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6310869 No.6310869 [Reply] [Original]

she got period blood on her face again

>> No.6310874
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>> No.6310877
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>> No.6310883

Am I going insane, or is this actually not too awful?

>> No.6310885

oh lawd. who wants to bet she stuck actual glass shards to her face?

>> No.6310892

I know we like to make fun of her, and that most of her stuff is genuinely awful, but I feel like this isn't terrible. She's making progress, at least.

>> No.6310898

I thought she was kicked out...or was that just another bid for attention?

>> No.6310895

They're cut up pieces of a soda bottle. She probably just grabbed one from the many in her room.

>> No.6310896

The grief fuels her creativity. You can truly feel her pain, seagulls.

She stated it's cut up soda or plastic bottle.

>> No.6310899

It's actually looking like really thick plastic, like what you would cut a pair of headphones out of after you buy them at the store.

>> No.6310903

If you ask me, she should stop trying to focus so much on the bruises. Bruises don't show up until a little while later.
What she should do is darken the edges around the shards a bit so that it looks like it actually penetrated the skin.

>> No.6310911

Would you guys be willing to give me some feedback if I posted my first attempt at sfx makeup?

>> No.6310926

This you?


>> No.6310931

I was just about to link to the thread

>> No.6310980
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who even says that
does that phrase even fit the context?

>> No.6310982

I have a feeling Ashley says stuff because she's heard it said, but doesn't actually know what it means. She told someone to 'check their privilege' IIRC, and I remember thinking that it sounded really out of context.

>> No.6310989
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Stop trying to make Rachett happen, Ashley.

>> No.6310993

Boy, she sure seems upset over her dog and getting kicked out.

>> No.6310999

Gosh anon, have some sympathy!

>> No.6311007


I heard Ashley Bennett made out with a hot dog once.

>> No.6311015

>That feel when terrorist sabotage your tampon...

>> No.6311026

> getting kicked out
Sauce? I saw the thing on the dog today.

>> No.6311028

I want to know if Ashley's parents were around when she said her dog was dying.

>> No.6311031

I see no better way to get the full flavour experience

>> No.6311032

Woah, did I miss something? What happened?

>> No.6311043

An anon pasted this face book post in an earlier thread.

Ashley AsherBee Bennett
31 minutes ago
Yeah I gotta find somewhere else to live now...
My mother basically said I need to get out.


>> No.6311046

the strange thing is that there isn't a facebook screenshot like everything else gets posted here

>> No.6311109

Not that big of a deal, lots of parents are like this. Someone I work with comes from a small town, pretty much every kid is given a bus ticket and a suitcase when they turn 18.

>> No.6311159
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>> No.6311169

Kind of get a sick pleasure that no one has commented or offered aid.

>> No.6311174

Well, at least now she stands a better chance of fixing her hosed up priorities and growing up.

>> No.6311381

Why would people? They know how Assleys house looks like, they know how ungrateful she is. Nobody in their right mind would want to live with something like that under the same roof.

Does anybody know what triggered her mom to kick her ass out?

>> No.6311667

bump for interest

>> No.6311791
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>> No.6311814

That fucking gap in her teeth.

>> No.6311825

What's with the faces?
Is she trying to look traumatized?

>> No.6311832

Dat chin

>> No.6311848

Ohgod she looks like she going to kill me.

>> No.6312109

Why do I feel that -if- her mother told her to get out it was meant to be get out of the house for the day and not for good?

>> No.6312166

She probably got kicked out cuz she does stupid shit like this all day >>6311791

>> No.6312218
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Did she just rape my family?

>> No.6312342
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So yeah. Fuck Assley.

>> No.6312348

Eh, she's getting better.
This is at least on a par with anything I could do myself. I'll give this group shitslinging a miss.

>> No.6312361
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Wow... poor dog! This should definitely be shown to her so maybe her piggy fat face will get the idea that even old dogs need help

>> No.6312461
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Betting my money on this.

>> No.6312537

>those bruises

What is with Assley and wanting to be bruised up?

>> No.6312557

All women secretly want to be abused and dominated like the whores they are.

>> No.6312811

she thinks it covers up her ugly. like PT thinks her "pooping" pose covers up that she's fat.

>> No.6312827

Depends how old the dog is. A lot of people aren't willing to pay for surgery / can't afford, especially in the states.
I wouldn't judge her for the dog- though if it's suffering she should just have it put down.

>> No.6313477
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I feel SO BAD for the people that bought these.
Their ears are going to get so fucking infected holy shit.

>> No.6313498

That was ONE time!

>> No.6313556

the one from etsy was an anon so she could report back on how she handles sales

>> No.6313654
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