seems to be the Japanese term but it pulls up results any way.

惊喜包 = surprise package

>> No.6321972

Sorry, meant mysterious fukubukuro

>> No.6321976

Found a women's fashion shop lucky pack. They let you choose your outfit size and the packs are $1.50 to $3.00

>> No.6321981








>> No.6322063

Can anyone redirect me to detachable collars?

>> No.6322107


Thank you very much! They are on my order list now.

>> No.6322154

Those purple things, are those stockings?

>> No.6322156

Guys, post pictures of your orders! I want more ideas before I make my purchase.

>> No.6322163

Things most taobao shops have in common:

(1) DOZENS of huge pretty pictures with MINUTE differences. They take FOREVER to load.
(2) The models would be sitting down most of the time to hide how short the dress is.
(3) Models have similar face features. Many will feature pouty lips, circle lenses and fake eyelashes.

no (3) does not bother me much. But WHY OH WHY do they all feel the need of uploading BAZILLIONS of pictures on one single item? The differences are very small, and most buyers would have gotten an idea of the items from 3-4 pictures from different angles instead of 20 pictures of the model sitting down frontally.

Don't tell me the photographers can't decide on which pictures to use and just uploaded ALL of them.

One of the tamer examples:


>> No.6322185

Coconuts is a huge offender of number 1. They even go through the trouble of shooping the model's legs impossibly thin in every picture. It's kind of impressive that they even bother.

>> No.6322216
File: 87 KB, 250x250, AAAAAtI0LqwAAAAAANRPhA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody had found during your search on taobao, those deco banana tape? I found 2 stores and I've bookmarked them because they are super hard to find but now I look at them, the tape is out of stock. So far I know they are from Kamio.

You can find plenty on modeS
also on etsy, In taobao you can find suplies for that, even that clay cream in many colors.
(they are usually sold on clay stores, search it with this 日本粘土)

>> No.6322229


The model even have the same pouty facial expression. Pfft sometimes I wonder if the model actually wears a mask. There is no way a human can make the exact sama expression everytime lol. (jk)

But seriously, I don't get what's the benefit of doing that. Surely if every shop upload bazillion of pictures on every single item... wouldn't that be too much for the server? The buyers would get frustated of the long loading time too.

>> No.6322230
File: 34 KB, 650x797, T23SuIXfRbXXXXXXXX_!!139507042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argh, I wanted this shirt and it's out of stock. Has anyone seen it anywhere in stock?

>> No.6322241

I really can't wait to get paid grrr. I've just been looking for stuff which is a big mistake because i can't get anything for another 10 days!!!

>> No.6322244


Shitty picture, but yes. Very boring stockings, but I needed to justify the 20 yuan shipping with other things, so pile on the stockings.



>(2) The models would be sitting down most of the time to hide how short the dress is.

I'm a little confused. Wouldn't sitting down make the dress a little shorter?

>> No.6322260

i saw that shirt while shopping in HK

>> No.6322519

I need some plain old stockings so thanks for the link.

>> No.6322553

Hey - can someone tell me where I can get one of those straw hats with the teddy bear ears please

>> No.6322693

try 假领子

>> No.6322701

Can someone please please please tell me where to buy the kitty set? I never seem to get an answer.

>> No.6323151 [DELETED] 

which is the best store for NON cosplay wigs? i've been looking at silky.tmall.com, and i'm pretty dissatisfied. i'm looking to buy a lot of wigs but don't have anything in mind in particular, so i don't really want to just search taobao for it with keywords.

>> No.6323171

>i'm lazy, so i don't really want to just search taobao for it with keywords.

Seriously, just do a simple search for wigs and sort the results from high to low feedback and you'll get good stores

>> No.6323176

I got mine on ebay.. If that helps.
If you search on there I'm sure you'll find a large image with the taobao store name on it.

>> No.6323208 [DELETED] 

well, i have already searched for wigs, and i also searched google for recommendations people have made through livejournal and tumblr, but most of the non-cosplay wig stores i got were for/by lolitas.

that, and all the high rated stores i found have bob wigs for like $25+ when they're usually like $15 in cosplay stores. i'm wondering if they actually are worth the extra $10 or if they are the same quality as the $15 ones.

wig reviews i find are always about cosplay wigs or non taobao stores..

>> No.6323383
File: 39 KB, 494x496, 486881_442866109090170_170099576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care. Really. They probably are.

Also, has anyone seen a McQueen visor replica or similar face shields? Searching McQueen only gets me clothes :(

I can't even find a MMM Incognito replica these days, and I'd like to find a pair of those too.

>> No.6323451
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 254588_10151190224052171_1646345911_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know shops that has a lot of Romwe stuff? Or possibly Modcloth? I love the dress in my photo (2347) but I'm assuming it's going to be really expensive once it's released on Modcloth. Thank you in advance!

>> No.6323452

That means the moment they hit water or anything besides carpet, they will turn to shit. How dumb can you be?

>> No.6323501

I just did a search for some the other day! Here are some shops that I liked:


>> No.6323511
File: 116 KB, 800x800, T2L8XlXoXMXXXXXXXX_!!35466064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a black & white blouse like the one in my pic, help please?

>> No.6323551

Forever 21 has some just like that blouse. The collar is more Peter Pan, though. It's got this really nice romantic look to it.

>> No.6323589

On this note, it's not uncommon to find a lot of the cutesy blouses and dresses on here at Forever 21. Like, literally the same ones. The thing is, they're 'trendy' so they cycle out of store-floors really quickly.

>> No.6323615

Oh snap, it's been a while since I visited this thread. Here you go: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.116&id=6247727975 the set is sold out but the shop probably has a new listing.

>> No.6323620

A lot of them have really bad, cheap material like chiffon. It makes me sad because I like a lot of their stuff, but they're so scratchy.

>> No.6323624

Sadly I live in a third world country where there's no F21, but thanks anyway

>> No.6323717
File: 216 KB, 527x400, charms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a store selling KH replica cell phone charms like this.

I've tried 手机的魅力, 的魅力 but I only got cellphones and earphones

>> No.6323802
File: 295 KB, 1103x354, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this question: I'm buying an item with discount (59 yuan to 39 yuan) but when I put it in my taobaoring cart the price is 59 yuan. Does the discount doesn't apply with SS? Can I talk to my agent and have the discount? Has anyone been in a situation like this before?

>> No.6323830

depends anon, what discount is that? VIP discount? because they doesn't seem to accept those discounts. Now, speaking of normal discounts, they SHOULD apply it when you confirm your order(also they tell you how much the shipping to their office is)

>> No.6323843

Rough translation says "Autumn on the new" (New on Autumn, I guess) So maybe they are trying to clean their Autumn stock??

>> No.6323865

that's weird. i use taobaoring and all my items happened to cost less than i thought (i calculated with the price, not the discount one)
because of that, i think taobaoring always applies to VIP discount.

>> No.6323872

oh, well they didn't applied VIP for me, I'm sure because I checked all the items before I paid. Anybody else got VIP price?

>> No.6323895

Happened to me when I was ordering- but taobaoring corrected the price when they checked it over. It was tagged "autumn on the new" as well. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.6323991

They're not actually made of felt you dickhead

>> No.6324014

Nice job dropping your trip.

The boots are made of shitty material and anybody who has at least a third of their brain would know that the moment they go outside they are going to look like shit.

>> No.6324049

link to the white flower tights please? they're exactly what ive been looking for!

>> No.6324106

I have one of those usb vacuum things. Not from taobao, but looks the same. Doesn't work at all.

>> No.6324214

And there's others in the shop too
"魅力" isn't really charm as in "phone charm" but as in "prince charming"
(电话)绳 is what I used

>> No.6324272

Thank you kind anon.


Here ya go I want one of those too

>> No.6324349

my bank is so frustrating. they hold my paycheck for a week before letting me use it, so i don't have enough money in my account to use paypal.

>> No.6324396
File: 67 KB, 1105x609, YanwenFORREAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone confirm reliability of shipping via Yanwen? Just doing some mock-up shipping amounts, I'm a bit cynical that Yanwen can be that cheap, for that heavy of a package and for 10-14 days est delivery time? Sounds too good to be true. Their website seems alright though but they don't seem as established as something like EMS. Not sure if I should just stop being such a cheap ass and fork out extra for EMS as usual.

>> No.6324410


Here you go!


>> No.6324450

Kind of a backwards question, a shop that romwe may have got their stuff from. I think weiwei have a lot of their stuff, http://weiwei1221.taobao.com

It's hard to find everything but just look for the items you like and hopefully they'll come up in searches, luckily their some of the most popular sellers anyway.

I'm looking for Grimoire style/replica stuff. You get some same price stuff when searching for Grimoire Socks but hardly anything. I wonder if it's not actually that known as a brand...?

>> No.6324787

I have a Bhiner question.All my items arrived to their office and I'm waiting for them to tell me how much is the shipping to me. I've seen their tutorial and it looks like I have to confirm my order, but...There is no check box or something to do so. How does it work?

>> No.6324791

Yanwen is no longer a shipping option.


>> No.6324837
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 212176294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody had an idea where to get harlequin tights? preferably the one in black x gold.
Or any black x gold tights?

>> No.6324843

Here anon:


>> No.6324856

Link to the two bunny t-shirts, please!

>> No.6324864

Normally they'll set it up themselves after they weigh all your stuff together. Wait another day for them to get it together. Then, when you click 'ORDERS' you should see your order now with the new shipping price right next to it, followed by a checkout button.

If it's not there, just send them a message that you're ready to pay for the second shipping.

>> No.6324873


Thank you, but I am looking for a taobao shops. ^^;
Google translate does not help much. Somehow I got body suits instead... What's the search term for it?

>> No.6324995

菱形 (diamond shape/pattern) 连裤袜 (tights) 黑 (black) 白 (white)

I was going to say you can't buy everything on Taobao, but then I found

>> No.6325003

Vaguely related argyle patterned ones:

>> No.6325014

But basically I don't think you can buy black x gold ones because it's just way too not current fashion

>> No.6325089


Thank you!! :D

>> No.6325094


I have never seen verum tights replica in taobao, but the original is still in stock.
Have a friend in Japan help you, or use a SS.


Strange, now they took quite long to sold out.

>> No.6325403

I keep a taobao wishlist on pinterest, maybe you guys will like some of the stuff there. https://pinterest.com/anonymouspanda/taobao-wishlist/

>> No.6325539
File: 64 KB, 309x310, T1s5DfXgBcXXbySvI._111927.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're referring to me dropping trip, I never drop trip, that was not me. I didn't even get back online until now. I would've put a period and used a picture of Taeyeon giving some fierce bitchface to reply to you. I don't walk around talking shit about other people's purchases. I recognize its from Taobao and the material is questionable, but for my rare use and what I'm actually going to be wearing them to, I believe I'll buy them anyhow. They're made by the same company/manufacturer who did the boots I just received for my Red Robin/Superboy, and they're pretty decent.

>> No.6325546

Does anyone know where I could find 30c bras?

>> No.6325900

Does someone remember that shop with some really cute bags? If I remember correctly, the name was bunny rabbit or something like that. Sniper-Nyan used to own a few purses from there, too.

Also looking for that amazing backpack shop an anon bought a yellow duck backpack from... they had so much cute stuff.

ALSO!!! (hehe, sorry) those cat head shaped bags. There used to be many stores selling them but now I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.6325918

>>6325900 here.

Nevermind the second request, just found them by searching the store >>6325403's floral backpack was in.

>> No.6326010
File: 36 KB, 320x132, hje.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is better? AirMail, SAL or Surface? I'm using Taobaoring and my order is about 1.5kg

>> No.6326164

I would use airmail if the final weight is still under 2kg. Mine got here to the US in under 2 weeks.

>> No.6326208

I have like $30, what should I get on Taobao?

>> No.6326215


15$ worth of merchandise.

>> No.6326236


wait until you have more money. you'll just be frustrated unless youre buying little tiny trinkets or something

>> No.6326282

I know, but basically this $30 is in taobaonow limbo. I bought about $200 worth of stuff and some of the crap was sold out, but they can't refund me to my paypal or my card and are "holding it" for me :/

>> No.6326283

What >>6326215 said. The first few times I taobao'd I ended up spending like twice my budget after all the fees and shipping (both domestic and international).

>> No.6326355

They have lolita knockoff bags

I know the rabbit one too but I can't remember right now XD

>> No.6326386


Can't they just put it towards shipping?

>> No.6326397


oh I see

Well if I was you I would buy cute homewear stuff


>> No.6326617
File: 89 KB, 250x333, yumsuspenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a term for like, cute suspender-skirts...?
Similar to pic related, most the ones I see are either super short or skin-fitting and most of the results I get are overalls. I like the suspenders and fuller/not-mini skirts.

I bought this one already, having trouble looking for more like it. I tried "背带裙子 lolita" (suspender skirt lolita) and I just get other listings for the same skirt.

>> No.6326874
File: 40 KB, 350x450, curtains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for curtains for my dorm room. I figured why not buy them from taobao if I could?

Does anyone know what term to search or know of any shops that sell any? Pic related, the sort of thing I'm looking for.

>> No.6326891

Ooo, thank you!

>> No.6326884

Can't, I already paid for shipping, this was the excess :/

>> No.6326914

Suspenders are also called "braces" outside of the US, you could try that as a term.

>> No.6327010
File: 39 KB, 500x377, tumblr_mbqmbzdpyv1qgw6pz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for a backpack like this, anyone know where I can find it?

>> No.6327386

I don't know why I never thought of using pinterest for a wishlist. Here's mine, maybe you'll find something you like! http://pinterest.com/iwantyoursoda/taobao/

>> No.6327532
File: 1.25 MB, 807x928, tbao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current order

>> No.6327590

Sauce on bear jacket?

Also, any kawaii shit animal shaped coats. I want to get one for my best friend for christmas this year since she likes ridiculous shit like that. I saw the bunny one, but was that a jlist/milanoo shit?

>> No.6327587

aww can you share the link of the first two? they are so cute

>> No.6327600
File: 5 KB, 318x159, 1350270364840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao newfag here, if anyone can help me find these, that'd be great. Even if they're imitations ( which I'm 99% sure it will be ). I can't find this pair of sunglasses anywhere, they're called Chanel model 5171 CH3.

>> No.6327618


There you go, darling. Next time just type in "5171" in the search bar.

>> No.6327630

oh man, source for the Ta-kun tee-shirt?

>> No.6327657

Those are. I haven't. Why.
I've never wanted a pair of sunglasses so bad in my life.

>> No.6327687

maybe i'm blind, but is the weight listed on the bag? im waay to in love with this not to have it.

also, first taobao fag here, is there a different shipping price for each shopping service? in your opinion, which is cheapest?

>> No.6327688

christ, seriously? i posted the wrong link.


>> No.6327704
File: 461 KB, 437x637, T28RpmXX0NXXXXXXXX_!!206310537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6327706

背带群 can mean either salopette , suspenders skirt or jsk (lit. "Strap dress") - salopettes do no have a proper term in mandarin. Sorry I'm not much help though. If you want salopette shorts try 背带裤?

>> No.6327709

Holy shit
Looks like a mooncake

>> No.6327762

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.201.ad100e&id=19724376744 Anyone seen these shows, or something very similar, anywhere else? I don't think they have the caramel in stock at this store, and that's the color I need.

>> No.6327763


>> No.6327792

Source on the long brown wig please!

>> No.6327806

OMG, thanks to Taobaoring, this item sold out before I could buy it: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15471453536

Does anyone know another seller??

>> No.6327849

So part of my order from a single seller came in, but the other part didn't? As in, I bought three items from this seller, but only came in so far according to my SS. Is this normal?

>> No.6328023
File: 165 KB, 640x480, TBR004127B745616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh goodness so excited! I just got sent the picture of my order and had to pay the second payment.

My first order will be here soon!

Silvi wig, silvi wig, silvi wig! So excited!

>> No.6328036

sucks that a good, like, quarter of the internet is behind the great firewall of china

>> No.6328039


>> No.6328042

Where did you get the brushes?

>> No.6328070

why the fuck ain't no taobao site loading for me

>> No.6328069

this store has way, way more animal coats. just look around!

they're both from this store. if you have trouble finding them, let me know, and i'll directly link you. giving you the link to the store so you can see the cute alternatives.

yeah, it's not even $4. i don't think they know it's an anime shirt, though.


i'm actually not sure which wig you mean, so here, have both:

>> No.6328072
File: 483 KB, 382x298, 1320267415600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.6328076
File: 388 KB, 1024x1024, 1350529500209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any stores that sell armor?

>> No.6328084

I don't know any but that'd be a bitch in shipping costs.

Polite sage for no real content or help.

>> No.6328123

Compare and contrast:

Man, now I really don't know which of the shop is more trustworthy. The Japanese one or the taobao one?
Anyway has anybody ever ordered from that taobao shop? There are a lot of lovely items there but the shop only has four diamonds.

>> No.6328131

The item has 40 evaluation comments and they're all positive category and the comments say the quality is good and the item is very good looking. I'd probably buy from them. The only really unfavorable comment was:

>The store is very warm, very tight courier package. Photo shoot great gap between actual fake collar can also bring good to see. But not quite worth the price. High expectations will be disappointed. The beads really good false. Shop is not easy to give praise it.

>> No.6328135

i can't wait until google translate eliminates almost all translation errors, at least between the "major" languages of the world. Based on their research into the subject, they're probably not more than half a decade away.
the world will become very small

>> No.6328138

OP of post >>6328123 here.

I almost bought something from that Japanese webshop and I am glad I didn't! the price differences are so huge.

I know this is very unlikely, but I am crossing my fingers that a shop will sell this tights

>> No.6328147
File: 157 KB, 927x721, 1349496180794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to post about every store I've bought from and a small rating.

Ghost Cos - Wigs. 4/5. Wig wasn't cut or styled. Read description!

Seifuku outfits, and accessories. 5/5 Love them!

Bras, panties, n sleepwear. 4/5 Bra's are a tad too padded. read bio.

Wigs, costumes, cosplay. 5/5 Bought wig accessories.

Gyaru cloths, cute kawaii stuff. 5/5 Although fabric on my shirt and skirt are abit iffy, still like them. Also read the measurements!!

Mostly shoes (loafers, slips on, boots) and some shirts. 5/5 Bought a tank top.

Sells jewerly. 5/5

Kigurumis. 4/5. off-brand kigu. Bought a Korilakkuma, and button was just made of fabric and not plastic. Also weird smell and feel.

pic unrelated.

>> No.6328191

Oh, thank you! I'll try these later. Salopettes are pretty nice too though I've never known what they were before now aha. Some closely resemble suspender skirts so I'm content.

>> No.6328615

Quick help...

Can anyone recommend a shop that they know sells good quality tank tops in a bunch of colors? I have been trying to find some that won't show bra colors, etc.

If anyone has a recommendation I would appreciate it! Thank you

>> No.6328656

Would also like to find shoes like these in the caramel color!

>> No.6328709

Here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.30.f8a036&id=15949238702

>> No.6328760

ugh, so third time using taobaobuying (never had issues before)... Huge order, had to be split into two shipments... Received first shipment, but now it's taking forever, several days, to get updates on second shipment... questions such as 'What items are you waiting for before you can send my shipment?' go unanswered, and now I just received an email that their Paypal is down, so if I want my shipment sent out 'asap' I'll have to send them Western Union... Not sure what to do... Already received half of my stuff, the other half is shoes/bags/one more jsk but it's at least 20 pounds worth of items... I'll say I'm never using these guys again... first two orders were perfect though...

>> No.6328903
File: 252 KB, 1200x1200, T1idWCXatyXXaPMDPa_122434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If somebody is into glowing plushies, I just bought a glowing Kyubey but they sell other things like this as well.


>> No.6329231

DreamV has a couple ridiculously cute ones right now. Maybe a bit pricey though

>> No.6329243

Kind of doubt it, I've wanted a pair of their older tights for a while and haven't seen them on Taobao, so I doubt ones that were recently released would be on there.

>> No.6331008

I've found some really cute stuff but i'm not going to share it until i've confirmed my order because i don't want you bitches buying it and making the item out of stock


>> No.6331054
File: 446 KB, 440x330, 1315812757759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a betch. Stop holding out on us!

>> No.6331101

link to that star sweater, please! Thanks.

>> No.6331209
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x676, Oxfords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of weeks ago I promised some anons I'd review a pair of mint oxfords and a pink lace collar shirt.
I picked them up last week along with a shitload of jewelry.

Starting with the oxfords.
They're very pretty and better quality than I expected. Certainly worth the money! The scallopes are neatly cut but the colour looks a bit faded, which I wasn't expecting. Came in the cutest box and got a really cute print under the sole.
Still adorable and I'll most definitely buy from that store again. (Just ordered 2 pair of shoes from there haha)

Sorry for the short review and the weird ass wording. I'm sick and brainfarting like crazy. Hope the pictures are more helpful lol. If you have any other questions about the shoes, feel free to ask them.

Review of the shirt will come.

>> No.6331211
File: 688 KB, 600x1014, Pinkshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shirt is made out of some cotton poly blend I suppose. Still nice though! There were some loose threads but not it didn't bother me. There was one thing that did bother me somewhat is that they placed a seam in the back of the shirt. Over all nice construction and pretty lace.

>> No.6331237

Oh anon, I been waiting for someone to review shoes, where did you bought them?

>> No.6331341 [DELETED] 

Okay, so I found more of that 2D bag. Which store do you think I should go with?


>> No.6331344
File: 70 KB, 750x500, T2Jv1nXbxbXXXXXXXX_!!390850543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just placed my first ever Taobao order for 3m of pic related.

I'm using Taobaoring, getting it sent by Singapore Airmail (cheapest option). I like how the shipping is more than double the cost of the items. I've never used a shopping service before. I'm half excited and half nervous.

>> No.6331436

I'd be really curious as to the quality/fit of the sweater in the very bottom left.

>> No.6331451
File: 91 KB, 369x369, 1334763882278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get you guys with buying socks. Why.

>> No.6331474

The pink long sleeve shirt? It's just a shirt, not a sweater. When I get the order in I'll offer up reviews.

Why not? They're cute and cheap.

>> No.6331502

i buy footies off taobao because they're a lot cuter than ones you buy in the us that are just nude/black, and they're a lot cheaper. (80 cents for something that normally costs 5$? Hell yeah!)
and thigh highs are really hard to find in cute designs for less than 20$ here, so i'd rather just buy it off taobao

>> No.6331505

Taobao has lots of great socks to wear with boots/ankle boots and for cheap. I rarely find what i'm looking for in shops here

>> No.6331619

Link to bob wig please

>> No.6331647

So if I ordered these sunglasses... how much do you think shipping would cost with taobaospree?

>> No.6331680

are you just ordering those glasses?
because I doubt they weigh more than .5 kg, so by EMS it would come out to about 24$
you might as well add a few trinkets to bring it up to .5kg so it's less of a loss

>> No.6331716

Holy shit, that much for a single pair of sunglasses? I suppose I'll look for some really cheap and light Rilakkuma stuff then. Thank you for the help!

>> No.6331757

Does anyone here actually order makeup/skincare products from Taobao?

>> No.6332659

I read it on the previous thread but I forgot to copy it down. What's the term for plus size again?

I'm an M/L in the U.S. but I'm probably XXL in China, god damnit.

>> No.6332721

Seconding request for sauce on the shoes!

>> No.6332871

Be wary about sizes. I'm US 00/XXS at 32-23-31 and I fit into the min measurements of Yolanda XXL.

>> No.6332885

jfc I wish I had your measurements.
/29-24-30 ;_;

>> No.6332984

Noooo it's super awkward, because I'm wide as fuck from the front but disappear from the side. It's all massive shoulders and ribcage that account for the bust measurement, I look like a blocky box in reality. I keep looking at all these Tumblr chicks who have larger measurements/have less of a difference between bxwxh and they look so much better than me. Forever Swedish.